diff --git a/models/secret/secret.go b/models/secret/secret.go
index ce0ad65a79..2666199547 100644
--- a/models/secret/secret.go
+++ b/models/secret/secret.go
@@ -135,9 +135,10 @@ func GetSecretsOfTask(ctx context.Context, task *actions_model.ActionTask) (map[
 	secrets["GITHUB_TOKEN"] = task.Token
 	secrets["GITEA_TOKEN"] = task.Token
+	secrets["FORGEJO_TOKEN"] = task.Token
 	if task.Job.Run.IsForkPullRequest && task.Job.Run.TriggerEvent != actions_module.GithubEventPullRequestTarget {
-		// ignore secrets for fork pull request, except GITHUB_TOKEN and GITEA_TOKEN which are automatically generated.
+		// ignore secrets for fork pull request, except GITHUB_TOKEN, GITEA_TOKEN and FORGEJO_TOKEN which are automatically generated.
 		// for the tasks triggered by pull_request_target event, they could access the secrets because they will run in the context of the base branch
 		// see the documentation: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#pull_request_target
 		return secrets, nil