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golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190606124116-d0a3d012864b/go.mod h1:/rFqwRUd4F7ZHNgwSSTFct+R/Kf4OFW1sUzUTQQTgfc=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190614205625-5aca471b1d59/go.mod h1:/rFqwRUd4F7ZHNgwSSTFct+R/Kf4OFW1sUzUTQQTgfc=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190617190820-da514acc4774/go.mod h1:/rFqwRUd4F7ZHNgwSSTFct+R/Kf4OFW1sUzUTQQTgfc=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190628153133-6cdbf07be9d0/go.mod h1:/rFqwRUd4F7ZHNgwSSTFct+R/Kf4OFW1sUzUTQQTgfc=
+golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190823170909-c4a336ef6a2f/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190907020128-2ca718005c18/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191119224855-298f0cb1881e/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200225230052-807dcd883420 h1:4RJNOV+2rLxMEfr6QIpC7GEv9MjD6ApGXTCLrNF9+eA=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200225230052-807dcd883420/go.mod h1:TB2adYChydJhpapKDTa4BR/hXlZSLoq2Wpct/0txZ28=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200325010219-a49f79bcc224 h1:azwY/v0y0K4mFHVsg5+UrTgchqALYWpqVo6vL5OmkmI=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200325010219-a49f79bcc224/go.mod h1:Sl4aGygMT6LrqrWclx+PTx3U+LnKx/seiNR+3G19Ar8=
+golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190410155217-1f06c39b4373/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
+golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190513163551-3ee3066db522/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191011141410-1b5146add898 h1:/atklqdjdhuosWIl6AIbOeHJjicWYPqR9bpxqxYG2pA=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191011141410-1b5146add898/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
@@ -932,6 +1009,7 @@ gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 v1.4.7 h1:xOHLXZwVvI9hhs+cLKq5+I5onOuwQLhQwiu63xxlHs4=
gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 v1.4.7/go.mod h1:Tz8NjZHkW78fSQdbUxIjBTcgA1z1m8ZHf0WmKUhAMys=
gopkg.in/gomail.v2 v2.0.0-20160411212932-81ebce5c23df h1:n7WqCuqOuCbNr617RXOY0AWRXxgwEyPp2z+p0+hgMuE=
gopkg.in/gomail.v2 v2.0.0-20160411212932-81ebce5c23df/go.mod h1:LRQQ+SO6ZHR7tOkpBDuZnXENFzX8qRjMDMyPD6BRkCw=
+gopkg.in/inconshreveable/log15.v2 v2.0.0-20180818164646-67afb5ed74ec/go.mod h1:aPpfJ7XW+gOuirDoZ8gHhLh3kZ1B08FtV2bbmy7Jv3s=
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.42.0/go.mod h1:pNLf8WUiyNEtQjuu5G5vTm06TEv9tsIgeAvK8hOrP4k=
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.44.0/go.mod h1:pNLf8WUiyNEtQjuu5G5vTm06TEv9tsIgeAvK8hOrP4k=
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.44.2/go.mod h1:M3Cogqpuv0QCi3ExAY5V4uOt4qb/R3xZubo9m8lK5wg=
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/.sample.env b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/.sample.env
index fcc7cd0c74..840f1331e2 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/.sample.env
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/.sample.env
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ PG_CONN_STRING="user=postgres dbname=testfixtures_test sslmode=disable"
SQLSERVER_CONN_STRING="server=localhost\SQLExpress;database=testfixtures_test;user id=sa;password=sqlserver;encrypt=disable"
+CRDB_CONN_STRING="host=cockroachdb user=root dbname=defaultdb port=26257 sslmode=disable"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/CHANGELOG.md
index 2b8aa4b70a..00f20a8bd5 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
# Changelog
+## v3.4.0 - 2020-08-09
+- Add support to CockroachDB
+ ([#77](https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/pull/77)).
+## v3.3.0 - 2020-06-27
+- Add support for the [github.com/jackc/pgx](https://github.com/jackc/pgx)
+ PostgreSQL driver
+ ([#71](https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/issues/71), [#74](https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/pull/74)).
+- Fix bug where some tables were empty due to `ON DELETE CASCADE`
+ ([#67](https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/issues/67), [#70](https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/pull/70)).
+- Fix SQLite version
+ ([#73](https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/pull/73)).
+- On MySQL, return a clearer error message when a table doesn't exist
+ ([#69](https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/pull/69)).
## v3.2.0 - 2020-05-10
- Add support for loading multiple files and directories
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/README.md b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/README.md
index 56ca8aa455..3b3b7e8bb6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/README.md
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ The file would look like this (it can have as many record you want):
An YAML object or array will be converted to JSON. It will be stored on a native
-JSON type like JSONB on PostgreSQL or as a TEXT or VARCHAR column on other
+JSON type like JSONB on PostgreSQL & CockroachDB or as a TEXT or VARCHAR column on other
@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@ testfixtures.New(
## Compatible databases
-### PostgreSQL / TimescaleDB
+### PostgreSQL / TimescaleDB / CockroachDB
-This package has two approaches to disable foreign keys while importing fixtures
+This package has three approaches to disable foreign keys while importing fixtures
for PostgreSQL databases:
@@ -288,7 +288,21 @@ testfixtures.New(
-Tested using the [github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq) driver.
+This approach is implemented to support databases that do not support above
+methods (namely CockroachDB).
+ ...
+ testfixtures.Dialect("postgres"),
+ testfixtures.UseDropConstraint(),
+Tested using the [github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq) and
+[github.com/jackc/pgx](https://github.com/jackc/pgx) drivers.
### MySQL / MariaDB
@@ -453,6 +467,7 @@ for the database you want to run tests against:
task test:pg # PostgreSQL
+task test:crdb # CockroachDB
task test:mysql # MySQL
task test:sqlite # SQLite
task test:sqlserver # Microsoft SQL Server
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/Taskfile.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/Taskfile.yml
index a4ae1c899e..50a04ae355 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/Taskfile.yml
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/Taskfile.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ tasks:
desc: Test MySQL
- - task: test:db
+ - task: test-db
vars: {DATABASE: mysql}
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ tasks:
- task: test-db
vars: {DATABASE: sqlserver}
+ test:crdb:
+ desc: Test CockroachDB
+ cmds:
+ - task: test-db
+ vars: {DATABASE: cockroachdb}
- go test -v -tags {{.DATABASE}}
@@ -56,4 +62,4 @@ tasks:
- docker-compose down -v
- - docker-compose run testfixtures go test -v -tags 'postgresql sqlite mysql sqlserver'
+ - docker-compose run testfixtures go test -v -tags 'postgresql sqlite mysql sqlserver cockroachdb'
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/docker-compose.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/docker-compose.yml
index 44afd56e1c..411305ea37 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/docker-compose.yml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ services:
- postgresql
- mysql
- sqlserver
+ - cockroachdb
PGPASSWORD: postgres
PG_CONN_STRING: host=postgresql user=postgres dbname=testfixtures_test port=5432 sslmode=disable
@@ -17,6 +18,8 @@ services:
SQLSERVER_CONN_STRING: server=sqlserver;database=master;user id=sa;password=SQL@1server;encrypt=disable
+ CRDB_CONN_STRING: host=cockroachdb user=root dbname=defaultdb port=26257 sslmode=disable
image: postgres:12.1-alpine
@@ -35,3 +38,7 @@ services:
+ cockroachdb:
+ image: cockroachdb/cockroach:v20.1.3
+ command: start-single-node --store /cockroach-data --insecure --advertise-host cockroachdb
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.mod
index b5f0ae0eea..0ac4283601 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.mod
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.mod
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ module github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3
require (
github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb v0.0.0-20191128021309-1d7a30a10f73
github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1
+ github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 v4.6.0
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0
github.com/lib/pq v1.3.0
- github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v2.0.2+incompatible
+ github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.14.0
github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5
google.golang.org/appengine v1.3.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.7
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.sum
index 38616db809..c118c8ef41 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.sum
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/go.sum
@@ -1,26 +1,164 @@
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+github.com/jackc/chunkreader v1.0.0 h1:4s39bBR8ByfqH+DKm8rQA3E1LHZWB9XWcrz8fqaZbe0=
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+github.com/jackc/pgconn v1.5.0 h1:oFSOilzIZkyg787M1fEmyMfOUUvwj0daqYMfaWwNL4o=
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+github.com/jackc/pgpassfile v1.0.0 h1:/6Hmqy13Ss2zCq62VdNG8tM1wchn8zjSGOBJ6icpsIM=
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diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/mysql.go b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/mysql.go
index 2d1d890207..c1cb720e4b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/mysql.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/mysql.go
@@ -119,13 +119,16 @@ func (h *mySQL) afterLoad(q queryable) error {
func (h *mySQL) getChecksum(q queryable, tableName string) (int64, error) {
- sql := fmt.Sprintf("CHECKSUM TABLE %s", h.quoteKeyword(tableName))
+ query := fmt.Sprintf("CHECKSUM TABLE %s", h.quoteKeyword(tableName))
var (
table string
- checksum int64
+ checksum sql.NullInt64
- if err := q.QueryRow(sql).Scan(&table, &checksum); err != nil {
+ if err := q.QueryRow(query).Scan(&table, &checksum); err != nil {
return 0, err
- return checksum, nil
+ if !checksum.Valid {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("testfixtures: table %s does not exist", tableName)
+ }
+ return checksum.Int64, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/postgresql.go b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/postgresql.go
index a8ccd1d949..30064a02bd 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/postgresql.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/postgresql.go
@@ -10,18 +10,21 @@ type postgreSQL struct {
useAlterConstraint bool
+ useDropConstraint bool
skipResetSequences bool
resetSequencesTo int64
tables []string
sequences []string
nonDeferrableConstraints []pgConstraint
+ constraints []pgConstraint
tablesChecksum map[string]string
type pgConstraint struct {
tableName string
constraintName string
+ definition string
func (h *postgreSQL) init(db *sql.DB) error {
@@ -42,6 +45,11 @@ func (h *postgreSQL) init(db *sql.DB) error {
return err
+ h.constraints, err = h.getConstraints(db)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
return nil
@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ func (h *postgreSQL) tableNames(q queryable) ([]string, error) {
FROM pg_class
INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
WHERE pg_class.relkind = 'r'
- AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
+ AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'crdb_internal')
AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%'
AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT LIKE '\_timescaledb%';
@@ -123,14 +131,15 @@ func (*postgreSQL) getNonDeferrableConstraints(q queryable) ([]pgConstraint, err
FROM information_schema.table_constraints
WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
AND is_deferrable = 'NO'
+ AND table_schema <> 'crdb_internal'
AND table_schema NOT LIKE '\_timescaledb%'
rows, err := q.Query(sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var constraint pgConstraint
if err = rows.Scan(&constraint.tableName, &constraint.constraintName); err != nil {
@@ -144,6 +153,84 @@ func (*postgreSQL) getNonDeferrableConstraints(q queryable) ([]pgConstraint, err
return constraints, nil
+func (h *postgreSQL) getConstraints(q queryable) ([]pgConstraint, error) {
+ var constraints []pgConstraint
+ sql := `
+ SELECT conrelid::regclass AS table_from, conname, pg_get_constraintdef(pg_constraint.oid)
+ FROM pg_constraint
+ INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_constraint.connamespace
+ WHERE contype = 'f'
+ AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'crdb_internal')
+ AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%'
+ AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT LIKE '\_timescaledb%';
+ `
+ rows, err := q.Query(sql)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer rows.Close()
+ for rows.Next() {
+ var constraint pgConstraint
+ if err = rows.Scan(
+ &constraint.tableName,
+ &constraint.constraintName,
+ &constraint.definition,
+ ); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ constraints = append(constraints, constraint)
+ }
+ if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return constraints, nil
+func (h *postgreSQL) dropAndRecreateConstraints(db *sql.DB, loadFn loadFunction) (err error) {
+ defer func() {
+ // Re-create constraints again after load
+ var sql string
+ for _, constraint := range h.constraints {
+ sql += fmt.Sprintf(
+ h.quoteKeyword(constraint.tableName),
+ h.quoteKeyword(constraint.constraintName),
+ constraint.definition,
+ )
+ }
+ if _, err2 := db.Exec(sql); err2 != nil && err == nil {
+ err = err2
+ }
+ }()
+ var sql string
+ for _, constraint := range h.constraints {
+ sql += fmt.Sprintf(
+ h.quoteKeyword(constraint.tableName),
+ h.quoteKeyword(constraint.constraintName),
+ )
+ }
+ if _, err := db.Exec(sql); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ tx, err := db.Begin()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer tx.Rollback()
+ if err = loadFn(tx); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return tx.Commit()
func (h *postgreSQL) disableTriggers(db *sql.DB, loadFn loadFunction) (err error) {
defer func() {
// re-enable triggers after load
@@ -224,6 +311,9 @@ func (h *postgreSQL) disableReferentialIntegrity(db *sql.DB, loadFn loadFunction
+ if h.useDropConstraint {
+ return h.dropAndRecreateConstraints(db, loadFn)
+ }
if h.useAlterConstraint {
return h.makeConstraintsDeferrable(db, loadFn)
@@ -274,7 +364,7 @@ func (h *postgreSQL) afterLoad(q queryable) error {
func (h *postgreSQL) getChecksum(q queryable, tableName string) (string, error) {
sqlStr := fmt.Sprintf(`
- SELECT md5(CAST((array_agg(t.*)) AS TEXT))
+ SELECT md5(CAST((json_agg(t.*)) AS TEXT))
FROM %s AS t
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/testfixtures.go b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/testfixtures.go
index 7125b38c1d..e80d2a8fba 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/testfixtures.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3/testfixtures.go
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func Dialect(dialect string) func(*Loader) error {
func helperForDialect(dialect string) (helper, error) {
switch dialect {
- case "postgres", "postgresql", "timescaledb":
+ case "postgres", "postgresql", "timescaledb", "pgx":
return &postgreSQL{}, nil
case "mysql", "mariadb":
return &mySQL{}, nil
@@ -139,6 +139,22 @@ func UseAlterConstraint() func(*Loader) error {
+// UseDropConstraint If true, the constraints will be dropped
+// and recreated after loading fixtures. This is implemented mainly to support
+// CockroachDB which does not support other methods.
+// Only valid for PostgreSQL dialect. Returns an error otherwise.
+func UseDropConstraint() func(*Loader) error {
+ return func(l *Loader) error {
+ pgHelper, ok := l.helper.(*postgreSQL)
+ if !ok {
+ return fmt.Errorf("testfixtures: UseDropConstraint is only valid for PostgreSQL databases")
+ }
+ pgHelper.useDropConstraint = true
+ return nil
+ }
// SkipResetSequences prevents Loader from reseting sequences after loading
// fixtures.
@@ -324,19 +340,34 @@ func (l *Loader) Load() error {
err := l.helper.disableReferentialIntegrity(l.db, func(tx *sql.Tx) error {
+ modifiedTables := make(map[string]bool, len(l.fixturesFiles))
for _, file := range l.fixturesFiles {
- modified, err := l.helper.isTableModified(tx, file.fileNameWithoutExtension())
+ tableName := file.fileNameWithoutExtension()
+ modified, err := l.helper.isTableModified(tx, tableName)
if err != nil {
return err
+ modifiedTables[tableName] = modified
+ }
+ // Delete existing table data for specified fixtures before populating the data. This helps avoid
+ // DELETE CASCADE constraints when using the `UseAlterConstraint()` option.
+ for _, file := range l.fixturesFiles {
+ modified := modifiedTables[file.fileNameWithoutExtension()]
if !modified {
if err := file.delete(tx, l.helper); err != nil {
return err
+ }
- err = l.helper.whileInsertOnTable(tx, file.fileNameWithoutExtension(), func() error {
+ for _, file := range l.fixturesFiles {
+ modified := modifiedTables[file.fileNameWithoutExtension()]
+ if !modified {
+ continue
+ }
+ err := l.helper.whileInsertOnTable(tx, file.fileNameWithoutExtension(), func() error {
for j, i := range file.insertSQLs {
if _, err := tx.Exec(i.sql, i.params...); err != nil {
return &InsertError{
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/.travis.yml
index 5f3a754f0d..afc7c09bac 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/.travis.yml
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/.travis.yml
@@ -21,13 +21,15 @@ before_install:
if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
brew update
- - go get github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
- go get github.com/mattn/goveralls
- go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
- - $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -repotoken 3qJVUE0iQwqnCbmNcDsjYu1nh4J4KIFXx
+ - $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -repotoken 3qJVUE0iQwqnCbmNcDsjYu1nh4J4KIFXx -parallel
- go test -race -v . -tags ""
- go test -race -v . -tags "libsqlite3"
- go test -race -v . -tags "sqlite_allow_uri_authority sqlite_app_armor sqlite_foreign_keys sqlite_fts5 sqlite_icu sqlite_introspect sqlite_json sqlite_preupdate_hook sqlite_secure_delete sqlite_see sqlite_stat4 sqlite_trace sqlite_userauth sqlite_vacuum_incr sqlite_vtable sqlite_unlock_notify"
- go test -race -v . -tags "sqlite_vacuum_full"
+ webhooks: https://coveralls.io/webhook?repo_token=3qJVUE0iQwqnCbmNcDsjYu1nh4J4KIFXx
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/README.md b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/README.md
index 1624471142..8e6e222304 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/README.md
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ go-sqlite3
+**NOTE:** The increase to v2 was an accident. There were no major changes or features.
# Description
sqlite3 driver conforming to the built-in database/sql interface
@@ -210,9 +212,15 @@ This library can be cross-compiled.
In some cases you are required to the `CC` environment variable with the cross compiler.
-Additional information:
-- [#491](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/491)
-- [#560](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/560)
+## Cross Compiling from MAC OSX
+The simplest way to cross compile from OSX is to use [xgo](https://github.com/karalabe/xgo).
+- Install [xgo](https://github.com/karalabe/xgo) (`go get github.com/karalabe/xgo`).
+- Ensure that your project is within your `GOPATH`.
+- Run `xgo local/path/to/project`.
+Please refer to the project's [README](https://github.com/karalabe/xgo/blob/master/README.md) for further information.
# Google Cloud Platform
@@ -451,6 +459,16 @@ If you want your own extension to be listed here or you want to add a reference
Spatialite is available as an extension to SQLite, and can be used in combination with this repository.
For an example see [shaxbee/go-spatialite](https://github.com/shaxbee/go-spatialite).
+## extension-functions.c from SQLite3 Contrib
+extension-functions.c is available as an extension to SQLite, and provides the following functions:
+- Math: acos, asin, atan, atn2, atan2, acosh, asinh, atanh, difference, degrees, radians, cos, sin, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth, exp, log, log10, power, sign, sqrt, square, ceil, floor, pi.
+- String: replicate, charindex, leftstr, rightstr, ltrim, rtrim, trim, replace, reverse, proper, padl, padr, padc, strfilter.
+- Aggregate: stdev, variance, mode, median, lower_quartile, upper_quartile
+For an example see [dinedal/go-sqlite3-extension-functions](https://github.com/dinedal/go-sqlite3-extension-functions).
- Getting insert error while query is opened.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3a1571c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
+go 1.10
+require (
+ github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery v1.5.1
+ golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200324143707-d3edc9973b7e // indirect
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2963a7fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery v1.5.1 h1:PSPBGne8NIUWw+/7vFBV+kG2J/5MOjbzc7154OaKCSE=
+github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery v1.5.1/go.mod h1:GsLWisAFVj4WgDibEWF4pvYnkVQBpKBKeU+7zCJoLcc=
+github.com/andybalholm/cascadia v1.1.0 h1:BuuO6sSfQNFRu1LppgbD25Hr2vLYW25JvxHs5zzsLTo=
+github.com/andybalholm/cascadia v1.1.0/go.mod h1:GsXiBklL0woXo1j/WYWtSYYC4ouU9PqHO0sqidkEA4Y=
+golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
+golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20180218175443-cbe0f9307d01/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4=
+golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200202094626-16171245cfb2 h1:CCH4IOTTfewWjGOlSp+zGcjutRKlBEZQ6wTn8ozI/nI=
+golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200202094626-16171245cfb2/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLLGU+0bjPO0LkuOLi4/5GtJWs/s=
+golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200324143707-d3edc9973b7e h1:3G+cUijn7XD+S4eJFddp53Pv7+slrESplyjG25HgL+k=
+golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200324143707-d3edc9973b7e/go.mod h1:qpuaurCH72eLCgpAm/N6yyVIVM9cpaDIP3A8BGJEC5A=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200323222414-85ca7c5b95cd/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
+golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3-binding.c b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3-binding.c
index 01a61aa119..aeb87fbf0d 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3-binding.c
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3-binding.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite
-** version 3.30.1. By combining all the individual C code files into this
+** version 3.32.2. By combining all the individual C code files into this
** single large file, the entire code can be compiled as a single translation
** unit. This allows many compilers to do optimizations that would not be
** possible if the files were compiled separately. Performance improvements
@@ -219,6 +219,9 @@ static const char * const sqlite3azCompileOpt[] = {
@@ -381,9 +384,6 @@ static const char * const sqlite3azCompileOpt[] = {
@@ -540,9 +540,6 @@ static const char * const sqlite3azCompileOpt[] = {
@@ -1166,9 +1163,9 @@ extern "C" {
** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
-#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.30.1"
-#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3030001
-#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-10-10 20:19:45 18db032d058f1436ce3dea84081f4ee5a0f2259ad97301d43c426bc7f3df1b0b"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.32.2"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3032002
+#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2020-06-04 12:58:43 ec02243ea6ce33b090870ae55ab8aa2534b54d216d45c4aa2fdbb00e86861e8c"
** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers
@@ -1342,26 +1339,22 @@ typedef sqlite_uint64 sqlite3_uint64;
** the [sqlite3] object is successfully destroyed and all associated
** resources are deallocated.
-** ^If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared
-** statements or unfinished sqlite3_backup objects then sqlite3_close()
-** will leave the database connection open and return [SQLITE_BUSY].
-** ^If sqlite3_close_v2() is called with unfinalized prepared statements
-** and/or unfinished sqlite3_backups, then the database connection becomes
-** an unusable "zombie" which will automatically be deallocated when the
-** last prepared statement is finalized or the last sqlite3_backup is
-** finished. The sqlite3_close_v2() interface is intended for use with
-** host languages that are garbage collected, and where the order in which
-** destructors are called is arbitrary.
-** Applications should [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements],
-** [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles], and
+** Ideally, applications should [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all
+** [prepared statements], [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles], and
** [sqlite3_backup_finish | finish] all [sqlite3_backup] objects associated
-** with the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object. ^If
-** sqlite3_close_v2() is called on a [database connection] that still has
-** outstanding [prepared statements], [BLOB handles], and/or
-** [sqlite3_backup] objects then it returns [SQLITE_OK] and the deallocation
-** of resources is deferred until all [prepared statements], [BLOB handles],
-** and [sqlite3_backup] objects are also destroyed.
+** with the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object.
+** ^If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared
+** statements, BLOB handlers, and/or unfinished sqlite3_backup objects then
+** sqlite3_close() will leave the database connection open and return
+** [SQLITE_BUSY]. ^If sqlite3_close_v2() is called with unfinalized prepared
+** statements, unclosed BLOB handlers, and/or unfinished sqlite3_backups,
+** it returns [SQLITE_OK] regardless, but instead of deallocating the database
+** connection immediately, it marks the database connection as an unusable
+** "zombie" and makes arrangements to automatically deallocate the database
+** connection after all prepared statements are finalized, all BLOB handles
+** are closed, and all backups have finished. The sqlite3_close_v2() interface
+** is intended for use with host languages that are garbage collected, and
+** where the order in which destructors are called is arbitrary.
** ^If an [sqlite3] object is destroyed while a transaction is open,
** the transaction is automatically rolled back.
@@ -1550,17 +1543,21 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_exec(
@@ -1578,11 +1575,13 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_exec(
+#define SQLITE_OK_SYMLINK (SQLITE_OK | (2<<8))
** CAPI3REF: Flags For File Open Operations
@@ -1611,6 +1610,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_exec(
#define SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE 0x00020000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE 0x00040000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
#define SQLITE_OPEN_WAL 0x00080000 /* VFS only */
+#define SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW 0x01000000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
/* Reserved: 0x00F00000 */
@@ -2022,16 +2022,16 @@ struct sqlite3_io_methods {
** file-control may be invoked by SQLite on the database file handle
** shortly after it is opened in order to provide a custom VFS with access
-** to the connections busy-handler callback. The argument is of type (void **)
+** to the connection's busy-handler callback. The argument is of type (void**)
** - an array of two (void *) values. The first (void *) actually points
-** to a function of type (int (*)(void *)). In order to invoke the connections
+** to a function of type (int (*)(void *)). In order to invoke the connection's
** busy-handler, this function should be invoked with the second (void *) in
** the array as the only argument. If it returns non-zero, then the operation
** should be retried. If it returns zero, the custom VFS should abandon the
** current operation.
-** ^Application can invoke the [SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME] file-control
+** ^Applications can invoke the [SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME] file-control
** to have SQLite generate a
** temporary filename using the same algorithm that is followed to generate
** temporary filenames for TEMP tables and other internal uses. The
@@ -2126,10 +2126,12 @@ struct sqlite3_io_methods {
** a prior successful call to [SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE].
-** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT] opcode causes attempts to obtain
-** a file lock using the xLock or xShmLock methods of the VFS to wait
-** for up to M milliseconds before failing, where M is the single
-** unsigned integer parameter.
+** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT] opcode is used to configure a VFS
+** to block for up to M milliseconds before failing when attempting to
+** obtain a file lock using the xLock or xShmLock methods of the VFS.
+** The parameter is a pointer to a 32-bit signed integer that contains
+** the value that M is to be set to. Before returning, the 32-bit signed
+** integer is overwritten with the previous value of M.
** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_DATA_VERSION] opcode is used to detect changes to
@@ -2144,12 +2146,23 @@ struct sqlite3_io_methods {
** not provide a mechanism to detect changes to MAIN only. Also, the
** [sqlite3_total_changes()] interface responds to internal changes only and
** omits changes made by other database connections. The
-** [PRAGMA data_version] command provide a mechanism to detect changes to
+** [PRAGMA data_version] command provides a mechanism to detect changes to
** a single attached database that occur due to other database connections,
** but omits changes implemented by the database connection on which it is
** called. This file control is the only mechanism to detect changes that
** happen either internally or externally and that are associated with
** a particular attached database.
+** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_CKPT_START] opcode is invoked from within a checkpoint
+** in wal mode before the client starts to copy pages from the wal
+** file to the database file.
+** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_CKPT_DONE] opcode is invoked from within a checkpoint
+** in wal mode after the client has finished copying pages from the wal
+** file to the database file, but before the *-shm file is updated to
+** record the fact that the pages have been checkpointed.
@@ -2187,6 +2200,9 @@ struct sqlite3_io_methods {
/* deprecated names */
@@ -2232,10 +2248,10 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3_api_routines;
** to 3 with SQLite [version 3.7.6] on [dateof:3.7.6]. Additional fields
** may be appended to the sqlite3_vfs object and the iVersion value
** may increase again in future versions of SQLite.
-** Note that the structure
-** of the sqlite3_vfs object changes in the transition from
+** Note that due to an oversight, the structure
+** of the sqlite3_vfs object changed in the transition from
** SQLite [version 3.5.9] to [version 3.6.0] on [dateof:3.6.0]
-** and yet the iVersion field was not modified.
+** and yet the iVersion field was not increased.
** The szOsFile field is the size of the subclassed [sqlite3_file]
** structure used by this VFS. mxPathname is the maximum length of
@@ -2326,7 +2342,7 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3_api_routines;
** for exclusive access.
** ^At least szOsFile bytes of memory are allocated by SQLite
-** to hold the [sqlite3_file] structure passed as the third
+** to hold the [sqlite3_file] structure passed as the third
** argument to xOpen. The xOpen method does not have to
** allocate the structure; it should just fill it in. Note that
** the xOpen method must set the sqlite3_file.pMethods to either
@@ -2663,7 +2679,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);
** that causes the corresponding memory allocation to fail.
** The xInit method initializes the memory allocator. For example,
-** it might allocate any require mutexes or initialize internal data
+** it might allocate any required mutexes or initialize internal data
** structures. The xShutdown method is invoked (indirectly) by
** [sqlite3_shutdown()] and should deallocate any resources acquired
** by xInit. The pAppData pointer is used as the only parameter to
@@ -2785,6 +2801,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** memory allocation statistics. ^(When memory allocation statistics are
** disabled, the following SQLite interfaces become non-operational:
+** - [sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64()]
- [sqlite3_memory_used()]
- [sqlite3_memory_highwater()]
- [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64()]
@@ -2803,7 +2820,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
- ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE option specifies a memory pool
** that SQLite can use for the database page cache with the default page
** cache implementation.
-** This configuration option is a no-op if an application-define page
+** This configuration option is a no-op if an application-defined page
** cache implementation is loaded using the [SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2].
** ^There are three arguments to SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE: A pointer to
** 8-byte aligned memory (pMem), the size of each page cache line (sz),
@@ -3288,7 +3305,7 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML option activates or deactivates
-** the legacy [double-quoted string literal] misfeature for DML statement
+** the legacy [double-quoted string literal] misfeature for DML statements
** only, that is DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE statements. The
** default value of this setting is determined by the [-DSQLITE_DQS]
** compile-time option.
@@ -3302,6 +3319,49 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** default value of this setting is determined by the [-DSQLITE_DQS]
** compile-time option.
+** assume that database schemas (the contents of the [sqlite_master] tables)
+** are untainted by malicious content.
+** When the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRUSTED_SCHEMA option is disabled, SQLite
+** takes additional defensive steps to protect the application from harm
+** including:
+** - Prohibit the use of SQL functions inside triggers, views,
+** CHECK constraints, DEFAULT clauses, expression indexes,
+** partial indexes, or generated columns
+** unless those functions are tagged with [SQLITE_INNOCUOUS].
- Prohibit the use of virtual tables inside of triggers or views
+** unless those virtual tables are tagged with [SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS].
+** This setting defaults to "on" for legacy compatibility, however
+** all applications are advised to turn it off if possible. This setting
+** can also be controlled using the [PRAGMA trusted_schema] statement.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_FILE_FORMAT option activates or deactivates
+** the legacy file format flag. When activated, this flag causes all newly
+** created database file to have a schema format version number (the 4-byte
+** integer found at offset 44 into the database header) of 1. This in turn
+** means that the resulting database file will be readable and writable by
+** any SQLite version back to 3.0.0 ([dateof:3.0.0]). Without this setting,
+** newly created databases are generally not understandable by SQLite versions
+** prior to 3.3.0 ([dateof:3.3.0]). As these words are written, there
+** is now scarcely any need to generated database files that are compatible
+** all the way back to version 3.0.0, and so this setting is of little
+** practical use, but is provided so that SQLite can continue to claim the
+** ability to generate new database files that are compatible with version
+** 3.0.0.
Note that when the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_FILE_FORMAT setting is on,
+** the [VACUUM] command will fail with an obscure error when attempting to
+** process a table with generated columns and a descending index. This is
+** not considered a bug since SQLite versions 3.3.0 and earlier do not support
+** either generated columns or decending indexes.
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME 1000 /* const char* */
@@ -3320,7 +3380,9 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML 1013 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DDL 1014 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_VIEW 1015 /* int int* */
-#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1015 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
+#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_FILE_FORMAT 1016 /* int int* */
+#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRUSTED_SCHEMA 1017 /* int int* */
+#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1017 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes
@@ -3526,7 +3588,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_total_changes(sqlite3*);
** ^The sqlite3_interrupt(D) call is in effect until all currently running
** SQL statements on [database connection] D complete. ^Any new SQL statements
** that are started after the sqlite3_interrupt() call and before the
-** running statements reaches zero are interrupted as if they had been
+** running statement count reaches zero are interrupted as if they had been
** running prior to the sqlite3_interrupt() call. ^New SQL statements
** that are started after the running statement count reaches zero are
** not effected by the sqlite3_interrupt().
@@ -3694,9 +3756,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3*, int ms);
** Cindy | 21
-** There are two column (M==2) and three rows (N==3). Thus the
+** There are two columns (M==2) and three rows (N==3). Thus the
** result table has 8 entries. Suppose the result table is stored
-** in an array names azResult. Then azResult holds this content:
+** in an array named azResult. Then azResult holds this content:
** azResult[0] = "Name";
@@ -3789,7 +3851,7 @@ SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_vsnprintf(int,char*,const char*, va_list);
** The SQLite core uses these three routines for all of its own
** internal memory allocation needs. "Core" in the previous sentence
-** does not include operating-system specific VFS implementation. The
+** does not include operating-system specific [VFS] implementation. The
** Windows VFS uses native malloc() and free() for some operations.
** ^The sqlite3_malloc() routine returns a pointer to a block
@@ -3850,19 +3912,6 @@ SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_vsnprintf(int,char*,const char*, va_list);
** 4 byte boundary if the [SQLITE_4_BYTE_ALIGNED_MALLOC] compile-time
** option is used.
-** In SQLite version 3.5.0 and 3.5.1, it was possible to define
-** the SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATION which would cause the built-in
-** implementation of these routines to be omitted. That capability
-** is no longer provided. Only built-in memory allocators can be used.
-** Prior to SQLite version 3.7.10, the Windows OS interface layer called
-** the system malloc() and free() directly when converting
-** filenames between the UTF-8 encoding used by SQLite
-** and whatever filename encoding is used by the particular Windows
-** installation. Memory allocation errors were detected, but
-** they were reported back as [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] or
-** [SQLITE_IOERR] rather than [SQLITE_NOMEM].
** The pointer arguments to [sqlite3_free()] and [sqlite3_realloc()]
** must be either NULL or else pointers obtained from a prior
** invocation of [sqlite3_malloc()] or [sqlite3_realloc()] that have
@@ -3911,7 +3960,7 @@ SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_memory_highwater(int resetFlag);
** SQLite contains a high-quality pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used to
** select random [ROWID | ROWIDs] when inserting new records into a table that
** already uses the largest possible [ROWID]. The PRNG is also used for
-** the build-in random() and randomblob() SQL functions. This interface allows
+** the built-in random() and randomblob() SQL functions. This interface allows
** applications to access the same PRNG for other purposes.
** ^A call to this routine stores N bytes of randomness into buffer P.
@@ -4285,10 +4334,8 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_progress_handler(sqlite3*, int, int(*)(void*), void*);
** The sqlite3_open_v2() interface works like sqlite3_open()
** except that it accepts two additional parameters for additional control
** over the new database connection. ^(The flags parameter to
-** sqlite3_open_v2() can take one of
-** the following three values, optionally combined with the
+** sqlite3_open_v2() must include, at a minimum, one of the following
+** three flag combinations:)^
@@ -4306,23 +4353,51 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_progress_handler(sqlite3*, int, int(*)(void*), void*);
** sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open16().)^
+** In addition to the required flags, the following optional flags are
+** also supported:
+** - The filename can be interpreted as a URI if this flag is set.
+** - The database will be opened as an in-memory database. The database
+** is named by the "filename" argument for the purposes of cache-sharing,
+** if shared cache mode is enabled, but the "filename" is otherwise ignored.
+** - The new database connection will use the "multi-thread"
+** [threading mode].)^ This means that separate threads are allowed
+** to use SQLite at the same time, as long as each thread is using
+** a different [database connection].
+** ^(
+** - The new database connection will use the "serialized"
+** [threading mode].)^ This means the multiple threads can safely
+** attempt to use the same database connection at the same time.
+** (Mutexes will block any actual concurrency, but in this mode
+** there is no harm in trying.)
+** ^(
+** - The database is opened [shared cache] enabled, overriding
+** the default shared cache setting provided by
+** [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()].)^
+** ^(
+** - The database is opened [shared cache] disabled, overriding
+** the default shared cache setting provided by
+** [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()].)^
+** [[OPEN_NOFOLLOW]] ^(
+** - The database filename is not allowed to be a symbolic link
** If the 3rd parameter to sqlite3_open_v2() is not one of the
-** combinations shown above optionally combined with other
+** required combinations shown above optionally combined with other
** then the behavior is undefined.
-** ^If the [SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX] flag is set, then the database connection
-** opens in the multi-thread [threading mode] as long as the single-thread
-** mode has not been set at compile-time or start-time. ^If the
-** [SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX] flag is set then the database connection opens
-** in the serialized [threading mode] unless single-thread was
-** previously selected at compile-time or start-time.
-** ^The [SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE] flag causes the database connection to be
-** eligible to use [shared cache mode], regardless of whether or not shared
-** cache is enabled using [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()]. ^The
-** [SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE] flag causes the database connection to not
-** participate in [shared cache mode] even if it is enabled.
** ^The fourth parameter to sqlite3_open_v2() is the name of the
** [sqlite3_vfs] object that defines the operating system interface that
** the new database connection should use. ^If the fourth parameter is
@@ -4502,17 +4577,27 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open_v2(
** CAPI3REF: Obtain Values For URI Parameters
-** These are utility routines, useful to VFS implementations, that check
-** to see if a database file was a URI that contained a specific query
+** These are utility routines, useful to [VFS|custom VFS implementations],
+** that check if a database file was a URI that contained a specific query
** parameter, and if so obtains the value of that query parameter.
-** If F is the database filename pointer passed into the xOpen() method of
-** a VFS implementation when the flags parameter to xOpen() has one or
-** more of the [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] or [SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB] bits set and
-** P is the name of the query parameter, then
+** The first parameter to these interfaces (hereafter referred to
+** as F) must be one of:
+** - A database filename pointer created by the SQLite core and
+** passed into the xOpen() method of a VFS implemention, or
- A filename obtained from [sqlite3_db_filename()], or
- A new filename constructed using [sqlite3_create_filename()].
+** If the F parameter is not one of the above, then the behavior is
+** undefined and probably undesirable. Older versions of SQLite were
+** more tolerant of invalid F parameters than newer versions.
+** If F is a suitable filename (as described in the previous paragraph)
+** and if P is the name of the query parameter, then
** sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns the value of the P
** parameter if it exists or a NULL pointer if P does not appear as a
-** query parameter on F. If P is a query parameter of F
+** query parameter on F. If P is a query parameter of F and it
** has no explicit value, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns
** a pointer to an empty string.
@@ -4524,26 +4609,145 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open_v2(
** sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routines returns false (0) if the value of
** query parameter P is one of "no", "false", or "off" in any case or
** if the value begins with a numeric zero. If P is not a query
-** parameter on F or if the value of P is does not match any of the
+** parameter on F or if the value of P does not match any of the
** above, then sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns (B!=0).
** The sqlite3_uri_int64(F,P,D) routine converts the value of P into a
** 64-bit signed integer and returns that integer, or D if P does not
** exist. If the value of P is something other than an integer, then
** zero is returned.
+** The sqlite3_uri_key(F,N) returns a pointer to the name (not
+** the value) of the N-th query parameter for filename F, or a NULL
+** pointer if N is less than zero or greater than the number of query
+** parameters minus 1. The N value is zero-based so N should be 0 to obtain
+** the name of the first query parameter, 1 for the second parameter, and
+** so forth.
** If F is a NULL pointer, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns NULL and
** sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns B. If F is not a NULL pointer and
-** is not a database file pathname pointer that SQLite passed into the xOpen
-** VFS method, then the behavior of this routine is undefined and probably
-** undesirable.
+** is not a database file pathname pointer that the SQLite core passed
+** into the xOpen VFS method, then the behavior of this routine is undefined
+** and probably undesirable.
+** Beginning with SQLite [version 3.31.0] ([dateof:3.31.0]) the input F
+** parameter can also be the name of a rollback journal file or WAL file
+** in addition to the main database file. Prior to version 3.31.0, these
+** routines would only work if F was the name of the main database file.
+** When the F parameter is the name of the rollback journal or WAL file,
+** it has access to all the same query parameters as were found on the
+** main database file.
** See the [URI filename] documentation for additional information.
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_uri_parameter(const char *zFilename, const char *zParam);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_uri_boolean(const char *zFile, const char *zParam, int bDefault);
SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_uri_int64(const char*, const char*, sqlite3_int64);
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_uri_key(const char *zFilename, int N);
+** CAPI3REF: Translate filenames
+** These routines are available to [VFS|custom VFS implementations] for
+** translating filenames between the main database file, the journal file,
+** and the WAL file.
+** If F is the name of an sqlite database file, journal file, or WAL file
+** passed by the SQLite core into the VFS, then sqlite3_filename_database(F)
+** returns the name of the corresponding database file.
+** If F is the name of an sqlite database file, journal file, or WAL file
+** passed by the SQLite core into the VFS, or if F is a database filename
+** obtained from [sqlite3_db_filename()], then sqlite3_filename_journal(F)
+** returns the name of the corresponding rollback journal file.
+** If F is the name of an sqlite database file, journal file, or WAL file
+** that was passed by the SQLite core into the VFS, or if F is a database
+** filename obtained from [sqlite3_db_filename()], then
+** sqlite3_filename_wal(F) returns the name of the corresponding
+** WAL file.
+** In all of the above, if F is not the name of a database, journal or WAL
+** filename passed into the VFS from the SQLite core and F is not the
+** return value from [sqlite3_db_filename()], then the result is
+** undefined and is likely a memory access violation.
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_filename_database(const char*);
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_filename_journal(const char*);
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_filename_wal(const char*);
+** CAPI3REF: Database File Corresponding To A Journal
+** ^If X is the name of a rollback or WAL-mode journal file that is
+** passed into the xOpen method of [sqlite3_vfs], then
+** sqlite3_database_file_object(X) returns a pointer to the [sqlite3_file]
+** object that represents the main database file.
+** This routine is intended for use in custom [VFS] implementations
+** only. It is not a general-purpose interface.
+** The argument sqlite3_file_object(X) must be a filename pointer that
+** has been passed into [sqlite3_vfs].xOpen method where the
+** flags parameter to xOpen contains one of the bits
+** of this routine results in undefined and probably undesirable
+** behavior.
+SQLITE_API sqlite3_file *sqlite3_database_file_object(const char*);
+** CAPI3REF: Create and Destroy VFS Filenames
+** These interfces are provided for use by [VFS shim] implementations and
+** are not useful outside of that context.
+** The sqlite3_create_filename(D,J,W,N,P) allocates memory to hold a version of
+** database filename D with corresponding journal file J and WAL file W and
+** with N URI parameters key/values pairs in the array P. The result from
+** sqlite3_create_filename(D,J,W,N,P) is a pointer to a database filename that
+** is safe to pass to routines like:
+** - [sqlite3_uri_parameter()],
- [sqlite3_uri_boolean()],
- [sqlite3_uri_int64()],
- [sqlite3_uri_key()],
- [sqlite3_filename_database()],
- [sqlite3_filename_journal()], or
- [sqlite3_filename_wal()].
+** If a memory allocation error occurs, sqlite3_create_filename() might
+** return a NULL pointer. The memory obtained from sqlite3_create_filename(X)
+** must be released by a corresponding call to sqlite3_free_filename(Y).
+** The P parameter in sqlite3_create_filename(D,J,W,N,P) should be an array
+** of 2*N pointers to strings. Each pair of pointers in this array corresponds
+** to a key and value for a query parameter. The P parameter may be a NULL
+** pointer if N is zero. None of the 2*N pointers in the P array may be
+** NULL pointers and key pointers should not be empty strings.
+** None of the D, J, or W parameters to sqlite3_create_filename(D,J,W,N,P) may
+** be NULL pointers, though they can be empty strings.
+** The sqlite3_free_filename(Y) routine releases a memory allocation
+** previously obtained from sqlite3_create_filename(). Invoking
+** sqlite3_free_filename(Y) where Y is a NULL pointer is a harmless no-op.
+** If the Y parameter to sqlite3_free_filename(Y) is anything other
+** than a NULL pointer or a pointer previously acquired from
+** sqlite3_create_filename(), then bad things such as heap
+** corruption or segfaults may occur. The value Y should be
+** used again after sqlite3_free_filename(Y) has been called. This means
+** that if the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen()] method of a VFS has been called using Y,
+** then the corresponding [sqlite3_module.xClose() method should also be
+** invoked prior to calling sqlite3_free_filename(Y).
+SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_create_filename(
+ const char *zDatabase,
+ const char *zJournal,
+ const char *zWal,
+ int nParam,
+ const char **azParam
+SQLITE_API void sqlite3_free_filename(char*);
** CAPI3REF: Error Codes And Messages
@@ -4861,12 +5065,12 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_limit(sqlite3*, int id, int newVal);
** -
-** ^If the specific value bound to [parameter | host parameter] in the
+** ^If the specific value bound to a [parameter | host parameter] in the
** WHERE clause might influence the choice of query plan for a statement,
** then the statement will be automatically recompiled, as if there had been
-** a schema change, on the first [sqlite3_step()] call following any change
+** a schema change, on the first [sqlite3_step()] call following any change
** to the [sqlite3_bind_text | bindings] of that [parameter].
-** ^The specific value of WHERE-clause [parameter] might influence the
+** ^The specific value of a WHERE-clause [parameter] might influence the
** choice of query plan if the parameter is the left-hand side of a [LIKE]
** or [GLOB] operator or if the parameter is compared to an indexed column
** and the [SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4] compile-time option is enabled.
@@ -5126,12 +5330,30 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context;
** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()] API if desired. ^The index
** for "?NNN" parameters is the value of NNN.
** ^The NNN value must be between 1 and the [sqlite3_limit()]
-** parameter [SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER] (default value: 999).
+** parameter [SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER] (default value: 32766).
** ^The third argument is the value to bind to the parameter.
** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()
** or sqlite3_bind_blob() is a NULL pointer then the fourth parameter
** is ignored and the end result is the same as sqlite3_bind_null().
+** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() is not NULL, then
+** it should be a pointer to well-formed UTF8 text.
+** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_bind_text16() is not NULL, then
+** it should be a pointer to well-formed UTF16 text.
+** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_bind_text64() is not NULL, then
+** it should be a pointer to a well-formed unicode string that is
+** either UTF8 if the sixth parameter is SQLITE_UTF8, or UTF16
+** otherwise.
+** [[byte-order determination rules]] ^The byte-order of
+** UTF16 input text is determined by the byte-order mark (BOM, U+FEFF)
+** found in first character, which is removed, or in the absence of a BOM
+** the byte order is the native byte order of the host
+** machine for sqlite3_bind_text16() or the byte order specified in
+** the 6th parameter for sqlite3_bind_text64().)^
+** ^If UTF16 input text contains invalid unicode
+** characters, then SQLite might change those invalid characters
+** into the unicode replacement character: U+FFFD.
** ^(In those routines that have a fourth argument, its value is the
** number of bytes in the parameter. To be clear: the value is the
@@ -5145,7 +5367,7 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context;
** or sqlite3_bind_text16() or sqlite3_bind_text64() then
** that parameter must be the byte offset
** where the NUL terminator would occur assuming the string were NUL
-** terminated. If any NUL characters occur at byte offsets less than
+** terminated. If any NUL characters occurs at byte offsets less than
** the value of the fourth parameter then the resulting string value will
** contain embedded NULs. The result of expressions involving strings
** with embedded NULs is undefined.
@@ -5375,7 +5597,7 @@ SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_name16(sqlite3_stmt*, int N);
** ^If the Nth column returned by the statement is an expression or
** subquery and is not a column value, then all of these functions return
-** NULL. ^These routine might also return NULL if a memory allocation error
+** NULL. ^These routines might also return NULL if a memory allocation error
** occurs. ^Otherwise, they return the name of the attached database, table,
** or column that query result column was extracted from.
@@ -5385,10 +5607,6 @@ SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_name16(sqlite3_stmt*, int N);
** ^These APIs are only available if the library was compiled with the
** [SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA] C-preprocessor symbol.
-** If two or more threads call one or more of these routines against the same
-** prepared statement and column at the same time then the results are
-** undefined.
** If two or more threads call one or more
** [sqlite3_column_database_name | column metadata interfaces]
** for the same [prepared statement] and result column
@@ -5525,7 +5743,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*);
** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) interface returns the number of columns in the
** current row of the result set of [prepared statement] P.
** ^If prepared statement P does not have results ready to return
-** (via calls to the [sqlite3_column_int | sqlite3_column_*()] of
+** (via calls to the [sqlite3_column_int | sqlite3_column()] family of
** interfaces) then sqlite3_data_count(P) returns 0.
** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine also returns 0 if P is a NULL pointer.
** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine returns 0 if the previous call to
@@ -5849,8 +6067,6 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
** CAPI3REF: Create Or Redefine SQL Functions
** KEYWORDS: {function creation routines}
-** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL function}
-** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL functions}
** METHOD: sqlite3
** ^These functions (collectively known as "function creation routines")
@@ -5906,9 +6122,20 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
** ^The fourth parameter may also optionally include the [SQLITE_DIRECTONLY]
** flag, which if present prevents the function from being invoked from
-** within VIEWs or TRIGGERs. For security reasons, the [SQLITE_DIRECTONLY]
-** flag is recommended for any application-defined SQL function that has
-** side-effects.
+** within VIEWs, TRIGGERs, CHECK constraints, generated column expressions,
+** index expressions, or the WHERE clause of partial indexes.
+** For best security, the [SQLITE_DIRECTONLY] flag is recommended for
+** all application-defined SQL functions that do not need to be
+** used inside of triggers, view, CHECK constraints, or other elements of
+** the database schema. This flags is especially recommended for SQL
+** functions that have side effects or reveal internal application state.
+** Without this flag, an attacker might be able to modify the schema of
+** a database file to include invocations of the function with parameters
+** chosen by the attacker, which the application will then execute when
+** the database file is opened and read.
** ^(The fifth parameter is an arbitrary pointer. The implementation of the
** function can gain access to this pointer using [sqlite3_user_data()].)^
@@ -6027,18 +6254,53 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_window_function(
** to [sqlite3_create_function()], [sqlite3_create_function16()], or
** [sqlite3_create_function_v2()].
-** The SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC flag means that the new function will always
-** maps the same inputs into the same output. The abs() function is
-** deterministic, for example, but randomblob() is not.
+** The SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC flag means that the new function always gives
+** the same output when the input parameters are the same.
+** The [abs|abs() function] is deterministic, for example, but
+** [randomblob|randomblob()] is not. Functions must
+** be deterministic in order to be used in certain contexts such as
+** with the WHERE clause of [partial indexes] or in [generated columns].
+** SQLite might also optimize deterministic functions by factoring them
+** out of inner loops.
** The SQLITE_DIRECTONLY flag means that the function may only be invoked
-** from top-level SQL, and cannot be used in VIEWs or TRIGGERs. This is
-** a security feature which is recommended for all
-** [application-defined SQL functions] that have side-effects. This flag
-** prevents an attacker from adding triggers and views to a schema then
-** tricking a high-privilege application into causing unintended side-effects
-** while performing ordinary queries.
+** from top-level SQL, and cannot be used in VIEWs or TRIGGERs nor in
+** schema structures such as [CHECK constraints], [DEFAULT clauses],
+** [expression indexes], [partial indexes], or [generated columns].
+** The SQLITE_DIRECTONLY flags is a security feature which is recommended
+** for all [application-defined SQL functions], and especially for functions
+** that have side-effects or that could potentially leak sensitive
+** information.
+** The SQLITE_INNOCUOUS flag means that the function is unlikely
+** to cause problems even if misused. An innocuous function should have
+** no side effects and should not depend on any values other than its
+** input parameters. The [abs|abs() function] is an example of an
+** innocuous function.
+** The [load_extension() SQL function] is not innocuous because of its
+** side effects.
+** exactly the same. The [random|random() function] is an example of a
+** function that is innocuous but not deterministic.
Some heightened security settings
+** disable the use of SQL functions inside views and triggers and in
+** schema structures such as [CHECK constraints], [DEFAULT clauses],
+** [expression indexes], [partial indexes], and [generated columns] unless
+** the function is tagged with SQLITE_INNOCUOUS. Most built-in functions
+** are innocuous. Developers are advised to avoid using the
+** SQLITE_INNOCUOUS flag for application-defined functions unless the
+** function has been carefully audited and found to be free of potentially
+** security-adverse side-effects and information-leaks.
** The SQLITE_SUBTYPE flag indicates to SQLite that a function may call
** [sqlite3_value_subtype()] to inspect the sub-types of its arguments.
** Specifying this flag makes no difference for scalar or aggregate user
@@ -6046,10 +6308,13 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_window_function(
** function, then any sub-types belonging to arguments passed to the window
** function may be discarded before the window function is called (i.e.
** sqlite3_value_subtype() will always return 0).
#define SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC 0x000000800
#define SQLITE_DIRECTONLY 0x000080000
#define SQLITE_SUBTYPE 0x000100000
+#define SQLITE_INNOCUOUS 0x000200000
** CAPI3REF: Deprecated Functions
@@ -6108,8 +6373,8 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** These routines extract type, size, and content information from
** [protected sqlite3_value] objects. Protected sqlite3_value objects
-** are used to pass parameter information into implementation of
-** [application-defined SQL functions] and [virtual tables].
+** are used to pass parameter information into the functions that
+** implement [application-defined SQL functions] and [virtual tables].
** These routines work only with [protected sqlite3_value] objects.
** Any attempt to use these routines on an [unprotected sqlite3_value]
@@ -6166,7 +6431,7 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** ^The sqlite3_value_frombind(X) interface returns non-zero if the
** value X originated from one of the [sqlite3_bind_int|sqlite3_bind()]
** interfaces. ^If X comes from an SQL literal value, or a table column,
-** and expression, then sqlite3_value_frombind(X) returns zero.
+** or an expression, then sqlite3_value_frombind(X) returns zero.
** Please pay particular attention to the fact that the pointer returned
** from [sqlite3_value_blob()], [sqlite3_value_text()], or
@@ -6252,8 +6517,8 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_value_free(sqlite3_value*);
** routine to allocate memory for storing their state.
** ^The first time the sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine is called
-** for a particular aggregate function, SQLite
-** allocates N of memory, zeroes out that memory, and returns a pointer
+** for a particular aggregate function, SQLite allocates
+** N bytes of memory, zeroes out that memory, and returns a pointer
** to the new memory. ^On second and subsequent calls to
** sqlite3_aggregate_context() for the same aggregate function instance,
** the same buffer is returned. Sqlite3_aggregate_context() is normally
@@ -6270,7 +6535,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_value_free(sqlite3_value*);
** ^(The amount of space allocated by sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) is
** determined by the N parameter on first successful call. Changing the
-** value of N in subsequent call to sqlite3_aggregate_context() within
+** value of N in any subsequent call to sqlite3_aggregate_context() within
** the same aggregate function instance will not resize the memory
** allocation.)^ Within the xFinal callback, it is customary to set
** N=0 in calls to sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) so that no
@@ -6427,8 +6692,9 @@ typedef void (*sqlite3_destructor_type)(void*);
** 2nd parameter of sqlite3_result_error() or sqlite3_result_error16()
** as the text of an error message. ^SQLite interprets the error
** message string from sqlite3_result_error() as UTF-8. ^SQLite
-** interprets the string from sqlite3_result_error16() as UTF-16 in native
-** byte order. ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_result_error()
+** interprets the string from sqlite3_result_error16() as UTF-16 using
+** the same [byte-order determination rules] as [sqlite3_bind_text16()].
+** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_result_error()
** or sqlite3_result_error16() is negative then SQLite takes as the error
** message all text up through the first zero character.
** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_result_error() or
@@ -6496,6 +6762,25 @@ typedef void (*sqlite3_destructor_type)(void*);
** then SQLite makes a copy of the result into space obtained
** from [sqlite3_malloc()] before it returns.
+** ^For the sqlite3_result_text16(), sqlite3_result_text16le(), and
+** sqlite3_result_text16be() routines, and for sqlite3_result_text64()
+** when the encoding is not UTF8, if the input UTF16 begins with a
+** byte-order mark (BOM, U+FEFF) then the BOM is removed from the
+** string and the rest of the string is interpreted according to the
+** byte-order specified by the BOM. ^The byte-order specified by
+** the BOM at the beginning of the text overrides the byte-order
+** specified by the interface procedure. ^So, for example, if
+** sqlite3_result_text16le() is invoked with text that begins
+** with bytes 0xfe, 0xff (a big-endian byte-order mark) then the
+** first two bytes of input are skipped and the remaining input
+** is interpreted as UTF16BE text.
+** ^For UTF16 input text to the sqlite3_result_text16(),
+** sqlite3_result_text16be(), sqlite3_result_text16le(), and
+** sqlite3_result_text64() routines, if the text contains invalid
+** UTF16 characters, the invalid characters might be converted
+** into the unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.
** ^The sqlite3_result_value() interface sets the result of
** the application-defined function to be a copy of the
** [unprotected sqlite3_value] object specified by the 2nd parameter. ^The
@@ -6581,7 +6866,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_subtype(sqlite3_context*,unsigned int);
** ^The eTextRep argument determines the encoding of strings passed
-** to the collating function callback, xCallback.
+** to the collating function callback, xCompare.
** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16] and [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] values for eTextRep
** force strings to be UTF16 with native byte order.
** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] value for eTextRep forces strings to begin
@@ -6590,18 +6875,19 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_subtype(sqlite3_context*,unsigned int);
** ^The fourth argument, pArg, is an application data pointer that is passed
** through as the first argument to the collating function callback.
-** ^The fifth argument, xCallback, is a pointer to the collating function.
+** ^The fifth argument, xCompare, is a pointer to the collating function.
** ^Multiple collating functions can be registered using the same name but
** with different eTextRep parameters and SQLite will use whichever
** function requires the least amount of data transformation.
-** ^If the xCallback argument is NULL then the collating function is
+** ^If the xCompare argument is NULL then the collating function is
** deleted. ^When all collating functions having the same name are deleted,
** that collation is no longer usable.
** ^The collating function callback is invoked with a copy of the pArg
** application data pointer and with two strings in the encoding specified
-** by the eTextRep argument. The collating function must return an
-** integer that is negative, zero, or positive
+** by the eTextRep argument. The two integer parameters to the collating
+** function callback are the length of the two strings, in bytes. The collating
+** function must return an integer that is negative, zero, or positive
** if the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second,
** respectively. A collating function must always return the same answer
** given the same inputs. If two or more collating functions are registered
@@ -6618,7 +6904,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_subtype(sqlite3_context*,unsigned int);
** If a collating function fails any of the above constraints and that
-** collating function is registered and used, then the behavior of SQLite
+** collating function is registered and used, then the behavior of SQLite
** is undefined.
** ^The sqlite3_create_collation_v2() works like sqlite3_create_collation()
@@ -6700,51 +6986,6 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_collation_needed16(
void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*)
-** Specify the key for an encrypted database. This routine should be
-** called right after sqlite3_open().
-** The code to implement this API is not available in the public release
-** of SQLite.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_key(
- sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
- const void *pKey, int nKey /* The key */
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_key_v2(
- sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
- const char *zDbName, /* Name of the database */
- const void *pKey, int nKey /* The key */
-** Change the key on an open database. If the current database is not
-** encrypted, this routine will encrypt it. If pNew==0 or nNew==0, the
-** database is decrypted.
-** The code to implement this API is not available in the public release
-** of SQLite.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_rekey(
- sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
- const void *pKey, int nKey /* The new key */
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_rekey_v2(
- sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
- const char *zDbName, /* Name of the database */
- const void *pKey, int nKey /* The new key */
-** Specify the activation key for a SEE database. Unless
-** activated, none of the SEE routines will work.
-SQLITE_API void sqlite3_activate_see(
- const char *zPassPhrase /* Activation phrase */
** Specify the activation key for a CEROD database. Unless
@@ -6945,16 +7186,31 @@ SQLITE_API sqlite3 *sqlite3_db_handle(sqlite3_stmt*);
** CAPI3REF: Return The Filename For A Database Connection
** METHOD: sqlite3
-** ^The sqlite3_db_filename(D,N) interface returns a pointer to a filename
-** associated with database N of connection D. ^The main database file
-** has the name "main". If there is no attached database N on the database
+** ^The sqlite3_db_filename(D,N) interface returns a pointer to the filename
+** associated with database N of connection D.
+** ^If there is no attached database N on the database
** connection D, or if database N is a temporary or in-memory database, then
** this function will return either a NULL pointer or an empty string.
+** ^The string value returned by this routine is owned and managed by
+** the database connection. ^The value will be valid until the database N
+** is [DETACH]-ed or until the database connection closes.
** ^The filename returned by this function is the output of the
** xFullPathname method of the [VFS]. ^In other words, the filename
** will be an absolute pathname, even if the filename used
** to open the database originally was a URI or relative pathname.
+** If the filename pointer returned by this routine is not NULL, then it
+** can be used as the filename input parameter to these routines:
+** - [sqlite3_uri_parameter()]
- [sqlite3_uri_boolean()]
- [sqlite3_uri_int64()]
- [sqlite3_filename_database()]
- [sqlite3_filename_journal()]
- [sqlite3_filename_wal()]
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_db_filename(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDbName);
@@ -7104,15 +7360,19 @@ SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_update_hook(
** ^(The cache sharing mode set by this interface effects all subsequent
** calls to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open_v2()], and [sqlite3_open16()].
-** Existing database connections continue use the sharing mode
+** Existing database connections continue to use the sharing mode
** that was in effect at the time they were opened.)^
** ^(This routine returns [SQLITE_OK] if shared cache was enabled or disabled
** successfully. An [error code] is returned otherwise.)^
-** ^Shared cache is disabled by default. But this might change in
-** future releases of SQLite. Applications that care about shared
-** cache setting should set it explicitly.
+** ^Shared cache is disabled by default. It is recommended that it stay
+** that way. In other words, do not use this routine. This interface
+** continues to be provided for historical compatibility, but its use is
+** discouraged. Any use of shared cache is discouraged. If shared cache
+** must be used, it is recommended that shared cache only be enabled for
+** individual database connections using the [sqlite3_open_v2()] interface
+** with the [SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE] flag.
** Note: This method is disabled on MacOS X 10.7 and iOS version 5.0
** and will always return SQLITE_MISUSE. On those systems,
@@ -7159,6 +7419,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_release_memory(sqlite3*);
** CAPI3REF: Impose A Limit On Heap Size
+** These interfaces impose limits on the amount of heap memory that will be
+** by all database connections within a single process.
** ^The sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() interface sets and/or queries the
** soft limit on the amount of heap memory that may be allocated by SQLite.
** ^SQLite strives to keep heap memory utilization below the soft heap
@@ -7169,20 +7432,41 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_release_memory(sqlite3*);
** an [SQLITE_NOMEM] error. In other words, the soft heap limit
** is advisory only.
-** ^The return value from sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() is the size of
-** the soft heap limit prior to the call, or negative in the case of an
+** ^The sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(N) interface sets a hard upper bound of
+** N bytes on the amount of memory that will be allocated. ^The
+** sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(N) interface is similar to
+** sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(N) except that memory allocations will fail
+** when the hard heap limit is reached.
+** ^The return value from both sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() and
+** sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64() is the size of
+** the heap limit prior to the call, or negative in the case of an
** error. ^If the argument N is negative
-** then no change is made to the soft heap limit. Hence, the current
-** size of the soft heap limit can be determined by invoking
-** sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() with a negative argument.
+** then no change is made to the heap limit. Hence, the current
+** size of heap limits can be determined by invoking
+** sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(-1) or sqlite3_hard_heap_limit(-1).
-** ^If the argument N is zero then the soft heap limit is disabled.
+** ^Setting the heap limits to zero disables the heap limiter mechanism.
-** ^(The soft heap limit is not enforced in the current implementation
+** ^The soft heap limit may not be greater than the hard heap limit.
+** ^If the hard heap limit is enabled and if sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(N)
+** is invoked with a value of N that is greater than the hard heap limit,
+** the the soft heap limit is set to the value of the hard heap limit.
+** ^The soft heap limit is automatically enabled whenever the hard heap
+** limit is enabled. ^When sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(N) is invoked and
+** the soft heap limit is outside the range of 1..N, then the soft heap
+** limit is set to N. ^Invoking sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(0) when the
+** hard heap limit is enabled makes the soft heap limit equal to the
+** hard heap limit.
+** The memory allocation limits can also be adjusted using
+** [PRAGMA soft_heap_limit] and [PRAGMA hard_heap_limit].
+** ^(The heap limits are not enforced in the current implementation
** if one or more of following conditions are true:
-** - The soft heap limit is set to zero.
- The limit value is set to zero.
- Memory accounting is disabled using a combination of the
** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS],...) start-time option and
** the [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS] compile-time option.
@@ -7193,21 +7477,11 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_release_memory(sqlite3*);
** from the heap.
-** Beginning with SQLite [version 3.7.3] ([dateof:3.7.3]),
-** the soft heap limit is enforced
-** regardless of whether or not the [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT]
-** compile-time option is invoked. With [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT],
-** the soft heap limit is enforced on every memory allocation. Without
-** [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT], the soft heap limit is only enforced
-** when memory is allocated by the page cache. Testing suggests that because
-** the page cache is the predominate memory user in SQLite, most
-** applications will achieve adequate soft heap limit enforcement without
-** The circumstances under which SQLite will enforce the soft heap limit may
+** The circumstances under which SQLite will enforce the heap limits may
** changes in future releases of SQLite.
SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(sqlite3_int64 N);
+SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(sqlite3_int64 N);
** CAPI3REF: Deprecated Soft Heap Limit Interface
@@ -7231,7 +7505,7 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED void sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(int N);
** interface returns SQLITE_OK and fills in the non-NULL pointers in
** the final five arguments with appropriate values if the specified
** column exists. ^The sqlite3_table_column_metadata() interface returns
-** SQLITE_ERROR and if the specified column does not exist.
+** SQLITE_ERROR if the specified column does not exist.
** ^If the column-name parameter to sqlite3_table_column_metadata() is a
** NULL pointer, then this routine simply checks for the existence of the
** table and returns SQLITE_OK if the table exists and SQLITE_ERROR if it
@@ -7373,7 +7647,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_load_extension(
** to enable or disable only the C-API.)^
** Security warning: It is recommended that extension loading
-** be disabled using the [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION] method
+** be enabled using the [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION] method
** rather than this interface, so the [load_extension()] SQL function
** remains disabled. This will prevent SQL injections from giving attackers
** access to extension loading capabilities.
@@ -7460,7 +7734,7 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_module sqlite3_module;
** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_module {virtual table module}
** This structure, sometimes called a "virtual table module",
-** defines the implementation of a [virtual tables].
+** defines the implementation of a [virtual table].
** This structure consists mostly of methods for the module.
** ^A virtual table module is created by filling in a persistent
@@ -7557,7 +7831,13 @@ struct sqlite3_module {
** the right-hand side of the corresponding aConstraint[] is evaluated
** and becomes the argvIndex-th entry in argv. ^(If aConstraintUsage[].omit
** is true, then the constraint is assumed to be fully handled by the
-** virtual table and is not checked again by SQLite.)^
+** virtual table and might not be checked again by the byte code.)^ ^(The
+** aConstraintUsage[].omit flag is an optimization hint. When the omit flag
+** is left in its default setting of false, the constraint will always be
+** checked separately in byte code. If the omit flag is change to true, then
+** the constraint may or may not be checked in byte code. In other words,
+** when the omit flag is true there is no guarantee that the constraint will
+** not be checked again using byte code.)^
** ^The idxNum and idxPtr values are recorded and passed into the
** [xFilter] method.
@@ -7597,7 +7877,7 @@ struct sqlite3_module {
** If a virtual table extension is
** used with an SQLite version earlier than 3.8.2, the results of attempting
** to read or write the estimatedRows field are undefined (but are likely
-** to included crashing the application). The estimatedRows field should
+** to include crashing the application). The estimatedRows field should
** therefore only be used if [sqlite3_libversion_number()] returns a
** value greater than or equal to 3008002. Similarly, the idxFlags field
** was added for [version 3.9.0] ([dateof:3.9.0]).
@@ -7649,7 +7929,7 @@ struct sqlite3_index_info {
** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Constraint Operator Codes
-** These macros defined the allowed values for the
+** These macros define the allowed values for the
** [sqlite3_index_info].aConstraint[].op field. Each value represents
** an operator that is part of a constraint term in the wHERE clause of
** a query that uses a [virtual table].
@@ -8259,7 +8539,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_mutex_leave(sqlite3_mutex*);
** The only difference is that the public sqlite3_XXX functions enumerated
** above silently ignore any invocations that pass a NULL pointer instead
** of a valid mutex handle. The implementations of the methods defined
-** by this structure are not required to handle this case, the results
+** by this structure are not required to handle this case. The results
** of passing a NULL pointer instead of a valid mutex handle are undefined
** (i.e. it is acceptable to provide an implementation that segfaults if
** it is passed a NULL pointer).
@@ -8448,7 +8728,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...);
@@ -8732,7 +9012,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_status64(
** This parameter records the largest memory allocation request
-** handed to [pagecache memory allocator]. Only the value returned in the
+** handed to the [pagecache memory allocator]. Only the value returned in the
** *pHighwater parameter to [sqlite3_status()] is of interest.
** The value written into the *pCurrent parameter is undefined.)^
@@ -8808,7 +9088,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_status(sqlite3*, int op, int *pCur, int *pHiwtr, int r
** checked out.)^
-** This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that were
+** This parameter returns the number of malloc attempts that were
** satisfied using lookaside memory. Only the high-water value is meaningful;
** the current value is always zero.)^
@@ -8890,7 +9170,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_status(sqlite3*, int op, int *pCur, int *pHiwtr, int r
** cache overflowing. Transactions are more efficient if they are written
** to disk all at once. When pages spill mid-transaction, that introduces
** additional overhead. This parameter can be used help identify
-** inefficiencies that can be resolve by increasing the cache size.
+** inefficiencies that can be resolved by increasing the cache size.
@@ -8979,7 +9259,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_status(sqlite3_stmt*, int op,int resetFlg);
** ^This is the number of times that the prepare statement has been
-** automatically regenerated due to schema changes or change to
+** automatically regenerated due to schema changes or changes to
** [bound parameters] that might affect the query plan.
@@ -9150,7 +9430,7 @@ struct sqlite3_pcache_page {
** ^(SQLite will normally invoke xFetch() with a createFlag of 0 or 1. SQLite
** will only use a createFlag of 2 after a prior call with a createFlag of 1
-** failed.)^ In between the to xFetch() calls, SQLite may
+** failed.)^ In between the xFetch() calls, SQLite may
** attempt to unpin one or more cache pages by spilling the content of
** pinned pages to disk and synching the operating system disk cache.
@@ -9468,7 +9748,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_backup_pagecount(sqlite3_backup *p);
** the first argument to register for a callback that will be invoked
** when the blocking connections current transaction is concluded. ^The
** callback is invoked from within the [sqlite3_step] or [sqlite3_close]
-** call that concludes the blocking connections transaction.
+** call that concludes the blocking connection's transaction.
** ^(If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is called in a multi-threaded application,
** there is a chance that the blocking connection will have already
@@ -9506,7 +9786,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_backup_pagecount(sqlite3_backup *p);
** an unlock-notify callback is a pointer to an array of void* pointers,
** and the second is the number of entries in the array.
-** When a blocking connections transaction is concluded, there may be
+** When a blocking connection's transaction is concluded, there may be
** more than one blocked connection that has registered for an unlock-notify
** callback. ^If two or more such blocked connections have specified the
** same callback function, then instead of invoking the callback function
@@ -9854,14 +10134,20 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(
** If this interface is invoked outside the context of an xConnect or
** xCreate virtual table method then the behavior is undefined.
-** At present, there is only one option that may be configured using
-** this function. (See [SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT].) Further options
-** may be added in the future.
+** In the call sqlite3_vtab_config(D,C,...) the D parameter is the
+** [database connection] in which the virtual table is being created and
+** which is passed in as the first argument to the [xConnect] or [xCreate]
+** method that is invoking sqlite3_vtab_config(). The C parameter is one
+** of the [virtual table configuration options]. The presence and meaning
+** of parameters after C depend on which [virtual table configuration option]
+** is used.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);
** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Configuration Options
+** KEYWORDS: {virtual table configuration options}
+** KEYWORDS: {virtual table configuration option}
** These macros define the various options to the
** [sqlite3_vtab_config()] interface that [virtual table] implementations
@@ -9869,7 +10155,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);
** - Calls of the form
** [sqlite3_vtab_config](db,SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT,X) are supported,
** where X is an integer. If X is zero, then the [virtual table] whose
@@ -9898,9 +10184,31 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);
** return SQLITE_OK. Or, if this is not possible, it may return
** SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, in which case SQLite falls back to OR ABORT
** constraint handling.
+** - Calls of the form
+** [sqlite3_vtab_config](db,SQLITE_VTAB_DIRECTONLY) from within the
+** the [xConnect] or [xCreate] methods of a [virtual table] implmentation
+** prohibits that virtual table from being used from within triggers and
+** views.
+** - Calls of the form
+** [sqlite3_vtab_config](db,SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS) from within the
+** the [xConnect] or [xCreate] methods of a [virtual table] implmentation
+** identify that virtual table as being safe to use from within triggers
+** and views. Conceptually, the SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS tag means that the
+** virtual table can do no serious harm even if it is controlled by a
+** malicious hacker. Developers should avoid setting the SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS
+** flag unless absolutely necessary.
** CAPI3REF: Determine The Virtual Table Conflict Policy
@@ -9980,15 +10288,15 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL const char *sqlite3_vtab_collation(sqlite3_index_
-** - ^The [sqlite3_int64] variable pointed to by the T parameter will be
- ^The [sqlite3_int64] variable pointed to by the V parameter will be
** set to the total number of times that the X-th loop has run.
-** - ^The [sqlite3_int64] variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set
- ^The [sqlite3_int64] variable pointed to by the V parameter will be set
** to the total number of rows examined by all iterations of the X-th loop.
-** - ^The "double" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set to the
- ^The "double" variable pointed to by the V parameter will be set to the
** query planner's estimate for the average number of rows output from each
** iteration of the X-th loop. If the query planner's estimates was accurate,
** then this value will approximate the quotient NVISIT/NLOOP and the
@@ -9996,17 +10304,17 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL const char *sqlite3_vtab_collation(sqlite3_index_
** be the NLOOP value for the current loop.
-** - ^The "const char *" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set
- ^The "const char *" variable pointed to by the V parameter will be set
** to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string containing the name of the index or table
** used for the X-th loop.
-** - ^The "const char *" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set
- ^The "const char *" variable pointed to by the V parameter will be set
** to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string containing the [EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN]
** description for the X-th loop.
-** - ^The "int" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set to the
- ^The "int" variable pointed to by the V parameter will be set to the
** "select-id" for the X-th loop. The select-id identifies which query or
** subquery the loop is part of. The main query has a select-id of zero.
** The select-id is the same value as is output in the first column
@@ -10861,7 +11169,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3session_attach(
** The second argument (xFilter) is the "filter callback". For changes to rows
** in tables that are not attached to the Session object, the filter is called
** to determine whether changes to the table's rows should be tracked or not.
-** If xFilter returns 0, changes is not tracked. Note that once a table is
+** If xFilter returns 0, changes are not tracked. Note that once a table is
** attached, xFilter will not be called again.
SQLITE_API void sqlite3session_table_filter(
@@ -11035,7 +11343,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3session_changeset(
** It an error if database zFrom does not exist or does not contain the
** required compatible table.
-** If the operation successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite
+** If the operation is successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite
** error code. In this case, if argument pzErrMsg is not NULL, *pzErrMsg
** may be set to point to a buffer containing an English language error
** message. It is the responsibility of the caller to free this buffer using
@@ -11172,7 +11480,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3changeset_start_v2(
** CAPI3REF: Advance A Changeset Iterator
** METHOD: sqlite3_changeset_iter
-** This function may only be used with iterators created by function
+** This function may only be used with iterators created by the function
** [sqlite3changeset_start()]. If it is called on an iterator passed to
** a conflict-handler callback by [sqlite3changeset_apply()], SQLITE_MISUSE
** is returned and the call has no effect.
@@ -11588,8 +11896,8 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3changegroup_new(sqlite3_changegroup **pp);
** case, this function fails with SQLITE_SCHEMA. If the input changeset
** appears to be corrupt and the corruption is detected, SQLITE_CORRUPT is
** returned. Or, if an out-of-memory condition occurs during processing, this
-** function returns SQLITE_NOMEM. In all cases, if an error occurs the
-** final contents of the changegroup is undefined.
+** function returns SQLITE_NOMEM. In all cases, if an error occurs the state
+** of the final contents of the changegroup is undefined.
** If no error occurs, SQLITE_OK is returned.
@@ -11764,7 +12072,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3changegroup_delete(sqlite3_changegroup*);
** It is safe to execute SQL statements, including those that write to the
** table that the callback related to, from within the xConflict callback.
-** This can be used to further customize the applications conflict
+** This can be used to further customize the application's conflict
** resolution strategy.
** All changes made by these functions are enclosed in a savepoint transaction.
@@ -12074,7 +12382,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3rebaser_configure(
** Argument pIn must point to a buffer containing a changeset nIn bytes
** in size. This function allocates and populates a buffer with a copy
-** of the changeset rebased rebased according to the configuration of the
+** of the changeset rebased according to the configuration of the
** rebaser object passed as the first argument. If successful, (*ppOut)
** is set to point to the new buffer containing the rebased changeset and
** (*pnOut) to its size in bytes and SQLITE_OK returned. It is the
@@ -12482,7 +12790,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** xSetAuxdata(pFts5, pAux, xDelete)
-** Save the pointer passed as the second argument as the extension functions
+** Save the pointer passed as the second argument as the extension function's
** "auxiliary data". The pointer may then be retrieved by the current or any
** future invocation of the same fts5 extension function made as part of
** the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
@@ -12724,8 +13032,8 @@ struct Fts5ExtensionApi {
** There are several ways to approach this in FTS5:
- By mapping all synonyms to a single token. In this case, the
-** In the above example, this means that the tokenizer returns the
- By mapping all synonyms to a single token. In this case, using
+** the above example, this means that the tokenizer returns the
** same token for inputs "first" and "1st". Say that token is in
** fact "first", so that when the user inserts the document "I won
** 1st place" entries are added to the index for tokens "i", "won",
@@ -13046,9 +13354,12 @@ struct fts5_api {
** The maximum value of a ?nnn wildcard that the parser will accept.
+** If the value exceeds 32767 then extra space is required for the Expr
+** structure. But otherwise, we believe that the number can be as large
+** as a signed 32-bit integer can hold.
/* Maximum page size. The upper bound on this value is 65536. This a limit
@@ -13137,6 +13448,21 @@ struct fts5_api {
#pragma warn -spa /* Suspicious pointer arithmetic */
+** WAL mode depends on atomic aligned 32-bit loads and stores in a few
+** places. The following macros try to make this explicit.
+#ifndef __has_feature
+# define __has_feature(x) 0 /* compatibility with non-clang compilers */
+#if GCC_VERSION>=4007000 || __has_feature(c_atomic)
+# define AtomicLoad(PTR) __atomic_load_n((PTR),__ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+# define AtomicStore(PTR,VAL) __atomic_store_n((PTR),(VAL),__ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+# define AtomicLoad(PTR) (*(PTR))
+# define AtomicStore(PTR,VAL) (*(PTR) = (VAL))
** Include standard header files as necessary
@@ -13397,6 +13723,26 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Coverage(int);
# define NEVER(X) (X)
+** The harmless(X) macro indicates that expression X is usually false
+** but can be true without causing any problems, but we don't know of
+** any way to cause X to be true.
+** In debugging and testing builds, this macro will abort if X is ever
+** true. In this way, developers are alerted to a possible test case
+** that causes X to be true. If a harmless macro ever fails, that is
+** an opportunity to change the macro into a testcase() and add a new
+** test case to the test suite.
+** For normal production builds, harmless(X) is a no-op, since it does
+** not matter whether expression X is true or false.
+# define harmless(X) assert(!(X));
+# define harmless(X)
** Some conditionals are optimizations only. In other words, if the
** conditionals are replaced with a constant 1 (true) or 0 (false) then
@@ -13674,90 +14020,92 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HashClear(Hash*);
#define TK_GROUPS 92
#define TK_OTHERS 93
#define TK_TIES 94
-#define TK_REINDEX 95
-#define TK_RENAME 96
-#define TK_CTIME_KW 97
-#define TK_ANY 98
-#define TK_BITAND 99
-#define TK_BITOR 100
-#define TK_LSHIFT 101
-#define TK_RSHIFT 102
-#define TK_PLUS 103
-#define TK_MINUS 104
-#define TK_STAR 105
-#define TK_SLASH 106
-#define TK_REM 107
-#define TK_CONCAT 108
-#define TK_COLLATE 109
-#define TK_BITNOT 110
-#define TK_ON 111
-#define TK_INDEXED 112
-#define TK_STRING 113
-#define TK_JOIN_KW 114
-#define TK_CONSTRAINT 115
-#define TK_DEFAULT 116
-#define TK_NULL 117
-#define TK_PRIMARY 118
-#define TK_UNIQUE 119
-#define TK_CHECK 120
-#define TK_REFERENCES 121
-#define TK_AUTOINCR 122
-#define TK_INSERT 123
-#define TK_DELETE 124
-#define TK_UPDATE 125
-#define TK_SET 126
-#define TK_DEFERRABLE 127
-#define TK_FOREIGN 128
-#define TK_DROP 129
-#define TK_UNION 130
-#define TK_ALL 131
-#define TK_EXCEPT 132
-#define TK_INTERSECT 133
-#define TK_SELECT 134
-#define TK_VALUES 135
-#define TK_DISTINCT 136
-#define TK_DOT 137
-#define TK_FROM 138
-#define TK_JOIN 139
-#define TK_USING 140
-#define TK_ORDER 141
-#define TK_GROUP 142
-#define TK_HAVING 143
-#define TK_LIMIT 144
-#define TK_WHERE 145
-#define TK_INTO 146
-#define TK_NOTHING 147
-#define TK_FLOAT 148
-#define TK_BLOB 149
-#define TK_INTEGER 150
-#define TK_VARIABLE 151
-#define TK_CASE 152
-#define TK_WHEN 153
-#define TK_THEN 154
-#define TK_ELSE 155
-#define TK_INDEX 156
-#define TK_ALTER 157
-#define TK_ADD 158
-#define TK_WINDOW 159
-#define TK_OVER 160
-#define TK_FILTER 161
-#define TK_COLUMN 162
-#define TK_AGG_FUNCTION 163
-#define TK_AGG_COLUMN 164
-#define TK_TRUEFALSE 165
-#define TK_ISNOT 166
-#define TK_FUNCTION 167
-#define TK_UMINUS 168
-#define TK_UPLUS 169
-#define TK_TRUTH 170
-#define TK_REGISTER 171
-#define TK_VECTOR 172
-#define TK_SELECT_COLUMN 173
-#define TK_IF_NULL_ROW 174
-#define TK_ASTERISK 175
-#define TK_SPAN 176
-#define TK_SPACE 177
-#define TK_ILLEGAL 178
+#define TK_GENERATED 95
+#define TK_ALWAYS 96
+#define TK_REINDEX 97
+#define TK_RENAME 98
+#define TK_CTIME_KW 99
+#define TK_ANY 100
+#define TK_BITAND 101
+#define TK_BITOR 102
+#define TK_LSHIFT 103
+#define TK_RSHIFT 104
+#define TK_PLUS 105
+#define TK_MINUS 106
+#define TK_STAR 107
+#define TK_SLASH 108
+#define TK_REM 109
+#define TK_CONCAT 110
+#define TK_COLLATE 111
+#define TK_BITNOT 112
+#define TK_ON 113
+#define TK_INDEXED 114
+#define TK_STRING 115
+#define TK_JOIN_KW 116
+#define TK_CONSTRAINT 117
+#define TK_DEFAULT 118
+#define TK_NULL 119
+#define TK_PRIMARY 120
+#define TK_UNIQUE 121
+#define TK_CHECK 122
+#define TK_REFERENCES 123
+#define TK_AUTOINCR 124
+#define TK_INSERT 125
+#define TK_DELETE 126
+#define TK_UPDATE 127
+#define TK_SET 128
+#define TK_DEFERRABLE 129
+#define TK_FOREIGN 130
+#define TK_DROP 131
+#define TK_UNION 132
+#define TK_ALL 133
+#define TK_EXCEPT 134
+#define TK_INTERSECT 135
+#define TK_SELECT 136
+#define TK_VALUES 137
+#define TK_DISTINCT 138
+#define TK_DOT 139
+#define TK_FROM 140
+#define TK_JOIN 141
+#define TK_USING 142
+#define TK_ORDER 143
+#define TK_GROUP 144
+#define TK_HAVING 145
+#define TK_LIMIT 146
+#define TK_WHERE 147
+#define TK_INTO 148
+#define TK_NOTHING 149
+#define TK_FLOAT 150
+#define TK_BLOB 151
+#define TK_INTEGER 152
+#define TK_VARIABLE 153
+#define TK_CASE 154
+#define TK_WHEN 155
+#define TK_THEN 156
+#define TK_ELSE 157
+#define TK_INDEX 158
+#define TK_ALTER 159
+#define TK_ADD 160
+#define TK_WINDOW 161
+#define TK_OVER 162
+#define TK_FILTER 163
+#define TK_COLUMN 164
+#define TK_AGG_FUNCTION 165
+#define TK_AGG_COLUMN 166
+#define TK_TRUEFALSE 167
+#define TK_ISNOT 168
+#define TK_FUNCTION 169
+#define TK_UMINUS 170
+#define TK_UPLUS 171
+#define TK_TRUTH 172
+#define TK_REGISTER 173
+#define TK_VECTOR 174
+#define TK_SELECT_COLUMN 175
+#define TK_IF_NULL_ROW 176
+#define TK_ASTERISK 177
+#define TK_SPAN 178
+#define TK_SPACE 179
+#define TK_ILLEGAL 180
/************** End of parse.h ***********************************************/
/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/
@@ -14192,7 +14540,6 @@ struct BusyHandler {
int (*xBusyHandler)(void *,int); /* The busy callback */
void *pBusyArg; /* First arg to busy callback */
int nBusy; /* Incremented with each busy call */
- u8 bExtraFileArg; /* Include sqlite3_file as callback arg */
@@ -14355,6 +14702,7 @@ typedef struct With With;
** A bit in a Bitmask
#define MASKBIT(n) (((Bitmask)1)<<(n))
+#define MASKBIT64(n) (((u64)1)<<(n))
#define MASKBIT32(n) (((unsigned int)1)<<(n))
#define ALLBITS ((Bitmask)-1)
@@ -14449,7 +14797,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(Btree*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeMaxPageCount(Btree*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3BtreeLastPage(Btree*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSecureDelete(Btree*,int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetOptimalReserve(Btree*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetRequestedReserve(Btree*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(Btree *p);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *);
@@ -14681,6 +15029,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeNext(BtCursor*, int flags);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeEof(BtCursor*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreePrevious(BtCursor*, int flags);
SQLITE_PRIVATE i64 sqlite3BtreeIntegerKey(BtCursor*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorPin(BtCursor*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorUnpin(BtCursor*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE i64 sqlite3BtreeOffset(BtCursor*);
@@ -14689,7 +15039,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const void *sqlite3BtreePayloadFetch(BtCursor*, u32 *pAmt);
SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3BtreePayloadSize(BtCursor*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_int64 sqlite3BtreeMaxRecordSize(BtCursor*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(Btree*, int *aRoot, int nRoot, int, int*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(sqlite3*,Btree*,int*aRoot,int nRoot,int,int*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE struct Pager *sqlite3BtreePager(Btree*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE i64 sqlite3BtreeRowCountEst(BtCursor*);
@@ -14709,9 +15059,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(BtCursor*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValidNN(BtCursor*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCount(BtCursor *, i64 *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCount(sqlite3*, BtCursor*, i64*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorInfo(BtCursor*, int*, int);
@@ -14967,30 +15315,30 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
#define OP_SeekLE 23 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
#define OP_SeekGE 24 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
#define OP_SeekGT 25 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_IfNoHope 26 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_NoConflict 27 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_NotFound 28 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_Found 29 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_SeekRowid 30 /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
-#define OP_NotExists 31 /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
-#define OP_Last 32 /* jump */
-#define OP_IfSmaller 33 /* jump */
-#define OP_SorterSort 34 /* jump */
-#define OP_Sort 35 /* jump */
-#define OP_Rewind 36 /* jump */
-#define OP_IdxLE 37 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_IdxGT 38 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_IdxLT 39 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_IdxGE 40 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
-#define OP_RowSetRead 41 /* jump, synopsis: r[P3]=rowset(P1) */
-#define OP_RowSetTest 42 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P3] in rowset(P1) goto P2 */
+#define OP_IfNotOpen 26 /* jump, synopsis: if( !csr[P1] ) goto P2 */
+#define OP_IfNoHope 27 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_NoConflict 28 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_NotFound 29 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_Found 30 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_SeekRowid 31 /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
+#define OP_NotExists 32 /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
+#define OP_Last 33 /* jump */
+#define OP_IfSmaller 34 /* jump */
+#define OP_SorterSort 35 /* jump */
+#define OP_Sort 36 /* jump */
+#define OP_Rewind 37 /* jump */
+#define OP_IdxLE 38 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_IdxGT 39 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_IdxLT 40 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_IdxGE 41 /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
+#define OP_RowSetRead 42 /* jump, synopsis: r[P3]=rowset(P1) */
#define OP_Or 43 /* same as TK_OR, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] || r[P2]) */
#define OP_And 44 /* same as TK_AND, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] && r[P2]) */
-#define OP_Program 45 /* jump */
-#define OP_FkIfZero 46 /* jump, synopsis: if fkctr[P1]==0 goto P2 */
-#define OP_IfPos 47 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P1]-=P3, goto P2 */
-#define OP_IfNotZero 48 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]!=0 then r[P1]--, goto P2 */
-#define OP_DecrJumpZero 49 /* jump, synopsis: if (--r[P1])==0 goto P2 */
+#define OP_RowSetTest 45 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P3] in rowset(P1) goto P2 */
+#define OP_Program 46 /* jump */
+#define OP_FkIfZero 47 /* jump, synopsis: if fkctr[P1]==0 goto P2 */
+#define OP_IfPos 48 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P1]-=P3, goto P2 */
+#define OP_IfNotZero 49 /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]!=0 then r[P1]--, goto P2 */
#define OP_IsNull 50 /* jump, same as TK_ISNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]==NULL goto P2 */
#define OP_NotNull 51 /* jump, same as TK_NOTNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]!=NULL goto P2 */
#define OP_Ne 52 /* jump, same as TK_NE, synopsis: IF r[P3]!=r[P1] */
@@ -15000,83 +15348,83 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
#define OP_Lt 56 /* jump, same as TK_LT, synopsis: IF r[P3]=r[P1] */
#define OP_ElseNotEq 58 /* jump, same as TK_ESCAPE */
-#define OP_IncrVacuum 59 /* jump */
-#define OP_VNext 60 /* jump */
-#define OP_Init 61 /* jump, synopsis: Start at P2 */
-#define OP_PureFunc0 62
-#define OP_Function0 63 /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@P5]) */
-#define OP_PureFunc 64
-#define OP_Function 65 /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@P5]) */
-#define OP_Return 66
-#define OP_EndCoroutine 67
-#define OP_HaltIfNull 68 /* synopsis: if r[P3]=null halt */
-#define OP_Halt 69
-#define OP_Integer 70 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P1 */
-#define OP_Int64 71 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
-#define OP_String 72 /* synopsis: r[P2]='P4' (len=P1) */
-#define OP_Null 73 /* synopsis: r[P2..P3]=NULL */
-#define OP_SoftNull 74 /* synopsis: r[P1]=NULL */
-#define OP_Blob 75 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 (len=P1) */
-#define OP_Variable 76 /* synopsis: r[P2]=parameter(P1,P4) */
-#define OP_Move 77 /* synopsis: r[P2@P3]=r[P1@P3] */
-#define OP_Copy 78 /* synopsis: r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1] */
-#define OP_SCopy 79 /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
-#define OP_IntCopy 80 /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
-#define OP_ResultRow 81 /* synopsis: output=r[P1@P2] */
-#define OP_CollSeq 82
-#define OP_AddImm 83 /* synopsis: r[P1]=r[P1]+P2 */
-#define OP_RealAffinity 84
-#define OP_Cast 85 /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1]) */
-#define OP_Permutation 86
-#define OP_Compare 87 /* synopsis: r[P1@P3] <-> r[P2@P3] */
-#define OP_IsTrue 88 /* synopsis: r[P2] = coalesce(r[P1]==TRUE,P3) ^ P4 */
-#define OP_Offset 89 /* synopsis: r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1) */
-#define OP_Column 90 /* synopsis: r[P3]=PX */
-#define OP_Affinity 91 /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1@P2]) */
-#define OP_MakeRecord 92 /* synopsis: r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2]) */
-#define OP_Count 93 /* synopsis: r[P2]=count() */
-#define OP_ReadCookie 94
-#define OP_SetCookie 95
-#define OP_ReopenIdx 96 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
-#define OP_OpenRead 97 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
-#define OP_OpenWrite 98 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
-#define OP_BitAnd 99 /* same as TK_BITAND, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2] */
-#define OP_BitOr 100 /* same as TK_BITOR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2] */
-#define OP_ShiftLeft 101 /* same as TK_LSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]<>r[P1] */
-#define OP_Add 103 /* same as TK_PLUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2] */
-#define OP_Subtract 104 /* same as TK_MINUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1] */
-#define OP_Multiply 105 /* same as TK_STAR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2] */
-#define OP_Divide 106 /* same as TK_SLASH, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1] */
-#define OP_Remainder 107 /* same as TK_REM, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1] */
-#define OP_Concat 108 /* same as TK_CONCAT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1] */
-#define OP_OpenDup 109
-#define OP_BitNot 110 /* same as TK_BITNOT, synopsis: r[P2]= ~r[P1] */
-#define OP_OpenAutoindex 111 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
-#define OP_OpenEphemeral 112 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
-#define OP_String8 113 /* same as TK_STRING, synopsis: r[P2]='P4' */
-#define OP_SorterOpen 114
-#define OP_SequenceTest 115 /* synopsis: if( cursor[P1].ctr++ ) pc = P2 */
-#define OP_OpenPseudo 116 /* synopsis: P3 columns in r[P2] */
-#define OP_Close 117
-#define OP_ColumnsUsed 118
-#define OP_SeekHit 119 /* synopsis: seekHit=P2 */
-#define OP_Sequence 120 /* synopsis: r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++ */
-#define OP_NewRowid 121 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
-#define OP_Insert 122 /* synopsis: intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2] */
-#define OP_Delete 123
-#define OP_ResetCount 124
-#define OP_SorterCompare 125 /* synopsis: if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2 */
-#define OP_SorterData 126 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
-#define OP_RowData 127 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
-#define OP_Rowid 128 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
-#define OP_NullRow 129
-#define OP_SeekEnd 130
+#define OP_DecrJumpZero 59 /* jump, synopsis: if (--r[P1])==0 goto P2 */
+#define OP_IncrVacuum 60 /* jump */
+#define OP_VNext 61 /* jump */
+#define OP_Init 62 /* jump, synopsis: Start at P2 */
+#define OP_PureFunc 63 /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */
+#define OP_Function 64 /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */
+#define OP_Return 65
+#define OP_EndCoroutine 66
+#define OP_HaltIfNull 67 /* synopsis: if r[P3]=null halt */
+#define OP_Halt 68
+#define OP_Integer 69 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P1 */
+#define OP_Int64 70 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
+#define OP_String 71 /* synopsis: r[P2]='P4' (len=P1) */
+#define OP_Null 72 /* synopsis: r[P2..P3]=NULL */
+#define OP_SoftNull 73 /* synopsis: r[P1]=NULL */
+#define OP_Blob 74 /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 (len=P1) */
+#define OP_Variable 75 /* synopsis: r[P2]=parameter(P1,P4) */
+#define OP_Move 76 /* synopsis: r[P2@P3]=r[P1@P3] */
+#define OP_Copy 77 /* synopsis: r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1] */
+#define OP_SCopy 78 /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
+#define OP_IntCopy 79 /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
+#define OP_ResultRow 80 /* synopsis: output=r[P1@P2] */
+#define OP_CollSeq 81
+#define OP_AddImm 82 /* synopsis: r[P1]=r[P1]+P2 */
+#define OP_RealAffinity 83
+#define OP_Cast 84 /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1]) */
+#define OP_Permutation 85
+#define OP_Compare 86 /* synopsis: r[P1@P3] <-> r[P2@P3] */
+#define OP_IsTrue 87 /* synopsis: r[P2] = coalesce(r[P1]==TRUE,P3) ^ P4 */
+#define OP_Offset 88 /* synopsis: r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1) */
+#define OP_Column 89 /* synopsis: r[P3]=PX */
+#define OP_Affinity 90 /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1@P2]) */
+#define OP_MakeRecord 91 /* synopsis: r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2]) */
+#define OP_Count 92 /* synopsis: r[P2]=count() */
+#define OP_ReadCookie 93
+#define OP_SetCookie 94
+#define OP_ReopenIdx 95 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
+#define OP_OpenRead 96 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
+#define OP_OpenWrite 97 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
+#define OP_OpenDup 98
+#define OP_OpenAutoindex 99 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
+#define OP_OpenEphemeral 100 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
+#define OP_BitAnd 101 /* same as TK_BITAND, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2] */
+#define OP_BitOr 102 /* same as TK_BITOR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2] */
+#define OP_ShiftLeft 103 /* same as TK_LSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]<>r[P1] */
+#define OP_Add 105 /* same as TK_PLUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2] */
+#define OP_Subtract 106 /* same as TK_MINUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1] */
+#define OP_Multiply 107 /* same as TK_STAR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2] */
+#define OP_Divide 108 /* same as TK_SLASH, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1] */
+#define OP_Remainder 109 /* same as TK_REM, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1] */
+#define OP_Concat 110 /* same as TK_CONCAT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1] */
+#define OP_SorterOpen 111
+#define OP_BitNot 112 /* same as TK_BITNOT, synopsis: r[P2]= ~r[P1] */
+#define OP_SequenceTest 113 /* synopsis: if( cursor[P1].ctr++ ) pc = P2 */
+#define OP_OpenPseudo 114 /* synopsis: P3 columns in r[P2] */
+#define OP_String8 115 /* same as TK_STRING, synopsis: r[P2]='P4' */
+#define OP_Close 116
+#define OP_ColumnsUsed 117
+#define OP_SeekHit 118 /* synopsis: seekHit=P2 */
+#define OP_Sequence 119 /* synopsis: r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++ */
+#define OP_NewRowid 120 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
+#define OP_Insert 121 /* synopsis: intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2] */
+#define OP_Delete 122
+#define OP_ResetCount 123
+#define OP_SorterCompare 124 /* synopsis: if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2 */
+#define OP_SorterData 125 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
+#define OP_RowData 126 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
+#define OP_Rowid 127 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
+#define OP_NullRow 128
+#define OP_SeekEnd 129
+#define OP_IdxInsert 130 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
#define OP_SorterInsert 131 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
-#define OP_IdxInsert 132 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
-#define OP_IdxDelete 133 /* synopsis: key=r[P2@P3] */
-#define OP_DeferredSeek 134 /* synopsis: Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed */
-#define OP_IdxRowid 135 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
+#define OP_IdxDelete 132 /* synopsis: key=r[P2@P3] */
+#define OP_DeferredSeek 133 /* synopsis: Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed */
+#define OP_IdxRowid 134 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
+#define OP_FinishSeek 135
#define OP_Destroy 136
#define OP_Clear 137
#define OP_ResetSorter 138
@@ -15089,9 +15437,9 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
#define OP_DropTrigger 145
#define OP_IntegrityCk 146
#define OP_RowSetAdd 147 /* synopsis: rowset(P1)=r[P2] */
-#define OP_Real 148 /* same as TK_FLOAT, synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
-#define OP_Param 149
-#define OP_FkCounter 150 /* synopsis: fkctr[P1]+=P2 */
+#define OP_Param 148
+#define OP_FkCounter 149 /* synopsis: fkctr[P1]+=P2 */
+#define OP_Real 150 /* same as TK_FLOAT, synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
#define OP_MemMax 151 /* synopsis: r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2]) */
#define OP_OffsetLimit 152 /* synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1) */
#define OP_AggInverse 153 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5]) */
@@ -15100,20 +15448,23 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
#define OP_AggValue 156 /* synopsis: r[P3]=value N=P2 */
#define OP_AggFinal 157 /* synopsis: accum=r[P1] N=P2 */
#define OP_Expire 158
-#define OP_TableLock 159 /* synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3 */
-#define OP_VBegin 160
-#define OP_VCreate 161
-#define OP_VDestroy 162
-#define OP_VOpen 163
-#define OP_VColumn 164 /* synopsis: r[P3]=vcolumn(P2) */
-#define OP_VRename 165
-#define OP_Pagecount 166
-#define OP_MaxPgcnt 167
-#define OP_Trace 168
-#define OP_CursorHint 169
-#define OP_Noop 170
-#define OP_Explain 171
-#define OP_Abortable 172
+#define OP_CursorLock 159
+#define OP_CursorUnlock 160
+#define OP_TableLock 161 /* synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3 */
+#define OP_VBegin 162
+#define OP_VCreate 163
+#define OP_VDestroy 164
+#define OP_VOpen 165
+#define OP_VColumn 166 /* synopsis: r[P3]=vcolumn(P2) */
+#define OP_VRename 167
+#define OP_Pagecount 168
+#define OP_MaxPgcnt 169
+#define OP_Trace 170
+#define OP_CursorHint 171
+#define OP_ReleaseReg 172 /* synopsis: release r[P1@P2] mask P3 */
+#define OP_Noop 173
+#define OP_Explain 174
+#define OP_Abortable 175
/* Properties such as "out2" or "jump" that are specified in
** comments following the "case" for each opcode in the vdbe.c
@@ -15129,25 +15480,26 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
/* 0 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10,\
/* 8 */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03,\
/* 16 */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x12, 0x03, 0x01, 0x09, 0x09,\
-/* 24 */ 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,\
-/* 32 */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,\
-/* 40 */ 0x01, 0x23, 0x0b, 0x26, 0x26, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03,\
+/* 24 */ 0x09, 0x09, 0x01, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,\
+/* 32 */ 0x09, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,\
+/* 40 */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x23, 0x26, 0x26, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x01,\
/* 48 */ 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x0b,\
-/* 56 */ 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 64 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10,\
-/* 72 */ 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,\
-/* 80 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 88 */ 0x12, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00,\
-/* 96 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26,\
-/* 104 */ 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00,\
-/* 112 */ 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 120 */ 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 128 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,\
+/* 56 */ 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00,\
+/* 64 */ 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,\
+/* 72 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10,\
+/* 80 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12,\
+/* 88 */ 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,\
+/* 96 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26,\
+/* 104 */ 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x00,\
+/* 112 */ 0x12, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,\
+/* 120 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,\
+/* 128 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,\
/* 136 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 144 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04,\
+/* 144 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x04,\
/* 152 */ 0x1a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 160 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10,\
-/* 168 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,}
+/* 160 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
+/* 168 */ 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
/* The sqlite3P2Values() routine is able to run faster if it knows
** the value of the largest JUMP opcode. The smaller the maximum
@@ -15155,7 +15507,7 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
** generated this include file strives to group all JUMP opcodes
** together near the beginning of the list.
-#define SQLITE_MX_JUMP_OPCODE 61 /* Maximum JUMP opcode */
+#define SQLITE_MX_JUMP_OPCODE 62 /* Maximum JUMP opcode */
/************** End of opcodes.h *********************************************/
/************** Continuing where we left off in vdbe.h ***********************/
@@ -15171,6 +15523,7 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
** for a description of what each of these routines does.
SQLITE_PRIVATE Vdbe *sqlite3VdbeCreate(Parse*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Parse *sqlite3VdbeParser(Vdbe*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(Vdbe*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(Vdbe*,int,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(Vdbe*,int,int,int);
@@ -15181,6 +15534,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(Vdbe*,int,int,int,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(Vdbe*,int,int,int,int,const char *zP4,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Dup8(Vdbe*,int,int,int,int,const u8*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(Vdbe*,int,int,int,int,int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddFunctionCall(Parse*,int,int,int,int,const FuncDef*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeEndCoroutine(Vdbe*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeVerifyNoMallocRequired(Vdbe *p, int N);
@@ -15220,8 +15574,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(Vdbe*, int addr, int P2);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(Vdbe*, int addr, int P3);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(Vdbe*, u16 P5);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(Vdbe*, int addr);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeJumpHereOrPopInst(Vdbe*, int addr);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(Vdbe*, int addr);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeDeletePriorOpcode(Vdbe*, u8 op);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(Parse*,int addr, int n, u32 mask, int);
+# define sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(P,A,N,M,F)
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(Vdbe*, int addr, const char *zP4, int N);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(Vdbe*, void *pP4, int p4type);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetP4KeyInfo(Parse*, Index*);
@@ -15270,11 +15630,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE UnpackedRecord *sqlite3VdbeAllocUnpackedRecord(KeyInfo*);
typedef int (*RecordCompare)(int,const void*,UnpackedRecord*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE RecordCompare sqlite3VdbeFindCompare(UnpackedRecord*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeLinkSubProgram(Vdbe *, SubProgram *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeHasSubProgram(Vdbe*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3NotPureFunc(sqlite3_context*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeBytecodeVtabInit(sqlite3*);
/* Use SQLITE_ENABLE_COMMENTS to enable generation of extra comments on
** each VDBE opcode.
@@ -15511,9 +15873,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerReadFileheader(Pager*, int, unsigned char*);
/* Functions used to configure a Pager object. */
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetBusyHandler(Pager*, int(*)(void *), void *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager*, u32*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerAlignReserve(Pager*,Pager*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMaxPageCount(Pager*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetCachesize(Pager*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSetSpillsize(Pager*, int);
@@ -15563,14 +15922,22 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenWal(Pager *pPager, int *pisOpen);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCloseWal(Pager *pPager, sqlite3*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotGet(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_snapshot **ppSnapshot);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotOpen(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotGet(Pager*, sqlite3_snapshot **ppSnapshot);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotOpen(Pager*, sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotRecover(Pager *pPager);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotCheck(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSnapshotUnlock(Pager *pPager);
# endif
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalWriteLock(Pager*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerWalDb(Pager*, sqlite3*);
+# define sqlite3PagerWalWriteLock(y,z) SQLITE_OK
+# define sqlite3PagerWalDb(x,y)
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerDirectReadOk(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno);
@@ -15586,7 +15953,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3PagerDataVersion(Pager*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerRefcount(Pager*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMemUsed(Pager*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(const Pager*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_vfs *sqlite3PagerVfs(Pager*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_file *sqlite3PagerFile(Pager*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_file *sqlite3PagerJrnlFile(Pager*);
@@ -15596,21 +15963,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerIsMemdb(Pager*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerCacheStat(Pager *, int, int, int *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerClearCache(Pager*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SectorSize(sqlite3_file *);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerResetLockTimeout(Pager *pPager);
-# define sqlite3PagerResetLockTimeout(X)
/* Functions used to truncate the database file. */
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(Pager*,Pgno);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerRekey(DbPage*, Pgno, u16);
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_WAL)
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerCodec(DbPage *);
/* Functions to support testing and debugging. */
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST)
SQLITE_PRIVATE Pgno sqlite3PagerPagenumber(DbPage*);
@@ -16278,7 +16636,6 @@ struct Schema {
#define DB_SchemaLoaded 0x0001 /* The schema has been loaded */
#define DB_UnresetViews 0x0002 /* Some views have defined column names */
-#define DB_Empty 0x0004 /* The file is empty (length 0 bytes) */
#define DB_ResetWanted 0x0008 /* Reset the schema when nSchemaLock==0 */
@@ -16306,15 +16663,47 @@ struct Schema {
** is shared by multiple database connections. Therefore, while parsing
** schema information, the Lookaside.bEnabled flag is cleared so that
** lookaside allocations are not used to construct the schema objects.
+** New lookaside allocations are only allowed if bDisable==0. When
+** bDisable is greater than zero, sz is set to zero which effectively
+** disables lookaside without adding a new test for the bDisable flag
+** in a performance-critical path. sz should be set by to szTrue whenever
+** bDisable changes back to zero.
+** Lookaside buffers are initially held on the pInit list. As they are
+** used and freed, they are added back to the pFree list. New allocations
+** come off of pFree first, then pInit as a fallback. This dual-list
+** allows use to compute a high-water mark - the maximum number of allocations
+** outstanding at any point in the past - by subtracting the number of
+** allocations on the pInit list from the total number of allocations.
+** Enhancement on 2019-12-12: Two-size-lookaside
+** The default lookaside configuration is 100 slots of 1200 bytes each.
+** The larger slot sizes are important for performance, but they waste
+** a lot of space, as most lookaside allocations are less than 128 bytes.
+** The two-size-lookaside enhancement breaks up the lookaside allocation
+** into two pools: One of 128-byte slots and the other of the default size
+** (1200-byte) slots. Allocations are filled from the small-pool first,
+** failing over to the full-size pool if that does not work. Thus more
+** lookaside slots are available while also using less memory.
+** This enhancement can be omitted by compiling with
struct Lookaside {
u32 bDisable; /* Only operate the lookaside when zero */
u16 sz; /* Size of each buffer in bytes */
+ u16 szTrue; /* True value of sz, even if disabled */
u8 bMalloced; /* True if pStart obtained from sqlite3_malloc() */
u32 nSlot; /* Number of lookaside slots allocated */
u32 anStat[3]; /* 0: hits. 1: size misses. 2: full misses */
LookasideSlot *pInit; /* List of buffers not previously used */
LookasideSlot *pFree; /* List of available buffers */
+ LookasideSlot *pSmallInit; /* List of small buffers not prediously used */
+ LookasideSlot *pSmallFree; /* List of available small buffers */
+ void *pMiddle; /* First byte past end of full-size buffers and
+ ** the first byte of LOOKASIDE_SMALL buffers */
void *pStart; /* First byte of available memory space */
void *pEnd; /* First byte past end of available space */
@@ -16322,6 +16711,17 @@ struct LookasideSlot {
LookasideSlot *pNext; /* Next buffer in the list of free buffers */
+#define DisableLookaside db->lookaside.bDisable++;db->lookaside.sz=0
+#define EnableLookaside db->lookaside.bDisable--;\
+ db->lookaside.sz=db->lookaside.bDisable?0:db->lookaside.szTrue
+/* Size of the smaller allocations in two-size lookside */
+# define LOOKASIDE_SMALL 128
** A hash table for built-in function definitions. (Application-defined
** functions use a regular table table from hash.h.)
@@ -16393,7 +16793,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CryptFunc(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**);
struct sqlite3 {
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs; /* OS Interface */
struct Vdbe *pVdbe; /* List of active virtual machines */
- CollSeq *pDfltColl; /* The default collating sequence (BINARY) */
+ CollSeq *pDfltColl; /* BINARY collseq for the database encoding */
sqlite3_mutex *mutex; /* Connection mutex */
Db *aDb; /* All backends */
int nDb; /* Number of backends currently in use */
@@ -16496,6 +16896,7 @@ struct sqlite3 {
BusyHandler busyHandler; /* Busy callback */
Db aDbStatic[2]; /* Static space for the 2 default backends */
Savepoint *pSavepoint; /* List of active savepoints */
+ int nAnalysisLimit; /* Number of index rows to ANALYZE */
int busyTimeout; /* Busy handler timeout, in msec */
int nSavepoint; /* Number of non-transaction savepoints */
int nStatement; /* Number of nested statement-transactions */
@@ -16530,6 +16931,13 @@ struct sqlite3 {
#define SCHEMA_ENC(db) ((db)->aDb[0].pSchema->enc)
#define ENC(db) ((db)->enc)
+** A u64 constant where the lower 32 bits are all zeros. Only the
+** upper 32 bits are included in the argument. Necessary because some
+** C-compilers still do not accept LL integer literals.
+#define HI(X) ((u64)(X)<<32)
** Possible values for the sqlite3.flags.
@@ -16545,9 +16953,8 @@ struct sqlite3 {
#define SQLITE_CkptFullFSync 0x00000010 /* Use full fsync for checkpoint */
#define SQLITE_CacheSpill 0x00000020 /* OK to spill pager cache */
#define SQLITE_ShortColNames 0x00000040 /* Show short columns names */
-#define SQLITE_CountRows 0x00000080 /* Count rows changed by INSERT, */
- /* DELETE, or UPDATE and return */
- /* the count using a callback. */
+#define SQLITE_TrustedSchema 0x00000080 /* Allow unsafe functions and
+ ** vtabs in the schema definition */
#define SQLITE_NullCallback 0x00000100 /* Invoke the callback once if the */
/* result set is empty */
#define SQLITE_IgnoreChecks 0x00000200 /* Do not enforce check constraints */
@@ -16573,9 +16980,11 @@ struct sqlite3 {
#define SQLITE_DqsDDL 0x20000000 /* dbl-quoted strings allowed in DDL*/
#define SQLITE_DqsDML 0x40000000 /* dbl-quoted strings allowed in DML*/
#define SQLITE_EnableView 0x80000000 /* Enable the use of views */
+#define SQLITE_CountRows HI(0x00001) /* Count rows changed by INSERT, */
+ /* DELETE, or UPDATE and return */
+ /* the count using a callback. */
/* Flags used only if debugging */
-#define HI(X) ((u64)(X)<<32)
#define SQLITE_SqlTrace HI(0x0100000) /* Debug print SQL as it executes */
#define SQLITE_VdbeListing HI(0x0200000) /* Debug listings of VDBE progs */
@@ -16593,6 +17002,8 @@ struct sqlite3 {
#define DBFLAG_Vacuum 0x0004 /* Currently in a VACUUM */
#define DBFLAG_VacuumInto 0x0008 /* Currently running VACUUM INTO */
#define DBFLAG_SchemaKnownOk 0x0010 /* Schema is known to be valid */
+#define DBFLAG_InternalFunc 0x0020 /* Allow use of internal functions */
+#define DBFLAG_EncodingFixed 0x0040 /* No longer possible to change enc. */
** Bits of the sqlite3.dbOptFlags field that are used by the
@@ -16700,6 +17111,7 @@ struct FuncDestructor {
** SQLITE_FUNC_ENCMASK depends on SQLITE_UTF* macros in the API
@@ -16710,18 +17122,29 @@ struct FuncDestructor {
#define SQLITE_FUNC_LENGTH 0x0040 /* Built-in length() function */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_TYPEOF 0x0080 /* Built-in typeof() function */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_COUNT 0x0100 /* Built-in count(*) aggregate */
-#define SQLITE_FUNC_COALESCE 0x0200 /* Built-in coalesce() or ifnull() */
+/* 0x0200 -- available for reuse */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_UNLIKELY 0x0400 /* Built-in unlikely() function */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_CONSTANT 0x0800 /* Constant inputs give a constant output */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX 0x1000 /* True for min() and max() aggregates */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_SLOCHNG 0x2000 /* "Slow Change". Value constant during a
** single query - might change over time */
-#define SQLITE_FUNC_AFFINITY 0x4000 /* Built-in affinity() function */
+#define SQLITE_FUNC_TEST 0x4000 /* Built-in testing functions */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_OFFSET 0x8000 /* Built-in sqlite_offset() function */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_WINDOW 0x00010000 /* Built-in window-only function */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_INTERNAL 0x00040000 /* For use by NestedParse() only */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_DIRECT 0x00080000 /* Not for use in TRIGGERs or VIEWs */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_SUBTYPE 0x00100000 /* Result likely to have sub-type */
+#define SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE 0x00200000 /* Function has side effects */
+#define SQLITE_FUNC_INLINE 0x00400000 /* Functions implemented in-line */
+/* Identifier numbers for each in-line function */
+#define INLINEFUNC_coalesce 0
+#define INLINEFUNC_implies_nonnull_row 1
+#define INLINEFUNC_expr_implies_expr 2
+#define INLINEFUNC_expr_compare 3
+#define INLINEFUNC_affinity 4
+#define INLINEFUNC_iif 5
+#define INLINEFUNC_unlikely 99 /* Default case */
** The following three macros, FUNCTION(), LIKEFUNC() and AGGREGATE() are
@@ -16737,6 +17160,22 @@ struct FuncDestructor {
** VFUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc)
** Like FUNCTION except it omits the SQLITE_FUNC_CONSTANT flag.
+** SFUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc)
+** Like FUNCTION except it omits the SQLITE_FUNC_CONSTANT flag and
+** adds the SQLITE_DIRECTONLY flag.
+** INLINE_FUNC(zName, nArg, iFuncId, mFlags)
+** zName is the name of a function that is implemented by in-line
+** byte code rather than by the usual callbacks. The iFuncId
+** parameter determines the function id. The mFlags parameter is
+** optional SQLITE_FUNC_ flags for this function.
+** TEST_FUNC(zName, nArg, iFuncId, mFlags)
+** zName is the name of a test-only function implemented by in-line
+** byte code rather than by the usual callbacks. The iFuncId
+** parameter determines the function id. The mFlags parameter is
+** optional SQLITE_FUNC_ flags for this function.
** DFUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc)
** Like FUNCTION except it omits the SQLITE_FUNC_CONSTANT flag and
** adds the SQLITE_FUNC_SLOCHNG flag. Used for date & time functions
@@ -16776,6 +17215,16 @@ struct FuncDestructor {
#define VFUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc) \
SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(iArg), 0, xFunc, 0, 0, 0, #zName, {0} }
+#define SFUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc) \
+ SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(iArg), 0, xFunc, 0, 0, 0, #zName, {0} }
+#define INLINE_FUNC(zName, nArg, iArg, mFlags) \
+ SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(iArg), 0, noopFunc, 0, 0, 0, #zName, {0} }
+#define TEST_FUNC(zName, nArg, iArg, mFlags) \
+ SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(iArg), 0, noopFunc, 0, 0, 0, #zName, {0} }
#define DFUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc) \
0, 0, xFunc, 0, 0, 0, #zName, {0} }
@@ -16791,12 +17240,6 @@ struct FuncDestructor {
#define LIKEFUNC(zName, nArg, arg, flags) \
(void *)arg, 0, likeFunc, 0, 0, 0, #zName, {0} }
-#define AGGREGATE(zName, nArg, arg, nc, xStep, xFinal, xValue) \
- SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(arg), 0, xStep,xFinal,xValue,0,#zName, {0}}
-#define AGGREGATE2(zName, nArg, arg, nc, xStep, xFinal, extraFlags) \
- {nArg, SQLITE_UTF8|(nc*SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL)|extraFlags, \
- SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(arg), 0, xStep,xFinal,xFinal,0,#zName, {0}}
#define WAGGREGATE(zName, nArg, arg, nc, xStep, xFinal, xValue, xInverse, f) \
SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(arg), 0, xStep,xFinal,xValue,xInverse,#zName, {0}}
@@ -16842,26 +17285,46 @@ struct Module {
-** information about each column of an SQL table is held in an instance
-** of this structure.
+** Information about each column of an SQL table is held in an instance
+** of the Column structure, in the Table.aCol[] array.
+** Definitions:
+** "table column index" This is the index of the column in the
+** Table.aCol[] array, and also the index of
+** the column in the original CREATE TABLE stmt.
+** "storage column index" This is the index of the column in the
+** record BLOB generated by the OP_MakeRecord
+** opcode. The storage column index is less than
+** or equal to the table column index. It is
+** equal if and only if there are no VIRTUAL
+** columns to the left.
struct Column {
char *zName; /* Name of this column, \000, then the type */
- Expr *pDflt; /* Default value of this column */
+ Expr *pDflt; /* Default value or GENERATED ALWAYS AS value */
char *zColl; /* Collating sequence. If NULL, use the default */
u8 notNull; /* An OE_ code for handling a NOT NULL constraint */
char affinity; /* One of the SQLITE_AFF_... values */
u8 szEst; /* Estimated size of value in this column. sizeof(INT)==1 */
- u8 colFlags; /* Boolean properties. See COLFLAG_ defines below */
+ u8 hName; /* Column name hash for faster lookup */
+ u16 colFlags; /* Boolean properties. See COLFLAG_ defines below */
/* Allowed values for Column.colFlags:
-#define COLFLAG_PRIMKEY 0x0001 /* Column is part of the primary key */
-#define COLFLAG_HIDDEN 0x0002 /* A hidden column in a virtual table */
-#define COLFLAG_HASTYPE 0x0004 /* Type name follows column name */
-#define COLFLAG_UNIQUE 0x0008 /* Column def contains "UNIQUE" or "PK" */
+#define COLFLAG_PRIMKEY 0x0001 /* Column is part of the primary key */
+#define COLFLAG_HIDDEN 0x0002 /* A hidden column in a virtual table */
+#define COLFLAG_HASTYPE 0x0004 /* Type name follows column name */
+#define COLFLAG_UNIQUE 0x0008 /* Column def contains "UNIQUE" or "PK" */
#define COLFLAG_SORTERREF 0x0010 /* Use sorter-refs with this column */
+#define COLFLAG_NOTAVAIL 0x0080 /* STORED column not yet calculated */
+#define COLFLAG_BUSY 0x0100 /* Blocks recursion on GENERATED columns */
+#define COLFLAG_GENERATED 0x0060 /* Combo: _STORED, _VIRTUAL */
+#define COLFLAG_NOINSERT 0x0062 /* Combo: _HIDDEN, _STORED, _VIRTUAL */
** A "Collating Sequence" is defined by an instance of the following
@@ -16979,10 +17442,17 @@ struct VTable {
sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; /* Pointer to vtab instance */
int nRef; /* Number of pointers to this structure */
u8 bConstraint; /* True if constraints are supported */
+ u8 eVtabRisk; /* Riskiness of allowing hacker access */
int iSavepoint; /* Depth of the SAVEPOINT stack */
VTable *pNext; /* Next in linked list (see above) */
+/* Allowed values for VTable.eVtabRisk
+#define SQLITE_VTABRISK_Low 0
+#define SQLITE_VTABRISK_Normal 1
+#define SQLITE_VTABRISK_High 2
** The schema for each SQL table and view is represented in memory
** by an instance of the following structure.
@@ -17001,6 +17471,7 @@ struct Table {
u32 tabFlags; /* Mask of TF_* values */
i16 iPKey; /* If not negative, use aCol[iPKey] as the rowid */
i16 nCol; /* Number of columns in this table */
+ i16 nNVCol; /* Number of columns that are not VIRTUAL */
LogEst nRowLogEst; /* Estimated rows in table - from sqlite_stat1 table */
LogEst szTabRow; /* Estimated size of each table row in bytes */
@@ -17027,20 +17498,28 @@ struct Table {
** followed by non-hidden columns. Example: "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE x USING
** vtab1(a HIDDEN, b);". Since "b" is a non-hidden column but "a" is hidden,
** the TF_OOOHidden attribute would apply in this case. Such tables require
-** special handling during INSERT processing.
+** special handling during INSERT processing. The "OOO" means "Out Of Order".
+** Constraints:
+** TF_HasVirtual == COLFLAG_Virtual
+** TF_HasStored == COLFLAG_Stored
#define TF_Readonly 0x0001 /* Read-only system table */
#define TF_Ephemeral 0x0002 /* An ephemeral table */
#define TF_HasPrimaryKey 0x0004 /* Table has a primary key */
#define TF_Autoincrement 0x0008 /* Integer primary key is autoincrement */
#define TF_HasStat1 0x0010 /* nRowLogEst set from sqlite_stat1 */
-#define TF_WithoutRowid 0x0020 /* No rowid. PRIMARY KEY is the key */
-#define TF_NoVisibleRowid 0x0040 /* No user-visible "rowid" column */
-#define TF_OOOHidden 0x0080 /* Out-of-Order hidden columns */
+#define TF_HasVirtual 0x0020 /* Has one or more VIRTUAL columns */
+#define TF_HasStored 0x0040 /* Has one or more STORED columns */
+#define TF_HasGenerated 0x0060 /* Combo: HasVirtual + HasStored */
+#define TF_WithoutRowid 0x0080 /* No rowid. PRIMARY KEY is the key */
#define TF_StatsUsed 0x0100 /* Query planner decisions affected by
** Index.aiRowLogEst[] values */
-#define TF_HasNotNull 0x0200 /* Contains NOT NULL constraints */
-#define TF_Shadow 0x0400 /* True for a shadow table */
+#define TF_NoVisibleRowid 0x0200 /* No user-visible "rowid" column */
+#define TF_OOOHidden 0x0400 /* Out-of-Order hidden columns */
+#define TF_HasNotNull 0x0800 /* Contains NOT NULL constraints */
+#define TF_Shadow 0x1000 /* True for a shadow table */
** Test to see whether or not a table is a virtual table. This is
@@ -17049,8 +17528,11 @@ struct Table {
# define IsVirtual(X) ((X)->nModuleArg)
+# define ExprIsVtab(X) \
+ ((X)->op==TK_COLUMN && (X)->y.pTab!=0 && (X)->y.pTab->nModuleArg)
# define IsVirtual(X) 0
+# define ExprIsVtab(X) 0
@@ -17291,6 +17773,7 @@ struct Index {
unsigned hasStat1:1; /* aiRowLogEst values come from sqlite_stat1 */
unsigned bNoQuery:1; /* Do not use this index to optimize queries */
unsigned bAscKeyBug:1; /* True if the bba7b69f9849b5bf bug applies */
+ unsigned bHasVCol:1; /* Index references one or more VIRTUAL columns */
int nSample; /* Number of elements in aSample[] */
int nSampleCol; /* Size of IndexSample.anEq[] and so on */
@@ -17361,7 +17844,7 @@ struct Token {
** code for a SELECT that contains aggregate functions.
** If Expr.op==TK_AGG_COLUMN or TK_AGG_FUNCTION then Expr.pAggInfo is a
-** pointer to this structure. The Expr.iColumn field is the index in
+** pointer to this structure. The Expr.iAgg field is the index in
** AggInfo.aCol[] or AggInfo.aFunc[] of information needed to generate
** code for that node.
@@ -17407,10 +17890,10 @@ struct AggInfo {
** it uses less memory in the Expr object, which is a big memory user
** in systems with lots of prepared statements. And few applications
** need more than about 10 or 20 variables. But some extreme users want
-** to have prepared statements with over 32767 variables, and for them
+** to have prepared statements with over 32766 variables, and for them
** the option is available (at compile-time).
typedef i16 ynVar;
typedef int ynVar;
@@ -17482,6 +17965,13 @@ typedef int ynVar;
struct Expr {
u8 op; /* Operation performed by this node */
char affExpr; /* affinity, or RAISE type */
+ u8 op2; /* TK_REGISTER/TK_TRUTH: original value of Expr.op
+ ** TK_COLUMN: the value of p5 for OP_Column
+ ** TK_AGG_FUNCTION: nesting depth
+ ** TK_FUNCTION: NC_SelfRef flag if needs OP_PureFunc */
+ u8 vvaFlags; /* Verification flags. */
u32 flags; /* Various flags. EP_* See below */
union {
char *zToken; /* Token value. Zero terminated and dequoted */
@@ -17520,9 +18010,6 @@ struct Expr {
** TK_SELECT_COLUMN: column of the result vector */
i16 iAgg; /* Which entry in pAggInfo->aCol[] or ->aFunc[] */
i16 iRightJoinTable; /* If EP_FromJoin, the right table of the join */
- u8 op2; /* TK_REGISTER/TK_TRUTH: original value of Expr.op
- ** TK_COLUMN: the value of p5 for OP_Column
- ** TK_AGG_FUNCTION: nesting depth */
AggInfo *pAggInfo; /* Used by TK_AGG_COLUMN and TK_AGG_FUNCTION */
union {
Table *pTab; /* TK_COLUMN: Table containing column. Can be NULL
@@ -17551,7 +18038,7 @@ struct Expr {
#define EP_DblQuoted 0x000040 /* token.z was originally in "..." */
#define EP_InfixFunc 0x000080 /* True for an infix function: LIKE, GLOB, etc */
#define EP_Collate 0x000100 /* Tree contains a TK_COLLATE operator */
- /* 0x000200 Available for reuse */
+#define EP_Commuted 0x000200 /* Comparison operator has been commuted */
#define EP_IntValue 0x000400 /* Integer value contained in u.iValue */
#define EP_xIsSelect 0x000800 /* x.pSelect is valid (otherwise x.pList is) */
#define EP_Skip 0x001000 /* Operator does not contribute to affinity */
@@ -17559,7 +18046,7 @@ struct Expr {
#define EP_TokenOnly 0x004000 /* Expr struct EXPR_TOKENONLYSIZE bytes only */
#define EP_Win 0x008000 /* Contains window functions */
#define EP_MemToken 0x010000 /* Need to sqlite3DbFree() Expr.zToken */
-#define EP_NoReduce 0x020000 /* Cannot EXPRDUP_REDUCE this Expr */
+ /* 0x020000 // available for reuse */
#define EP_Unlikely 0x040000 /* unlikely() or likelihood() function */
#define EP_ConstFunc 0x080000 /* A SQLITE_FUNC_CONSTANT or _SLOCHNG function */
#define EP_CanBeNull 0x100000 /* Can be null despite NOT NULL constraint */
@@ -17572,7 +18059,8 @@ struct Expr {
#define EP_Static 0x8000000 /* Held in memory not obtained from malloc() */
#define EP_IsTrue 0x10000000 /* Always has boolean value of TRUE */
#define EP_IsFalse 0x20000000 /* Always has boolean value of FALSE */
-#define EP_Indirect 0x40000000 /* Contained within a TRIGGER or a VIEW */
+#define EP_FromDDL 0x40000000 /* Originates from sqlite_master */
+ /* 0x80000000 // Available */
** The EP_Propagate mask is a set of properties that automatically propagate
@@ -17591,14 +18079,24 @@ struct Expr {
#define ExprAlwaysTrue(E) (((E)->flags&(EP_FromJoin|EP_IsTrue))==EP_IsTrue)
#define ExprAlwaysFalse(E) (((E)->flags&(EP_FromJoin|EP_IsFalse))==EP_IsFalse)
+/* Flags for use with Expr.vvaFlags
+#define EP_NoReduce 0x01 /* Cannot EXPRDUP_REDUCE this Expr */
+#define EP_Immutable 0x02 /* Do not change this Expr node */
/* The ExprSetVVAProperty() macro is used for Verification, Validation,
** and Accreditation only. It works like ExprSetProperty() during VVA
** processes but is a no-op for delivery.
-# define ExprSetVVAProperty(E,P) (E)->flags|=(P)
+# define ExprSetVVAProperty(E,P) (E)->vvaFlags|=(P)
+# define ExprHasVVAProperty(E,P) (((E)->vvaFlags&(P))!=0)
+# define ExprClearVVAProperties(E) (E)->vvaFlags = 0
# define ExprSetVVAProperty(E,P)
+# define ExprHasVVAProperty(E,P) 0
+# define ExprClearVVAProperties(E)
@@ -17636,23 +18134,28 @@ struct Expr {
** also be used as the argument to a function, in which case the a.zName
** field is not used.
-** By default the Expr.zSpan field holds a human-readable description of
-** the expression that is used in the generation of error messages and
-** column labels. In this case, Expr.zSpan is typically the text of a
-** column expression as it exists in a SELECT statement. However, if
-** the bSpanIsTab flag is set, then zSpan is overloaded to mean the name
-** of the result column in the form: DATABASE.TABLE.COLUMN. This later
-** form is used for name resolution with nested FROM clauses.
+** In order to try to keep memory usage down, the Expr.a.zEName field
+** is used for multiple purposes:
+** eEName Usage
+** ---------- -------------------------
+** ENAME_NAME (1) the AS of result set column
+** (2) COLUMN= of an UPDATE
+** ENAME_TAB DB.TABLE.NAME used to resolve names
+** of subqueries
+** ENAME_SPAN Text of the original result set
+** expression.
struct ExprList {
int nExpr; /* Number of expressions on the list */
struct ExprList_item { /* For each expression in the list */
Expr *pExpr; /* The parse tree for this expression */
- char *zName; /* Token associated with this expression */
- char *zSpan; /* Original text of the expression */
+ char *zEName; /* Token associated with this expression */
u8 sortFlags; /* Mask of KEYINFO_ORDER_* flags */
+ unsigned eEName :2; /* Meaning of zEName */
unsigned done :1; /* A flag to indicate when processing is finished */
- unsigned bSpanIsTab :1; /* zSpan holds DB.TABLE.COLUMN */
unsigned reusable :1; /* Constant expression is reusable */
unsigned bSorterRef :1; /* Defer evaluation until after sorting */
unsigned bNulls: 1; /* True if explicit "NULLS FIRST/LAST" */
@@ -17666,6 +18169,13 @@ struct ExprList {
} a[1]; /* One slot for each expression in the list */
+** Allowed values for Expr.a.eEName
+#define ENAME_NAME 0 /* The AS clause of a result set */
+#define ENAME_SPAN 1 /* Complete text of the result set expression */
+#define ENAME_TAB 2 /* "DB.TABLE.NAME" for the result set */
** An instance of this structure can hold a simple list of identifiers,
** such as the list "a,b,c" in the following statements:
@@ -17729,6 +18239,7 @@ struct SrcList {
unsigned isCorrelated :1; /* True if sub-query is correlated */
unsigned viaCoroutine :1; /* Implemented as a co-routine */
unsigned isRecursive :1; /* True for recursive reference in WITH */
+ unsigned fromDDL :1; /* Comes from sqlite_master */
} fg;
int iCursor; /* The VDBE cursor number used to access this table */
Expr *pOn; /* The ON clause of a join */
@@ -17832,21 +18343,24 @@ struct NameContext {
** NC_HasWin == EP_Win
-#define NC_AllowAgg 0x0001 /* Aggregate functions are allowed here */
-#define NC_PartIdx 0x0002 /* True if resolving a partial index WHERE */
-#define NC_IsCheck 0x0004 /* True if resolving names in a CHECK constraint */
-#define NC_InAggFunc 0x0008 /* True if analyzing arguments to an agg func */
-#define NC_HasAgg 0x0010 /* One or more aggregate functions seen */
-#define NC_IdxExpr 0x0020 /* True if resolving columns of CREATE INDEX */
-#define NC_VarSelect 0x0040 /* A correlated subquery has been seen */
-#define NC_UEList 0x0080 /* True if uNC.pEList is used */
-#define NC_UAggInfo 0x0100 /* True if uNC.pAggInfo is used */
-#define NC_UUpsert 0x0200 /* True if uNC.pUpsert is used */
-#define NC_MinMaxAgg 0x1000 /* min/max aggregates seen. See note above */
-#define NC_Complex 0x2000 /* True if a function or subquery seen */
-#define NC_AllowWin 0x4000 /* Window functions are allowed here */
-#define NC_HasWin 0x8000 /* One or more window functions seen */
-#define NC_IsDDL 0x10000 /* Resolving names in a CREATE statement */
+#define NC_AllowAgg 0x00001 /* Aggregate functions are allowed here */
+#define NC_PartIdx 0x00002 /* True if resolving a partial index WHERE */
+#define NC_IsCheck 0x00004 /* True if resolving a CHECK constraint */
+#define NC_GenCol 0x00008 /* True for a GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause */
+#define NC_HasAgg 0x00010 /* One or more aggregate functions seen */
+#define NC_IdxExpr 0x00020 /* True if resolving columns of CREATE INDEX */
+#define NC_SelfRef 0x0002e /* Combo: PartIdx, isCheck, GenCol, and IdxExpr */
+#define NC_VarSelect 0x00040 /* A correlated subquery has been seen */
+#define NC_UEList 0x00080 /* True if uNC.pEList is used */
+#define NC_UAggInfo 0x00100 /* True if uNC.pAggInfo is used */
+#define NC_UUpsert 0x00200 /* True if uNC.pUpsert is used */
+#define NC_MinMaxAgg 0x01000 /* min/max aggregates seen. See note above */
+#define NC_Complex 0x02000 /* True if a function or subquery seen */
+#define NC_AllowWin 0x04000 /* Window functions are allowed here */
+#define NC_HasWin 0x08000 /* One or more window functions seen */
+#define NC_IsDDL 0x10000 /* Resolving names in a CREATE statement */
+#define NC_InAggFunc 0x20000 /* True if analyzing arguments to an agg func */
+#define NC_FromDDL 0x40000 /* SQL text comes from sqlite_master */
** An instance of the following object describes a single ON CONFLICT
@@ -17896,13 +18410,13 @@ struct Upsert {
** sequences for the ORDER BY clause.
struct Select {
- ExprList *pEList; /* The fields of the result */
LogEst nSelectRow; /* Estimated number of result rows */
u32 selFlags; /* Various SF_* values */
int iLimit, iOffset; /* Memory registers holding LIMIT & OFFSET counters */
u32 selId; /* Unique identifier number for this SELECT */
int addrOpenEphm[2]; /* OP_OpenEphem opcodes related to this select */
+ ExprList *pEList; /* The fields of the result */
SrcList *pSrc; /* The FROM clause */
Expr *pWhere; /* The WHERE clause */
ExprList *pGroupBy; /* The GROUP BY clause */
@@ -17927,26 +18441,28 @@ struct Select {
** SF_MinMaxAgg == NC_MinMaxAgg == SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX
** SF_FixedLimit == WHERE_USE_LIMIT
-#define SF_Distinct 0x00001 /* Output should be DISTINCT */
-#define SF_All 0x00002 /* Includes the ALL keyword */
-#define SF_Resolved 0x00004 /* Identifiers have been resolved */
-#define SF_Aggregate 0x00008 /* Contains agg functions or a GROUP BY */
-#define SF_HasAgg 0x00010 /* Contains aggregate functions */
-#define SF_UsesEphemeral 0x00020 /* Uses the OpenEphemeral opcode */
-#define SF_Expanded 0x00040 /* sqlite3SelectExpand() called on this */
-#define SF_HasTypeInfo 0x00080 /* FROM subqueries have Table metadata */
-#define SF_Compound 0x00100 /* Part of a compound query */
-#define SF_Values 0x00200 /* Synthesized from VALUES clause */
-#define SF_MultiValue 0x00400 /* Single VALUES term with multiple rows */
-#define SF_NestedFrom 0x00800 /* Part of a parenthesized FROM clause */
-#define SF_MinMaxAgg 0x01000 /* Aggregate containing min() or max() */
-#define SF_Recursive 0x02000 /* The recursive part of a recursive CTE */
-#define SF_FixedLimit 0x04000 /* nSelectRow set by a constant LIMIT */
-#define SF_MaybeConvert 0x08000 /* Need convertCompoundSelectToSubquery() */
-#define SF_Converted 0x10000 /* By convertCompoundSelectToSubquery() */
-#define SF_IncludeHidden 0x20000 /* Include hidden columns in output */
-#define SF_ComplexResult 0x40000 /* Result contains subquery or function */
-#define SF_WhereBegin 0x80000 /* Really a WhereBegin() call. Debug Only */
+#define SF_Distinct 0x0000001 /* Output should be DISTINCT */
+#define SF_All 0x0000002 /* Includes the ALL keyword */
+#define SF_Resolved 0x0000004 /* Identifiers have been resolved */
+#define SF_Aggregate 0x0000008 /* Contains agg functions or a GROUP BY */
+#define SF_HasAgg 0x0000010 /* Contains aggregate functions */
+#define SF_UsesEphemeral 0x0000020 /* Uses the OpenEphemeral opcode */
+#define SF_Expanded 0x0000040 /* sqlite3SelectExpand() called on this */
+#define SF_HasTypeInfo 0x0000080 /* FROM subqueries have Table metadata */
+#define SF_Compound 0x0000100 /* Part of a compound query */
+#define SF_Values 0x0000200 /* Synthesized from VALUES clause */
+#define SF_MultiValue 0x0000400 /* Single VALUES term with multiple rows */
+#define SF_NestedFrom 0x0000800 /* Part of a parenthesized FROM clause */
+#define SF_MinMaxAgg 0x0001000 /* Aggregate containing min() or max() */
+#define SF_Recursive 0x0002000 /* The recursive part of a recursive CTE */
+#define SF_FixedLimit 0x0004000 /* nSelectRow set by a constant LIMIT */
+#define SF_MaybeConvert 0x0008000 /* Need convertCompoundSelectToSubquery() */
+#define SF_Converted 0x0010000 /* By convertCompoundSelectToSubquery() */
+#define SF_IncludeHidden 0x0020000 /* Include hidden columns in output */
+#define SF_ComplexResult 0x0040000 /* Result contains subquery or function */
+#define SF_WhereBegin 0x0080000 /* Really a WhereBegin() call. Debug Only */
+#define SF_WinRewrite 0x0100000 /* Window function rewrite accomplished */
+#define SF_View 0x0200000 /* SELECT statement is a view */
** The results of a SELECT can be distributed in several ways, as defined
@@ -18226,8 +18742,8 @@ struct Parse {
** Sizes and pointers of various parts of the Parse object.
@@ -18249,7 +18765,7 @@ struct Parse {
+ #define IN_RENAME_OBJECT (pParse->eParseMode>=PARSE_MODE_RENAME)
@@ -18400,7 +18916,7 @@ typedef struct DbFixer DbFixer;
struct DbFixer {
Parse *pParse; /* The parsing context. Error messages written here */
Schema *pSchema; /* Fix items to this schema */
- int bVarOnly; /* Check for variable references only */
+ u8 bTemp; /* True for TEMP schema entries */
const char *zDb; /* Make sure all objects are contained in this database */
const char *zType; /* Type of the container - used for error messages */
const Token *pName; /* Name of the container - used for error messages */
@@ -18505,7 +19021,6 @@ struct Sqlite3Config {
int (*xTestCallback)(int); /* Invoked by sqlite3FaultSim() */
int bLocaltimeFault; /* True to fail localtime() calls */
- int bInternalFunctions; /* Internal SQL functions are visible */
int iOnceResetThreshold; /* When to reset OP_Once counters */
u32 szSorterRef; /* Min size in bytes to use sorter-refs */
unsigned int iPrngSeed; /* Alternative fixed seed for the PRNG */
@@ -18538,7 +19053,7 @@ struct Walker {
int (*xSelectCallback)(Walker*,Select*); /* Callback for SELECTs */
void (*xSelectCallback2)(Walker*,Select*);/* Second callback for SELECTs */
int walkerDepth; /* Number of subqueries */
- u8 eCode; /* A small processing code */
+ u16 eCode; /* A small processing code */
union { /* Extra data for callback */
NameContext *pNC; /* Naming context */
int n; /* A counter */
@@ -18554,6 +19069,8 @@ struct Walker {
struct WindowRewrite *pRewrite; /* Window rewrite context */
struct WhereConst *pConst; /* WHERE clause constants */
struct RenameCtx *pRename; /* RENAME COLUMN context */
+ struct Table *pTab; /* Table of generated column */
+ struct SrcList_item *pSrcItem; /* A single FROM clause item */
} u;
@@ -18566,6 +19083,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalkSelectFrom(Walker*, Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprWalkNoop(Walker*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SelectWalkNoop(Walker*, Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SelectWalkFail(Walker*, Select*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalkerDepthIncrease(Walker*,Select*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WalkerDepthDecrease(Walker*,Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectWalkAssert2(Walker*, Select*);
@@ -18667,7 +19187,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAlloc(Parse*, int, int, Expr*, int , Expr*,
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowAttach(Parse*, Expr*, Window*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowLink(Select *pSel, Window *pWin);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowCompare(Parse*, Window*, Window*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse*, Window*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse*, Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeStep(Parse*, Select*, WhereInfo*, int, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse*, Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExpandSubquery(Parse*, struct SrcList_item*);
@@ -18710,13 +19230,16 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CantopenError(int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3NomemError(int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IoerrnomemError(int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CorruptPgnoError(int,Pgno);
# define SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT sqlite3NomemError(__LINE__)
# define SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM_BKPT sqlite3IoerrnomemError(__LINE__)
-# define SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(P) sqlite3CorruptPgnoError(__LINE__,(P))
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CorruptPgnoError(int,Pgno);
+# define SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(P) sqlite3CorruptPgnoError(__LINE__,(P))
# define SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(P) sqlite3CorruptError(__LINE__)
@@ -18933,6 +19456,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PExprAddSelect(Parse*, Expr*, Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAnd(Parse*,Expr*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSimplifiedAndOr(Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprFunction(Parse*,ExprList*, Token*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprFunctionUsable(Parse*,Expr*,FuncDef*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprAssignVarNumber(Parse*, Expr*, u32);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprDelete(sqlite3*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprUnmapAndDelete(Parse*, Expr*);
@@ -18961,7 +19485,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectAddColumnTypeAndCollation(Parse*,Table*,Select*
SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect(Parse*,Select*,char);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OpenMasterTable(Parse *, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Index *sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(Table*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(Index*, i16);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(Index*, i16);
+# define sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(T,X) (X) /* No-op pass-through */
+# define sqlite3StorageColumnToTable(T,X) (X) /* No-op pass-through */
+SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(Table*, i16);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3StorageColumnToTable(Table*, i16);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3StartTable(Parse*,Token*,Token*,int,int,int,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ColumnPropertiesFromName(Table*, Column*);
@@ -18974,14 +19505,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddPrimaryKey(Parse*, ExprList*, int, int, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddCheckConstraint(Parse*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddDefaultValue(Parse*,Expr*,const char*,const char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddCollateType(Parse*, Token*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddGenerated(Parse*,Expr*,Token*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTable(Parse*,Token*,Token*,u8,Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParseUri(const char*,const char*,unsigned int*,
sqlite3_vfs**,char**,char **);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodecQueryParameters(sqlite3*,const char*,const char*);
-# define sqlite3CodecQueryParameters(A,B,C) 0
+#define sqlite3CodecQueryParameters(A,B,C) 0
SQLITE_PRIVATE Btree *sqlite3DbNameToBtree(sqlite3*,const char*);
@@ -19031,6 +19559,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AutoincrementEnd(Parse *pParse);
# define sqlite3AutoincrementEnd(X)
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(Parse*, SrcList*, Select*, IdList*, int, Upsert*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ComputeGeneratedColumns(Parse*, int, Table*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3ArrayAllocate(sqlite3*,void*,int,int*,int*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE IdList *sqlite3IdListAppend(Parse*, IdList*, Token*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IdListIndex(IdList*,const char*);
@@ -19053,6 +19584,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Select(Parse*, Select*, SelectDest*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Select *sqlite3SelectNew(Parse*,ExprList*,SrcList*,Expr*,ExprList*,
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectDelete(sqlite3*, Select*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectReset(Parse*, Select*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3SrcListLookup(Parse*, SrcList*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsReadOnly(Parse*, Table*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OpenTable(Parse*, int iCur, int iDb, Table*, int);
@@ -19075,17 +19607,20 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereOkOnePass(WhereInfo*, int*);
#define ONEPASS_OFF 0 /* Use of ONEPASS not allowed */
#define ONEPASS_SINGLE 1 /* ONEPASS valid for a single row update */
#define ONEPASS_MULTI 2 /* ONEPASS is valid for multiple rows */
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereUsesDeferredSeek(WhereInfo*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeLoadIndexColumn(Parse*, Index*, int, int, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumn(Parse*, Table*, int, int, int, u8);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(Vdbe*, Table*, int, int, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeMove(Parse*, int, int, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCode(Parse*, Expr*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeGeneratedColumn(Parse*, Column*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(Parse*, Expr*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeFactorable(Parse*, Expr*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit(Parse*, Expr*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeRunJustOnce(Parse*, Expr*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(Parse*, Expr*, int*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(Parse*, Expr*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache(Parse*, Expr*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeExprList(Parse*, ExprList*, int, int, u8);
#define SQLITE_ECEL_DUP 0x01 /* Deep, not shallow copies */
#define SQLITE_ECEL_FACTOR 0x02 /* Factor out constant terms */
@@ -19127,6 +19662,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTransaction(Parse*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Savepoint(Parse*, int, Token*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CloseSavepoints(sqlite3 *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3LeaveMutexAndCloseZombie(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3IsTrueOrFalse(const char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIdToTrueFalse(Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprTruthValue(const Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstant(Expr*);
@@ -19222,6 +19758,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3TriggerColmask(Parse*,Trigger*,ExprList*,int,int,Tab
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3JoinType(Parse*, Token*, Token*, Token*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SetJoinExpr(Expr*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateForeignKey(Parse*, ExprList*, Token*, ExprList*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DeferForeignKey(Parse*, int);
@@ -19236,6 +19773,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AuthReadCol(Parse*, const char *, const char *, int)
# define sqlite3AuthContextPush(a,b,c)
# define sqlite3AuthContextPop(a) ((void)(a))
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3DbIsNamed(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zName);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Attach(Parse*, Expr*, Expr*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Detach(Parse*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3FixInit(DbFixer*, Parse*, int, const char*, const Token*);
@@ -19284,6 +19822,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VarintLen(u64 v);
#define getVarint32(A,B) \
(u8)((*(A)<(u8)0x80)?((B)=(u32)*(A)),1:sqlite3GetVarint32((A),(u32 *)&(B)))
+#define getVarint32NR(A,B) \
+ B=(u32)*(A);if(B>=0x80)sqlite3GetVarint32((A),(u32*)&(B))
#define putVarint32(A,B) \
(u8)(((u32)(B)<(u32)0x80)?(*(A)=(unsigned char)(B)),1:\
@@ -19293,10 +19833,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VarintLen(u64 v);
SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(sqlite3*, Index*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TableAffinity(Vdbe*, Table*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3CompareAffinity(Expr *pExpr, char aff2);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(Expr *pExpr, char idx_affinity);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3CompareAffinity(const Expr *pExpr, char aff2);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(const Expr *pExpr, char idx_affinity);
SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3TableColumnAffinity(Table*,int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3ExprAffinity(Expr *pExpr);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3ExprAffinity(const Expr *pExpr);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Atoi64(const char*, i64*, int, u8);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3DecOrHexToI64(const char*, i64*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ErrorWithMsg(sqlite3*, int, const char*,...);
@@ -19319,9 +19859,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ReadSchema(Parse *pParse);
SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3FindCollSeq(sqlite3*,u8 enc, const char*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsBinary(const CollSeq*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3LocateCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const char*zName);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCollSeqMatch(Parse*,Expr*,Expr*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SetTextEncoding(sqlite3 *db, u8);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const Expr *pExpr);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const Expr *pExpr);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCollSeqMatch(Parse*,const Expr*,const Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(Parse *pParse, Expr*, const Token*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAddCollateString(Parse*,Expr*,const char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(Expr*);
@@ -19382,7 +19923,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(Parse*, Expr*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodeSubselect(Parse*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectPrep(Parse*, Select*, NameContext*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectWrongNumTermsError(Parse *pParse, Select *p);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MatchSpanName(const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MatchEName(
+ const struct ExprList_item*,
+ const char*,
+ const char*,
+ const char*
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3ExprColUsed(Expr*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3StrIHash(const char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveExprNames(NameContext*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveExprListNames(NameContext*, ExprList*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResolveSelectNames(Parse*, Select*, NameContext*);
@@ -19398,7 +19946,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RenameExprlistUnmap(Parse*, ExprList*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(Parse*, u8, CollSeq *, const char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3AffinityType(const char*, Column*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Analyze(Parse*, Token*, Token*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(BusyHandler*, sqlite3_file*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(BusyHandler*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FindDb(sqlite3*, Token*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FindDbName(sqlite3 *, const char *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AnalysisLoad(sqlite3*,int iDB);
@@ -19520,6 +20068,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Module *sqlite3VtabCreateModule(
# define sqlite3VtabInSync(db) ((db)->nVTrans>0 && (db)->aVTrans==0)
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ReadOnlyShadowTables(sqlite3 *db);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ShadowTableName(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsShadowTableOf(sqlite3*,Table*,const char*);
+# define sqlite3ShadowTableName(A,B) 0
+# define sqlite3IsShadowTableOf(A,B,C) 0
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VtabEponymousTableInit(Parse*,Module*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabEponymousTableClear(sqlite3*,Module*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabMakeWritable(Parse*,Table*);
@@ -19541,7 +20097,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Normalize(Vdbe*, const char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Reprepare(Vdbe*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(Parse*, ExprList*, const char*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(Parse *, Expr *, Expr *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCompareCollSeq(Parse*,const Expr*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(Parse *, const Expr*, const Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3TempInMemory(const sqlite3*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3JournalModename(int);
@@ -19847,7 +20404,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const unsigned char sqlite3UpperToLower[] = {
** non-ASCII UTF character. Hence the test for whether or not a character is
** part of an identifier is 0x46.
SQLITE_PRIVATE const unsigned char sqlite3CtypeMap[256] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 00..07 ........ */
0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, /* 08..0f ........ */
@@ -19885,7 +20441,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const unsigned char sqlite3CtypeMap[256] = {
0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, /* f0..f7 ........ */
0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40 /* f8..ff ........ */
/* EVIDENCE-OF: R-02982-34736 In order to maintain full backwards
** compatibility for legacy applications, the URI filename capability is
@@ -19897,16 +20452,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const unsigned char sqlite3CtypeMap[256] = {
** EVIDENCE-OF: R-43642-56306 By default, URI handling is globally
** disabled. The default value may be changed by compiling with the
** SQLITE_USE_URI symbol defined.
-** URI filenames are enabled by default if SQLITE_HAS_CODEC is
-** enabled.
-# define SQLITE_USE_URI 1
-# else
-# define SQLITE_USE_URI 0
-# endif
+# define SQLITE_USE_URI 0
/* EVIDENCE-OF: R-38720-18127 The default setting is determined by the
@@ -19950,9 +20498,18 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const unsigned char sqlite3CtypeMap[256] = {
** changed as start-time using sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE)
** or at run-time for an individual database connection using
** sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE);
+** With the two-size-lookaside enhancement, less lookaside is required.
+** The default configuration of 1200,40 actually provides 30 1200-byte slots
+** and 93 128-byte slots, which is more lookaside than is available
+** using the older 1200,100 configuration without two-size-lookaside.
+# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_LOOKASIDE 1200,100 /* 120KB of memory */
+# else
+# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_LOOKASIDE 1200,40 /* 48KB of memory */
+# endif
@@ -20018,7 +20575,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_WSD struct Sqlite3Config sqlite3Config = {
0, /* xTestCallback */
0, /* bLocaltimeFault */
- 0, /* bInternalFunctions */
0x7ffffffe, /* iOnceResetThreshold */
0, /* iPrngSeed */
@@ -20128,7 +20684,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char sqlite3StrBINARY[] = "BINARY";
** "explain" P4 display logic is enabled.
#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN) || !defined(NDEBUG) \
- || defined(VDBE_PROFILE) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+ || defined(VDBE_PROFILE) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) \
# define VDBE_DISPLAY_P4 1
# define VDBE_DISPLAY_P4 0
@@ -20383,7 +20940,8 @@ struct sqlite3_value {
** True if Mem X is a NULL-nochng type.
#define MemNullNochng(X) \
- ((X)->flags==(MEM_Null|MEM_Zero) && (X)->n==0 && (X)->u.nZero==0)
+ (((X)->flags&MEM_TypeMask)==(MEM_Null|MEM_Zero) \
+ && (X)->n==0 && (X)->u.nZero==0)
** Return true if a memory cell is not marked as invalid. This macro
@@ -20514,9 +21072,9 @@ struct Vdbe {
u8 errorAction; /* Recovery action to do in case of an error */
u8 minWriteFileFormat; /* Minimum file format for writable database files */
u8 prepFlags; /* SQLITE_PREPARE_* flags */
+ u8 doingRerun; /* True if rerunning after an auto-reprepare */
bft expired:2; /* 1: recompile VM immediately 2: when convenient */
bft explain:2; /* True if EXPLAIN present on SQL command */
- bft doingRerun:1; /* True if rerunning after an auto-reprepare */
bft changeCntOn:1; /* True to update the change-counter */
bft runOnlyOnce:1; /* Automatically expire on reset */
bft usesStmtJournal:1; /* True if uses a statement journal */
@@ -20579,6 +21137,7 @@ struct PreUpdate {
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeError(Vdbe*, const char *, ...);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeFreeCursor(Vdbe *, VdbeCursor*);
void sqliteVdbePopStack(Vdbe*,int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int SQLITE_NOINLINE sqlite3VdbeFinishMoveto(VdbeCursor*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(VdbeCursor**, int*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCursorRestore(VdbeCursor*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(u32);
@@ -20591,7 +21150,14 @@ int sqlite2BtreeKeyCompare(BtCursor *, const void *, int, int, int *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeIdxKeyCompare(sqlite3*,VdbeCursor*,UnpackedRecord*,int*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeIdxRowid(sqlite3*, BtCursor*, i64*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeExec(Vdbe*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeNextOpcode(Vdbe*,Mem*,int,int*,int*,Op**);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3VdbeDisplayP4(sqlite3*,Op*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3VdbeDisplayComment(sqlite3*,const Op*,const char*);
+#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN)
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeList(Vdbe*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeHalt(Vdbe*);
@@ -20625,14 +21191,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeBooleanValue(Mem*, int ifNull);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeIntegerAffinity(Mem*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemRealify(Mem*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemNumerify(Mem*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemCast(Mem*,u8,u8);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemCast(Mem*,u8,u8);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(BtCursor*,u32,u32,Mem*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtreeZeroOffset(BtCursor*,u32,Mem*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(Mem *p);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFinalize(Mem*, FuncDef*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemAggValue(Mem*, Mem*, FuncDef*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(Mem *pMem, int n, int preserve);
@@ -20691,7 +21258,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(Vdbe *, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbePrintSql(Vdbe*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(Mem *pMem, char *zBuf);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(Mem *pMem, StrAccum *pStr);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem*, u8);
@@ -20883,6 +21450,10 @@ static u32 countLookasideSlots(LookasideSlot *p){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3LookasideUsed(sqlite3 *db, int *pHighwater){
u32 nInit = countLookasideSlots(db->lookaside.pInit);
u32 nFree = countLookasideSlots(db->lookaside.pFree);
+ nInit += countLookasideSlots(db->lookaside.pSmallInit);
+ nFree += countLookasideSlots(db->lookaside.pSmallFree);
if( pHighwater ) *pHighwater = db->lookaside.nSlot - nInit;
return db->lookaside.nSlot - (nInit+nFree);
@@ -20915,6 +21486,15 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_status(
db->lookaside.pInit = db->lookaside.pFree;
db->lookaside.pFree = 0;
+ p = db->lookaside.pSmallFree;
+ if( p ){
+ while( p->pNext ) p = p->pNext;
+ p->pNext = db->lookaside.pSmallInit;
+ db->lookaside.pSmallInit = db->lookaside.pSmallFree;
+ db->lookaside.pSmallFree = 0;
+ }
@@ -21699,12 +22279,12 @@ static const struct {
double rLimit; /* Maximum NNN value for this transform */
double rXform; /* Constant used for this transform */
} aXformType[] = {
- { 0, 6, "second", 464269060800.0, 86400000.0/(24.0*60.0*60.0) },
- { 0, 6, "minute", 7737817680.0, 86400000.0/(24.0*60.0) },
- { 0, 4, "hour", 128963628.0, 86400000.0/24.0 },
- { 0, 3, "day", 5373485.0, 86400000.0 },
- { 1, 5, "month", 176546.0, 30.0*86400000.0 },
- { 2, 4, "year", 14713.0, 365.0*86400000.0 },
+ { 0, 6, "second", 464269060800.0, 1000.0 },
+ { 0, 6, "minute", 7737817680.0, 60000.0 },
+ { 0, 4, "hour", 128963628.0, 3600000.0 },
+ { 0, 3, "day", 5373485.0, 86400000.0 },
+ { 1, 5, "month", 176546.0, 2592000000.0 },
+ { 2, 4, "year", 14713.0, 31536000000.0 },
@@ -21766,7 +22346,7 @@ static int parseModifier(
r = p->s*1000.0 + 210866760000000.0;
if( r>=0.0 && r<464269060800000.0 ){
- p->iJD = (sqlite3_int64)r;
+ p->iJD = (sqlite3_int64)(r + 0.5);
p->validJD = 1;
p->rawS = 0;
rc = 0;
@@ -22545,7 +23125,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsOpen(
** down into the VFS layer. Some SQLITE_OPEN_ flags (for example,
** reaching the VFS. */
- rc = pVfs->xOpen(pVfs, zPath, pFile, flags & 0x87f7f, pFlagsOut);
+ rc = pVfs->xOpen(pVfs, zPath, pFile, flags & 0x1087f7f, pFlagsOut);
assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pFile->pMethods==0 );
return rc;
@@ -25264,6 +25844,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MutexInit(void){
GLOBAL(int, mutexIsInit) = 1;
+ sqlite3MemoryBarrier();
return rc;
@@ -26063,7 +26644,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){
** This file contains inline asm code for retrieving "high-performance"
-** counters for x86 class CPUs.
+** counters for x86 and x86_64 class CPUs.
@@ -26074,8 +26655,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){
** processor and returns that value. This can be used for high-res
** profiling.
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
- (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
+#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && \
+ (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
+ (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
#if defined(__GNUC__)
@@ -26096,7 +26678,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long val;
@@ -26104,7 +26686,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){
return val;
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long long retval;
@@ -26121,14 +26703,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){
- #error Need implementation of sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform.
- ** To compile without implementing sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform,
- ** you can remove the above #error and use the following
- ** stub function. You will lose timing support for many
- ** of the debugging and testing utilities, but it should at
- ** least compile and run.
+ ** asm() is needed for hardware timing support. Without asm(),
+ ** disable the sqlite3Hwtime() routine.
+ **
+ ** sqlite3Hwtime() is only used for some obscure debugging
+ ** and analysis configurations, not in any deliverable, so this
+ ** should not be a great loss.
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){ return ((sqlite_uint64)0); }
@@ -26712,19 +27293,27 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_release_memory(int n){
+** Default value of the hard heap limit. 0 means "no limit".
** State information local to the memory allocation subsystem.
static SQLITE_WSD struct Mem0Global {
sqlite3_mutex *mutex; /* Mutex to serialize access */
sqlite3_int64 alarmThreshold; /* The soft heap limit */
+ sqlite3_int64 hardLimit; /* The hard upper bound on memory */
** True if heap is nearly "full" where "full" is defined by the
** sqlite3_soft_heap_limit() setting.
int nearlyFull;
-} mem0 = { 0, 0, 0 };
#define mem0 GLOBAL(struct Mem0Global, mem0)
@@ -26754,8 +27343,15 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_memory_alarm(
-** Set the soft heap-size limit for the library. Passing a zero or
-** negative value indicates no limit.
+** Set the soft heap-size limit for the library. An argument of
+** zero disables the limit. A negative argument is a no-op used to
+** obtain the return value.
+** The return value is the value of the heap limit just before this
+** interface was called.
+** If the hard heap limit is enabled, then the soft heap limit cannot
+** be disabled nor raised above the hard heap limit.
SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(sqlite3_int64 n){
sqlite3_int64 priorLimit;
@@ -26771,9 +27367,12 @@ SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(sqlite3_int64 n){
return priorLimit;
+ if( mem0.hardLimit>0 && (n>mem0.hardLimit || n==0) ){
+ n = mem0.hardLimit;
+ }
mem0.alarmThreshold = n;
nUsed = sqlite3StatusValue(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED);
- mem0.nearlyFull = (n>0 && n<=nUsed);
+ AtomicStore(&mem0.nearlyFull, n>0 && n<=nUsed);
excess = sqlite3_memory_used() - n;
if( excess>0 ) sqlite3_release_memory((int)(excess & 0x7fffffff));
@@ -26784,6 +27383,37 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(int n){
+** Set the hard heap-size limit for the library. An argument of zero
+** disables the hard heap limit. A negative argument is a no-op used
+** to obtain the return value without affecting the hard heap limit.
+** The return value is the value of the hard heap limit just prior to
+** calling this interface.
+** Setting the hard heap limit will also activate the soft heap limit
+** and constrain the soft heap limit to be no more than the hard heap
+** limit.
+SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(sqlite3_int64 n){
+ sqlite3_int64 priorLimit;
+ int rc = sqlite3_initialize();
+ if( rc ) return -1;
+ sqlite3_mutex_enter(mem0.mutex);
+ priorLimit = mem0.hardLimit;
+ if( n>=0 ){
+ mem0.hardLimit = n;
- *pp = 0;
- return;
- }
sqlite3StatusHighwater(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_SIZE, n);
if( mem0.alarmThreshold>0 ){
sqlite3_int64 nUsed = sqlite3StatusValue(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED);
if( nUsed >= mem0.alarmThreshold - nFull ){
- mem0.nearlyFull = 1;
+ AtomicStore(&mem0.nearlyFull, 1);
+ if( mem0.hardLimit ){
+ nUsed = sqlite3StatusValue(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED);
+ if( nUsed >= mem0.hardLimit - nFull ){
+ *pp = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
- mem0.nearlyFull = 0;
+ AtomicStore(&mem0.nearlyFull, 0);
p = sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xMalloc(nFull);
@@ -26963,10 +27593,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MallocSize(void *p){
assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP) );
return sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xSize(p);
+static int lookasideMallocSize(sqlite3 *db, void *p){
+ return plookaside.pMiddle ? db->lookaside.szTrue : LOOKASIDE_SMALL;
+ return db->lookaside.szTrue;
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3DbMallocSize(sqlite3 *db, void *p){
assert( p!=0 );
- if( db==0 || !isLookaside(db,p) ){
+ if( db==0 || !isLookaside(db,p) ){
if( db==0 ){
assert( sqlite3MemdebugNoType(p, (u8)~MEMTYPE_HEAP) );
assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP) );
@@ -26974,12 +27611,23 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3DbMallocSize(sqlite3 *db, void *p){
assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, (MEMTYPE_LOOKASIDE|MEMTYPE_HEAP)) );
assert( sqlite3MemdebugNoType(p, (u8)~(MEMTYPE_LOOKASIDE|MEMTYPE_HEAP)) );
- return sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xSize(p);
- }else{
- assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
- return db->lookaside.sz;
+ if( db ){
+ if( ((uptr)p)<(uptr)(db->lookaside.pEnd) ){
+ if( ((uptr)p)>=(uptr)(db->lookaside.pMiddle) ){
+ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
+ }
+ if( ((uptr)p)>=(uptr)(db->lookaside.pStart) ){
+ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
+ return db->lookaside.szTrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xSize(p);
SQLITE_API sqlite3_uint64 sqlite3_msize(void *p){
assert( sqlite3MemdebugNoType(p, (u8)~MEMTYPE_HEAP) );
@@ -27026,15 +27674,27 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DbFreeNN(sqlite3 *db, void *p){
measureAllocationSize(db, p);
- if( isLookaside(db, p) ){
- LookasideSlot *pBuf = (LookasideSlot*)p;
+ if( ((uptr)p)<(uptr)(db->lookaside.pEnd) ){
+ if( ((uptr)p)>=(uptr)(db->lookaside.pMiddle) ){
+ LookasideSlot *pBuf = (LookasideSlot*)p;
- /* Trash all content in the buffer being freed */
- memset(p, 0xaa, db->lookaside.sz);
+ memset(p, 0xaa, LOOKASIDE_SMALL); /* Trash freed content */
- pBuf->pNext = db->lookaside.pFree;
- db->lookaside.pFree = pBuf;
- return;
+ pBuf->pNext = db->lookaside.pSmallFree;
+ db->lookaside.pSmallFree = pBuf;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( ((uptr)p)>=(uptr)(db->lookaside.pStart) ){
+ LookasideSlot *pBuf = (LookasideSlot*)p;
+ memset(p, 0xaa, db->lookaside.szTrue); /* Trash freed content */
+ pBuf->pNext = db->lookaside.pFree;
+ db->lookaside.pFree = pBuf;
+ return;
+ }
assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, (MEMTYPE_LOOKASIDE|MEMTYPE_HEAP)) );
@@ -27083,10 +27743,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3Realloc(void *pOld, u64 nBytes){
pNew = sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xRealloc(pOld, nNew);
if( pNew==0 && mem0.alarmThreshold>0 ){
pNew = sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xRealloc(pOld, nNew);
if( pNew ){
nNew = sqlite3MallocSize(pNew);
sqlite3StatusUp(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, nNew-nOld);
@@ -27190,23 +27852,37 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(sqlite3 *db, u64 n){
assert( db!=0 );
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
assert( db->pnBytesFreed==0 );
- if( db->lookaside.bDisable==0 ){
- assert( db->mallocFailed==0 );
- if( n>db->lookaside.sz ){
- db->lookaside.anStat[1]++;
- }else if( (pBuf = db->lookaside.pFree)!=0 ){
- db->lookaside.pFree = pBuf->pNext;
- db->lookaside.anStat[0]++;
- return (void*)pBuf;
- }else if( (pBuf = db->lookaside.pInit)!=0 ){
- db->lookaside.pInit = pBuf->pNext;
- db->lookaside.anStat[0]++;
- return (void*)pBuf;
- }else{
- db->lookaside.anStat[2]++;
+ if( n>db->lookaside.sz ){
+ if( !db->lookaside.bDisable ){
+ db->lookaside.anStat[1]++;
+ }else if( db->mallocFailed ){
+ return 0;
- }else if( db->mallocFailed ){
- return 0;
+ return dbMallocRawFinish(db, n);
+ }
+ if( (pBuf = db->lookaside.pSmallFree)!=0 ){
+ db->lookaside.pSmallFree = pBuf->pNext;
+ db->lookaside.anStat[0]++;
+ return (void*)pBuf;
+ }else if( (pBuf = db->lookaside.pSmallInit)!=0 ){
+ db->lookaside.pSmallInit = pBuf->pNext;
+ db->lookaside.anStat[0]++;
+ return (void*)pBuf;
+ }
+ }
+ if( (pBuf = db->lookaside.pFree)!=0 ){
+ db->lookaside.pFree = pBuf->pNext;
+ db->lookaside.anStat[0]++;
+ return (void*)pBuf;
+ }else if( (pBuf = db->lookaside.pInit)!=0 ){
+ db->lookaside.pInit = pBuf->pNext;
+ db->lookaside.anStat[0]++;
+ return (void*)pBuf;
+ }else{
+ db->lookaside.anStat[2]++;
assert( db!=0 );
@@ -27230,7 +27906,16 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3DbRealloc(sqlite3 *db, void *p, u64 n){
assert( db!=0 );
if( p==0 ) return sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(db, n);
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
- if( isLookaside(db,p) && n<=db->lookaside.sz ) return p;
+ if( ((uptr)p)<(uptr)db->lookaside.pEnd ){
+ if( ((uptr)p)>=(uptr)db->lookaside.pMiddle ){
+ if( n<=LOOKASIDE_SMALL ) return p;
+ }else
+ if( ((uptr)p)>=(uptr)db->lookaside.pStart ){
+ if( n<=db->lookaside.szTrue ) return p;
+ }
+ }
return dbReallocFinish(db, p, n);
static SQLITE_NOINLINE void *dbReallocFinish(sqlite3 *db, void *p, u64 n){
@@ -27241,14 +27926,14 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE void *dbReallocFinish(sqlite3 *db, void *p, u64 n){
if( isLookaside(db, p) ){
pNew = sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(db, n);
if( pNew ){
- memcpy(pNew, p, db->lookaside.sz);
+ memcpy(pNew, p, lookasideMallocSize(db, p));
sqlite3DbFree(db, p);
assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, (MEMTYPE_LOOKASIDE|MEMTYPE_HEAP)) );
assert( sqlite3MemdebugNoType(p, (u8)~(MEMTYPE_LOOKASIDE|MEMTYPE_HEAP)) );
sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP);
- pNew = sqlite3_realloc64(p, n);
+ pNew = sqlite3Realloc(p, n);
if( !pNew ){
@@ -27338,9 +28023,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OomFault(sqlite3 *db){
if( db->mallocFailed==0 && db->bBenignMalloc==0 ){
db->mallocFailed = 1;
if( db->nVdbeExec>0 ){
- db->u1.isInterrupted = 1;
+ AtomicStore(&db->u1.isInterrupted, 1);
- db->lookaside.bDisable++;
+ DisableLookaside;
if( db->pParse ){
db->pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
@@ -27357,9 +28042,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OomFault(sqlite3 *db){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OomClear(sqlite3 *db){
if( db->mallocFailed && db->nVdbeExec==0 ){
db->mallocFailed = 0;
- db->u1.isInterrupted = 0;
+ AtomicStore(&db->u1.isInterrupted, 0);
assert( db->lookaside.bDisable>0 );
- db->lookaside.bDisable--;
+ EnableLookaside;
@@ -27595,6 +28280,13 @@ static char *printfTempBuf(sqlite3_str *pAccum, sqlite3_int64 n){
#define etBUFSIZE SQLITE_PRINT_BUF_SIZE /* Size of the output buffer */
+** Hard limit on the precision of floating-point conversions.
+# define SQLITE_FP_PRECISION_LIMIT 100000000
** Render a string given by "fmt" into the StrAccum object.
@@ -27795,6 +28487,8 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_str_vappendf(
** xtype The class of the conversion.
** infop Pointer to the appropriate info struct.
+ assert( width>=0 );
+ assert( precision>=(-1) );
switch( xtype ){
case etPOINTER:
flag_long = sizeof(char*)==sizeof(i64) ? 2 :
@@ -27916,6 +28610,11 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_str_vappendf(
length = 0;
if( precision<0 ) precision = 6; /* Set default precision */
+ if( precision>SQLITE_FP_PRECISION_LIMIT ){
+ }
if( realvalue<0.0 ){
realvalue = -realvalue;
prefix = '-';
@@ -28198,7 +28897,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_str_vappendf(
isnull = escarg==0;
if( isnull ) escarg = (xtype==etSQLESCAPE2 ? "NULL" : "(NULL)");
- /* For %q, %Q, and %w, the precision is the number of byte (or
+ /* For %q, %Q, and %w, the precision is the number of bytes (or
** characters if the ! flags is present) to use from the input.
** Because of the extra quoting characters inserted, the number
** of output characters may be larger than the precision.
@@ -28325,7 +29024,7 @@ static int sqlite3StrAccumEnlarge(StrAccum *p, int N){
if( p->db ){
zNew = sqlite3DbRealloc(p->db, zOld, p->nAlloc);
- zNew = sqlite3_realloc64(zOld, p->nAlloc);
+ zNew = sqlite3Realloc(zOld, p->nAlloc);
if( zNew ){
assert( p->zText!=0 || p->nChar==0 );
@@ -28667,7 +29366,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_log(int iErrCode, const char *zFormat, ...){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DebugPrintf(const char *zFormat, ...){
va_list ap;
StrAccum acc;
- char zBuf[500];
+ char zBuf[SQLITE_PRINT_BUF_SIZE*10];
sqlite3StrAccumInit(&acc, 0, zBuf, sizeof(zBuf), 0);
sqlite3_str_vappendf(&acc, zFormat, ap);
@@ -28767,7 +29466,7 @@ static void sqlite3TreeViewLine(TreeView *p, const char *zFormat, ...){
va_start(ap, zFormat);
sqlite3_str_vappendf(&acc, zFormat, ap);
- assert( acc.nChar>0 );
+ assert( acc.nChar>0 || acc.accError );
sqlite3_str_append(&acc, "\n", 1);
@@ -28807,7 +29506,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewWith(TreeView *pView, const With *pWith, u8 m
char cSep = '(';
int j;
for(j=0; jpCols->nExpr; j++){
- sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%c%s", cSep, pCte->pCols->a[j].zName);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%c%s", cSep, pCte->pCols->a[j].zEName);
cSep = ',';
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, ")");
@@ -28832,15 +29531,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewSrcList(TreeView *pView, const SrcList *pSrc)
StrAccum x;
char zLine[100];
sqlite3StrAccumInit(&x, 0, zLine, sizeof(zLine), 0);
- sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "{%d,*}", pItem->iCursor);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "{%d:*}", pItem->iCursor);
if( pItem->zDatabase ){
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " %s.%s", pItem->zDatabase, pItem->zName);
}else if( pItem->zName ){
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " %s", pItem->zName);
if( pItem->pTab ){
- sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " tab=%Q nCol=%d ptr=%p",
- pItem->pTab->zName, pItem->pTab->nCol, pItem->pTab);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " tab=%Q nCol=%d ptr=%p used=%llx",
+ pItem->pTab->zName, pItem->pTab->nCol, pItem->pTab, pItem->colUsed);
if( pItem->zAlias ){
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " (AS %s)", pItem->zAlias);
@@ -28848,6 +29547,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewSrcList(TreeView *pView, const SrcList *pSrc)
if( pItem->fg.jointype & JT_LEFT ){
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " LEFT-JOIN");
+ if( pItem->fg.fromDDL ){
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " DDL");
+ }
sqlite3TreeViewItem(pView, zLine, inSrc-1);
if( pItem->pSelect ){
@@ -29096,22 +29798,28 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewWinFunc(TreeView *pView, const Window *pWin,
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewExpr(TreeView *pView, const Expr *pExpr, u8 moreToFollow){
const char *zBinOp = 0; /* Binary operator */
const char *zUniOp = 0; /* Unary operator */
- char zFlgs[60];
+ char zFlgs[200];
pView = sqlite3TreeViewPush(pView, moreToFollow);
if( pExpr==0 ){
sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "nil");
- if( pExpr->flags || pExpr->affExpr ){
+ if( pExpr->flags || pExpr->affExpr || pExpr->vvaFlags ){
+ StrAccum x;
+ sqlite3StrAccumInit(&x, 0, zFlgs, sizeof(zFlgs), 0);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " fg.af=%x.%c",
+ pExpr->flags, pExpr->affExpr ? pExpr->affExpr : 'n');
if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromJoin) ){
- sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zFlgs),zFlgs," fg.af=%x.%c iRJT=%d",
- pExpr->flags, pExpr->affExpr ? pExpr->affExpr : 'n',
- pExpr->iRightJoinTable);
- }else{
- sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zFlgs),zFlgs," fg.af=%x.%c",
- pExpr->flags, pExpr->affExpr ? pExpr->affExpr : 'n');
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " iRJT=%d", pExpr->iRightJoinTable);
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromDDL) ){
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " DDL");
+ }
+ if( ExprHasVVAProperty(pExpr, EP_Immutable) ){
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, " IMMUTABLE");
+ }
+ sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&x);
zFlgs[0] = 0;
@@ -29124,10 +29832,18 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewExpr(TreeView *pView, const Expr *pExpr, u8 m
case TK_COLUMN: {
if( pExpr->iTable<0 ){
/* This only happens when coding check constraints */
- sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "COLUMN(%d)%s", pExpr->iColumn, zFlgs);
+ char zOp2[16];
+ if( pExpr->op2 ){
+ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zOp2),zOp2," op2=0x%02x",pExpr->op2);
+ }else{
+ zOp2[0] = 0;
+ }
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "COLUMN(%d)%s%s",
+ pExpr->iColumn, zFlgs, zOp2);
- sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "{%d:%d}%s",
- pExpr->iTable, pExpr->iColumn, zFlgs);
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "{%d:%d} pTab=%p%s",
+ pExpr->iTable, pExpr->iColumn,
+ pExpr->y.pTab, zFlgs);
if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FixedCol) ){
sqlite3TreeViewExpr(pView, pExpr->pLeft, 0);
@@ -29209,6 +29925,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewExpr(TreeView *pView, const Expr *pExpr, u8 m
case TK_RSHIFT: zBinOp = "RSHIFT"; break;
case TK_CONCAT: zBinOp = "CONCAT"; break;
case TK_DOT: zBinOp = "DOT"; break;
+ case TK_LIMIT: zBinOp = "LIMIT"; break;
case TK_UMINUS: zUniOp = "UMINUS"; break;
case TK_UPLUS: zUniOp = "UPLUS"; break;
@@ -29259,14 +29976,26 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewExpr(TreeView *pView, const Expr *pExpr, u8 m
pFarg = pExpr->x.pList;
- pWin = pExpr->y.pWin;
+ pWin = ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_WinFunc) ? pExpr->y.pWin : 0;
pWin = 0;
if( pExpr->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION ){
- sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "AGG_FUNCTION%d %Q%s",
- pExpr->op2, pExpr->u.zToken, zFlgs);
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "AGG_FUNCTION%d %Q%s iAgg=%d agg=%p",
+ pExpr->op2, pExpr->u.zToken, zFlgs,
+ pExpr->iAgg, pExpr->pAggInfo);
+ }else if( pExpr->op2!=0 ){
+ const char *zOp2;
+ char zBuf[8];
+ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf),zBuf,"0x%02x",pExpr->op2);
+ zOp2 = zBuf;
+ if( pExpr->op2==NC_IsCheck ) zOp2 = "NC_IsCheck";
+ if( pExpr->op2==NC_IdxExpr ) zOp2 = "NC_IdxExpr";
+ if( pExpr->op2==NC_PartIdx ) zOp2 = "NC_PartIdx";
+ if( pExpr->op2==NC_GenCol ) zOp2 = "NC_GenCol";
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "FUNCTION %Q%s op2=%s",
+ pExpr->u.zToken, zFlgs, zOp2);
sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "FUNCTION %Q%s", pExpr->u.zToken, zFlgs);
@@ -29362,7 +30091,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewExpr(TreeView *pView, const Expr *pExpr, u8 m
case TK_VECTOR: {
- sqlite3TreeViewBareExprList(pView, pExpr->x.pList, "VECTOR");
+ char *z = sqlite3_mprintf("VECTOR%s",zFlgs);
+ sqlite3TreeViewBareExprList(pView, pExpr->x.pList, z);
+ sqlite3_free(z);
@@ -29408,8 +30139,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewBareExprList(
sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "%s", zLabel);
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
int j = pList->a[i].u.x.iOrderByCol;
- char *zName = pList->a[i].zName;
+ char *zName = pList->a[i].zEName;
int moreToFollow = inExpr - 1;
+ if( pList->a[i].eEName!=ENAME_NAME ) zName = 0;
if( j || zName ){
sqlite3TreeViewPush(pView, moreToFollow);
moreToFollow = 0;
@@ -29966,26 +30698,6 @@ static const unsigned char sqlite3Utf8Trans1[] = {
} \
-#define READ_UTF16LE(zIn, TERM, c){ \
- c = (*zIn++); \
- c += ((*zIn++)<<8); \
- if( c>=0xD800 && c<0xE000 && TERM ){ \
- int c2 = (*zIn++); \
- c2 += ((*zIn++)<<8); \
- c = (c2&0x03FF) + ((c&0x003F)<<10) + (((c&0x03C0)+0x0040)<<10); \
- } \
-#define READ_UTF16BE(zIn, TERM, c){ \
- c = ((*zIn++)<<8); \
- c += (*zIn++); \
- if( c>=0xD800 && c<0xE000 && TERM ){ \
- int c2 = ((*zIn++)<<8); \
- c2 += (*zIn++); \
- c = (c2&0x03FF) + ((c&0x003F)<<10) + (((c&0x03C0)+0x0040)<<10); \
- } \
** Translate a single UTF-8 character. Return the unicode value.
@@ -30076,9 +30788,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_NOINLINE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem *pMem, u8 desired
#if defined(TRANSLATE_TRACE) && defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
- char zBuf[100];
- sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(pMem, zBuf);
- fprintf(stderr, "INPUT: %s\n", zBuf);
+ StrAccum acc;
+ char zBuf[1000];
+ sqlite3StrAccumInit(&acc, 0, zBuf, sizeof(zBuf), 0);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(pMem, &acc);
+ fprintf(stderr, "INPUT: %s\n", sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&acc));
@@ -30160,13 +30874,59 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_NOINLINE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem *pMem, u8 desired
if( pMem->enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE ){
/* UTF-16 Little-endian -> UTF-8 */
while( zIn=0xd800 && c<0xe000 ){
+ if( c>=0xdc00 || zIn>=zTerm ){
+ c = 0xfffd;
+ }else{
+ int c2 = *(zIn++);
+ c2 += (*(zIn++))<<8;
+ if( c2<0xdc00 || c2>=0xe000 ){
+ zIn -= 2;
+ c = 0xfffd;
+ }else{
+ c = ((c&0x3ff)<<10) + (c2&0x3ff) + 0x10000;
+ }
+ }
+ if( zIn UTF-8 */
while( zIn=0xd800 && c<0xe000 ){
+ if( c>=0xdc00 || zIn>=zTerm ){
+ c = 0xfffd;
+ }else{
+ int c2 = (*(zIn++))<<8;
+ c2 += *(zIn++);
+ if( c2<0xdc00 || c2>=0xe000 ){
+ zIn -= 2;
+ c = 0xfffd;
+ }else{
+ c = ((c&0x3ff)<<10) + (c2&0x3ff) + 0x10000;
+ }
+ }
+ if( zIn=0xd8 && c<0xdc && z[0]>=0xdc && z[0]<0xe0 ) z += 2;
+ n++;
- return (int)(z-(unsigned char const *)zIn);
+ return (int)(z-(unsigned char const *)zIn)
#if defined(SQLITE_TEST)
@@ -30364,30 +31123,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UtfSelfTest(void){
assert( c==t );
assert( (z-zBuf)==n );
- for(i=0; i<0x00110000; i++){
- if( i>=0xD800 && i<0xE000 ) continue;
- z = zBuf;
- WRITE_UTF16LE(z, i);
- n = (int)(z-zBuf);
- assert( n>0 && n<=4 );
- z[0] = 0;
- z = zBuf;
- READ_UTF16LE(z, 1, c);
- assert( c==i );
- assert( (z-zBuf)==n );
- }
- for(i=0; i<0x00110000; i++){
- if( i>=0xD800 && i<0xE000 ) continue;
- z = zBuf;
- WRITE_UTF16BE(z, i);
- n = (int)(z-zBuf);
- assert( n>0 && n<=4 );
- z[0] = 0;
- z = zBuf;
- READ_UTF16BE(z, 1, c);
- assert( c==i );
- assert( (z-zBuf)==n );
- }
#endif /* SQLITE_TEST */
#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
@@ -30413,7 +31148,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UtfSelfTest(void){
/* #include "sqliteInt.h" */
/* #include */
** Routine needed to support the testcase() macro.
@@ -30588,6 +31325,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ErrorMsg(Parse *pParse, const char *zFormat, ...){
sqlite3DbFree(db, pParse->zErrMsg);
pParse->zErrMsg = zMsg;
pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+ pParse->pWith = 0;
@@ -30710,6 +31448,19 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_strnicmp(const char *zLeft, const char *zRight, int N){
return N<0 ? 0 : UpperToLower[*a] - UpperToLower[*b];
+** Compute an 8-bit hash on a string that is insensitive to case differences
+SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3StrIHash(const char *z){
+ u8 h = 0;
+ if( z==0 ) return 0;
+ while( z[0] ){
+ h += UpperToLower[(unsigned char)z[0]];
+ z++;
+ }
+ return h;
** Compute 10 to the E-th power. Examples: E==1 results in 10.
** E==2 results in 100. E==50 results in 1.0e50.
@@ -30778,10 +31529,13 @@ static LONGDOUBLE_TYPE sqlite3Pow10(int E){
** returns FALSE but it still converts the prefix and writes the result
** into *pResult.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4756)
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double *pResult, int length, u8 enc){
int incr;
- const char *zEnd = z + length;
+ const char *zEnd;
/* sign * significand * (10 ^ (esign * exponent)) */
int sign = 1; /* sign of significand */
i64 s = 0; /* significand */
@@ -30795,12 +31549,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double *pResult, int length, u8 en
assert( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 || enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE || enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
*pResult = 0.0; /* Default return value, in case of an error */
+ if( length==0 ) return 0;
if( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 ){
incr = 1;
+ zEnd = z + length;
int i;
incr = 2;
+ length &= ~1;
assert( SQLITE_UTF16LE==2 && SQLITE_UTF16BE==3 );
testcase( enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE );
testcase( enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
@@ -30965,6 +31722,9 @@ do_atof_calc:
return !sqlite3Atoi64(z, pResult, length, enc);
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(default : 4756)
** Compare the 19-character string zNum against the text representation
@@ -31640,7 +32400,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3HexToInt(int h){
return (u8)(h & 0xf);
** Convert a BLOB literal of the form "x'hhhhhh'" into its binary
** value. Return a pointer to its binary value. Space to hold the
@@ -31661,7 +32421,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3HexToBlob(sqlite3 *db, const char *z, int n){
return zBlob;
** Log an error that is an API call on a connection pointer that should
@@ -32335,30 +33095,30 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int i){
/* 23 */ "SeekLE" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
/* 24 */ "SeekGE" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
/* 25 */ "SeekGT" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 26 */ "IfNoHope" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 27 */ "NoConflict" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 28 */ "NotFound" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 29 */ "Found" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 30 */ "SeekRowid" OpHelp("intkey=r[P3]"),
- /* 31 */ "NotExists" OpHelp("intkey=r[P3]"),
- /* 32 */ "Last" OpHelp(""),
- /* 33 */ "IfSmaller" OpHelp(""),
- /* 34 */ "SorterSort" OpHelp(""),
- /* 35 */ "Sort" OpHelp(""),
- /* 36 */ "Rewind" OpHelp(""),
- /* 37 */ "IdxLE" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 38 */ "IdxGT" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 39 */ "IdxLT" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 40 */ "IdxGE" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
- /* 41 */ "RowSetRead" OpHelp("r[P3]=rowset(P1)"),
- /* 42 */ "RowSetTest" OpHelp("if r[P3] in rowset(P1) goto P2"),
+ /* 26 */ "IfNotOpen" OpHelp("if( !csr[P1] ) goto P2"),
+ /* 27 */ "IfNoHope" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 28 */ "NoConflict" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 29 */ "NotFound" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 30 */ "Found" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 31 */ "SeekRowid" OpHelp("intkey=r[P3]"),
+ /* 32 */ "NotExists" OpHelp("intkey=r[P3]"),
+ /* 33 */ "Last" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 34 */ "IfSmaller" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 35 */ "SorterSort" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 36 */ "Sort" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 37 */ "Rewind" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 38 */ "IdxLE" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 39 */ "IdxGT" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 40 */ "IdxLT" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 41 */ "IdxGE" OpHelp("key=r[P3@P4]"),
+ /* 42 */ "RowSetRead" OpHelp("r[P3]=rowset(P1)"),
/* 43 */ "Or" OpHelp("r[P3]=(r[P1] || r[P2])"),
/* 44 */ "And" OpHelp("r[P3]=(r[P1] && r[P2])"),
- /* 45 */ "Program" OpHelp(""),
- /* 46 */ "FkIfZero" OpHelp("if fkctr[P1]==0 goto P2"),
- /* 47 */ "IfPos" OpHelp("if r[P1]>0 then r[P1]-=P3, goto P2"),
- /* 48 */ "IfNotZero" OpHelp("if r[P1]!=0 then r[P1]--, goto P2"),
- /* 49 */ "DecrJumpZero" OpHelp("if (--r[P1])==0 goto P2"),
+ /* 45 */ "RowSetTest" OpHelp("if r[P3] in rowset(P1) goto P2"),
+ /* 46 */ "Program" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 47 */ "FkIfZero" OpHelp("if fkctr[P1]==0 goto P2"),
+ /* 48 */ "IfPos" OpHelp("if r[P1]>0 then r[P1]-=P3, goto P2"),
+ /* 49 */ "IfNotZero" OpHelp("if r[P1]!=0 then r[P1]--, goto P2"),
/* 50 */ "IsNull" OpHelp("if r[P1]==NULL goto P2"),
/* 51 */ "NotNull" OpHelp("if r[P1]!=NULL goto P2"),
/* 52 */ "Ne" OpHelp("IF r[P3]!=r[P1]"),
@@ -32368,83 +33128,83 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int i){
/* 56 */ "Lt" OpHelp("IF r[P3]=r[P1]"),
/* 58 */ "ElseNotEq" OpHelp(""),
- /* 59 */ "IncrVacuum" OpHelp(""),
- /* 60 */ "VNext" OpHelp(""),
- /* 61 */ "Init" OpHelp("Start at P2"),
- /* 62 */ "PureFunc0" OpHelp(""),
- /* 63 */ "Function0" OpHelp("r[P3]=func(r[P2@P5])"),
- /* 64 */ "PureFunc" OpHelp(""),
- /* 65 */ "Function" OpHelp("r[P3]=func(r[P2@P5])"),
- /* 66 */ "Return" OpHelp(""),
- /* 67 */ "EndCoroutine" OpHelp(""),
- /* 68 */ "HaltIfNull" OpHelp("if r[P3]=null halt"),
- /* 69 */ "Halt" OpHelp(""),
- /* 70 */ "Integer" OpHelp("r[P2]=P1"),
- /* 71 */ "Int64" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4"),
- /* 72 */ "String" OpHelp("r[P2]='P4' (len=P1)"),
- /* 73 */ "Null" OpHelp("r[P2..P3]=NULL"),
- /* 74 */ "SoftNull" OpHelp("r[P1]=NULL"),
- /* 75 */ "Blob" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4 (len=P1)"),
- /* 76 */ "Variable" OpHelp("r[P2]=parameter(P1,P4)"),
- /* 77 */ "Move" OpHelp("r[P2@P3]=r[P1@P3]"),
- /* 78 */ "Copy" OpHelp("r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1]"),
- /* 79 */ "SCopy" OpHelp("r[P2]=r[P1]"),
- /* 80 */ "IntCopy" OpHelp("r[P2]=r[P1]"),
- /* 81 */ "ResultRow" OpHelp("output=r[P1@P2]"),
- /* 82 */ "CollSeq" OpHelp(""),
- /* 83 */ "AddImm" OpHelp("r[P1]=r[P1]+P2"),
- /* 84 */ "RealAffinity" OpHelp(""),
- /* 85 */ "Cast" OpHelp("affinity(r[P1])"),
- /* 86 */ "Permutation" OpHelp(""),
- /* 87 */ "Compare" OpHelp("r[P1@P3] <-> r[P2@P3]"),
- /* 88 */ "IsTrue" OpHelp("r[P2] = coalesce(r[P1]==TRUE,P3) ^ P4"),
- /* 89 */ "Offset" OpHelp("r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1)"),
- /* 90 */ "Column" OpHelp("r[P3]=PX"),
- /* 91 */ "Affinity" OpHelp("affinity(r[P1@P2])"),
- /* 92 */ "MakeRecord" OpHelp("r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2])"),
- /* 93 */ "Count" OpHelp("r[P2]=count()"),
- /* 94 */ "ReadCookie" OpHelp(""),
- /* 95 */ "SetCookie" OpHelp(""),
- /* 96 */ "ReopenIdx" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
- /* 97 */ "OpenRead" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
- /* 98 */ "OpenWrite" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
- /* 99 */ "BitAnd" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2]"),
- /* 100 */ "BitOr" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2]"),
- /* 101 */ "ShiftLeft" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]<>r[P1]"),
- /* 103 */ "Add" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2]"),
- /* 104 */ "Subtract" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1]"),
- /* 105 */ "Multiply" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2]"),
- /* 106 */ "Divide" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1]"),
- /* 107 */ "Remainder" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1]"),
- /* 108 */ "Concat" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1]"),
- /* 109 */ "OpenDup" OpHelp(""),
- /* 110 */ "BitNot" OpHelp("r[P2]= ~r[P1]"),
- /* 111 */ "OpenAutoindex" OpHelp("nColumn=P2"),
- /* 112 */ "OpenEphemeral" OpHelp("nColumn=P2"),
- /* 113 */ "String8" OpHelp("r[P2]='P4'"),
- /* 114 */ "SorterOpen" OpHelp(""),
- /* 115 */ "SequenceTest" OpHelp("if( cursor[P1].ctr++ ) pc = P2"),
- /* 116 */ "OpenPseudo" OpHelp("P3 columns in r[P2]"),
- /* 117 */ "Close" OpHelp(""),
- /* 118 */ "ColumnsUsed" OpHelp(""),
- /* 119 */ "SeekHit" OpHelp("seekHit=P2"),
- /* 120 */ "Sequence" OpHelp("r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++"),
- /* 121 */ "NewRowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
- /* 122 */ "Insert" OpHelp("intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2]"),
- /* 123 */ "Delete" OpHelp(""),
- /* 124 */ "ResetCount" OpHelp(""),
- /* 125 */ "SorterCompare" OpHelp("if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2"),
- /* 126 */ "SorterData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
- /* 127 */ "RowData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
- /* 128 */ "Rowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
- /* 129 */ "NullRow" OpHelp(""),
- /* 130 */ "SeekEnd" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 59 */ "DecrJumpZero" OpHelp("if (--r[P1])==0 goto P2"),
+ /* 60 */ "IncrVacuum" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 61 */ "VNext" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 62 */ "Init" OpHelp("Start at P2"),
+ /* 63 */ "PureFunc" OpHelp("r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP])"),
+ /* 64 */ "Function" OpHelp("r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP])"),
+ /* 65 */ "Return" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 66 */ "EndCoroutine" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 67 */ "HaltIfNull" OpHelp("if r[P3]=null halt"),
+ /* 68 */ "Halt" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 69 */ "Integer" OpHelp("r[P2]=P1"),
+ /* 70 */ "Int64" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4"),
+ /* 71 */ "String" OpHelp("r[P2]='P4' (len=P1)"),
+ /* 72 */ "Null" OpHelp("r[P2..P3]=NULL"),
+ /* 73 */ "SoftNull" OpHelp("r[P1]=NULL"),
+ /* 74 */ "Blob" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4 (len=P1)"),
+ /* 75 */ "Variable" OpHelp("r[P2]=parameter(P1,P4)"),
+ /* 76 */ "Move" OpHelp("r[P2@P3]=r[P1@P3]"),
+ /* 77 */ "Copy" OpHelp("r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1]"),
+ /* 78 */ "SCopy" OpHelp("r[P2]=r[P1]"),
+ /* 79 */ "IntCopy" OpHelp("r[P2]=r[P1]"),
+ /* 80 */ "ResultRow" OpHelp("output=r[P1@P2]"),
+ /* 81 */ "CollSeq" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 82 */ "AddImm" OpHelp("r[P1]=r[P1]+P2"),
+ /* 83 */ "RealAffinity" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 84 */ "Cast" OpHelp("affinity(r[P1])"),
+ /* 85 */ "Permutation" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 86 */ "Compare" OpHelp("r[P1@P3] <-> r[P2@P3]"),
+ /* 87 */ "IsTrue" OpHelp("r[P2] = coalesce(r[P1]==TRUE,P3) ^ P4"),
+ /* 88 */ "Offset" OpHelp("r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1)"),
+ /* 89 */ "Column" OpHelp("r[P3]=PX"),
+ /* 90 */ "Affinity" OpHelp("affinity(r[P1@P2])"),
+ /* 91 */ "MakeRecord" OpHelp("r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2])"),
+ /* 92 */ "Count" OpHelp("r[P2]=count()"),
+ /* 93 */ "ReadCookie" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 94 */ "SetCookie" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 95 */ "ReopenIdx" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
+ /* 96 */ "OpenRead" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
+ /* 97 */ "OpenWrite" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
+ /* 98 */ "OpenDup" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 99 */ "OpenAutoindex" OpHelp("nColumn=P2"),
+ /* 100 */ "OpenEphemeral" OpHelp("nColumn=P2"),
+ /* 101 */ "BitAnd" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2]"),
+ /* 102 */ "BitOr" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2]"),
+ /* 103 */ "ShiftLeft" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]<>r[P1]"),
+ /* 105 */ "Add" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2]"),
+ /* 106 */ "Subtract" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1]"),
+ /* 107 */ "Multiply" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2]"),
+ /* 108 */ "Divide" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1]"),
+ /* 109 */ "Remainder" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1]"),
+ /* 110 */ "Concat" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1]"),
+ /* 111 */ "SorterOpen" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 112 */ "BitNot" OpHelp("r[P2]= ~r[P1]"),
+ /* 113 */ "SequenceTest" OpHelp("if( cursor[P1].ctr++ ) pc = P2"),
+ /* 114 */ "OpenPseudo" OpHelp("P3 columns in r[P2]"),
+ /* 115 */ "String8" OpHelp("r[P2]='P4'"),
+ /* 116 */ "Close" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 117 */ "ColumnsUsed" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 118 */ "SeekHit" OpHelp("seekHit=P2"),
+ /* 119 */ "Sequence" OpHelp("r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++"),
+ /* 120 */ "NewRowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
+ /* 121 */ "Insert" OpHelp("intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2]"),
+ /* 122 */ "Delete" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 123 */ "ResetCount" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 124 */ "SorterCompare" OpHelp("if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2"),
+ /* 125 */ "SorterData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
+ /* 126 */ "RowData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
+ /* 127 */ "Rowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
+ /* 128 */ "NullRow" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 129 */ "SeekEnd" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 130 */ "IdxInsert" OpHelp("key=r[P2]"),
/* 131 */ "SorterInsert" OpHelp("key=r[P2]"),
- /* 132 */ "IdxInsert" OpHelp("key=r[P2]"),
- /* 133 */ "IdxDelete" OpHelp("key=r[P2@P3]"),
- /* 134 */ "DeferredSeek" OpHelp("Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed"),
- /* 135 */ "IdxRowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
+ /* 132 */ "IdxDelete" OpHelp("key=r[P2@P3]"),
+ /* 133 */ "DeferredSeek" OpHelp("Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed"),
+ /* 134 */ "IdxRowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
+ /* 135 */ "FinishSeek" OpHelp(""),
/* 136 */ "Destroy" OpHelp(""),
/* 137 */ "Clear" OpHelp(""),
/* 138 */ "ResetSorter" OpHelp(""),
@@ -32457,9 +33217,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int i){
/* 145 */ "DropTrigger" OpHelp(""),
/* 146 */ "IntegrityCk" OpHelp(""),
/* 147 */ "RowSetAdd" OpHelp("rowset(P1)=r[P2]"),
- /* 148 */ "Real" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4"),
- /* 149 */ "Param" OpHelp(""),
- /* 150 */ "FkCounter" OpHelp("fkctr[P1]+=P2"),
+ /* 148 */ "Param" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 149 */ "FkCounter" OpHelp("fkctr[P1]+=P2"),
+ /* 150 */ "Real" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4"),
/* 151 */ "MemMax" OpHelp("r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2])"),
/* 152 */ "OffsetLimit" OpHelp("if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1)"),
/* 153 */ "AggInverse" OpHelp("accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5])"),
@@ -32468,20 +33228,23 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int i){
/* 156 */ "AggValue" OpHelp("r[P3]=value N=P2"),
/* 157 */ "AggFinal" OpHelp("accum=r[P1] N=P2"),
/* 158 */ "Expire" OpHelp(""),
- /* 159 */ "TableLock" OpHelp("iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3"),
- /* 160 */ "VBegin" OpHelp(""),
- /* 161 */ "VCreate" OpHelp(""),
- /* 162 */ "VDestroy" OpHelp(""),
- /* 163 */ "VOpen" OpHelp(""),
- /* 164 */ "VColumn" OpHelp("r[P3]=vcolumn(P2)"),
- /* 165 */ "VRename" OpHelp(""),
- /* 166 */ "Pagecount" OpHelp(""),
- /* 167 */ "MaxPgcnt" OpHelp(""),
- /* 168 */ "Trace" OpHelp(""),
- /* 169 */ "CursorHint" OpHelp(""),
- /* 170 */ "Noop" OpHelp(""),
- /* 171 */ "Explain" OpHelp(""),
- /* 172 */ "Abortable" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 159 */ "CursorLock" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 160 */ "CursorUnlock" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 161 */ "TableLock" OpHelp("iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3"),
+ /* 162 */ "VBegin" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 163 */ "VCreate" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 164 */ "VDestroy" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 165 */ "VOpen" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 166 */ "VColumn" OpHelp("r[P3]=vcolumn(P2)"),
+ /* 167 */ "VRename" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 168 */ "Pagecount" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 169 */ "MaxPgcnt" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 170 */ "Trace" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 171 */ "CursorHint" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 172 */ "ReleaseReg" OpHelp("release r[P1@P2] mask P3"),
+ /* 173 */ "Noop" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 174 */ "Explain" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 175 */ "Abortable" OpHelp(""),
return azName[i];
@@ -32845,7 +33608,7 @@ static pid_t randomnessPid = 0;
** This file contains inline asm code for retrieving "high-performance"
-** counters for x86 class CPUs.
+** counters for x86 and x86_64 class CPUs.
@@ -32856,8 +33619,9 @@ static pid_t randomnessPid = 0;
** processor and returns that value. This can be used for high-res
** profiling.
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
- (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
+#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && \
+ (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
+ (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
#if defined(__GNUC__)
@@ -32878,7 +33642,7 @@ static pid_t randomnessPid = 0;
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long val;
@@ -32886,7 +33650,7 @@ static pid_t randomnessPid = 0;
return val;
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long long retval;
@@ -32903,14 +33667,13 @@ static pid_t randomnessPid = 0;
- #error Need implementation of sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform.
- ** To compile without implementing sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform,
- ** you can remove the above #error and use the following
- ** stub function. You will lose timing support for many
- ** of the debugging and testing utilities, but it should at
- ** least compile and run.
+ ** asm() is needed for hardware timing support. Without asm(),
+ ** disable the sqlite3Hwtime() routine.
+ **
+ ** sqlite3Hwtime() is only used for some obscure debugging
+ ** and analysis configurations, not in any deliverable, so this
+ ** should not be a great loss.
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){ return ((sqlite_uint64)0); }
@@ -33378,7 +34141,7 @@ static int robust_open(const char *z, int f, mode_t m){
"attempt to open \"%s\" as file descriptor %d", z, fd);
fd = -1;
- if( osOpen("/dev/null", f, m)<0 ) break;
+ if( osOpen("/dev/null", O_RDONLY, m)<0 ) break;
if( fd>=0 ){
if( m!=0 ){
@@ -34254,8 +35017,9 @@ static int osSetPosixAdvisoryLock(
struct flock *pLock, /* The description of the lock */
unixFile *pFile /* Structure holding timeout value */
+ int tm = pFile->iBusyTimeout;
int rc = osFcntl(h,F_SETLK,pLock);
- while( rc<0 && pFile->iBusyTimeout>0 ){
+ while( rc<0 && tm>0 ){
/* On systems that support some kind of blocking file lock with a timeout,
** make appropriate changes here to invoke that blocking file lock. On
** generic posix, however, there is no such API. So we simply try the
@@ -34263,7 +35027,7 @@ static int osSetPosixAdvisoryLock(
** the lock is obtained. */
rc = osFcntl(h,F_SETLK,pLock);
- pFile->iBusyTimeout--;
+ tm--;
return rc;
@@ -36684,7 +37448,9 @@ static int unixFileControl(sqlite3_file *id, int op, void *pArg){
+ int iOld = pFile->iBusyTimeout;
pFile->iBusyTimeout = *(int*)pArg;
+ *(int*)pArg = iOld;
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -37003,13 +37769,20 @@ static int unixShmSystemLock(
assert( n>=1 && n<=SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK );
if( pShmNode->hShm>=0 ){
+ int res;
/* Initialize the locking parameters */
f.l_type = lockType;
f.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
f.l_start = ofst;
f.l_len = n;
- rc = osSetPosixAdvisoryLock(pShmNode->hShm, &f, pFile);
- rc = (rc!=(-1)) ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_BUSY;
+ res = osSetPosixAdvisoryLock(pShmNode->hShm, &f, pFile);
+ if( res==-1 ){
+ rc = (pFile->iBusyTimeout ? SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT : SQLITE_BUSY);
+ }
/* Update the global lock state and do debug tracing */
@@ -37265,10 +38038,12 @@ static int unixOpenSharedMemory(unixFile *pDbFd){
if( pInode->bProcessLock==0 ){
if( 0==sqlite3_uri_boolean(pDbFd->zPath, "readonly_shm", 0) ){
- pShmNode->hShm = robust_open(zShm, O_RDWR|O_CREAT,(sStat.st_mode&0777));
+ pShmNode->hShm = robust_open(zShm, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_NOFOLLOW,
+ (sStat.st_mode&0777));
if( pShmNode->hShm<0 ){
- pShmNode->hShm = robust_open(zShm, O_RDONLY, (sStat.st_mode&0777));
+ pShmNode->hShm = robust_open(zShm, O_RDONLY|O_NOFOLLOW,
+ (sStat.st_mode&0777));
if( pShmNode->hShm<0 ){
rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "open", zShm);
goto shm_open_err;
@@ -37504,6 +38279,25 @@ static int unixShmLock(
assert( pShmNode->hShm>=0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==1 );
assert( pShmNode->hShm<0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==0 );
+ /* Check that, if this to be a blocking lock, no locks that occur later
+ ** in the following list than the lock being obtained are already held:
+ **
+ ** 1. Checkpointer lock (ofst==1).
+ ** 2. Write lock (ofst==0).
+ ** 3. Read locks (ofst>=3 && ofstiBusyTimeout==0 || (
+ (ofst!=2) /* not RECOVER */
+ && (ofst!=1 || (p->exclMask|p->sharedMask)==0)
+ && (ofst!=0 || (p->exclMask|p->sharedMask)<3)
+ && (ofst<3 || (p->exclMask|p->sharedMask)<(1<1 || mask==(1<pShmMutex);
@@ -38618,7 +39412,7 @@ static int unixOpen(
unixFile *p = (unixFile *)pFile;
int fd = -1; /* File descriptor returned by open() */
int openFlags = 0; /* Flags to pass to open() */
- int eType = flags&0xFFFFFF00; /* Type of file to open */
+ int eType = flags&0x0FFF00; /* Type of file to open */
int noLock; /* True to omit locking primitives */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Function Return Code */
int ctrlFlags = 0; /* UNIXFILE_* flags */
@@ -38728,7 +39522,7 @@ static int unixOpen(
if( isReadWrite ) openFlags |= O_RDWR;
if( isCreate ) openFlags |= O_CREAT;
if( isExclusive ) openFlags |= (O_EXCL|O_NOFOLLOW);
- openFlags |= (O_LARGEFILE|O_BINARY);
if( fd<0 ){
mode_t openMode; /* Permissions to create file with */
@@ -38946,7 +39740,8 @@ static int unixAccess(
struct stat buf;
- *pResOut = (0==osStat(zPath, &buf) && buf.st_size>0);
+ *pResOut = 0==osStat(zPath, &buf) &&
+ (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) || buf.st_size>0);
*pResOut = osAccess(zPath, W_OK|R_OK)==0;
@@ -39000,7 +39795,7 @@ static int unixFullPathname(
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
int nByte;
- int nLink = 1; /* Number of symbolic links followed so far */
+ int nLink = 0; /* Number of symbolic links followed so far */
const char *zIn = zPath; /* Input path for each iteration of loop */
char *zDel = 0;
@@ -39029,10 +39824,11 @@ static int unixFullPathname(
if( bLink ){
+ nLink++;
if( zDel==0 ){
zDel = sqlite3_malloc(nOut);
if( zDel==0 ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
- }else if( ++nLink>SQLITE_MAX_SYMLINKS ){
+ }else if( nLink>=SQLITE_MAX_SYMLINKS ){
@@ -39068,6 +39864,7 @@ static int unixFullPathname(
}while( rc==SQLITE_OK );
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nLink ) rc = SQLITE_OK_SYMLINK;
return rc;
@@ -39553,7 +40350,7 @@ static int proxyCreateUnixFile(
int fd = -1;
unixFile *pNew;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
- int openFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
+ int openFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_NOFOLLOW;
sqlite3_vfs dummyVfs;
int terrno = 0;
UnixUnusedFd *pUnused = NULL;
@@ -39583,7 +40380,7 @@ static int proxyCreateUnixFile(
if( fd<0 ){
- openFlags = O_RDONLY;
+ openFlags = O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW;
fd = robust_open(path, openFlags, 0);
terrno = errno;
@@ -39709,7 +40506,7 @@ static int proxyBreakConchLock(unixFile *pFile, uuid_t myHostID){
goto end_breaklock;
/* write it out to the temporary break file */
- fd = robust_open(tPath, (O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL), 0);
+ fd = robust_open(tPath, (O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_NOFOLLOW), 0);
if( fd<0 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "create failed (%d)", errno);
goto end_breaklock;
@@ -40667,7 +41464,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){
** This file contains inline asm code for retrieving "high-performance"
-** counters for x86 class CPUs.
+** counters for x86 and x86_64 class CPUs.
@@ -40678,8 +41475,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){
** processor and returns that value. This can be used for high-res
** profiling.
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
- (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
+#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && \
+ (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
+ (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
#if defined(__GNUC__)
@@ -40700,7 +41498,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long val;
@@ -40708,7 +41506,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){
return val;
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long long retval;
@@ -40725,14 +41523,13 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){
- #error Need implementation of sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform.
- ** To compile without implementing sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform,
- ** you can remove the above #error and use the following
- ** stub function. You will lose timing support for many
- ** of the debugging and testing utilities, but it should at
- ** least compile and run.
+ ** asm() is needed for hardware timing support. Without asm(),
+ ** disable the sqlite3Hwtime() routine.
+ **
+ ** sqlite3Hwtime() is only used for some obscure debugging
+ ** and analysis configurations, not in any deliverable, so this
+ ** should not be a great loss.
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){ return ((sqlite_uint64)0); }
@@ -44291,6 +45088,7 @@ static void winModeBit(winFile *pFile, unsigned char mask, int *pArg){
/* Forward references to VFS helper methods used for temporary files */
static int winGetTempname(sqlite3_vfs *, char **);
static int winIsDir(const void *);
+static BOOL winIsLongPathPrefix(const char *);
static BOOL winIsDriveLetterAndColon(const char *);
@@ -46060,7 +46858,9 @@ static int winOpen(
if( isReadonly ){
pFile->ctrlFlags |= WINFILE_RDONLY;
- if( sqlite3_uri_boolean(zName, "psow", SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE) ){
+ if( (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB)
+ && sqlite3_uri_boolean(zName, "psow", SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE)
+ ){
pFile->ctrlFlags |= WINFILE_PSOW;
pFile->lastErrno = NO_ERROR;
@@ -46270,6 +47070,17 @@ static int winAccess(
return SQLITE_OK;
+** Returns non-zero if the specified path name starts with the "long path"
+** prefix.
+static BOOL winIsLongPathPrefix(
+ const char *zPathname
+ return ( zPathname[0]=='\\' && zPathname[1]=='\\'
+ && zPathname[2]=='?' && zPathname[3]=='\\' );
** Returns non-zero if the specified path name starts with a drive letter
** followed by a colon character.
@@ -46334,10 +47145,11 @@ static int winFullPathname(
char *zOut;
- /* If this path name begins with "/X:", where "X" is any alphabetic
- ** character, discard the initial "/" from the pathname.
+ /* If this path name begins with "/X:" or "\\?\", where "X" is any
+ ** alphabetic character, discard the initial "/" from the pathname.
- if( zRelative[0]=='/' && winIsDriveLetterAndColon(zRelative+1) ){
+ if( zRelative[0]=='/' && (winIsDriveLetterAndColon(zRelative+1)
+ || winIsLongPathPrefix(zRelative+1)) ){
@@ -47093,7 +47905,7 @@ static int memdbEnlarge(MemFile *p, sqlite3_int64 newSz){
newSz *= 2;
if( newSz>p->szMax ) newSz = p->szMax;
- pNew = sqlite3_realloc64(p->aData, newSz);
+ pNew = sqlite3Realloc(p->aData, newSz);
if( pNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
p->aData = pNew;
p->szAlloc = newSz;
@@ -47540,10 +48352,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MemdbInit(void){
sqlite3_vfs *pLower = sqlite3_vfs_find(0);
int sz = pLower->szOsFile;
memdb_vfs.pAppData = pLower;
- /* In all known configurations of SQLite, the size of a default
- ** sqlite3_file is greater than the size of a memdb sqlite3_file.
- ** Should that ever change, remove the following NEVER() */
- if( NEVER(szszAlloc);
- p = (PgHdr1 *)&((u8 *)pPg)[pCache->szPage];
if( benignMalloc ){ sqlite3EndBenignMalloc(); }
if( pPg==0 ) return 0;
+ p = (PgHdr1 *)&((u8 *)pPg)[pCache->szPage];
p->page.pBuf = pPg;
p->page.pExtra = &p[1];
p->isBulkLocal = 0;
@@ -50307,7 +51122,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RowSetDelete(void *pArg){
** Allocate a new RowSetEntry object that is associated with the
** given RowSet. Return a pointer to the new and completely uninitialized
-** objected.
+** object.
** In an OOM situation, the RowSet.db->mallocFailed flag is set and this
** routine returns NULL.
@@ -50583,7 +51398,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RowSetTest(RowSet *pRowSet, int iBatch, sqlite3_int64
if( p ){
struct RowSetEntry **ppPrevTree = &pRowSet->pForest;
if( (pRowSet->rsFlags & ROWSET_SORTED)==0 ){ /*OPTIMIZATION-IF-FALSE*/
- /* Only sort the current set of entiries if they need it */
+ /* Only sort the current set of entries if they need it */
p = rowSetEntrySort(p);
for(pTree = pRowSet->pForest; pTree; pTree=pTree->pRight){
@@ -50805,6 +51620,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFramesize(Wal *pWal);
/* Return the sqlite3_file object for the WAL file */
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_file *sqlite3WalFile(Wal *pWal);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalWriteLock(Wal *pWal, int bLock);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WalDb(Wal *pWal, sqlite3 *db);
#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
#endif /* SQLITE_WAL_H */
@@ -51195,20 +52015,6 @@ int sqlite3PagerTrace=1; /* True to enable tracing */
-** A macro used for invoking the codec if there is one
-# define CODEC1(P,D,N,X,E) \
- if( P->xCodec && P->xCodec(P->pCodec,D,N,X)==0 ){ E; }
-# define CODEC2(P,D,N,X,E,O) \
- if( P->xCodec==0 ){ O=(char*)D; }else \
- if( (O=(char*)(P->xCodec(P->pCodec,D,N,X)))==0 ){ E; }
-# define CODEC1(P,D,N,X,E) /* NO-OP */
-# define CODEC2(P,D,N,X,E,O) O=(char*)D
** The maximum allowed sector size. 64KiB. If the xSectorsize() method
** returns a value larger than this, then MAX_SECTOR_SIZE is used instead.
@@ -51494,12 +52300,6 @@ struct Pager {
void (*xReiniter)(DbPage*); /* Call this routine when reloading pages */
int (*xGet)(Pager*,Pgno,DbPage**,int); /* Routine to fetch a patch */
- void *(*xCodec)(void*,void*,Pgno,int); /* Routine for en/decoding data */
- void (*xCodecSizeChng)(void*,int,int); /* Notify of page size changes */
- void (*xCodecFree)(void*); /* Destructor for the codec */
- void *pCodec; /* First argument to xCodec... methods */
char *pTmpSpace; /* Pager.pageSize bytes of space for tmp use */
PCache *pPCache; /* Pointer to page cache object */
@@ -51626,9 +52426,6 @@ static const unsigned char aJournalMagic[] = {
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerDirectReadOk(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
if( pPager->fd->pMethods==0 ) return 0;
if( sqlite3PCacheIsDirty(pPager->pPCache) ) return 0;
- if( pPager->xCodec!=0 ) return 0;
if( pPager->pWal ){
u32 iRead = 0;
@@ -51862,11 +52659,7 @@ static void setGetterMethod(Pager *pPager){
if( pPager->errCode ){
pPager->xGet = getPageError;
- }else if( USEFETCH(pPager)
- && pPager->xCodec==0
- ){
+ }else if( USEFETCH(pPager) ){
pPager->xGet = getPageMMap;
#endif /* SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE>0 */
@@ -51961,6 +52754,7 @@ static int pagerUnlockDb(Pager *pPager, int eLock){
IOTRACE(("UNLOCK %p %d\n", pPager, eLock))
+ pPager->changeCountDone = pPager->tempFile; /* ticket fb3b3024ea238d5c */
return rc;
@@ -52148,6 +52942,7 @@ static int readMasterJournal(sqlite3_file *pJrnl, char *zMaster, u32 nMaster){
len = 0;
zMaster[len] = '\0';
+ zMaster[len+1] = '\0';
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -52681,7 +53476,6 @@ static void pager_unlock(Pager *pPager){
** code is cleared and the cache reset in the block below.
assert( pPager->errCode || pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
- pPager->changeCountDone = 0;
pPager->eState = PAGER_OPEN;
@@ -52945,7 +53739,6 @@ static int pager_end_transaction(Pager *pPager, int hasMaster, int bCommit){
&& (!pagerUseWal(pPager) || sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(pPager->pWal, 0))
rc2 = pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK);
- pPager->changeCountDone = 0;
pPager->eState = PAGER_READER;
pPager->setMaster = 0;
@@ -53014,35 +53807,6 @@ static u32 pager_cksum(Pager *pPager, const u8 *aData){
return cksum;
-** Report the current page size and number of reserved bytes back
-** to the codec.
-static void pagerReportSize(Pager *pPager){
- if( pPager->xCodecSizeChng ){
- pPager->xCodecSizeChng(pPager->pCodec, pPager->pageSize,
- (int)pPager->nReserve);
- }
-# define pagerReportSize(X) /* No-op if we do not support a codec */
-** Make sure the number of reserved bits is the same in the destination
-** pager as it is in the source. This comes up when a VACUUM changes the
-** number of reserved bits to the "optimal" amount.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerAlignReserve(Pager *pDest, Pager *pSrc){
- if( pDest->nReserve!=pSrc->nReserve ){
- pDest->nReserve = pSrc->nReserve;
- pagerReportSize(pDest);
- }
** Read a single page from either the journal file (if isMainJrnl==1) or
** from the sub-journal (if isMainJrnl==0) and playback that page.
@@ -53094,11 +53858,6 @@ static int pager_playback_one_page(
char *aData; /* Temporary storage for the page */
sqlite3_file *jfd; /* The file descriptor for the journal file */
int isSynced; /* True if journal page is synced */
- /* The jrnlEnc flag is true if Journal pages should be passed through
- ** the codec. It is false for pure in-memory journals. */
- const int jrnlEnc = (isMainJrnl || pPager->subjInMemory==0);
assert( (isMainJrnl&~1)==0 ); /* isMainJrnl is 0 or 1 */
assert( (isSavepnt&~1)==0 ); /* isSavepnt is 0 or 1 */
@@ -53161,7 +53920,6 @@ static int pager_playback_one_page(
if( pgno==1 && pPager->nReserve!=((u8*)aData)[20] ){
pPager->nReserve = ((u8*)aData)[20];
- pagerReportSize(pPager);
/* If the pager is in CACHEMOD state, then there must be a copy of this
@@ -53229,26 +53987,12 @@ static int pager_playback_one_page(
** is if the data was just read from an in-memory sub-journal. In that
** case it must be encrypted here before it is copied into the database
** file. */
- if( !jrnlEnc ){
- CODEC2(pPager, aData, pgno, 7, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT, aData);
- rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, (u8 *)aData, pPager->pageSize, ofst);
- CODEC1(pPager, aData, pgno, 3, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT);
- }else
rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, (u8 *)aData, pPager->pageSize, ofst);
if( pgno>pPager->dbFileSize ){
pPager->dbFileSize = pgno;
if( pPager->pBackup ){
- if( jrnlEnc ){
- CODEC1(pPager, aData, pgno, 3, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT);
- sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)aData);
- CODEC2(pPager, aData, pgno, 7, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT,aData);
- }else
sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)aData);
}else if( !isMainJrnl && pPg==0 ){
@@ -53299,11 +54043,6 @@ static int pager_playback_one_page(
if( pgno==1 ){
memcpy(&pPager->dbFileVers, &((u8*)pData)[24],sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
- /* Decode the page just read from disk */
- if( jrnlEnc ){ CODEC1(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 3, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT); }
return rc;
@@ -53384,15 +54123,16 @@ static int pager_delmaster(Pager *pPager, const char *zMaster){
rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pMaster, &nMasterJournal);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto delmaster_out;
nMasterPtr = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
- zMasterJournal = sqlite3Malloc(nMasterJournal + nMasterPtr + 1);
+ zMasterJournal = sqlite3Malloc(nMasterJournal + nMasterPtr + 2);
if( !zMasterJournal ){
goto delmaster_out;
- zMasterPtr = &zMasterJournal[nMasterJournal+1];
+ zMasterPtr = &zMasterJournal[nMasterJournal+2];
rc = sqlite3OsRead(pMaster, zMasterJournal, (int)nMasterJournal, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto delmaster_out;
zMasterJournal[nMasterJournal] = 0;
+ zMasterJournal[nMasterJournal+1] = 0;
zJournal = zMasterJournal;
while( (zJournal-zMasterJournal)dbFileVers, dbFileVers, sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
- CODEC1(pPager, pPg->pData, pPg->pgno, 3, rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT);
IOTRACE(("PGIN %p %d\n", pPager, pPg->pgno));
@@ -54607,7 +55348,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager *pPager, u32 *pPageSize, int nR
if( nReserve<0 ) nReserve = pPager->nReserve;
assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<1000 );
pPager->nReserve = (i16)nReserve;
- pagerReportSize(pPager);
return rc;
@@ -55003,11 +55743,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerClose(Pager *pPager, sqlite3 *db){
- if( pPager->xCodecFree ) pPager->xCodecFree(pPager->pCodec);
assert( !pPager->aSavepoint && !pPager->pInJournal );
assert( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) && !isOpen(pPager->sjfd) );
@@ -55258,8 +55993,7 @@ static int pager_write_pagelist(Pager *pPager, PgHdr *pList){
assert( (pList->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)==0 );
if( pList->pgno==1 ) pager_write_changecounter(pList);
- /* Encode the database */
- CODEC2(pPager, pList->pData, pgno, 6, return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT, pData);
+ pData = pList->pData;
/* Write out the page data. */
rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, pData, pPager->pageSize, offset);
@@ -55348,12 +56082,6 @@ static int subjournalPage(PgHdr *pPg){
void *pData = pPg->pData;
i64 offset = (i64)pPager->nSubRec*(4+pPager->pageSize);
char *pData2;
- if( !pPager->subjInMemory ){
- CODEC2(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 7, return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT, pData2);
- }else
pData2 = pData;
PAGERTRACE(("STMT-JOURNAL %d page %d\n", PAGERID(pPager), pPg->pgno));
rc = write32bits(pPager->sjfd, offset, pPg->pgno);
@@ -55549,7 +56277,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpen(
int pcacheSize = sqlite3PcacheSize(); /* Bytes to allocate for PCache */
u32 szPageDflt = SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; /* Default page size */
const char *zUri = 0; /* URI args to copy */
- int nUri = 0; /* Number of bytes of URI args at *zUri */
+ int nUriByte = 1; /* Number of bytes of URI args at *zUri */
+ int nUri = 0; /* Number of URI parameters */
/* Figure out how much space is required for each journal file-handle
** (there are two of them, the main journal and the sub-journal). */
@@ -55583,14 +56312,24 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpen(
zPathname[0] = 0; /* Make sure initialized even if FullPathname() fails */
rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename, nPathname, zPathname);
+ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK_SYMLINK ){
+ if( vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW ){
+ }else{
+ rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
nPathname = sqlite3Strlen30(zPathname);
z = zUri = &zFilename[sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename)+1];
while( *z ){
- z += sqlite3Strlen30(z)+1;
- z += sqlite3Strlen30(z)+1;
+ z += strlen(z)+1;
+ z += strlen(z)+1;
+ nUri++;
- nUri = (int)(&z[1] - zUri);
- assert( nUri>=0 );
+ nUriByte = (int)(&z[1] - zUri);
+ assert( nUriByte>=1 );
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nPathname+8>pVfs->mxPathname ){
/* This branch is taken when the journal path required by
** the database being opened will be more than pVfs->mxPathname
@@ -55615,50 +56354,111 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpen(
** Database file handle (pVfs->szOsFile bytes)
** Sub-journal file handle (journalFileSize bytes)
** Main journal file handle (journalFileSize bytes)
+ ** Ptr back to the Pager (sizeof(Pager*) bytes)
+ ** \0\0\0\0 database prefix (4 bytes)
** Database file name (nPathname+1 bytes)
- ** Journal file name (nPathname+8+1 bytes)
+ ** URI query parameters (nUriByte bytes)
+ ** Journal filename (nPathname+8+1 bytes)
+ ** WAL filename (nPathname+4+1 bytes)
+ ** \0\0\0 terminator (3 bytes)
+ **
+ ** Some 3rd-party software, over which we have no control, depends on
+ ** the specific order of the filenames and the \0 separators between them
+ ** so that it can (for example) find the database filename given the WAL
+ ** filename without using the sqlite3_filename_database() API. This is a
+ ** misuse of SQLite and a bug in the 3rd-party software, but the 3rd-party
+ ** software is in widespread use, so we try to avoid changing the filename
+ ** order and formatting if possible. In particular, the details of the
+ ** filename format expected by 3rd-party software should be as follows:
+ **
+ ** - Main Database Path
+ ** - \0
+ ** - Multiple URI components consisting of:
+ ** - Key
+ ** - \0
+ ** - Value
+ ** - \0
+ ** - \0
+ ** - Journal Path
+ ** - \0
+ ** - WAL Path (zWALName)
+ ** - \0
+ **
+ ** The sqlite3_create_filename() interface and the databaseFilename() utility
+ ** that is used by sqlite3_filename_database() and kin also depend on the
+ ** specific formatting and order of the various filenames, so if the format
+ ** changes here, be sure to change it there as well.
pPtr = (u8 *)sqlite3MallocZero(
- ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager)) + /* Pager structure */
- ROUND8(pcacheSize) + /* PCache object */
- ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile) + /* The main db file */
- journalFileSize * 2 + /* The two journal files */
- nPathname + 1 + nUri + /* zFilename */
- nPathname + 8 + 2 /* zJournal */
+ ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager)) + /* Pager structure */
+ ROUND8(pcacheSize) + /* PCache object */
+ ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile) + /* The main db file */
+ journalFileSize * 2 + /* The two journal files */
+ sizeof(pPager) + /* Space to hold a pointer */
+ 4 + /* Database prefix */
+ nPathname + 1 + /* database filename */
+ nUriByte + /* query parameters */
+ nPathname + 8 + 1 + /* Journal filename */
- + nPathname + 4 + 2 /* zWal */
+ nPathname + 4 + 1 + /* WAL filename */
+ 3 /* Terminator */
if( !pPtr ){
sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
- pPager = (Pager*)(pPtr);
- pPager->pPCache = (PCache*)(pPtr += ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager)));
- pPager->fd = (sqlite3_file*)(pPtr += ROUND8(pcacheSize));
- pPager->sjfd = (sqlite3_file*)(pPtr += ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile));
- pPager->jfd = (sqlite3_file*)(pPtr += journalFileSize);
- pPager->zFilename = (char*)(pPtr += journalFileSize);
+ pPager = (Pager*)pPtr; pPtr += ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager));
+ pPager->pPCache = (PCache*)pPtr; pPtr += ROUND8(pcacheSize);
+ pPager->fd = (sqlite3_file*)pPtr; pPtr += ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile);
+ pPager->sjfd = (sqlite3_file*)pPtr; pPtr += journalFileSize;
+ pPager->jfd = (sqlite3_file*)pPtr; pPtr += journalFileSize;
assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(pPager->jfd) );
+ memcpy(pPtr, &pPager, sizeof(pPager)); pPtr += sizeof(pPager);
- /* Fill in the Pager.zFilename and Pager.zJournal buffers, if required. */
- if( zPathname ){
- assert( nPathname>0 );
- pPager->zJournal = (char*)(pPtr += nPathname + 1 + nUri);
- memcpy(pPager->zFilename, zPathname, nPathname);
- if( nUri ) memcpy(&pPager->zFilename[nPathname+1], zUri, nUri);
- memcpy(pPager->zJournal, zPathname, nPathname);
- memcpy(&pPager->zJournal[nPathname], "-journal\000", 8+2);
- sqlite3FileSuffix3(pPager->zFilename, pPager->zJournal);
- pPager->zWal = &pPager->zJournal[nPathname+8+1];
- memcpy(pPager->zWal, zPathname, nPathname);
- memcpy(&pPager->zWal[nPathname], "-wal\000", 4+1);
- sqlite3FileSuffix3(pPager->zFilename, pPager->zWal);
- sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
+ /* Fill in the Pager.zFilename and pPager.zQueryParam fields */
+ pPtr += 4; /* Skip zero prefix */
+ pPager->zFilename = (char*)pPtr;
+ if( nPathname>0 ){
+ memcpy(pPtr, zPathname, nPathname); pPtr += nPathname + 1;
+ if( zUri ){
+ memcpy(pPtr, zUri, nUriByte); pPtr += nUriByte;
+ }else{
+ pPtr++;
+ }
+ /* Fill in Pager.zJournal */
+ if( nPathname>0 ){
+ pPager->zJournal = (char*)pPtr;
+ memcpy(pPtr, zPathname, nPathname); pPtr += nPathname;
+ memcpy(pPtr, "-journal",8); pPtr += 8 + 1;
+ sqlite3FileSuffix3(zFilename,pPager->zJournal);
+ pPtr = (u8*)(pPager->zJournal + sqlite3Strlen30(pPager->zJournal)+1);
+ }else{
+ pPager->zJournal = 0;
+ }
+ /* Fill in Pager.zWal */
+ if( nPathname>0 ){
+ pPager->zWal = (char*)pPtr;
+ memcpy(pPtr, zPathname, nPathname); pPtr += nPathname;
+ memcpy(pPtr, "-wal", 4); pPtr += 4 + 1;
+ sqlite3FileSuffix3(zFilename, pPager->zWal);
+ pPtr = (u8*)(pPager->zWal + sqlite3Strlen30(pPager->zWal)+1);
+ }else{
+ pPager->zWal = 0;
+ }
+ if( nPathname ) sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
pPager->pVfs = pVfs;
pPager->vfsFlags = vfsFlags;
@@ -55707,9 +56507,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpen(
- pPager->noLock = sqlite3_uri_boolean(zFilename, "nolock", 0);
+ pPager->noLock = sqlite3_uri_boolean(pPager->zFilename, "nolock", 0);
- || sqlite3_uri_boolean(zFilename, "immutable", 0) ){
+ || sqlite3_uri_boolean(pPager->zFilename, "immutable", 0) ){
goto act_like_temp_file;
@@ -55816,6 +56616,19 @@ act_like_temp_file:
return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return the sqlite3_file for the main database given the name
+** of the corresonding WAL or Journal name as passed into
+** xOpen.
+SQLITE_API sqlite3_file *sqlite3_database_file_object(const char *zName){
+ Pager *pPager;
+ while( zName[-1]!=0 || zName[-2]!=0 || zName[-3]!=0 || zName[-4]!=0 ){
+ zName--;
+ }
+ pPager = *(Pager**)(zName - 4 - sizeof(Pager*));
+ return pPager->fd;
@@ -56371,9 +57184,6 @@ static int getPageMMap(
assert( USEFETCH(pPager) );
- assert( pPager->xCodec==0 );
/* Optimization note: Adding the "pgno<=1" term before "pgno==0" here
** allows the compiler optimizer to reuse the results of the "pgno>1"
@@ -56504,7 +57314,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerUnrefPageOne(DbPage *pPg){
assert( pPg->pgno==1 );
assert( (pPg->flags & PGHDR_MMAP)==0 ); /* Page1 is never memory mapped */
pPager = pPg->pPager;
- sqlite3PagerResetLockTimeout(pPager);
@@ -56702,7 +57511,7 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE int pagerAddPageToRollbackJournal(PgHdr *pPg){
assert( pPg->pgno!=PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager) );
assert( pPager->journalHdr<=pPager->journalOff );
- CODEC2(pPager, pPg->pData, pPg->pgno, 7, return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT, pData2);
+ pData2 = pPg->pData;
cksum = pager_cksum(pPager, (u8*)pData2);
/* Even if an IO or diskfull error occurs while journalling the
@@ -57067,7 +57876,7 @@ static int pager_incr_changecounter(Pager *pPager, int isDirectMode){
const void *zBuf;
assert( pPager->dbFileSize>0 );
- CODEC2(pPager, pPgHdr->pData, 1, 6, rc=SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT, zBuf);
+ zBuf = pPgHdr->pData;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, zBuf, pPager->pageSize, 0);
@@ -57400,6 +58209,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(Pager *pPager){
** But if (due to a coding error elsewhere in the system) it does get
** called, just return the same error code without doing anything. */
if( NEVER(pPager->errCode) ) return pPager->errCode;
+ pPager->iDataVersion++;
assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED
@@ -57428,7 +58238,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(Pager *pPager){
- pPager->iDataVersion++;
rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, pPager->setMaster, 1);
return pager_error(pPager, rc);
@@ -57772,9 +58581,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int op, int iSavepoint){
** behavior. But when the Btree needs to know the filename for matching to
** shared cache, it uses nullIfMemDb==0 so that in-memory databases can
** participate in shared-cache.
+** The return value to this routine is always safe to use with
+** sqlite3_uri_parameter() and sqlite3_filename_database() and friends.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager *pPager, int nullIfMemDb){
- return (nullIfMemDb && pPager->memDb) ? "" : pPager->zFilename;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(const Pager *pPager, int nullIfMemDb){
+ static const char zFake[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ return (nullIfMemDb && pPager->memDb) ? &zFake[4] : pPager->zFilename;
@@ -57793,16 +58606,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_file *sqlite3PagerFile(Pager *pPager){
return pPager->fd;
-** Reset the lock timeout for pager.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerResetLockTimeout(Pager *pPager){
- int x = 0;
- sqlite3OsFileControl(pPager->fd, SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT, &x);
** Return the file handle for the journal file (if it exists).
** This will be either the rollback journal or the WAL file.
@@ -57822,54 +58625,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerJournalname(Pager *pPager){
return pPager->zJournal;
-** Set or retrieve the codec for this pager
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetCodec(
- Pager *pPager,
- void *(*xCodec)(void*,void*,Pgno,int),
- void (*xCodecSizeChng)(void*,int,int),
- void (*xCodecFree)(void*),
- void *pCodec
- if( pPager->xCodecFree ){
- pPager->xCodecFree(pPager->pCodec);
- }else{
- pager_reset(pPager);
- }
- pPager->xCodec = pPager->memDb ? 0 : xCodec;
- pPager->xCodecSizeChng = xCodecSizeChng;
- pPager->xCodecFree = xCodecFree;
- pPager->pCodec = pCodec;
- setGetterMethod(pPager);
- pagerReportSize(pPager);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerGetCodec(Pager *pPager){
- return pPager->pCodec;
-** This function is called by the wal module when writing page content
-** into the log file.
-** This function returns a pointer to a buffer containing the encrypted
-** page content. If a malloc fails, this function may return NULL.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerCodec(PgHdr *pPg){
- void *aData = 0;
- CODEC2(pPg->pPager, pPg->pData, pPg->pgno, 6, return 0, aData);
- return aData;
-** Return the current pager state
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerState(Pager *pPager){
- return pPager->eState;
-#endif /* SQLITE_HAS_CODEC */
** Move the page pPg to location pgno in the file.
@@ -58264,7 +59019,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(
pPager->walSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace,
pnLog, pnCkpt
- sqlite3PagerResetLockTimeout(pPager);
return rc;
@@ -58429,6 +59183,32 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCloseWal(Pager *pPager, sqlite3 *db){
return rc;
+** If pager pPager is a wal-mode database not in exclusive locking mode,
+** invoke the sqlite3WalWriteLock() function on the associated Wal object
+** with the same db and bLock parameters as were passed to this function.
+** Return an SQLite error code if an error occurs, or SQLITE_OK otherwise.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalWriteLock(Pager *pPager, int bLock){
+ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ if( pagerUseWal(pPager) && pPager->exclusiveMode==0 ){
+ rc = sqlite3WalWriteLock(pPager->pWal, bLock);
+ }
+ return rc;
+** Set the database handle used by the wal layer to determine if
+** blocking locks are required.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerWalDb(Pager *pPager, sqlite3 *db){
+ if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
+ sqlite3WalDb(pPager->pWal, db);
+ }
** If this is a WAL database, obtain a snapshot handle for the snapshot
@@ -58447,7 +59227,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotGet(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_snapshot **ppS
** read transaction is opened, attempt to read from the snapshot it
** identifies. If this is not a WAL database, return an error.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotOpen(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotOpen(
+ Pager *pPager,
+ sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( pPager->pWal ){
sqlite3WalSnapshotOpen(pPager->pWal, pSnapshot);
@@ -58783,18 +59566,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalTrace = 0;
# define WALTRACE(X)
-** WAL mode depends on atomic aligned 32-bit loads and stores in a few
-** places. The following macros try to make this explicit.
-#if GCC_VESRION>=5004000
-# define AtomicLoad(PTR) __atomic_load_n((PTR),__ATOMIC_RELAXED)
-# define AtomicStore(PTR,VAL) __atomic_store_n((PTR),(VAL),__ATOMIC_RELAXED)
-# define AtomicLoad(PTR) (*(PTR))
-# define AtomicStore(PTR,VAL) (*(PTR) = (VAL))
** The maximum (and only) versions of the wal and wal-index formats
** that may be interpreted by this version of SQLite.
@@ -59004,6 +59775,9 @@ struct Wal {
WalIndexHdr *pSnapshot; /* Start transaction here if not NULL */
+ sqlite3 *db;
@@ -59102,7 +59876,7 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE int walIndexPageRealloc(
if( pWal->nWiData<=iPage ){
sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(u32*)*(iPage+1);
volatile u32 **apNew;
- apNew = (volatile u32 **)sqlite3_realloc64((void *)pWal->apWiData, nByte);
+ apNew = (volatile u32 **)sqlite3Realloc((void *)pWal->apWiData, nByte);
if( !apNew ){
*ppPage = 0;
@@ -59223,18 +59997,35 @@ static void walChecksumBytes(
aOut[1] = s2;
+** If there is the possibility of concurrent access to the SHM file
+** from multiple threads and/or processes, then do a memory barrier.
static void walShmBarrier(Wal *pWal){
if( pWal->exclusiveMode!=WAL_HEAPMEMORY_MODE ){
+** Add the SQLITE_NO_TSAN as part of the return-type of a function
+** definition as a hint that the function contains constructs that
+** might give false-positive TSAN warnings.
+** See tag-20200519-1.
+#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(SQLITE_NO_TSAN)
+# define SQLITE_NO_TSAN __attribute__((no_sanitize_thread))
+# define SQLITE_NO_TSAN
** Write the header information in pWal->hdr into the wal-index.
** The checksum on pWal->hdr is updated before it is written.
-static void walIndexWriteHdr(Wal *pWal){
+static SQLITE_NO_TSAN void walIndexWriteHdr(Wal *pWal){
volatile WalIndexHdr *aHdr = walIndexHdr(pWal);
const int nCksum = offsetof(WalIndexHdr, aCksum);
@@ -59242,6 +60033,7 @@ static void walIndexWriteHdr(Wal *pWal){
pWal->hdr.isInit = 1;
pWal->hdr.iVersion = WALINDEX_MAX_VERSION;
walChecksumBytes(1, (u8*)&pWal->hdr, nCksum, 0, pWal->hdr.aCksum);
+ /* Possible TSAN false-positive. See tag-20200519-1 */
memcpy((void*)&aHdr[1], (const void*)&pWal->hdr, sizeof(WalIndexHdr));
memcpy((void*)&aHdr[0], (const void*)&pWal->hdr, sizeof(WalIndexHdr));
@@ -59377,7 +60169,7 @@ static int walLockShared(Wal *pWal, int lockIdx){
WALTRACE(("WAL%p: acquire SHARED-%s %s\n", pWal,
walLockName(lockIdx), rc ? "failed" : "ok"));
- VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
+ VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && (rc&0xFF)!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
return rc;
static void walUnlockShared(Wal *pWal, int lockIdx){
@@ -59393,7 +60185,7 @@ static int walLockExclusive(Wal *pWal, int lockIdx, int n){
WALTRACE(("WAL%p: acquire EXCLUSIVE-%s cnt=%d %s\n", pWal,
walLockName(lockIdx), n, rc ? "failed" : "ok"));
- VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
+ VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && (rc&0xFF)!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
return rc;
static void walUnlockExclusive(Wal *pWal, int lockIdx, int n){
@@ -60213,6 +61005,89 @@ static int walIteratorInit(Wal *pWal, u32 nBackfill, WalIterator **pp){
return rc;
+** Attempt to enable blocking locks. Blocking locks are enabled only if (a)
+** they are supported by the VFS, and (b) the database handle is configured
+** with a busy-timeout. Return 1 if blocking locks are successfully enabled,
+** or 0 otherwise.
+static int walEnableBlocking(Wal *pWal){
+ int res = 0;
+ if( pWal->db ){
+ int tmout = pWal->db->busyTimeout;
+ if( tmout ){
+ int rc;
+ rc = sqlite3OsFileControl(
+ pWal->pDbFd, SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT, (void*)&tmout
+ );
+ res = (rc==SQLITE_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+** Disable blocking locks.
+static void walDisableBlocking(Wal *pWal){
+ int tmout = 0;
+ sqlite3OsFileControl(pWal->pDbFd, SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT, (void*)&tmout);
+** If parameter bLock is true, attempt to enable blocking locks, take
+** the WRITER lock, and then disable blocking locks. If blocking locks
+** cannot be enabled, no attempt to obtain the WRITER lock is made. Return
+** an SQLite error code if an error occurs, or SQLITE_OK otherwise. It is not
+** an error if blocking locks can not be enabled.
+** If the bLock parameter is false and the WRITER lock is held, release it.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalWriteLock(Wal *pWal, int bLock){
+ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ assert( pWal->readLock<0 || bLock==0 );
+ if( bLock ){
+ assert( pWal->db );
+ if( walEnableBlocking(pWal) ){
+ rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ pWal->writeLock = 1;
+ }
+ walDisableBlocking(pWal);
+ }
+ }else if( pWal->writeLock ){
+ walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1);
+ pWal->writeLock = 0;
+ }
+ return rc;
+** Set the database handle used to determine if blocking locks are required.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WalDb(Wal *pWal, sqlite3 *db){
+ pWal->db = db;
+** Take an exclusive WRITE lock. Blocking if so configured.
+static int walLockWriter(Wal *pWal){
+ int rc;
+ walEnableBlocking(pWal);
+ rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1);
+ walDisableBlocking(pWal);
+ return rc;
+# define walEnableBlocking(x) 0
+# define walDisableBlocking(x)
+# define walLockWriter(pWal) walLockExclusive((pWal), WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1)
+# define sqlite3WalDb(pWal, db)
** Attempt to obtain the exclusive WAL lock defined by parameters lockIdx and
** n. If the attempt fails and parameter xBusy is not NULL, then it is a
@@ -60230,6 +61105,12 @@ static int walBusyLock(
do {
rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, lockIdx, n);
}while( xBusy && rc==SQLITE_BUSY && xBusy(pBusyArg) );
+ walDisableBlocking(pWal);
+ }
return rc;
@@ -60267,7 +61148,7 @@ static void walRestartHdr(Wal *pWal, u32 salt1){
sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0], 1 + sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0]));
memcpy(&pWal->hdr.aSalt[1], &salt1, 4);
- pInfo->nBackfill = 0;
+ AtomicStore(&pInfo->nBackfill, 0);
pInfo->nBackfillAttempted = 0;
pInfo->aReadMark[1] = 0;
for(i=2; iaReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED;
@@ -60342,20 +61223,13 @@ static int walCheckpoint(
mxSafeFrame = pWal->hdr.mxFrame;
mxPage = pWal->hdr.nPage;
for(i=1; iaReadMark[i];
+ u32 y = AtomicLoad(pInfo->aReadMark+i);
if( mxSafeFrame>y ){
assert( y<=pWal->hdr.mxFrame );
rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- pInfo->aReadMark[i] = (i==1 ? mxSafeFrame : READMARK_NOT_USED);
+ u32 iMark = (i==1 ? mxSafeFrame : READMARK_NOT_USED);
+ AtomicStore(pInfo->aReadMark+i, iMark);
walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1);
}else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
mxSafeFrame = y;
@@ -60373,7 +61247,7 @@ static int walCheckpoint(
if( pIter
- && (rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_READ_LOCK(0),1))==SQLITE_OK
+ && (rc = walBusyLock(pWal,xBusy,pBusyArg,WAL_READ_LOCK(0),1))==SQLITE_OK
u32 nBackfill = pInfo->nBackfill;
@@ -60388,6 +61262,7 @@ static int walCheckpoint(
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
i64 nReq = ((i64)mxPage * szPage);
i64 nSize; /* Current size of database file */
+ sqlite3OsFileControl(pWal->pDbFd, SQLITE_FCNTL_CKPT_START, 0);
rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pWal->pDbFd, &nSize);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nSizepDbFd, SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT, &nReq);
@@ -60399,7 +61274,7 @@ static int walCheckpoint(
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && 0==walIteratorNext(pIter, &iDbpage, &iFrame) ){
i64 iOffset;
assert( walFramePgno(pWal, iFrame)==iDbpage );
- if( db->u1.isInterrupted ){
+ if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ){
@@ -60415,6 +61290,7 @@ static int walCheckpoint(
rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pWal->pDbFd, zBuf, szPage, iOffset);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
+ sqlite3OsFileControl(pWal->pDbFd, SQLITE_FCNTL_CKPT_DONE, 0);
/* If work was actually accomplished... */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -60427,7 +61303,7 @@ static int walCheckpoint(
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- pInfo->nBackfill = mxSafeFrame;
+ AtomicStore(&pInfo->nBackfill, mxSafeFrame);
@@ -60586,7 +61462,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalClose(
** If the checksum cannot be verified return non-zero. If the header
** is read successfully and the checksum verified, return zero.
-static int walIndexTryHdr(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){
+static SQLITE_NO_TSAN int walIndexTryHdr(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){
u32 aCksum[2]; /* Checksum on the header content */
WalIndexHdr h1, h2; /* Two copies of the header content */
WalIndexHdr volatile *aHdr; /* Header in shared memory */
@@ -60599,13 +61475,19 @@ static int walIndexTryHdr(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){
** meaning it is possible that an inconsistent snapshot is read
** from the file. If this happens, return non-zero.
+ ** tag-20200519-1:
** There are two copies of the header at the beginning of the wal-index.
** When reading, read [0] first then [1]. Writes are in the reverse order.
** Memory barriers are used to prevent the compiler or the hardware from
- ** reordering the reads and writes.
+ ** reordering the reads and writes. TSAN and similar tools can sometimes
+ ** give false-positive warnings about these accesses because the tools do not
+ ** account for the double-read and the memory barrier. The use of mutexes
+ ** here would be problematic as the memory being accessed is potentially
+ ** shared among multiple processes and not all mutex implementions work
+ ** reliably in that environment.
aHdr = walIndexHdr(pWal);
- memcpy(&h1, (void *)&aHdr[0], sizeof(h1));
+ memcpy(&h1, (void *)&aHdr[0], sizeof(h1)); /* Possible TSAN false-positive */
memcpy(&h2, (void *)&aHdr[1], sizeof(h2));
@@ -60695,28 +61577,32 @@ static int walIndexReadHdr(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){
/* If the first attempt failed, it might have been due to a race
** with a writer. So get a WRITE lock and try again.
- assert( badHdr==0 || pWal->writeLock==0 );
if( badHdr ){
if( pWal->bShmUnreliable==0 && (pWal->readOnly & WAL_SHM_RDONLY) ){
if( SQLITE_OK==(rc = walLockShared(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK)) ){
walUnlockShared(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK);
- }else if( SQLITE_OK==(rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1)) ){
- pWal->writeLock = 1;
- if( SQLITE_OK==(rc = walIndexPage(pWal, 0, &page0)) ){
- badHdr = walIndexTryHdr(pWal, pChanged);
- if( badHdr ){
- /* If the wal-index header is still malformed even while holding
- ** a WRITE lock, it can only mean that the header is corrupted and
- ** needs to be reconstructed. So run recovery to do exactly that.
- */
- rc = walIndexRecover(pWal);
- *pChanged = 1;
+ }else{
+ int bWriteLock = pWal->writeLock;
+ if( bWriteLock || SQLITE_OK==(rc = walLockWriter(pWal)) ){
+ pWal->writeLock = 1;
+ if( SQLITE_OK==(rc = walIndexPage(pWal, 0, &page0)) ){
+ badHdr = walIndexTryHdr(pWal, pChanged);
+ if( badHdr ){
+ /* If the wal-index header is still malformed even while holding
+ ** a WRITE lock, it can only mean that the header is corrupted and
+ ** needs to be reconstructed. So run recovery to do exactly that.
+ */
+ rc = walIndexRecover(pWal);
+ *pChanged = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if( bWriteLock==0 ){
+ pWal->writeLock = 0;
+ walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1);
- pWal->writeLock = 0;
- walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1);
@@ -61046,7 +61932,7 @@ static int walTryBeginRead(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged, int useWal, int cnt){
assert( pWal->nWiData>0 );
assert( pWal->apWiData[0]!=0 );
pInfo = walCkptInfo(pWal);
- if( !useWal && pInfo->nBackfill==pWal->hdr.mxFrame
+ if( !useWal && AtomicLoad(&pInfo->nBackfill)==pWal->hdr.mxFrame
&& (pWal->pSnapshot==0 || pWal->hdr.mxFrame==0)
@@ -61108,7 +61994,8 @@ static int walTryBeginRead(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged, int useWal, int cnt){
for(i=1; iaReadMark+i,mxFrame);
+ AtomicStore(pInfo->aReadMark+i,mxFrame);
+ mxReadMark = mxFrame;
mxI = i;
walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1);
@@ -61212,7 +62099,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalSnapshotRecover(Wal *pWal){
u32 i = pInfo->nBackfillAttempted;
- for(i=pInfo->nBackfillAttempted; i>pInfo->nBackfill; i--){
+ for(i=pInfo->nBackfillAttempted; i>AtomicLoad(&pInfo->nBackfill); i--){
WalHashLoc sLoc; /* Hash table location */
u32 pgno; /* Page number in db file */
i64 iDbOff; /* Offset of db file entry */
@@ -61267,12 +62154,35 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalSnapshotRecover(Wal *pWal){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){
int rc; /* Return code */
int cnt = 0; /* Number of TryBeginRead attempts */
int bChanged = 0;
WalIndexHdr *pSnapshot = pWal->pSnapshot;
- if( pSnapshot && memcmp(pSnapshot, &pWal->hdr, sizeof(WalIndexHdr))!=0 ){
- bChanged = 1;
+ assert( pWal->ckptLock==0 );
+ if( pSnapshot ){
+ if( memcmp(pSnapshot, &pWal->hdr, sizeof(WalIndexHdr))!=0 ){
+ bChanged = 1;
+ }
+ /* It is possible that there is a checkpointer thread running
+ ** concurrent with this code. If this is the case, it may be that the
+ ** checkpointer has already determined that it will checkpoint
+ ** snapshot X, where X is later in the wal file than pSnapshot, but
+ ** has not yet set the pInfo->nBackfillAttempted variable to indicate
+ ** its intent. To avoid the race condition this leads to, ensure that
+ ** there is no checkpointer process by taking a shared CKPT lock
+ ** before checking pInfo->nBackfillAttempted. */
+ (void)walEnableBlocking(pWal);
+ rc = walLockShared(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK);
+ walDisableBlocking(pWal);
+ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+ return rc;
+ }
+ pWal->ckptLock = 1;
@@ -61305,48 +62215,42 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){
assert( pWal->readLock>0 || pWal->hdr.mxFrame==0 );
assert( pInfo->aReadMark[pWal->readLock]<=pSnapshot->mxFrame );
- /* It is possible that there is a checkpointer thread running
- ** concurrent with this code. If this is the case, it may be that the
- ** checkpointer has already determined that it will checkpoint
- ** snapshot X, where X is later in the wal file than pSnapshot, but
- ** has not yet set the pInfo->nBackfillAttempted variable to indicate
- ** its intent. To avoid the race condition this leads to, ensure that
- ** there is no checkpointer process by taking a shared CKPT lock
- ** before checking pInfo->nBackfillAttempted.
- **
- ** TODO: Does the aReadMark[] lock prevent a checkpointer from doing
- ** this already?
- */
- rc = walLockShared(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK);
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- /* Check that the wal file has not been wrapped. Assuming that it has
- ** not, also check that no checkpointer has attempted to checkpoint any
- ** frames beyond pSnapshot->mxFrame. If either of these conditions are
- ** true, return SQLITE_ERROR_SNAPSHOT. Otherwise, overwrite pWal->hdr
- ** with *pSnapshot and set *pChanged as appropriate for opening the
- ** snapshot. */
- if( !memcmp(pSnapshot->aSalt, pWal->hdr.aSalt, sizeof(pWal->hdr.aSalt))
- && pSnapshot->mxFrame>=pInfo->nBackfillAttempted
- ){
- assert( pWal->readLock>0 );
- memcpy(&pWal->hdr, pSnapshot, sizeof(WalIndexHdr));
- *pChanged = bChanged;
- }else{
- }
- /* Release the shared CKPT lock obtained above. */
- walUnlockShared(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK);
- pWal->minFrame = 1;
+ /* Check that the wal file has not been wrapped. Assuming that it has
+ ** not, also check that no checkpointer has attempted to checkpoint any
+ ** frames beyond pSnapshot->mxFrame. If either of these conditions are
+ ** true, return SQLITE_ERROR_SNAPSHOT. Otherwise, overwrite pWal->hdr
+ ** with *pSnapshot and set *pChanged as appropriate for opening the
+ ** snapshot. */
+ if( !memcmp(pSnapshot->aSalt, pWal->hdr.aSalt, sizeof(pWal->hdr.aSalt))
+ && pSnapshot->mxFrame>=pInfo->nBackfillAttempted
+ ){
+ assert( pWal->readLock>0 );
+ memcpy(&pWal->hdr, pSnapshot, sizeof(WalIndexHdr));
+ *pChanged = bChanged;
+ }else{
+ /* A client using a non-current snapshot may not ignore any frames
+ ** from the start of the wal file. This is because, for a system
+ ** where (minFrame < iSnapshot < maxFrame), a checkpointer may
+ ** have omitted to checkpoint a frame earlier than minFrame in
+ ** the file because there exists a frame after iSnapshot that
+ ** is the same database page. */
+ pWal->minFrame = 1;
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+ /* Release the shared CKPT lock obtained above. */
+ if( pWal->ckptLock ){
+ assert( pSnapshot );
+ walUnlockShared(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK);
+ pWal->ckptLock = 0;
+ }
return rc;
@@ -61426,14 +62330,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFindFrame(
int iKey; /* Hash slot index */
int nCollide; /* Number of hash collisions remaining */
int rc; /* Error code */
+ u32 iH;
rc = walHashGet(pWal, iHash, &sLoc);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
return rc;
- for(iKey=walHash(pgno); sLoc.aHash[iKey]; iKey=walNextHash(iKey)){
- u32 iH = sLoc.aHash[iKey];
+ iKey = walHash(pgno);
+ while( (iH = AtomicLoad(&sLoc.aHash[iKey]))!=0 ){
u32 iFrame = iH + sLoc.iZero;
if( iFrame<=iLast && iFrame>=pWal->minFrame && sLoc.aPgno[iH]==pgno ){
assert( iFrame>iRead || CORRUPT_DB );
@@ -61442,6 +62347,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFindFrame(
if( (nCollide--)==0 ){
+ iKey = walNextHash(iKey);
if( iRead ) break;
@@ -61517,6 +62423,16 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Pgno sqlite3WalDbsize(Wal *pWal){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(Wal *pWal){
int rc;
+ /* If the write-lock is already held, then it was obtained before the
+ ** read-transaction was even opened, making this call a no-op.
+ ** Return early. */
+ if( pWal->writeLock ){
+ assert( !memcmp(&pWal->hdr,(void *)walIndexHdr(pWal),sizeof(WalIndexHdr)) );
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+ }
/* Cannot start a write transaction without first holding a read
** transaction. */
assert( pWal->readLock>=0 );
@@ -61762,11 +62678,7 @@ static int walWriteOneFrame(
int rc; /* Result code from subfunctions */
void *pData; /* Data actually written */
u8 aFrame[WAL_FRAME_HDRSIZE]; /* Buffer to assemble frame-header in */
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
- if( (pData = sqlite3PagerCodec(pPage))==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
pData = pPage->pData;
walEncodeFrame(p->pWal, pPage->pgno, nTruncate, pData, aFrame);
rc = walWriteToLog(p, aFrame, sizeof(aFrame), iOffset);
if( rc ) return rc;
@@ -61949,11 +62861,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFrames(
if( pWal->iReCksum==0 || iWriteiReCksum ){
pWal->iReCksum = iWrite;
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
- if( (pData = sqlite3PagerCodec(p))==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
pData = p->pData;
rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pWal->pWalFd, pData, szPage, iOff);
if( rc ) return rc;
p->flags &= ~PGHDR_WAL_APPEND;
@@ -62101,45 +63009,52 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalCheckpoint(
if( pWal->readOnly ) return SQLITE_READONLY;
WALTRACE(("WAL%p: checkpoint begins\n", pWal));
- /* IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-62028-47212 All calls obtain an exclusive
- ** "checkpoint" lock on the database file. */
- rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1);
- if( rc ){
- /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-10421-19736 If any other process is running a
- ** checkpoint operation at the same time, the lock cannot be obtained and
- ** SQLITE_BUSY is returned.
- ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-53820-33897 Even if there is a busy-handler configured,
- ** it will not be invoked in this case.
- */
- testcase( rc==SQLITE_BUSY );
- testcase( xBusy!=0 );
- return rc;
- }
- pWal->ckptLock = 1;
+ /* Enable blocking locks, if possible. If blocking locks are successfully
+ ** enabled, set xBusy2=0 so that the busy-handler is never invoked. */
+ sqlite3WalDb(pWal, db);
+ (void)walEnableBlocking(pWal);
- ** TRUNCATE modes also obtain the exclusive "writer" lock on the database
- ** file.
- **
- ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-60642-04082 If the writer lock cannot be obtained
- ** immediately, and a busy-handler is configured, it is invoked and the
- ** writer lock retried until either the busy-handler returns 0 or the
- ** lock is successfully obtained.
+ /* IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-62028-47212 All calls obtain an exclusive
+ ** "checkpoint" lock on the database file.
+ ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-10421-19736 If any other process is running a
+ ** checkpoint operation at the same time, the lock cannot be obtained and
+ ** SQLITE_BUSY is returned.
+ ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-53820-33897 Even if there is a busy-handler configured,
+ ** it will not be invoked in this case.
- rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1);
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- pWal->writeLock = 1;
- }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
- xBusy2 = 0;
- rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1);
+ testcase( rc==SQLITE_BUSY );
+ testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK && xBusy2!=0 );
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ pWal->ckptLock = 1;
+ ** TRUNCATE modes also obtain the exclusive "writer" lock on the database
+ ** file.
+ **
+ ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-60642-04082 If the writer lock cannot be obtained
+ ** immediately, and a busy-handler is configured, it is invoked and the
+ ** writer lock retried until either the busy-handler returns 0 or the
+ ** lock is successfully obtained.
+ */
+ rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy2, pBusyArg, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ pWal->writeLock = 1;
+ }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
+ xBusy2 = 0;
+ rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ }
/* Read the wal-index header. */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ walDisableBlocking(pWal);
rc = walIndexReadHdr(pWal, &isChanged);
+ (void)walEnableBlocking(pWal);
if( isChanged && pWal->pDbFd->pMethods->iVersion>=3 ){
sqlite3OsUnfetch(pWal->pDbFd, 0, 0);
@@ -62171,11 +63086,19 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalCheckpoint(
memset(&pWal->hdr, 0, sizeof(WalIndexHdr));
+ walDisableBlocking(pWal);
+ sqlite3WalDb(pWal, 0);
/* Release the locks. */
- walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1);
- pWal->ckptLock = 0;
+ if( pWal->ckptLock ){
+ walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1);
+ pWal->ckptLock = 0;
+ }
WALTRACE(("WAL%p: checkpoint %s\n", pWal, rc ? "failed" : "ok"));
return (rc==SQLITE_OK && eMode!=eMode2 ? SQLITE_BUSY : rc);
@@ -62292,7 +63215,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalSnapshotGet(Wal *pWal, sqlite3_snapshot **ppSnapsho
/* Try to open on pSnapshot when the next read-transaction starts
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WalSnapshotOpen(Wal *pWal, sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WalSnapshotOpen(
+ Wal *pWal,
+ sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot
pWal->pSnapshot = (WalIndexHdr*)pSnapshot;
@@ -62811,9 +63737,7 @@ struct BtShared {
u8 inTransaction; /* Transaction state */
u8 max1bytePayload; /* Maximum first byte of cell for a 1-byte payload */
- u8 optimalReserve; /* Desired amount of reserved space per page */
+ u8 nReserveWanted; /* Desired number of extra bytes per page */
u16 btsFlags; /* Boolean parameters. See BTS_* macros below */
u16 maxLocal; /* Maximum local payload in non-LEAFDATA tables */
u16 minLocal; /* Minimum local payload in non-LEAFDATA tables */
@@ -62936,6 +63860,7 @@ struct BtCursor {
#define BTCF_AtLast 0x08 /* Cursor is pointing ot the last entry */
#define BTCF_Incrblob 0x10 /* True if an incremental I/O handle */
#define BTCF_Multiple 0x20 /* Maybe another cursor on the same btree */
+#define BTCF_Pinned 0x40 /* Cursor is busy and cannot be moved */
** Potential values for BtCursor.eState.
@@ -63079,6 +64004,7 @@ struct IntegrityCk {
int v1, v2; /* Values for up to two %d fields in zPfx */
StrAccum errMsg; /* Accumulate the error message text here */
u32 *heap; /* Min-heap used for analyzing cell coverage */
+ sqlite3 *db; /* Database connection running the check */
@@ -64012,7 +64938,7 @@ static int btreeSetHasContent(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno){
static int btreeGetHasContent(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno){
Bitvec *p = pBt->pHasContent;
- return (p && (pgno>sqlite3BitvecSize(p) || sqlite3BitvecTest(p, pgno)));
+ return p && (pgno>sqlite3BitvecSize(p) || sqlite3BitvecTestNotNull(p, pgno));
@@ -64100,6 +65026,9 @@ static int saveCursorPosition(BtCursor *pCur){
assert( 0==pCur->pKey );
assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
+ if( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Pinned ){
+ }
if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_SKIPNEXT ){
pCur->eState = CURSOR_VALID;
@@ -64856,7 +65785,7 @@ static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage, int nMaxFrag){
if( iFree2+sz2 > usableSize ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
memmove(&data[iFree+sz+sz2], &data[iFree+sz], iFree2-(iFree+sz));
sz += sz2;
- }else if( iFree+sz>usableSize ){
+ }else if( NEVER(iFree+sz>usableSize) ){
@@ -65048,8 +65977,10 @@ static int allocateSpace(MemPage *pPage, int nByte, int *pIdx){
if( (data[hdr+2] || data[hdr+1]) && gap+2<=top ){
u8 *pSpace = pageFindSlot(pPage, nByte, &rc);
if( pSpace ){
+ int g2;
assert( pSpace+nByte<=data+pPage->pBt->usableSize );
- if( (*pIdx = (int)(pSpace-data))<=gap ){
+ *pIdx = g2 = (int)(pSpace-data);
+ if( NEVER(g2<=gap) ){
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -65127,12 +66058,12 @@ static int freeSpace(MemPage *pPage, u16 iStart, u16 iSize){
while( (iFreeBlk = get2byte(&data[iPtr]))pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 ){
+ if( iFreeBlk>pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 ){ /* TH3: corrupt081.100 */
assert( iFreeBlk>iPtr || iFreeBlk==0 );
@@ -65147,7 +66078,7 @@ static int freeSpace(MemPage *pPage, u16 iStart, u16 iSize){
nFrag = iFreeBlk - iEnd;
if( iEnd>iFreeBlk ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
iEnd = iFreeBlk + get2byte(&data[iFreeBlk+2]);
- if( iEnd > pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
+ if( NEVER(iEnd > pPage->pBt->usableSize) ){
iSize = iEnd - iStart;
@@ -65175,7 +66106,8 @@ static int freeSpace(MemPage *pPage, u16 iStart, u16 iSize){
/* The new freeblock is at the beginning of the cell content area,
** so just extend the cell content area rather than create another
** freelist entry */
- if( iStart0 ){
u32 next, size;
- if( pcnPage & 0x80000000)==0 || CORRUPT_DB );
return pBt->nPage;
SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3BtreeLastPage(Btree *p){
assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
- assert( ((p->pBt->nPage)&0x80000000)==0 );
- return btreePagecount(p->pBt);
+ return btreePagecount(p->pBt) & 0x7fffffff;
@@ -65699,8 +66631,7 @@ static int btreeInvokeBusyHandler(void *pArg){
BtShared *pBt = (BtShared*)pArg;
assert( pBt->db );
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->db->mutex) );
- return sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(&pBt->db->busyHandler,
- sqlite3PagerFile(pBt->pPager));
+ return sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(&pBt->db->busyHandler);
@@ -65804,9 +66735,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeOpen(
rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename,
nFullPathname, zFullPathname);
if( rc ){
- sqlite3_free(zFullPathname);
- sqlite3_free(p);
- return rc;
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK_SYMLINK ){
+ rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ }else{
+ sqlite3_free(zFullPathname);
+ sqlite3_free(p);
+ return rc;
+ }
@@ -66247,19 +67182,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetPagerFlags(
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(Btree *p, int pageSize, int nReserve, int iFix){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ int x;
BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
- assert( nReserve>=-1 && nReserve<=255 );
+ assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<=255 );
- if( nReserve>pBt->optimalReserve ) pBt->optimalReserve = (u8)nReserve;
+ pBt->nReserveWanted = nReserve;
+ x = pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize;
+ if( nReservebtsFlags & BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED ){
- if( nReserve<0 ){
- nReserve = pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize;
- }
assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<=255 );
if( pageSize>=512 && pageSize<=SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE &&
((pageSize-1)&pageSize)==0 ){
@@ -66305,19 +67238,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(Btree *p){
** are intentually left unused. This is the "reserved" space that is
** sometimes used by extensions.
-** If SQLITE_HAS_MUTEX is defined then the number returned is the
-** greater of the current reserved space and the maximum requested
-** reserve space.
+** The value returned is the larger of the current reserve size and
+** the latest reserve size requested by SQLITE_FILECTRL_RESERVE_BYTES.
+** The amount of reserve can only grow - never shrink.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetOptimalReserve(Btree *p){
- int n;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetRequestedReserve(Btree *p){
+ int n1, n2;
- n = sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(p);
- if( npBt->optimalReserve ) n = p->pBt->optimalReserve;
+ n1 = (int)p->pBt->nReserveWanted;
+ n2 = sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(p);
- return n;
+ return n1>n2 ? n1 : n2;
@@ -66767,6 +67698,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeNewDb(Btree *p){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, int wrflag, int *pSchemaVersion){
BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+ Pager *pPager = pBt->pPager;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
@@ -66782,7 +67714,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, int wrflag, int *pSchemaVers
assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE || IfNotOmitAV(pBt->bDoTruncate)==0 );
if( (p->db->flags & SQLITE_ResetDatabase)
- && sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(pBt->pPager)==0
+ && sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(pPager)==0
pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_READ_ONLY;
@@ -66830,6 +67762,18 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, int wrflag, int *pSchemaVers
pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_INITIALLY_EMPTY;
if( pBt->nPage==0 ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_INITIALLY_EMPTY;
do {
+ sqlite3PagerWalDb(pPager, p->db);
+ /* If transitioning from no transaction directly to a write transaction,
+ ** block for the WRITER lock first if possible. */
+ if( pBt->pPage1==0 && wrflag ){
+ assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE );
+ rc = sqlite3PagerWalWriteLock(pPager, 1);
+ if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY && rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
+ }
/* Call lockBtree() until either pBt->pPage1 is populated or
** lockBtree() returns something other than SQLITE_OK. lockBtree()
** may return SQLITE_OK but leave pBt->pPage1 set to 0 if after
@@ -66843,7 +67787,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, int wrflag, int *pSchemaVers
if( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)!=0 ){
- rc = sqlite3PagerBegin(pBt->pPager,wrflag>1,sqlite3TempInMemory(p->db));
+ rc = sqlite3PagerBegin(pPager, wrflag>1, sqlite3TempInMemory(p->db));
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = newDatabase(pBt);
}else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT && pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE ){
@@ -66856,11 +67800,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, int wrflag, int *pSchemaVers
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+ (void)sqlite3PagerWalWriteLock(pPager, 0);
}while( (rc&0xFF)==SQLITE_BUSY && pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE &&
btreeInvokeBusyHandler(pBt) );
- sqlite3PagerResetLockTimeout(pBt->pPager);
+ sqlite3PagerWalDb(pPager, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ){
@@ -66912,7 +67860,7 @@ trans_begun:
** open savepoints. If the second parameter is greater than 0 and
** the sub-journal is not already open, then it will be opened here.
- rc = sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(pBt->pPager, p->db->nSavepoint);
+ rc = sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(pPager, p->db->nSavepoint);
@@ -67766,8 +68714,9 @@ static int btreeCursor(
/* The following assert statements verify that if this is a sharable
** b-tree database, the connection is holding the required table locks,
** and that no other connection has any open cursor that conflicts with
- ** this lock. */
- assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(p, iTable, pKeyInfo!=0, (wrFlag?2:1)) );
+ ** this lock. The iTable<1 term disables the check for corrupt schemas. */
+ assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(p, iTable, pKeyInfo!=0, (wrFlag?2:1))
+ || iTable<1 );
assert( wrFlag==0 || !hasReadConflicts(p, iTable) );
/* Assert that the caller has opened the required transaction. */
@@ -67780,9 +68729,13 @@ static int btreeCursor(
if( pBt->pTmpSpace==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
- if( iTable==1 && btreePagecount(pBt)==0 ){
- assert( wrFlag==0 );
- iTable = 0;
+ if( iTable<=1 ){
+ if( iTable<1 ){
+ }else if( btreePagecount(pBt)==0 ){
+ assert( wrFlag==0 );
+ iTable = 0;
+ }
/* Now that no other errors can occur, finish filling in the BtCursor
@@ -67807,6 +68760,19 @@ static int btreeCursor(
pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
return SQLITE_OK;
+static int btreeCursorWithLock(
+ Btree *p, /* The btree */
+ int iTable, /* Root page of table to open */
+ int wrFlag, /* 1 to write. 0 read-only */
+ struct KeyInfo *pKeyInfo, /* First arg to comparison function */
+ BtCursor *pCur /* Space for new cursor */
+ int rc;
+ sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
+ rc = btreeCursor(p, iTable, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur);
+ sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
+ return rc;
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursor(
Btree *p, /* The btree */
int iTable, /* Root page of table to open */
@@ -67814,15 +68780,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursor(
struct KeyInfo *pKeyInfo, /* First arg to xCompare() */
BtCursor *pCur /* Write new cursor here */
- int rc;
- if( iTable<1 ){
+ if( p->sharable ){
+ return btreeCursorWithLock(p, iTable, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur);
- sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
- rc = btreeCursor(p, iTable, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur);
- sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
+ return btreeCursor(p, iTable, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur);
- return rc;
@@ -67945,6 +68907,18 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE i64 sqlite3BtreeIntegerKey(BtCursor *pCur){
return pCur->info.nKey;
+** Pin or unpin a cursor.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorPin(BtCursor *pCur){
+ assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Pinned)==0 );
+ pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_Pinned;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorUnpin(BtCursor *pCur){
+ assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Pinned)!=0 );
+ pCur->curFlags &= ~BTCF_Pinned;
** Return the offset into the database file for the start of the
@@ -69101,8 +70075,11 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreeNext(BtCursor *pCur){
** to be invalid here. This can only occur if a second cursor modifies
** the page while cursor pCur is holding a reference to it. Which can
** only happen if the database is corrupt in such a way as to link the
- ** page into more than one b-tree structure. */
- testcase( idx>pPage->nCell );
+ ** page into more than one b-tree structure.
+ **
+ ** Update 2019-12-23: appears to long longer be possible after the
+ ** addition of anotherValidCursor() condition on balance_deeper(). */
+ harmless( idx>pPage->nCell );
if( idx>=pPage->nCell ){
if( !pPage->leaf ){
@@ -70301,7 +71278,7 @@ static int rebuildPage(
assert( i(u32)usableSize ){ j = 0; }
+ if( NEVER(j>(u32)usableSize) ){ j = 0; }
memcpy(&pTmp[j], &aData[j], usableSize - j);
for(k=0; pCArray->ixNx[k]<=i && ALWAYS(kxCellSize(pPg, pCell) || CORRUPT_DB );
- testcase( sz!=pPg->xCellSize(pPg,pCell) );
+ testcase( sz!=pPg->xCellSize(pPg,pCell) )
if( i>=iEnd ) break;
if( pCArray->ixNx[k]<=i ){
@@ -70519,7 +71496,7 @@ static int editPage(
assert( nCell>=0 );
if( iOldnCell ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+ if( NEVER(nShift>nCell) ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
memmove(pPg->aCellIdx, &pPg->aCellIdx[nShift*2], nCell*2);
nCell -= nShift;
@@ -71691,6 +72668,30 @@ static int balance_deeper(MemPage *pRoot, MemPage **ppChild){
return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return SQLITE_CORRUPT if any cursor other than pCur is currently valid
+** on the same B-tree as pCur.
+** This can if a database is corrupt with two or more SQL tables
+** pointing to the same b-tree. If an insert occurs on one SQL table
+** and causes a BEFORE TRIGGER to do a secondary insert on the other SQL
+** table linked to the same b-tree. If the secondary insert causes a
+** rebalance, that can change content out from under the cursor on the
+** first SQL table, violating invariants on the first insert.
+static int anotherValidCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
+ BtCursor *pOther;
+ for(pOther=pCur->pBt->pCursor; pOther; pOther=pOther->pNext){
+ if( pOther!=pCur
+ && pOther->eState==CURSOR_VALID
+ && pOther->pPage==pCur->pPage
+ ){
+ }
+ }
+ return SQLITE_OK;
** The page that pCur currently points to has just been modified in
** some way. This function figures out if this modification means the
@@ -71718,7 +72719,7 @@ static int balance(BtCursor *pCur){
if( pPage->nOverflow==0 && pPage->nFree<=nMin ){
}else if( (iPage = pCur->iPage)==0 ){
- if( pPage->nOverflow ){
+ if( pPage->nOverflow && (rc = anotherValidCursor(pCur))==SQLITE_OK ){
/* The root page of the b-tree is overfull. In this case call the
** balance_deeper() function to create a new child for the root-page
** and copy the current contents of the root-page to it. The
@@ -72014,7 +73015,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeInsert(
assert( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidNKey );
assert( pX->nKey==pCur->info.nKey );
- assert( pCur->info.nSize!=0 );
assert( loc==0 );
@@ -72089,7 +73089,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeInsert(
- assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID || (pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID && loc) );
+ assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID
+ || (pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID && loc)
+ || CORRUPT_DB );
pPage = pCur->pPage;
assert( pPage->intKey || pX->nKey>=0 );
@@ -72851,7 +73853,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(Btree *p, int idx, u32 iMeta){
return rc;
** The first argument, pCur, is a cursor opened on some b-tree. Count the
** number of entries in the b-tree and write the result to *pnEntry.
@@ -72860,7 +73861,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(Btree *p, int idx, u32 iMeta){
** Otherwise, if an error is encountered (i.e. an IO error or database
** corruption) an SQLite error code is returned.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCount(BtCursor *pCur, i64 *pnEntry){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCount(sqlite3 *db, BtCursor *pCur, i64 *pnEntry){
i64 nEntry = 0; /* Value to return in *pnEntry */
int rc; /* Return code */
@@ -72873,7 +73874,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCount(BtCursor *pCur, i64 *pnEntry){
/* Unless an error occurs, the following loop runs one iteration for each
** page in the B-Tree structure (not including overflow pages).
- while( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ while( rc==SQLITE_OK && !AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ){
int iIdx; /* Index of child node in parent */
MemPage *pPage; /* Current page of the b-tree */
@@ -72924,7 +73925,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCount(BtCursor *pCur, i64 *pnEntry){
/* An error has occurred. Return an error code. */
return rc;
** Return the pager associated with a BTree. This routine is used for
@@ -72999,6 +73999,7 @@ static int checkRef(IntegrityCk *pCheck, Pgno iPage){
checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "2nd reference to page %d", iPage);
return 1;
+ if( AtomicLoad(&pCheck->db->u1.isInterrupted) ) return 1;
setPageReferenced(pCheck, iPage);
return 0;
@@ -73442,6 +74443,7 @@ end_of_check:
** returned. If a memory allocation error occurs, NULL is returned.
SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(
+ sqlite3 *db, /* Database connection that is running the check */
Btree *p, /* The btree to be checked */
int *aRoot, /* An array of root pages numbers for individual trees */
int nRoot, /* Number of entries in aRoot[] */
@@ -73459,6 +74461,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(
assert( p->inTrans>TRANS_NONE && pBt->inTransaction>TRANS_NONE );
VVA_ONLY( nRef = sqlite3PagerRefcount(pBt->pPager) );
assert( nRef>=0 );
+ sCheck.db = db;
sCheck.pBt = pBt;
sCheck.pPager = pBt->pPager;
sCheck.nPage = btreePagecount(sCheck.pBt);
@@ -73972,7 +74975,7 @@ static Btree *findBtree(sqlite3 *pErrorDb, sqlite3 *pDb, const char *zDb){
static int setDestPgsz(sqlite3_backup *p){
int rc;
- rc = sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(p->pDest,sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pSrc),-1,0);
+ rc = sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(p->pDest,sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pSrc),0,0);
return rc;
@@ -74095,13 +75098,6 @@ static int backupOnePage(
int nDestPgsz = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pDest);
const int nCopy = MIN(nSrcPgsz, nDestPgsz);
const i64 iEnd = (i64)iSrcPg*(i64)nSrcPgsz;
- /* Use BtreeGetReserveNoMutex() for the source b-tree, as although it is
- ** guaranteed that the shared-mutex is held by this thread, handle
- ** p->pSrc may not actually be the owner. */
- int nSrcReserve = sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(p->pSrc);
- int nDestReserve = sqlite3BtreeGetOptimalReserve(p->pDest);
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
i64 iOff;
@@ -74118,26 +75114,6 @@ static int backupOnePage(
- /* Backup is not possible if the page size of the destination is changing
- ** and a codec is in use.
- */
- if( nSrcPgsz!=nDestPgsz && sqlite3PagerGetCodec(pDestPager)!=0 ){
- }
- /* Backup is not possible if the number of bytes of reserve space differ
- ** between source and destination. If there is a difference, try to
- ** fix the destination to agree with the source. If that is not possible,
- ** then the backup cannot proceed.
- */
- if( nSrcReserve!=nDestReserve ){
- u32 newPgsz = nSrcPgsz;
- rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pDestPager, &newPgsz, nSrcReserve);
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK && newPgsz!=(u32)nSrcPgsz ) rc = SQLITE_READONLY;
- }
/* This loop runs once for each destination page spanned by the source
** page. For each iteration, variable iOff is set to the byte offset
** of the destination page.
@@ -74633,10 +75609,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(Btree *pTo, Btree *pFrom){
b.pDest = pTo;
b.iNext = 1;
- sqlite3PagerAlignReserve(sqlite3BtreePager(pTo), sqlite3BtreePager(pFrom));
/* 0x7FFFFFFF is the hard limit for the number of pages in a database
** file. By passing this as the number of pages to copy to
** sqlite3_backup_step(), we can guarantee that the copy finishes
@@ -75125,15 +76097,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFinalize(Mem *pMem, FuncDef *pFunc){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemAggValue(Mem *pAccum, Mem *pOut, FuncDef *pFunc){
sqlite3_context ctx;
- Mem t;
assert( pFunc!=0 );
assert( pFunc->xValue!=0 );
assert( (pAccum->flags & MEM_Null)!=0 || pFunc==pAccum->u.pDef );
assert( pAccum->db==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(pAccum->db->mutex) );
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
- memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
- t.flags = MEM_Null;
- t.db = pAccum->db;
ctx.pOut = pOut;
ctx.pMem = pAccum;
@@ -75259,8 +76227,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE i64 sqlite3VdbeIntValue(Mem *pMem){
return pMem->u.i;
}else if( flags & MEM_Real ){
return doubleToInt64(pMem->u.r);
- }else if( flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob) ){
- assert( pMem->z || pMem->n==0 );
+ }else if( (flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))!=0 && pMem->z!=0 ){
return memIntValue(pMem);
return 0;
@@ -75417,8 +76384,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemNumerify(Mem *pMem){
** affinity even if that results in loss of data. This routine is
** used (for example) to implement the SQL "cast()" operator.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemCast(Mem *pMem, u8 aff, u8 encoding){
- if( pMem->flags & MEM_Null ) return;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemCast(Mem *pMem, u8 aff, u8 encoding){
+ if( pMem->flags & MEM_Null ) return SQLITE_OK;
switch( aff ){
case SQLITE_AFF_BLOB: { /* Really a cast to BLOB */
if( (pMem->flags & MEM_Blob)==0 ){
@@ -75449,9 +76416,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemCast(Mem *pMem, u8 aff, u8 encoding){
sqlite3ValueApplyAffinity(pMem, SQLITE_AFF_TEXT, encoding);
assert( pMem->flags & MEM_Str || pMem->db->mallocFailed );
pMem->flags &= ~(MEM_Int|MEM_Real|MEM_IntReal|MEM_Blob|MEM_Zero);
- break;
+ return sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pMem, encoding);
+ return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -75617,25 +76585,27 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(Mem *p){
** its link to a shallow copy and by marking any current shallow
** copies of this cell as invalid.
-** This is used for testing and debugging only - to make sure shallow
-** copies are not misused.
+** This is used for testing and debugging only - to help ensure that shallow
+** copies (created by OP_SCopy) are not misused.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemAboutToChange(Vdbe *pVdbe, Mem *pMem){
int i;
Mem *pX;
- for(i=0, pX=pVdbe->aMem; inMem; i++, pX++){
+ for(i=1, pX=pVdbe->aMem+1; inMem; i++, pX++){
if( pX->pScopyFrom==pMem ){
- /* If pX is marked as a shallow copy of pMem, then verify that
+ u16 mFlags;
+ if( pVdbe->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeTrace ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("Invalidate R[%d] due to change in R[%d]\n",
+ (int)(pX - pVdbe->aMem), (int)(pMem - pVdbe->aMem));
+ }
+ /* If pX is marked as a shallow copy of pMem, then try to verify that
** no significant changes have been made to pX since the OP_SCopy.
** A significant change would indicated a missed call to this
** function for pX. Minor changes, such as adding or removing a
** dual type, are allowed, as long as the underlying value is the
** same. */
- u16 mFlags = pMem->flags & pX->flags & pX->mScopyFlags;
+ mFlags = pMem->flags & pX->flags & pX->mScopyFlags;
assert( (mFlags&(MEM_Int|MEM_IntReal))==0 || pMem->u.i==pX->u.i );
- assert( (mFlags&MEM_Real)==0 || pMem->u.r==pX->u.r );
- assert( (mFlags&MEM_Str)==0 || (pMem->n==pX->n && pMem->z==pX->z) );
- assert( (mFlags&MEM_Blob)==0 || sqlite3BlobCompare(pMem,pX)==0 );
/* pMem is the register that is changing. But also mark pX as
** undefined so that we can quickly detect the shallow-copy error */
@@ -75647,7 +76617,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemAboutToChange(Vdbe *pVdbe, Mem *pMem){
#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
** Make an shallow copy of pFrom into pTo. Prior contents of
** pTo are freed. The pFrom->z field is not duplicated. If
@@ -75793,10 +76762,19 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(
pMem->n = nByte;
pMem->flags = flags;
- pMem->enc = (enc==0 ? SQLITE_UTF8 : enc);
+ if( enc ){
+ pMem->enc = enc;
+ }else if( pMem->db==0 ){
+ pMem->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
+ }else{
+ assert( pMem->db!=0 );
+ pMem->enc = ENC(pMem->db);
+ }
- if( pMem->enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 && sqlite3VdbeMemHandleBom(pMem) ){
+ if( enc>SQLITE_UTF8 && sqlite3VdbeMemHandleBom(pMem) ){
@@ -75823,7 +76801,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(
** If this routine fails for any reason (malloc returns NULL or unable
** to read from the disk) then the pMem is left in an inconsistent state.
-static SQLITE_NOINLINE int vdbeMemFromBtreeResize(
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(
BtCursor *pCur, /* Cursor pointing at record to retrieve. */
u32 offset, /* Offset from the start of data to return bytes from. */
u32 amt, /* Number of bytes to return. */
@@ -75846,13 +76824,11 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE int vdbeMemFromBtreeResize(
return rc;
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtreeZeroOffset(
BtCursor *pCur, /* Cursor pointing at record to retrieve. */
- u32 offset, /* Offset from the start of data to return bytes from. */
u32 amt, /* Number of bytes to return. */
Mem *pMem /* OUT: Return data in this Mem structure. */
- char *zData; /* Data from the btree layer */
u32 available = 0; /* Number of bytes available on the local btree page */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */
@@ -75862,15 +76838,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(
/* Note: the calls to BtreeKeyFetch() and DataFetch() below assert()
** that both the BtShared and database handle mutexes are held. */
assert( !sqlite3VdbeMemIsRowSet(pMem) );
- zData = (char *)sqlite3BtreePayloadFetch(pCur, &available);
- assert( zData!=0 );
+ pMem->z = (char *)sqlite3BtreePayloadFetch(pCur, &available);
+ assert( pMem->z!=0 );
- if( offset+amt<=available ){
- pMem->z = &zData[offset];
+ if( amt<=available ){
pMem->flags = MEM_Blob|MEM_Ephem;
pMem->n = (int)amt;
- rc = vdbeMemFromBtreeResize(pCur, offset, amt, pMem);
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(pCur, 0, amt, pMem);
return rc;
@@ -76213,7 +77188,11 @@ static int valueFromExpr(
if( pVal->flags & MEM_Real ){
pVal->u.r = -pVal->u.r;
}else if( pVal->u.i==SMALLEST_INT64 ){
pVal->u.r = -(double)SMALLEST_INT64;
+ pVal->u.r = LARGEST_INT64;
MemSetTypeFlag(pVal, MEM_Real);
pVal->u.i = -pVal->u.i;
@@ -76572,6 +77551,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ValueBytes(sqlite3_value *pVal, u8 enc){
/* #include "sqliteInt.h" */
/* #include "vdbeInt.h" */
+/* Forward references */
+static void freeEphemeralFunction(sqlite3 *db, FuncDef *pDef);
+static void vdbeFreeOpArray(sqlite3 *, Op *, int);
** Create a new virtual database engine.
@@ -76599,6 +77582,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Vdbe *sqlite3VdbeCreate(Parse *pParse){
return p;
+** Return the Parse object that owns a Vdbe object.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Parse *sqlite3VdbeParser(Vdbe *p){
+ return p->pParse;
** Change the error string stored in Vdbe.zErrMsg
@@ -76679,7 +77669,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSwap(Vdbe *pA, Vdbe *pB){
zTmp = pA->zSql;
pA->zSql = pB->zSql;
pB->zSql = zTmp;
-#if 0
zTmp = pA->zNormSql;
pA->zNormSql = pB->zNormSql;
pB->zNormSql = zTmp;
@@ -76740,9 +77730,16 @@ static int growOpArray(Vdbe *v, int nOp){
/* This routine is just a convenient place to set a breakpoint that will
** fire after each opcode is inserted and displayed using
-** "PRAGMA vdbe_addoptrace=on".
+** "PRAGMA vdbe_addoptrace=on". Parameters "pc" (program counter) and
+** pOp are available to make the breakpoint conditional.
+** Other useful labels for breakpoints include:
+** test_trace_breakpoint(pc,pOp)
+** sqlite3CorruptError(lineno)
+** sqlite3MisuseError(lineno)
+** sqlite3CantopenError(lineno)
-static void test_addop_breakpoint(void){
+static void test_addop_breakpoint(int pc, Op *pOp){
static int n = 0;
@@ -76795,7 +77792,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(Vdbe *p, int op, int p1, int p2, int p3){
if( p->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeAddopTrace ){
sqlite3VdbePrintOp(0, i, &p->aOp[i]);
- test_addop_breakpoint();
+ test_addop_breakpoint(i, &p->aOp[i]);
@@ -76878,6 +77875,49 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(
return addr;
+** Add an OP_Function or OP_PureFunc opcode.
+** The eCallCtx argument is information (typically taken from Expr.op2)
+** that describes the calling context of the function. 0 means a general
+** function call. NC_IsCheck means called by a check constraint,
+** NC_IdxExpr means called as part of an index expression. NC_PartIdx
+** means in the WHERE clause of a partial index. NC_GenCol means called
+** while computing a generated column value. 0 is the usual case.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddFunctionCall(
+ Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
+ int p1, /* Constant argument mask */
+ int p2, /* First argument register */
+ int p3, /* Register into which results are written */
+ int nArg, /* Number of argument */
+ const FuncDef *pFunc, /* The function to be invoked */
+ int eCallCtx /* Calling context */
+ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+ int nByte;
+ int addr;
+ sqlite3_context *pCtx;
+ assert( v );
+ nByte = sizeof(*pCtx) + (nArg-1)*sizeof(sqlite3_value*);
+ pCtx = sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(pParse->db, nByte);
+ if( pCtx==0 ){
+ assert( pParse->db->mallocFailed );
+ freeEphemeralFunction(pParse->db, (FuncDef*)pFunc);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pCtx->pOut = 0;
+ pCtx->pFunc = (FuncDef*)pFunc;
+ pCtx->pVdbe = 0;
+ pCtx->isError = 0;
+ pCtx->argc = nArg;
+ pCtx->iOp = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, eCallCtx ? OP_PureFunc : OP_Function,
+ p1, p2, p3, (char*)pCtx, P4_FUNCCTX);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, eCallCtx & NC_SelfRef);
+ return addr;
** Add an opcode that includes the p4 value with a P4_INT64 or
** P4_REAL type.
@@ -76920,7 +77960,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExplainBreakpoint(const char *z1, const char *z2){
-** Add a new OP_ opcode.
+** Add a new OP_Explain opcode.
** If the bPush flag is true, then make this opcode the parent for
** subsequent Explains until sqlite3VdbeExplainPop() is called.
@@ -77170,6 +78210,7 @@ static Op *opIterNext(VdbeOpIter *p){
** * OP_HaltIfNull with P1=SQLITE_CONSTRAINT and P2=OE_Abort.
** * OP_Destroy
** * OP_VUpdate
+** * OP_VCreate
** * OP_VRename
** * OP_FkCounter with P2==0 (immediate foreign key constraint)
** * OP_CreateBtree/BTREE_INTKEY and OP_InitCoroutine
@@ -77197,6 +78238,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAssertMayAbort(Vdbe *v, int mayAbort){
int opcode = pOp->opcode;
if( opcode==OP_Destroy || opcode==OP_VUpdate || opcode==OP_VRename
|| opcode==OP_VDestroy
+ || opcode==OP_VCreate
|| (opcode==OP_ParseSchema && pOp->p4.z==0)
|| ((opcode==OP_Halt || opcode==OP_HaltIfNull)
&& ((pOp->p1)!=SQLITE_OK && pOp->p2==OE_Abort))
@@ -77559,6 +78601,34 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(Vdbe *p, int addr){
sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(p, addr, p->nOp);
+** Change the P2 operand of the jump instruction at addr so that
+** the jump lands on the next opcode. Or if the jump instruction was
+** the previous opcode (and is thus a no-op) then simply back up
+** the next instruction counter by one slot so that the jump is
+** overwritten by the next inserted opcode.
+** This routine is an optimization of sqlite3VdbeJumpHere() that
+** strives to omit useless byte-code like this:
+** 7 Once 0 8 0
+** 8 ...
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeJumpHereOrPopInst(Vdbe *p, int addr){
+ if( addr==p->nOp-1 ){
+ assert( p->aOp[addr].opcode==OP_Once
+ || p->aOp[addr].opcode==OP_If
+ || p->aOp[addr].opcode==OP_FkIfZero );
+ assert( p->aOp[addr].p4type==0 );
+ sqlite3VdbeGetOp(p,-1)->iSrcLine = 0; /* Erase VdbeCoverage() macros */
+ p->nOp--;
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(p, addr, p->nOp);
+ }
** If the input FuncDef structure is ephemeral, then free it. If
@@ -77570,8 +78640,6 @@ static void freeEphemeralFunction(sqlite3 *db, FuncDef *pDef){
-static void vdbeFreeOpArray(sqlite3 *, Op *, int);
** Delete a P4 value if necessary.
@@ -77581,7 +78649,7 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE void freeP4Mem(sqlite3 *db, Mem *p){
static SQLITE_NOINLINE void freeP4FuncCtx(sqlite3 *db, sqlite3_context *p){
freeEphemeralFunction(db, p->pFunc);
- sqlite3DbFreeNN(db, p);
+ sqlite3DbFreeNN(db, p);
static void freeP4(sqlite3 *db, int p4type, void *p4){
assert( db );
@@ -77655,6 +78723,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeLinkSubProgram(Vdbe *pVdbe, SubProgram *p){
pVdbe->pProgram = p;
+** Return true if the given Vdbe has any SubPrograms.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeHasSubProgram(Vdbe *pVdbe){
+ return pVdbe->pProgram!=0;
** Change the opcode at addr into OP_Noop
@@ -77682,6 +78757,41 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeDeletePriorOpcode(Vdbe *p, u8 op){
+** Generate an OP_ReleaseReg opcode to indicate that a range of
+** registers, except any identified by mask, are no longer in use.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(
+ Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
+ int iFirst, /* Index of first register to be released */
+ int N, /* Number of registers to release */
+ u32 mask, /* Mask of registers to NOT release */
+ int bUndefine /* If true, mark registers as undefined */
+ if( N==0 ) return;
+ assert( pParse->pVdbe );
+ assert( iFirst>=1 );
+ assert( iFirst+N-1<=pParse->nMem );
+ if( N<=31 && mask!=0 ){
+ while( N>0 && (mask&1)!=0 ){
+ mask >>= 1;
+ iFirst++;
+ N--;
+ }
+ while( N>0 && N<=32 && (mask & MASKBIT32(N-1))!=0 ){
+ mask &= ~MASKBIT32(N-1);
+ N--;
+ }
+ }
+ if( N>0 ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(pParse->pVdbe, OP_ReleaseReg, iFirst, N, *(int*)&mask);
+ if( bUndefine ) sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(pParse->pVdbe, 1);
+ }
+#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
** Change the value of the P4 operand for a specific instruction.
** This routine is useful when a large program is loaded from a
@@ -77799,7 +78909,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetP4KeyInfo(Parse *pParse, Index *pIdx){
static void vdbeVComment(Vdbe *p, const char *zFormat, va_list ap){
assert( p->nOp>0 || p->aOp==0 );
- assert( p->aOp==0 || p->aOp[p->nOp-1].zComment==0 || p->db->mallocFailed );
+ assert( p->aOp==0 || p->aOp[p->nOp-1].zComment==0 || p->db->mallocFailed
+ || p->pParse->nErr>0 );
if( p->nOp ){
assert( p->aOp );
sqlite3DbFree(p->db, p->aOp[p->nOp-1].zComment);
@@ -77889,17 +79000,19 @@ static int translateP(char c, const Op *pOp){
** "PX@PY+1" -> "r[X..X+Y]" or "r[x]" if y is 0
** "PY..PY" -> "r[X..Y]" or "r[x]" if y<=x
-static int displayComment(
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3VdbeDisplayComment(
+ sqlite3 *db, /* Optional - Oom error reporting only */
const Op *pOp, /* The opcode to be commented */
- const char *zP4, /* Previously obtained value for P4 */
- char *zTemp, /* Write result here */
- int nTemp /* Space available in zTemp[] */
+ const char *zP4 /* Previously obtained value for P4 */
const char *zOpName;
const char *zSynopsis;
int nOpName;
- int ii, jj;
+ int ii;
char zAlt[50];
+ StrAccum x;
+ sqlite3StrAccumInit(&x, 0, 0, 0, SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH);
zOpName = sqlite3OpcodeName(pOp->opcode);
nOpName = sqlite3Strlen30(zOpName);
if( zOpName[nOpName+1] ){
@@ -77914,53 +79027,64 @@ static int displayComment(
zSynopsis = zAlt;
- for(ii=jj=0; jjzComment);
+ sqlite3_str_appendall(&x, pOp->zComment);
seenCom = 1;
int v1 = translateP(c, pOp);
int v2;
- sqlite3_snprintf(nTemp-jj, zTemp+jj, "%d", v1);
if( strncmp(zSynopsis+ii+1, "@P", 2)==0 ){
ii += 3;
- jj += sqlite3Strlen30(zTemp+jj);
v2 = translateP(zSynopsis[ii], pOp);
if( strncmp(zSynopsis+ii+1,"+1",2)==0 ){
ii += 2;
- if( v2>1 ){
- sqlite3_snprintf(nTemp-jj, zTemp+jj, "..%d", v1+v2-1);
+ if( v2<2 ){
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%d", v1);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%d..%d", v1, v1+v2-1);
+ }
+ }else if( strncmp(zSynopsis+ii+1, "@NP", 3)==0 ){
+ sqlite3_context *pCtx = pOp->p4.pCtx;
+ if( pOp->p4type!=P4_FUNCCTX || pCtx->argc==1 ){
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%d", v1);
+ }else if( pCtx->argc>1 ){
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%d..%d", v1, v1+pCtx->argc-1);
+ }else{
+ assert( x.nChar>2 );
+ x.nChar -= 2;
+ ii++;
+ }
+ ii += 3;
+ }else{
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%d", v1);
+ if( strncmp(zSynopsis+ii+1, "..P3", 4)==0 && pOp->p3==0 ){
+ ii += 4;
- }else if( strncmp(zSynopsis+ii+1, "..P3", 4)==0 && pOp->p3==0 ){
- ii += 4;
- jj += sqlite3Strlen30(zTemp+jj);
- zTemp[jj++] = c;
+ sqlite3_str_appendchar(&x, 1, c);
- if( !seenCom && jjzComment ){
- sqlite3_snprintf(nTemp-jj, zTemp+jj, "; %s", pOp->zComment);
- jj += sqlite3Strlen30(zTemp+jj);
+ if( !seenCom && pOp->zComment ){
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "; %s", pOp->zComment);
- if( jjzComment ){
- sqlite3_snprintf(nTemp, zTemp, "%s", pOp->zComment);
- jj = sqlite3Strlen30(zTemp);
- }else{
- zTemp[0] = 0;
- jj = 0;
+ sqlite3_str_appendall(&x, pOp->zComment);
- return jj;
+ if( (x.accError & SQLITE_NOMEM)!=0 && db!=0 ){
+ sqlite3OomFault(db);
+ }
+ return sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&x);
-#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
@@ -78041,11 +79165,11 @@ static void displayP4Expr(StrAccum *p, Expr *pExpr){
** Compute a string that describes the P4 parameter for an opcode.
** Use zTemp for any required temporary buffer space.
-static char *displayP4(Op *pOp, char *zTemp, int nTemp){
- char *zP4 = zTemp;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3VdbeDisplayP4(sqlite3 *db, Op *pOp){
+ char *zP4 = 0;
StrAccum x;
- assert( nTemp>=20 );
- sqlite3StrAccumInit(&x, 0, zTemp, nTemp, 0);
+ sqlite3StrAccumInit(&x, 0, 0, 0, SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH);
switch( pOp->p4type ){
case P4_KEYINFO: {
int j;
@@ -78071,8 +79195,11 @@ static char *displayP4(Op *pOp, char *zTemp, int nTemp){
case P4_COLLSEQ: {
+ static const char *const encnames[] = {"?", "8", "16LE", "16BE"};
CollSeq *pColl = pOp->p4.pColl;
- sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "(%.20s)", pColl->zName);
+ assert( pColl->enc>=0 && pColl->enc<4 );
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%.18s-%s", pColl->zName,
+ encnames[pColl->enc]);
case P4_FUNCDEF: {
@@ -78080,13 +79207,11 @@ static char *displayP4(Op *pOp, char *zTemp, int nTemp){
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%s(%d)", pDef->zName, pDef->nArg);
-#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(VDBE_PROFILE)
case P4_FUNCCTX: {
FuncDef *pDef = pOp->p4.pCtx->pFunc;
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%s(%d)", pDef->zName, pDef->nArg);
case P4_INT64: {
sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%lld", *pOp->p4.pI64);
@@ -78128,36 +79253,32 @@ static char *displayP4(Op *pOp, char *zTemp, int nTemp){
int n = ai[0]; /* The first element of an INTARRAY is always the
** count of the number of elements to follow */
for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
- sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, ",%d", ai[i]);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%c%d", (i==1 ? '[' : ','), ai[i]);
- zTemp[0] = '[';
sqlite3_str_append(&x, "]", 1);
- sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "program");
+ zP4 = "program";
case P4_DYNBLOB:
case P4_ADVANCE: {
- zTemp[0] = 0;
case P4_TABLE: {
- sqlite3_str_appendf(&x, "%s", pOp->p4.pTab->zName);
+ zP4 = pOp->p4.pTab->zName;
default: {
zP4 = pOp->p4.z;
- if( zP4==0 ){
- zP4 = zTemp;
- zTemp[0] = 0;
- }
- sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&x);
- assert( zP4!=0 );
- return zP4;
+ if( zP4 ) sqlite3_str_appendall(&x, zP4);
+ if( (x.accError & SQLITE_NOMEM)!=0 ){
+ sqlite3OomFault(db);
+ }
+ return sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&x);
#endif /* VDBE_DISPLAY_P4 */
@@ -78247,24 +79368,30 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeLeave(Vdbe *p){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbePrintOp(FILE *pOut, int pc, VdbeOp *pOp){
char *zP4;
- char zPtr[50];
- char zCom[100];
+ char *zCom;
+ sqlite3 dummyDb;
static const char *zFormat1 = "%4d %-13s %4d %4d %4d %-13s %.2X %s\n";
if( pOut==0 ) pOut = stdout;
- zP4 = displayP4(pOp, zPtr, sizeof(zPtr));
+ sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc();
+ dummyDb.mallocFailed = 1;
+ zP4 = sqlite3VdbeDisplayP4(&dummyDb, pOp);
- displayComment(pOp, zP4, zCom, sizeof(zCom));
+ zCom = sqlite3VdbeDisplayComment(0, pOp, zP4);
- zCom[0] = 0;
+ zCom = 0;
/* NB: The sqlite3OpcodeName() function is implemented by code created
** by the mkopcodeh.awk and mkopcodec.awk scripts which extract the
** information from the vdbe.c source text */
fprintf(pOut, zFormat1, pc,
- sqlite3OpcodeName(pOp->opcode), pOp->p1, pOp->p2, pOp->p3, zP4, pOp->p5,
- zCom
+ sqlite3OpcodeName(pOp->opcode), pOp->p1, pOp->p2, pOp->p3,
+ zP4 ? zP4 : "", pOp->p5,
+ zCom ? zCom : ""
+ sqlite3_free(zP4);
+ sqlite3_free(zCom);
+ sqlite3EndBenignMalloc();
@@ -78355,6 +79482,121 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeFrameMemDel(void *pArg){
pFrame->v->pDelFrame = pFrame;
+** Locate the next opcode to be displayed in EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN
+** QUERY PLAN output.
+** Return SQLITE_ROW on success. Return SQLITE_DONE if there are no
+** more opcodes to be displayed.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeNextOpcode(
+ Vdbe *p, /* The statement being explained */
+ Mem *pSub, /* Storage for keeping track of subprogram nesting */
+ int eMode, /* 0: normal. 1: EQP. 2: TablesUsed */
+ int *piPc, /* IN/OUT: Current rowid. Overwritten with next rowid */
+ int *piAddr, /* OUT: Write index into (*paOp)[] here */
+ Op **paOp /* OUT: Write the opcode array here */
+ int nRow; /* Stop when row count reaches this */
+ int nSub = 0; /* Number of sub-vdbes seen so far */
+ SubProgram **apSub = 0; /* Array of sub-vdbes */
+ int i; /* Next instruction address */
+ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Result code */
+ Op *aOp = 0; /* Opcode array */
+ int iPc; /* Rowid. Copy of value in *piPc */
+ /* When the number of output rows reaches nRow, that means the
+ ** listing has finished and sqlite3_step() should return SQLITE_DONE.
+ ** nRow is the sum of the number of rows in the main program, plus
+ ** the sum of the number of rows in all trigger subprograms encountered
+ ** so far. The nRow value will increase as new trigger subprograms are
+ ** encountered, but p->pc will eventually catch up to nRow.
+ */
+ nRow = p->nOp;
+ if( pSub!=0 ){
+ if( pSub->flags&MEM_Blob ){
+ /* pSub is initiallly NULL. It is initialized to a BLOB by
+ ** the P4_SUBPROGRAM processing logic below */
+ nSub = pSub->n/sizeof(Vdbe*);
+ apSub = (SubProgram **)pSub->z;
+ }
+ for(i=0; inOp;
+ }
+ }
+ iPc = *piPc;
+ while(1){ /* Loop exits via break */
+ i = iPc++;
+ if( i>=nRow ){
+ p->rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( inOp ){
+ /* The rowid is small enough that we are still in the
+ ** main program. */
+ aOp = p->aOp;
+ }else{
+ /* We are currently listing subprograms. Figure out which one and
+ ** pick up the appropriate opcode. */
+ int j;
+ i -= p->nOp;
+ assert( apSub!=0 );
+ assert( nSub>0 );
+ for(j=0; i>=apSub[j]->nOp; j++){
+ i -= apSub[j]->nOp;
+ assert( inOp || j+1aOp;
+ }
+ /* When an OP_Program opcode is encounter (the only opcode that has
+ ** a P4_SUBPROGRAM argument), expand the size of the array of subprograms
+ ** kept in p->aMem[9].z to hold the new program - assuming this subprogram
+ ** has not already been seen.
+ */
+ if( pSub!=0 && aOp[i].p4type==P4_SUBPROGRAM ){
+ int nByte = (nSub+1)*sizeof(SubProgram*);
+ int j;
+ for(j=0; jrc = sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pSub, nByte, nSub!=0);
+ if( p->rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+ break;
+ }
+ apSub = (SubProgram **)pSub->z;
+ apSub[nSub++] = aOp[i].p4.pProgram;
+ MemSetTypeFlag(pSub, MEM_Blob);
+ pSub->n = nSub*sizeof(SubProgram*);
+ nRow += aOp[i].p4.pProgram->nOp;
+ }
+ }
+ if( eMode==0 ) break;
+ if( eMode==2 ){
+ Op *pOp = aOp + i;
+ if( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenRead ) break;
+ if( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite && (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_P2ISREG)==0 ) break;
+ if( pOp->opcode==OP_ReopenIdx ) break;
+ }else
+ {
+ assert( eMode==1 );
+ if( aOp[i].opcode==OP_Explain ) break;
+ if( aOp[i].opcode==OP_Init && iPc>1 ) break;
+ }
+ }
+ *piPc = iPc;
+ *piAddr = i;
+ *paOp = aOp;
+ return rc;
** Delete a VdbeFrame object and its contents. VdbeFrame objects are
@@ -78395,16 +79637,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeFrameDelete(VdbeFrame *p){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeList(
Vdbe *p /* The VDBE */
- int nRow; /* Stop when row count reaches this */
- int nSub = 0; /* Number of sub-vdbes seen so far */
- SubProgram **apSub = 0; /* Array of sub-vdbes */
Mem *pSub = 0; /* Memory cell hold array of subprogs */
sqlite3 *db = p->db; /* The database connection */
int i; /* Loop counter */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */
Mem *pMem = &p->aMem[1]; /* First Mem of result set */
int bListSubprogs = (p->explain==1 || (db->flags & SQLITE_TriggerEQP)!=0);
- Op *pOp = 0;
+ Op *aOp; /* Array of opcodes */
+ Op *pOp; /* Current opcode */
assert( p->explain );
assert( p->magic==VDBE_MAGIC_RUN );
@@ -78424,14 +79664,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeList(
- /* When the number of output rows reaches nRow, that means the
- ** listing has finished and sqlite3_step() should return SQLITE_DONE.
- ** nRow is the sum of the number of rows in the main program, plus
- ** the sum of the number of rows in all trigger subprograms encountered
- ** so far. The nRow value will increase as new trigger subprograms are
- ** encountered, but p->pc will eventually catch up to nRow.
- */
- nRow = p->nOp;
if( bListSubprogs ){
/* The first 8 memory cells are used for the result set. So we will
** commandeer the 9th cell to use as storage for an array of pointers
@@ -78439,147 +79671,55 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeList(
** cells. */
assert( p->nMem>9 );
pSub = &p->aMem[9];
- if( pSub->flags&MEM_Blob ){
- /* On the first call to sqlite3_step(), pSub will hold a NULL. It is
- ** initialized to a BLOB by the P4_SUBPROGRAM processing logic below */
- nSub = pSub->n/sizeof(Vdbe*);
- apSub = (SubProgram **)pSub->z;
- }
- for(i=0; inOp;
- }
+ }else{
+ pSub = 0;
- while(1){ /* Loop exits via break */
- i = p->pc++;
- if( i>=nRow ){
- p->rc = SQLITE_OK;
- break;
- }
- if( inOp ){
- /* The output line number is small enough that we are still in the
- ** main program. */
- pOp = &p->aOp[i];
- }else{
- /* We are currently listing subprograms. Figure out which one and
- ** pick up the appropriate opcode. */
- int j;
- i -= p->nOp;
- assert( apSub!=0 );
- assert( nSub>0 );
- for(j=0; i>=apSub[j]->nOp; j++){
- i -= apSub[j]->nOp;
- assert( inOp || j+1aOp[i];
- }
- /* When an OP_Program opcode is encounter (the only opcode that has
- ** a P4_SUBPROGRAM argument), expand the size of the array of subprograms
- ** kept in p->aMem[9].z to hold the new program - assuming this subprogram
- ** has not already been seen.
- */
- if( bListSubprogs && pOp->p4type==P4_SUBPROGRAM ){
- int nByte = (nSub+1)*sizeof(SubProgram*);
- int j;
- for(j=0; jp4.pProgram ) break;
- }
- if( j==nSub ){
- p->rc = sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pSub, nByte, nSub!=0);
- if( p->rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
- break;
- }
- apSub = (SubProgram **)pSub->z;
- apSub[nSub++] = pOp->p4.pProgram;
- pSub->flags |= MEM_Blob;
- pSub->n = nSub*sizeof(SubProgram*);
- nRow += pOp->p4.pProgram->nOp;
- }
- }
- if( p->explain<2 ) break;
- if( pOp->opcode==OP_Explain ) break;
- if( pOp->opcode==OP_Init && p->pc>1 ) break;
- }
+ /* Figure out which opcode is next to display */
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeNextOpcode(p, pSub, p->explain==2, &p->pc, &i, &aOp);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- if( db->u1.isInterrupted ){
+ pOp = aOp + i;
+ if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ){
sqlite3VdbeError(p, sqlite3ErrStr(p->rc));
- char *zP4;
- if( p->explain==1 ){
- pMem->flags = MEM_Int;
- pMem->u.i = i; /* Program counter */
- pMem++;
- pMem->flags = MEM_Static|MEM_Str|MEM_Term;
- pMem->z = (char*)sqlite3OpcodeName(pOp->opcode); /* Opcode */
- assert( pMem->z!=0 );
- pMem->n = sqlite3Strlen30(pMem->z);
- pMem->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
- pMem++;
- }
- pMem->flags = MEM_Int;
- pMem->u.i = pOp->p1; /* P1 */
- pMem++;
- pMem->flags = MEM_Int;
- pMem->u.i = pOp->p2; /* P2 */
- pMem++;
- pMem->flags = MEM_Int;
- pMem->u.i = pOp->p3; /* P3 */
- pMem++;
- if( sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize(pMem, 100) ){ /* P4 */
- assert( p->db->mallocFailed );
- return SQLITE_ERROR;
- }
- pMem->flags = MEM_Str|MEM_Term;
- zP4 = displayP4(pOp, pMem->z, pMem->szMalloc);
- if( zP4!=pMem->z ){
- pMem->n = 0;
- sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pMem, zP4, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0);
+ char *zP4 = sqlite3VdbeDisplayP4(db, pOp);
+ if( p->explain==2 ){
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem, pOp->p1);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem+1, pOp->p2);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem+2, pOp->p3);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pMem+3, zP4, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, sqlite3_free);
+ p->nResColumn = 4;
- assert( pMem->z!=0 );
- pMem->n = sqlite3Strlen30(pMem->z);
- pMem->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
- }
- pMem++;
- if( p->explain==1 ){
- if( sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize(pMem, 4) ){
- assert( p->db->mallocFailed );
- return SQLITE_ERROR;
- }
- pMem->flags = MEM_Str|MEM_Term;
- pMem->n = 2;
- sqlite3_snprintf(3, pMem->z, "%.2x", pOp->p5); /* P5 */
- pMem->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
- pMem++;
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem+0, i);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pMem+1, (char*)sqlite3OpcodeName(pOp->opcode),
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem+2, pOp->p1);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem+3, pOp->p2);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem+4, pOp->p3);
+ /* pMem+5 for p4 is done last */
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pMem+6, pOp->p5);
- if( sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize(pMem, 500) ){
- assert( p->db->mallocFailed );
- return SQLITE_ERROR;
+ {
+ char *zCom = sqlite3VdbeDisplayComment(db, pOp, zP4);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pMem+7, zCom, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, sqlite3_free);
- pMem->flags = MEM_Str|MEM_Term;
- pMem->n = displayComment(pOp, zP4, pMem->z, 500);
- pMem->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
- pMem->flags = MEM_Null; /* Comment */
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(pMem+7);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pMem+5, zP4, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, sqlite3_free);
+ p->nResColumn = 8;
+ }
+ p->pResultSet = pMem;
+ if( db->mallocFailed ){
+ p->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+ }else{
+ p->rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ rc = SQLITE_ROW;
- p->nResColumn = 8 - 4*(p->explain-1);
- p->pResultSet = &p->aMem[1];
- p->rc = SQLITE_OK;
- rc = SQLITE_ROW;
return rc;
@@ -78780,8 +79920,27 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMakeReady(
resolveP2Values(p, &nArg);
p->usesStmtJournal = (u8)(pParse->isMultiWrite && pParse->mayAbort);
- if( pParse->explain && nMem<10 ){
- nMem = 10;
+ if( pParse->explain ){
+ static const char * const azColName[] = {
+ "addr", "opcode", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "comment",
+ "id", "parent", "notused", "detail"
+ };
+ int iFirst, mx, i;
+ if( nMem<10 ) nMem = 10;
+ p->explain = pParse->explain;
+ if( pParse->explain==2 ){
+ sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(p, 4);
+ iFirst = 8;
+ mx = 12;
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(p, 8);
+ iFirst = 0;
+ mx = 8;
+ }
+ for(i=iFirst; iexpired = 0;
@@ -78819,7 +79978,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMakeReady(
p->pVList = pParse->pVList;
pParse->pVList = 0;
- p->explain = pParse->explain;
if( db->mallocFailed ){
p->nVar = 0;
p->nCursor = 0;
@@ -79131,8 +80289,9 @@ static int vdbeCommit(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
/* Select a master journal file name */
nMainFile = sqlite3Strlen30(zMainFile);
- zMaster = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s-mjXXXXXX9XXz", zMainFile);
+ zMaster = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%.4c%s%.16c", 0,zMainFile,0);
if( zMaster==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
+ zMaster += 4;
do {
u32 iRandom;
if( retryCount ){
@@ -79162,7 +80321,7 @@ static int vdbeCommit(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
- sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster-4);
return rc;
@@ -79185,7 +80344,7 @@ static int vdbeCommit(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3OsDelete(pVfs, zMaster, 0);
- sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster-4);
return rc;
@@ -79199,7 +80358,7 @@ static int vdbeCommit(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
sqlite3OsDelete(pVfs, zMaster, 0);
- sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster-4);
return rc;
@@ -79222,7 +80381,7 @@ static int vdbeCommit(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
assert( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY );
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
- sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster-4);
return rc;
@@ -79231,7 +80390,7 @@ static int vdbeCommit(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
** transaction files are deleted.
rc = sqlite3OsDelete(pVfs, zMaster, 1);
- sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, zMaster-4);
zMaster = 0;
if( rc ){
return rc;
@@ -79870,7 +81029,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeDelete(Vdbe *p){
** carried out. Seek the cursor now. If an error occurs, return
** the appropriate error code.
-static int SQLITE_NOINLINE handleDeferredMoveto(VdbeCursor *p){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int SQLITE_NOINLINE sqlite3VdbeFinishMoveto(VdbeCursor *p){
int res, rc;
extern int sqlite3_search_count;
@@ -79937,12 +81096,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(VdbeCursor **pp, int *piCol){
assert( p->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE || p->eCurType==CURTYPE_PSEUDO );
if( p->deferredMoveto ){
int iMap;
- if( p->aAltMap && (iMap = p->aAltMap[1+*piCol])>0 ){
+ if( p->aAltMap && (iMap = p->aAltMap[1+*piCol])>0 && !p->nullRow ){
*pp = p->pAltCursor;
*piCol = iMap - 1;
return SQLITE_OK;
- return handleDeferredMoveto(p);
+ return sqlite3VdbeFinishMoveto(p);
if( sqlite3BtreeCursorHasMoved(p->uc.pCursor) ){
return handleMovedCursor(p);
@@ -80940,7 +82099,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeRecordCompareWithSkip(
/* RHS is a string */
else if( pRhs->flags & MEM_Str ){
- getVarint32(&aKey1[idx1], serial_type);
+ getVarint32NR(&aKey1[idx1], serial_type);
testcase( serial_type==12 );
if( serial_type<12 ){
rc = -1;
@@ -80974,7 +82133,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeRecordCompareWithSkip(
/* RHS is a blob */
else if( pRhs->flags & MEM_Blob ){
assert( (pRhs->flags & MEM_Zero)==0 || pRhs->n==0 );
- getVarint32(&aKey1[idx1], serial_type);
+ getVarint32NR(&aKey1[idx1], serial_type);
testcase( serial_type==12 );
if( serial_type<12 || (serial_type & 0x01) ){
rc = -1;
@@ -81163,7 +82322,10 @@ static int vdbeRecordCompareString(
assert( pPKey2->aMem[0].flags & MEM_Str );
vdbeAssertFieldCountWithinLimits(nKey1, pKey1, pPKey2->pKeyInfo);
- getVarint32(&aKey1[1], serial_type);
+ serial_type = (u8)(aKey1[1]);
+ if( serial_type >= 0x80 ){
+ sqlite3GetVarint32(&aKey1[1], (u32*)&serial_type);
+ }
if( serial_type<12 ){
res = pPKey2->r1; /* (pKey1/nKey1) is a number or a null */
}else if( !(serial_type & 0x01) ){
@@ -81284,13 +82446,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeIdxRowid(sqlite3 *db, BtCursor *pCur, i64 *rowid){
/* Read in the complete content of the index entry */
sqlite3VdbeMemInit(&m, db, 0);
- rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(pCur, 0, (u32)nCellKey, &m);
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtreeZeroOffset(pCur, (u32)nCellKey, &m);
if( rc ){
return rc;
/* The index entry must begin with a header size */
- (void)getVarint32((u8*)m.z, szHdr);
+ getVarint32NR((u8*)m.z, szHdr);
testcase( szHdr==3 );
testcase( szHdr==m.n );
testcase( szHdr>0x7fffffff );
@@ -81301,7 +82463,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeIdxRowid(sqlite3 *db, BtCursor *pCur, i64 *rowid){
/* The last field of the index should be an integer - the ROWID.
** Verify that the last entry really is an integer. */
- (void)getVarint32((u8*)&m.z[szHdr-1], typeRowid);
+ getVarint32NR((u8*)&m.z[szHdr-1], typeRowid);
testcase( typeRowid==1 );
testcase( typeRowid==2 );
testcase( typeRowid==3 );
@@ -81366,7 +82528,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeIdxKeyCompare(
sqlite3VdbeMemInit(&m, db, 0);
- rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(pCur, 0, (u32)nCellKey, &m);
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtreeZeroOffset(pCur, (u32)nCellKey, &m);
if( rc ){
return rc;
@@ -81482,13 +82644,25 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetVarmask(Vdbe *v, int iVar){
** features such as 'now'.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3NotPureFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
+ const VdbeOp *pOp;
if( pCtx->pVdbe==0 ) return 1;
- if( pCtx->pVdbe->aOp[pCtx->iOp].opcode==OP_PureFunc ){
- sqlite3_result_error(pCtx,
- "non-deterministic function in index expression or CHECK constraint",
- -1);
+ pOp = pCtx->pVdbe->aOp + pCtx->iOp;
+ if( pOp->opcode==OP_PureFunc ){
+ const char *zContext;
+ char *zMsg;
+ if( pOp->p5 & NC_IsCheck ){
+ zContext = "a CHECK constraint";
+ }else if( pOp->p5 & NC_GenCol ){
+ zContext = "a generated column";
+ }else{
+ zContext = "an index";
+ }
+ zMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("non-deterministic use of %s() in %s",
+ pCtx->pFunc->zName, zContext);
+ sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, zMsg, -1);
+ sqlite3_free(zMsg);
return 0;
return 1;
@@ -82267,7 +83441,7 @@ static int sqlite3Step(Vdbe *p){
** from interrupting a statement that has not yet started.
if( db->nVdbeActive==0 ){
- db->u1.isInterrupted = 0;
+ AtomicStore(&db->u1.isInterrupted, 0);
assert( db->nVdbeWrite>0 || db->autoCommit==0
@@ -82959,7 +84133,7 @@ static int vdbeUnbind(Vdbe *p, int i){
/* If the bit corresponding to this variable in Vdbe.expmask is set, then
** binding a new value to this variable invalidates the current query plan.
- ** IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-48440-37595 If the specific value bound to host
+ ** IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-57496-20354 If the specific value bound to a host
** parameter in the WHERE clause might influence the choice of query plan
** for a statement, then the statement will be automatically recompiled,
** as if there had been a schema change, on the first sqlite3_step() call
@@ -83435,7 +84609,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_preupdate_old(sqlite3 *db, int iIdx, sqlite3_value **ppVa
goto preupdate_old_out;
if( p->pPk ){
- iIdx = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(p->pPk, iIdx);
+ iIdx = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(p->pPk, iIdx);
if( iIdx>=p->pCsr->nField || iIdx<0 ){
@@ -83525,7 +84699,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_preupdate_new(sqlite3 *db, int iIdx, sqlite3_value **ppVa
goto preupdate_new_out;
if( p->pPk && p->op!=SQLITE_UPDATE ){
- iIdx = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(p->pPk, iIdx);
+ iIdx = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(p->pPk, iIdx);
if( iIdx>=p->pCsr->nField || iIdx<0 ){
@@ -83973,6 +85147,26 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_found_count = 0;
+/* This routine provides a convenient place to set a breakpoint during
+** tracing with PRAGMA vdbe_trace=on. The breakpoint fires right after
+** each opcode is printed. Variables "pc" (program counter) and pOp are
+** available to add conditionals to the breakpoint. GDB example:
+** break test_trace_breakpoint if pc=22
+** Other useful labels for breakpoints include:
+** test_addop_breakpoint(pc,pOp)
+** sqlite3CorruptError(lineno)
+** sqlite3MisuseError(lineno)
+** sqlite3CantopenError(lineno)
+static void test_trace_breakpoint(int pc, Op *pOp, Vdbe *v){
+ static int n = 0;
+ n++;
** Invoke the VDBE coverage callback, if that callback is defined. This
** feature is used for test suite validation only and does not appear an
@@ -84317,12 +85511,9 @@ static u16 numericType(Mem *pMem){
** Write a nice string representation of the contents of cell pMem
** into buffer zBuf, length nBuf.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(Mem *pMem, char *zBuf){
- char *zCsr = zBuf;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(Mem *pMem, StrAccum *pStr){
int f = pMem->flags;
static const char *const encnames[] = {"(X)", "(8)", "(16LE)", "(16BE)"};
if( f&MEM_Blob ){
int i;
char c;
@@ -84338,57 +85529,40 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(Mem *pMem, char *zBuf){
c = 's';
- *(zCsr++) = c;
- *(zCsr++) = 'x';
- sqlite3_snprintf(100, zCsr, "%d[", pMem->n);
- zCsr += sqlite3Strlen30(zCsr);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pStr, "%cx[", c);
for(i=0; i<25 && in; i++){
- sqlite3_snprintf(100, zCsr, "%02X", ((int)pMem->z[i] & 0xFF));
- zCsr += sqlite3Strlen30(zCsr);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pStr, "%02X", ((int)pMem->z[i] & 0xFF));
- *zCsr++ = '|';
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pStr, "|");
for(i=0; i<25 && in; i++){
char z = pMem->z[i];
- if( z<32 || z>126 ) *zCsr++ = '.';
- else *zCsr++ = z;
+ sqlite3_str_appendchar(pStr, 1, (z<32||z>126)?'.':z);
- *(zCsr++) = ']';
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pStr,"]");
if( f & MEM_Zero ){
- sqlite3_snprintf(100, zCsr,"+%dz",pMem->u.nZero);
- zCsr += sqlite3Strlen30(zCsr);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pStr, "+%dz",pMem->u.nZero);
- *zCsr = '\0';
}else if( f & MEM_Str ){
- int j, k;
- zBuf[0] = ' ';
+ int j;
+ u8 c;
if( f & MEM_Dyn ){
- zBuf[1] = 'z';
+ c = 'z';
assert( (f & (MEM_Static|MEM_Ephem))==0 );
}else if( f & MEM_Static ){
- zBuf[1] = 't';
+ c = 't';
assert( (f & (MEM_Dyn|MEM_Ephem))==0 );
}else if( f & MEM_Ephem ){
- zBuf[1] = 'e';
+ c = 'e';
assert( (f & (MEM_Static|MEM_Dyn))==0 );
- zBuf[1] = 's';
+ c = 's';
- k = 2;
- sqlite3_snprintf(100, &zBuf[k], "%d", pMem->n);
- k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zBuf[k]);
- zBuf[k++] = '[';
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pStr, " %c%d[", c, pMem->n);
for(j=0; j<25 && jn; j++){
- u8 c = pMem->z[j];
- if( c>=0x20 && c<0x7f ){
- zBuf[k++] = c;
- }else{
- zBuf[k++] = '.';
- }
+ c = pMem->z[j];
+ sqlite3_str_appendchar(pStr, 1, (c>=0x20&&c<=0x7f) ? c : '.');
- zBuf[k++] = ']';
- sqlite3_snprintf(100,&zBuf[k], encnames[pMem->enc]);
- k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zBuf[k]);
- zBuf[k++] = 0;
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pStr, "]%s", encnames[pMem->enc]);
@@ -84415,20 +85589,37 @@ static void memTracePrint(Mem *p){
}else if( sqlite3VdbeMemIsRowSet(p) ){
printf(" (rowset)");
- char zBuf[200];
- sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(p, zBuf);
- printf(" %s", zBuf);
+ StrAccum acc;
+ char zBuf[1000];
+ sqlite3StrAccumInit(&acc, 0, zBuf, sizeof(zBuf), 0);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(p, &acc);
+ printf(" %s", sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&acc));
if( p->flags & MEM_Subtype ) printf(" subtype=0x%02x", p->eSubtype);
static void registerTrace(int iReg, Mem *p){
- printf("REG[%d] = ", iReg);
+ printf("R[%d] = ", iReg);
+ if( p->pScopyFrom ){
+ printf(" <== R[%d]", (int)(p->pScopyFrom - &p[-iReg]));
+ }
+** Show the values of all registers in the virtual machine. Used for
+** interactive debugging.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeRegisterDump(Vdbe *v){
+ int i;
+ for(i=1; inMem; i++) registerTrace(i, v->aMem+i);
+#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
# define REGISTER_TRACE(R,M) if(db->flags&SQLITE_VdbeTrace)registerTrace(R,M)
@@ -84457,7 +85648,7 @@ static void registerTrace(int iReg, Mem *p){
** This file contains inline asm code for retrieving "high-performance"
-** counters for x86 class CPUs.
+** counters for x86 and x86_64 class CPUs.
@@ -84468,8 +85659,9 @@ static void registerTrace(int iReg, Mem *p){
** processor and returns that value. This can be used for high-res
** profiling.
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
- (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
+#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && \
+ (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
+ (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
#if defined(__GNUC__)
@@ -84490,7 +85682,7 @@ static void registerTrace(int iReg, Mem *p){
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long val;
@@ -84498,7 +85690,7 @@ static void registerTrace(int iReg, Mem *p){
return val;
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
+#elif !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
__inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
unsigned long long retval;
@@ -84515,14 +85707,13 @@ static void registerTrace(int iReg, Mem *p){
- #error Need implementation of sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform.
- ** To compile without implementing sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform,
- ** you can remove the above #error and use the following
- ** stub function. You will lose timing support for many
- ** of the debugging and testing utilities, but it should at
- ** least compile and run.
+ ** asm() is needed for hardware timing support. Without asm(),
+ ** disable the sqlite3Hwtime() routine.
+ **
+ ** sqlite3Hwtime() is only used for some obscure debugging
+ ** and analysis configurations, not in any deliverable, so this
+ ** should not be a great loss.
SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){ return ((sqlite_uint64)0); }
@@ -84630,12 +85821,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeExec(
goto no_mem;
assert( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || (p->rc&0xff)==SQLITE_BUSY );
+ testcase( p->rc!=SQLITE_OK );
+ p->rc = SQLITE_OK;
assert( p->bIsReader || p->readOnly!=0 );
p->iCurrentTime = 0;
assert( p->explain==0 );
p->pResultSet = 0;
db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
- if( db->u1.isInterrupted ) goto abort_due_to_interrupt;
+ if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ) goto abort_due_to_interrupt;
@@ -84683,6 +85876,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeExec(
if( db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeTrace ){
sqlite3VdbePrintOp(stdout, (int)(pOp - aOp), pOp);
+ test_trace_breakpoint((int)(pOp - aOp),pOp,p);
@@ -84790,6 +85984,20 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeExec(
** to the current line should be indented for EXPLAIN output.
case OP_Goto: { /* jump */
+ /* In debuggging mode, when the p5 flags is set on an OP_Goto, that
+ ** means we should really jump back to the preceeding OP_ReleaseReg
+ ** instruction. */
+ if( pOp->p5 ){
+ assert( pOp->p2 < (int)(pOp - aOp) );
+ assert( pOp->p2 > 1 );
+ pOp = &aOp[pOp->p2 - 2];
+ assert( pOp[1].opcode==OP_ReleaseReg );
+ goto check_for_interrupt;
+ }
pOp = &aOp[pOp->p2 - 1];
@@ -84804,7 +86012,7 @@ jump_to_p2_and_check_for_interrupt:
** checks on every opcode. This helps sqlite3_step() to run about 1.5%
** faster according to "valgrind --tool=cachegrind" */
- if( db->u1.isInterrupted ) goto abort_due_to_interrupt;
+ if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ) goto abort_due_to_interrupt;
/* Call the progress callback if it is configured and the required number
** of VDBE ops have been executed (either since this invocation of
@@ -85266,8 +86474,13 @@ case OP_Move: {
memAboutToChange(p, pOut);
sqlite3VdbeMemMove(pOut, pIn1);
- if( pOut->pScopyFrom>=&aMem[p1] && pOut->pScopyFrompScopyFrom += pOp->p2 - p1;
+ pIn1->pScopyFrom = 0;
+ { int i;
+ for(i=1; inMem; i++){
+ if( aMem[i].pScopyFrom==pIn1 ){
+ aMem[i].pScopyFrom = pOut;
+ }
+ }
@@ -85408,6 +86621,14 @@ case OP_ResultRow: {
|| (pMem[i].flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 );
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1+i, &pMem[i]);
+ /* The registers in the result will not be used again when the
+ ** prepared statement restarts. This is because sqlite3_column()
+ ** APIs might have caused type conversions of made other changes to
+ ** the register values. Therefore, we can go ahead and break any
+ ** OP_SCopy dependencies. */
+ pMem[i].pScopyFrom = 0;
if( db->mallocFailed ) goto no_mem;
@@ -85415,6 +86636,7 @@ case OP_ResultRow: {
db->xTrace(SQLITE_TRACE_ROW, db->pTraceArg, p, 0);
/* Return SQLITE_ROW
p->pc = (int)(pOp - aOp) + 1;
@@ -85443,7 +86665,6 @@ case OP_Concat: { /* same as TK_CONCAT, in1, in2, out3 */
pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3];
- testcase( pIn1==pIn2 );
testcase( pOut==pIn2 );
assert( pIn1!=pOut );
flags1 = pIn1->flags;
@@ -85811,9 +87032,11 @@ case OP_Cast: { /* in1 */
pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
memAboutToChange(p, pIn1);
rc = ExpandBlob(pIn1);
- sqlite3VdbeMemCast(pIn1, pOp->p2, encoding);
if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeMemCast(pIn1, pOp->p2, encoding);
+ if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1, pIn1);
#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_CAST */
@@ -85973,11 +87196,6 @@ case OP_Ge: { /* same as TK_GE, jump, in1, in3 */
if( (flags1 & (MEM_Int|MEM_IntReal|MEM_Real|MEM_Str))==MEM_Str ){
assert( flags3==pIn3->flags );
- /* testcase( flags3!=pIn3->flags );
- ** this used to be possible with pIn1==pIn3, but not since
- ** the column cache was removed. The following assignment
- ** is essentially a no-op. But, it provides defense-in-depth
- ** in case our analysis is incorrect, so it is left in. */
flags3 = pIn3->flags;
if( (flags3 & (MEM_Int|MEM_IntReal|MEM_Real|MEM_Str))==MEM_Str ){
@@ -86000,7 +87218,7 @@ case OP_Ge: { /* same as TK_GE, jump, in1, in3 */
sqlite3VdbeMemStringify(pIn1, encoding, 1);
testcase( (flags1&MEM_Dyn) != (pIn1->flags&MEM_Dyn) );
flags1 = (pIn1->flags & ~MEM_TypeMask) | (flags1 & MEM_TypeMask);
- assert( pIn1!=pIn3 );
+ if( NEVER(pIn1==pIn3) ) flags3 = flags1 | MEM_Str;
if( (flags3 & MEM_Str)==0 && (flags3&(MEM_Int|MEM_Real|MEM_IntReal))!=0 ){
testcase( pIn3->flags & MEM_Int );
@@ -86035,10 +87253,10 @@ compare_op:
/* Undo any changes made by applyAffinity() to the input registers. */
- assert( (pIn1->flags & MEM_Dyn) == (flags1 & MEM_Dyn) );
- pIn1->flags = flags1;
assert( (pIn3->flags & MEM_Dyn) == (flags3 & MEM_Dyn) );
pIn3->flags = flags3;
+ assert( (pIn1->flags & MEM_Dyn) == (flags1 & MEM_Dyn) );
+ pIn1->flags = flags1;
if( pOp->p5 & SQLITE_STOREP2 ){
pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
@@ -86074,16 +87292,31 @@ compare_op:
/* Opcode: ElseNotEq * P2 * * *
-** This opcode must immediately follow an OP_Lt or OP_Gt comparison operator.
-** If result of an OP_Eq comparison on the same two operands
-** would have be NULL or false (0), then then jump to P2.
-** If the result of an OP_Eq comparison on the two previous operands
-** would have been true (1), then fall through.
+** This opcode must follow an OP_Lt or OP_Gt comparison operator. There
+** can be zero or more OP_ReleaseReg opcodes intervening, but no other
+** opcodes are allowed to occur between this instruction and the previous
+** OP_Lt or OP_Gt. Furthermore, the prior OP_Lt or OP_Gt must have the
+** SQLITE_STOREP2 bit set in the P5 field.
+** If result of an OP_Eq comparison on the same two operands as the
+** prior OP_Lt or OP_Gt would have been NULL or false (0), then then
+** jump to P2. If the result of an OP_Eq comparison on the two previous
+** operands would have been true (1), then fall through.
case OP_ElseNotEq: { /* same as TK_ESCAPE, jump */
- assert( pOp>aOp );
- assert( pOp[-1].opcode==OP_Lt || pOp[-1].opcode==OP_Gt );
- assert( pOp[-1].p5 & SQLITE_STOREP2 );
+ /* Verify the preconditions of this opcode - that it follows an OP_Lt or
+ ** OP_Gt with the SQLITE_STOREP2 flag set, with zero or more intervening
+ ** OP_ReleaseReg opcodes */
+ int iAddr;
+ for(iAddr = (int)(pOp - aOp) - 1; ALWAYS(iAddr>=0); iAddr--){
+ if( aOp[iAddr].opcode==OP_ReleaseReg ) continue;
+ assert( aOp[iAddr].opcode==OP_Lt || aOp[iAddr].opcode==OP_Gt );
+ assert( aOp[iAddr].p5 & SQLITE_STOREP2 );
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
VdbeBranchTaken(iCompare!=0, 2);
if( iCompare!=0 ) goto jump_to_p2;
@@ -86494,7 +87727,9 @@ case OP_Column: {
u32 t; /* A type code from the record header */
Mem *pReg; /* PseudoTable input register */
+ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1nCursor );
pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+ assert( pC!=0 );
p2 = pOp->p2;
/* If the cursor cache is stale (meaning it is not currently point at
@@ -86506,7 +87741,6 @@ case OP_Column: {
assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );
pDest = &aMem[pOp->p3];
memAboutToChange(p, pDest);
- assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1nCursor );
assert( pC!=0 );
assert( p2nField );
aOffset = pC->aOffset;
@@ -86599,7 +87833,7 @@ case OP_Column: {
/* Make sure zData points to enough of the record to cover the header. */
if( pC->aRow==0 ){
memset(&sMem, 0, sizeof(sMem));
- rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(pC->uc.pCursor, 0, aOffset[0], &sMem);
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtreeZeroOffset(pC->uc.pCursor,aOffset[0],&sMem);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto abort_due_to_error;
zData = (u8*)sMem.z;
@@ -86717,10 +87951,11 @@ case OP_Column: {
** Although sqlite3VdbeSerialGet() may read at most 8 bytes from the
** buffer passed to it, debugging function VdbeMemPrettyPrint() may
- ** read up to 16. So 16 bytes of bogus content is supplied.
+ ** read more. Use the global constant sqlite3CtypeMap[] as the array,
+ ** as that array is 256 bytes long (plenty for VdbeMemPrettyPrint())
+ ** and it begins with a bunch of zeros.
- static u8 aZero[16]; /* This is the bogus content */
- sqlite3VdbeSerialGet(aZero, t, pDest);
+ sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8*)sqlite3CtypeMap, t, pDest);
rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(pC->uc.pCursor, aOffset[p2], len, pDest);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto abort_due_to_error;
@@ -86763,7 +87998,7 @@ case OP_Affinity: {
pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
while( 1 /*exit-by-break*/ ){
assert( pIn1 <= &p->aMem[(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor)] );
- assert( memIsValid(pIn1) );
+ assert( zAffinity[0]==SQLITE_AFF_NONE || memIsValid(pIn1) );
applyAffinity(pIn1, zAffinity[0], encoding);
if( zAffinity[0]==SQLITE_AFF_REAL && (pIn1->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 ){
/* When applying REAL affinity, if the result is still an MEM_Int
@@ -87073,13 +88308,16 @@ case OP_MakeRecord: {
-/* Opcode: Count P1 P2 * * *
+/* Opcode: Count P1 P2 p3 * *
** Synopsis: r[P2]=count()
** Store the number of entries (an integer value) in the table or index
-** opened by cursor P1 in register P2
+** opened by cursor P1 in register P2.
+** If P3==0, then an exact count is obtained, which involves visiting
+** every btree page of the table. But if P3 is non-zero, an estimate
+** is returned based on the current cursor position.
case OP_Count: { /* out2 */
i64 nEntry;
BtCursor *pCrsr;
@@ -87087,14 +88325,17 @@ case OP_Count: { /* out2 */
assert( p->apCsr[pOp->p1]->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE );
pCrsr = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]->uc.pCursor;
assert( pCrsr );
- nEntry = 0; /* Not needed. Only used to silence a warning. */
- rc = sqlite3BtreeCount(pCrsr, &nEntry);
- if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ if( pOp->p3 ){
+ nEntry = sqlite3BtreeRowCountEst(pCrsr);
+ }else{
+ nEntry = 0; /* Not needed. Only used to silence a warning. */
+ rc = sqlite3BtreeCount(db, pCrsr, &nEntry);
+ if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ }
pOut = out2Prerelease(p, pOp);
pOut->u.i = nEntry;
- break;
+ goto check_for_interrupt;
/* Opcode: Savepoint P1 * * P4 *
@@ -87209,8 +88450,12 @@ case OP_Savepoint: {
p->rc = rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
goto vdbe_return;
- db->isTransactionSavepoint = 0;
rc = p->rc;
+ if( rc ){
+ db->autoCommit = 0;
+ }else{
+ db->isTransactionSavepoint = 0;
+ }
int isSchemaChange;
iSavepoint = db->nSavepoint - iSavepoint - 1;
@@ -87238,6 +88483,7 @@ case OP_Savepoint: {
db->mDbFlags |= DBFLAG_SchemaChange;
+ if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
/* Regardless of whether this is a RELEASE or ROLLBACK, destroy all
** savepoints nested inside of the savepoint being operated on. */
@@ -87320,7 +88566,6 @@ case OP_AutoCommit: {
p->rc = rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
goto vdbe_return;
- assert( db->nStatement==0 );
if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -87401,7 +88646,8 @@ case OP_Transaction: {
goto abort_due_to_error;
- if( pOp->p2 && p->usesStmtJournal
+ if( p->usesStmtJournal
+ && pOp->p2
&& (db->autoCommit==0 || db->nVdbeRead>1)
assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pBt) );
@@ -87545,7 +88791,7 @@ case OP_SetCookie: {
** - 0x02 OPFLAG_SEEKEQ: This cursor will only be used for
** equality lookups (implemented as a pair of opcodes OP_SeekGE/OP_IdxGT
-** of OP_SeekLE/OP_IdxGT)
+** of OP_SeekLE/OP_IdxLT)
** The P4 value may be either an integer (P4_INT32) or a pointer to
@@ -87575,7 +88821,7 @@ case OP_SetCookie: {
** - 0x02 OPFLAG_SEEKEQ: This cursor will only be used for
** equality lookups (implemented as a pair of opcodes OP_SeekGE/OP_IdxGT
-** of OP_SeekLE/OP_IdxGT)
+** of OP_SeekLE/OP_IdxLT)
** See also: OP_OpenRead, OP_OpenWrite
@@ -87599,7 +88845,7 @@ case OP_SetCookie: {
** - 0x02 OPFLAG_SEEKEQ: This cursor will only be used for
** equality lookups (implemented as a pair of opcodes OP_SeekGE/OP_IdxGT
-** of OP_SeekLE/OP_IdxGT)
+** of OP_SeekLE/OP_IdxLT)
- 0x08 OPFLAG_FORDELETE: This cursor is used only to seek
** and subsequently delete entries in an index btree. This is a
** hint to the storage engine that the storage engine is allowed to
@@ -87711,9 +88957,7 @@ open_cursor_set_hints:
testcase( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_BULKCSR );
testcase( pOp->p2 & OPFLAG_SEEKEQ );
if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
@@ -87733,6 +88977,7 @@ case OP_OpenDup: {
VdbeCursor *pCx; /* The new cursor */
pOrig = p->apCsr[pOp->p2];
+ assert( pOrig );
assert( pOrig->pBtx!=0 ); /* Only ephemeral cursors can be duplicated */
pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOrig->nField, -1, CURTYPE_BTREE);
@@ -87796,15 +89041,13 @@ case OP_OpenEphemeral: {
assert( pOp->p1>=0 );
assert( pOp->p2>=0 );
pCx = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
- if( pCx ){
+ if( pCx && pCx->pBtx ){
/* If the ephermeral table is already open, erase all existing content
** so that the table is empty again, rather than creating a new table. */
assert( pCx->isEphemeral );
pCx->seqCount = 0;
pCx->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
- if( pCx->pBtx ){
- rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable(pCx->pBtx, pCx->pgnoRoot, 0);
- }
+ rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable(pCx->pBtx, pCx->pgnoRoot, 0);
pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, -1, CURTYPE_BTREE);
if( pCx==0 ) goto no_mem;
@@ -87970,11 +89213,13 @@ case OP_ColumnsUsed: {
** greater than or equal to the key and P2 is not zero, then jump to P2.
** If the cursor P1 was opened using the OPFLAG_SEEKEQ flag, then this
-** opcode will always land on a record that equally equals the key, or
-** else jump immediately to P2. When the cursor is OPFLAG_SEEKEQ, this
-** opcode must be followed by an IdxLE opcode with the same arguments.
-** The IdxLE opcode will be skipped if this opcode succeeds, but the
-** IdxLE opcode will be used on subsequent loop iterations.
+** opcode will either land on a record that exactly matches the key, or
+** else it will cause a jump to P2. When the cursor is OPFLAG_SEEKEQ,
+** this opcode must be followed by an IdxLE opcode with the same arguments.
+** The IdxGT opcode will be skipped if this opcode succeeds, but the
+** IdxGT opcode will be used on subsequent loop iterations. The
+** OPFLAG_SEEKEQ flags is a hint to the btree layer to say that this
+** is an equality search.
** This opcode leaves the cursor configured to move in forward order,
** from the beginning toward the end. In other words, the cursor is
@@ -87990,7 +89235,7 @@ case OP_ColumnsUsed: {
** to an SQL index, then P3 is the first in an array of P4 registers
** that are used as an unpacked index key.
-** Reposition cursor P1 so that it points to the smallest entry that
+** Reposition cursor P1 so that it points to the smallest entry that
** is greater than the key value. If there are no records greater than
** the key and P2 is not zero, then jump to P2.
@@ -88035,11 +89280,13 @@ case OP_ColumnsUsed: {
** configured to use Prev, not Next.
** If the cursor P1 was opened using the OPFLAG_SEEKEQ flag, then this
-** opcode will always land on a record that equally equals the key, or
-** else jump immediately to P2. When the cursor is OPFLAG_SEEKEQ, this
-** opcode must be followed by an IdxGE opcode with the same arguments.
+** opcode will either land on a record that exactly matches the key, or
+** else it will cause a jump to P2. When the cursor is OPFLAG_SEEKEQ,
+** this opcode must be followed by an IdxLE opcode with the same arguments.
** The IdxGE opcode will be skipped if this opcode succeeds, but the
-** IdxGE opcode will be used on subsequent loop iterations.
+** IdxGE opcode will be used on subsequent loop iterations. The
+** OPFLAG_SEEKEQ flags is a hint to the btree layer to say that this
+** is an equality search.
** See also: Found, NotFound, SeekGt, SeekGe, SeekLt
@@ -88076,7 +89323,7 @@ case OP_SeekGT: { /* jump, in3, group */
pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
if( pC->isTable ){
u16 flags3, newType;
- /* The BTREE_SEEK_EQ flag is only set on index cursors */
+ /* The OPFLAG_SEEKEQ/BTREE_SEEK_EQ flag is only set on index cursors */
assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorHasHint(pC->uc.pCursor, BTREE_SEEK_EQ)==0
@@ -88135,14 +89382,17 @@ case OP_SeekGT: { /* jump, in3, group */
goto abort_due_to_error;
- /* For a cursor with the BTREE_SEEK_EQ hint, only the OP_SeekGE and
- ** OP_SeekLE opcodes are allowed, and these must be immediately followed
- ** by an OP_IdxGT or OP_IdxLT opcode, respectively, with the same key.
+ /* For a cursor with the OPFLAG_SEEKEQ/BTREE_SEEK_EQ hint, only the
+ ** OP_SeekGE and OP_SeekLE opcodes are allowed, and these must be
+ ** immediately followed by an OP_IdxGT or OP_IdxLT opcode, respectively,
+ ** with the same key.
if( sqlite3BtreeCursorHasHint(pC->uc.pCursor, BTREE_SEEK_EQ) ){
eqOnly = 1;
assert( pOp->opcode==OP_SeekGE || pOp->opcode==OP_SeekLE );
assert( pOp[1].opcode==OP_IdxLT || pOp[1].opcode==OP_IdxGT );
+ assert( pOp->opcode==OP_SeekGE || pOp[1].opcode==OP_IdxLT );
+ assert( pOp->opcode==OP_SeekLE || pOp[1].opcode==OP_IdxGT );
assert( pOp[1].p1==pOp[0].p1 );
assert( pOp[1].p2==pOp[0].p2 );
assert( pOp[1].p3==pOp[0].p3 );
@@ -88236,7 +89486,7 @@ seek_not_found:
** Synopsis: seekHit=P2
** Set the seekHit flag on cursor P1 to the value in P2.
-** The seekHit flag is used by the IfNoHope opcode.
+* The seekHit flag is used by the IfNoHope opcode.
** P1 must be a valid b-tree cursor. P2 must be a boolean value,
** either 0 or 1.
@@ -88251,6 +89501,20 @@ case OP_SeekHit: {
+/* Opcode: IfNotOpen P1 P2 * * *
+** Synopsis: if( !csr[P1] ) goto P2
+** If cursor P1 is not open, jump to instruction P2. Otherwise, fall through.
+case OP_IfNotOpen: { /* jump */
+ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1nCursor );
+ VdbeBranchTaken(p->apCsr[pOp->p1]==0, 2);
+ if( !p->apCsr[pOp->p1] ){
+ goto jump_to_p2_and_check_for_interrupt;
+ }
+ break;
/* Opcode: Found P1 P2 P3 P4 *
** Synopsis: key=r[P3@P4]
@@ -88739,6 +90003,7 @@ case OP_Insert: {
pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
assert( pC!=0 );
assert( pC->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE );
+ assert( pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
assert( pC->uc.pCursor!=0 );
assert( (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_ISNOOP) || pC->isTable );
assert( pOp->p4type==P4_TABLE || pOp->p4type>=P4_STATIC );
@@ -88856,7 +90121,11 @@ case OP_Delete: {
sqlite3VdbeIncrWriteCounter(p, pC);
- if( pOp->p4type==P4_TABLE && HasRowid(pOp->p4.pTab) && pOp->p5==0 ){
+ if( pOp->p4type==P4_TABLE
+ && HasRowid(pOp->p4.pTab)
+ && pOp->p5==0
+ && sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValidNN(pC->uc.pCursor)
+ ){
/* If p5 is zero, the seek operation that positioned the cursor prior to
** OP_Delete will have also set the pC->movetoTarget field to the rowid of
** the row that is being deleted */
@@ -89071,7 +90340,7 @@ case OP_RowData: {
goto too_big;
testcase( n==0 );
- rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(pCrsr, 0, n, pOut);
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtreeZeroOffset(pCrsr, n, pOut);
if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
if( !pOp->p3 ) Deephemeralize(pOut);
@@ -89449,14 +90718,6 @@ next_tail:
** This instruction only works for indices. The equivalent instruction
** for tables is OP_Insert.
-/* Opcode: SorterInsert P1 P2 * * *
-** Synopsis: key=r[P2]
-** Register P2 holds an SQL index key made using the
-** MakeRecord instructions. This opcode writes that key
-** into the sorter P1. Data for the entry is nil.
-case OP_SorterInsert: /* in2 */
case OP_IdxInsert: { /* in2 */
VdbeCursor *pC;
BtreePayload x;
@@ -89465,38 +90726,66 @@ case OP_IdxInsert: { /* in2 */
pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
sqlite3VdbeIncrWriteCounter(p, pC);
assert( pC!=0 );
- assert( isSorter(pC)==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterInsert) );
+ assert( !isSorter(pC) );
pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
assert( pIn2->flags & MEM_Blob );
if( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_NCHANGE ) p->nChange++;
- assert( pC->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE || pOp->opcode==OP_SorterInsert );
+ assert( pC->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE );
assert( pC->isTable==0 );
rc = ExpandBlob(pIn2);
if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
- if( pOp->opcode==OP_SorterInsert ){
- rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(pC, pIn2);
- }else{
- x.nKey = pIn2->n;
- x.pKey = pIn2->z;
- x.aMem = aMem + pOp->p3;
- x.nMem = (u16)pOp->p4.i;
- rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(pC->uc.pCursor, &x,
- ((pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT) ? pC->seekResult : 0)
- );
- assert( pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
- pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
- }
+ x.nKey = pIn2->n;
+ x.pKey = pIn2->z;
+ x.aMem = aMem + pOp->p3;
+ x.nMem = (u16)pOp->p4.i;
+ rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(pC->uc.pCursor, &x,
+ ((pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT) ? pC->seekResult : 0)
+ );
+ assert( pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+ pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
if( rc) goto abort_due_to_error;
-/* Opcode: IdxDelete P1 P2 P3 * *
+/* Opcode: SorterInsert P1 P2 * * *
+** Synopsis: key=r[P2]
+** Register P2 holds an SQL index key made using the
+** MakeRecord instructions. This opcode writes that key
+** into the sorter P1. Data for the entry is nil.
+case OP_SorterInsert: { /* in2 */
+ VdbeCursor *pC;
+ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1nCursor );
+ pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+ sqlite3VdbeIncrWriteCounter(p, pC);
+ assert( pC!=0 );
+ assert( isSorter(pC) );
+ pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
+ assert( pIn2->flags & MEM_Blob );
+ assert( pC->isTable==0 );
+ rc = ExpandBlob(pIn2);
+ if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(pC, pIn2);
+ if( rc) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ break;
+/* Opcode: IdxDelete P1 P2 P3 * P5
** Synopsis: key=r[P2@P3]
** The content of P3 registers starting at register P2 form
** an unpacked index key. This opcode removes that entry from the
** index opened by cursor P1.
+** If P5 is not zero, then raise an SQLITE_CORRUPT_INDEX error
+** if no matching index entry is found. This happens when running
+** an UPDATE or DELETE statement and the index entry to be updated
+** or deleted is not found. For some uses of IdxDelete
+** (example: the EXCEPT operator) it does not matter that no matching
+** entry is found. For those cases, P5 is zero.
case OP_IdxDelete: {
VdbeCursor *pC;
@@ -89513,7 +90802,6 @@ case OP_IdxDelete: {
sqlite3VdbeIncrWriteCounter(p, pC);
pCrsr = pC->uc.pCursor;
assert( pCrsr!=0 );
- assert( pOp->p5==0 );
r.pKeyInfo = pC->pKeyInfo;
r.nField = (u16)pOp->p3;
r.default_rc = 0;
@@ -89523,6 +90811,9 @@ case OP_IdxDelete: {
if( res==0 ){
rc = sqlite3BtreeDelete(pCrsr, BTREE_AUXDELETE);
if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ }else if( pOp->p5 ){
+ goto abort_due_to_error;
assert( pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
@@ -89612,6 +90903,24 @@ case OP_IdxRowid: { /* out2 */
+/* Opcode: FinishSeek P1 * * * *
+** If cursor P1 was previously moved via OP_DeferredSeek, complete that
+** seek operation now, without further delay. If the cursor seek has
+** already occurred, this instruction is a no-op.
+case OP_FinishSeek: {
+ VdbeCursor *pC; /* The P1 index cursor */
+ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1nCursor );
+ pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+ if( pC->deferredMoveto ){
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeFinishMoveto(pC);
+ if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
+ }
+ break;
/* Opcode: IdxGE P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
** Synopsis: key=r[P3@P4]
@@ -90048,7 +91357,7 @@ case OP_IntegrityCk: {
pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
assert( pOp->p5nDb );
assert( DbMaskTest(p->btreeMask, pOp->p5) );
- z = sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(db->aDb[pOp->p5].pBt, &aRoot[1], nRoot,
+ z = sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(db, db->aDb[pOp->p5].pBt, &aRoot[1], nRoot,
(int)pnErr->u.i+1, &nErr);
if( nErr==0 ){
@@ -90061,7 +91370,7 @@ case OP_IntegrityCk: {
sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pIn1, encoding);
- break;
+ goto check_for_interrupt;
@@ -90307,7 +91616,7 @@ case OP_Program: { /* jump */
int i;
for(i=0; inMem; i++){
aMem[i].pScopyFrom = 0; /* Prevent false-positive AboutToChange() errs */
- aMem[i].flags |= MEM_Undefined; /* Cause a fault if this reg is reused */
+ MemSetTypeFlag(&aMem[i], MEM_Undefined); /* Fault if this reg is reused */
@@ -90918,6 +92227,36 @@ case OP_Expire: {
+/* Opcode: CursorLock P1 * * * *
+** Lock the btree to which cursor P1 is pointing so that the btree cannot be
+** written by an other cursor.
+case OP_CursorLock: {
+ VdbeCursor *pC;
+ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1nCursor );
+ pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+ assert( pC!=0 );
+ assert( pC->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE );
+ sqlite3BtreeCursorPin(pC->uc.pCursor);
+ break;
+/* Opcode: CursorUnlock P1 * * * *
+** Unlock the btree to which cursor P1 is pointing so that it can be
+** written by other cursors.
+case OP_CursorUnlock: {
+ VdbeCursor *pC;
+ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1nCursor );
+ pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+ assert( pC!=0 );
+ assert( pC->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE );
+ sqlite3BtreeCursorUnpin(pC->uc.pCursor);
+ break;
/* Opcode: TableLock P1 P2 P3 P4 *
** Synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3
@@ -91162,7 +92501,7 @@ case OP_VColumn: {
assert( pModule->xColumn );
memset(&sContext, 0, sizeof(sContext));
sContext.pOut = pDest;
- testcase( (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_NOCHNG)==0 && pOp->p5!=0 );
+ assert( pOp->p5==OPFLAG_NOCHNG || pOp->p5==0 );
if( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_NOCHNG ){
pDest->flags = MEM_Null|MEM_Zero;
@@ -91387,29 +92726,14 @@ case OP_MaxPgcnt: { /* out2 */
-/* Opcode: Function0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
-** Synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@P5])
-** Invoke a user function (P4 is a pointer to a FuncDef object that
-** defines the function) with P5 arguments taken from register P2 and
-** successors. The result of the function is stored in register P3.
-** Register P3 must not be one of the function inputs.
-** P1 is a 32-bit bitmask indicating whether or not each argument to the
-** function was determined to be constant at compile time. If the first
-** argument was constant then bit 0 of P1 is set. This is used to determine
-** whether meta data associated with a user function argument using the
-** sqlite3_set_auxdata() API may be safely retained until the next
-** invocation of this opcode.
-** See also: Function, AggStep, AggFinal
-/* Opcode: Function P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
-** Synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@P5])
+/* Opcode: Function P1 P2 P3 P4 *
+** Synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP])
** Invoke a user function (P4 is a pointer to an sqlite3_context object that
-** contains a pointer to the function to be run) with P5 arguments taken
-** from register P2 and successors. The result of the function is stored
+** contains a pointer to the function to be run) with arguments taken
+** from register P2 and successors. The number of arguments is in
+** the sqlite3_context object that P4 points to.
+** The result of the function is stored
** in register P3. Register P3 must not be one of the function inputs.
** P1 is a 32-bit bitmask indicating whether or not each argument to the
@@ -91419,40 +92743,35 @@ case OP_MaxPgcnt: { /* out2 */
** sqlite3_set_auxdata() API may be safely retained until the next
** invocation of this opcode.
-** SQL functions are initially coded as OP_Function0 with P4 pointing
-** to a FuncDef object. But on first evaluation, the P4 operand is
-** automatically converted into an sqlite3_context object and the operation
-** changed to this OP_Function opcode. In this way, the initialization of
-** the sqlite3_context object occurs only once, rather than once for each
-** evaluation of the function.
-** See also: Function0, AggStep, AggFinal
+** See also: AggStep, AggFinal, PureFunc
+/* Opcode: PureFunc P1 P2 P3 P4 *
+** Synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP])
+** Invoke a user function (P4 is a pointer to an sqlite3_context object that
+** contains a pointer to the function to be run) with arguments taken
+** from register P2 and successors. The number of arguments is in
+** the sqlite3_context object that P4 points to.
+** The result of the function is stored
+** in register P3. Register P3 must not be one of the function inputs.
+** P1 is a 32-bit bitmask indicating whether or not each argument to the
+** function was determined to be constant at compile time. If the first
+** argument was constant then bit 0 of P1 is set. This is used to determine
+** whether meta data associated with a user function argument using the
+** sqlite3_set_auxdata() API may be safely retained until the next
+** invocation of this opcode.
+** This opcode works exactly like OP_Function. The only difference is in
+** its name. This opcode is used in places where the function must be
+** purely non-deterministic. Some built-in date/time functions can be
+** either determinitic of non-deterministic, depending on their arguments.
+** When those function are used in a non-deterministic way, they will check
+** to see if they were called using OP_PureFunc instead of OP_Function, and
+** if they were, they throw an error.
+** See also: AggStep, AggFinal, Function
-case OP_PureFunc0: /* group */
-case OP_Function0: { /* group */
- int n;
- sqlite3_context *pCtx;
- assert( pOp->p4type==P4_FUNCDEF );
- n = pOp->p5;
- assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );
- assert( n==0 || (pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2+n<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor)+1) );
- assert( pOp->p3p2 || pOp->p3>=pOp->p2+n );
- pCtx = sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(db, sizeof(*pCtx) + (n-1)*sizeof(sqlite3_value*));
- if( pCtx==0 ) goto no_mem;
- pCtx->pOut = 0;
- pCtx->pFunc = pOp->p4.pFunc;
- pCtx->iOp = (int)(pOp - aOp);
- pCtx->pVdbe = p;
- pCtx->isError = 0;
- pCtx->argc = n;
- pOp->p4type = P4_FUNCCTX;
- pOp->p4.pCtx = pCtx;
- assert( OP_PureFunc == OP_PureFunc0+2 );
- assert( OP_Function == OP_Function0+2 );
- pOp->opcode += 2;
- /* Fall through into OP_Function */
case OP_PureFunc: /* group */
case OP_Function: { /* group */
int i;
@@ -91467,9 +92786,11 @@ case OP_Function: { /* group */
** reinitializes the relavant parts of the sqlite3_context object */
pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3];
if( pCtx->pOut != pOut ){
+ pCtx->pVdbe = p;
pCtx->pOut = pOut;
for(i=pCtx->argc-1; i>=0; i--) pCtx->argv[i] = &aMem[pOp->p2+i];
+ assert( pCtx->pVdbe==p );
memAboutToChange(p, pOut);
@@ -91641,6 +92962,55 @@ case OP_Abortable: {
+/* Opcode: ReleaseReg P1 P2 P3 * P5
+** Synopsis: release r[P1@P2] mask P3
+** Release registers from service. Any content that was in the
+** the registers is unreliable after this opcode completes.
+** The registers released will be the P2 registers starting at P1,
+** except if bit ii of P3 set, then do not release register P1+ii.
+** In other words, P3 is a mask of registers to preserve.
+** Releasing a register clears the Mem.pScopyFrom pointer. That means
+** that if the content of the released register was set using OP_SCopy,
+** a change to the value of the source register for the OP_SCopy will no longer
+** generate an assertion fault in sqlite3VdbeMemAboutToChange().
+** If P5 is set, then all released registers have their type set
+** to MEM_Undefined so that any subsequent attempt to read the released
+** register (before it is reinitialized) will generate an assertion fault.
+** P5 ought to be set on every call to this opcode.
+** However, there are places in the code generator will release registers
+** before their are used, under the (valid) assumption that the registers
+** will not be reallocated for some other purpose before they are used and
+** hence are safe to release.
+** This opcode is only available in testing and debugging builds. It is
+** not generated for release builds. The purpose of this opcode is to help
+** validate the generated bytecode. This opcode does not actually contribute
+** to computing an answer.
+case OP_ReleaseReg: {
+ Mem *pMem;
+ int i;
+ u32 constMask;
+ assert( pOp->p1>0 );
+ assert( pOp->p1+pOp->p2<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor)+1 );
+ pMem = &aMem[pOp->p1];
+ constMask = pOp->p3;
+ for(i=0; ip2; i++, pMem++){
+ if( i>=32 || (constMask & MASKBIT32(i))==0 ){
+ pMem->pScopyFrom = 0;
+ if( i<32 && pOp->p5 ) MemSetTypeFlag(pMem, MEM_Undefined);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
/* Opcode: Noop * * * * *
** Do nothing. This instruction is often useful as a jump
@@ -91692,6 +93062,12 @@ default: { /* This is really OP_Noop, OP_Explain */
if( opProperty & OPFLG_OUT3 ){
registerTrace(pOrigOp->p3, &aMem[pOrigOp->p3]);
+ if( opProperty==0xff ){
+ /* Never happens. This code exists to avoid a harmless linkage
+ ** warning aboud sqlite3VdbeRegisterDump() being defined but not
+ ** used. */
+ sqlite3VdbeRegisterDump(p);
+ }
#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
#endif /* NDEBUG */
@@ -91759,7 +93135,7 @@ no_mem:
** flag.
- assert( db->u1.isInterrupted );
+ assert( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) );
p->rc = rc;
sqlite3VdbeError(p, "%s", sqlite3ErrStr(rc));
@@ -93097,8 +94473,8 @@ static int vdbeSorterCompareText(
int n2;
int res;
- getVarint32(&p1[1], n1);
- getVarint32(&p2[1], n2);
+ getVarint32NR(&p1[1], n1);
+ getVarint32NR(&p2[1], n2);
res = memcmp(v1, v2, (MIN(n1, n2) - 13)/2);
if( res==0 ){
res = n1 - n2;
@@ -93678,20 +95054,16 @@ static SorterCompare vdbeSorterGetCompare(VdbeSorter *p){
static int vdbeSorterSort(SortSubtask *pTask, SorterList *pList){
int i;
- SorterRecord **aSlot;
SorterRecord *p;
int rc;
+ SorterRecord *aSlot[64];
rc = vdbeSortAllocUnpacked(pTask);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
p = pList->pList;
pTask->xCompare = vdbeSorterGetCompare(pTask->pSorter);
- aSlot = (SorterRecord **)sqlite3MallocZero(64 * sizeof(SorterRecord *));
- if( !aSlot ){
- }
+ memset(aSlot, 0, sizeof(aSlot));
while( p ){
SorterRecord *pNext;
@@ -93716,13 +95088,12 @@ static int vdbeSorterSort(SortSubtask *pTask, SorterList *pList){
p = 0;
- for(i=0; i<64; i++){
+ for(i=0; ipList = p;
- sqlite3_free(aSlot);
assert( pTask->pUnpacked->errCode==SQLITE_OK
|| pTask->pUnpacked->errCode==SQLITE_NOMEM
@@ -94060,7 +95431,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(
assert( pCsr->eCurType==CURTYPE_SORTER );
pSorter = pCsr->uc.pSorter;
- getVarint32((const u8*)&pVal->z[1], t);
+ getVarint32NR((const u8*)&pVal->z[1], t);
if( t>0 && t<10 && t!=7 ){
pSorter->typeMask &= SORTER_TYPE_INTEGER;
}else if( t>10 && (t & 0x01) ){
@@ -95047,6 +96418,433 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterCompare(
/************** End of vdbesort.c ********************************************/
+/************** Begin file vdbevtab.c ****************************************/
+** 2020-03-23
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+** May you do good and not evil.
+** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file implements virtual-tables for examining the bytecode content
+** of a prepared statement.
+/* #include "sqliteInt.h" */
+/* #include "vdbeInt.h" */
+/* An instance of the bytecode() table-valued function.
+typedef struct bytecodevtab bytecodevtab;
+struct bytecodevtab {
+ sqlite3_vtab base; /* Base class - must be first */
+ sqlite3 *db; /* Database connection */
+ int bTablesUsed; /* 2 for tables_used(). 0 for bytecode(). */
+/* A cursor for scanning through the bytecode
+typedef struct bytecodevtab_cursor bytecodevtab_cursor;
+struct bytecodevtab_cursor {
+ sqlite3_vtab_cursor base; /* Base class - must be first */
+ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* The statement whose bytecode is displayed */
+ int iRowid; /* The rowid of the output table */
+ int iAddr; /* Address */
+ int needFinalize; /* Cursors owns pStmt and must finalize it */
+ int showSubprograms; /* Provide a listing of subprograms */
+ Op *aOp; /* Operand array */
+ char *zP4; /* Rendered P4 value */
+ const char *zType; /* tables_used.type */
+ const char *zSchema; /* tables_used.schema */
+ const char *zName; /* tables_used.name */
+ Mem sub; /* Subprograms */
+** Create a new bytecode() table-valued function.
+static int bytecodevtabConnect(
+ sqlite3 *db,
+ void *pAux,
+ int argc, const char *const*argv,
+ sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
+ char **pzErr
+ bytecodevtab *pNew;
+ int rc;
+ int isTabUsed = pAux!=0;
+ const char *azSchema[2] = {
+ /* bytecode() schema */
+ "addr INT,"
+ "opcode TEXT,"
+ "p1 INT,"
+ "p2 INT,"
+ "p3 INT,"
+ "p4 TEXT,"
+ "p5 INT,"
+ "comment TEXT,"
+ "subprog TEXT,"
+ "stmt HIDDEN"
+ ");",
+ /* Tables_used() schema */
+ "type TEXT,"
+ "schema TEXT,"
+ "name TEXT,"
+ "wr INT,"
+ "subprog TEXT,"
+ "stmt HIDDEN"
+ ");"
+ };
+ rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, azSchema[isTabUsed]);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ pNew = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pNew) );
+ *ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)pNew;
+ if( pNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+ memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(*pNew));
+ pNew->db = db;
+ pNew->bTablesUsed = isTabUsed*2;
+ }
+ return rc;
+** This method is the destructor for bytecodevtab objects.
+static int bytecodevtabDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
+ bytecodevtab *p = (bytecodevtab*)pVtab;
+ sqlite3_free(p);
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Constructor for a new bytecodevtab_cursor object.
+static int bytecodevtabOpen(sqlite3_vtab *p, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
+ bytecodevtab *pVTab = (bytecodevtab*)p;
+ bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur;
+ pCur = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pCur) );
+ if( pCur==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+ memset(pCur, 0, sizeof(*pCur));
+ sqlite3VdbeMemInit(&pCur->sub, pVTab->db, 1);
+ *ppCursor = &pCur->base;
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Clear all internal content from a bytecodevtab cursor.
+static void bytecodevtabCursorClear(bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur){
+ sqlite3_free(pCur->zP4);
+ pCur->zP4 = 0;
+ sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&pCur->sub);
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(&pCur->sub);
+ if( pCur->needFinalize ){
+ sqlite3_finalize(pCur->pStmt);
+ }
+ pCur->pStmt = 0;
+ pCur->needFinalize = 0;
+ pCur->zType = 0;
+ pCur->zSchema = 0;
+ pCur->zName = 0;
+** Destructor for a bytecodevtab_cursor.
+static int bytecodevtabClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
+ bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur = (bytecodevtab_cursor*)cur;
+ bytecodevtabCursorClear(pCur);
+ sqlite3_free(pCur);
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Advance a bytecodevtab_cursor to its next row of output.
+static int bytecodevtabNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
+ bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur = (bytecodevtab_cursor*)cur;
+ bytecodevtab *pTab = (bytecodevtab*)cur->pVtab;
+ int rc;
+ if( pCur->zP4 ){
+ sqlite3_free(pCur->zP4);
+ pCur->zP4 = 0;
+ }
+ if( pCur->zName ){
+ pCur->zName = 0;
+ pCur->zType = 0;
+ pCur->zSchema = 0;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3VdbeNextOpcode(
+ (Vdbe*)pCur->pStmt,
+ pCur->showSubprograms ? &pCur->sub : 0,
+ pTab->bTablesUsed,
+ &pCur->iRowid,
+ &pCur->iAddr,
+ &pCur->aOp);
+ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(&pCur->sub);
+ pCur->aOp = 0;
+ }
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return TRUE if the cursor has been moved off of the last
+** row of output.
+static int bytecodevtabEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
+ bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur = (bytecodevtab_cursor*)cur;
+ return pCur->aOp==0;
+** Return values of columns for the row at which the bytecodevtab_cursor
+** is currently pointing.
+static int bytecodevtabColumn(
+ sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, /* The cursor */
+ sqlite3_context *ctx, /* First argument to sqlite3_result_...() */
+ int i /* Which column to return */
+ bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur = (bytecodevtab_cursor*)cur;
+ bytecodevtab *pVTab = (bytecodevtab*)cur->pVtab;
+ Op *pOp = pCur->aOp + pCur->iAddr;
+ if( pVTab->bTablesUsed ){
+ if( i==4 ){
+ i = 8;
+ }else{
+ if( i<=2 && pCur->zType==0 ){
+ Schema *pSchema;
+ HashElem *k;
+ int iDb = pOp->p3;
+ int iRoot = pOp->p2;
+ sqlite3 *db = pVTab->db;
+ pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema;
+ pCur->zSchema = db->aDb[iDb].zDbSName;
+ for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
+ Table *pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
+ if( !IsVirtual(pTab) && pTab->tnum==iRoot ){
+ pCur->zName = pTab->zName;
+ pCur->zType = "table";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( pCur->zName==0 ){
+ for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->idxHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
+ Index *pIdx = (Index*)sqliteHashData(k);
+ if( pIdx->tnum==iRoot ){
+ pCur->zName = pIdx->zName;
+ pCur->zType = "index";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i += 10;
+ }
+ }
+ switch( i ){
+ case 0: /* addr */
+ sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCur->iAddr);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* opcode */
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, (char*)sqlite3OpcodeName(pOp->opcode),
+ break;
+ case 2: /* p1 */
+ sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pOp->p1);
+ break;
+ case 3: /* p2 */
+ sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pOp->p2);
+ break;
+ case 4: /* p3 */
+ sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pOp->p3);
+ break;
+ case 5: /* p4 */
+ case 7: /* comment */
+ if( pCur->zP4==0 ){
+ pCur->zP4 = sqlite3VdbeDisplayP4(pVTab->db, pOp);
+ }
+ if( i==5 ){
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCur->zP4, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ }else{
+ char *zCom = sqlite3VdbeDisplayComment(pVTab->db, pOp, pCur->zP4);
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, zCom, -1, sqlite3_free);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6: /* p5 */
+ sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pOp->p5);
+ break;
+ case 8: { /* subprog */
+ Op *aOp = pCur->aOp;
+ assert( aOp[0].opcode==OP_Init );
+ assert( aOp[0].p4.z==0 || strncmp(aOp[0].p4.z,"-" "- ",3)==0 );
+ if( pCur->iRowid==pCur->iAddr+1 ){
+ break; /* Result is NULL for the main program */
+ }else if( aOp[0].p4.z!=0 ){
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, aOp[0].p4.z+3, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, "(FK)", 4, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 10: /* tables_used.type */
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCur->zType, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ break;
+ case 11: /* tables_used.schema */
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCur->zSchema, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ break;
+ case 12: /* tables_used.name */
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCur->zName, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ break;
+ case 13: /* tables_used.wr */
+ sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite);
+ break;
+ }
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return the rowid for the current row. In this implementation, the
+** rowid is the same as the output value.
+static int bytecodevtabRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
+ bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur = (bytecodevtab_cursor*)cur;
+ *pRowid = pCur->iRowid;
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Initialize a cursor.
+** idxNum==0 means show all subprograms
+** idxNum==1 means show only the main bytecode and omit subprograms.
+static int bytecodevtabFilter(
+ sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor,
+ int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
+ int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
+ bytecodevtab_cursor *pCur = (bytecodevtab_cursor *)pVtabCursor;
+ bytecodevtab *pVTab = (bytecodevtab *)pVtabCursor->pVtab;
+ int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ bytecodevtabCursorClear(pCur);
+ pCur->iRowid = 0;
+ pCur->iAddr = 0;
+ pCur->showSubprograms = idxNum==0;
+ assert( argc==1 );
+ if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_TEXT ){
+ const char *zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+ if( zSql==0 ){
+ }else{
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pVTab->db, zSql, -1, &pCur->pStmt, 0);
+ pCur->needFinalize = 1;
+ }
+ }else{
+ pCur->pStmt = (sqlite3_stmt*)sqlite3_value_pointer(argv[0],"stmt-pointer");
+ }
+ if( pCur->pStmt==0 ){
+ pVTab->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf(
+ "argument to %s() is not a valid SQL statement",
+ pVTab->bTablesUsed ? "tables_used" : "bytecode"
+ );
+ }else{
+ bytecodevtabNext(pVtabCursor);
+ }
+ return rc;
+** We must have a single stmt=? constraint that will be passed through
+** into the xFilter method. If there is no valid stmt=? constraint,
+** then return an SQLITE_CONSTRAINT error.
+static int bytecodevtabBestIndex(
+ sqlite3_vtab *tab,
+ sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo
+ int i;
+ struct sqlite3_index_constraint *p;
+ bytecodevtab *pVTab = (bytecodevtab*)tab;
+ int iBaseCol = pVTab->bTablesUsed ? 4 : 8;
+ pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = (double)100;
+ pIdxInfo->estimatedRows = 100;
+ pIdxInfo->idxNum = 0;
+ for(i=0, p=pIdxInfo->aConstraint; inConstraint; i++, p++){
+ if( p->usable==0 ) continue;
+ if( p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ && p->iColumn==iBaseCol+1 ){
+ rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].omit = 1;
+ pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].argvIndex = 1;
+ }
+ if( p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_ISNULL && p->iColumn==iBaseCol ){
+ pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].omit = 1;
+ pIdxInfo->idxNum = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+** This following structure defines all the methods for the
+** virtual table.
+static sqlite3_module bytecodevtabModule = {
+ /* iVersion */ 0,
+ /* xCreate */ 0,
+ /* xConnect */ bytecodevtabConnect,
+ /* xBestIndex */ bytecodevtabBestIndex,
+ /* xDisconnect */ bytecodevtabDisconnect,
+ /* xDestroy */ 0,
+ /* xOpen */ bytecodevtabOpen,
+ /* xClose */ bytecodevtabClose,
+ /* xFilter */ bytecodevtabFilter,
+ /* xNext */ bytecodevtabNext,
+ /* xEof */ bytecodevtabEof,
+ /* xColumn */ bytecodevtabColumn,
+ /* xRowid */ bytecodevtabRowid,
+ /* xUpdate */ 0,
+ /* xBegin */ 0,
+ /* xSync */ 0,
+ /* xCommit */ 0,
+ /* xRollback */ 0,
+ /* xFindMethod */ 0,
+ /* xRename */ 0,
+ /* xSavepoint */ 0,
+ /* xRelease */ 0,
+ /* xRollbackTo */ 0,
+ /* xShadowName */ 0
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeBytecodeVtabInit(sqlite3 *db){
+ int rc;
+ rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "bytecode", &bytecodevtabModule, 0);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "tables_used", &bytecodevtabModule, &db);
+ }
+ return rc;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeBytecodeVtabInit(sqlite3 *db){ return SQLITE_OK; }
+/************** End of vdbevtab.c ********************************************/
/************** Begin file memjournal.c **************************************/
** 2008 October 7
@@ -95555,8 +97353,8 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE int walkExpr(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
rc = pWalker->xExprCallback(pWalker, pExpr);
if( rc ) return rc & WRC_Abort;
if( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr,(EP_TokenOnly|EP_Leaf)) ){
+ assert( pExpr->x.pList==0 || pExpr->pRight==0 );
if( pExpr->pLeft && walkExpr(pWalker, pExpr->pLeft) ) return WRC_Abort;
- assert( pExpr->x.pList==0 || pExpr->pRight==0 );
if( pExpr->pRight ){
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_WinFunc) );
pExpr = pExpr->pRight;
@@ -95638,15 +97436,16 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalkSelectFrom(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
struct SrcList_item *pItem;
pSrc = p->pSrc;
- assert( pSrc!=0 );
- for(i=pSrc->nSrc, pItem=pSrc->a; i>0; i--, pItem++){
- if( pItem->pSelect && sqlite3WalkSelect(pWalker, pItem->pSelect) ){
- return WRC_Abort;
- }
- if( pItem->fg.isTabFunc
- && sqlite3WalkExprList(pWalker, pItem->u1.pFuncArg)
- ){
- return WRC_Abort;
+ if( pSrc ){
+ for(i=pSrc->nSrc, pItem=pSrc->a; i>0; i--, pItem++){
+ if( pItem->pSelect && sqlite3WalkSelect(pWalker, pItem->pSelect) ){
+ return WRC_Abort;
+ }
+ if( pItem->fg.isTabFunc
+ && sqlite3WalkExprList(pWalker, pItem->u1.pFuncArg)
+ ){
+ return WRC_Abort;
+ }
return WRC_Continue;
@@ -95689,6 +97488,43 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalkSelect(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
return WRC_Continue;
+/* Increase the walkerDepth when entering a subquery, and
+** descrease when leaving the subquery.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalkerDepthIncrease(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
+ pWalker->walkerDepth++;
+ return WRC_Continue;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WalkerDepthDecrease(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
+ pWalker->walkerDepth--;
+** No-op routine for the parse-tree walker.
+** When this routine is the Walker.xExprCallback then expression trees
+** are walked without any actions being taken at each node. Presumably,
+** when this routine is used for Walker.xExprCallback then
+** Walker.xSelectCallback is set to do something useful for every
+** subquery in the parser tree.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprWalkNoop(Walker *NotUsed, Expr *NotUsed2){
+ UNUSED_PARAMETER2(NotUsed, NotUsed2);
+ return WRC_Continue;
+** No-op routine for the parse-tree walker for SELECT statements.
+** subquery in the parser tree.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SelectWalkNoop(Walker *NotUsed, Select *NotUsed2){
+ UNUSED_PARAMETER2(NotUsed, NotUsed2);
+ return WRC_Continue;
/************** End of walker.c **********************************************/
/************** Begin file resolve.c *****************************************/
@@ -95717,6 +97553,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalkSelect(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
** incrAggFunctionDepth(pExpr,n) is the main routine. incrAggDepth(..)
** is a helper function - a callback for the tree walker.
+** See also the sqlite3WindowExtraAggFuncDepth() routine in window.c
static int incrAggDepth(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
if( pExpr->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION ) pExpr->op2 += pWalker->u.n;
@@ -95825,13 +97663,16 @@ static int nameInUsingClause(IdList *pUsing, const char *zCol){
** and zCol. If any of zDb, zTab, and zCol are NULL then those fields will
** match anything.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MatchSpanName(
- const char *zSpan,
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MatchEName(
+ const struct ExprList_item *pItem,
const char *zCol,
const char *zTab,
const char *zDb
int n;
+ const char *zSpan;
+ if( pItem->eEName!=ENAME_TAB ) return 0;
+ zSpan = pItem->zEName;
for(n=0; ALWAYS(zSpan[n]) && zSpan[n]!='.'; n++){}
if( zDb && (sqlite3StrNICmp(zSpan, zDb, n)!=0 || zDb[n]!=0) ){
return 0;
@@ -95865,6 +97706,31 @@ static int areDoubleQuotedStringsEnabled(sqlite3 *db, NameContext *pTopNC){
+** The argument is guaranteed to be a non-NULL Expr node of type TK_COLUMN.
+** return the appropriate colUsed mask.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3ExprColUsed(Expr *pExpr){
+ int n;
+ Table *pExTab;
+ n = pExpr->iColumn;
+ pExTab = pExpr->y.pTab;
+ assert( pExTab!=0 );
+ if( (pExTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated)!=0
+ && (pExTab->aCol[n].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)!=0
+ ){
+ testcase( pExTab->nCol==BMS-1 );
+ testcase( pExTab->nCol==BMS );
+ return pExTab->nCol>=BMS ? ALLBITS : MASKBIT(pExTab->nCol)-1;
+ }else{
+ testcase( n==BMS-1 );
+ testcase( n==BMS );
+ if( n>=BMS ) n = BMS-1;
+ return ((Bitmask)1)<nDb && sqlite3StrICmp("main", zDb)==0 ){
+ /* This branch is taken when the main database has been renamed
+ pSchema = db->aDb[0].pSchema;
+ zDb = db->aDb[0].zDbSName;
+ }
@@ -95953,6 +97825,7 @@ static int lookupName(
if( pSrcList ){
for(i=0, pItem=pSrcList->a; inSrc; i++, pItem++){
+ u8 hCol;
pTab = pItem->pTab;
assert( pTab!=0 && pTab->zName!=0 );
assert( pTab->nCol>0 );
@@ -95960,7 +97833,7 @@ static int lookupName(
int hit = 0;
pEList = pItem->pSelect->pEList;
for(j=0; jnExpr; j++){
- if( sqlite3MatchSpanName(pEList->a[j].zSpan, zCol, zTab, zDb) ){
+ if( sqlite3MatchEName(&pEList->a[j], zCol, zTab, zDb) ){
cntTab = 2;
pMatch = pItem;
@@ -95986,8 +97859,9 @@ static int lookupName(
if( 0==(cntTab++) ){
pMatch = pItem;
+ hCol = sqlite3StrIHash(zCol);
for(j=0, pCol=pTab->aCol; jnCol; j++, pCol++){
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
+ if( pCol->hName==hCol && sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
/* If there has been exactly one prior match and this match
** is for the right-hand table of a NATURAL JOIN or is in a
** USING clause, then skip this match.
@@ -96048,10 +97922,11 @@ static int lookupName(
if( pTab ){
int iCol;
+ u8 hCol = sqlite3StrIHash(zCol);
pSchema = pTab->pSchema;
for(iCol=0, pCol=pTab->aCol; iColnCol; iCol++, pCol++){
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
+ if( pCol->hName==hCol && sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
if( iCol==pTab->iPKey ){
iCol = -1;
@@ -96107,7 +97982,7 @@ static int lookupName(
if( cnt==0
&& cntTab==1
&& pMatch
- && (pNC->ncFlags & NC_IdxExpr)==0
+ && (pNC->ncFlags & (NC_IdxExpr|NC_GenCol))==0
&& sqlite3IsRowid(zCol)
&& VisibleRowid(pMatch->pTab)
@@ -96141,8 +98016,10 @@ static int lookupName(
pEList = pNC->uNC.pEList;
assert( pEList!=0 );
for(j=0; jnExpr; j++){
- char *zAs = pEList->a[j].zName;
- if( zAs!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(zAs, zCol)==0 ){
+ char *zAs = pEList->a[j].zEName;
+ if( pEList->a[j].eEName==ENAME_NAME
+ && sqlite3_stricmp(zAs, zCol)==0
+ ){
Expr *pOrig;
assert( pExpr->pLeft==0 && pExpr->pRight==0 );
assert( pExpr->x.pList==0 );
@@ -96152,7 +98029,9 @@ static int lookupName(
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aliased aggregate %s", zAs);
return WRC_Abort;
- if( (pNC->ncFlags&NC_AllowWin)==0 && ExprHasProperty(pOrig, EP_Win) ){
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pOrig, EP_Win)
+ && ((pNC->ncFlags&NC_AllowWin)==0 || pNC!=pTopNC )
+ ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aliased window function %s",zAs);
return WRC_Abort;
@@ -96244,18 +98123,20 @@ static int lookupName(
/* If a column from a table in pSrcList is referenced, then record
** this fact in the pSrcList.a[].colUsed bitmask. Column 0 causes
- ** bit 0 to be set. Column 1 sets bit 1. And so forth. If the
- ** column number is greater than the number of bits in the bitmask
- ** then set the high-order bit of the bitmask.
+ ** bit 0 to be set. Column 1 sets bit 1. And so forth. Bit 63 is
+ ** set if the 63rd or any subsequent column is used.
+ **
+ ** The colUsed mask is an optimization used to help determine if an
+ ** index is a covering index. The correct answer is still obtained
+ ** if the mask contains extra set bits. However, it is important to
+ ** avoid setting bits beyond the maximum column number of the table.
+ ** (See ticket [b92e5e8ec2cdbaa1]).
+ **
+ ** If a generated column is referenced, set bits for every column
+ ** of the table.
if( pExpr->iColumn>=0 && pMatch!=0 ){
- int n = pExpr->iColumn;
- testcase( n==BMS-1 );
- if( n>=BMS ){
- n = BMS-1;
- }
- assert( pMatch->iCursor==pExpr->iTable );
- pMatch->colUsed |= ((Bitmask)1)<colUsed |= sqlite3ExprColUsed(pExpr);
/* Clean up and return
@@ -96294,15 +98175,23 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3CreateColumnExpr(sqlite3 *db, SrcList *pSrc, int iSr
Expr *p = sqlite3ExprAlloc(db, TK_COLUMN, 0, 0);
if( p ){
struct SrcList_item *pItem = &pSrc->a[iSrc];
- p->y.pTab = pItem->pTab;
+ Table *pTab = p->y.pTab = pItem->pTab;
p->iTable = pItem->iCursor;
if( p->y.pTab->iPKey==iCol ){
p->iColumn = -1;
p->iColumn = (ynVar)iCol;
- testcase( iCol==BMS );
- testcase( iCol==BMS-1 );
- pItem->colUsed |= ((Bitmask)1)<<(iCol>=BMS ? BMS-1 : iCol);
+ if( (pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated)!=0
+ && (pTab->aCol[iCol].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)!=0
+ ){
+ testcase( pTab->nCol==63 );
+ testcase( pTab->nCol==64 );
+ pItem->colUsed = pTab->nCol>=64 ? ALLBITS : MASKBIT(pTab->nCol)-1;
+ }else{
+ testcase( iCol==BMS );
+ testcase( iCol==BMS-1 );
+ pItem->colUsed |= ((Bitmask)1)<<(iCol>=BMS ? BMS-1 : iCol);
+ }
return p;
@@ -96311,23 +98200,39 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3CreateColumnExpr(sqlite3 *db, SrcList *pSrc, int iSr
** Report an error that an expression is not valid for some set of
** pNC->ncFlags values determined by validMask.
+** static void notValid(
+** Parse *pParse, // Leave error message here
+** NameContext *pNC, // The name context
+** const char *zMsg, // Type of error
+** int validMask, // Set of contexts for which prohibited
+** Expr *pExpr // Invalidate this expression on error
+** ){...}
+** As an optimization, since the conditional is almost always false
+** (because errors are rare), the conditional is moved outside of the
+** function call using a macro.
-static void notValid(
- Parse *pParse, /* Leave error message here */
- NameContext *pNC, /* The name context */
- const char *zMsg, /* Type of error */
- int validMask /* Set of contexts for which prohibited */
+static void notValidImpl(
+ Parse *pParse, /* Leave error message here */
+ NameContext *pNC, /* The name context */
+ const char *zMsg, /* Type of error */
+ Expr *pExpr /* Invalidate this expression on error */
- assert( (validMask&~(NC_IsCheck|NC_PartIdx|NC_IdxExpr))==0 );
- if( (pNC->ncFlags & validMask)!=0 ){
- const char *zIn = "partial index WHERE clauses";
- if( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IdxExpr ) zIn = "index expressions";
+ const char *zIn = "partial index WHERE clauses";
+ if( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IdxExpr ) zIn = "index expressions";
- else if( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IsCheck ) zIn = "CHECK constraints";
+ else if( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IsCheck ) zIn = "CHECK constraints";
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "%s prohibited in %s", zMsg, zIn);
- }
+ else if( pNC->ncFlags & NC_GenCol ) zIn = "generated columns";
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "%s prohibited in %s", zMsg, zIn);
+ if( pExpr ) pExpr->op = TK_NULL;
+#define sqlite3ResolveNotValid(P,N,M,X,E) \
+ assert( ((X)&~(NC_IsCheck|NC_PartIdx|NC_IdxExpr|NC_GenCol))==0 ); \
+ if( ((N)->ncFlags & (X))!=0 ) notValidImpl(P,N,M,E);
** Expression p should encode a floating point value between 1.0 and 0.0.
@@ -96416,7 +98321,10 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
zColumn = pExpr->u.zToken;
Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
- notValid(pParse, pNC, "the \".\" operator", NC_IdxExpr);
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IdxExpr );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_GenCol );
+ sqlite3ResolveNotValid(pParse, pNC, "the \".\" operator",
+ NC_IdxExpr|NC_GenCol, 0);
pRight = pExpr->pRight;
if( pRight->op==TK_ID ){
zDb = 0;
@@ -96505,33 +98413,39 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
/* For the purposes of the EP_ConstFunc flag, date and time
** functions and other functions that change slowly are considered
- ** constant because they are constant for the duration of one query */
+ ** constant because they are constant for the duration of one query.
+ ** This allows them to be factored out of inner loops. */
if( (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_CONSTANT)==0 ){
- /* Date/time functions that use 'now', and other functions like
+ /* Clearly non-deterministic functions like random(), but also
+ ** date/time functions that use 'now', and other functions like
** sqlite_version() that might change over time cannot be used
- ** in an index. */
- notValid(pParse, pNC, "non-deterministic functions",
- NC_IdxExpr|NC_PartIdx);
+ ** in an index or generated column. Curiously, they can be used
+ ** in a CHECK constraint. SQLServer, MySQL, and PostgreSQL all
+ ** all this. */
+ sqlite3ResolveNotValid(pParse, pNC, "non-deterministic functions",
+ NC_IdxExpr|NC_PartIdx|NC_GenCol, 0);
+ }else{
+ assert( (NC_SelfRef & 0xff)==NC_SelfRef ); /* Must fit in 8 bits */
+ pExpr->op2 = pNC->ncFlags & NC_SelfRef;
+ if( pNC->ncFlags & NC_FromDDL ) ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_FromDDL);
if( (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_INTERNAL)!=0
&& pParse->nested==0
- && sqlite3Config.bInternalFunctions==0
+ && (pParse->db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_InternalFunc)==0
/* Internal-use-only functions are disallowed unless the
- ** SQL is being compiled using sqlite3NestedParse() */
+ ** SQL is being compiled using sqlite3NestedParse() or
+ ** the SQLITE_TESTCTRL_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS test-control has be
+ ** used to activate internal functionsn for testing purposes */
no_such_func = 1;
pDef = 0;
- if( (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_DIRECT)!=0
- && ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Indirect)
+ if( (pDef->funcFlags & (SQLITE_FUNC_DIRECT|SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE))!=0
- /* Functions tagged with SQLITE_DIRECTONLY may not be used
- ** inside of triggers and views */
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "%s() prohibited in triggers and views",
- pDef->zName);
+ sqlite3ExprFunctionUsable(pParse, pExpr, pDef);
@@ -96612,7 +98526,7 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
Select *pSel = pNC->pWinSelect;
assert( pWin==pExpr->y.pWin );
- sqlite3WindowUpdate(pParse, pSel->pWinDefn, pWin, pDef);
+ sqlite3WindowUpdate(pParse, pSel ? pSel->pWinDefn : 0, pWin, pDef);
sqlite3WalkExprList(pWalker, pWin->pPartition);
sqlite3WalkExprList(pWalker, pWin->pOrderBy);
@@ -96657,7 +98571,12 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_IN );
if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){
int nRef = pNC->nRef;
- notValid(pParse, pNC, "subqueries", NC_IsCheck|NC_PartIdx|NC_IdxExpr);
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IsCheck );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_PartIdx );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IdxExpr );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_GenCol );
+ sqlite3ResolveNotValid(pParse, pNC, "subqueries",
+ NC_IsCheck|NC_PartIdx|NC_IdxExpr|NC_GenCol, pExpr);
sqlite3WalkSelect(pWalker, pExpr->x.pSelect);
assert( pNC->nRef>=nRef );
if( nRef!=pNC->nRef ){
@@ -96668,7 +98587,12 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
- notValid(pParse, pNC, "parameters", NC_IsCheck|NC_PartIdx|NC_IdxExpr);
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IsCheck );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_PartIdx );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_IdxExpr );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_GenCol );
+ sqlite3ResolveNotValid(pParse, pNC, "parameters",
+ NC_IsCheck|NC_PartIdx|NC_IdxExpr|NC_GenCol, pExpr);
case TK_IS:
@@ -96677,7 +98601,7 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Reduced) );
/* Handle special cases of "x IS TRUE", "x IS FALSE", "x IS NOT TRUE",
** and "x IS NOT FALSE". */
- if( pRight->op==TK_ID ){
+ if( pRight && pRight->op==TK_ID ){
int rc = resolveExprStep(pWalker, pRight);
if( rc==WRC_Abort ) return WRC_Abort;
if( pRight->op==TK_TRUEFALSE ){
@@ -96750,8 +98674,9 @@ static int resolveAsName(
if( pE->op==TK_ID ){
char *zCol = pE->u.zToken;
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
- char *zAs = pEList->a[i].zName;
- if( zAs!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(zAs, zCol)==0 ){
+ if( pEList->a[i].eEName==ENAME_NAME
+ && sqlite3_stricmp(pEList->a[i].zEName, zCol)==0
+ ){
return i+1;
@@ -96802,7 +98727,7 @@ static int resolveOrderByTermToExprList(
nc.nErr = 0;
db = pParse->db;
savedSuppErr = db->suppressErr;
- db->suppressErr = 1;
+ if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT==0 ) db->suppressErr = 1;
rc = sqlite3ResolveExprNames(&nc, pE);
db->suppressErr = savedSuppErr;
if( rc ) return 0;
@@ -97437,11 +99362,41 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveExprListNames(
ExprList *pList /* The expression list to be analyzed. */
int i;
- if( pList ){
- for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
- if( sqlite3ResolveExprNames(pNC, pList->a[i].pExpr) ) return WRC_Abort;
+ int savedHasAgg = 0;
+ Walker w;
+ if( pList==0 ) return WRC_Continue;
+ w.pParse = pNC->pParse;
+ w.xExprCallback = resolveExprStep;
+ w.xSelectCallback = resolveSelectStep;
+ w.xSelectCallback2 = 0;
+ w.u.pNC = pNC;
+ savedHasAgg = pNC->ncFlags & (NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg|NC_HasWin);
+ pNC->ncFlags &= ~(NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg|NC_HasWin);
+ for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
+ Expr *pExpr = pList->a[i].pExpr;
+ if( pExpr==0 ) continue;
+ w.pParse->nHeight += pExpr->nHeight;
+ if( sqlite3ExprCheckHeight(w.pParse, w.pParse->nHeight) ){
+ return WRC_Abort;
+ sqlite3WalkExpr(&w, pExpr);
+ w.pParse->nHeight -= pExpr->nHeight;
+ assert( EP_Agg==NC_HasAgg );
+ assert( EP_Win==NC_HasWin );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_HasAgg );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_HasWin );
+ if( pNC->ncFlags & (NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg|NC_HasWin) ){
+ ExprSetProperty(pExpr, pNC->ncFlags & (NC_HasAgg|NC_HasWin) );
+ savedHasAgg |= pNC->ncFlags & (NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg|NC_HasWin);
+ pNC->ncFlags &= ~(NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg|NC_HasWin);
+ }
+ if( pNC->nErr>0 || w.pParse->nErr>0 ) return WRC_Abort;
+ pNC->ncFlags |= savedHasAgg;
return WRC_Continue;
@@ -97477,10 +99432,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResolveSelectNames(
** Resolve names in expressions that can only reference a single table
** or which cannot reference any tables at all. Examples:
-** (1) CHECK constraints
-** (2) WHERE clauses on partial indices
-** (3) Expressions in indexes on expressions
-** (4) Expression arguments to VACUUM INTO.
+** "type" flag
+** ------------
+** (1) CHECK constraints NC_IsCheck
+** (2) WHERE clauses on partial indices NC_PartIdx
+** (3) Expressions in indexes on expressions NC_IdxExpr
+** (4) Expression arguments to VACUUM INTO. 0
+** (5) GENERATED ALWAYS as expressions NC_GenCol
** In all cases except (4), the Expr.iTable value for Expr.op==TK_COLUMN
** nodes of the expression is set to -1 and the Expr.iColumn value is
@@ -97489,18 +99447,19 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResolveSelectNames(
** Any errors cause an error message to be set in pParse.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveSelfReference(
- Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
- Table *pTab, /* The table being referenced, or NULL */
- int type, /* NC_IsCheck or NC_PartIdx or NC_IdxExpr, or 0 */
- Expr *pExpr, /* Expression to resolve. May be NULL. */
- ExprList *pList /* Expression list to resolve. May be NULL. */
+ Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
+ Table *pTab, /* The table being referenced, or NULL */
+ int type, /* NC_IsCheck, NC_PartIdx, NC_IdxExpr, NC_GenCol, or 0 */
+ Expr *pExpr, /* Expression to resolve. May be NULL. */
+ ExprList *pList /* Expression list to resolve. May be NULL. */
SrcList sSrc; /* Fake SrcList for pParse->pNewTable */
NameContext sNC; /* Name context for pParse->pNewTable */
int rc;
assert( type==0 || pTab!=0 );
- assert( type==NC_IsCheck || type==NC_PartIdx || type==NC_IdxExpr || pTab==0 );
+ assert( type==NC_IsCheck || type==NC_PartIdx || type==NC_IdxExpr
+ || type==NC_GenCol || pTab==0 );
memset(&sNC, 0, sizeof(sNC));
memset(&sSrc, 0, sizeof(sSrc));
if( pTab ){
@@ -97508,6 +99467,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveSelfReference(
sSrc.a[0].zName = pTab->zName;
sSrc.a[0].pTab = pTab;
sSrc.a[0].iCursor = -1;
+ if( pTab->pSchema!=pParse->db->aDb[1].pSchema ){
+ /* Cause EP_FromDDL to be set on TK_FUNCTION nodes of non-TEMP
+ ** schema elements */
+ type |= NC_FromDDL;
+ }
sNC.pParse = pParse;
sNC.pSrcList = &sSrc;
@@ -97563,10 +99527,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3TableColumnAffinity(Table *pTab, int iCol){
** SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (select a from t1);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3ExprAffinity(Expr *pExpr){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3ExprAffinity(const Expr *pExpr){
int op;
while( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Skip) ){
- assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE );
+ assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE || pExpr->op==TK_IF_NULL_ROW );
pExpr = pExpr->pLeft;
assert( pExpr!=0 );
@@ -97591,6 +99555,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3ExprAffinity(Expr *pExpr){
+ if( op==TK_VECTOR ){
+ return sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr->x.pList->a[0].pExpr);
+ }
return pExpr->affExpr;
@@ -97630,7 +99597,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAddCollateString(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, con
SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(Expr *pExpr){
while( pExpr && ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Skip) ){
- assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE );
+ assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE || pExpr->op==TK_IF_NULL_ROW );
pExpr = pExpr->pLeft;
return pExpr;
@@ -97649,7 +99616,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSkipCollateAndLikely(Expr *pExpr){
assert( pExpr->op==TK_FUNCTION );
pExpr = pExpr->x.pList->a[0].pExpr;
- assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE );
+ assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE || pExpr->op==TK_IF_NULL_ROW );
pExpr = pExpr->pLeft;
@@ -97670,10 +99637,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSkipCollateAndLikely(Expr *pExpr){
** COLLATE operators take first precedence. Left operands take
** precedence over right operands.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const Expr *pExpr){
sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
CollSeq *pColl = 0;
- Expr *p = pExpr;
+ const Expr *p = pExpr;
while( p ){
int op = p->op;
if( op==TK_REGISTER ) op = p->op2;
@@ -97693,6 +99660,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
p = p->pLeft;
+ if( op==TK_VECTOR ){
+ p = p->x.pList->a[0].pExpr;
+ continue;
+ }
if( op==TK_COLLATE ){
pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse, ENC(db), 0, p->u.zToken);
@@ -97704,12 +99675,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
Expr *pNext = p->pRight;
/* The Expr.x union is never used at the same time as Expr.pRight */
assert( p->x.pList==0 || p->pRight==0 );
- /* p->flags holds EP_Collate and p->pLeft->flags does not. And
- ** p->x.pSelect cannot. So if p->x.pLeft exists, it must hold at
- ** least one EP_Collate. Thus the following two ALWAYS. */
- if( p->x.pList!=0 && ALWAYS(!ExprHasProperty(p, EP_xIsSelect)) ){
+ if( p->x.pList!=0
+ && !db->mallocFailed
+ && ALWAYS(!ExprHasProperty(p, EP_xIsSelect))
+ ){
int i;
- for(i=0; ALWAYS(ix.pList->nExpr); i++){
+ for(i=0; ix.pList->nExpr; i++){
if( ExprHasProperty(p->x.pList->a[i].pExpr, EP_Collate) ){
pNext = p->x.pList->a[i].pExpr;
@@ -97738,7 +99709,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
** The sqlite3ExprCollSeq() routine works the same except that it
** returns NULL if there is no defined collation.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const Expr *pExpr){
CollSeq *p = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr);
if( p==0 ) p = pParse->db->pDfltColl;
assert( p!=0 );
@@ -97748,7 +99719,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
** Return TRUE if the two expressions have equivalent collating sequences.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCollSeqMatch(Parse *pParse, Expr *pE1, Expr *pE2){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCollSeqMatch(Parse *pParse, const Expr *pE1, const Expr *pE2){
CollSeq *pColl1 = sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(pParse, pE1);
CollSeq *pColl2 = sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(pParse, pE2);
return sqlite3StrICmp(pColl1->zName, pColl2->zName)==0;
@@ -97759,7 +99730,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCollSeqMatch(Parse *pParse, Expr *pE1, Expr *pE2){
** type affinity of the other operand. This routine returns the
** type affinity that should be used for the comparison operator.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3CompareAffinity(Expr *pExpr, char aff2){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3CompareAffinity(const Expr *pExpr, char aff2){
char aff1 = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr);
/* Both sides of the comparison are columns. If one has numeric
@@ -97781,7 +99752,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3CompareAffinity(Expr *pExpr, char aff2){
** pExpr is a comparison operator. Return the type affinity that should
** be applied to both operands prior to doing the comparison.
-static char comparisonAffinity(Expr *pExpr){
+static char comparisonAffinity(const Expr *pExpr){
char aff;
assert( pExpr->op==TK_EQ || pExpr->op==TK_IN || pExpr->op==TK_LT ||
pExpr->op==TK_GT || pExpr->op==TK_GE || pExpr->op==TK_LE ||
@@ -97804,7 +99775,7 @@ static char comparisonAffinity(Expr *pExpr){
** if the index with affinity idx_affinity may be used to implement
** the comparison in pExpr.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(Expr *pExpr, char idx_affinity){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(const Expr *pExpr, char idx_affinity){
char aff = comparisonAffinity(pExpr);
if( affpRight, p->pLeft);
+ }else{
+ return sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, p->pLeft, p->pRight);
+ }
** Generate code for a comparison operator.
@@ -97867,13 +99858,19 @@ static int codeCompare(
int opcode, /* The comparison opcode */
int in1, int in2, /* Register holding operands */
int dest, /* Jump here if true. */
- int jumpIfNull /* If true, jump if either operand is NULL */
+ int jumpIfNull, /* If true, jump if either operand is NULL */
+ int isCommuted /* The comparison has been commuted */
int p5;
int addr;
CollSeq *p4;
- p4 = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pLeft, pRight);
+ if( pParse->nErr ) return 0;
+ if( isCommuted ){
+ p4 = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pRight, pLeft);
+ }else{
+ p4 = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pLeft, pRight);
+ }
p5 = binaryCompareP5(pLeft, pRight, jumpIfNull);
addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(pParse->pVdbe, opcode, in2, dest, in1,
(void*)p4, P4_COLLSEQ);
@@ -98084,7 +100081,10 @@ static void codeVectorCompare(
int regRight = 0;
u8 opx = op;
int addrDone = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ int isCommuted = ExprHasProperty(pExpr,EP_Commuted);
+ assert( !ExprHasVVAProperty(pExpr,EP_Immutable) );
+ if( pParse->nErr ) return;
if( nLeft!=sqlite3ExprVectorSize(pRight) ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "row value misused");
@@ -98113,7 +100113,7 @@ static void codeVectorCompare(
assert( i>=0 && ifuncFlags & (SQLITE_FUNC_DIRECT|SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE))!=0 );
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromDDL) ){
+ if( (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_DIRECT)!=0
+ || (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_TrustedSchema)==0
+ ){
+ /* Functions prohibited in triggers and views if:
+ ** (1) tagged with SQLITE_DIRECTONLY
+ ** (2) not tagged with SQLITE_INNOCUOUS (which means it
+ ** is tagged with SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE) and
+ ** that the schema is possibly tainted).
+ */
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unsafe use of %s()", pDef->zName);
+ }
+ }
** Assign a variable number to an expression that encodes a wildcard
** in the original SQL statement.
@@ -98660,7 +100696,7 @@ static int dupedExprStructSize(Expr *p, int flags){
assert( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_TokenOnly|EP_Reduced) );
assert( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_FromJoin) );
assert( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_MemToken) );
- assert( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_NoReduce) );
+ assert( !ExprHasVVAProperty(p, EP_NoReduce) );
if( p->pLeft || p->x.pList ){
nSize = EXPR_REDUCEDSIZE | EP_Reduced;
@@ -98765,6 +100801,10 @@ static Expr *exprDup(sqlite3 *db, Expr *p, int dupFlags, u8 **pzBuffer){
pNew->flags &= ~(EP_Reduced|EP_TokenOnly|EP_Static|EP_MemToken);
pNew->flags |= nStructSize & (EP_Reduced|EP_TokenOnly);
pNew->flags |= staticFlag;
+ ExprClearVVAProperties(pNew);
+ if( dupFlags ){
+ ExprSetVVAProperty(pNew, EP_Immutable);
+ }
/* Copy the p->u.zToken string, if any. */
if( nToken ){
@@ -98928,12 +100968,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE ExprList *sqlite3ExprListDup(sqlite3 *db, ExprList *p, int flags)
pNewExpr->pLeft = pPriorSelectCol;
- pItem->zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pOldItem->zName);
- pItem->zSpan = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pOldItem->zSpan);
+ pItem->zEName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pOldItem->zEName);
pItem->sortFlags = pOldItem->sortFlags;
+ pItem->eEName = pOldItem->eEName;
pItem->done = 0;
pItem->bNulls = pOldItem->bNulls;
- pItem->bSpanIsTab = pOldItem->bSpanIsTab;
pItem->bSorterRef = pOldItem->bSorterRef;
pItem->u = pOldItem->u;
@@ -99100,9 +101139,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE ExprList *sqlite3ExprListAppend(
pList = pNew;
pItem = &pList->a[pList->nExpr++];
- assert( offsetof(struct ExprList_item,zName)==sizeof(pItem->pExpr) );
+ assert( offsetof(struct ExprList_item,zEName)==sizeof(pItem->pExpr) );
assert( offsetof(struct ExprList_item,pExpr)==0 );
- memset(&pItem->zName,0,sizeof(*pItem)-offsetof(struct ExprList_item,zName));
+ memset(&pItem->zEName,0,sizeof(*pItem)-offsetof(struct ExprList_item,zEName));
pItem->pExpr = pExpr;
return pList;
@@ -99159,7 +101198,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE ExprList *sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(
pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, pList, pSubExpr);
if( pList ){
assert( pList->nExpr==iFirst+i+1 );
- pList->a[pList->nExpr-1].zName = pColumns->a[i].zName;
+ pList->a[pList->nExpr-1].zEName = pColumns->a[i].zName;
pColumns->a[i].zName = 0;
@@ -99219,7 +101258,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(ExprList *p, int iSortOrder, int
-** Set the ExprList.a[].zName element of the most recently added item
+** Set the ExprList.a[].zEName element of the most recently added item
** on the expression list.
** pList might be NULL following an OOM error. But pName should never be
@@ -99233,15 +101272,22 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprListSetName(
int dequote /* True to cause the name to be dequoted */
assert( pList!=0 || pParse->db->mallocFailed!=0 );
+ assert( pParse->eParseMode!=PARSE_MODE_UNMAP || dequote==0 );
if( pList ){
struct ExprList_item *pItem;
assert( pList->nExpr>0 );
pItem = &pList->a[pList->nExpr-1];
- assert( pItem->zName==0 );
- pItem->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, pName->z, pName->n);
- if( dequote ) sqlite3Dequote(pItem->zName);
- sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)pItem->zName, pName);
+ assert( pItem->zEName==0 );
+ assert( pItem->eEName==ENAME_NAME );
+ pItem->zEName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, pName->z, pName->n);
+ if( dequote ){
+ /* If dequote==0, then pName->z does not point to part of a DDL
+ ** statement handled by the parser. And so no token need be added
+ ** to the token-map. */
+ sqlite3Dequote(pItem->zEName);
+ sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)pItem->zEName, pName);
+ }
@@ -99265,8 +101311,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprListSetSpan(
if( pList ){
struct ExprList_item *pItem = &pList->a[pList->nExpr-1];
assert( pList->nExpr>0 );
- sqlite3DbFree(db, pItem->zSpan);
- pItem->zSpan = sqlite3DbSpanDup(db, zStart, zEnd);
+ if( pItem->zEName==0 ){
+ pItem->zEName = sqlite3DbSpanDup(db, zStart, zEnd);
+ pItem->eEName = ENAME_SPAN;
+ }
@@ -99296,8 +101344,7 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE void exprListDeleteNN(sqlite3 *db, ExprList *pList){
assert( pList->nExpr>0 );
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pItem->pExpr);
- sqlite3DbFree(db, pItem->zName);
- sqlite3DbFree(db, pItem->zSpan);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, pItem->zEName);
}while( --i>0 );
sqlite3DbFreeNN(db, pList);
@@ -99335,19 +101382,34 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SelectWalkFail(Walker *pWalker, Select *NotUsed){
return WRC_Abort;
+** Check the input string to see if it is "true" or "false" (in any case).
+** If the string is.... Return
+** "true" EP_IsTrue
+** "false" EP_IsFalse
+** anything else 0
+SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3IsTrueOrFalse(const char *zIn){
+ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zIn, "true")==0 ) return EP_IsTrue;
+ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zIn, "false")==0 ) return EP_IsFalse;
+ return 0;
** If the input expression is an ID with the name "true" or "false"
** then convert it into an TK_TRUEFALSE term. Return non-zero if
** the conversion happened, and zero if the expression is unaltered.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIdToTrueFalse(Expr *pExpr){
+ u32 v;
assert( pExpr->op==TK_ID || pExpr->op==TK_STRING );
if( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Quoted)
- && (sqlite3StrICmp(pExpr->u.zToken, "true")==0
- || sqlite3StrICmp(pExpr->u.zToken, "false")==0)
+ && (v = sqlite3IsTrueOrFalse(pExpr->u.zToken))!=0
pExpr->op = TK_TRUEFALSE;
- ExprSetProperty(pExpr, pExpr->u.zToken[4]==0 ? EP_IsTrue : EP_IsFalse);
+ ExprSetProperty(pExpr, v);
return 1;
return 0;
@@ -99409,10 +101471,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSimplifiedAndOr(Expr *pExpr){
** In all cases, the callbacks set Walker.eCode=0 and abort if the expression
** is found to not be a constant.
-** The sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction() is used for evaluating expressions
-** in a CREATE TABLE statement. The Walker.eCode value is 5 when parsing
-** an existing schema and 4 when processing a new statement. A bound
-** parameter raises an error for new statements, but is silently converted
+** The sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction() is used for evaluating DEFAULT
+** expressions in a CREATE TABLE statement. The Walker.eCode value is 5
+** when parsing an existing schema out of the sqlite_master table and 4
+** when processing a new CREATE TABLE statement. A bound parameter raises
+** an error for new statements, but is silently converted
** to NULL for existing schemas. This allows sqlite_master tables that
** contain a bound parameter because they were generated by older versions
** of SQLite to be parsed by newer versions of SQLite without raising a
@@ -99433,7 +101496,10 @@ static int exprNodeIsConstant(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
** and either pWalker->eCode==4 or 5 or the function has the
- if( pWalker->eCode>=4 || ExprHasProperty(pExpr,EP_ConstFunc) ){
+ if( (pWalker->eCode>=4 || ExprHasProperty(pExpr,EP_ConstFunc))
+ && !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_WinFunc)
+ ){
+ if( pWalker->eCode==5 ) ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_FromDDL);
return WRC_Continue;
pWalker->eCode = 0;
@@ -99521,7 +101587,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstant(Expr *p){
** When this routine returns true, it indicates that the expression
** can be added to the pParse->pConstExpr list and evaluated once when
-** the prepared statement starts up. See sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit().
+** the prepared statement starts up. See sqlite3ExprCodeRunJustOnce().
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(Expr *p){
return exprIsConst(p, 2, 0);
@@ -99597,9 +101663,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrGroupBy(Parse *pParse, Expr *p, ExprLi
-** Walk an expression tree. Return non-zero if the expression is constant
-** or a function call with constant arguments. Return and 0 if there
-** are any variables.
+** Walk an expression tree for the DEFAULT field of a column definition
+** in a CREATE TABLE statement. Return non-zero if the expression is
+** acceptable for use as a DEFAULT. That is to say, return non-zero if
+** the expression is constant or a function call with constant arguments.
+** Return and 0 if there are any variables.
+** isInit is true when parsing from sqlite_master. isInit is false when
+** processing a new CREATE TABLE statement. When isInit is true, parameters
+** (such as ? or $abc) in the expression are converted into NULL. When
+** isInit is false, parameters raise an error. Parameters should not be
+** allowed in a CREATE TABLE statement, but some legacy versions of SQLite
+** allowed it, so we need to support it when reading sqlite_master for
+** backwards compatibility.
+** If isInit is true, set EP_FromDDL on every TK_FUNCTION node.
** For the purposes of this function, a double-quoted string (ex: "abc")
** is considered a variable but a single-quoted string (ex: 'abc') is
@@ -99696,7 +101774,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCanBeNull(const Expr *p){
return ExprHasProperty(p, EP_CanBeNull) ||
p->y.pTab==0 || /* Reference to column of index on expression */
- (p->iColumn>=0 && p->y.pTab->aCol[p->iColumn].notNull==0);
+ (p->iColumn>=0
+ && ALWAYS(p->y.pTab->aCol!=0) /* Defense against OOM problems */
+ && p->y.pTab->aCol[p->iColumn].notNull==0);
return 1;
@@ -100173,8 +102253,10 @@ static char *exprINAffinity(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
** "sub-select returns N columns - expected M"
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SubselectError(Parse *pParse, int nActual, int nExpect){
- const char *zFmt = "sub-select returns %d columns - expected %d";
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, zFmt, nActual, nExpect);
+ if( pParse->nErr==0 ){
+ const char *zFmt = "sub-select returns %d columns - expected %d";
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, zFmt, nActual, nExpect);
+ }
@@ -100268,6 +102350,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
/* Begin coding the subroutine */
ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Subrtn);
+ assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_TokenOnly|EP_Reduced) );
pExpr->y.sub.regReturn = ++pParse->nMem;
pExpr->y.sub.iAddr =
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pExpr->y.sub.regReturn) + 1;
@@ -100349,6 +102432,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
affinity = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pLeft);
if( affinity<=SQLITE_AFF_NONE ){
affinity = SQLITE_AFF_BLOB;
+ }else if( affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ){
+ affinity = SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC;
if( pKeyInfo ){
assert( sqlite3KeyInfoIsWriteable(pKeyInfo) );
@@ -100587,7 +102672,9 @@ static void sqlite3ExprCodeIN(
int destNotNull; /* Jump here if a comparison is not true in step 6 */
int addrTop; /* Top of the step-6 loop */
int iTab = 0; /* Index to use */
+ u8 okConstFactor = pParse->okConstFactor;
+ assert( !ExprHasVVAProperty(pExpr,EP_Immutable) );
pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
if( sqlite3ExprCheckIN(pParse, pExpr) ) return;
zAff = exprINAffinity(pParse, pExpr);
@@ -100630,8 +102717,14 @@ static void sqlite3ExprCodeIN(
** so that the fields are in the same order as an existing index. The
** aiMap[] array contains a mapping from the original LHS field order to
** the field order that matches the RHS index.
- */
+ **
+ ** Avoid factoring the LHS of the IN(...) expression out of the loop,
+ ** even if it is constant, as OP_Affinity may be used on the register
+ ** by code generated below. */
+ assert( pParse->okConstFactor==okConstFactor );
+ pParse->okConstFactor = 0;
rLhsOrig = exprCodeVector(pParse, pLeft, &iDummy);
+ pParse->okConstFactor = okConstFactor;
for(i=0; ipLeft)==SQLITE_AFF_REAL;
for(ii=0; iinExpr; ii++){
- if( bLhsReal ){
- r2 = regToFree = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pList->a[ii].pExpr, r2);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Affinity, r2, 1, 0, "E", P4_STATIC);
- }else{
- r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pList->a[ii].pExpr, ®ToFree);
- }
+ r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pList->a[ii].pExpr, ®ToFree);
if( regCkNull && sqlite3ExprCanBeNull(pList->a[ii].pExpr) ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_BitAnd, regCkNull, r2, regCkNull);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regToFree);
if( iinExpr-1 || destIfNull!=destIfFalse ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Eq, rLhs, labelOk, r2,
+ int op = rLhs!=r2 ? OP_Eq : OP_NotNull;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, op, rLhs, labelOk, r2,
(void*)pColl, P4_COLLSEQ);
- VdbeCoverageIf(v, iinExpr-1);
- VdbeCoverageIf(v, ii==pList->nExpr-1);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, iinExpr-1 && op==OP_Eq);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, ii==pList->nExpr-1 && op==OP_Eq);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, iinExpr-1 && op==OP_NotNull);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, ii==pList->nExpr-1 && op==OP_NotNull);
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, zAff[0]);
+ int op = rLhs!=r2 ? OP_Ne : OP_IsNull;
assert( destIfNull==destIfFalse );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Ne, rLhs, destIfFalse, r2,
- (void*)pColl, P4_COLLSEQ); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, op, rLhs, destIfFalse, r2,
+ (void*)pColl, P4_COLLSEQ);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, op==OP_Ne);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, op==OP_IsNull);
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, zAff[0] | SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
- sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regToFree);
if( regCkNull ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, regCkNull, destIfNull); VdbeCoverage(v);
@@ -100707,6 +102798,7 @@ static void sqlite3ExprCodeIN(
destStep2 = destStep6 = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ if( pParse->nErr ) goto sqlite3ExprCodeIN_finished;
for(i=0; ipLeft, i);
if( sqlite3ExprCanBeNull(p) ){
@@ -100888,16 +102980,45 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeLoadIndexColumn(
+** Generate code that will compute the value of generated column pCol
+** and store the result in register regOut
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeGeneratedColumn(
+ Parse *pParse,
+ Column *pCol,
+ int regOut
+ int iAddr;
+ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+ assert( v!=0 );
+ assert( pParse->iSelfTab!=0 );
+ if( pParse->iSelfTab>0 ){
+ iAddr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfNullRow, pParse->iSelfTab-1, 0, regOut);
+ }else{
+ iAddr = 0;
+ }
+ sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(pParse, pCol->pDflt, regOut);
+ if( pCol->affinity>=SQLITE_AFF_TEXT ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Affinity, regOut, 1, 0, &pCol->affinity, 1);
+ }
+ if( iAddr ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iAddr);
** Generate code to extract the value of the iCol-th column of a table.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(
- Vdbe *v, /* The VDBE under construction */
+ Vdbe *v, /* Parsing context */
Table *pTab, /* The table containing the value */
int iTabCur, /* The table cursor. Or the PK cursor for WITHOUT ROWID */
int iCol, /* Index of the column to extract */
int regOut /* Extract the value into this register */
+ Column *pCol;
+ assert( v!=0 );
if( pTab==0 ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iTabCur, iCol, regOut);
@@ -100905,14 +103026,36 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(
if( iCol<0 || iCol==pTab->iPKey ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, iTabCur, regOut);
- int op = IsVirtual(pTab) ? OP_VColumn : OP_Column;
- int x = iCol;
- if( !HasRowid(pTab) && !IsVirtual(pTab) ){
- x = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pTab), iCol);
+ int op;
+ int x;
+ if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+ op = OP_VColumn;
+ x = iCol;
+ }else if( (pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol])->colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ){
+ Parse *pParse = sqlite3VdbeParser(v);
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_BUSY ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "generated column loop on \"%s\"", pCol->zName);
+ }else{
+ int savedSelfTab = pParse->iSelfTab;
+ pCol->colFlags |= COLFLAG_BUSY;
+ pParse->iSelfTab = iTabCur+1;
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGeneratedColumn(pParse, pCol, regOut);
+ pParse->iSelfTab = savedSelfTab;
+ pCol->colFlags &= ~COLFLAG_BUSY;
+ }
+ return;
+ }else if( !HasRowid(pTab) ){
+ testcase( iCol!=sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, iCol) );
+ x = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pTab), iCol);
+ op = OP_Column;
+ }else{
+ x = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab,iCol);
+ testcase( x!=iCol );
+ op = OP_Column;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, op, iTabCur, x, regOut);
- }
- if( iCol>=0 ){
sqlite3ColumnDefault(v, pTab, iCol, regOut);
@@ -100932,11 +103075,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumn(
int iReg, /* Store results here */
u8 p5 /* P5 value for OP_Column + FLAGS */
- Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
- assert( v!=0 );
- sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iTable, iColumn, iReg);
+ assert( pParse->pVdbe!=0 );
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(pParse->pVdbe, pTab, iTable, iColumn, iReg);
if( p5 ){
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, p5);
+ VdbeOp *pOp = sqlite3VdbeGetOp(pParse->pVdbe,-1);
+ if( pOp->opcode==OP_Column ) pOp->p5 = p5;
return iReg;
@@ -100946,7 +103089,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumn(
** over to iTo..iTo+nReg-1.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeMove(Parse *pParse, int iFrom, int iTo, int nReg){
- assert( iFrom>=iTo+nReg || iFrom+nReg<=iTo );
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(pParse->pVdbe, OP_Move, iFrom, iTo, nReg);
@@ -100998,6 +103140,124 @@ static int exprCodeVector(Parse *pParse, Expr *p, int *piFreeable){
return iResult;
+** If the last opcode is a OP_Copy, then set the do-not-merge flag (p5)
+** so that a subsequent copy will not be merged into this one.
+static void setDoNotMergeFlagOnCopy(Vdbe *v){
+ if( sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, -1)->opcode==OP_Copy ){
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1); /* Tag trailing OP_Copy as not mergable */
+ }
+** Generate code to implement special SQL functions that are implemented
+** in-line rather than by using the usual callbacks.
+static int exprCodeInlineFunction(
+ Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
+ ExprList *pFarg, /* List of function arguments */
+ int iFuncId, /* Function ID. One of the INTFUNC_... values */
+ int target /* Store function result in this register */
+ int nFarg;
+ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+ assert( v!=0 );
+ assert( pFarg!=0 );
+ nFarg = pFarg->nExpr;
+ assert( nFarg>0 ); /* All in-line functions have at least one argument */
+ switch( iFuncId ){
+ case INLINEFUNC_coalesce: {
+ /* Attempt a direct implementation of the built-in COALESCE() and
+ ** IFNULL() functions. This avoids unnecessary evaluation of
+ ** arguments past the first non-NULL argument.
+ */
+ int endCoalesce = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ int i;
+ assert( nFarg>=2 );
+ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pFarg->a[0].pExpr, target);
+ for(i=1; ia[i].pExpr, target);
+ }
+ setDoNotMergeFlagOnCopy(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, endCoalesce);
+ break;
+ }
+ case INLINEFUNC_iif: {
+ Expr caseExpr;
+ memset(&caseExpr, 0, sizeof(caseExpr));
+ caseExpr.op = TK_CASE;
+ caseExpr.x.pList = pFarg;
+ return sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, &caseExpr, target);
+ }
+ default: {
+ /* The UNLIKELY() function is a no-op. The result is the value
+ ** of the first argument.
+ */
+ assert( nFarg==1 || nFarg==2 );
+ target = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pFarg->a[0].pExpr, target);
+ break;
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** Test-only SQL functions that are only usable if enabled
+ */
+ case INLINEFUNC_expr_compare: {
+ /* Compare two expressions using sqlite3ExprCompare() */
+ assert( nFarg==2 );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer,
+ sqlite3ExprCompare(0,pFarg->a[0].pExpr, pFarg->a[1].pExpr,-1),
+ target);
+ break;
+ }
+ case INLINEFUNC_expr_implies_expr: {
+ /* Compare two expressions using sqlite3ExprImpliesExpr() */
+ assert( nFarg==2 );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer,
+ sqlite3ExprImpliesExpr(pParse,pFarg->a[0].pExpr, pFarg->a[1].pExpr,-1),
+ target);
+ break;
+ }
+ case INLINEFUNC_implies_nonnull_row: {
+ /* REsult of sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow() */
+ Expr *pA1;
+ assert( nFarg==2 );
+ pA1 = pFarg->a[1].pExpr;
+ if( pA1->op==TK_COLUMN ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer,
+ sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow(pFarg->a[0].pExpr,pA1->iTable),
+ target);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, target);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case INLINEFUNC_affinity: {
+ /* The AFFINITY() function evaluates to a string that describes
+ ** the type affinity of the argument. This is used for testing of
+ ** the SQLite type logic.
+ */
+ const char *azAff[] = { "blob", "text", "numeric", "integer", "real" };
+ char aff;
+ assert( nFarg==1 );
+ aff = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pFarg->a[0].pExpr);
+ sqlite3VdbeLoadString(v, target,
+ (aff<=SQLITE_AFF_NONE) ? "none" : azAff[aff-SQLITE_AFF_BLOB]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
** Generate code into the current Vdbe to evaluate the given
@@ -101030,24 +103290,38 @@ expr_code_doover:
if( pExpr==0 ){
op = TK_NULL;
+ assert( !ExprHasVVAProperty(pExpr,EP_Immutable) );
op = pExpr->op;
switch( op ){
AggInfo *pAggInfo = pExpr->pAggInfo;
- struct AggInfo_col *pCol = &pAggInfo->aCol[pExpr->iAgg];
+ struct AggInfo_col *pCol;
+ assert( pAggInfo!=0 );
+ assert( pExpr->iAgg>=0 && pExpr->iAggnColumn );
+ pCol = &pAggInfo->aCol[pExpr->iAgg];
if( !pAggInfo->directMode ){
assert( pCol->iMem>0 );
return pCol->iMem;
}else if( pAggInfo->useSortingIdx ){
+ Table *pTab = pCol->pTab;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, pAggInfo->sortingIdxPTab,
pCol->iSorterColumn, target);
+ if( pCol->iColumn<0 ){
+ VdbeComment((v,"%s.rowid",pTab->zName));
+ }else{
+ VdbeComment((v,"%s.%s",pTab->zName,pTab->aCol[pCol->iColumn].zName));
+ if( pTab->aCol[pCol->iColumn].affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_RealAffinity, target);
+ }
+ }
return target;
/* Otherwise, fall thru into the TK_COLUMN case */
case TK_COLUMN: {
int iTab = pExpr->iTable;
+ int iReg;
if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FixedCol) ){
/* This COLUMN expression is really a constant due to WHERE clause
** constraints, and that constant is coded by the pExpr->pLeft
@@ -101055,16 +103329,17 @@ expr_code_doover:
** datatype by applying the Affinity of the table column to the
** constant.
- int iReg = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr->pLeft,target);
- int aff = sqlite3TableColumnAffinity(pExpr->y.pTab, pExpr->iColumn);
+ int aff;
+ iReg = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr->pLeft,target);
+ if( pExpr->y.pTab ){
+ aff = sqlite3TableColumnAffinity(pExpr->y.pTab, pExpr->iColumn);
+ }else{
+ aff = pExpr->affExpr;
+ }
if( aff>SQLITE_AFF_BLOB ){
static const char zAff[] = "B\000C\000D\000E";
assert( SQLITE_AFF_BLOB=='A' );
assert( SQLITE_AFF_TEXT=='B' );
- if( iReg!=target ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, iReg, target);
- iReg = target;
- }
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Affinity, iReg, 1, 0,
&zAff[(aff-'B')*2], P4_STATIC);
@@ -101072,19 +103347,46 @@ expr_code_doover:
if( iTab<0 ){
if( pParse->iSelfTab<0 ){
- /* Generating CHECK constraints or inserting into partial index */
- assert( pExpr->y.pTab!=0 );
- assert( pExpr->iColumn>=XN_ROWID );
- assert( pExpr->iColumny.pTab->nCol );
- if( pExpr->iColumn>=0
- && pExpr->y.pTab->aCol[pExpr->iColumn].affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL
- ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, pExpr->iColumn - pParse->iSelfTab,
- target);
+ /* Other columns in the same row for CHECK constraints or
+ ** generated columns or for inserting into partial index.
+ ** The row is unpacked into registers beginning at
+ ** 0-(pParse->iSelfTab). The rowid (if any) is in a register
+ ** immediately prior to the first column.
+ */
+ Column *pCol;
+ Table *pTab = pExpr->y.pTab;
+ int iSrc;
+ int iCol = pExpr->iColumn;
+ assert( pTab!=0 );
+ assert( iCol>=XN_ROWID );
+ assert( iColnCol );
+ if( iCol<0 ){
+ return -1-pParse->iSelfTab;
+ }
+ pCol = pTab->aCol + iCol;
+ testcase( iCol!=sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab,iCol) );
+ iSrc = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, iCol) - pParse->iSelfTab;
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_BUSY ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "generated column loop on \"%s\"",
+ pCol->zName);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pCol->colFlags |= COLFLAG_BUSY;
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_NOTAVAIL ){
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGeneratedColumn(pParse, pCol, iSrc);
+ }
+ return iSrc;
+ }else
+ if( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, iSrc, target);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_RealAffinity, target);
return target;
- return pExpr->iColumn - pParse->iSelfTab;
+ return iSrc;
/* Coding an expression that is part of an index where column names
@@ -101092,9 +103394,13 @@ expr_code_doover:
iTab = pParse->iSelfTab - 1;
- return sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumn(pParse, pExpr->y.pTab,
+ iReg = sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumn(pParse, pExpr->y.pTab,
pExpr->iColumn, iTab, target,
+ if( pExpr->y.pTab==0 && pExpr->affExpr==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_RealAffinity, iReg);
+ }
+ return iReg;
case TK_INTEGER: {
codeInteger(pParse, pExpr, 0, target);
@@ -101116,7 +103422,12 @@ expr_code_doover:
sqlite3VdbeLoadString(v, target, pExpr->u.zToken);
return target;
- case TK_NULL: {
+ default: {
+ /* Make NULL the default case so that if a bug causes an illegal
+ ** Expr node to be passed into this function, it will be handled
+ ** sanely and not crash. But keep the assert() to bring the problem
+ ** to the attention of the developers. */
+ assert( op==TK_NULL );
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, target);
return target;
@@ -101143,7 +103454,7 @@ expr_code_doover:
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Variable, pExpr->iColumn, target);
if( pExpr->u.zToken[1]!=0 ){
const char *z = sqlite3VListNumToName(pParse->pVList, pExpr->iColumn);
- assert( pExpr->u.zToken[0]=='?' || strcmp(pExpr->u.zToken, z)==0 );
+ assert( pExpr->u.zToken[0]=='?' || (z && !strcmp(pExpr->u.zToken, z)) );
pParse->pVList[0] = 0; /* Indicate VList may no longer be enlarged */
sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (char*)z, P4_STATIC);
@@ -101183,7 +103494,8 @@ expr_code_doover:
r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pLeft, ®Free1);
r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr->pRight, ®Free2);
codeCompare(pParse, pLeft, pExpr->pRight, op,
- r1, r2, inReg, SQLITE_STOREP2 | p5);
+ r1, r2, inReg, SQLITE_STOREP2 | p5,
+ ExprHasProperty(pExpr,EP_Commuted));
assert(TK_LT==OP_Lt); testcase(op==OP_Lt); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Lt);
assert(TK_LE==OP_Le); testcase(op==OP_Le); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Le);
assert(TK_GT==OP_Gt); testcase(op==OP_Gt); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Gt);
@@ -101241,6 +103553,7 @@ expr_code_doover:
tempX.op = TK_INTEGER;
tempX.flags = EP_IntValue|EP_TokenOnly;
tempX.u.iValue = 0;
+ ExprClearVVAProperties(&tempX);
r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, &tempX, ®Free1);
r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, ®Free2);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Subtract, r2, r1, target);
@@ -101286,7 +103599,10 @@ expr_code_doover:
AggInfo *pInfo = pExpr->pAggInfo;
- if( pInfo==0 ){
+ if( pInfo==0
+ || NEVER(pExpr->iAgg<0)
+ || NEVER(pExpr->iAgg>=pInfo->nFunc)
+ ){
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_IntValue) );
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aggregate: %s()", pExpr->u.zToken);
@@ -101312,16 +103628,13 @@ expr_code_doover:
if( ConstFactorOk(pParse) && sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(pExpr) ){
- /* SQL functions can be expensive. So try to move constant functions
- ** out of the inner loop, even if that means an extra OP_Copy. */
- return sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit(pParse, pExpr, -1);
+ /* SQL functions can be expensive. So try to avoid running them
+ ** multiple times if we know they always give the same result */
+ return sqlite3ExprCodeRunJustOnce(pParse, pExpr, -1);
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) );
- if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_TokenOnly) ){
- pFarg = 0;
- }else{
- pFarg = pExpr->x.pList;
- }
+ assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_TokenOnly) );
+ pFarg = pExpr->x.pList;
nFarg = pFarg ? pFarg->nExpr : 0;
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_IntValue) );
zId = pExpr->u.zToken;
@@ -101335,48 +103648,15 @@ expr_code_doover:
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unknown function: %s()", zId);
- /* Attempt a direct implementation of the built-in COALESCE() and
- ** IFNULL() functions. This avoids unnecessary evaluation of
- ** arguments past the first non-NULL argument.
- */
- if( pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_COALESCE ){
- int endCoalesce = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- assert( nFarg>=2 );
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pFarg->a[0].pExpr, target);
- for(i=1; ia[i].pExpr, target);
- }
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, endCoalesce);
- break;
+ if( pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_INLINE ){
+ assert( (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE)==0 );
+ assert( (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_DIRECT)==0 );
+ return exprCodeInlineFunction(pParse, pFarg,
+ SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT(pDef->pUserData), target);
+ }else if( pDef->funcFlags & (SQLITE_FUNC_DIRECT|SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE) ){
+ sqlite3ExprFunctionUsable(pParse, pExpr, pDef);
- /* The UNLIKELY() function is a no-op. The result is the value
- ** of the first argument.
- */
- if( pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_UNLIKELY ){
- assert( nFarg>=1 );
- return sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pFarg->a[0].pExpr, target);
- }
- /* The AFFINITY() function evaluates to a string that describes
- ** the type affinity of the argument. This is used for testing of
- ** the SQLite type logic.
- */
- if( pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_AFFINITY ){
- const char *azAff[] = { "blob", "text", "numeric", "integer", "real" };
- char aff;
- assert( nFarg==1 );
- aff = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pFarg->a[0].pExpr);
- sqlite3VdbeLoadString(v, target,
- (aff<=SQLITE_AFF_NONE) ? "none" : azAff[aff-SQLITE_AFF_BLOB]);
- return target;
- }
for(i=0; ia[i].pExpr) ){
testcase( i==31 );
@@ -101452,12 +103732,15 @@ expr_code_doover:
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, pParse->iSelfTab ? OP_PureFunc0 : OP_Function0,
- constMask, r1, target, (char*)pDef, P4_FUNCDEF);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)nFarg);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddFunctionCall(pParse, constMask, r1, target, nFarg,
+ pDef, pExpr->op2);
- if( nFarg && constMask==0 ){
- sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, r1, nFarg);
+ if( nFarg ){
+ if( constMask==0 ){
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, r1, nFarg);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(pParse, r1, nFarg, constMask, 1);
+ }
return target;
@@ -101551,17 +103834,19 @@ expr_code_doover:
** p1==2 -> old.b p1==5 -> new.b
Table *pTab = pExpr->y.pTab;
- int p1 = pExpr->iTable * (pTab->nCol+1) + 1 + pExpr->iColumn;
+ int iCol = pExpr->iColumn;
+ int p1 = pExpr->iTable * (pTab->nCol+1) + 1
+ + sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, iCol);
assert( pExpr->iTable==0 || pExpr->iTable==1 );
- assert( pExpr->iColumn>=-1 && pExpr->iColumnnCol );
- assert( pTab->iPKey<0 || pExpr->iColumn!=pTab->iPKey );
+ assert( iCol>=-1 && iColnCol );
+ assert( pTab->iPKey<0 || iCol!=pTab->iPKey );
assert( p1>=0 && p1<(pTab->nCol*2+2) );
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Param, p1, target);
VdbeComment((v, "r[%d]=%s.%s", target,
(pExpr->iTable ? "new" : "old"),
- (pExpr->iColumn<0 ? "rowid" : pExpr->y.pTab->aCol[pExpr->iColumn].zName)
+ (pExpr->iColumn<0 ? "rowid" : pExpr->y.pTab->aCol[iCol].zName)
@@ -101570,9 +103855,7 @@ expr_code_doover:
** EVIDENCE-OF: R-60985-57662 SQLite will convert the value back to
** floating point when extracting it from the record. */
- if( pExpr->iColumn>=0
- && pTab->aCol[pExpr->iColumn].affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL
- ){
+ if( iCol>=0 && pTab->aCol[iCol].affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_RealAffinity, target);
@@ -101627,7 +103910,7 @@ expr_code_doover:
** or if there is no matching Ei, the ELSE term Y, or if there is
** no ELSE term, NULL.
- default: assert( op==TK_CASE ); {
+ case TK_CASE: {
int endLabel; /* GOTO label for end of CASE stmt */
int nextCase; /* GOTO label for next WHEN clause */
int nExpr; /* 2x number of WHEN terms */
@@ -101686,6 +103969,7 @@ expr_code_doover:
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, target);
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pDel);
+ setDoNotMergeFlagOnCopy(v);
sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, endLabel);
@@ -101696,7 +103980,7 @@ expr_code_doover:
|| pExpr->affExpr==OE_Fail
|| pExpr->affExpr==OE_Ignore
- if( !pParse->pTriggerTab ){
+ if( !pParse->pTriggerTab && !pParse->nested ){
"RAISE() may only be used within a trigger-program");
return 0;
@@ -101710,8 +103994,9 @@ expr_code_doover:
v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_OK, OE_Ignore, 0, pExpr->u.zToken,0);
- sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER,
- pExpr->affExpr, pExpr->u.zToken, 0, 0);
+ sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse,
+ pExpr->affExpr, pExpr->u.zToken, 0, 0);
@@ -101724,15 +104009,23 @@ expr_code_doover:
-** Factor out the code of the given expression to initialization time.
+** Generate code that will evaluate expression pExpr just one time
+** per prepared statement execution.
+** If the expression uses functions (that might throw an exception) then
+** guard them with an OP_Once opcode to ensure that the code is only executed
+** once. If no functions are involved, then factor the code out and put it at
+** the end of the prepared statement in the initialization section.
** If regDest>=0 then the result is always stored in that register and the
** result is not reusable. If regDest<0 then this routine is free to
** store the value whereever it wants. The register where the expression
-** is stored is returned. When regDest<0, two identical expressions will
-** code to the same register.
+** is stored is returned. When regDest<0, two identical expressions might
+** code to the same register, if they do not contain function calls and hence
+** are factored out into the initialization section at the end of the
+** prepared statement.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit(
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeRunJustOnce(
Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
Expr *pExpr, /* The expression to code when the VDBE initializes */
int regDest /* Store the value in this register */
@@ -101750,14 +104043,29 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit(
pExpr = sqlite3ExprDup(pParse->db, pExpr, 0);
- p = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, p, pExpr);
- if( p ){
- struct ExprList_item *pItem = &p->a[p->nExpr-1];
- pItem->reusable = regDest<0;
- if( regDest<0 ) regDest = ++pParse->nMem;
- pItem->u.iConstExprReg = regDest;
+ if( pExpr!=0 && ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_HasFunc) ){
+ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+ int addr;
+ assert( v );
+ addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Once); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ pParse->okConstFactor = 0;
+ if( !pParse->db->mallocFailed ){
+ if( regDest<0 ) regDest = ++pParse->nMem;
+ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr, regDest);
+ }
+ pParse->okConstFactor = 1;
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, pExpr);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
+ }else{
+ p = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, p, pExpr);
+ if( p ){
+ struct ExprList_item *pItem = &p->a[p->nExpr-1];
+ pItem->reusable = regDest<0;
+ if( regDest<0 ) regDest = ++pParse->nMem;
+ pItem->u.iConstExprReg = regDest;
+ }
+ pParse->pConstExpr = p;
- pParse->pConstExpr = p;
return regDest;
@@ -101782,7 +104090,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int *pReg){
&& sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(pExpr)
*pReg = 0;
- r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit(pParse, pExpr, -1);
+ r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeRunJustOnce(pParse, pExpr, -1);
int r1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr, r1);
@@ -101804,15 +104112,18 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int *pReg){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCode(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int target){
int inReg;
+ assert( pExpr==0 || !ExprHasVVAProperty(pExpr,EP_Immutable) );
assert( target>0 && target<=pParse->nMem );
- if( pExpr && pExpr->op==TK_REGISTER ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(pParse->pVdbe, OP_Copy, pExpr->iTable, target);
- }else{
- inReg = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr, target);
- assert( pParse->pVdbe!=0 || pParse->db->mallocFailed );
- if( inReg!=target && pParse->pVdbe ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(pParse->pVdbe, OP_SCopy, inReg, target);
+ inReg = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr, target);
+ assert( pParse->pVdbe!=0 || pParse->db->mallocFailed );
+ if( inReg!=target && pParse->pVdbe ){
+ u8 op;
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr,EP_Subquery) ){
+ op = OP_Copy;
+ }else{
+ op = OP_SCopy;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(pParse->pVdbe, op, inReg, target);
@@ -101836,36 +104147,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int target){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeFactorable(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int target){
if( pParse->okConstFactor && sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(pExpr) ){
- sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit(pParse, pExpr, target);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeRunJustOnce(pParse, pExpr, target);
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr, target);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(pParse, pExpr, target);
-** Generate code that evaluates the given expression and puts the result
-** in register target.
-** Also make a copy of the expression results into another "cache" register
-** and modify the expression so that the next time it is evaluated,
-** the result is a copy of the cache register.
-** This routine is used for expressions that are used multiple
-** times. They are evaluated once and the results of the expression
-** are reused.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int target){
- Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
- int iMem;
- assert( target>0 );
- assert( pExpr->op!=TK_REGISTER );
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr, target);
- iMem = ++pParse->nMem;
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, target, iMem);
- exprToRegister(pExpr, iMem);
** Generate code that pushes the value of every element of the given
** expression list into a sequence of registers beginning at target.
@@ -101920,7 +104207,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeExprList(
}else if( (flags & SQLITE_ECEL_FACTOR)!=0
&& sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(pExpr)
- sqlite3ExprCodeAtInit(pParse, pExpr, target+i);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeRunJustOnce(pParse, pExpr, target+i);
int inReg = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr, target+i);
if( inReg!=target+i ){
@@ -101929,6 +104216,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeExprList(
&& (pOp=sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, -1))->opcode==OP_Copy
&& pOp->p1+pOp->p3+1==inReg
&& pOp->p2+pOp->p3+1==target+i
+ && pOp->p5==0 /* The do-not-merge flag must be clear */
@@ -102042,6 +104330,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprIfTrue(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int dest, int
assert( jumpIfNull==SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL || jumpIfNull==0 );
if( NEVER(v==0) ) return; /* Existence of VDBE checked by caller */
if( NEVER(pExpr==0) ) return; /* No way this can happen */
+ assert( !ExprHasVVAProperty(pExpr, EP_Immutable) );
op = pExpr->op;
switch( op ){
case TK_AND:
@@ -102103,7 +104392,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprIfTrue(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int dest, int
r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, ®Free1);
r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr->pRight, ®Free2);
codeCompare(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight, op,
- r1, r2, dest, jumpIfNull);
+ r1, r2, dest, jumpIfNull, ExprHasProperty(pExpr,EP_Commuted));
assert(TK_LT==OP_Lt); testcase(op==OP_Lt); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Lt);
assert(TK_LE==OP_Le); testcase(op==OP_Le); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Le);
assert(TK_GT==OP_Gt); testcase(op==OP_Gt); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Gt);
@@ -102183,6 +104472,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprIfFalse(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int dest, int
assert( jumpIfNull==SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL || jumpIfNull==0 );
if( NEVER(v==0) ) return; /* Existence of VDBE checked by caller */
if( pExpr==0 ) return;
+ assert( !ExprHasVVAProperty(pExpr,EP_Immutable) );
/* The value of pExpr->op and op are related as follows:
@@ -102278,7 +104568,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprIfFalse(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int dest, int
r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, ®Free1);
r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr->pRight, ®Free2);
codeCompare(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight, op,
- r1, r2, dest, jumpIfNull);
+ r1, r2, dest, jumpIfNull,ExprHasProperty(pExpr,EP_Commuted));
assert(TK_LT==OP_Lt); testcase(op==OP_Lt); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Lt);
assert(TK_LE==OP_Le); testcase(op==OP_Le); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Le);
assert(TK_GT==OP_Gt); testcase(op==OP_Gt); VdbeCoverageIf(v,op==OP_Gt);
@@ -102464,8 +104754,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCompare(Parse *pParse, Expr *pA, Expr *pB, int iTa
return 2;
- if( (pA->flags & EP_Distinct)!=(pB->flags & EP_Distinct) ) return 2;
- if( (combinedFlags & EP_TokenOnly)==0 ){
+ if( (pA->flags & (EP_Distinct|EP_Commuted))
+ != (pB->flags & (EP_Distinct|EP_Commuted)) ) return 2;
+ if( ALWAYS((combinedFlags & EP_TokenOnly)==0) ){
if( combinedFlags & EP_xIsSelect ) return 2;
if( (combinedFlags & EP_FixedCol)==0
&& sqlite3ExprCompare(pParse, pA->pLeft, pB->pLeft, iTab) ) return 2;
@@ -102473,21 +104764,22 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCompare(Parse *pParse, Expr *pA, Expr *pB, int iTa
if( sqlite3ExprListCompare(pA->x.pList, pB->x.pList, iTab) ) return 2;
if( pA->op!=TK_STRING
- && (combinedFlags & EP_Reduced)==0
+ && ALWAYS((combinedFlags & EP_Reduced)==0)
if( pA->iColumn!=pB->iColumn ) return 2;
- if( pA->op2!=pB->op2 ) return 2;
- if( pA->op!=TK_IN
- && pA->iTable!=pB->iTable
- && (pA->iTable!=iTab || NEVER(pB->iTable>=0)) ) return 2;
+ if( pA->op2!=pB->op2 && pA->op==TK_TRUTH ) return 2;
+ if( pA->op!=TK_IN && pA->iTable!=pB->iTable && pA->iTable!=iTab ){
+ return 2;
+ }
return 0;
-** Compare two ExprList objects. Return 0 if they are identical and
-** non-zero if they differ in any way.
+** Compare two ExprList objects. Return 0 if they are identical, 1
+** if they are certainly different, or 2 if it is not possible to
+** determine if they are identical or not.
** If any subelement of pB has Expr.iTable==(-1) then it is allowed
** to compare equal to an equivalent element in pA with Expr.iTable==iTab.
@@ -102506,10 +104798,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprListCompare(ExprList *pA, ExprList *pB, int iTab){
if( pA==0 || pB==0 ) return 1;
if( pA->nExpr!=pB->nExpr ) return 1;
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
+ int res;
Expr *pExprA = pA->a[i].pExpr;
Expr *pExprB = pB->a[i].pExpr;
if( pA->a[i].sortFlags!=pB->a[i].sortFlags ) return 1;
- if( sqlite3ExprCompare(0, pExprA, pExprB, iTab) ) return 1;
+ if( (res = sqlite3ExprCompare(0, pExprA, pExprB, iTab)) ) return res;
return 0;
@@ -102646,7 +104939,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprImpliesExpr(Parse *pParse, Expr *pE1, Expr *pE2, i
-** This is the Expr node callback for sqlite3ExprImpliesNotNullRow().
+** This is the Expr node callback for sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow().
** If the expression node requires that the table at pWalker->iCur
** have one or more non-NULL column, then set pWalker->eCode to 1 and abort.
@@ -102664,6 +104957,7 @@ static int impliesNotNullRow(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
case TK_IS:
case TK_OR:
+ case TK_VECTOR:
case TK_CASE:
case TK_IN:
@@ -102673,6 +104967,7 @@ static int impliesNotNullRow(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_NOTNULL );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_IS );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_OR );
+ testcase( pExpr->op==TK_VECTOR );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_CASE );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_IN );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_FUNCTION );
@@ -102686,15 +104981,20 @@ static int impliesNotNullRow(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
return WRC_Prune;
case TK_AND:
- if( sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow(pExpr->pLeft, pWalker->u.iCur)
- && sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow(pExpr->pRight, pWalker->u.iCur)
- ){
- pWalker->eCode = 1;
+ if( pWalker->eCode==0 ){
+ sqlite3WalkExpr(pWalker, pExpr->pLeft);
+ if( pWalker->eCode ){
+ pWalker->eCode = 0;
+ sqlite3WalkExpr(pWalker, pExpr->pRight);
+ }
return WRC_Prune;
- sqlite3WalkExpr(pWalker, pExpr->pLeft);
+ if( sqlite3WalkExpr(pWalker, pExpr->pLeft)==WRC_Abort ){
+ assert( pWalker->eCode );
+ return WRC_Abort;
+ }
return WRC_Prune;
/* Virtual tables are allowed to use constraints like x=NULL. So
@@ -102705,19 +105005,25 @@ static int impliesNotNullRow(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
case TK_LT:
case TK_LE:
case TK_GT:
- case TK_GE:
+ case TK_GE: {
+ Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
+ Expr *pRight = pExpr->pRight;
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_EQ );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_NE );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_LT );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_LE );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_GT );
testcase( pExpr->op==TK_GE );
- if( (pExpr->pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN && IsVirtual(pExpr->pLeft->y.pTab))
- || (pExpr->pRight->op==TK_COLUMN && IsVirtual(pExpr->pRight->y.pTab))
+ /* The y.pTab=0 assignment in wherecode.c always happens after the
+ ** impliesNotNullRow() test */
+ if( (pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN && ALWAYS(pLeft->y.pTab!=0)
+ && IsVirtual(pLeft->y.pTab))
+ || (pRight->op==TK_COLUMN && ALWAYS(pRight->y.pTab!=0)
+ && IsVirtual(pRight->y.pTab))
- return WRC_Prune;
+ return WRC_Prune;
+ }
return WRC_Continue;
@@ -102748,14 +105054,13 @@ static int impliesNotNullRow(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow(Expr *p, int iTab){
Walker w;
p = sqlite3ExprSkipCollateAndLikely(p);
- while( p ){
- if( p->op==TK_NOTNULL ){
- p = p->pLeft;
- }else if( p->op==TK_AND ){
+ if( p==0 ) return 0;
+ if( p->op==TK_NOTNULL ){
+ p = p->pLeft;
+ }else{
+ while( p->op==TK_AND ){
if( sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow(p->pLeft, iTab) ) return 1;
p = p->pRight;
- }else{
- break;
w.xExprCallback = impliesNotNullRow;
@@ -102787,7 +105092,7 @@ struct IdxCover {
static int exprIdxCover(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN
&& pExpr->iTable==pWalker->u.pIdxCover->iCur
- && sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pWalker->u.pIdxCover->pIdx, pExpr->iColumn)<0
+ && sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pWalker->u.pIdxCover->pIdx, pExpr->iColumn)<0
pWalker->eCode = 1;
return WRC_Abort;
@@ -102838,12 +105143,13 @@ struct SrcCount {
** Count the number of references to columns.
static int exprSrcCount(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
- /* The NEVER() on the second term is because sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc()
- ** is always called before sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates() and so the
- ** TK_COLUMNs have not yet been converted into TK_AGG_COLUMN. If
- ** sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc() is used differently in the future, the
- ** NEVER() will need to be removed. */
- if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN || NEVER(pExpr->op==TK_AGG_COLUMN) ){
+ /* There was once a NEVER() on the second term on the grounds that
+ ** sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc() was always called before
+ ** sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates() and so the TK_COLUMNs have not yet
+ ** been converted into TK_AGG_COLUMN. But this is no longer true due
+ ** to window functions - sqlite3WindowRewrite() may now indirectly call
+ ** FunctionUsesThisSrc() when creating a new sub-select. */
+ if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN || pExpr->op==TK_AGG_COLUMN ){
int i;
struct SrcCount *p = pWalker->u.pSrcCount;
SrcList *pSrc = p->pSrc;
@@ -102881,6 +105187,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc(Expr *pExpr, SrcList *pSrcList){
cnt.nThis = 0;
cnt.nOther = 0;
sqlite3WalkExprList(&w, pExpr->x.pList);
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_WinFunc) ){
+ sqlite3WalkExpr(&w, pExpr->y.pWin->pFilter);
+ }
return cnt.nThis>0 || cnt.nOther==0;
@@ -103047,15 +105358,6 @@ static int analyzeAggregate(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
return WRC_Continue;
-static int analyzeAggregatesInSelect(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
- pWalker->walkerDepth++;
- return WRC_Continue;
-static void analyzeAggregatesInSelectEnd(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
- pWalker->walkerDepth--;
** Analyze the pExpr expression looking for aggregate functions and
@@ -103069,8 +105371,8 @@ static void analyzeAggregatesInSelectEnd(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates(NameContext *pNC, Expr *pExpr){
Walker w;
w.xExprCallback = analyzeAggregate;
- w.xSelectCallback = analyzeAggregatesInSelect;
- w.xSelectCallback2 = analyzeAggregatesInSelectEnd;
+ w.xSelectCallback = sqlite3WalkerDepthIncrease;
+ w.xSelectCallback2 = sqlite3WalkerDepthDecrease;
w.walkerDepth = 0;
w.u.pNC = pNC;
w.pParse = 0;
@@ -103109,8 +105411,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3GetTempReg(Parse *pParse){
** purpose.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(Parse *pParse, int iReg){
- if( iReg && pParse->nTempRegaTempReg) ){
- pParse->aTempReg[pParse->nTempReg++] = iReg;
+ if( iReg ){
+ sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(pParse, iReg, 1, 0, 0);
+ if( pParse->nTempRegaTempReg) ){
+ pParse->aTempReg[pParse->nTempReg++] = iReg;
+ }
@@ -103136,6 +105441,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(Parse *pParse, int iReg, int nReg){
sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, iReg);
+ sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(pParse, iReg, nReg, 0, 0);
if( nReg>pParse->nRangeReg ){
pParse->nRangeReg = nReg;
pParse->iRangeReg = iReg;
@@ -103213,9 +105519,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3NoTempsInRange(Parse *pParse, int iFirst, int iLast){
static int isAlterableTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
if( 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)
- || ( (pTab->tabFlags & TF_Shadow)
- && (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_Defensive)
- && pParse->db->nVdbeExec==0
+ || ( (pTab->tabFlags & TF_Shadow)!=0
+ && sqlite3ReadOnlyShadowTables(pParse->db)
@@ -103306,7 +105611,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
/* Check that a table or index named 'zName' does not already exist
** in database iDb. If so, this is an error.
- if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb) || sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb) ){
+ if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb)
+ || sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb)
+ || sqlite3IsShadowTableOf(db, pTab, zName)
+ ){
"there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName);
goto exit_rename_table;
@@ -103438,6 +105746,22 @@ exit_rename_table:
db->mDbFlags = savedDbFlags;
+** Write code that will raise an error if the table described by
+** zDb and zTab is not empty.
+static void sqlite3ErrorIfNotEmpty(
+ Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
+ const char *zDb, /* Schema holding the table */
+ const char *zTab, /* Table to check for empty */
+ const char *zErr /* Error message text */
+ sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+ "SELECT raise(ABORT,%Q) FROM \"%w\".\"%w\"",
+ zErr, zDb, zTab
+ );
** This function is called after an "ALTER TABLE ... ADD" statement
** has been parsed. Argument pColDef contains the text of the new
@@ -103480,14 +105804,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pColDef){
- /* If the default value for the new column was specified with a
- ** literal NULL, then set pDflt to 0. This simplifies checking
- ** for an SQL NULL default below.
- */
- assert( pDflt==0 || pDflt->op==TK_SPAN );
- if( pDflt && pDflt->pLeft->op==TK_NULL ){
- pDflt = 0;
- }
/* Check that the new column is not specified as PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE.
** If there is a NOT NULL constraint, then the default value for the
@@ -103498,38 +105814,51 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pColDef){
if( pNew->pIndex ){
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a UNIQUE column");
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+ "Cannot add a UNIQUE column");
- if( (db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys) && pNew->pFKey && pDflt ){
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
- "Cannot add a REFERENCES column with non-NULL default value");
- return;
- }
- if( pCol->notNull && !pDflt ){
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
- "Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL");
- return;
+ if( (pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)==0 ){
+ /* If the default value for the new column was specified with a
+ ** literal NULL, then set pDflt to 0. This simplifies checking
+ ** for an SQL NULL default below.
+ */
+ assert( pDflt==0 || pDflt->op==TK_SPAN );
+ if( pDflt && pDflt->pLeft->op==TK_NULL ){
+ pDflt = 0;
+ }
+ if( (db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys) && pNew->pFKey && pDflt ){
+ sqlite3ErrorIfNotEmpty(pParse, zDb, zTab,
+ "Cannot add a REFERENCES column with non-NULL default value");
+ }
+ if( pCol->notNull && !pDflt ){
+ sqlite3ErrorIfNotEmpty(pParse, zDb, zTab,
+ "Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL");
+ }
+ /* Ensure the default expression is something that sqlite3ValueFromExpr()
+ ** can handle (i.e. not CURRENT_TIME etc.)
+ */
+ if( pDflt ){
+ sqlite3_value *pVal = 0;
+ int rc;
+ rc = sqlite3ValueFromExpr(db, pDflt, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_AFF_BLOB, &pVal);
+ assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
+ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+ assert( db->mallocFailed == 1 );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !pVal ){
+ sqlite3ErrorIfNotEmpty(pParse, zDb, zTab,
+ "Cannot add a column with non-constant default");
+ }
+ sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+ }
+ }else if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED ){
+ sqlite3ErrorIfNotEmpty(pParse, zDb, zTab, "cannot add a STORED column");
- /* Ensure the default expression is something that sqlite3ValueFromExpr()
- ** can handle (i.e. not CURRENT_TIME etc.)
- */
- if( pDflt ){
- sqlite3_value *pVal = 0;
- int rc;
- rc = sqlite3ValueFromExpr(db, pDflt, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_AFF_BLOB, &pVal);
- assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
- if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
- assert( db->mallocFailed == 1 );
- return;
- }
- if( !pVal ){
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column with non-constant default");
- return;
- }
- sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
- }
/* Modify the CREATE TABLE statement. */
zCol = sqlite3DbStrNDup(db, (char*)pColDef->z, pColDef->n);
@@ -103646,6 +105975,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterBeginAddColumn(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pSrc){
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
Column *pCol = &pNew->aCol[i];
pCol->zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pCol->zName);
+ pCol->hName = sqlite3StrIHash(pCol->zName);
pCol->zColl = 0;
pCol->pDflt = 0;
@@ -103874,12 +106204,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3RenameTokenMap(Parse *pParse, void *pPtr, Token *pTo
RenameToken *pNew;
assert( pPtr || pParse->db->mallocFailed );
renameTokenCheckAll(pParse, pPtr);
- pNew = sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(RenameToken));
- if( pNew ){
- pNew->p = pPtr;
- pNew->t = *pToken;
- pNew->pNext = pParse->pRename;
- pParse->pRename = pNew;
+ if( ALWAYS(pParse->eParseMode!=PARSE_MODE_UNMAP) ){
+ pNew = sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(RenameToken));
+ if( pNew ){
+ pNew->p = pPtr;
+ pNew->t = *pToken;
+ pNew->pNext = pParse->pRename;
+ pParse->pRename = pNew;
+ }
return pPtr;
@@ -103910,17 +106242,54 @@ static int renameUnmapExprCb(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
return WRC_Continue;
+** Iterate through the Select objects that are part of WITH clauses attached
+** to select statement pSelect.
+static void renameWalkWith(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
+ With *pWith = pSelect->pWith;
+ if( pWith ){
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; inCte; i++){
+ Select *p = pWith->a[i].pSelect;
+ NameContext sNC;
+ memset(&sNC, 0, sizeof(sNC));
+ sNC.pParse = pWalker->pParse;
+ sqlite3SelectPrep(sNC.pParse, p, &sNC);
+ sqlite3WalkSelect(pWalker, p);
+ sqlite3RenameExprlistUnmap(pWalker->pParse, pWith->a[i].pCols);
+ }
+ }
+** Unmap all tokens in the IdList object passed as the second argument.
+static void unmapColumnIdlistNames(
+ Parse *pParse,
+ IdList *pIdList
+ if( pIdList ){
+ int ii;
+ for(ii=0; iinId; ii++){
+ sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, 0, (void*)pIdList->a[ii].zName);
+ }
+ }
** Walker callback used by sqlite3RenameExprUnmap().
static int renameUnmapSelectCb(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
Parse *pParse = pWalker->pParse;
int i;
+ if( pParse->nErr ) return WRC_Abort;
+ if( NEVER(p->selFlags & SF_View) ) return WRC_Prune;
if( ALWAYS(p->pEList) ){
ExprList *pList = p->pEList;
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
- if( pList->a[i].zName ){
- sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, 0, (void*)pList->a[i].zName);
+ if( pList->a[i].zEName && pList->a[i].eEName==ENAME_NAME ){
+ sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, 0, (void*)pList->a[i].zEName);
@@ -103928,8 +106297,12 @@ static int renameUnmapSelectCb(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
SrcList *pSrc = p->pSrc;
for(i=0; inSrc; i++){
sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, 0, (void*)pSrc->a[i].zName);
+ if( sqlite3WalkExpr(pWalker, pSrc->a[i].pOn) ) return WRC_Abort;
+ unmapColumnIdlistNames(pParse, pSrc->a[i].pUsing);
+ renameWalkWith(pWalker, p);
return WRC_Continue;
@@ -103937,12 +106310,15 @@ static int renameUnmapSelectCb(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
** Remove all nodes that are part of expression pExpr from the rename list.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RenameExprUnmap(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+ u8 eMode = pParse->eParseMode;
Walker sWalker;
memset(&sWalker, 0, sizeof(Walker));
sWalker.pParse = pParse;
sWalker.xExprCallback = renameUnmapExprCb;
sWalker.xSelectCallback = renameUnmapSelectCb;
+ pParse->eParseMode = PARSE_MODE_UNMAP;
sqlite3WalkExpr(&sWalker, pExpr);
+ pParse->eParseMode = eMode;
@@ -103958,7 +106334,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RenameExprlistUnmap(Parse *pParse, ExprList *pEList){
sWalker.xExprCallback = renameUnmapExprCb;
sqlite3WalkExprList(&sWalker, pEList);
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
- sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, 0, (void*)pEList->a[i].zName);
+ if( ALWAYS(pEList->a[i].eEName==ENAME_NAME) ){
+ sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, 0, (void*)pEList->a[i].zEName);
+ }
@@ -103996,30 +106374,13 @@ static void renameTokenFind(Parse *pParse, struct RenameCtx *pCtx, void *pPtr){
-** Iterate through the Select objects that are part of WITH clauses attached
-** to select statement pSelect.
-static void renameWalkWith(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
- if( pSelect->pWith ){
- int i;
- for(i=0; ipWith->nCte; i++){
- Select *p = pSelect->pWith->a[i].pSelect;
- NameContext sNC;
- memset(&sNC, 0, sizeof(sNC));
- sNC.pParse = pWalker->pParse;
- sqlite3SelectPrep(sNC.pParse, p, &sNC);
- sqlite3WalkSelect(pWalker, p);
- }
- }
** This is a Walker select callback. It does nothing. It is only required
** because without a dummy callback, sqlite3WalkExpr() and similar do not
** descend into sub-select statements.
static int renameColumnSelectCb(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
+ if( p->selFlags & SF_View ) return WRC_Prune;
renameWalkWith(pWalker, p);
return WRC_Continue;
@@ -104113,8 +106474,11 @@ static void renameColumnElistNames(
if( pEList ){
int i;
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
- char *zName = pEList->a[i].zName;
- if( 0==sqlite3_stricmp(zName, zOld) ){
+ char *zName = pEList->a[i].zEName;
+ if( ALWAYS(pEList->a[i].eEName==ENAME_NAME)
+ && ALWAYS(zName!=0)
+ && 0==sqlite3_stricmp(zName, zOld)
+ ){
renameTokenFind(pParse, pCtx, (void*)zName);
@@ -104143,6 +106507,7 @@ static void renameColumnIdlistNames(
** Parse the SQL statement zSql using Parse object (*p). The Parse object
** is initialized by this function before it is used.
@@ -104150,7 +106515,6 @@ static void renameColumnIdlistNames(
static int renameParseSql(
Parse *p, /* Memory to use for Parse object */
const char *zDb, /* Name of schema SQL belongs to */
- int bTable, /* 1 -> RENAME TABLE, 0 -> RENAME COLUMN */
sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
const char *zSql, /* SQL to parse */
int bTemp /* True if SQL is from temp schema */
@@ -104164,7 +106528,7 @@ static int renameParseSql(
** occurs and the parse does not result in a new table, index or
** trigger object, the database must be corrupt. */
memset(p, 0, sizeof(Parse));
+ p->eParseMode = PARSE_MODE_RENAME;
p->db = db;
p->nQueryLoop = 1;
rc = sqlite3RunParser(p, zSql, &zErr);
@@ -104471,7 +106835,7 @@ static void renameColumnFunc(
db->xAuth = 0;
- rc = renameParseSql(&sParse, zDb, 0, db, zSql, bTemp);
+ rc = renameParseSql(&sParse, zDb, db, zSql, bTemp);
/* Find tokens that need to be replaced. */
memset(&sWalker, 0, sizeof(Walker));
@@ -104485,8 +106849,9 @@ static void renameColumnFunc(
if( sParse.pNewTable ){
Select *pSelect = sParse.pNewTable->pSelect;
if( pSelect ){
+ pSelect->selFlags &= ~SF_View;
sParse.rc = SQLITE_OK;
- sqlite3SelectPrep(&sParse, sParse.pNewTable->pSelect, 0);
+ sqlite3SelectPrep(&sParse, pSelect, 0);
rc = (db->mallocFailed ? SQLITE_NOMEM : sParse.rc);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3WalkSelect(&sWalker, pSelect);
@@ -104513,6 +106878,11 @@ static void renameColumnFunc(
sqlite3WalkExprList(&sWalker, pIdx->aColExpr);
+ for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ sqlite3WalkExpr(&sWalker, sParse.pNewTable->aCol[i].pDflt);
+ }
for(pFKey=sParse.pNewTable->pFKey; pFKey; pFKey=pFKey->pNextFrom){
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
@@ -104598,6 +106968,7 @@ static int renameTableSelectCb(Walker *pWalker, Select *pSelect){
int i;
RenameCtx *p = pWalker->u.pRename;
SrcList *pSrc = pSelect->pSrc;
+ if( pSelect->selFlags & SF_View ) return WRC_Prune;
if( pSrc==0 ){
assert( pWalker->pParse->db->mallocFailed );
return WRC_Abort;
@@ -104668,7 +107039,7 @@ static void renameTableFunc(
sWalker.xSelectCallback = renameTableSelectCb;
sWalker.u.pRename = &sCtx;
- rc = renameParseSql(&sParse, zDb, 1, db, zInput, bTemp);
+ rc = renameParseSql(&sParse, zDb, db, zInput, bTemp);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int isLegacy = (db->flags & SQLITE_LegacyAlter);
@@ -104677,13 +107048,19 @@ static void renameTableFunc(
if( pTab->pSelect ){
if( isLegacy==0 ){
+ Select *pSelect = pTab->pSelect;
NameContext sNC;
memset(&sNC, 0, sizeof(sNC));
sNC.pParse = &sParse;
+ assert( pSelect->selFlags & SF_View );
+ pSelect->selFlags &= ~SF_View;
sqlite3SelectPrep(&sParse, pTab->pSelect, &sNC);
- if( sParse.nErr ) rc = sParse.rc;
- sqlite3WalkSelect(&sWalker, pTab->pSelect);
+ if( sParse.nErr ){
+ rc = sParse.rc;
+ }else{
+ sqlite3WalkSelect(&sWalker, pTab->pSelect);
+ }
/* Modify any FK definitions to point to the new table. */
@@ -104804,7 +107181,7 @@ static void renameTableTest(
if( zDb && zInput ){
int rc;
Parse sParse;
- rc = renameParseSql(&sParse, zDb, 1, db, zInput, bTemp);
+ rc = renameParseSql(&sParse, zDb, db, zInput, bTemp);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( isLegacy==0 && sParse.pNewTable && sParse.pNewTable->pSelect ){
NameContext sNC;
@@ -105042,6 +107419,11 @@ static void openStatTable(
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
int aRoot[ArraySize(aTable)];
u8 aCreateTbl[ArraySize(aTable)];
+ const int nToOpen = OptimizationEnabled(db,SQLITE_Stat4) ? 2 : 1;
+ const int nToOpen = 1;
if( v==0 ) return;
assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) );
@@ -105054,8 +107436,9 @@ static void openStatTable(
for(i=0; izDbSName))==0 ){
- if( aTable[i].zCols ){
+ if( iregRoot. This is important
@@ -105071,7 +107454,6 @@ static void openStatTable(
** associated with the table zWhere. If zWhere is NULL, delete the
** entire contents of the table. */
aRoot[i] = pStat->tnum;
- aCreateTbl[i] = 0;
sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, aRoot[i], 1, zTab);
if( zWhere ){
@@ -105090,7 +107472,7 @@ static void openStatTable(
/* Open the sqlite_stat[134] tables for writing. */
- for(i=0; aTable[i].zCols; i++){
+ for(i=0; inRowid ){
sqlite3DbFree(db, p->u.aRowid);
@@ -105159,7 +107546,7 @@ static void sampleClear(sqlite3 *db, Stat4Sample *p){
/* Initialize the BLOB value of a ROWID
-static void sampleSetRowid(sqlite3 *db, Stat4Sample *p, int n, const u8 *pData){
+static void sampleSetRowid(sqlite3 *db, StatSample *p, int n, const u8 *pData){
assert( db!=0 );
if( p->nRowid ) sqlite3DbFree(db, p->u.aRowid);
p->u.aRowid = sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(db, n);
@@ -105175,7 +107562,7 @@ static void sampleSetRowid(sqlite3 *db, Stat4Sample *p, int n, const u8 *pData){
/* Initialize the INTEGER value of a ROWID.
-static void sampleSetRowidInt64(sqlite3 *db, Stat4Sample *p, i64 iRowid){
+static void sampleSetRowidInt64(sqlite3 *db, StatSample *p, i64 iRowid){
assert( db!=0 );
if( p->nRowid ) sqlite3DbFree(db, p->u.aRowid);
p->nRowid = 0;
@@ -105188,7 +107575,7 @@ static void sampleSetRowidInt64(sqlite3 *db, Stat4Sample *p, i64 iRowid){
** Copy the contents of object (*pFrom) into (*pTo).
-static void sampleCopy(Stat4Accum *p, Stat4Sample *pTo, Stat4Sample *pFrom){
+static void sampleCopy(StatAccum *p, StatSample *pTo, StatSample *pFrom){
pTo->isPSample = pFrom->isPSample;
pTo->iCol = pFrom->iCol;
pTo->iHash = pFrom->iHash;
@@ -105204,40 +107591,41 @@ static void sampleCopy(Stat4Accum *p, Stat4Sample *pTo, Stat4Sample *pFrom){
-** Reclaim all memory of a Stat4Accum structure.
+** Reclaim all memory of a StatAccum structure.
-static void stat4Destructor(void *pOld){
- Stat4Accum *p = (Stat4Accum*)pOld;
+static void statAccumDestructor(void *pOld){
+ StatAccum *p = (StatAccum*)pOld;
- int i;
- for(i=0; inCol; i++) sampleClear(p->db, p->aBest+i);
- for(i=0; imxSample; i++) sampleClear(p->db, p->a+i);
- sampleClear(p->db, &p->current);
+ if( p->mxSample ){
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; inCol; i++) sampleClear(p->db, p->aBest+i);
+ for(i=0; imxSample; i++) sampleClear(p->db, p->a+i);
+ sampleClear(p->db, &p->current);
+ }
sqlite3DbFree(p->db, p);
-** Implementation of the stat_init(N,K,C) SQL function. The three parameters
+** Implementation of the stat_init(N,K,C,L) SQL function. The four parameters
** are:
** N: The number of columns in the index including the rowid/pk (note 1)
** K: The number of columns in the index excluding the rowid/pk.
-** C: The number of rows in the index (note 2)
+** C: Estimated number of rows in the index
+** L: A limit on the number of rows to scan, or 0 for no-limit
** Note 1: In the special case of the covering index that implements a
** WITHOUT ROWID table, N is the number of PRIMARY KEY columns, not the
** total number of columns in the table.
-** Note 2: C is only used for STAT4.
** For indexes on ordinary rowid tables, N==K+1. But for indexes on
** WITHOUT ROWID tables, N=K+P where P is the number of columns in the
** PRIMARY KEY of the table. The covering index that implements the
** original WITHOUT ROWID table as N==K as a special case.
-** This routine allocates the Stat4Accum object in heap memory. The return
-** value is a pointer to the Stat4Accum object. The datatype of the
-** return value is BLOB, but it is really just a pointer to the Stat4Accum
+** This routine allocates the StatAccum object in heap memory. The return
+** value is a pointer to the StatAccum object. The datatype of the
+** return value is BLOB, but it is really just a pointer to the StatAccum
** object.
static void statInit(
@@ -105245,14 +107633,15 @@ static void statInit(
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
- Stat4Accum *p;
+ StatAccum *p;
int nCol; /* Number of columns in index being sampled */
int nKeyCol; /* Number of key columns */
int nColUp; /* nCol rounded up for alignment */
int n; /* Bytes of space to allocate */
- sqlite3 *db; /* Database connection */
+ sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context); /* Database connection */
- int mxSample = SQLITE_STAT4_SAMPLES;
+ /* Maximum number of samples. 0 if STAT4 data is not collected */
+ int mxSample = OptimizationEnabled(db,SQLITE_Stat4) ?SQLITE_STAT4_SAMPLES :0;
/* Decode the three function arguments */
@@ -105264,16 +107653,17 @@ static void statInit(
assert( nKeyCol<=nCol );
assert( nKeyCol>0 );
- /* Allocate the space required for the Stat4Accum object */
+ /* Allocate the space required for the StatAccum object */
n = sizeof(*p)
- + sizeof(tRowcnt)*nColUp /* Stat4Accum.anEq */
- + sizeof(tRowcnt)*nColUp /* Stat4Accum.anDLt */
+ + sizeof(tRowcnt)*nColUp /* StatAccum.anEq */
+ + sizeof(tRowcnt)*nColUp; /* StatAccum.anDLt */
- + sizeof(tRowcnt)*nColUp /* Stat4Accum.anLt */
- + sizeof(Stat4Sample)*(nCol+mxSample) /* Stat4Accum.aBest[], a[] */
- + sizeof(tRowcnt)*3*nColUp*(nCol+mxSample)
+ if( mxSample ){
+ n += sizeof(tRowcnt)*nColUp /* StatAccum.anLt */
+ + sizeof(StatSample)*(nCol+mxSample) /* StatAccum.aBest[], a[] */
+ + sizeof(tRowcnt)*3*nColUp*(nCol+mxSample);
+ }
- ;
db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context);
p = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, n);
if( p==0 ){
@@ -105282,25 +107672,28 @@ static void statInit(
p->db = db;
+ p->nEst = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[2]);
p->nRow = 0;
+ p->nLimit = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[3]);
p->nCol = nCol;
p->nKeyCol = nKeyCol;
+ p->nSkipAhead = 0;
p->current.anDLt = (tRowcnt*)&p[1];
p->current.anEq = &p->current.anDLt[nColUp];
- {
+ p->mxSample = p->nLimit==0 ? mxSample : 0;
+ if( mxSample ){
u8 *pSpace; /* Allocated space not yet assigned */
int i; /* Used to iterate through p->aSample[] */
p->iGet = -1;
- p->mxSample = mxSample;
- p->nPSample = (tRowcnt)(sqlite3_value_int64(argv[2])/(mxSample/3+1) + 1);
+ p->nPSample = (tRowcnt)(p->nEst/(mxSample/3+1) + 1);
p->current.anLt = &p->current.anEq[nColUp];
p->iPrn = 0x689e962d*(u32)nCol ^ 0xd0944565*(u32)sqlite3_value_int(argv[2]);
- /* Set up the Stat4Accum.a[] and aBest[] arrays */
- p->a = (struct Stat4Sample*)&p->current.anLt[nColUp];
+ /* Set up the StatAccum.a[] and aBest[] arrays */
+ p->a = (struct StatSample*)&p->current.anLt[nColUp];
p->aBest = &p->a[mxSample];
pSpace = (u8*)(&p->a[mxSample+nCol]);
for(i=0; i<(mxSample+nCol); i++){
@@ -105320,10 +107713,10 @@ static void statInit(
** only the pointer (the 2nd parameter) matters. The size of the object
** (given by the 3rd parameter) is never used and can be any positive
** value. */
- sqlite3_result_blob(context, p, sizeof(*p), stat4Destructor);
+ sqlite3_result_blob(context, p, sizeof(*p), statAccumDestructor);
static const FuncDef statInitFuncdef = {
- 2+IsStat4, /* nArg */
+ 4, /* nArg */
SQLITE_UTF8, /* funcFlags */
0, /* pUserData */
0, /* pNext */
@@ -105347,9 +107740,9 @@ static const FuncDef statInitFuncdef = {
** the anEq[] array from pSample->anEq[pSample->iCol+1] onwards are valid.
static int sampleIsBetterPost(
- Stat4Accum *pAccum,
- Stat4Sample *pNew,
- Stat4Sample *pOld
+ StatAccum *pAccum,
+ StatSample *pNew,
+ StatSample *pOld
int nCol = pAccum->nCol;
int i;
@@ -105371,9 +107764,9 @@ static int sampleIsBetterPost(
** the anEq[] array from pSample->anEq[pSample->iCol] onwards are valid.
static int sampleIsBetter(
- Stat4Accum *pAccum,
- Stat4Sample *pNew,
- Stat4Sample *pOld
+ StatAccum *pAccum,
+ StatSample *pNew,
+ StatSample *pOld
tRowcnt nEqNew = pNew->anEq[pNew->iCol];
tRowcnt nEqOld = pOld->anEq[pOld->iCol];
@@ -105393,21 +107786,21 @@ static int sampleIsBetter(
** Copy the contents of sample *pNew into the p->a[] array. If necessary,
** remove the least desirable sample from p->a[] to make room.
-static void sampleInsert(Stat4Accum *p, Stat4Sample *pNew, int nEqZero){
- Stat4Sample *pSample = 0;
+static void sampleInsert(StatAccum *p, StatSample *pNew, int nEqZero){
+ StatSample *pSample = 0;
int i;
assert( IsStat4 || nEqZero==0 );
- /* Stat4Accum.nMaxEqZero is set to the maximum number of leading 0
- ** values in the anEq[] array of any sample in Stat4Accum.a[]. In
+ /* StatAccum.nMaxEqZero is set to the maximum number of leading 0
+ ** values in the anEq[] array of any sample in StatAccum.a[]. In
** other words, if nMaxEqZero is n, then it is guaranteed that there
- ** are no samples with Stat4Sample.anEq[m]==0 for (m>=n). */
+ ** are no samples with StatSample.anEq[m]==0 for (m>=n). */
if( nEqZero>p->nMaxEqZero ){
p->nMaxEqZero = nEqZero;
if( pNew->isPSample==0 ){
- Stat4Sample *pUpgrade = 0;
+ StatSample *pUpgrade = 0;
assert( pNew->anEq[pNew->iCol]>0 );
/* This sample is being added because the prefix that ends in column
@@ -105416,7 +107809,7 @@ static void sampleInsert(Stat4Accum *p, Stat4Sample *pNew, int nEqZero){
** this one. Instead, upgrade the priority of the highest priority
** existing sample that shares this prefix. */
for(i=p->nSample-1; i>=0; i--){
- Stat4Sample *pOld = &p->a[i];
+ StatSample *pOld = &p->a[i];
if( pOld->anEq[pNew->iCol]==0 ){
if( pOld->isPSample ) return;
assert( pOld->iCol>pNew->iCol );
@@ -105435,7 +107828,7 @@ static void sampleInsert(Stat4Accum *p, Stat4Sample *pNew, int nEqZero){
/* If necessary, remove sample iMin to make room for the new sample. */
if( p->nSample>=p->mxSample ){
- Stat4Sample *pMin = &p->a[p->iMin];
+ StatSample *pMin = &p->a[p->iMin];
tRowcnt *anEq = pMin->anEq;
tRowcnt *anLt = pMin->anLt;
tRowcnt *anDLt = pMin->anDLt;
@@ -105478,20 +107871,20 @@ find_new_min:
#endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4 */
** Field iChng of the index being scanned has changed. So at this point
** p->current contains a sample that reflects the previous row of the
** index. The value of anEq[iChng] and subsequent anEq[] elements are
** correct at this point.
-static void samplePushPrevious(Stat4Accum *p, int iChng){
+static void samplePushPrevious(StatAccum *p, int iChng){
int i;
/* Check if any samples from the aBest[] array should be pushed
** into IndexSample.a[] at this point. */
for(i=(p->nCol-2); i>=iChng; i--){
- Stat4Sample *pBest = &p->aBest[i];
+ StatSample *pBest = &p->aBest[i];
pBest->anEq[i] = p->current.anEq[i];
if( p->nSamplemxSample || sampleIsBetter(p, pBest, &p->a[p->iMin]) ){
sampleInsert(p, pBest, i);
@@ -105515,27 +107908,25 @@ static void samplePushPrevious(Stat4Accum *p, int iChng){
p->nMaxEqZero = iChng;
+#endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4 */
** Implementation of the stat_push SQL function: stat_push(P,C,R)
** Arguments:
-** P Pointer to the Stat4Accum object created by stat_init()
+** P Pointer to the StatAccum object created by stat_init()
** C Index of left-most column to differ from previous row
** R Rowid for the current row. Might be a key record for
** WITHOUT ROWID tables.
-** This SQL function always returns NULL. It's purpose it to accumulate
-** statistical data and/or samples in the Stat4Accum object about the
-** index being analyzed. The stat_get() SQL function will later be used to
-** extract relevant information for constructing the sqlite_statN tables.
+** The purpose of this routine is to collect statistical data and/or
+** samples from the index being analyzed into the StatAccum object.
+** The stat_get() SQL function will be used afterwards to
+** retrieve the information gathered.
+** This SQL function usually returns NULL, but might return an integer
+** if it wants the byte-code to do special processing.
** The R parameter is only used for STAT4
@@ -105547,7 +107938,7 @@ static void statPush(
int i;
/* The three function arguments */
- Stat4Accum *p = (Stat4Accum*)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
+ StatAccum *p = (StatAccum*)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
int iChng = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
@@ -105560,7 +107951,9 @@ static void statPush(
for(i=0; inCol; i++) p->current.anEq[i] = 1;
/* Second and subsequent calls get processed here */
- samplePushPrevious(p, iChng);
+ if( p->mxSample ) samplePushPrevious(p, iChng);
/* Update anDLt[], anLt[] and anEq[] to reflect the values that apply
** to the current row of the index. */
@@ -105570,26 +107963,25 @@ static void statPush(
for(i=iChng; inCol; i++){
- p->current.anLt[i] += p->current.anEq[i];
+ if( p->mxSample ) p->current.anLt[i] += p->current.anEq[i];
p->current.anEq[i] = 1;
- if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[2])==SQLITE_INTEGER ){
- sampleSetRowidInt64(p->db, &p->current, sqlite3_value_int64(argv[2]));
- }else{
- sampleSetRowid(p->db, &p->current, sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[2]),
- sqlite3_value_blob(argv[2]));
- }
- p->current.iHash = p->iPrn = p->iPrn*1103515245 + 12345;
- {
- tRowcnt nLt = p->current.anLt[p->nCol-1];
+ if( p->mxSample ){
+ tRowcnt nLt;
+ if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[2])==SQLITE_INTEGER ){
+ sampleSetRowidInt64(p->db, &p->current, sqlite3_value_int64(argv[2]));
+ }else{
+ sampleSetRowid(p->db, &p->current, sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[2]),
+ sqlite3_value_blob(argv[2]));
+ }
+ p->current.iHash = p->iPrn = p->iPrn*1103515245 + 12345;
+ nLt = p->current.anLt[p->nCol-1];
/* Check if this is to be a periodic sample. If so, add it. */
if( (nLt/p->nPSample)!=(nLt+1)/p->nPSample ){
p->current.isPSample = 1;
@@ -105605,9 +107997,14 @@ static void statPush(
sampleCopy(p, &p->aBest[i], &p->current);
- }
+ }else
+ if( p->nLimit && p->nRow>(tRowcnt)p->nLimit*(p->nSkipAhead+1) ){
+ p->nSkipAhead++;
+ sqlite3_result_int(context, p->current.anDLt[0]>0);
+ }
static const FuncDef statPushFuncdef = {
2+IsStat4, /* nArg */
SQLITE_UTF8, /* funcFlags */
@@ -105629,15 +108026,15 @@ static const FuncDef statPushFuncdef = {
** Implementation of the stat_get(P,J) SQL function. This routine is
** used to query statistical information that has been gathered into
-** the Stat4Accum object by prior calls to stat_push(). The P parameter
-** has type BLOB but it is really just a pointer to the Stat4Accum object.
+** the StatAccum object by prior calls to stat_push(). The P parameter
+** has type BLOB but it is really just a pointer to the StatAccum object.
** The content to returned is determined by the parameter J
** which is one of the STAT_GET_xxxx values defined above.
** The stat_get(P,J) function is not available to generic SQL. It is
** inserted as part of a manually constructed bytecode program. (See
** the callStatGet() routine below.) It is guaranteed that the P
-** parameter will always be a poiner to a Stat4Accum object, never a
+** parameter will always be a pointer to a StatAccum object, never a
** NULL.
** If STAT4 is not enabled, then J is always
@@ -105650,7 +108047,7 @@ static void statGet(
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
- Stat4Accum *p = (Stat4Accum*)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
+ StatAccum *p = (StatAccum*)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
/* STAT4 has a parameter on this routine. */
int eCall = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
@@ -105659,6 +108056,7 @@ static void statGet(
+ assert( eCall==STAT_GET_STAT1 || p->mxSample );
if( eCall==STAT_GET_STAT1 )
assert( argc==1 );
@@ -105671,7 +108069,7 @@ static void statGet(
** the index. The first integer in the list is the total number of
** entries in the index. There is one additional integer in the list
** for each indexed column. This additional integer is an estimate of
- ** the number of rows matched by a stabbing query on the index using
+ ** the number of rows matched by a equality query on the index using
** a key with the corresponding number of fields. In other words,
** if the index is on columns (a,b) and the sqlite_stat1 value is
** "100 10 2", then SQLite estimates that:
@@ -105694,7 +108092,8 @@ static void statGet(
- sqlite3_snprintf(24, zRet, "%llu", (u64)p->nRow);
+ sqlite3_snprintf(24, zRet, "%llu",
+ p->nSkipAhead ? (u64)p->nEst : (u64)p->nRow);
z = zRet + sqlite3Strlen30(zRet);
for(i=0; inKeyCol; i++){
u64 nDistinct = p->current.anDLt[i] + 1;
@@ -105714,7 +108113,7 @@ static void statGet(
p->iGet = 0;
if( p->iGetnSample ){
- Stat4Sample *pS = p->a + p->iGet;
+ StatSample *pS = p->a + p->iGet;
if( pS->nRowid==0 ){
sqlite3_result_int64(context, pS->u.iRowid);
@@ -105770,18 +108169,17 @@ static const FuncDef statGetFuncdef = {
-static void callStatGet(Vdbe *v, int regStat4, int iParam, int regOut){
- assert( regOut!=regStat4 && regOut!=regStat4+1 );
+static void callStatGet(Parse *pParse, int regStat, int iParam, int regOut){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, iParam, regStat4+1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(pParse->pVdbe, OP_Integer, iParam, regStat+1);
assert( iParam==STAT_GET_STAT1 );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Function0, 0, regStat4, regOut,
- (char*)&statGetFuncdef, P4_FUNCDEF);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1 + IsStat4);
+ assert( regOut!=regStat && regOut!=regStat+1 );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddFunctionCall(pParse, 0, regStat, regOut, 1+IsStat4,
+ &statGetFuncdef, 0);
@@ -105806,12 +108204,11 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
int iDb; /* Index of database containing pTab */
u8 needTableCnt = 1; /* True to count the table */
int regNewRowid = iMem++; /* Rowid for the inserted record */
- int regStat4 = iMem++; /* Register to hold Stat4Accum object */
+ int regStat = iMem++; /* Register to hold StatAccum object */
int regChng = iMem++; /* Index of changed index field */
int regRowid = iMem++; /* Rowid argument passed to stat_push() */
int regTemp = iMem++; /* Temporary use register */
+ int regTemp2 = iMem++; /* Second temporary use register */
int regTabname = iMem++; /* Register containing table name */
int regIdxname = iMem++; /* Register containing index name */
int regStat1 = iMem++; /* Value for the stat column of sqlite_stat1 */
@@ -105939,19 +108336,27 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
** (1) the number of columns in the index including the rowid
** (or for a WITHOUT ROWID table, the number of PK columns),
** (2) the number of columns in the key without the rowid/pk
- ** (3) the number of rows in the index,
- **
- **
- ** The third argument is only used for STAT4
+ ** (3) estimated number of rows in the index,
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, nCol, regStat+1);
+ assert( regRowid==regStat+2 );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, pIdx->nKeyCol, regRowid);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Count, iIdxCur, regStat4+3);
+ if( OptimizationEnabled(db, SQLITE_Stat4) ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Count, iIdxCur, regTemp);
+ addrRewind = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Rewind, iIdxCur);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }else
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, nCol, regStat4+1);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, pIdx->nKeyCol, regStat4+2);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Function0, 0, regStat4+1, regStat4,
- (char*)&statInitFuncdef, P4_FUNCDEF);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 2+IsStat4);
+ {
+ addrRewind = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Rewind, iIdxCur);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Count, iIdxCur, regTemp, 1);
+ }
+ assert( regTemp2==regStat+4 );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, db->nAnalysisLimit, regTemp2);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddFunctionCall(pParse, 0, regStat+1, regStat, 4,
+ &statInitFuncdef, 0);
/* Implementation of the following:
@@ -105961,8 +108366,6 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
** goto next_push_0;
- addrRewind = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Rewind, iIdxCur);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regChng);
addrNextRow = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
@@ -105995,6 +108398,7 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
char *pColl = (char*)sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, pIdx->azColl[i]);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, i, regChng);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iIdxCur, i, regTemp);
+ VdbeComment((v, "%s.column(%d)", pIdx->zName, i));
aGotoChng[i] =
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Ne, regTemp, 0, regPrev+i, pColl, P4_COLLSEQ);
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, SQLITE_NULLEQ);
@@ -106015,6 +108419,7 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
for(i=0; izName, i));
sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, endDistinctTest);
sqlite3DbFree(db, aGotoChng);
@@ -106028,31 +108433,46 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
** if !eof(csr) goto next_row;
- assert( regRowid==(regStat4+2) );
- if( HasRowid(pTab) ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxRowid, iIdxCur, regRowid);
- }else{
- Index *pPk = sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pIdx->pTable);
- int j, k, regKey;
- regKey = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, pPk->nKeyCol);
- for(j=0; jnKeyCol; j++){
- k = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[j]);
- assert( k>=0 && knColumn );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iIdxCur, k, regKey+j);
- VdbeComment((v, "%s", pTab->aCol[pPk->aiColumn[j]].zName));
+ if( OptimizationEnabled(db, SQLITE_Stat4) ){
+ assert( regRowid==(regStat+2) );
+ if( HasRowid(pTab) ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxRowid, iIdxCur, regRowid);
+ }else{
+ Index *pPk = sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pIdx->pTable);
+ int j, k, regKey;
+ regKey = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, pPk->nKeyCol);
+ for(j=0; jnKeyCol; j++){
+ k = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[j]);
+ assert( k>=0 && knColumn );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iIdxCur, k, regKey+j);
+ VdbeComment((v, "%s.column(%d)", pIdx->zName, i));
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regKey, pPk->nKeyCol, regRowid);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regKey, pPk->nKeyCol);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regKey, pPk->nKeyCol, regRowid);
- sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regKey, pPk->nKeyCol);
- assert( regChng==(regStat4+1) );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Function0, 1, regStat4, regTemp,
- (char*)&statPushFuncdef, P4_FUNCDEF);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 2+IsStat4);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, iIdxCur, addrNextRow); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ assert( regChng==(regStat+1) );
+ {
+ sqlite3VdbeAddFunctionCall(pParse, 1, regStat, regTemp, 2+IsStat4,
+ &statPushFuncdef, 0);
+ if( db->nAnalysisLimit ){
+ int j1, j2, j3;
+ j1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IsNull, regTemp); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ j2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_If, regTemp); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ j3 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_SeekGT, iIdxCur, 0, regPrev, 1);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, iIdxCur, addrNextRow); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j2);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j3);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, iIdxCur, addrNextRow); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }
+ }
/* Add the entry to the stat1 table. */
- callStatGet(v, regStat4, STAT_GET_STAT1, regStat1);
+ callStatGet(pParse, regStat, STAT_GET_STAT1, regStat1);
assert( "BBB"[0]==SQLITE_AFF_TEXT );
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, regTabname, 3, regTemp, "BBB", 0);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, iStatCur, regNewRowid);
@@ -106064,7 +108484,7 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
/* Add the entries to the stat4 table. */
- {
+ if( OptimizationEnabled(db, SQLITE_Stat4) && db->nAnalysisLimit==0 ){
int regEq = regStat1;
int regLt = regStat1+1;
int regDLt = regStat1+2;
@@ -106078,12 +108498,12 @@ static void analyzeOneTable(
pParse->nMem = MAX(pParse->nMem, regCol+nCol);
addrNext = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
- callStatGet(v, regStat4, STAT_GET_ROWID, regSampleRowid);
+ callStatGet(pParse, regStat, STAT_GET_ROWID, regSampleRowid);
addrIsNull = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IsNull, regSampleRowid);
- callStatGet(v, regStat4, STAT_GET_NEQ, regEq);
- callStatGet(v, regStat4, STAT_GET_NLT, regLt);
- callStatGet(v, regStat4, STAT_GET_NDLT, regDLt);
+ callStatGet(pParse, regStat, STAT_GET_NEQ, regEq);
+ callStatGet(pParse, regStat, STAT_GET_NLT, regLt);
+ callStatGet(pParse, regStat, STAT_GET_NDLT, regDLt);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, seekOp, iTabCur, addrNext, regSampleRowid, 0);
for(i=0; ilookaside.bDisable++;
+ DisableLookaside;
rc = loadStat4(db, sInfo.zDatabase);
- db->lookaside.bDisable--;
+ EnableLookaside;
for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->idxHash); i; i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
Index *pIdx = sqliteHashData(i);
@@ -106777,6 +109197,17 @@ static int resolveAttachExpr(NameContext *pName, Expr *pExpr)
return rc;
+** Return true if zName points to a name that may be used to refer to
+** database iDb attached to handle db.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3DbIsNamed(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zName){
+ return (
+ sqlite3StrICmp(db->aDb[iDb].zDbSName, zName)==0
+ || (iDb==0 && sqlite3StrICmp("main", zName)==0)
+ );
** An SQL user-function registered to do the work of an ATTACH statement. The
** three arguments to the function come directly from an attach statement:
@@ -106849,9 +109280,8 @@ static void attachFunc(
goto attach_error;
for(i=0; inDb; i++){
- char *z = db->aDb[i].zDbSName;
- assert( z && zName );
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(z, zName)==0 ){
+ assert( zName );
+ if( sqlite3DbIsNamed(db, i, zName) ){
zErrDyn = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "database %s is already in use", zName);
goto attach_error;
@@ -106919,43 +109349,7 @@ static void attachFunc(
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pNew->zDbSName==0 ){
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- extern int sqlite3CodecAttach(sqlite3*, int, const void*, int);
- extern void sqlite3CodecGetKey(sqlite3*, int, void**, int*);
- int nKey;
- char *zKey;
- int t = sqlite3_value_type(argv[2]);
- switch( t ){
- zErrDyn = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, "Invalid key value");
- break;
- nKey = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[2]);
- zKey = (char *)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[2]);
- rc = sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey);
- break;
- /* No key specified. Use the key from URI filename, or if none,
- ** use the key from the main database. */
- if( sqlite3CodecQueryParameters(db, zName, zPath)==0 ){
- sqlite3CodecGetKey(db, 0, (void**)&zKey, &nKey);
- if( nKey || sqlite3BtreeGetOptimalReserve(db->aDb[0].pBt)>0 ){
- rc = sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- sqlite3_free( zPath );
+ sqlite3_free_filename( zPath );
/* If the file was opened successfully, read the schema for the new database.
** If this fails, or if opening the file failed, then close the file and
@@ -107040,7 +109434,7 @@ static void detachFunc(
for(i=0; inDb; i++){
pDb = &db->aDb[i];
if( pDb->pBt==0 ) continue;
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(pDb->zDbSName, zName)==0 ) break;
+ if( sqlite3DbIsNamed(db, i, zName) ) break;
if( i>=db->nDb ){
@@ -107133,11 +109527,8 @@ static void codeAttach(
assert( v || db->mallocFailed );
if( v ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Function0, 0, regArgs+3-pFunc->nArg, regArgs+3,
- (char *)pFunc, P4_FUNCDEF);
- assert( pFunc->nArg==-1 || (pFunc->nArg&0xff)==pFunc->nArg );
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)(pFunc->nArg));
+ sqlite3VdbeAddFunctionCall(pParse, 0, regArgs+3-pFunc->nArg, regArgs+3,
+ pFunc->nArg, pFunc, 0);
/* Code an OP_Expire. For an ATTACH statement, set P1 to true (expire this
** statement only). For DETACH, set it to false (expire all existing
** statements).
@@ -107212,7 +109603,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3FixInit(
pFix->pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema;
pFix->zType = zType;
pFix->pName = pName;
- pFix->bVarOnly = (iDb==1);
+ pFix->bTemp = (iDb==1);
@@ -107234,22 +109625,24 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FixSrcList(
SrcList *pList /* The Source list to check and modify */
int i;
- const char *zDb;
struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+ sqlite3 *db = pFix->pParse->db;
+ int iDb = sqlite3FindDbName(db, pFix->zDb);
if( NEVER(pList==0) ) return 0;
- zDb = pFix->zDb;
for(i=0, pItem=pList->a; inSrc; i++, pItem++){
- if( pFix->bVarOnly==0 ){
- if( pItem->zDatabase && sqlite3StrICmp(pItem->zDatabase, zDb) ){
+ if( pFix->bTemp==0 ){
+ if( pItem->zDatabase && iDb!=sqlite3FindDbName(db, pItem->zDatabase) ){
"%s %T cannot reference objects in database %s",
pFix->zType, pFix->pName, pItem->zDatabase);
return 1;
- sqlite3DbFree(pFix->pParse->db, pItem->zDatabase);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, pItem->zDatabase);
pItem->zDatabase = 0;
pItem->pSchema = pFix->pSchema;
+ pItem->fg.fromDDL = 1;
#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER)
if( sqlite3FixSelect(pFix, pItem->pSelect) ) return 1;
@@ -107305,7 +109698,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FixExpr(
Expr *pExpr /* The expression to be fixed to one database */
while( pExpr ){
- ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Indirect);
+ if( !pFix->bTemp ) ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_FromDDL);
if( pExpr->op==TK_VARIABLE ){
if( pFix->pParse->db->init.busy ){
pExpr->op = TK_NULL;
@@ -107968,22 +110361,39 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3FindTable(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const cha
return 0;
- while(1){
- for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; inDb; i++){
- int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */
- if( zDatabase==0 || sqlite3StrICmp(zDatabase, db->aDb[j].zDbSName)==0 ){
- assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, j, 0) );
- p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[j].pSchema->tblHash, zName);
- if( p ) return p;
+ if( zDatabase ){
+ for(i=0; inDb; i++){
+ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zDatabase, db->aDb[i].zDbSName)==0 ) break;
+ }
+ if( i>=db->nDb ){
+ /* No match against the official names. But always match "main"
+ ** to schema 0 as a legacy fallback. */
+ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zDatabase,"main")==0 ){
+ i = 0;
+ }else{
+ return 0;
- /* Not found. If the name we were looking for was temp.sqlite_master
- ** then change the name to sqlite_temp_master and try again. */
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(zName, MASTER_NAME)!=0 ) break;
- if( sqlite3_stricmp(zDatabase, db->aDb[1].zDbSName)!=0 ) break;
+ p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[i].pSchema->tblHash, zName);
+ if( p==0 && i==1 && sqlite3StrICmp(zName, MASTER_NAME)==0 ){
+ /* All temp.sqlite_master to be an alias for sqlite_temp_master */
+ p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[1].pSchema->tblHash, TEMP_MASTER_NAME);
+ }
+ }else{
+ /* Match against TEMP first */
+ p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[1].pSchema->tblHash, zName);
+ if( p ) return p;
+ /* The main database is second */
+ p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[0].pSchema->tblHash, zName);
+ if( p ) return p;
+ /* Attached databases are in order of attachment */
+ for(i=2; inDb; i++){
+ assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, i, 0) );
+ p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[i].pSchema->tblHash, zName);
+ if( p ) break;
+ }
- return 0;
+ return p;
@@ -108093,7 +110503,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Index *sqlite3FindIndex(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const cha
int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */
Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[j].pSchema;
assert( pSchema );
- if( zDb && sqlite3StrICmp(zDb, db->aDb[j].zDbSName) ) continue;
+ if( zDb && sqlite3DbIsNamed(db, j, zDb)==0 ) continue;
assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, j, 0) );
p = sqlite3HashFind(&pSchema->idxHash, zName);
if( p ) break;
@@ -108246,6 +110656,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DeleteColumnNames(sqlite3 *db, Table *pTable){
assert( pTable!=0 );
if( (pCol = pTable->aCol)!=0 ){
for(i=0; inCol; i++, pCol++){
+ assert( pCol->zName==0 || pCol->hName==sqlite3StrIHash(pCol->zName) );
sqlite3DbFree(db, pCol->zName);
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pCol->pDflt);
sqlite3DbFree(db, pCol->zColl);
@@ -108512,13 +110923,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CheckObjectName(
- if( pParse->nested==0
- && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(zName, "sqlite_", 7)
+ if( (pParse->nested==0 && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(zName, "sqlite_", 7))
+ || (sqlite3ReadOnlyShadowTables(db) && sqlite3ShadowTableName(db, zName))
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "object name reserved for internal use: %s",
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -108533,10 +110945,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Index *sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(Table *pTab){
-** Return the column of index pIdx that corresponds to table
-** column iCol. Return -1 if not found.
+** Convert an table column number into a index column number. That is,
+** for the column iCol in the table (as defined by the CREATE TABLE statement)
+** find the (first) offset of that column in index pIdx. Or return -1
+** if column iCol is not used in index pIdx.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(Index *pIdx, i16 iCol){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(Index *pIdx, i16 iCol){
int i;
for(i=0; inColumn; i++){
if( iCol==pIdx->aiColumn[i] ) return i;
@@ -108544,6 +110958,84 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(Index *pIdx, i16 iCol){
return -1;
+/* Convert a storage column number into a table column number.
+** The storage column number (0,1,2,....) is the index of the value
+** as it appears in the record on disk. The true column number
+** is the index (0,1,2,...) of the column in the CREATE TABLE statement.
+** The storage column number is less than the table column number if
+** and only there are VIRTUAL columns to the left.
+** If SQLITE_OMIT_GENERATED_COLUMNS, this routine is a no-op macro.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3StorageColumnToTable(Table *pTab, i16 iCol){
+ if( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual ){
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<=iCol; i++){
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ) iCol++;
+ }
+ }
+ return iCol;
+/* Convert a table column number into a storage column number.
+** The storage column number (0,1,2,....) is the index of the value
+** as it appears in the record on disk. Or, if the input column is
+** the N-th virtual column (zero-based) then the storage number is
+** the number of non-virtual columns in the table plus N.
+** The true column number is the index (0,1,2,...) of the column in
+** the CREATE TABLE statement.
+** If the input column is a VIRTUAL column, then it should not appear
+** in storage. But the value sometimes is cached in registers that
+** follow the range of registers used to construct storage. This
+** avoids computing the same VIRTUAL column multiple times, and provides
+** values for use by OP_Param opcodes in triggers. Hence, if the
+** input column is a VIRTUAL table, put it after all the other columns.
+** In the following, N means "normal column", S means STORED, and
+** V means VIRTUAL. Suppose the CREATE TABLE has columns like this:
+** -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+** Then the mapping from this function is as follows:
+** INPUTS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+** OUTPUTS: 0 1 6 2 3 7 4 5 8
+** So, in other words, this routine shifts all the virtual columns to
+** the end.
+** If SQLITE_OMIT_GENERATED_COLUMNS then there are no virtual columns and
+** this routine is a no-op macro. If the pTab does not have any virtual
+** columns, then this routine is no-op that always return iCol. If iCol
+** is negative (indicating the ROWID column) then this routine return iCol.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE i16 sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(Table *pTab, i16 iCol){
+ int i;
+ i16 n;
+ assert( iColnCol );
+ if( (pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual)==0 || iCol<0 ) return iCol;
+ for(i=0, n=0; iaCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL)==0 ) n++;
+ }
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ){
+ /* iCol is a virtual column itself */
+ return pTab->nNVCol + i - n;
+ }else{
+ /* iCol is a normal or stored column */
+ return n;
+ }
** Begin constructing a new table representation in memory. This is
** the first of several action routines that get called in response
@@ -108813,6 +111305,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pName, Token *pType){
pCol = &p->aCol[p->nCol];
memset(pCol, 0, sizeof(p->aCol[0]));
pCol->zName = z;
+ pCol->hName = sqlite3StrIHash(z);
sqlite3ColumnPropertiesFromName(p, pCol);
if( pType->n==0 ){
@@ -108834,6 +111327,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pName, Token *pType){
pCol->colFlags |= COLFLAG_HASTYPE;
+ p->nNVCol++;
pParse->constraintName.n = 0;
@@ -108978,10 +111472,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddDefaultValue(
sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
p = pParse->pNewTable;
if( p!=0 ){
+ int isInit = db->init.busy && db->init.iDb!=1;
pCol = &(p->aCol[p->nCol-1]);
- if( !sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction(pExpr, db->init.busy) ){
+ if( !sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction(pExpr, isInit) ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "default value of column [%s] is not constant",
+ }else if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot use DEFAULT on a generated column");
/* A copy of pExpr is used instead of the original, as pExpr contains
** tokens that point to volatile memory.
@@ -109027,6 +111528,21 @@ static void sqlite3StringToId(Expr *p){
+** Tag the given column as being part of the PRIMARY KEY
+static void makeColumnPartOfPrimaryKey(Parse *pParse, Column *pCol){
+ pCol->colFlags |= COLFLAG_PRIMKEY;
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+ "generated columns cannot be part of the PRIMARY KEY");
+ }
** Designate the PRIMARY KEY for the table. pList is a list of names
** of columns that form the primary key. If pList is NULL, then the
@@ -109066,7 +111582,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddPrimaryKey(
if( pList==0 ){
iCol = pTab->nCol - 1;
pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
- pCol->colFlags |= COLFLAG_PRIMKEY;
+ makeColumnPartOfPrimaryKey(pParse, pCol);
nTerm = 1;
nTerm = pList->nExpr;
@@ -109079,7 +111595,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddPrimaryKey(
for(iCol=0; iColnCol; iCol++){
if( sqlite3StrICmp(zCName, pTab->aCol[iCol].zName)==0 ){
pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
- pCol->colFlags |= COLFLAG_PRIMKEY;
+ makeColumnPartOfPrimaryKey(pParse, pCol);
@@ -109100,6 +111616,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddPrimaryKey(
assert( autoInc==0 || autoInc==1 );
pTab->tabFlags |= autoInc*TF_Autoincrement;
if( pList ) pParse->iPkSortOrder = pList->a[0].sortFlags;
+ (void)sqlite3HasExplicitNulls(pParse, pList);
}else if( autoInc ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "AUTOINCREMENT is only allowed on an "
@@ -109176,41 +111693,58 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddCollateType(Parse *pParse, Token *pToken){
-** This function returns the collation sequence for database native text
-** encoding identified by the string zName, length nName.
-** If the requested collation sequence is not available, or not available
-** in the database native encoding, the collation factory is invoked to
-** request it. If the collation factory does not supply such a sequence,
-** and the sequence is available in another text encoding, then that is
-** returned instead.
-** If no versions of the requested collations sequence are available, or
-** another error occurs, NULL is returned and an error message written into
-** pParse.
-** This routine is a wrapper around sqlite3FindCollSeq(). This routine
-** invokes the collation factory if the named collation cannot be found
-** and generates an error message.
-** See also: sqlite3FindCollSeq(), sqlite3GetCollSeq()
+/* Change the most recently parsed column to be a GENERATED ALWAYS AS
+** column.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3LocateCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const char *zName){
- sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
- u8 enc = ENC(db);
- u8 initbusy = db->init.busy;
- CollSeq *pColl;
- pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, initbusy);
- if( !initbusy && (!pColl || !pColl->xCmp) ){
- pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse, enc, pColl, zName);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddGenerated(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, Token *pType){
+ Table *pTab = pParse->pNewTable;
+ Column *pCol;
+ if( pTab==0 ){
+ /* generated column in an CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS that already exists */
+ goto generated_done;
+ pCol = &(pTab->aCol[pTab->nCol-1]);
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "virtual tables cannot use computed columns");
+ goto generated_done;
+ }
+ if( pCol->pDflt ) goto generated_error;
+ if( pType ){
+ if( pType->n==7 && sqlite3StrNICmp("virtual",pType->z,7)==0 ){
+ /* no-op */
+ }else if( pType->n==6 && sqlite3StrNICmp("stored",pType->z,6)==0 ){
+ }else{
+ goto generated_error;
+ }
+ }
+ if( eType==COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ) pTab->nNVCol--;
+ pCol->colFlags |= eType;
+ assert( TF_HasVirtual==COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ assert( TF_HasStored==COLFLAG_STORED );
+ pTab->tabFlags |= eType;
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY ){
+ makeColumnPartOfPrimaryKey(pParse, pCol); /* For the error message */
+ }
+ pCol->pDflt = pExpr;
+ pExpr = 0;
+ goto generated_done;
- return pColl;
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "error in generated column \"%s\"",
+ pCol->zName);
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, pExpr);
+ /* Throw and error for the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause if the
+ ** SQLITE_OMIT_GENERATED_COLUMNS compile-time option is used. */
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "generated columns not supported");
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, pExpr);
** Generate code that will increment the schema cookie.
@@ -109468,15 +112002,24 @@ static int isDupColumn(Index *pIdx, int nKey, Index *pPk, int iCol){
** high-order bit of colNotIdxed is always 1. All unindexed columns
** of the table have a 1.
+** 2019-10-24: For the purpose of this computation, virtual columns are
+** not considered to be covered by the index, even if they are in the
+** index, because we do not trust the logic in whereIndexExprTrans() to be
+** able to find all instances of a reference to the indexed table column
+** and convert them into references to the index. Hence we always want
+** the actual table at hand in order to recompute the virtual column, if
+** necessary.
** The colNotIdxed mask is AND-ed with the SrcList.a[].colUsed mask
** to determine if the index is covering index.
static void recomputeColumnsNotIndexed(Index *pIdx){
Bitmask m = 0;
int j;
+ Table *pTab = pIdx->pTable;
for(j=pIdx->nColumn-1; j>=0; j--){
int x = pIdx->aiColumn[j];
- if( x>=0 ){
+ if( x>=0 && (pTab->aCol[x].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL)==0 ){
testcase( x==BMS-1 );
testcase( x==BMS-2 );
if( xaCol[i].notNull = OE_Abort;
+ pTab->tabFlags |= TF_HasNotNull;
/* Convert the P3 operand of the OP_CreateBtree opcode from BTREE_INTKEY
@@ -109634,11 +112178,14 @@ static void convertToWithoutRowidTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
nExtra = 0;
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
- if( !hasColumn(pPk->aiColumn, nPk, i) ) nExtra++;
+ if( !hasColumn(pPk->aiColumn, nPk, i)
+ && (pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL)==0 ) nExtra++;
if( resizeIndexObject(db, pPk, nPk+nExtra) ) return;
for(i=0, j=nPk; inCol; i++){
- if( !hasColumn(pPk->aiColumn, j, i) ){
+ if( !hasColumn(pPk->aiColumn, j, i)
+ && (pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL)==0
+ ){
assert( jnColumn );
pPk->aiColumn[j] = i;
pPk->azColl[j] = sqlite3StrBINARY;
@@ -109646,10 +112193,32 @@ static void convertToWithoutRowidTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
assert( pPk->nColumn==j );
- assert( pTab->nCol<=j );
+ assert( pTab->nNVCol<=j );
+** Return true if pTab is a virtual table and zName is a shadow table name
+** for that virtual table.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsShadowTableOf(sqlite3 *db, Table *pTab, const char *zName){
+ int nName; /* Length of zName */
+ Module *pMod; /* Module for the virtual table */
+ if( !IsVirtual(pTab) ) return 0;
+ nName = sqlite3Strlen30(pTab->zName);
+ if( sqlite3_strnicmp(zName, pTab->zName, nName)!=0 ) return 0;
+ if( zName[nName]!='_' ) return 0;
+ pMod = (Module*)sqlite3HashFind(&db->aModule, pTab->azModuleArg[0]);
+ if( pMod==0 ) return 0;
+ if( pMod->pModule->iVersion<3 ) return 0;
+ if( pMod->pModule->xShadowName==0 ) return 0;
+ return pMod->pModule->xShadowName(zName+nName+1);
+#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */
** Return true if zName is a shadow table name in the current database
@@ -109658,11 +112227,9 @@ static void convertToWithoutRowidTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
** zName is temporarily modified while this routine is running, but is
** restored to its original value prior to this routine returning.
-static int isShadowTableName(sqlite3 *db, char *zName){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ShadowTableName(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName){
char *zTail; /* Pointer to the last "_" in zName */
Table *pTab; /* Table that zName is a shadow of */
- Module *pMod; /* Module for the virtual table */
zTail = strrchr(zName, '_');
if( zTail==0 ) return 0;
*zTail = 0;
@@ -109670,15 +112237,36 @@ static int isShadowTableName(sqlite3 *db, char *zName){
*zTail = '_';
if( pTab==0 ) return 0;
if( !IsVirtual(pTab) ) return 0;
- pMod = (Module*)sqlite3HashFind(&db->aModule, pTab->azModuleArg[0]);
- if( pMod==0 ) return 0;
- if( pMod->pModule->iVersion<3 ) return 0;
- if( pMod->pModule->xShadowName==0 ) return 0;
- return pMod->pModule->xShadowName(zTail+1);
+ return sqlite3IsShadowTableOf(db, pTab, zName);
+#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */
+** Mark all nodes of an expression as EP_Immutable, indicating that
+** they should not be changed. Expressions attached to a table or
+** index definition are tagged this way to help ensure that we do
+** not pass them into code generator routines by mistake.
+static int markImmutableExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
+ ExprSetVVAProperty(pExpr, EP_Immutable);
+ return WRC_Continue;
+static void markExprListImmutable(ExprList *pList){
+ if( pList ){
+ Walker w;
+ memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
+ w.xExprCallback = markImmutableExprStep;
+ w.xSelectCallback = sqlite3SelectWalkNoop;
+ w.xSelectCallback2 = 0;
+ sqlite3WalkExprList(&w, pList);
+ }
-# define isShadowTableName(x,y) 0
-#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */
+#define markExprListImmutable(X) /* no-op */
+#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
** This routine is called to report the final ")" that terminates
@@ -109719,7 +112307,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTable(
p = pParse->pNewTable;
if( p==0 ) return;
- if( pSelect==0 && isShadowTableName(db, p->zName) ){
+ if( pSelect==0 && sqlite3ShadowTableName(db, p->zName) ){
p->tabFlags |= TF_Shadow;
@@ -109755,12 +112343,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTable(
if( (p->tabFlags & TF_HasPrimaryKey)==0 ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "PRIMARY KEY missing on table %s", p->zName);
- }else{
- p->tabFlags |= TF_WithoutRowid | TF_NoVisibleRowid;
- convertToWithoutRowidTable(pParse, p);
+ return;
+ p->tabFlags |= TF_WithoutRowid | TF_NoVisibleRowid;
+ convertToWithoutRowidTable(pParse, p);
iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, p->pSchema);
@@ -109768,8 +112355,47 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTable(
if( p->pCheck ){
sqlite3ResolveSelfReference(pParse, p, NC_IsCheck, 0, p->pCheck);
+ if( pParse->nErr ){
+ /* If errors are seen, delete the CHECK constraints now, else they might
+ ** actually be used if PRAGMA writable_schema=ON is set. */
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(db, p->pCheck);
+ p->pCheck = 0;
+ }else{
+ markExprListImmutable(p->pCheck);
+ }
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_CHECK) */
+ if( p->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated ){
+ int ii, nNG = 0;
+ testcase( p->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual );
+ testcase( p->tabFlags & TF_HasStored );
+ for(ii=0; iinCol; ii++){
+ u32 colFlags = p->aCol[ii].colFlags;
+ if( (colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)!=0 ){
+ Expr *pX = p->aCol[ii].pDflt;
+ testcase( colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ if( sqlite3ResolveSelfReference(pParse, p, NC_GenCol, pX, 0) ){
+ /* If there are errors in resolving the expression, change the
+ ** expression to a NULL. This prevents code generators that operate
+ ** on the expression from inserting extra parts into the expression
+ ** tree that have been allocated from lookaside memory, which is
+ ** illegal in a schema and will lead to errors or heap corruption
+ ** when the database connection closes. */
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pX);
+ p->aCol[ii].pDflt = sqlite3ExprAlloc(db, TK_NULL, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }else{
+ nNG++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( nNG==0 ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "must have at least one non-generated column");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
/* Estimate the average row size for the table and for all implied indices */
@@ -109846,7 +112472,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTable(
pSelTab = sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect(pParse, pSelect, SQLITE_AFF_BLOB);
if( pSelTab==0 ) return;
assert( p->aCol==0 );
- p->nCol = pSelTab->nCol;
+ p->nCol = p->nNVCol = pSelTab->nCol;
p->aCol = pSelTab->aCol;
pSelTab->nCol = 0;
pSelTab->aCol = 0;
@@ -109919,7 +112545,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTable(
sqlite3MPrintf(db, "tbl_name='%q' AND type!='trigger'", p->zName));
/* Add the table to the in-memory representation of the database.
if( db->init.busy ){
@@ -109990,6 +112615,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateView(
** allocated rather than point to the input string - which means that
** they will persist after the current sqlite3_exec() call returns.
+ pSelect->selFlags |= SF_View;
p->pSelect = pSelect;
pSelect = 0;
@@ -110103,7 +112729,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(Parse *pParse, Table *pTable){
n = pParse->nTab;
sqlite3SrcListAssignCursors(pParse, pSel->pSrc);
pTable->nCol = -1;
- db->lookaside.bDisable++;
+ DisableLookaside;
xAuth = db->xAuth;
db->xAuth = 0;
@@ -110113,7 +112739,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(Parse *pParse, Table *pTable){
pSelTab = sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect(pParse, pSel, SQLITE_AFF_NONE);
pParse->nTab = n;
- if( pTable->pCheck ){
+ if( pSelTab==0 ){
+ pTable->nCol = 0;
+ nErr++;
+ }else if( pTable->pCheck ){
/* CREATE VIEW name(arglist) AS ...
** The names of the columns in the table are taken from
** arglist which is stored in pTable->pCheck. The pCheck field
@@ -110129,7 +112758,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(Parse *pParse, Table *pTable){
sqlite3SelectAddColumnTypeAndCollation(pParse, pTable, pSel,
- }else if( pSelTab ){
+ }else{
/* CREATE VIEW name AS... without an argument list. Construct
** the column names from the SELECT statement that defines the view.
@@ -110139,13 +112768,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(Parse *pParse, Table *pTable){
pSelTab->nCol = 0;
pSelTab->aCol = 0;
assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pTable->pSchema) );
- }else{
- pTable->nCol = 0;
- nErr++;
+ pTable->nNVCol = pTable->nCol;
sqlite3DeleteTable(db, pSelTab);
sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pSel);
- db->lookaside.bDisable--;
+ EnableLookaside;
pParse->eParseMode = eParseMode;
@@ -110402,6 +113029,37 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeDropTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab, int iDb, in
sqliteViewResetAll(db, iDb);
+** Return TRUE if shadow tables should be read-only in the current
+** context.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ReadOnlyShadowTables(sqlite3 *db){
+ if( (db->flags & SQLITE_Defensive)!=0
+ && db->pVtabCtx==0
+ && db->nVdbeExec==0
+ ){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+** Return true if it is not allowed to drop the given table
+static int tableMayNotBeDropped(sqlite3 *db, Table *pTab){
+ if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){
+ if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName+7, "stat", 4)==0 ) return 0;
+ if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName+7, "parameters", 10)==0 ) return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if( (pTab->tabFlags & TF_Shadow)!=0 && sqlite3ReadOnlyShadowTables(db) ){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
** This routine is called to do the work of a DROP TABLE statement.
** pName is the name of the table to be dropped.
@@ -110471,9 +113129,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DropTable(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pName, int isView,
- if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0
- && sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName+7, "stat", 4)!=0
- && sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName+7, "parameters", 10)!=0 ){
+ if( tableMayNotBeDropped(db, pTab) ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be dropped", pTab->zName);
goto exit_drop_table;
@@ -110565,7 +113221,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateForeignKey(
nByte = sizeof(*pFKey) + (nCol-1)*sizeof(pFKey->aCol[0]) + pTo->n + 1;
if( pToCol ){
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
- nByte += sqlite3Strlen30(pToCol->a[i].zName) + 1;
+ nByte += sqlite3Strlen30(pToCol->a[i].zEName) + 1;
pFKey = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, nByte );
@@ -110590,7 +113246,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateForeignKey(
for(i=0; inCol; j++){
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(p->aCol[j].zName, pFromCol->a[i].zName)==0 ){
+ if( sqlite3StrICmp(p->aCol[j].zName, pFromCol->a[i].zEName)==0 ){
pFKey->aCol[i].iFrom = j;
@@ -110598,22 +113254,22 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateForeignKey(
if( j>=p->nCol ){
"unknown column \"%s\" in foreign key definition",
- pFromCol->a[i].zName);
+ pFromCol->a[i].zEName);
goto fk_end;
- sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, &pFKey->aCol[i], pFromCol->a[i].zName);
+ sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, &pFKey->aCol[i], pFromCol->a[i].zEName);
if( pToCol ){
for(i=0; ia[i].zName);
+ int n = sqlite3Strlen30(pToCol->a[i].zEName);
pFKey->aCol[i].zCol = z;
- sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, z, pToCol->a[i].zName);
+ sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, z, pToCol->a[i].zEName);
- memcpy(z, pToCol->a[i].zName, n);
+ memcpy(z, pToCol->a[i].zEName, n);
z[n] = 0;
z += n+1;
@@ -111144,8 +113800,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateIndex(
assert( j<=0x7fff );
if( j<0 ){
j = pTab->iPKey;
- }else if( pTab->aCol[j].notNull==0 ){
- pIndex->uniqNotNull = 0;
+ }else{
+ if( pTab->aCol[j].notNull==0 ){
+ pIndex->uniqNotNull = 0;
+ }
+ if( pTab->aCol[j].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ){
+ pIndex->bHasVCol = 1;
+ }
pIndex->aiColumn[i] = (i16)j;
@@ -111200,13 +113861,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateIndex(
/* If this index contains every column of its table, then mark
** it as a covering index */
assert( HasRowid(pTab)
- || pTab->iPKey<0 || sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pIndex, pTab->iPKey)>=0 );
+ || pTab->iPKey<0 || sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pIndex, pTab->iPKey)>=0 );
if( pTblName!=0 && pIndex->nColumn>=pTab->nCol ){
pIndex->isCovering = 1;
for(j=0; jnCol; j++){
if( j==pTab->iPKey ) continue;
- if( sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pIndex,j)>=0 ) continue;
+ if( sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pIndex,j)>=0 ) continue;
pIndex->isCovering = 0;
@@ -111381,26 +114042,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateIndex(
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, pIndex->tnum);
- /* When adding an index to the list of indices for a table, make
- ** sure all indices labeled OE_Replace come after all those labeled
- ** OE_Ignore. This is necessary for the correct constraint check
- ** processing (in sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks()) as part of
- ** UPDATE and INSERT statements.
- */
if( db->init.busy || pTblName==0 ){
- if( onError!=OE_Replace || pTab->pIndex==0
- || pTab->pIndex->onError==OE_Replace){
- pIndex->pNext = pTab->pIndex;
- pTab->pIndex = pIndex;
- }else{
- Index *pOther = pTab->pIndex;
- while( pOther->pNext && pOther->pNext->onError!=OE_Replace ){
- pOther = pOther->pNext;
- }
- pIndex->pNext = pOther->pNext;
- pOther->pNext = pIndex;
- }
+ pIndex->pNext = pTab->pIndex;
+ pTab->pIndex = pIndex;
pIndex = 0;
else if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT ){
@@ -111412,6 +114056,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateIndex(
/* Clean up before exiting */
if( pIndex ) sqlite3FreeIndex(db, pIndex);
+ if( pTab ){ /* Ensure all REPLACE indexes are at the end of the list */
+ Index **ppFrom = &pTab->pIndex;
+ Index *pThis;
+ for(ppFrom=&pTab->pIndex; (pThis = *ppFrom)!=0; ppFrom=&pThis->pNext){
+ Index *pNext;
+ if( pThis->onError!=OE_Replace ) continue;
+ while( (pNext = pThis->pNext)!=0 && pNext->onError!=OE_Replace ){
+ *ppFrom = pNext;
+ pThis->pNext = pNext->pNext;
+ pNext->pNext = pThis;
+ ppFrom = &pNext->pNext;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pPIWhere);
sqlite3ExprListDelete(db, pList);
sqlite3SrcListDelete(db, pTblName);
@@ -112054,7 +114713,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OpenTempDatabase(Parse *pParse){
db->aDb[1].pBt = pBt;
assert( db->aDb[1].pSchema );
- if( SQLITE_NOMEM==sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pBt, db->nextPagesize, -1, 0) ){
+ if( SQLITE_NOMEM==sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pBt, db->nextPagesize, 0, 0) ){
return 1;
@@ -112165,7 +114824,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HaltConstraint(
u8 p5Errmsg /* P5_ErrMsg type */
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- assert( (errCode&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT );
+ assert( (errCode&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT || pParse->nested );
if( onError==OE_Abort ){
@@ -112546,51 +115205,6 @@ static int synthCollSeq(sqlite3 *db, CollSeq *pColl){
-** This function is responsible for invoking the collation factory callback
-** or substituting a collation sequence of a different encoding when the
-** requested collation sequence is not available in the desired encoding.
-** If it is not NULL, then pColl must point to the database native encoding
-** collation sequence with name zName, length nName.
-** The return value is either the collation sequence to be used in database
-** db for collation type name zName, length nName, or NULL, if no collation
-** sequence can be found. If no collation is found, leave an error message.
-** See also: sqlite3LocateCollSeq(), sqlite3FindCollSeq()
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(
- Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
- u8 enc, /* The desired encoding for the collating sequence */
- CollSeq *pColl, /* Collating sequence with native encoding, or NULL */
- const char *zName /* Collating sequence name */
- CollSeq *p;
- sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
- p = pColl;
- if( !p ){
- p = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, 0);
- }
- if( !p || !p->xCmp ){
- /* No collation sequence of this type for this encoding is registered.
- ** Call the collation factory to see if it can supply us with one.
- */
- callCollNeeded(db, enc, zName);
- p = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, 0);
- }
- if( p && !p->xCmp && synthCollSeq(db, p) ){
- p = 0;
- }
- assert( !p || p->xCmp );
- if( p==0 ){
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %s", zName);
- }
- return p;
** This routine is called on a collation sequence before it is used to
** check that it is defined. An undefined collation sequence exists when
@@ -112683,20 +115297,112 @@ static CollSeq *findCollSeqEntry(
** See also: sqlite3LocateCollSeq(), sqlite3GetCollSeq()
SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3FindCollSeq(
- sqlite3 *db,
- u8 enc,
- const char *zName,
- int create
+ sqlite3 *db, /* Database connection to search */
+ u8 enc, /* Desired text encoding */
+ const char *zName, /* Name of the collating sequence. Might be NULL */
+ int create /* True to create CollSeq if doesn't already exist */
CollSeq *pColl;
+ assert( SQLITE_UTF8==1 && SQLITE_UTF16LE==2 && SQLITE_UTF16BE==3 );
+ assert( enc>=SQLITE_UTF8 && enc<=SQLITE_UTF16BE );
if( zName ){
pColl = findCollSeqEntry(db, zName, create);
+ if( pColl ) pColl += enc-1;
pColl = db->pDfltColl;
- assert( SQLITE_UTF8==1 && SQLITE_UTF16LE==2 && SQLITE_UTF16BE==3 );
- assert( enc>=SQLITE_UTF8 && enc<=SQLITE_UTF16BE );
- if( pColl ) pColl += enc-1;
+ return pColl;
+** Change the text encoding for a database connection. This means that
+** the pDfltColl must change as well.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SetTextEncoding(sqlite3 *db, u8 enc){
+ assert( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 || enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE || enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
+ db->enc = enc;
+ /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-08308-17224 The default collating function for all
+ ** strings is BINARY.
+ */
+ db->pDfltColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, sqlite3StrBINARY, 0);
+** This function is responsible for invoking the collation factory callback
+** or substituting a collation sequence of a different encoding when the
+** requested collation sequence is not available in the desired encoding.
+** If it is not NULL, then pColl must point to the database native encoding
+** collation sequence with name zName, length nName.
+** The return value is either the collation sequence to be used in database
+** db for collation type name zName, length nName, or NULL, if no collation
+** sequence can be found. If no collation is found, leave an error message.
+** See also: sqlite3LocateCollSeq(), sqlite3FindCollSeq()
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(
+ Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
+ u8 enc, /* The desired encoding for the collating sequence */
+ CollSeq *pColl, /* Collating sequence with native encoding, or NULL */
+ const char *zName /* Collating sequence name */
+ CollSeq *p;
+ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+ p = pColl;
+ if( !p ){
+ p = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, 0);
+ }
+ if( !p || !p->xCmp ){
+ /* No collation sequence of this type for this encoding is registered.
+ ** Call the collation factory to see if it can supply us with one.
+ */
+ callCollNeeded(db, enc, zName);
+ p = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, 0);
+ }
+ if( p && !p->xCmp && synthCollSeq(db, p) ){
+ p = 0;
+ }
+ assert( !p || p->xCmp );
+ if( p==0 ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %s", zName);
+ }
+ return p;
+** This function returns the collation sequence for database native text
+** encoding identified by the string zName.
+** If the requested collation sequence is not available, or not available
+** in the database native encoding, the collation factory is invoked to
+** request it. If the collation factory does not supply such a sequence,
+** and the sequence is available in another text encoding, then that is
+** returned instead.
+** If no versions of the requested collations sequence are available, or
+** another error occurs, NULL is returned and an error message written into
+** pParse.
+** This routine is a wrapper around sqlite3FindCollSeq(). This routine
+** invokes the collation factory if the named collation cannot be found
+** and generates an error message.
+** See also: sqlite3FindCollSeq(), sqlite3GetCollSeq()
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3LocateCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const char *zName){
+ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+ u8 enc = ENC(db);
+ u8 initbusy = db->init.busy;
+ CollSeq *pColl;
+ pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, initbusy);
+ if( !initbusy && (!pColl || !pColl->xCmp) ){
+ pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse, enc, pColl, zName);
+ }
return pColl;
@@ -112735,12 +115441,13 @@ static int matchQuality(
u8 enc /* Desired text encoding */
int match;
- /* nArg of -2 is a special case */
- if( nArg==(-2) ) return (p->xSFunc==0) ? 0 : FUNC_PERFECT_MATCH;
+ assert( p->nArg>=-1 );
/* Wrong number of arguments means "no match" */
- if( p->nArg!=nArg && p->nArg>=0 ) return 0;
+ if( p->nArg!=nArg ){
+ if( nArg==(-2) ) return (p->xSFunc==0) ? 0 : FUNC_PERFECT_MATCH;
+ if( p->nArg>=0 ) return 0;
+ }
/* Give a better score to a function with a specific number of arguments
** than to function that accepts any number of arguments. */
@@ -113042,11 +115749,7 @@ static int tabIsReadOnly(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
return sqlite3WritableSchema(db)==0 && pParse->nested==0;
assert( pTab->tabFlags & TF_Shadow );
- return (db->flags & SQLITE_Defensive)!=0
- && db->pVtabCtx==0
- && db->nVdbeExec==0;
+ return sqlite3ReadOnlyShadowTables(db);
@@ -113509,7 +116212,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DeleteFrom(
iTabCur, aToOpen, &iDataCur, &iIdxCur);
assert( pPk || IsVirtual(pTab) || iDataCur==iTabCur );
assert( pPk || IsVirtual(pTab) || iIdxCur==iDataCur+1 );
- if( eOnePass==ONEPASS_MULTI ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iAddrOnce);
+ if( eOnePass==ONEPASS_MULTI ){
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHereOrPopInst(v, iAddrOnce);
+ }
/* Set up a loop over the rowids/primary-keys that were found in the
@@ -113709,7 +116414,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateRowDelete(
testcase( mask!=0xffffffff && iCol==31 );
testcase( mask!=0xffffffff && iCol==32 );
if( mask==0xffffffff || (iCol<=31 && (mask & MASKBIT32(iCol))!=0) ){
- sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, iCol, iOld+iCol+1);
+ int kk = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, iCol);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, iCol, iOld+kk+1);
@@ -113831,6 +116537,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(
&iPartIdxLabel, pPrior, r1);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IdxDelete, iIdxCur+i, r1,
pIdx->uniqNotNull ? pIdx->nKeyCol : pIdx->nColumn);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1); /* Cause IdxDelete to error if no entry found */
sqlite3ResolvePartIdxLabel(pParse, iPartIdxLabel);
pPrior = pIdx;
@@ -113889,6 +116596,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(
sqlite3ExprIfFalseDup(pParse, pIdx->pPartIdxWhere, *piPartIdxLabel,
pParse->iSelfTab = 0;
+ pPrior = 0; /* Ticket a9efb42811fa41ee 2019-11-02;
+ ** pPartIdxWhere may have corrupted regPrior registers */
*piPartIdxLabel = 0;
@@ -113955,7 +116664,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResolvePartIdxLabel(Parse *pParse, int iLabel){
/* #include "sqliteInt.h" */
/* #include */
/* #include */
/* #include */
/* #include "vdbeInt.h" */
@@ -114790,6 +117501,7 @@ static void likeFunc(
int nPat;
sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context);
struct compareInfo *pInfo = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+ struct compareInfo backupInfo;
if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_BLOB
@@ -114825,6 +117537,12 @@ static void likeFunc(
escape = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zEsc);
+ if( escape==pInfo->matchAll || escape==pInfo->matchOne ){
+ memcpy(&backupInfo, pInfo, sizeof(backupInfo));
+ pInfo = &backupInfo;
+ if( escape==pInfo->matchAll ) pInfo->matchAll = 0;
+ if( escape==pInfo->matchOne ) pInfo->matchOne = 0;
+ }
escape = pInfo->matchSet;
@@ -115213,7 +117931,7 @@ static void replaceFunc(
** whose index is a power of two: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ... */
u8 *zOld;
zOld = zOut;
- zOut = sqlite3_realloc64(zOut, (int)nOut + (nOut - nStr - 1));
+ zOut = sqlite3Realloc(zOut, (int)nOut + (nOut - nStr - 1));
if( zOut==0 ){
@@ -115801,19 +118519,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsLikeFunction(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pExpr, int *pIsNocas
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) );
nExpr = pExpr->x.pList->nExpr;
pDef = sqlite3FindFunction(db, pExpr->u.zToken, nExpr, SQLITE_UTF8, 0);
+ if( pDef==0 ) return 0;
if( NEVER(pDef==0) || (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_LIKE)==0 ){
return 0;
- if( nExpr<3 ){
- aWc[3] = 0;
- }else{
- Expr *pEscape = pExpr->x.pList->a[2].pExpr;
- char *zEscape;
- if( pEscape->op!=TK_STRING ) return 0;
- zEscape = pEscape->u.zToken;
- if( zEscape[0]==0 || zEscape[1]!=0 ) return 0;
- aWc[3] = zEscape[0];
- }
/* The memcpy() statement assumes that the wildcard characters are
** the first three statements in the compareInfo structure. The
@@ -115823,6 +118534,20 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsLikeFunction(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pExpr, int *pIsNocas
assert( (char*)&likeInfoAlt == (char*)&likeInfoAlt.matchAll );
assert( &((char*)&likeInfoAlt)[1] == (char*)&likeInfoAlt.matchOne );
assert( &((char*)&likeInfoAlt)[2] == (char*)&likeInfoAlt.matchSet );
+ if( nExpr<3 ){
+ aWc[3] = 0;
+ }else{
+ Expr *pEscape = pExpr->x.pList->a[2].pExpr;
+ char *zEscape;
+ if( pEscape->op!=TK_STRING ) return 0;
+ zEscape = pEscape->u.zToken;
+ if( zEscape[0]==0 || zEscape[1]!=0 ) return 0;
+ if( zEscape[0]==aWc[0] ) return 0;
+ if( zEscape[0]==aWc[1] ) return 0;
+ aWc[3] = zEscape[0];
+ }
*pIsNocase = (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_CASE)==0;
return 1;
@@ -115846,12 +118571,20 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(void){
** For peak efficiency, put the most frequently used function last.
static FuncDef aBuiltinFunc[] = {
+/***** Functions only available with SQLITE_TESTCTRL_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS *****/
+ TEST_FUNC(implies_nonnull_row, 2, INLINEFUNC_implies_nonnull_row, 0),
+ TEST_FUNC(expr_compare, 2, INLINEFUNC_expr_compare, 0),
+ TEST_FUNC(expr_implies_expr, 2, INLINEFUNC_expr_implies_expr, 0),
+ TEST_FUNC(affinity, 1, INLINEFUNC_affinity, 0),
+/***** Regular functions *****/
FUNCTION(soundex, 1, 0, 0, soundexFunc ),
- VFUNCTION(load_extension, 1, 0, 0, loadExt ),
- VFUNCTION(load_extension, 2, 0, 0, loadExt ),
+ SFUNCTION(load_extension, 1, 0, 0, loadExt ),
+ SFUNCTION(load_extension, 2, 0, 0, loadExt ),
FUNCTION(sqlite_crypt, 2, 0, 0, sqlite3CryptFunc ),
@@ -115860,12 +118593,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(void){
DFUNCTION(sqlite_compileoption_used,1, 0, 0, compileoptionusedFunc ),
DFUNCTION(sqlite_compileoption_get, 1, 0, 0, compileoptiongetFunc ),
- FUNCTION2(unlikely, 1, 0, 0, noopFunc, SQLITE_FUNC_UNLIKELY),
- FUNCTION2(likelihood, 2, 0, 0, noopFunc, SQLITE_FUNC_UNLIKELY),
- FUNCTION2(likely, 1, 0, 0, noopFunc, SQLITE_FUNC_UNLIKELY),
- FUNCTION2(affinity, 1, 0, 0, noopFunc, SQLITE_FUNC_AFFINITY),
FUNCTION2(sqlite_offset, 1, 0, 0, noopFunc, SQLITE_FUNC_OFFSET|
@@ -115898,7 +118628,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(void){
FUNCTION(upper, 1, 0, 0, upperFunc ),
FUNCTION(lower, 1, 0, 0, lowerFunc ),
FUNCTION(hex, 1, 0, 0, hexFunc ),
- FUNCTION2(ifnull, 2, 0, 0, noopFunc, SQLITE_FUNC_COALESCE),
+ INLINE_FUNC(ifnull, 2, INLINEFUNC_coalesce, 0 ),
VFUNCTION(random, 0, 0, 0, randomFunc ),
VFUNCTION(randomblob, 1, 0, 0, randomBlob ),
FUNCTION(nullif, 2, 0, 1, nullifFunc ),
@@ -115938,7 +118668,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(void){
FUNCTION(coalesce, 1, 0, 0, 0 ),
FUNCTION(coalesce, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
- FUNCTION2(coalesce, -1, 0, 0, noopFunc, SQLITE_FUNC_COALESCE),
+ INLINE_FUNC(coalesce, -1, INLINEFUNC_coalesce, 0 ),
+ INLINE_FUNC(iif, 3, INLINEFUNC_iif, 0 ),
@@ -116317,7 +119048,7 @@ static void fkLookupParent(
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
- int iReg = aiCol[i] + regData + 1;
+ int iReg = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pFKey->pFrom,aiCol[i]) + regData + 1;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, iReg, iOk); VdbeCoverage(v);
@@ -116333,7 +119064,8 @@ static void fkLookupParent(
** is no matching parent key. Before using MustBeInt, make a copy of
** the value. Otherwise, the value inserted into the child key column
** will have INTEGER affinity applied to it, which may not be correct. */
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, aiCol[0]+1+regData, regTemp);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy,
+ sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pFKey->pFrom,aiCol[0])+1+regData, regTemp);
iMustBeInt = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_MustBeInt, regTemp, 0);
@@ -116360,7 +119092,9 @@ static void fkLookupParent(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_OpenRead, iCur, pIdx->tnum, iDb);
sqlite3VdbeSetP4KeyInfo(pParse, pIdx);
for(i=0; ipFrom, aiCol[i])+1+regData,
+ regTemp+i);
/* If the parent table is the same as the child table, and we are about
@@ -116376,8 +119110,11 @@ static void fkLookupParent(
if( pTab==pFKey->pFrom && nIncr==1 ){
int iJump = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + nCol + 1;
for(i=0; iaiColumn[i]+1+regData;
+ int iChild = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pFKey->pFrom,aiCol[i])
+ +1+regData;
+ int iParent = 1+regData;
+ iParent += sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pIdx->pTable,
+ pIdx->aiColumn[i]);
assert( pIdx->aiColumn[i]>=0 );
assert( aiCol[i]!=pTab->iPKey );
if( pIdx->aiColumn[i]==pTab->iPKey ){
@@ -116445,7 +119182,7 @@ static Expr *exprTableRegister(
if( pExpr ){
if( iCol>=0 && iCol!=pTab->iPKey ){
pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
- pExpr->iTable = regBase + iCol + 1;
+ pExpr->iTable = regBase + sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab,iCol) + 1;
pExpr->affExpr = pCol->affinity;
zColl = pCol->zColl;
if( zColl==0 ) zColl = db->pDfltColl->zName;
@@ -116620,7 +119357,7 @@ static void fkScanChildren(
/* Clean up the WHERE clause constructed above. */
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWhere);
if( iFkIfZero ){
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iFkIfZero);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHereOrPopInst(v, iFkIfZero);
@@ -116894,7 +119631,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3FkCheck(
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
int iJump = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + pFKey->nCol + 1;
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
- int iReg = pFKey->aCol[i].iFrom + regOld + 1;
+ int iFromCol, iReg;
+ iFromCol = pFKey->aCol[i].iFrom;
+ iReg = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pFKey->pFrom,iFromCol) + regOld+1;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, iReg, iJump); VdbeCoverage(v);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_FkCounter, pFKey->isDeferred, -1);
@@ -117229,7 +119968,15 @@ static Trigger *fkActionTrigger(
sqlite3ExprAlloc(db, TK_ID, &tNew, 0),
sqlite3ExprAlloc(db, TK_ID, &tToCol, 0));
}else if( action==OE_SetDflt ){
- Expr *pDflt = pFKey->pFrom->aCol[iFromCol].pDflt;
+ Column *pCol = pFKey->pFrom->aCol + iFromCol;
+ Expr *pDflt;
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ pDflt = 0;
+ }else{
+ pDflt = pCol->pDflt;
+ }
if( pDflt ){
pNew = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pDflt, 0);
@@ -117267,7 +120014,7 @@ static Trigger *fkActionTrigger(
/* Disable lookaside memory allocation */
- db->lookaside.bDisable++;
+ DisableLookaside;
pTrigger = (Trigger *)sqlite3DbMallocZero(db,
sizeof(Trigger) + /* struct Trigger */
@@ -117289,7 +120036,7 @@ static Trigger *fkActionTrigger(
/* Re-enable the lookaside buffer, if it was disabled earlier. */
- db->lookaside.bDisable--;
+ EnableLookaside;
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWhere);
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWhen);
@@ -117440,7 +120187,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OpenTable(
sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, pTab->tnum,
(opcode==OP_OpenWrite)?1:0, pTab->zName);
if( HasRowid(pTab) ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, opcode, iCur, pTab->tnum, iDb, pTab->nCol);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, opcode, iCur, pTab->tnum, iDb, pTab->nNVCol);
VdbeComment((v, "%s", pTab->zName));
Index *pPk = sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pTab);
@@ -117532,7 +120279,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(sqlite3 *db, Index *pIdx){
** 'E' REAL
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TableAffinity(Vdbe *v, Table *pTab, int iReg){
- int i;
+ int i, j;
char *zColAff = pTab->zColAff;
if( zColAff==0 ){
sqlite3 *db = sqlite3VdbeDb(v);
@@ -117542,13 +120289,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TableAffinity(Vdbe *v, Table *pTab, int iReg){
- for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ for(i=j=0; inCol; i++){
assert( pTab->aCol[i].affinity!=0 );
- zColAff[i] = pTab->aCol[i].affinity;
+ if( (pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL)==0 ){
+ zColAff[j++] = pTab->aCol[i].affinity;
+ }
- zColAff[i--] = 0;
- }while( i>=0 && zColAff[i]<=SQLITE_AFF_BLOB );
+ zColAff[j--] = 0;
+ }while( j>=0 && zColAff[j]<=SQLITE_AFF_BLOB );
pTab->zColAff = zColAff;
assert( zColAff!=0 );
@@ -117602,6 +120351,119 @@ static int readsTable(Parse *p, int iDb, Table *pTab){
return 0;
+/* This walker callback will compute the union of colFlags flags for all
+** referenced columns in a CHECK constraint or generated column expression.
+static int exprColumnFlagUnion(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
+ if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN && pExpr->iColumn>=0 ){
+ assert( pExpr->iColumn < pWalker->u.pTab->nCol );
+ pWalker->eCode |= pWalker->u.pTab->aCol[pExpr->iColumn].colFlags;
+ }
+ return WRC_Continue;
+** All regular columns for table pTab have been puts into registers
+** starting with iRegStore. The registers that correspond to STORED
+** or VIRTUAL columns have not yet been initialized. This routine goes
+** back and computes the values for those columns based on the previously
+** computed normal columns.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ComputeGeneratedColumns(
+ Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
+ int iRegStore, /* Register holding the first column */
+ Table *pTab /* The table */
+ int i;
+ Walker w;
+ Column *pRedo;
+ int eProgress;
+ VdbeOp *pOp;
+ assert( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated );
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual );
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasStored );
+ /* Before computing generated columns, first go through and make sure
+ ** that appropriate affinity has been applied to the regular columns
+ */
+ sqlite3TableAffinity(pParse->pVdbe, pTab, iRegStore);
+ if( (pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasStored)!=0
+ && (pOp = sqlite3VdbeGetOp(pParse->pVdbe,-1))->opcode==OP_Affinity
+ ){
+ /* Change the OP_Affinity argument to '@' (NONE) for all stored
+ ** columns. '@' is the no-op affinity and those columns have not
+ ** yet been computed. */
+ int ii, jj;
+ char *zP4 = pOp->p4.z;
+ assert( zP4!=0 );
+ assert( pOp->p4type==P4_DYNAMIC );
+ for(ii=jj=0; zP4[jj]; ii++){
+ if( pTab->aCol[ii].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( pTab->aCol[ii].colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED ){
+ zP4[jj] = SQLITE_AFF_NONE;
+ }
+ jj++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Because there can be multiple generated columns that refer to one another,
+ ** this is a two-pass algorithm. On the first pass, mark all generated
+ ** columns as "not available".
+ */
+ for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ testcase( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ pTab->aCol[i].colFlags |= COLFLAG_NOTAVAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ w.u.pTab = pTab;
+ w.xExprCallback = exprColumnFlagUnion;
+ w.xSelectCallback = 0;
+ w.xSelectCallback2 = 0;
+ /* On the second pass, compute the value of each NOT-AVAILABLE column.
+ ** Companion code in the TK_COLUMN case of sqlite3ExprCodeTarget() will
+ ** compute dependencies and mark remove the COLSPAN_NOTAVAIL mark, as
+ ** they are needed.
+ */
+ pParse->iSelfTab = -iRegStore;
+ do{
+ eProgress = 0;
+ pRedo = 0;
+ for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ Column *pCol = pTab->aCol + i;
+ if( (pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_NOTAVAIL)!=0 ){
+ int x;
+ pCol->colFlags |= COLFLAG_BUSY;
+ w.eCode = 0;
+ sqlite3WalkExpr(&w, pCol->pDflt);
+ pCol->colFlags &= ~COLFLAG_BUSY;
+ if( w.eCode & COLFLAG_NOTAVAIL ){
+ pRedo = pCol;
+ continue;
+ }
+ eProgress = 1;
+ assert( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED );
+ x = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, i) + iRegStore;
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGeneratedColumn(pParse, pCol, x);
+ pCol->colFlags &= ~COLFLAG_NOTAVAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ }while( pRedo && eProgress );
+ if( pRedo ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "generated column loop on \"%s\"", pRedo->zName);
+ }
+ pParse->iSelfTab = 0;
** Locate or create an AutoincInfo structure associated with table pTab
@@ -117909,7 +120771,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
Parse *pParse, /* Parser context */
SrcList *pTabList, /* Name of table into which we are inserting */
Select *pSelect, /* A SELECT statement to use as the data source */
- IdList *pColumn, /* Column names corresponding to IDLIST. */
+ IdList *pColumn, /* Column names corresponding to IDLIST, or NULL. */
int onError, /* How to handle constraint errors */
Upsert *pUpsert /* ON CONFLICT clauses for upsert, or NULL */
@@ -117934,6 +120796,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
u8 withoutRowid; /* 0 for normal table. 1 for WITHOUT ROWID table */
u8 bIdListInOrder; /* True if IDLIST is in table order */
ExprList *pList = 0; /* List of VALUES() to be inserted */
+ int iRegStore; /* Register in which to store next column */
/* Register allocations */
int regFromSelect = 0;/* Base register for data coming from SELECT */
@@ -118041,8 +120904,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
regAutoinc = autoIncBegin(pParse, iDb, pTab);
- /* Allocate registers for holding the rowid of the new row,
- ** the content of the new row, and the assembled row record.
+ /* Allocate a block registers to hold the rowid and the values
+ ** for all columns of the new row.
regRowid = regIns = pParse->nMem+1;
pParse->nMem += pTab->nCol + 1;
@@ -118061,9 +120924,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
** the index into IDLIST of the primary key column. ipkColumn is
** the index of the primary key as it appears in IDLIST, not as
** is appears in the original table. (The index of the INTEGER
- ** PRIMARY KEY in the original table is pTab->iPKey.)
+ ** PRIMARY KEY in the original table is pTab->iPKey.) After this
+ ** loop, if ipkColumn==(-1), that means that integer primary key
+ ** is unspecified, and hence the table is either WITHOUT ROWID or
+ ** it will automatically generated an integer primary key.
+ **
+ ** bIdListInOrder is true if the columns in IDLIST are in storage
+ ** order. This enables an optimization that avoids shuffling the
+ ** columns into storage order. False negatives are harmless,
+ ** but false positives will cause database corruption.
- bIdListInOrder = (pTab->tabFlags & TF_OOOHidden)==0;
+ bIdListInOrder = (pTab->tabFlags & (TF_OOOHidden|TF_HasStored))==0;
if( pColumn ){
for(i=0; inId; i++){
pColumn->a[i].idx = -1;
@@ -118076,6 +120947,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
if( j==pTab->iPKey ){
ipkColumn = i; assert( !withoutRowid );
+ if( pTab->aCol[j].colFlags & (COLFLAG_STORED|COLFLAG_VIRTUAL) ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+ "cannot INSERT into generated column \"%s\"",
+ pTab->aCol[j].zName);
+ goto insert_cleanup;
+ }
@@ -118185,13 +121064,26 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
if( pColumn==0 && nColumn>0 ){
ipkColumn = pTab->iPKey;
+ if( ipkColumn>=0 && (pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated)!=0 ){
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual );
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasStored );
+ for(i=ipkColumn-1; i>=0; i--){
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ testcase( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ ipkColumn--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* Make sure the number of columns in the source data matches the number
** of columns to be inserted into the table.
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
- nHidden += (IsHiddenColumn(&pTab->aCol[i]) ? 1 : 0);
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_NOINSERT ) nHidden++;
if( pColumn==0 && nColumn && nColumn!=(pTab->nCol-nHidden) ){
@@ -118237,6 +121129,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
goto insert_cleanup;
+ if( pTab->pSelect ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot UPSERT a view");
+ goto insert_cleanup;
+ }
if( sqlite3HasExplicitNulls(pParse, pUpsert->pUpsertTarget) ){
goto insert_cleanup;
@@ -118274,10 +121170,91 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
** goto C
** D: ...
+ sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(pParse, regData, pTab->nCol, 0, 0);
addrInsTop = addrCont = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iSDParm);
+ if( ipkColumn>=0 ){
+ /* tag-20191021-001: If the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY is being generated by the
+ ** SELECT, go ahead and copy the value into the rowid slot now, so that
+ ** the value does not get overwritten by a NULL at tag-20191021-002. */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, regFromSelect+ipkColumn, regRowid);
+ }
+ /* Compute data for ordinary columns of the new entry. Values
+ ** are written in storage order into registers starting with regData.
+ ** Only ordinary columns are computed in this loop. The rowid
+ ** (if there is one) is computed later and generated columns are
+ ** computed after the rowid since they might depend on the value
+ ** of the rowid.
+ */
+ nHidden = 0;
+ iRegStore = regData; assert( regData==regRowid+1 );
+ for(i=0; inCol; i++, iRegStore++){
+ int k;
+ u32 colFlags;
+ assert( i>=nHidden );
+ if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
+ /* tag-20191021-002: References to the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY are filled
+ ** using the rowid. So put a NULL in the IPK slot of the record to avoid
+ ** using excess space. The file format definition requires this extra
+ ** NULL - we cannot optimize further by skipping the column completely */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_SoftNull, iRegStore);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( ((colFlags = pTab->aCol[i].colFlags) & COLFLAG_NOINSERT)!=0 ){
+ nHidden++;
+ if( (colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL)!=0 ){
+ /* Virtual columns do not participate in OP_MakeRecord. So back up
+ ** iRegStore by one slot to compensate for the iRegStore++ in the
+ ** outer for() loop */
+ iRegStore--;
+ continue;
+ }else if( (colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED)!=0 ){
+ /* Stored columns are computed later. But if there are BEFORE
+ ** triggers, the slots used for stored columns will be OP_Copy-ed
+ ** to a second block of registers, so the register needs to be
+ ** initialized to NULL to avoid an uninitialized register read */
+ if( tmask & TRIGGER_BEFORE ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_SoftNull, iRegStore);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }else if( pColumn==0 ){
+ /* Hidden columns that are not explicitly named in the INSERT
+ ** get there default value */
+ sqlite3ExprCodeFactorable(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt, iRegStore);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if( pColumn ){
+ for(j=0; jnId && pColumn->a[j].idx!=i; j++){}
+ if( j>=pColumn->nId ){
+ /* A column not named in the insert column list gets its
+ ** default value */
+ sqlite3ExprCodeFactorable(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt, iRegStore);
+ continue;
+ }
+ k = j;
+ }else if( nColumn==0 ){
+ /* This is INSERT INTO ... DEFAULT VALUES. Load the default value. */
+ sqlite3ExprCodeFactorable(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt, iRegStore);
+ continue;
+ }else{
+ k = i - nHidden;
+ }
+ if( useTempTable ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, srcTab, k, iRegStore);
+ }else if( pSelect ){
+ if( regFromSelect!=regData ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regFromSelect+k, iRegStore);
+ }
+ }else{
+ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pList->a[k].pExpr, iRegStore);
+ }
+ }
/* Run the BEFORE and INSTEAD OF triggers, if there are any
endOfLoop = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
@@ -118312,25 +121289,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
assert( !IsVirtual(pTab) );
- /* Create the new column data
- */
- for(i=j=0; inCol; i++){
- if( pColumn ){
- for(j=0; jnId; j++){
- if( pColumn->a[j].idx==i ) break;
- }
- }
- if( (!useTempTable && !pList) || (pColumn && j>=pColumn->nId)
- || (pColumn==0 && IsOrdinaryHiddenColumn(&pTab->aCol[i])) ){
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt, regCols+i+1);
- }else if( useTempTable ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, srcTab, j, regCols+i+1);
- }else{
- assert( pSelect==0 ); /* Otherwise useTempTable is true */
- sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache(pParse, pList->a[j].pExpr, regCols+i+1);
- }
- if( pColumn==0 && !IsOrdinaryHiddenColumn(&pTab->aCol[i]) ) j++;
+ /* Copy the new data already generated. */
+ assert( pTab->nNVCol>0 );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regRowid+1, regCols+1, pTab->nNVCol-1);
+ /* Compute the new value for generated columns after all other
+ ** columns have already been computed. This must be done after
+ ** computing the ROWID in case one of the generated columns
+ ** refers to the ROWID. */
+ if( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated ){
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual );
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasStored );
+ sqlite3ComputeGeneratedColumns(pParse, regCols+1, pTab);
/* If this is an INSERT on a view with an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger,
** do not attempt any conversions before assembling the record.
@@ -118348,19 +121321,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regCols, pTab->nCol+1);
- /* Compute the content of the next row to insert into a range of
- ** registers beginning at regIns.
- */
if( !isView ){
if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
/* The row that the VUpdate opcode will delete: none */
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regIns);
if( ipkColumn>=0 ){
+ /* Compute the new rowid */
if( useTempTable ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, srcTab, ipkColumn, regRowid);
}else if( pSelect ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, regFromSelect+ipkColumn, regRowid);
+ /* Rowid already initialized at tag-20191021-001 */
Expr *pIpk = pList->a[ipkColumn].pExpr;
if( pIpk->op==TK_NULL && !IsVirtual(pTab) ){
@@ -118393,45 +121364,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
autoIncStep(pParse, regAutoinc, regRowid);
- /* Compute data for all columns of the new entry, beginning
- ** with the first column.
- */
- nHidden = 0;
- for(i=0; inCol; i++){
- int iRegStore = regRowid+1+i;
- if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
- /* The value of the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column is always a NULL.
- ** Whenever this column is read, the rowid will be substituted
- ** in its place. Hence, fill this column with a NULL to avoid
- ** taking up data space with information that will never be used.
- ** As there may be shallow copies of this value, make it a soft-NULL */
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_SoftNull, iRegStore);
- continue;
- }
- if( pColumn==0 ){
- if( IsHiddenColumn(&pTab->aCol[i]) ){
- j = -1;
- nHidden++;
- }else{
- j = i - nHidden;
- }
- }else{
- for(j=0; jnId; j++){
- if( pColumn->a[j].idx==i ) break;
- }
- }
- if( j<0 || nColumn==0 || (pColumn && j>=pColumn->nId) ){
- sqlite3ExprCodeFactorable(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt, iRegStore);
- }else if( useTempTable ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, srcTab, j, iRegStore);
- }else if( pSelect ){
- if( regFromSelect!=regData ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regFromSelect+j, iRegStore);
- }
- }else{
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pList->a[j].pExpr, iRegStore);
- }
+ /* Compute the new value for generated columns after all other
+ ** columns have already been computed. This must be done after
+ ** computing the ROWID in case one of the generated columns
+ ** is derived from the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. */
+ if( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated ){
+ sqlite3ComputeGeneratedColumns(pParse, regRowid+1, pTab);
/* Generate code to check constraints and generate index keys and
** do the insertion.
@@ -118461,9 +121402,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
** cursor that is disturbed. And these instructions both clear the
** VdbeCursor.seekResult variable, disabling the OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT
** functionality. */
- bUseSeek = (isReplace==0 || (pTrigger==0 &&
- ((db->flags & SQLITE_ForeignKeys)==0 || sqlite3FkReferences(pTab)==0)
- ));
+ bUseSeek = (isReplace==0 || !sqlite3VdbeHasSubProgram(v));
sqlite3CompleteInsertion(pParse, pTab, iDataCur, iIdxCur,
regIns, aRegIdx, 0, appendFlag, bUseSeek
@@ -118492,6 +121431,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Close, srcTab);
}else if( pSelect ){
sqlite3VdbeGoto(v, addrCont);
+ /* If we are jumping back to an OP_Yield that is preceded by an
+ ** OP_ReleaseReg, set the p5 flag on the OP_Goto so that the
+ ** OP_ReleaseReg will be included in the loop. */
+ if( sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, addrCont-1)->opcode==OP_ReleaseReg ){
+ assert( sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, addrCont)->opcode==OP_Yield );
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1);
+ }
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrInsTop);
@@ -118714,7 +121662,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
int ix; /* Index loop counter */
int nCol; /* Number of columns */
int onError; /* Conflict resolution strategy */
- int addr1; /* Address of jump instruction */
int seenReplace = 0; /* True if REPLACE is used to resolve INT PK conflict */
int nPkField; /* Number of fields in PRIMARY KEY. 1 for ROWID tables */
Index *pUpIdx = 0; /* Index to which to apply the upsert */
@@ -118724,6 +121671,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
int upsertJump = 0; /* Address of Goto that jumps into upsert subroutine */
int ipkTop = 0; /* Top of the IPK uniqueness check */
int ipkBottom = 0; /* OP_Goto at the end of the IPK uniqueness check */
+ /* Variables associated with retesting uniqueness constraints after
+ ** replace triggers fire have run */
+ int regTrigCnt; /* Register used to count replace trigger invocations */
+ int addrRecheck = 0; /* Jump here to recheck all uniqueness constraints */
+ int lblRecheckOk = 0; /* Each recheck jumps to this label if it passes */
+ Trigger *pTrigger; /* List of DELETE triggers on the table pTab */
+ int nReplaceTrig = 0; /* Number of replace triggers coded */
isUpdate = regOldData!=0;
db = pParse->db;
@@ -118750,63 +121704,103 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
/* Test all NOT NULL constraints.
- for(i=0; iiPKey ){
- continue; /* ROWID is never NULL */
- }
- if( aiChng && aiChng[i]<0 ){
- /* Don't bother checking for NOT NULL on columns that do not change */
- continue;
- }
- onError = pTab->aCol[i].notNull;
- if( onError==OE_None ) continue; /* This column is allowed to be NULL */
- if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
- onError = overrideError;
- }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
- onError = OE_Abort;
- }
- if( onError==OE_Replace && pTab->aCol[i].pDflt==0 ){
- onError = OE_Abort;
- }
- assert( onError==OE_Rollback || onError==OE_Abort || onError==OE_Fail
- || onError==OE_Ignore || onError==OE_Replace );
- addr1 = 0;
- switch( onError ){
- case OE_Replace: {
- assert( onError==OE_Replace );
- addr1 = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NotNull, regNewData+1+i, addr1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt, regNewData+1+i);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NotNull, regNewData+1+i, addr1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- onError = OE_Abort;
- /* Fall through into the OE_Abort case to generate code that runs
- ** if both the input and the default value are NULL */
- }
- case OE_Abort:
- sqlite3MayAbort(pParse);
- /* Fall through */
- case OE_Rollback:
- case OE_Fail: {
- char *zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s.%s", pTab->zName,
- pTab->aCol[i].zName);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_HaltIfNull, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL, onError,
- regNewData+1+i);
- sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, P5_ConstraintNotNull);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- if( addr1 ) sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, addr1);
+ if( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasNotNull ){
+ int b2ndPass = 0; /* True if currently running 2nd pass */
+ int nSeenReplace = 0; /* Number of ON CONFLICT REPLACE operations */
+ int nGenerated = 0; /* Number of generated columns with NOT NULL */
+ while(1){ /* Make 2 passes over columns. Exit loop via "break" */
+ for(i=0; iaCol[i]; /* The column to check for NOT NULL */
+ int isGenerated; /* non-zero if column is generated */
+ onError = pCol->notNull;
+ if( onError==OE_None ) continue; /* No NOT NULL on this column */
+ if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
+ continue; /* ROWID is never NULL */
+ }
+ isGenerated = pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED;
+ if( isGenerated && !b2ndPass ){
+ nGenerated++;
+ continue; /* Generated columns processed on 2nd pass */
+ }
+ if( aiChng && aiChng[i]<0 && !isGenerated ){
+ /* Do not check NOT NULL on columns that do not change */
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
+ onError = overrideError;
+ }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
+ onError = OE_Abort;
+ }
+ if( onError==OE_Replace ){
+ if( b2ndPass /* REPLACE becomes ABORT on the 2nd pass */
+ || pCol->pDflt==0 /* REPLACE is ABORT if no DEFAULT value */
+ ){
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ testcase( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED );
+ onError = OE_Abort;
+ }else{
+ assert( !isGenerated );
+ }
+ }else if( b2ndPass && !isGenerated ){
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert( onError==OE_Rollback || onError==OE_Abort || onError==OE_Fail
+ || onError==OE_Ignore || onError==OE_Replace );
+ testcase( i!=sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, i) );
+ iReg = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, i) + regNewData + 1;
+ switch( onError ){
+ case OE_Replace: {
+ int addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_NotNull, iReg);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ assert( (pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)==0 );
+ nSeenReplace++;
+ sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(pParse, pCol->pDflt, iReg);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case OE_Abort:
+ sqlite3MayAbort(pParse);
+ /* Fall through */
+ case OE_Rollback:
+ case OE_Fail: {
+ char *zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s.%s", pTab->zName,
+ pCol->zName);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_HaltIfNull, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL,
+ onError, iReg);
+ sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, P5_ConstraintNotNull);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ assert( onError==OE_Ignore );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, iReg, ignoreDest);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* end switch(onError) */
+ } /* end loop i over columns */
+ if( nGenerated==0 && nSeenReplace==0 ){
+ /* If there are no generated columns with NOT NULL constraints
+ ** and no NOT NULL ON CONFLICT REPLACE constraints, then a single
+ ** pass is sufficient */
- default: {
- assert( onError==OE_Ignore );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, regNewData+1+i, ignoreDest);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- break;
+ if( b2ndPass ) break; /* Never need more than 2 passes */
+ b2ndPass = 1;
+ if( nSeenReplace>0 && (pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated)!=0 ){
+ /* If any NOT NULL ON CONFLICT REPLACE constraints fired on the
+ ** first pass, recomputed values for all generated columns, as
+ ** those values might depend on columns affected by the REPLACE.
+ */
+ sqlite3ComputeGeneratedColumns(pParse, regNewData+1, pTab);
- }
- }
+ } /* end of 2-pass loop */
+ } /* end if( has-not-null-constraints ) */
/* Test all CHECK constraints
@@ -118817,6 +121811,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
onError = overrideError!=OE_Default ? overrideError : OE_Abort;
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
int allOk;
+ Expr *pCopy;
Expr *pExpr = pCheck->a[i].pExpr;
if( aiChng
&& !sqlite3ExprReferencesUpdatedColumn(pExpr, aiChng, pkChng)
@@ -118825,13 +121820,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
** updated so there is no point it verifying the check constraint */
+ if( bAffinityDone==0 ){
+ sqlite3TableAffinity(v, pTab, regNewData+1);
+ bAffinityDone = 1;
+ }
allOk = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
sqlite3VdbeVerifyAbortable(v, onError);
- sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pExpr, allOk, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
+ pCopy = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pExpr, 0);
+ if( !db->mallocFailed ){
+ sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pCopy, allOk, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
+ }
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pCopy);
if( onError==OE_Ignore ){
sqlite3VdbeGoto(v, ignoreDest);
- char *zName = pCheck->a[i].zName;
+ char *zName = pCheck->a[i].zEName;
if( zName==0 ) zName = pTab->zName;
if( onError==OE_Replace ) onError = OE_Abort; /* IMP: R-26383-51744 */
sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_CHECK,
@@ -118888,6 +121891,50 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
+ /* Determine if it is possible that triggers (either explicitly coded
+ ** triggers or FK resolution actions) might run as a result of deletes
+ ** that happen when OE_Replace conflict resolution occurs. (Call these
+ ** "replace triggers".) If any replace triggers run, we will need to
+ ** recheck all of the uniqueness constraints after they have all run.
+ ** But on the recheck, the resolution is OE_Abort instead of OE_Replace.
+ **
+ ** If replace triggers are a possibility, then
+ **
+ ** (1) Allocate register regTrigCnt and initialize it to zero.
+ ** That register will count the number of replace triggers that
+ ** fire. Constraint recheck only occurs if the number is positive.
+ ** (2) Initialize pTrigger to the list of all DELETE triggers on pTab.
+ ** (3) Initialize addrRecheck and lblRecheckOk
+ **
+ ** The uniqueness rechecking code will create a series of tests to run
+ ** in a second pass. The addrRecheck and lblRecheckOk variables are
+ ** used to link together these tests which are separated from each other
+ ** in the generate bytecode.
+ */
+ if( (db->flags & (SQLITE_RecTriggers|SQLITE_ForeignKeys))==0 ){
+ /* There are not DELETE triggers nor FK constraints. No constraint
+ ** rechecks are needed. */
+ pTrigger = 0;
+ regTrigCnt = 0;
+ }else{
+ if( db->flags&SQLITE_RecTriggers ){
+ pTrigger = sqlite3TriggersExist(pParse, pTab, TK_DELETE, 0, 0);
+ regTrigCnt = pTrigger!=0 || sqlite3FkRequired(pParse, pTab, 0, 0);
+ }else{
+ pTrigger = 0;
+ regTrigCnt = sqlite3FkRequired(pParse, pTab, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if( regTrigCnt ){
+ /* Replace triggers might exist. Allocate the counter and
+ ** initialize it to zero. */
+ regTrigCnt = ++pParse->nMem;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regTrigCnt);
+ VdbeComment((v, "trigger count"));
+ lblRecheckOk = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ addrRecheck = lblRecheckOk;
+ }
+ }
/* If rowid is changing, make sure the new rowid does not previously
** exist in the table.
@@ -118977,14 +122024,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
** to run without a statement journal if there are no indexes on the
** table.
- Trigger *pTrigger = 0;
- if( db->flags&SQLITE_RecTriggers ){
- pTrigger = sqlite3TriggersExist(pParse, pTab, TK_DELETE, 0, 0);
- }
- if( pTrigger || sqlite3FkRequired(pParse, pTab, 0, 0) ){
+ if( regTrigCnt ){
sqlite3GenerateRowDelete(pParse, pTab, pTrigger, iDataCur, iIdxCur,
regNewData, 1, 0, OE_Replace, 1, -1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, regTrigCnt, 1); /* incr trigger cnt */
+ nReplaceTrig++;
assert( HasRowid(pTab) );
@@ -119034,6 +122079,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
int regR; /* Range of registers holding conflicting PK */
int iThisCur; /* Cursor for this UNIQUE index */
int addrUniqueOk; /* Jump here if the UNIQUE constraint is satisfied */
+ int addrConflictCk; /* First opcode in the conflict check logic */
if( aRegIdx[ix]==0 ) continue; /* Skip indices that do not change */
if( pUpIdx==pIdx ){
@@ -119048,7 +122094,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
sqlite3TableAffinity(v, pTab, regNewData+1);
bAffinityDone = 1;
- VdbeNoopComment((v, "uniqueness check for %s", pIdx->zName));
+ VdbeNoopComment((v, "prep index %s", pIdx->zName));
iThisCur = iIdxCur+ix;
@@ -119073,14 +122119,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(pParse, pIdx->aColExpr->a[i].pExpr, regIdx+i);
pParse->iSelfTab = 0;
VdbeComment((v, "%s column %d", pIdx->zName, i));
+ }else if( iField==XN_ROWID || iField==pTab->iPKey ){
+ x = regNewData;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IntCopy, x, regIdx+i);
+ VdbeComment((v, "rowid"));
- if( iField==XN_ROWID || iField==pTab->iPKey ){
- x = regNewData;
- }else{
- x = iField + regNewData + 1;
- }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, iField<0 ? OP_IntCopy : OP_SCopy, x, regIdx+i);
- VdbeComment((v, "%s", iField<0 ? "rowid" : pTab->aCol[iField].zName));
+ testcase( sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, iField)!=iField );
+ x = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, iField) + regNewData + 1;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, x, regIdx+i);
+ VdbeComment((v, "%s", pTab->aCol[iField].zName));
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn, aRegIdx[ix]);
@@ -119090,6 +122137,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
sqlite3SetMakeRecordP5(v, pIdx->pTable);
+ sqlite3VdbeReleaseRegisters(pParse, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn, 0, 0);
/* In an UPDATE operation, if this index is the PRIMARY KEY index
** of a WITHOUT ROWID table and there has been no change the
@@ -119147,8 +122195,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
/* Check to see if the new index entry will be unique */
sqlite3VdbeVerifyAbortable(v, onError);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_NoConflict, iThisCur, addrUniqueOk,
- regIdx, pIdx->nKeyCol); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ addrConflictCk =
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_NoConflict, iThisCur, addrUniqueOk,
+ regIdx, pIdx->nKeyCol); VdbeCoverage(v);
/* Generate code to handle collisions */
regR = (pIdx==pPk) ? regIdx : sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, nPkField);
@@ -119169,7 +122218,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
if( pIdx!=pPk ){
for(i=0; inKeyCol; i++){
assert( pPk->aiColumn[i]>=0 );
- x = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[i]);
+ x = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[i]);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iThisCur, x, regR+i);
VdbeComment((v, "%s.%s", pTab->zName,
@@ -119195,6 +122244,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
addrJump = addrUniqueOk;
op = OP_Eq;
+ x = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, x);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, op,
regOldData+1+x, addrJump, regCmp+i, p4, P4_COLLSEQ
@@ -119231,17 +122281,73 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
default: {
- Trigger *pTrigger = 0;
+ int nConflictCk; /* Number of opcodes in conflict check logic */
assert( onError==OE_Replace );
- if( db->flags&SQLITE_RecTriggers ){
- pTrigger = sqlite3TriggersExist(pParse, pTab, TK_DELETE, 0, 0);
- }
- if( pTrigger || sqlite3FkRequired(pParse, pTab, 0, 0) ){
+ nConflictCk = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) - addrConflictCk;
+ assert( nConflictCk>0 );
+ testcase( nConflictCk>1 );
+ if( regTrigCnt ){
+ nReplaceTrig++;
+ }
+ if( pTrigger && isUpdate ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_CursorLock, iDataCur);
sqlite3GenerateRowDelete(pParse, pTab, pTrigger, iDataCur, iIdxCur,
regR, nPkField, 0, OE_Replace,
(pIdx==pPk ? ONEPASS_SINGLE : ONEPASS_OFF), iThisCur);
+ if( pTrigger && isUpdate ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_CursorUnlock, iDataCur);
+ }
+ if( regTrigCnt ){
+ int addrBypass; /* Jump destination to bypass recheck logic */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, regTrigCnt, 1); /* incr trigger cnt */
+ addrBypass = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto); /* Bypass recheck */
+ VdbeComment((v, "bypass recheck"));
+ /* Here we insert code that will be invoked after all constraint
+ ** checks have run, if and only if one or more replace triggers
+ ** fired. */
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblRecheckOk);
+ lblRecheckOk = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ if( pIdx->pPartIdxWhere ){
+ /* Bypass the recheck if this partial index is not defined
+ ** for the current row */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, regIdx-1, lblRecheckOk);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }
+ /* Copy the constraint check code from above, except change
+ ** the constraint-ok jump destination to be the address of
+ ** the next retest block */
+ while( nConflictCk>0 ){
+ VdbeOp x; /* Conflict check opcode to copy */
+ /* The sqlite3VdbeAddOp4() call might reallocate the opcode array.
+ ** Hence, make a complete copy of the opcode, rather than using
+ ** a pointer to the opcode. */
+ x = *sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, addrConflictCk);
+ if( x.opcode!=OP_IdxRowid ){
+ int p2; /* New P2 value for copied conflict check opcode */
+ const char *zP4;
+ if( sqlite3OpcodeProperty[x.opcode]&OPFLG_JUMP ){
+ p2 = lblRecheckOk;
+ }else{
+ p2 = x.p2;
+ }
+ zP4 = x.p4type==P4_INT32 ? SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(x.p4.i) : x.p4.z;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, x.opcode, x.p1, p2, x.p3, zP4, x.p4type);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, x.p5);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, p2!=x.p2);
+ }
+ nConflictCk--;
+ addrConflictCk++;
+ }
+ /* If the retest fails, issue an abort */
+ sqlite3UniqueConstraint(pParse, OE_Abort, pIdx);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrBypass); /* Terminate the recheck bypass */
+ }
seenReplace = 1;
@@ -119262,10 +122368,30 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, ipkBottom);
+ /* Recheck all uniqueness constraints after replace triggers have run */
+ testcase( regTrigCnt!=0 && nReplaceTrig==0 );
+ assert( regTrigCnt!=0 || nReplaceTrig==0 );
+ if( nReplaceTrig ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IfNot, regTrigCnt, lblRecheckOk);VdbeCoverage(v);
+ if( !pPk ){
+ if( isUpdate ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Eq, regNewData, addrRecheck, regOldData);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, SQLITE_NOTNULL);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_NotExists, iDataCur, addrRecheck, regNewData);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3RowidConstraint(pParse, OE_Abort, pTab);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeGoto(v, addrRecheck);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblRecheckOk);
+ }
/* Generate the table record */
if( HasRowid(pTab) ){
int regRec = aRegIdx[ix];
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regNewData+1, pTab->nCol, regRec);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regNewData+1, pTab->nNVCol, regRec);
sqlite3SetMakeRecordP5(v, pTab);
if( !bAffinityDone ){
sqlite3TableAffinity(v, pTab, 0);
@@ -119332,6 +122458,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CompleteInsertion(
assert( v!=0 );
assert( pTab->pSelect==0 ); /* This table is not a VIEW */
for(i=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, i++){
+ /* All REPLACE indexes are at the end of the list */
+ assert( pIdx->onError!=OE_Replace
+ || pIdx->pNext==0
+ || pIdx->pNext->onError==OE_Replace );
if( aRegIdx[i]==0 ) continue;
if( pIdx->pPartIdxWhere ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, aRegIdx[i], sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
@@ -119482,7 +122612,7 @@ static int xferCompatibleIndex(Index *pDest, Index *pSrc){
int i;
assert( pDest && pSrc );
assert( pDest->pTable!=pSrc->pTable );
- if( pDest->nKeyCol!=pSrc->nKeyCol ){
+ if( pDest->nKeyCol!=pSrc->nKeyCol || pDest->nColumn!=pSrc->nColumn ){
return 0; /* Different number of columns */
if( pDest->onError!=pSrc->onError ){
@@ -119659,6 +122789,39 @@ static int xferOptimization(
return 0; /* Neither table may have __hidden__ columns */
+ /* Even if tables t1 and t2 have identical schemas, if they contain
+ ** generated columns, then this statement is semantically incorrect:
+ **
+ **
+ ** The reason is that generated column values are returned by the
+ ** the SELECT statement on the right but the INSERT statement on the
+ ** left wants them to be omitted.
+ **
+ ** Nevertheless, this is a useful notational shorthand to tell SQLite
+ ** to do a bulk transfer all of the content from t1 over to t2.
+ **
+ ** We could, in theory, disable this (except for internal use by the
+ ** VACUUM command where it is actually needed). But why do that? It
+ ** seems harmless enough, and provides a useful service.
+ */
+ if( (pDestCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED) !=
+ (pSrcCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED) ){
+ return 0; /* Both columns have the same generated-column type */
+ }
+ /* But the transfer is only allowed if both the source and destination
+ ** tables have the exact same expressions for generated columns.
+ ** This requirement could be relaxed for VIRTUAL columns, I suppose.
+ */
+ if( (pDestCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)!=0 ){
+ if( sqlite3ExprCompare(0, pSrcCol->pDflt, pDestCol->pDflt, -1)!=0 ){
+ testcase( pDestCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pDestCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ return 0; /* Different generator expressions */
+ }
+ }
if( pDestCol->affinity!=pSrcCol->affinity ){
return 0; /* Affinity must be the same on all columns */
@@ -119670,7 +122833,7 @@ static int xferOptimization(
return 0; /* tab2 must be NOT NULL if tab1 is */
/* Default values for second and subsequent columns need to match. */
- if( i>0 ){
+ if( (pDestCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)==0 && i>0 ){
assert( pDestCol->pDflt==0 || pDestCol->pDflt->op==TK_SPAN );
assert( pSrcCol->pDflt==0 || pSrcCol->pDflt->op==TK_SPAN );
if( (pDestCol->pDflt==0)!=(pSrcCol->pDflt==0)
@@ -119781,14 +122944,13 @@ static int xferOptimization(
addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, iSrc, regRowid);
assert( (pDest->tabFlags & TF_Autoincrement)==0 );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_RowData, iSrc, regData, 1);
if( db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_Vacuum ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_SeekEnd, iDest);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_RowData, iSrc, regData, 1);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Insert, iDest, regData, regRowid,
(char*)pDest, P4_TABLE);
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, insFlags);
@@ -119813,7 +122975,6 @@ static int xferOptimization(
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_BULKCSR);
VdbeComment((v, "%s", pDestIdx->zName));
addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, iSrc, 0); VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_RowData, iSrc, regData, 1);
if( db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_Vacuum ){
/* This INSERT command is part of a VACUUM operation, which guarantees
** that the destination table is empty. If all indexed columns use
@@ -119837,10 +122998,10 @@ static int xferOptimization(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_SeekEnd, iDest);
- }
- if( !HasRowid(pSrc) && pDestIdx->idxType==SQLITE_IDXTYPE_PRIMARYKEY ){
+ }else if( !HasRowid(pSrc) && pDestIdx->idxType==SQLITE_IDXTYPE_PRIMARYKEY ){
idxInsFlags |= OPFLAG_NCHANGE;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_RowData, iSrc, regData, 1);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxInsert, iDest, regData);
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, idxInsFlags|OPFLAG_APPEND);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, iSrc, addr1+1); VdbeCoverage(v);
@@ -120355,6 +123516,17 @@ struct sqlite3_api_routines {
int (*value_frombind)(sqlite3_value*);
/* Version 3.30.0 and later */
int (*drop_modules)(sqlite3*,const char**);
+ /* Version 3.31.0 and later */
+ sqlite3_int64 (*hard_heap_limit64)(sqlite3_int64);
+ const char *(*uri_key)(const char*,int);
+ const char *(*filename_database)(const char*);
+ const char *(*filename_journal)(const char*);
+ const char *(*filename_wal)(const char*);
+ /* Version 3.32.0 and later */
+ char *(*create_filename)(const char*,const char*,const char*,
+ int,const char**);
+ void (*free_filename)(char*);
+ sqlite3_file *(*database_file_object)(const char*);
@@ -120645,10 +123817,20 @@ typedef int (*sqlite3_loadext_entry)(
/* Version 3.26.0 and later */
#define sqlite3_normalized_sql sqlite3_api->normalized_sql
/* Version 3.28.0 and later */
-#define sqlite3_stmt_isexplain sqlite3_api->isexplain
-#define sqlite3_value_frombind sqlite3_api->frombind
+#define sqlite3_stmt_isexplain sqlite3_api->stmt_isexplain
+#define sqlite3_value_frombind sqlite3_api->value_frombind
/* Version 3.30.0 and later */
#define sqlite3_drop_modules sqlite3_api->drop_modules
+/* Version 3.31.0 and later */
+#define sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64 sqlite3_api->hard_heap_limit64
+#define sqlite3_uri_key sqlite3_api->uri_key
+#define sqlite3_filename_database sqlite3_api->filename_database
+#define sqlite3_filename_journal sqlite3_api->filename_journal
+#define sqlite3_filename_wal sqlite3_api->filename_wal
+/* Version 3.32.0 and later */
+#define sqlite3_create_filename sqlite3_api->create_filename
+#define sqlite3_free_filename sqlite3_api->free_filename
+#define sqlite3_database_file_object sqlite3_api->database_file_object
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION) */
@@ -121121,8 +124303,26 @@ static const sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3Apis = {
+ /* Version 3.31.0 and later */
+ sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64,
+ sqlite3_uri_key,
+ sqlite3_filename_database,
+ sqlite3_filename_journal,
+ sqlite3_filename_wal,
+ /* Version 3.32.0 and later */
+ sqlite3_create_filename,
+ sqlite3_free_filename,
+ sqlite3_database_file_object,
+/* True if x is the directory separator character
+# define DirSep(X) ((X)=='/'||(X)=='\\')
+# define DirSep(X) ((X)=='/')
** Attempt to load an SQLite extension library contained in the file
** zFile. The entry point is zProc. zProc may be 0 in which case a
@@ -121224,7 +124424,7 @@ static int sqlite3LoadExtension(
memcpy(zAltEntry, "sqlite3_", 8);
- for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && zFile[iFile]!='/'; iFile--){}
+ for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && !DirSep(zFile[iFile]); iFile--){}
if( sqlite3_strnicmp(zFile+iFile, "lib", 3)==0 ) iFile += 3;
for(iEntry=8; (c = zFile[iFile])!=0 && c!='.'; iFile++){
@@ -121527,50 +124727,51 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AutoLoadExtensions(sqlite3 *db){
/* The various pragma types */
-#define PragTyp_HEADER_VALUE 0
-#define PragTyp_AUTO_VACUUM 1
-#define PragTyp_FLAG 2
-#define PragTyp_BUSY_TIMEOUT 3
-#define PragTyp_CACHE_SIZE 4
-#define PragTyp_CACHE_SPILL 5
-#define PragTyp_CASE_SENSITIVE_LIKE 6
-#define PragTyp_COLLATION_LIST 7
-#define PragTyp_COMPILE_OPTIONS 8
-#define PragTyp_DATABASE_LIST 10
-#define PragTyp_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE 11
-#define PragTyp_ENCODING 12
-#define PragTyp_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECK 13
-#define PragTyp_FOREIGN_KEY_LIST 14
-#define PragTyp_FUNCTION_LIST 15
-#define PragTyp_INCREMENTAL_VACUUM 16
-#define PragTyp_INDEX_INFO 17
-#define PragTyp_INDEX_LIST 18
-#define PragTyp_INTEGRITY_CHECK 19
-#define PragTyp_JOURNAL_MODE 20
-#define PragTyp_JOURNAL_SIZE_LIMIT 21
-#define PragTyp_LOCK_PROXY_FILE 22
-#define PragTyp_LOCKING_MODE 23
-#define PragTyp_PAGE_COUNT 24
-#define PragTyp_MMAP_SIZE 25
-#define PragTyp_MODULE_LIST 26
-#define PragTyp_OPTIMIZE 27
-#define PragTyp_PAGE_SIZE 28
-#define PragTyp_PRAGMA_LIST 29
-#define PragTyp_SECURE_DELETE 30
-#define PragTyp_SHRINK_MEMORY 31
-#define PragTyp_SOFT_HEAP_LIMIT 32
-#define PragTyp_SYNCHRONOUS 33
-#define PragTyp_TABLE_INFO 34
-#define PragTyp_TEMP_STORE 35
-#define PragTyp_TEMP_STORE_DIRECTORY 36
-#define PragTyp_THREADS 37
-#define PragTyp_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT 38
-#define PragTyp_WAL_CHECKPOINT 39
-#define PragTyp_KEY 41
-#define PragTyp_LOCK_STATUS 42
-#define PragTyp_STATS 43
+#define PragTyp_ANALYSIS_LIMIT 1
+#define PragTyp_HEADER_VALUE 2
+#define PragTyp_AUTO_VACUUM 3
+#define PragTyp_FLAG 4
+#define PragTyp_BUSY_TIMEOUT 5
+#define PragTyp_CACHE_SIZE 6
+#define PragTyp_CACHE_SPILL 7
+#define PragTyp_CASE_SENSITIVE_LIKE 8
+#define PragTyp_COLLATION_LIST 9
+#define PragTyp_COMPILE_OPTIONS 10
+#define PragTyp_DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY 11
+#define PragTyp_DATABASE_LIST 12
+#define PragTyp_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE 13
+#define PragTyp_ENCODING 14
+#define PragTyp_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECK 15
+#define PragTyp_FOREIGN_KEY_LIST 16
+#define PragTyp_FUNCTION_LIST 17
+#define PragTyp_HARD_HEAP_LIMIT 18
+#define PragTyp_INCREMENTAL_VACUUM 19
+#define PragTyp_INDEX_INFO 20
+#define PragTyp_INDEX_LIST 21
+#define PragTyp_INTEGRITY_CHECK 22
+#define PragTyp_JOURNAL_MODE 23
+#define PragTyp_JOURNAL_SIZE_LIMIT 24
+#define PragTyp_LOCK_PROXY_FILE 25
+#define PragTyp_LOCKING_MODE 26
+#define PragTyp_PAGE_COUNT 27
+#define PragTyp_MMAP_SIZE 28
+#define PragTyp_MODULE_LIST 29
+#define PragTyp_OPTIMIZE 30
+#define PragTyp_PAGE_SIZE 31
+#define PragTyp_PRAGMA_LIST 32
+#define PragTyp_SECURE_DELETE 33
+#define PragTyp_SHRINK_MEMORY 34
+#define PragTyp_SOFT_HEAP_LIMIT 35
+#define PragTyp_SYNCHRONOUS 36
+#define PragTyp_TABLE_INFO 37
+#define PragTyp_TEMP_STORE 38
+#define PragTyp_TEMP_STORE_DIRECTORY 39
+#define PragTyp_THREADS 40
+#define PragTyp_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT 41
+#define PragTyp_WAL_CHECKPOINT 42
+#define PragTyp_LOCK_STATUS 43
+#define PragTyp_STATS 44
/* Property flags associated with various pragma. */
#define PragFlg_NeedSchema 0x01 /* Force schema load before running */
@@ -121609,35 +124810,39 @@ static const char *const pragCName[] = {
/* 18 */ "desc",
/* 19 */ "coll",
/* 20 */ "key",
- /* 21 */ "tbl", /* Used by: stats */
- /* 22 */ "idx",
- /* 23 */ "wdth",
- /* 24 */ "hght",
- /* 25 */ "flgs",
- /* 26 */ "seq", /* Used by: index_list */
- /* 27 */ "name",
- /* 28 */ "unique",
- /* 29 */ "origin",
- /* 30 */ "partial",
- /* 31 */ "table", /* Used by: foreign_key_check */
- /* 32 */ "rowid",
- /* 33 */ "parent",
- /* 34 */ "fkid",
+ /* 21 */ "name", /* Used by: function_list */
+ /* 22 */ "builtin",
+ /* 23 */ "type",
+ /* 24 */ "enc",
+ /* 25 */ "narg",
+ /* 26 */ "flags",
+ /* 27 */ "tbl", /* Used by: stats */
+ /* 28 */ "idx",
+ /* 29 */ "wdth",
+ /* 30 */ "hght",
+ /* 31 */ "flgs",
+ /* 32 */ "seq", /* Used by: index_list */
+ /* 33 */ "name",
+ /* 34 */ "unique",
+ /* 35 */ "origin",
+ /* 36 */ "partial",
+ /* 37 */ "table", /* Used by: foreign_key_check */
+ /* 38 */ "rowid",
+ /* 39 */ "parent",
+ /* 40 */ "fkid",
/* index_info reuses 15 */
- /* 35 */ "seq", /* Used by: database_list */
- /* 36 */ "name",
- /* 37 */ "file",
- /* 38 */ "busy", /* Used by: wal_checkpoint */
- /* 39 */ "log",
- /* 40 */ "checkpointed",
- /* 41 */ "name", /* Used by: function_list */
- /* 42 */ "builtin",
- /* collation_list reuses 26 */
- /* 43 */ "database", /* Used by: lock_status */
- /* 44 */ "status",
- /* 45 */ "cache_size", /* Used by: default_cache_size */
+ /* 41 */ "seq", /* Used by: database_list */
+ /* 42 */ "name",
+ /* 43 */ "file",
+ /* 44 */ "busy", /* Used by: wal_checkpoint */
+ /* 45 */ "log",
+ /* 46 */ "checkpointed",
+ /* collation_list reuses 32 */
+ /* 47 */ "database", /* Used by: lock_status */
+ /* 48 */ "status",
+ /* 49 */ "cache_size", /* Used by: default_cache_size */
/* module_list pragma_list reuses 9 */
- /* 46 */ "timeout", /* Used by: busy_timeout */
+ /* 50 */ "timeout", /* Used by: busy_timeout */
/* Definitions of all built-in pragmas */
@@ -121650,13 +124855,18 @@ typedef struct PragmaName {
u64 iArg; /* Extra argument */
} PragmaName;
static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_CEROD)
{/* zName: */ "activate_extensions",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_ACTIVATE_EXTENSIONS,
/* ePragFlg: */ 0,
/* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
+ {/* zName: */ "analysis_limit",
+ /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_ANALYSIS_LIMIT,
+ /* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0,
+ /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
+ /* iArg: */ 0 },
{/* zName: */ "application_id",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_HEADER_VALUE,
@@ -121683,7 +124893,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "busy_timeout",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_BUSY_TIMEOUT,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0,
- /* ColNames: */ 46, 1,
+ /* ColNames: */ 50, 1,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
{/* zName: */ "cache_size",
@@ -121722,7 +124932,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "collation_list",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_COLLATION_LIST,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0,
- /* ColNames: */ 26, 2,
+ /* ColNames: */ 32, 2,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
@@ -121757,14 +124967,14 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "database_list",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_DATABASE_LIST,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_NeedSchema|PragFlg_Result0,
- /* ColNames: */ 35, 3,
+ /* ColNames: */ 41, 3,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
{/* zName: */ "default_cache_size",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_NeedSchema|PragFlg_Result0|PragFlg_SchemaReq|PragFlg_NoColumns1,
- /* ColNames: */ 45, 1,
+ /* ColNames: */ 49, 1,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
@@ -121794,7 +125004,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "foreign_key_check",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECK,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_NeedSchema|PragFlg_Result0,
- /* ColNames: */ 31, 4,
+ /* ColNames: */ 37, 4,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
@@ -121837,22 +125047,15 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "function_list",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_FUNCTION_LIST,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0,
- /* ColNames: */ 41, 2,
+ /* ColNames: */ 21, 6,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
- {/* zName: */ "hexkey",
- /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_KEY,
- /* ePragFlg: */ 0,
+ {/* zName: */ "hard_heap_limit",
+ /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_HARD_HEAP_LIMIT,
+ /* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0,
/* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
- /* iArg: */ 2 },
- {/* zName: */ "hexrekey",
- /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_KEY,
- /* ePragFlg: */ 0,
- /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
- /* iArg: */ 3 },
+ /* iArg: */ 0 },
#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_CHECK)
{/* zName: */ "ignore_check_constraints",
@@ -121878,7 +125081,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "index_list",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_INDEX_LIST,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_NeedSchema|PragFlg_Result1|PragFlg_SchemaOpt,
- /* ColNames: */ 26, 5,
+ /* ColNames: */ 32, 5,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
{/* zName: */ "index_xinfo",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_INDEX_INFO,
@@ -121905,24 +125108,12 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
/* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
- {/* zName: */ "key",
- /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_KEY,
- /* ePragFlg: */ 0,
- /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
- /* iArg: */ 0 },
{/* zName: */ "legacy_alter_table",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_FLAG,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0|PragFlg_NoColumns1,
/* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
/* iArg: */ SQLITE_LegacyAlter },
- {/* zName: */ "legacy_file_format",
- /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_FLAG,
- /* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0|PragFlg_NoColumns1,
- /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
- /* iArg: */ SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt },
{/* zName: */ "lock_proxy_file",
@@ -121935,7 +125126,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "lock_status",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_LOCK_STATUS,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0,
- /* ColNames: */ 43, 2,
+ /* ColNames: */ 47, 2,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
@@ -122024,15 +125215,6 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0|PragFlg_NoColumns1,
/* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
/* iArg: */ SQLITE_RecTriggers },
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
- {/* zName: */ "rekey",
- /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_KEY,
- /* ePragFlg: */ 0,
- /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
- /* iArg: */ 1 },
{/* zName: */ "reverse_unordered_selects",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_FLAG,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0|PragFlg_NoColumns1,
@@ -122083,7 +125265,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "stats",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_STATS,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_NeedSchema|PragFlg_Result0|PragFlg_SchemaReq,
- /* ColNames: */ 21, 5,
+ /* ColNames: */ 27, 5,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
@@ -122116,24 +125298,19 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_NoColumns1,
/* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
- {/* zName: */ "textkey",
- /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_KEY,
- /* ePragFlg: */ 0,
- /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
- /* iArg: */ 4 },
- {/* zName: */ "textrekey",
- /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_KEY,
- /* ePragFlg: */ 0,
- /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
- /* iArg: */ 5 },
{/* zName: */ "threads",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_THREADS,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0,
/* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
+ {/* zName: */ "trusted_schema",
+ /* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_FLAG,
+ /* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_Result0|PragFlg_NoColumns1,
+ /* ColNames: */ 0, 0,
+ /* iArg: */ SQLITE_TrustedSchema },
{/* zName: */ "user_version",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_HEADER_VALUE,
@@ -122179,7 +125356,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
{/* zName: */ "wal_checkpoint",
/* ePragTyp: */ PragTyp_WAL_CHECKPOINT,
/* ePragFlg: */ PragFlg_NeedSchema,
- /* ColNames: */ 38, 3,
+ /* ColNames: */ 44, 3,
/* iArg: */ 0 },
@@ -122190,7 +125367,7 @@ static const PragmaName aPragmaName[] = {
/* iArg: */ SQLITE_WriteSchema|SQLITE_NoSchemaError },
-/* Number of pragmas: 65 on by default, 81 total. */
+/* Number of pragmas: 67 on by default, 77 total. */
/************** End of pragma.h **********************************************/
/************** Continuing where we left off in pragma.c *********************/
@@ -122460,6 +125637,55 @@ static const PragmaName *pragmaLocate(const char *zName){
return lwr>upr ? 0 : &aPragmaName[mid];
+** Create zero or more entries in the output for the SQL functions
+** defined by FuncDef p.
+static void pragmaFunclistLine(
+ Vdbe *v, /* The prepared statement being created */
+ FuncDef *p, /* A particular function definition */
+ int isBuiltin, /* True if this is a built-in function */
+ int showInternFuncs /* True if showing internal functions */
+ for(; p; p=p->pNext){
+ const char *zType;
+ static const u32 mask =
+ ;
+ static const char *azEnc[] = { 0, "utf8", "utf16le", "utf16be" };
+ assert( SQLITE_FUNC_ENCMASK==0x3 );
+ assert( strcmp(azEnc[SQLITE_UTF8],"utf8")==0 );
+ assert( strcmp(azEnc[SQLITE_UTF16LE],"utf16le")==0 );
+ assert( strcmp(azEnc[SQLITE_UTF16BE],"utf16be")==0 );
+ if( p->xSFunc==0 ) continue;
+ if( (p->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_INTERNAL)!=0
+ && showInternFuncs==0
+ ){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( p->xValue!=0 ){
+ zType = "w";
+ }else if( p->xFinalize!=0 ){
+ zType = "a";
+ }else{
+ zType = "s";
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeMultiLoad(v, 1, "sissii",
+ p->zName, isBuiltin,
+ zType, azEnc[p->funcFlags&SQLITE_FUNC_ENCMASK],
+ p->nArg,
+ (p->funcFlags & mask) ^ SQLITE_INNOCUOUS
+ );
+ }
** Helper subroutine for PRAGMA integrity_check:
@@ -122671,7 +125897,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
** buffer that the pager module resizes using sqlite3_realloc().
db->nextPagesize = sqlite3Atoi(zRight);
- if( SQLITE_NOMEM==sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pBt, db->nextPagesize,-1,0) ){
+ if( SQLITE_NOMEM==sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pBt, db->nextPagesize,0,0) ){
@@ -123265,10 +126491,19 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iTabDb);
sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab);
for(i=0, pCol=pTab->aCol; inCol; i++, pCol++){
- int isHidden = IsHiddenColumn(pCol);
- if( isHidden && pPragma->iArg==0 ){
- nHidden++;
- continue;
+ int isHidden = 0;
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_NOINSERT ){
+ if( pPragma->iArg==0 ){
+ nHidden++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ){
+ isHidden = 2; /* GENERATED ALWAYS AS ... VIRTUAL */
+ }else if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED ){
+ isHidden = 3; /* GENERATED ALWAYS AS ... STORED */
+ }else{ assert( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_HIDDEN );
+ isHidden = 1; /* HIDDEN */
+ }
if( (pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY)==0 ){
k = 0;
@@ -123277,13 +126512,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
for(k=1; k<=pTab->nCol && pPk->aiColumn[k-1]!=i; k++){}
- assert( pCol->pDflt==0 || pCol->pDflt->op==TK_SPAN );
+ assert( pCol->pDflt==0 || pCol->pDflt->op==TK_SPAN || isHidden>=2 );
sqlite3VdbeMultiLoad(v, 1, pPragma->iArg ? "issisii" : "issisi",
pCol->notNull ? 1 : 0,
- pCol->pDflt ? pCol->pDflt->u.zToken : 0,
+ pCol->pDflt && isHidden<2 ? pCol->pDflt->u.zToken : 0,
@@ -123415,16 +126650,16 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
int i;
HashElem *j;
FuncDef *p;
- pParse->nMem = 2;
+ int showInternFunc = (db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_InternalFunc)!=0;
+ pParse->nMem = 6;
for(i=0; iu.pHash ){
- if( p->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_INTERNAL ) continue;
- sqlite3VdbeMultiLoad(v, 1, "si", p->zName, 1);
+ pragmaFunclistLine(v, p, 1, showInternFunc);
for(j=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aFunc); j; j=sqliteHashNext(j)){
p = (FuncDef*)sqliteHashData(j);
- sqlite3VdbeMultiLoad(v, 1, "si", p->zName, 0);
+ pragmaFunclistLine(v, p, 0, showInternFunc);
@@ -123742,7 +126977,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
loopTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, 7, 1);
if( !isQuick ){
/* Sanity check on record header decoding */
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iDataCur, pTab->nCol-1, 3);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iDataCur, pTab->nNVCol-1,3);
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_TYPEOFARG);
/* Verify that all NOT NULL columns really are NOT NULL */
@@ -123752,7 +126987,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
if( j==pTab->iPKey ) continue;
if( pTab->aCol[j].notNull==0 ) continue;
sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, j, 3);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_TYPEOFARG);
+ if( sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v,-1)->opcode==OP_Column ){
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_TYPEOFARG);
+ }
jmp2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_NotNull, 3); VdbeCoverage(v);
zErr = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "NULL value in %s.%s", pTab->zName,
@@ -123834,7 +127071,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, iDataCur, loopTop); VdbeCoverage(v);
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, loopTop-1);
if( !isQuick ){
sqlite3VdbeLoadString(v, 2, "wrong # of entries in index ");
for(j=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, j++){
@@ -123848,7 +127084,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
@@ -123929,14 +127164,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
** will be overwritten when the schema is next loaded. If it does not
** already exists, it will be created to use the new encoding value.
- if(
- !(DbHasProperty(db, 0, DB_SchemaLoaded)) ||
- DbHasProperty(db, 0, DB_Empty)
- ){
+ if( (db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_EncodingFixed)==0 ){
for(pEnc=&encnames[0]; pEnc->zName; pEnc++){
if( 0==sqlite3StrICmp(zRight, pEnc->zName) ){
- SCHEMA_ENC(db) = ENC(db) =
- pEnc->enc ? pEnc->enc : SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE;
+ u8 enc = pEnc->enc ? pEnc->enc : SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE;
+ SCHEMA_ENC(db) = enc;
+ sqlite3SetTextEncoding(db, enc);
@@ -124245,6 +127478,27 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
+ /*
+ ** PRAGMA hard_heap_limit
+ ** PRAGMA hard_heap_limit = N
+ **
+ ** Invoke sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64() to query or set the hard heap
+ ** limit. The hard heap limit can be activated or lowered by this
+ ** pragma, but not raised or deactivated. Only the
+ ** sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64() C-language API can raise or deactivate
+ ** the hard heap limit. This allows an application to set a heap limit
+ ** constraint that cannot be relaxed by an untrusted SQL script.
+ */
+ case PragTyp_HARD_HEAP_LIMIT: {
+ sqlite3_int64 N;
+ if( zRight && sqlite3DecOrHexToI64(zRight, &N)==SQLITE_OK ){
+ sqlite3_int64 iPrior = sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(-1);
+ if( N>0 && (iPrior==0 || iPrior>N) ) sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(N);
+ }
+ returnSingleInt(v, sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64(-1));
+ break;
+ }
** PRAGMA threads
** PRAGMA threads = N
@@ -124264,6 +127518,25 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
+ /*
+ ** PRAGMA analysis_limit
+ ** PRAGMA analysis_limit = N
+ **
+ ** Configure the maximum number of rows that ANALYZE will examine
+ ** in each index that it looks at. Return the new limit.
+ */
+ case PragTyp_ANALYSIS_LIMIT: {
+ sqlite3_int64 N;
+ if( zRight
+ && sqlite3DecOrHexToI64(zRight, &N)==SQLITE_OK
+ && N>=0
+ ){
+ db->nAnalysisLimit = (int)(N&0x7fffffff);
+ }
+ returnSingleInt(v, db->nAnalysisLimit);
+ break;
+ }
#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST)
** Report the current state of file logs for all databases
@@ -124292,59 +127565,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(
- /* Pragma iArg
- ** ---------- ------
- ** key 0
- ** rekey 1
- ** hexkey 2
- ** hexrekey 3
- ** textkey 4
- ** textrekey 5
- */
- case PragTyp_KEY: {
- if( zRight ){
- char zBuf[40];
- const char *zKey = zRight;
- int n;
- if( pPragma->iArg==2 || pPragma->iArg==3 ){
- u8 iByte;
- int i;
- for(i=0, iByte=0; iiArg<4 ? sqlite3Strlen30(zRight) : -1;
- }
- if( (pPragma->iArg & 1)==0 ){
- rc = sqlite3_key_v2(db, zDb, zKey, n);
- }else{
- rc = sqlite3_rekey_v2(db, zDb, zKey, n);
- }
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK && n!=0 ){
- sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 1);
- sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "ok", SQLITE_STATIC);
- returnSingleText(v, "ok");
- }
- }
- break;
- }
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_CEROD)
case PragTyp_ACTIVATE_EXTENSIONS: if( zRight ){
- if( sqlite3StrNICmp(zRight, "see-", 4)==0 ){
- sqlite3_activate_see(&zRight[4]);
- }
if( sqlite3StrNICmp(zRight, "cerod-", 6)==0 ){
@@ -124738,6 +127963,18 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IndexHasDuplicateRootPage(Index *pIndex){
return 0;
+/* forward declaration */
+static int sqlite3Prepare(
+ sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle. */
+ const char *zSql, /* UTF-8 encoded SQL statement. */
+ int nBytes, /* Length of zSql in bytes. */
+ u32 prepFlags, /* Zero or more SQLITE_PREPARE_* flags */
+ Vdbe *pReprepare, /* VM being reprepared */
+ sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: A pointer to the prepared statement */
+ const char **pzTail /* OUT: End of parsed string */
** This is the callback routine for the code that initializes the
** database. See sqlite3Init() below for additional information.
@@ -124760,7 +127997,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InitCallback(void *pInit, int argc, char **argv, char
assert( argc==5 );
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
- DbClearProperty(db, iDb, DB_Empty);
+ db->mDbFlags |= DBFLAG_EncodingFixed;
if( db->mallocFailed ){
corruptSchema(pData, argv[1], 0);
@@ -124787,7 +128024,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InitCallback(void *pInit, int argc, char **argv, char
db->init.newTnum = sqlite3Atoi(argv[3]);
db->init.orphanTrigger = 0;
db->init.azInit = argv;
- TESTONLY(rcp = ) sqlite3_prepare(db, argv[4], -1, &pStmt, 0);
+ pStmt = 0;
+ TESTONLY(rcp = ) sqlite3Prepare(db, argv[4], -1, 0, 0, &pStmt, 0);
rc = db->errCode;
assert( (rc&0xFF)==(rcp&0xFF) );
db->init.iDb = saved_iDb;
@@ -124847,6 +128085,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InitOne(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, char **pzErrMsg, u32 mFl
InitData initData;
const char *zMasterName;
int openedTransaction = 0;
+ int mask = ((db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_EncodingFixed) | ~DBFLAG_EncodingFixed);
assert( (db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_SchemaKnownOk)==0 );
assert( iDb>=0 && iDbnDb );
@@ -124875,6 +128114,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InitOne(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, char **pzErrMsg, u32 mFl
initData.mInitFlags = mFlags;
initData.nInitRow = 0;
sqlite3InitCallback(&initData, 5, (char **)azArg, 0);
+ db->mDbFlags &= mask;
if( initData.rc ){
rc = initData.rc;
goto error_out;
@@ -124934,27 +128174,25 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InitOne(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, char **pzErrMsg, u32 mFl
** as sqlite3.enc.
if( meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1] ){ /* text encoding */
- if( iDb==0 ){
-#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+ if( iDb==0 && (db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_EncodingFixed)==0 ){
u8 encoding;
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
/* If opening the main database, set ENC(db). */
encoding = (u8)meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1] & 3;
if( encoding==0 ) encoding = SQLITE_UTF8;
- ENC(db) = encoding;
- ENC(db) = SQLITE_UTF8;
+ encoding = SQLITE_UTF8;
+ sqlite3SetTextEncoding(db, encoding);
/* If opening an attached database, the encoding much match ENC(db) */
- if( meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1]!=ENC(db) ){
+ if( (meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1] & 3)!=ENC(db) ){
sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, db, "attached databases must use the same"
" text encoding as main database");
goto initone_error_out;
- }else{
- DbSetProperty(db, iDb, DB_Empty);
pDb->pSchema->enc = ENC(db);
@@ -125066,8 +128304,7 @@ error_out:
** error occurs, write an error message into *pzErrMsg.
** After a database is initialized, the DB_SchemaLoaded bit is set
-** bit is set in the flags field of the Db structure. If the database
-** file was of zero-length, then the DB_Empty flag is also set.
+** bit is set in the flags field of the Db structure.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Init(sqlite3 *db, char **pzErrMsg){
int i, rc;
@@ -125208,6 +128445,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ParserReset(Parse *pParse){
if( db ){
assert( db->lookaside.bDisable >= pParse->disableLookaside );
db->lookaside.bDisable -= pParse->disableLookaside;
+ db->lookaside.sz = db->lookaside.bDisable ? 0 : db->lookaside.szTrue;
pParse->disableLookaside = 0;
@@ -125241,7 +128479,7 @@ static int sqlite3Prepare(
- db->lookaside.bDisable++;
+ DisableLookaside;
sParse.disableVtab = (prepFlags & SQLITE_PREPARE_NO_VTAB)!=0;
@@ -125268,16 +128506,18 @@ static int sqlite3Prepare(
** but it does *not* override schema lock detection, so this all still
** works even if READ_UNCOMMITTED is set.
- for(i=0; inDb; i++) {
- Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
- if( pBt ){
- assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(pBt) );
- rc = sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked(pBt);
- if( rc ){
- const char *zDb = db->aDb[i].zDbSName;
- sqlite3ErrorWithMsg(db, rc, "database schema is locked: %s", zDb);
- testcase( db->flags & SQLITE_ReadUncommit );
- goto end_prepare;
+ if( !db->noSharedCache ){
+ for(i=0; inDb; i++) {
+ Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
+ if( pBt ){
+ assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(pBt) );
+ rc = sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked(pBt);
+ if( rc ){
+ const char *zDb = db->aDb[i].zDbSName;
+ sqlite3ErrorWithMsg(db, rc, "database schema is locked: %s", zDb);
+ testcase( db->flags & SQLITE_ReadUncommit );
+ goto end_prepare;
+ }
@@ -125308,48 +128548,24 @@ static int sqlite3Prepare(
assert( 0==sParse.nQueryLoop );
- if( sParse.rc==SQLITE_DONE ) sParse.rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ if( sParse.rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
+ sParse.rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ }
if( sParse.checkSchema ){
- if( db->mallocFailed ){
- sParse.rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
- }
if( pzTail ){
*pzTail = sParse.zTail;
- rc = sParse.rc;
- /* Justification for the ALWAYS(): The only way for rc to be SQLITE_OK and
- ** sParse.pVdbe to be NULL is if the input SQL is an empty string, but in
- ** that case, sParse.explain will be false. */
- if( sParse.explain && rc==SQLITE_OK && ALWAYS(sParse.pVdbe) ){
- static const char * const azColName[] = {
- "addr", "opcode", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "comment",
- "id", "parent", "notused", "detail"
- };
- int iFirst, mx;
- if( sParse.explain==2 ){
- sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(sParse.pVdbe, 4);
- iFirst = 8;
- mx = 12;
- }else{
- sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(sParse.pVdbe, 8);
- iFirst = 0;
- mx = 8;
- }
- for(i=iFirst; iinit.busy==0 ){
sqlite3VdbeSetSql(sParse.pVdbe, zSql, (int)(sParse.zTail-zSql), prepFlags);
- if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || db->mallocFailed ){
+ if( db->mallocFailed ){
+ sParse.rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
+ }
+ rc = sParse.rc;
+ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
if( sParse.pVdbe ) sqlite3VdbeFinalize(sParse.pVdbe);
@@ -125705,7 +128921,10 @@ struct SortCtx {
** Delete all the content of a Select structure. Deallocate the structure
-** itself only if bFree is true.
+** itself depending on the value of bFree
+** If bFree==1, call sqlite3DbFree() on the p object.
+** If bFree==0, Leave the first Select object unfreed
static void clearSelect(sqlite3 *db, Select *p, int bFree){
while( p ){
@@ -125721,7 +128940,6 @@ static void clearSelect(sqlite3 *db, Select *p, int bFree){
if( OK_IF_ALWAYS_TRUE(p->pWinDefn) ){
sqlite3WindowListDelete(db, p->pWinDefn);
- assert( p->pWin==0 );
if( OK_IF_ALWAYS_TRUE(p->pWith) ) sqlite3WithDelete(db, p->pWith);
if( bFree ) sqlite3DbFreeNN(db, p);
@@ -125809,6 +129027,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectDelete(sqlite3 *db, Select *p){
if( OK_IF_ALWAYS_TRUE(p) ) clearSelect(db, p, 1);
+** Delete all the substructure for p, but keep p allocated. Redefine
+** p to be a single SELECT where every column of the result set has a
+** value of NULL.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectReset(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
+ if( ALWAYS(p) ){
+ clearSelect(pParse->db, p, 0);
+ memset(&p->iLimit, 0, sizeof(Select) - offsetof(Select,iLimit));
+ p->pEList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, 0,
+ sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db,TK_NULL,0,0));
+ p->pSrc = sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(SrcList));
+ }
** Return a pointer to the right-most SELECT statement in a compound.
@@ -125917,7 +129150,8 @@ static int tableAndColumnIndex(
int N, /* Number of tables in pSrc->a[] to search */
const char *zCol, /* Name of the column we are looking for */
int *piTab, /* Write index of pSrc->a[] here */
- int *piCol /* Write index of pSrc->a[*piTab].pTab->aCol[] here */
+ int *piCol, /* Write index of pSrc->a[*piTab].pTab->aCol[] here */
+ int bIgnoreHidden /* True to ignore hidden columns */
int i; /* For looping over tables in pSrc */
int iCol; /* Index of column matching zCol */
@@ -125925,7 +129159,9 @@ static int tableAndColumnIndex(
assert( (piTab==0)==(piCol==0) ); /* Both or neither are NULL */
for(i=0; ia[i].pTab, zCol);
- if( iCol>=0 ){
+ if( iCol>=0
+ && (bIgnoreHidden==0 || IsHiddenColumn(&pSrc->a[i].pTab->aCol[iCol])==0)
+ ){
if( piTab ){
*piTab = i;
*piCol = iCol;
@@ -126006,7 +129242,7 @@ static void addWhereTerm(
** after the t1 loop and rows with t1.x!=5 will never appear in
** the output, which is incorrect.
-static void setJoinExpr(Expr *p, int iTable){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SetJoinExpr(Expr *p, int iTable){
while( p ){
ExprSetProperty(p, EP_FromJoin);
assert( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_TokenOnly|EP_Reduced) );
@@ -126015,15 +129251,15 @@ static void setJoinExpr(Expr *p, int iTable){
if( p->op==TK_FUNCTION && p->x.pList ){
int i;
for(i=0; ix.pList->nExpr; i++){
- setJoinExpr(p->x.pList->a[i].pExpr, iTable);
+ sqlite3SetJoinExpr(p->x.pList->a[i].pExpr, iTable);
- setJoinExpr(p->pLeft, iTable);
+ sqlite3SetJoinExpr(p->pLeft, iTable);
p = p->pRight;
-/* Undo the work of setJoinExpr(). In the expression tree p, convert every
+/* Undo the work of sqlite3SetJoinExpr(). In the expression p, convert every
** term that is marked with EP_FromJoin and iRightJoinTable==iTable into
** an ordinary term that omits the EP_FromJoin mark.
@@ -126090,10 +129326,11 @@ static int sqliteProcessJoin(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
int iLeft; /* Matching left table */
int iLeftCol; /* Matching column in the left table */
+ if( IsHiddenColumn(&pRightTab->aCol[j]) ) continue;
zName = pRightTab->aCol[j].zName;
- if( tableAndColumnIndex(pSrc, i+1, zName, &iLeft, &iLeftCol) ){
+ if( tableAndColumnIndex(pSrc, i+1, zName, &iLeft, &iLeftCol, 1) ){
addWhereTerm(pParse, pSrc, iLeft, iLeftCol, i+1, j,
- isOuter, &p->pWhere);
+ isOuter, &p->pWhere);
@@ -126110,7 +129347,7 @@ static int sqliteProcessJoin(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
** an AND operator.
if( pRight->pOn ){
- if( isOuter ) setJoinExpr(pRight->pOn, pRight->iCursor);
+ if( isOuter ) sqlite3SetJoinExpr(pRight->pOn, pRight->iCursor);
p->pWhere = sqlite3ExprAnd(pParse, p->pWhere, pRight->pOn);
pRight->pOn = 0;
@@ -126133,7 +129370,7 @@ static int sqliteProcessJoin(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
zName = pList->a[j].zName;
iRightCol = columnIndex(pRightTab, zName);
if( iRightCol<0
- || !tableAndColumnIndex(pSrc, i+1, zName, &iLeft, &iLeftCol)
+ || !tableAndColumnIndex(pSrc, i+1, zName, &iLeft, &iLeftCol, 0)
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot join using column %s - column "
"not present in both tables", zName);
@@ -126290,6 +129527,7 @@ static void pushOntoSorter(
testcase( pKI->nAllField > pKI->nKeyField+2 );
pOp->p4.pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse,pSort->pOrderBy,nOBSat,
+ pOp = 0; /* Ensure pOp not used after sqltie3VdbeAddOp3() */
addrJmp = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addrJmp+1, 0, addrJmp+1); VdbeCoverage(v);
pSort->labelBkOut = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
@@ -126538,7 +129776,7 @@ static void selectInnerLoop(
if( srcTab>=0 ){
for(i=0; ipEList->a[i].zName));
+ VdbeComment((v, "%s", p->pEList->a[i].zEName));
}else if( eDest!=SRT_Exists ){
@@ -126652,6 +129890,7 @@ static void selectInnerLoop(
pOp->opcode = OP_Null;
pOp->p1 = 1;
pOp->p2 = regPrev;
+ pOp = 0; /* Ensure pOp is not used after sqlite3VdbeAddOp() */
iJump = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + nResultCol;
for(i=0; iop!=TK_AGG_COLUMN ); /* Agg processing has not run yet */
assert( p->op!=TK_COLUMN || p->y.pTab!=0 ); /* Covering idx not yet coded */
- if( pEList->a[i].zName ){
+ if( pEList->a[i].zEName && pEList->a[i].eEName==ENAME_NAME ){
/* An AS clause always takes first priority */
- char *zName = pEList->a[i].zName;
+ char *zName = pEList->a[i].zEName;
sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, i, COLNAME_NAME, zName, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
}else if( srcName && p->op==TK_COLUMN ){
char *zCol;
@@ -127516,7 +130755,7 @@ static void generateColumnNames(
sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, i, COLNAME_NAME, zCol, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
- const char *z = pEList->a[i].zSpan;
+ const char *z = pEList->a[i].zEName;
z = z==0 ? sqlite3MPrintf(db, "column%d", i+1) : sqlite3DbStrDup(db, z);
sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, i, COLNAME_NAME, z, SQLITE_DYNAMIC);
@@ -127578,7 +130817,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ColumnsFromExprList(
for(i=0, pCol=aCol; imallocFailed; i++, pCol++){
/* Get an appropriate name for the column
- if( (zName = pEList->a[i].zName)!=0 ){
+ if( (zName = pEList->a[i].zEName)!=0 && pEList->a[i].eEName==ENAME_NAME ){
/* If the column contains an "AS " phrase, use as the name */
Expr *pColExpr = sqlite3ExprSkipCollateAndLikely(pEList->a[i].pExpr);
@@ -127598,10 +130837,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ColumnsFromExprList(
zName = pColExpr->u.zToken;
/* Use the original text of the column expression as its name */
- zName = pEList->a[i].zSpan;
+ zName = pEList->a[i].zEName;
- if( zName ){
+ if( zName && !sqlite3IsTrueOrFalse(zName) ){
zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, zName);
zName = sqlite3MPrintf(db,"column%d",i+1);
@@ -127621,6 +130860,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ColumnsFromExprList(
if( cnt>3 ) sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(cnt), &cnt);
pCol->zName = zName;
+ pCol->hName = sqlite3StrIHash(zName);
sqlite3ColumnPropertiesFromName(0, pCol);
if( zName && sqlite3HashInsert(&ht, zName, pCol)==pCol ){
@@ -128093,6 +131333,9 @@ static int multiSelectValues(
assert( p->selFlags & SF_Values );
assert( p->op==TK_ALL || (p->op==TK_SELECT && p->pPrior==0) );
assert( p->pNext==0 || p->pEList->nExpr==p->pNext->pEList->nExpr );
+ if( p->pWin ) return -1;
if( p->pPrior==0 ) break;
assert( p->pPrior->pNext==p );
p = p->pPrior;
@@ -128183,7 +131426,8 @@ static int multiSelect(
if( p->selFlags & SF_MultiValue ){
rc = multiSelectValues(pParse, p, &dest);
- goto multi_select_end;
+ if( rc>=0 ) goto multi_select_end;
+ rc = SQLITE_OK;
/* Make sure all SELECTs in the statement have the same number of elements
@@ -128328,9 +131572,9 @@ static int multiSelect(
** it is that we currently need.
assert( unionTab==dest.iSDParm || dest.eDest!=priorOp );
- if( dest.eDest!=priorOp ){
+ assert( p->pEList || db->mallocFailed );
+ if( dest.eDest!=priorOp && db->mallocFailed==0 ){
int iCont, iBreak, iStart;
- assert( p->pEList );
iBreak = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
iCont = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
computeLimitRegisters(pParse, p, iBreak);
@@ -128399,6 +131643,7 @@ static int multiSelect(
/* Generate code to take the intersection of the two temporary
** tables.
+ if( rc ) break;
assert( p->pEList );
iBreak = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
iCont = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
@@ -128426,6 +131671,7 @@ static int multiSelect(
+ if( pParse->nErr ) goto multi_select_end;
/* Compute collating sequences used by
** temporary tables needed to implement the compound select.
@@ -129068,7 +132314,10 @@ static Expr *substExpr(
pExpr->iRightJoinTable = pSubst->iNewTable;
- if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN && pExpr->iTable==pSubst->iTable ){
+ if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN
+ && pExpr->iTable==pSubst->iTable
+ && !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FixedCol)
+ ){
if( pExpr->iColumn<0 ){
pExpr->op = TK_NULL;
@@ -129086,6 +132335,7 @@ static Expr *substExpr(
ifNullRow.op = TK_IF_NULL_ROW;
ifNullRow.pLeft = pCopy;
ifNullRow.iTable = pSubst->iNewTable;
+ ifNullRow.flags = EP_Skip;
pCopy = &ifNullRow;
testcase( ExprHasProperty(pCopy, EP_Subquery) );
@@ -129172,6 +132422,38 @@ static void substSelect(
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) */
+#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW)
+** pSelect is a SELECT statement and pSrcItem is one item in the FROM
+** clause of that SELECT.
+** This routine scans the entire SELECT statement and recomputes the
+** pSrcItem->colUsed mask.
+static int recomputeColumnsUsedExpr(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
+ struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+ if( pExpr->op!=TK_COLUMN ) return WRC_Continue;
+ pItem = pWalker->u.pSrcItem;
+ if( pItem->iCursor!=pExpr->iTable ) return WRC_Continue;
+ if( pExpr->iColumn<0 ) return WRC_Continue;
+ pItem->colUsed |= sqlite3ExprColUsed(pExpr);
+ return WRC_Continue;
+static void recomputeColumnsUsed(
+ Select *pSelect, /* The complete SELECT statement */
+ struct SrcList_item *pSrcItem /* Which FROM clause item to recompute */
+ Walker w;
+ if( NEVER(pSrcItem->pTab==0) ) return;
+ memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
+ w.xExprCallback = recomputeColumnsUsedExpr;
+ w.xSelectCallback = sqlite3SelectWalkNoop;
+ w.u.pSrcItem = pSrcItem;
+ pSrcItem->colUsed = 0;
+ sqlite3WalkSelect(&w, pSelect);
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) */
#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW)
** This routine attempts to flatten subqueries as a performance optimization.
@@ -129217,6 +132499,7 @@ static void substSelect(
** (3b) the FROM clause of the subquery may not contain a virtual
** table and
** (3c) the outer query may not be an aggregate.
+** (3d) the outer query may not be DISTINCT.
** (4) The subquery can not be DISTINCT.
@@ -129267,6 +132550,7 @@ static void substSelect(
** (17d1) aggregate, or
** (17d2) DISTINCT, or
** (17d3) a join.
+** (17e) the subquery may not contain window functions
** The parent and sub-query may contain WHERE clauses. Subject to
** rules (11), (13) and (14), they may also contain ORDER BY,
@@ -129413,8 +132697,11 @@ static int flattenSubquery(
if( (pSubitem->fg.jointype & JT_OUTER)!=0 ){
isLeftJoin = 1;
- if( pSubSrc->nSrc>1 || isAgg || IsVirtual(pSubSrc->a[0].pTab) ){
- /* (3a) (3c) (3b) */
+ if( pSubSrc->nSrc>1 /* (3a) */
+ || isAgg /* (3b) */
+ || IsVirtual(pSubSrc->a[0].pTab) /* (3c) */
+ || (p->selFlags & SF_Distinct)!=0 /* (3d) */
+ ){
return 0;
@@ -129448,6 +132735,9 @@ static int flattenSubquery(
if( (pSub1->selFlags & (SF_Distinct|SF_Aggregate))!=0 /* (17b) */
|| (pSub1->pPrior && pSub1->op!=TK_ALL) /* (17a) */
|| pSub1->pSrc->nSrc<1 /* (17c) */
+ || pSub1->pWin /* (17e) */
return 0;
@@ -129674,7 +132964,7 @@ static int flattenSubquery(
pWhere = pSub->pWhere;
pSub->pWhere = 0;
if( isLeftJoin>0 ){
- setJoinExpr(pWhere, iNewParent);
+ sqlite3SetJoinExpr(pWhere, iNewParent);
pParent->pWhere = sqlite3ExprAnd(pParse, pWhere, pParent->pWhere);
if( db->mallocFailed==0 ){
@@ -129702,6 +132992,12 @@ static int flattenSubquery(
pParent->pLimit = pSub->pLimit;
pSub->pLimit = 0;
+ /* Recompute the SrcList_item.colUsed masks for the flattened
+ ** tables. */
+ for(i=0; ia[i+iFrom]);
+ }
/* Finially, delete what is left of the subquery and return
@@ -129734,23 +133030,35 @@ struct WhereConst {
** Add a new entry to the pConst object. Except, do not add duplicate
-** pColumn entires.
+** pColumn entires. Also, do not add if doing so would not be appropriate.
+** The caller guarantees the pColumn is a column and pValue is a constant.
+** This routine has to do some additional checks before completing the
+** insert.
static void constInsert(
- WhereConst *pConst, /* The WhereConst into which we are inserting */
- Expr *pColumn, /* The COLUMN part of the constraint */
- Expr *pValue /* The VALUE part of the constraint */
+ WhereConst *pConst, /* The WhereConst into which we are inserting */
+ Expr *pColumn, /* The COLUMN part of the constraint */
+ Expr *pValue, /* The VALUE part of the constraint */
+ Expr *pExpr /* Overall expression: COLUMN=VALUE or VALUE=COLUMN */
int i;
assert( pColumn->op==TK_COLUMN );
+ assert( sqlite3ExprIsConstant(pValue) );
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pColumn, EP_FixedCol) ) return;
+ if( sqlite3ExprAffinity(pValue)!=0 ) return;
+ if( !sqlite3IsBinary(sqlite3ExprCompareCollSeq(pConst->pParse,pExpr)) ){
+ return;
+ }
/* 2018-10-25 ticket [cf5ed20f]
** Make sure the same pColumn is not inserted more than once */
for(i=0; inConst; i++){
- const Expr *pExpr = pConst->apExpr[i*2];
- assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN );
- if( pExpr->iTable==pColumn->iTable
- && pExpr->iColumn==pColumn->iColumn
+ const Expr *pE2 = pConst->apExpr[i*2];
+ assert( pE2->op==TK_COLUMN );
+ if( pE2->iTable==pColumn->iTable
+ && pE2->iColumn==pColumn->iColumn
return; /* Already present. Return without doing anything. */
@@ -129762,7 +133070,6 @@ static void constInsert(
if( pConst->apExpr==0 ){
pConst->nConst = 0;
- if( ExprHasProperty(pValue, EP_FixedCol) ) pValue = pValue->pLeft;
pConst->apExpr[pConst->nConst*2-2] = pColumn;
pConst->apExpr[pConst->nConst*2-1] = pValue;
@@ -129788,19 +133095,11 @@ static void findConstInWhere(WhereConst *pConst, Expr *pExpr){
pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
assert( pRight!=0 );
assert( pLeft!=0 );
- if( pRight->op==TK_COLUMN
- && !ExprHasProperty(pRight, EP_FixedCol)
- && sqlite3ExprIsConstant(pLeft)
- && sqlite3IsBinary(sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pConst->pParse,pLeft,pRight))
- ){
- constInsert(pConst, pRight, pLeft);
- }else
- if( pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN
- && !ExprHasProperty(pLeft, EP_FixedCol)
- && sqlite3ExprIsConstant(pRight)
- && sqlite3IsBinary(sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pConst->pParse,pLeft,pRight))
- ){
- constInsert(pConst, pLeft, pRight);
+ if( pRight->op==TK_COLUMN && sqlite3ExprIsConstant(pLeft) ){
+ constInsert(pConst,pRight,pLeft,pExpr);
+ }
+ if( pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN && sqlite3ExprIsConstant(pRight) ){
+ constInsert(pConst,pLeft,pRight,pExpr);
@@ -129814,7 +133113,11 @@ static int propagateConstantExprRewrite(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
int i;
WhereConst *pConst;
if( pExpr->op!=TK_COLUMN ) return WRC_Continue;
- if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FixedCol) ) return WRC_Continue;
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FixedCol|EP_FromJoin) ){
+ testcase( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FixedCol) );
+ testcase( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromJoin) );
+ return WRC_Continue;
+ }
pConst = pWalker->u.pConst;
for(i=0; inConst; i++){
Expr *pColumn = pConst->apExpr[i*2];
@@ -129836,10 +133139,9 @@ static int propagateConstantExprRewrite(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
** The WHERE-clause constant propagation optimization.
** If the WHERE clause contains terms of the form COLUMN=CONSTANT or
-** CONSTANT=COLUMN that must be tree (in other words, if the terms top-level
-** AND-connected terms that are not part of a ON clause from a LEFT JOIN)
-** then throughout the query replace all other occurrences of COLUMN
-** with CONSTANT within the WHERE clause.
+** CONSTANT=COLUMN that are top-level AND-connected terms that are not
+** part of a ON clause from a LEFT JOIN, then throughout the query
+** replace all other occurrences of COLUMN with CONSTANT.
** For example, the query:
@@ -130043,7 +133345,7 @@ static u8 minMaxQuery(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pFunc, ExprList **ppMinMax){
ExprList *pEList = pFunc->x.pList; /* Arguments to agg function */
const char *zFunc; /* Name of aggregate function pFunc */
ExprList *pOrderBy;
- u8 sortFlags;
+ u8 sortFlags = 0;
assert( *ppMinMax==0 );
assert( pFunc->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION );
@@ -130054,7 +133356,9 @@ static u8 minMaxQuery(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pFunc, ExprList **ppMinMax){
zFunc = pFunc->u.zToken;
if( sqlite3StrICmp(zFunc, "min")==0 ){
+ if( sqlite3ExprCanBeNull(pEList->a[0].pExpr) ){
+ }
}else if( sqlite3StrICmp(zFunc, "max")==0 ){
@@ -130188,6 +133492,9 @@ static int convertCompoundSelectToSubquery(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
p->pPrior = 0;
p->pNext = 0;
p->pWith = 0;
+ p->pWinDefn = 0;
p->selFlags &= ~SF_Compound;
assert( (p->selFlags & SF_Converted)==0 );
p->selFlags |= SF_Converted;
@@ -130287,6 +133594,9 @@ static int withExpand(
With *pWith; /* WITH clause that pCte belongs to */
assert( pFrom->pTab==0 );
+ if( pParse->nErr ){
+ return SQLITE_ERROR;
+ }
pCte = searchWith(pParse->pWith, pFrom, &pWith);
if( pCte ){
@@ -130407,7 +133717,7 @@ static void selectPopWith(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
if( OK_IF_ALWAYS_TRUE(pParse->pWith) && p->pPrior==0 ){
With *pWith = findRightmost(p)->pWith;
if( pWith!=0 ){
- assert( pParse->pWith==pWith );
+ assert( pParse->pWith==pWith || pParse->nErr );
pParse->pWith = pWith->pOuter;
@@ -130538,7 +133848,7 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
if( !IsVirtual(pTab) && cannotBeFunction(pParse, pFrom) ){
return WRC_Abort;
if( IsVirtual(pTab) || pTab->pSelect ){
i16 nCol;
u8 eCodeOrig = pWalker->eCode;
@@ -130546,8 +133856,18 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
assert( pFrom->pSelect==0 );
if( pTab->pSelect && (db->flags & SQLITE_EnableView)==0 ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "access to view \"%s\" prohibited",
- pTab->zName);
+ pTab->zName);
+ if( IsVirtual(pTab)
+ && pFrom->fg.fromDDL
+ && ALWAYS(pTab->pVTable!=0)
+ && pTab->pVTable->eVtabRisk > ((db->flags & SQLITE_TrustedSchema)!=0)
+ ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unsafe use of virtual table \"%s\"",
+ pTab->zName);
+ }
pFrom->pSelect = sqlite3SelectDup(db, pTab->pSelect, 0);
nCol = pTab->nCol;
pTab->nCol = -1;
@@ -130567,7 +133887,7 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
/* Process NATURAL keywords, and ON and USING clauses of joins.
- if( db->mallocFailed || sqliteProcessJoin(pParse, p) ){
+ if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed || sqliteProcessJoin(pParse, p) ){
return WRC_Abort;
@@ -130614,10 +133934,9 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
pNew = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, pNew, a[k].pExpr);
if( pNew ){
- pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].zName = a[k].zName;
- pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].zSpan = a[k].zSpan;
- a[k].zName = 0;
- a[k].zSpan = 0;
+ pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].zEName = a[k].zEName;
+ pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].eEName = a[k].eEName;
+ a[k].zEName = 0;
a[k].pExpr = 0;
@@ -130656,7 +133975,7 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
assert( zName );
if( zTName && pSub
- && sqlite3MatchSpanName(pSub->pEList->a[j].zSpan, 0, zTName, 0)==0
+ && sqlite3MatchEName(&pSub->pEList->a[j], 0, zTName, 0)==0
@@ -130674,7 +133993,7 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
if( i>0 && zTName==0 ){
if( (pFrom->fg.jointype & JT_NATURAL)!=0
- && tableAndColumnIndex(pTabList, i, zName, 0, 0)
+ && tableAndColumnIndex(pTabList, i, zName, 0, 0, 1)
/* In a NATURAL join, omit the join columns from the
** table to the right of the join */
@@ -130707,17 +134026,18 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
pNew = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, pNew, pExpr);
sqlite3TokenInit(&sColname, zColname);
sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, pNew, &sColname, 0);
- if( pNew && (p->selFlags & SF_NestedFrom)!=0 ){
+ if( pNew && (p->selFlags & SF_NestedFrom)!=0 && !IN_RENAME_OBJECT ){
struct ExprList_item *pX = &pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1];
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, pX->zEName);
if( pSub ){
- pX->zSpan = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pSub->pEList->a[j].zSpan);
- testcase( pX->zSpan==0 );
+ pX->zEName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pSub->pEList->a[j].zEName);
+ testcase( pX->zEName==0 );
- pX->zSpan = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s.%s.%s",
+ pX->zEName = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s.%s.%s",
zSchemaName, zTabName, zColname);
- testcase( pX->zSpan==0 );
+ testcase( pX->zEName==0 );
- pX->bSpanIsTab = 1;
+ pX->eEName = ENAME_TAB;
sqlite3DbFree(db, zToFree);
@@ -130746,29 +134066,6 @@ static int selectExpander(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
return WRC_Continue;
-** No-op routine for the parse-tree walker.
-** When this routine is the Walker.xExprCallback then expression trees
-** are walked without any actions being taken at each node. Presumably,
-** when this routine is used for Walker.xExprCallback then
-** Walker.xSelectCallback is set to do something useful for every
-** subquery in the parser tree.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprWalkNoop(Walker *NotUsed, Expr *NotUsed2){
- UNUSED_PARAMETER2(NotUsed, NotUsed2);
- return WRC_Continue;
-** No-op routine for the parse-tree walker for SELECT statements.
-** subquery in the parser tree.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SelectWalkNoop(Walker *NotUsed, Select *NotUsed2){
- UNUSED_PARAMETER2(NotUsed, NotUsed2);
- return WRC_Continue;
** Always assert. This xSelectCallback2 implementation proves that the
@@ -130910,6 +134207,7 @@ static void resetAccumulator(Parse *pParse, AggInfo *pAggInfo){
struct AggInfo_func *pFunc;
int nReg = pAggInfo->nFunc + pAggInfo->nColumn;
if( nReg==0 ) return;
+ if( pParse->nErr ) return;
/* Verify that all AggInfo registers are within the range specified by
** AggInfo.mnReg..AggInfo.mxReg */
@@ -131051,7 +134349,7 @@ static void updateAccumulator(Parse *pParse, int regAcc, AggInfo *pAggInfo){
pAggInfo->directMode = 0;
if( addrHitTest ){
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrHitTest);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHereOrPopInst(v, addrHitTest);
@@ -131344,11 +134642,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Select(
- if( sqlite3WindowRewrite(pParse, p) ){
+ rc = sqlite3WindowRewrite(pParse, p);
+ if( rc ){
+ assert( db->mallocFailed || pParse->nErr>0 );
goto select_end;
- if( sqlite3SelectTrace & 0x108 ){
+ if( p->pWin && (sqlite3SelectTrace & 0x108)!=0 ){
SELECTTRACE(0x104,pParse,p, ("after window rewrite:\n"));
sqlite3TreeViewSelect(0, p, 0);
@@ -131680,9 +134980,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Select(
if( (p->selFlags & (SF_Distinct|SF_Aggregate))==SF_Distinct
&& sqlite3ExprListCompare(sSort.pOrderBy, pEList, -1)==0
+ && p->pWin==0
p->selFlags &= ~SF_Distinct;
pGroupBy = p->pGroupBy = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, pEList, 0);
+ p->selFlags |= SF_Aggregate;
/* Notice that even thought SF_Distinct has been cleared from p->selFlags,
** the sDistinct.isTnct is still set. Hence, isTnct represents the
** original setting of the SF_Distinct flag, not the current setting */
@@ -131757,7 +135061,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Select(
Window *pWin = p->pWin; /* Master window object (or NULL) */
if( pWin ){
- sqlite3WindowCodeInit(pParse, pWin);
+ sqlite3WindowCodeInit(pParse, p);
assert( WHERE_USE_LIMIT==SF_FixedLimit );
@@ -131932,7 +135236,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Select(
if( sqlite3SelectTrace & 0x400 ){
int ii;
- SELECTTRACE(0x400,pParse,p,("After aggregate analysis:\n"));
+ SELECTTRACE(0x400,pParse,p,("After aggregate analysis %p:\n", &sAggInfo));
sqlite3TreeViewSelect(0, p, 0);
for(ii=0; iipIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
- if( pIdx->bUnordered==0
- && pIdx->szIdxRowszTabRow
- && pIdx->pPartIdxWhere==0
- && (!pBest || pIdx->szIdxRowszIdxRow)
- ){
- pBest = pIdx;
+ if( !p->pSrc->a[0].fg.notIndexed ){
+ for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+ if( pIdx->bUnordered==0
+ && pIdx->szIdxRowszTabRow
+ && pIdx->pPartIdxWhere==0
+ && (!pBest || pIdx->szIdxRowszIdxRow)
+ ){
+ pBest = pIdx;
+ }
if( pBest ){
@@ -132231,9 +135536,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Select(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Count, iCsr, sAggInfo.aFunc[0].iMem);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Close, iCsr);
explainSimpleCount(pParse, pTab, pBest);
- }else
- {
+ }else{
int regAcc = 0; /* "populate accumulators" flag */
/* If there are accumulator registers but no min() or max() functions
@@ -132396,7 +135699,7 @@ static int sqlite3_get_table_cb(void *pArg, int nCol, char **argv, char **colv){
if( p->nData + need > p->nAlloc ){
char **azNew;
p->nAlloc = p->nAlloc*2 + need;
- azNew = sqlite3_realloc64( p->azResult, sizeof(char*)*p->nAlloc );
+ azNew = sqlite3Realloc( p->azResult, sizeof(char*)*p->nAlloc );
if( azNew==0 ) goto malloc_failed;
p->azResult = azNew;
@@ -132505,7 +135808,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_get_table(
if( res.nAlloc>res.nData ){
char **azNew;
- azNew = sqlite3_realloc64( res.azResult, sizeof(char*)*res.nData );
+ azNew = sqlite3Realloc( res.azResult, sizeof(char*)*res.nData );
if( azNew==0 ){
db->errCode = SQLITE_NOMEM;
@@ -133121,7 +136424,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DropTrigger(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pName, int noErr)
assert( zDb!=0 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) );
for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; inDb; i++){
int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */
- if( zDb && sqlite3StrICmp(db->aDb[j].zDbSName, zDb) ) continue;
+ if( zDb && sqlite3DbIsNamed(db, j, zDb)==0 ) continue;
assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, j, 0) );
pTrigger = sqlite3HashFind(&(db->aDb[j].pSchema->trigHash), zName);
if( pTrigger ) break;
@@ -133203,8 +136506,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteTrigger(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const ch
Table *pTab = tableOfTrigger(pTrigger);
if( pTab ){
Trigger **pp;
- for(pp=&pTab->pTrigger; *pp!=pTrigger; pp=&((*pp)->pNext));
- *pp = (*pp)->pNext;
+ for(pp=&pTab->pTrigger; *pp; pp=&((*pp)->pNext)){
+ if( *pp==pTrigger ){
+ *pp = (*pp)->pNext;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
sqlite3DeleteTrigger(db, pTrigger);
@@ -133225,7 +136532,7 @@ static int checkColumnOverlap(IdList *pIdList, ExprList *pEList){
int e;
if( pIdList==0 || NEVER(pEList==0) ) return 1;
for(e=0; enExpr; e++){
- if( sqlite3IdListIndex(pIdList, pEList->a[e].zName)>=0 ) return 1;
+ if( sqlite3IdListIndex(pIdList, pEList->a[e].zEName)>=0 ) return 1;
return 0;
@@ -133791,10 +137098,10 @@ static void updateVirtualTable(
** function is capable of transforming these types of expressions into
** sqlite3_value objects.
-** If parameter iReg is not negative, code an OP_RealAffinity instruction
-** on register iReg. This is used when an equivalent integer value is
-** stored in place of an 8-byte floating point value in order to save
-** space.
+** If column as REAL affinity and the table is an ordinary b-tree table
+** (not a virtual table) then the value might have been stored as an
+** integer. In that case, add an OP_RealAffinity opcode to make sure
+** it has been converted into REAL.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ColumnDefault(Vdbe *v, Table *pTab, int i, int iReg){
assert( pTab!=0 );
@@ -133811,7 +137118,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ColumnDefault(Vdbe *v, Table *pTab, int i, int iReg){
- if( pTab->aCol[i].affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ){
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL && !IsVirtual(pTab) ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_RealAffinity, iReg);
@@ -133885,7 +137192,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
Expr *pLimit, /* LIMIT clause. May be null */
Upsert *pUpsert /* ON CONFLICT clause, or null */
- int i, j; /* Loop counters */
+ int i, j, k; /* Loop counters */
Table *pTab; /* The table to be updated */
int addrTop = 0; /* VDBE instruction address of the start of the loop */
WhereInfo *pWInfo; /* Information about the WHERE clause */
@@ -133929,6 +137236,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
int iPk = 0; /* First of nPk cells holding PRIMARY KEY value */
i16 nPk = 0; /* Number of components of the PRIMARY KEY */
int bReplace = 0; /* True if REPLACE conflict resolution might happen */
+ int bFinishSeek = 1; /* The OP_FinishSeek opcode is needed */
/* Register Allocations */
int regRowCount = 0; /* A count of rows changed */
@@ -134027,6 +137335,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
sNC.uNC.pUpsert = pUpsert;
sNC.ncFlags = NC_UUpsert;
+ /* Begin generating code. */
+ v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+ if( v==0 ) goto update_cleanup;
/* Resolve the column names in all the expressions of the
** of the UPDATE statement. Also find the column index
** for each column to be updated in the pChanges array. For each
@@ -134039,24 +137351,34 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
goto update_cleanup;
for(j=0; jnCol; j++){
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(pTab->aCol[j].zName, pChanges->a[i].zName)==0 ){
+ if( sqlite3StrICmp(pTab->aCol[j].zName, pChanges->a[i].zEName)==0 ){
if( j==pTab->iPKey ){
chngRowid = 1;
pRowidExpr = pChanges->a[i].pExpr;
}else if( pPk && (pTab->aCol[j].colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY)!=0 ){
chngPk = 1;
+ else if( pTab->aCol[j].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ testcase( pTab->aCol[j].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL );
+ testcase( pTab->aCol[j].colFlags & COLFLAG_STORED );
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+ "cannot UPDATE generated column \"%s\"",
+ pTab->aCol[j].zName);
+ goto update_cleanup;
+ }
aXRef[j] = i;
if( j>=pTab->nCol ){
- if( pPk==0 && sqlite3IsRowid(pChanges->a[i].zName) ){
+ if( pPk==0 && sqlite3IsRowid(pChanges->a[i].zEName) ){
j = -1;
chngRowid = 1;
pRowidExpr = pChanges->a[i].pExpr;
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such column: %s", pChanges->a[i].zName);
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such column: %s", pChanges->a[i].zEName);
pParse->checkSchema = 1;
goto update_cleanup;
@@ -134080,6 +137402,33 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
assert( chngPk==0 || chngPk==1 );
chngKey = chngRowid + chngPk;
+ /* Mark generated columns as changing if their generator expressions
+ ** reference any changing column. The actual aXRef[] value for
+ ** generated expressions is not used, other than to check to see that it
+ ** is non-negative, so the value of aXRef[] for generated columns can be
+ ** set to any non-negative number. We use 99999 so that the value is
+ ** obvious when looking at aXRef[] in a symbolic debugger.
+ */
+ if( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated ){
+ int bProgress;
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual );
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasStored );
+ do{
+ bProgress = 0;
+ for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ if( aXRef[i]>=0 ) continue;
+ if( (pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)==0 ) continue;
+ if( sqlite3ExprReferencesUpdatedColumn(pTab->aCol[i].pDflt,
+ aXRef, chngRowid) ){
+ aXRef[i] = 99999;
+ bProgress = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }while( bProgress );
+ }
/* The SET expressions are not actually used inside the WHERE loop.
** So reset the colUsed mask. Unless this is a virtual table. In that
** case, set all bits of the colUsed mask (to ensure that the virtual
@@ -134124,9 +137473,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
memset(aToOpen, 1, nIdx+1);
- /* Begin generating code. */
- v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- if( v==0 ) goto update_cleanup;
if( pParse->nested==0 ) sqlite3VdbeCountChanges(v);
sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, pTrigger || hasFK, iDb);
@@ -134224,6 +137570,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
pWInfo = 0;
sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pWhere, labelBreak, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
+ bFinishSeek = 0;
/* Begin the database scan.
@@ -134250,6 +137597,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
** strategy that uses an index for which one or more columns are being
** updated. */
eOnePass = sqlite3WhereOkOnePass(pWInfo, aiCurOnePass);
+ bFinishSeek = sqlite3WhereUsesDeferredSeek(pWInfo);
if( eOnePass!=ONEPASS_SINGLE ){
if( eOnePass==ONEPASS_MULTI ){
@@ -134280,7 +137628,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
** is not required) and leave the PK fields in the array of registers. */
for(i=0; iaiColumn[i]>=0 );
- sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur,pPk->aiColumn[i],iPk+i);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur,
+ pPk->aiColumn[i], iPk+i);
if( eOnePass ){
if( addrOpen ) sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(v, addrOpen);
@@ -134312,7 +137661,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
sqlite3OpenTableAndIndices(pParse, pTab, OP_OpenWrite, 0, iBaseCur,
aToOpen, 0, 0);
- if( addrOnce ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrOnce);
+ if( addrOnce ){
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHereOrPopInst(v, addrOnce);
+ }
/* Top of the update loop */
@@ -134361,14 +137712,16 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
pTrigger, pChanges, 0, TRIGGER_BEFORE|TRIGGER_AFTER, pTab, onError
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ u32 colFlags = pTab->aCol[i].colFlags;
+ k = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, i) + regOld;
if( oldmask==0xffffffff
|| (i<32 && (oldmask & MASKBIT32(i))!=0)
- || (pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY)!=0
+ || (colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY)!=0
testcase( oldmask!=0xffffffff && i==31 );
- sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, i, regOld+i);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, i, k);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regOld+i);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, k);
if( chngRowid==0 && pPk==0 ){
@@ -134392,13 +137745,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
newmask = sqlite3TriggerColmask(
pParse, pTrigger, pChanges, 1, TRIGGER_BEFORE, pTab, onError
- for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ for(i=0, k=regNew; inCol; i++, k++){
if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regNew+i);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, k);
+ }else if( (pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)!=0 ){
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ) k--;
j = aXRef[i];
if( j>=0 ){
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pChanges->a[j].pExpr, regNew+i);
+ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pChanges->a[j].pExpr, k);
}else if( 0==(tmask&TRIGGER_BEFORE) || i>31 || (newmask & MASKBIT32(i)) ){
/* This branch loads the value of a column that will not be changed
** into a register. This is done if there are no BEFORE triggers, or
@@ -134407,12 +137762,20 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
testcase( i==31 );
testcase( i==32 );
- sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, i, regNew+i);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, i, k);
+ bFinishSeek = 0;
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regNew+i);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, k);
+ if( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated ){
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual );
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasStored );
+ sqlite3ComputeGeneratedColumns(pParse, regNew, pTab);
+ }
/* Fire any BEFORE UPDATE triggers. This happens before constraints are
** verified. One could argue that this is wrong.
@@ -134445,11 +137808,20 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
** BEFORE trigger runs. See test case trigger1-18.0 (added 2018-04-26)
** for an example.
- for(i=0; inCol; i++){
- if( aXRef[i]<0 && i!=pTab->iPKey ){
- sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, i, regNew+i);
+ for(i=0, k=regNew; inCol; i++, k++){
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED ){
+ if( pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL ) k--;
+ }else if( aXRef[i]<0 && i!=pTab->iPKey ){
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iDataCur, i, k);
+ if( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasGenerated ){
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasVirtual );
+ testcase( pTab->tabFlags & TF_HasStored );
+ sqlite3ComputeGeneratedColumns(pParse, regNew, pTab);
+ }
if( !isView ){
@@ -134479,6 +137851,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(
/* Delete the index entries associated with the current record. */
sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(pParse, pTab, iDataCur, iIdxCur, aRegIdx, -1);
+ /* We must run the OP_FinishSeek opcode to resolve a prior
+ ** OP_DeferredSeek if there is any possibility that there have been
+ ** no OP_Column opcodes since the OP_DeferredSeek was issued. But
+ ** we want to avoid the OP_FinishSeek if possible, as running it
+ ** costs CPU cycles. */
+ if( bFinishSeek ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_FinishSeek, iDataCur);
+ }
/* If changing the rowid value, or if there are foreign key constraints
** to process, delete the old record. Otherwise, add a noop OP_Delete
** to invoke the pre-update hook.
@@ -134655,6 +138036,7 @@ static void updateVirtualTable(
/* Populate the argument registers. */
for(i=0; inCol; i++){
+ assert( (pTab->aCol[i].colFlags & COLFLAG_GENERATED)==0 );
if( aXRef[i]>=0 ){
sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pChanges->a[aXRef[i]].pExpr, regArg+2+i);
@@ -134965,7 +138347,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UpsertDoUpdate(
for(i=0; iaiColumn[i]>=0 );
- k = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[i]);
+ k = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[i]);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iCur, k, iPk+i);
VdbeComment((v, "%s.%s", pIdx->zName,
@@ -134975,6 +138357,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UpsertDoUpdate(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CORRUPT, OE_Abort, 0,
"corrupt database", P4_STATIC);
+ sqlite3MayAbort(pParse);
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, i);
@@ -135233,18 +138616,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_NOINLINE int sqlite3RunVacuum(
db->mDbFlags |= DBFLAG_VacuumInto;
- nRes = sqlite3BtreeGetOptimalReserve(pMain);
- /* A VACUUM cannot change the pagesize of an encrypted database. */
- if( db->nextPagesize ){
- extern void sqlite3CodecGetKey(sqlite3*, int, void**, int*);
- int nKey;
- char *zKey;
- sqlite3CodecGetKey(db, iDb, (void**)&zKey, &nKey);
- if( nKey ) db->nextPagesize = 0;
- }
+ nRes = sqlite3BtreeGetRequestedReserve(pMain);
sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pTemp, db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->cache_size);
sqlite3BtreeSetSpillSize(pTemp, sqlite3BtreeSetSpillSize(pMain,0));
@@ -135388,7 +138760,7 @@ end_of_vacuum:
db->nChange = saved_nChange;
db->nTotalChange = saved_nTotalChange;
db->mTrace = saved_mTrace;
- sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pMain, -1, -1, 1);
+ sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pMain, -1, 0, 1);
/* Currently there is an SQL level transaction open on the vacuum
** database. No locks are held on any other files (since the main file
@@ -135723,12 +139095,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabDisconnect(sqlite3 *db, Table *p){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabUnlockList(sqlite3 *db){
VTable *p = db->pDisconnect;
- db->pDisconnect = 0;
assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) );
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
if( p ){
+ db->pDisconnect = 0;
sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db, 0);
do {
VTable *pNext = p->pNext;
@@ -135875,6 +139247,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabFinishParse(Parse *pParse, Token *pEnd){
int iReg;
Vdbe *v;
+ sqlite3MayAbort(pParse);
/* Compute the complete text of the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement */
if( pEnd ){
pParse->sNameToken.n = (int)(pEnd->z - pParse->sNameToken.z) + pEnd->n;
@@ -135900,13 +139274,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabFinishParse(Parse *pParse, Token *pEnd){
- sqlite3DbFree(db, zStmt);
v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse, iDb);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Expire);
- zWhere = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "name='%q' AND type='table'", pTab->zName);
+ zWhere = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "name=%Q AND sql=%Q", pTab->zName, zStmt);
sqlite3VdbeAddParseSchemaOp(v, iDb, zWhere);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, zStmt);
iReg = ++pParse->nMem;
sqlite3VdbeLoadString(v, iReg, pTab->zName);
@@ -136003,6 +139377,7 @@ static int vtabCallConstructor(
pVTable->db = db;
pVTable->pMod = pMod;
+ pVTable->eVtabRisk = SQLITE_VTABRISK_Normal;
iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
pTab->azModuleArg[1] = db->aDb[iDb].zDbSName;
@@ -136042,7 +139417,7 @@ static int vtabCallConstructor(
int iCol;
- u8 oooHidden = 0;
+ u16 oooHidden = 0;
/* If everything went according to plan, link the new VTable structure
** into the linked list headed by pTab->pVTable. Then loop through the
** columns of the table to see if any of them contain the token "hidden".
@@ -136308,7 +139683,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VtabCallDestroy(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zTab
p = vtabDisconnectAll(db, pTab);
xDestroy = p->pMod->pModule->xDestroy;
- assert( xDestroy!=0 ); /* Checked before the virtual table is created */
+ if( xDestroy==0 ) xDestroy = p->pMod->pModule->xDisconnect;
+ assert( xDestroy!=0 );
rc = xDestroy(p->pVtab);
/* Remove the sqlite3_vtab* from the aVTrans[] array, if applicable */
@@ -136591,7 +139967,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabMakeWritable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
if( pTab==pToplevel->apVtabLock[i] ) return;
n = (pToplevel->nVtabLock+1)*sizeof(pToplevel->apVtabLock[0]);
- apVtabLock = sqlite3_realloc64(pToplevel->apVtabLock, n);
+ apVtabLock = sqlite3Realloc(pToplevel->apVtabLock, n);
if( apVtabLock ){
pToplevel->apVtabLock = apVtabLock;
pToplevel->apVtabLock[pToplevel->nVtabLock++] = pTab;
@@ -136691,28 +140067,38 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict(sqlite3 *db){
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_config(sqlite3 *db, int op, ...){
va_list ap;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+ VtabCtx *p;
if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ) return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT;
- va_start(ap, op);
- switch( op ){
- VtabCtx *p = db->pVtabCtx;
- if( !p ){
- }else{
- assert( p->pTab==0 || IsVirtual(p->pTab) );
+ p = db->pVtabCtx;
+ if( !p ){
+ }else{
+ assert( p->pTab==0 || IsVirtual(p->pTab) );
+ va_start(ap, op);
+ switch( op ){
p->pVTable->bConstraint = (u8)va_arg(ap, int);
+ break;
+ }
+ p->pVTable->eVtabRisk = SQLITE_VTABRISK_Low;
+ break;
+ }
+ p->pVTable->eVtabRisk = SQLITE_VTABRISK_High;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ break;
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ va_end(ap);
- va_end(ap);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) sqlite3Error(db, rc);
@@ -137021,24 +140407,29 @@ struct WhereTerm {
** Allowed values of WhereTerm.wtFlags
-#define TERM_DYNAMIC 0x01 /* Need to call sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pExpr) */
-#define TERM_VIRTUAL 0x02 /* Added by the optimizer. Do not code */
-#define TERM_CODED 0x04 /* This term is already coded */
-#define TERM_COPIED 0x08 /* Has a child */
-#define TERM_ORINFO 0x10 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pOrInfo object */
-#define TERM_ANDINFO 0x20 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pAndInfo obj */
-#define TERM_OR_OK 0x40 /* Used during OR-clause processing */
+#define TERM_DYNAMIC 0x0001 /* Need to call sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pExpr) */
+#define TERM_VIRTUAL 0x0002 /* Added by the optimizer. Do not code */
+#define TERM_CODED 0x0004 /* This term is already coded */
+#define TERM_COPIED 0x0008 /* Has a child */
+#define TERM_ORINFO 0x0010 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pOrInfo object */
+#define TERM_ANDINFO 0x0020 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pAndInfo obj */
+#define TERM_OR_OK 0x0040 /* Used during OR-clause processing */
-# define TERM_VNULL 0x80 /* Manufactured x>NULL or x<=NULL term */
+# define TERM_VNULL 0x0080 /* Manufactured x>NULL or x<=NULL term */
-# define TERM_VNULL 0x00 /* Disabled if not using stat4 */
+# define TERM_VNULL 0x0000 /* Disabled if not using stat4 */
-#define TERM_LIKEOPT 0x100 /* Virtual terms from the LIKE optimization */
-#define TERM_LIKECOND 0x200 /* Conditionally this LIKE operator term */
-#define TERM_LIKE 0x400 /* The original LIKE operator */
-#define TERM_IS 0x800 /* Term.pExpr is an IS operator */
+#define TERM_LIKEOPT 0x0100 /* Virtual terms from the LIKE optimization */
+#define TERM_LIKECOND 0x0200 /* Conditionally this LIKE operator term */
+#define TERM_LIKE 0x0400 /* The original LIKE operator */
+#define TERM_IS 0x0800 /* Term.pExpr is an IS operator */
#define TERM_VARSELECT 0x1000 /* Term.pExpr contains a correlated sub-query */
-#define TERM_NOPARTIDX 0x2000 /* Not for use to enable a partial index */
+#define TERM_HEURTRUTH 0x2000 /* Heuristic truthProb used */
+# define TERM_HIGHTRUTH 0x4000 /* Term excludes few rows */
+# define TERM_HIGHTRUTH 0 /* Only used with STAT4 */
** An instance of the WhereScan object is used as an iterator for locating
@@ -137153,13 +140544,16 @@ struct WhereLoopBuilder {
UnpackedRecord *pRec; /* Probe for stat4 (if required) */
int nRecValid; /* Number of valid fields currently in pRec */
- unsigned int bldFlags; /* SQLITE_BLDF_* flags */
+ unsigned char bldFlags1; /* First set of SQLITE_BLDF_* flags */
+ unsigned char bldFlags2; /* Second set of SQLITE_BLDF_* flags */
unsigned int iPlanLimit; /* Search limiter */
/* Allowed values for WhereLoopBuider.bldFlags */
-#define SQLITE_BLDF_INDEXED 0x0001 /* An index is used */
-#define SQLITE_BLDF_UNIQUE 0x0002 /* All keys of a UNIQUE index used */
+#define SQLITE_BLDF1_INDEXED 0x0001 /* An index is used */
+#define SQLITE_BLDF1_UNIQUE 0x0002 /* All keys of a UNIQUE index used */
+#define SQLITE_BLDF2_2NDPASS 0x0004 /* Second builder pass needed */
/* The WhereLoopBuilder.iPlanLimit is used to limit the number of
** index+constraint combinations the query planner will consider for a
@@ -137181,6 +140575,20 @@ struct WhereLoopBuilder {
+** Each instance of this object records a change to a single node
+** in an expression tree to cause that node to point to a column
+** of an index rather than an expression or a virtual column. All
+** such transformations need to be undone at the end of WHERE clause
+** processing.
+typedef struct WhereExprMod WhereExprMod;
+struct WhereExprMod {
+ WhereExprMod *pNext; /* Next translation on a list of them all */
+ Expr *pExpr; /* The Expr node that was transformed */
+ Expr orig; /* Original value of the Expr node */
** The WHERE clause processing routine has two halves. The
** first part does the start of the WHERE loop and the second
@@ -137197,23 +140605,25 @@ struct WhereInfo {
ExprList *pOrderBy; /* The ORDER BY clause or NULL */
ExprList *pResultSet; /* Result set of the query */
Expr *pWhere; /* The complete WHERE clause */
- LogEst iLimit; /* LIMIT if wctrlFlags has WHERE_USE_LIMIT */
int aiCurOnePass[2]; /* OP_OpenWrite cursors for the ONEPASS opt */
int iContinue; /* Jump here to continue with next record */
int iBreak; /* Jump here to break out of the loop */
int savedNQueryLoop; /* pParse->nQueryLoop outside the WHERE loop */
u16 wctrlFlags; /* Flags originally passed to sqlite3WhereBegin() */
+ LogEst iLimit; /* LIMIT if wctrlFlags has WHERE_USE_LIMIT */
u8 nLevel; /* Number of nested loop */
i8 nOBSat; /* Number of ORDER BY terms satisfied by indices */
- u8 sorted; /* True if really sorted (not just grouped) */
u8 eOnePass; /* ONEPASS_OFF, or _SINGLE, or _MULTI */
- u8 untestedTerms; /* Not all WHERE terms resolved by outer loop */
u8 eDistinct; /* One of the WHERE_DISTINCT_* values */
- u8 bOrderedInnerLoop; /* True if only the inner-most loop is ordered */
+ unsigned bDeferredSeek :1; /* Uses OP_DeferredSeek */
+ unsigned untestedTerms :1; /* Not all WHERE terms resolved by outer loop */
+ unsigned bOrderedInnerLoop:1;/* True if only the inner-most loop is ordered */
+ unsigned sorted :1; /* True if really sorted (not just grouped) */
+ LogEst nRowOut; /* Estimated number of output rows */
int iTop; /* The very beginning of the WHERE loop */
WhereLoop *pLoops; /* List of all WhereLoop objects */
+ WhereExprMod *pExprMods; /* Expression modifications */
Bitmask revMask; /* Mask of ORDER BY terms that need reversing */
- LogEst nRowOut; /* Estimated number of output rows */
WhereClause sWC; /* Decomposition of the WHERE clause */
WhereMaskSet sMaskSet; /* Map cursor numbers to bitmasks */
WhereLevel a[1]; /* Information about each nest loop in WHERE */
@@ -137227,6 +140637,8 @@ struct WhereInfo {
SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereGetMask(WhereMaskSet*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereClausePrint(WhereClause *pWC);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereTermPrint(WhereTerm *pTerm, int iTerm);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(WhereLoop *p, WhereClause *pWC);
SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereTerm *sqlite3WhereFindTerm(
WhereClause *pWC, /* The WHERE clause to be searched */
@@ -137738,7 +141150,8 @@ static Expr *removeUnindexableInClauseTerms(
Expr *pX /* The IN expression to be reduced */
sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
- Expr *pNew = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pX, 0);
+ Expr *pNew;
+ pNew = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pX, 0);
if( db->mallocFailed==0 ){
ExprList *pOrigRhs = pNew->x.pSelect->pEList; /* Original unmodified RHS */
ExprList *pOrigLhs = pNew->pLeft->x.pList; /* Original unmodified LHS */
@@ -137915,7 +141328,7 @@ static int codeEqualityTerm(
if( i==iEq ){
pIn->iCur = iTab;
pIn->eEndLoopOp = bRev ? OP_Prev : OP_Next;
- if( iEq>0 && (pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE)==0 ){
+ if( iEq>0 ){
pIn->iBase = iReg - i;
pIn->nPrefix = i;
pLoop->wsFlags |= WHERE_IN_EARLYOUT;
@@ -138146,7 +141559,7 @@ static int codeCursorHintCheckExpr(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
assert( pHint->pIdx!=0 );
if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN
&& pExpr->iTable==pHint->iTabCur
- && sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pHint->pIdx, pExpr->iColumn)<0
+ && sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pHint->pIdx, pExpr->iColumn)<0
pWalker->eCode = 1;
@@ -138214,7 +141627,7 @@ static int codeCursorHintFixExpr(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
pExpr->iTable = reg;
}else if( pHint->pIdx!=0 ){
pExpr->iTable = pHint->iIdxCur;
- pExpr->iColumn = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pHint->pIdx, pExpr->iColumn);
+ pExpr->iColumn = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pHint->pIdx, pExpr->iColumn);
assert( pExpr->iColumn>=0 );
}else if( pExpr->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION ){
@@ -138367,6 +141780,7 @@ static void codeDeferredSeek(
assert( iIdxCur>0 );
assert( pIdx->aiColumn[pIdx->nColumn-1]==-1 );
+ pWInfo->bDeferredSeek = 1;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_DeferredSeek, iIdxCur, 0, iCur);
if( (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_OR_SUBCLAUSE)
&& DbMaskAllZero(sqlite3ParseToplevel(pParse)->writeMask)
@@ -138377,8 +141791,12 @@ static void codeDeferredSeek(
if( ai ){
ai[0] = pTab->nCol;
for(i=0; inColumn-1; i++){
+ int x1, x2;
assert( pIdx->aiColumn[i]nCol );
- if( pIdx->aiColumn[i]>=0 ) ai[pIdx->aiColumn[i]+1] = i+1;
+ x1 = pIdx->aiColumn[i];
+ x2 = sqlite3TableColumnToStorage(pTab, x1);
+ testcase( x1!=x2 );
+ if( x1>=0 ) ai[x2+1] = i+1;
sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, (char*)ai, P4_INTARRAY);
@@ -138429,8 +141847,24 @@ typedef struct IdxExprTrans {
int iTabCur; /* The cursor of the corresponding table */
int iIdxCur; /* The cursor for the index */
int iIdxCol; /* The column for the index */
+ int iTabCol; /* The column for the table */
+ WhereInfo *pWInfo; /* Complete WHERE clause information */
+ sqlite3 *db; /* Database connection (for malloc()) */
} IdxExprTrans;
+** Preserve pExpr on the WhereETrans list of the WhereInfo.
+static void preserveExpr(IdxExprTrans *pTrans, Expr *pExpr){
+ WhereExprMod *pNew;
+ pNew = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(pTrans->db, sizeof(*pNew));
+ if( pNew==0 ) return;
+ pNew->pNext = pTrans->pWInfo->pExprMods;
+ pTrans->pWInfo->pExprMods = pNew;
+ pNew->pExpr = pExpr;
+ memcpy(&pNew->orig, pExpr, sizeof(*pExpr));
/* The walker node callback used to transform matching expressions into
** a reference to an index column for an index on an expression.
@@ -138440,21 +141874,49 @@ typedef struct IdxExprTrans {
static int whereIndexExprTransNode(Walker *p, Expr *pExpr){
IdxExprTrans *pX = p->u.pIdxTrans;
if( sqlite3ExprCompare(0, pExpr, pX->pIdxExpr, pX->iTabCur)==0 ){
+ preserveExpr(pX, pExpr);
pExpr->affExpr = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr);
pExpr->op = TK_COLUMN;
pExpr->iTable = pX->iIdxCur;
pExpr->iColumn = pX->iIdxCol;
pExpr->y.pTab = 0;
+ testcase( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Skip) );
+ testcase( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Unlikely) );
+ ExprClearProperty(pExpr, EP_Skip|EP_Unlikely);
return WRC_Prune;
return WRC_Continue;
+/* A walker node callback that translates a column reference to a table
+** into a corresponding column reference of an index.
+static int whereIndexExprTransColumn(Walker *p, Expr *pExpr){
+ if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN ){
+ IdxExprTrans *pX = p->u.pIdxTrans;
+ if( pExpr->iTable==pX->iTabCur && pExpr->iColumn==pX->iTabCol ){
+ assert( pExpr->y.pTab!=0 );
+ preserveExpr(pX, pExpr);
+ pExpr->affExpr = sqlite3TableColumnAffinity(pExpr->y.pTab,pExpr->iColumn);
+ pExpr->iTable = pX->iIdxCur;
+ pExpr->iColumn = pX->iIdxCol;
+ pExpr->y.pTab = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return WRC_Continue;
** For an indexes on expression X, locate every instance of expression X
** in pExpr and change that subexpression into a reference to the appropriate
** column of the index.
+** 2019-10-24: Updated to also translate references to a VIRTUAL column in
+** the table into references to the corresponding (stored) column of the
+** index.
static void whereIndexExprTrans(
Index *pIdx, /* The Index */
@@ -138464,20 +141926,48 @@ static void whereIndexExprTrans(
int iIdxCol; /* Column number of the index */
ExprList *aColExpr; /* Expressions that are indexed */
+ Table *pTab;
Walker w;
IdxExprTrans x;
aColExpr = pIdx->aColExpr;
- if( aColExpr==0 ) return; /* Not an index on expressions */
+ if( aColExpr==0 && !pIdx->bHasVCol ){
+ /* The index does not reference any expressions or virtual columns
+ ** so no translations are needed. */
+ return;
+ }
+ pTab = pIdx->pTable;
memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
- w.xExprCallback = whereIndexExprTransNode;
w.u.pIdxTrans = &x;
x.iTabCur = iTabCur;
x.iIdxCur = iIdxCur;
- for(iIdxCol=0; iIdxColnExpr; iIdxCol++){
- if( pIdx->aiColumn[iIdxCol]!=XN_EXPR ) continue;
- assert( aColExpr->a[iIdxCol].pExpr!=0 );
+ x.pWInfo = pWInfo;
+ x.db = pWInfo->pParse->db;
+ for(iIdxCol=0; iIdxColnColumn; iIdxCol++){
+ i16 iRef = pIdx->aiColumn[iIdxCol];
+ if( iRef==XN_EXPR ){
+ assert( aColExpr->a[iIdxCol].pExpr!=0 );
+ x.pIdxExpr = aColExpr->a[iIdxCol].pExpr;
+ if( sqlite3ExprIsConstant(x.pIdxExpr) ) continue;
+ w.xExprCallback = whereIndexExprTransNode;
+ }else if( iRef>=0
+ && (pTab->aCol[iRef].colFlags & COLFLAG_VIRTUAL)!=0
+ && (pTab->aCol[iRef].zColl==0
+ || sqlite3StrICmp(pTab->aCol[iRef].zColl, sqlite3StrBINARY)==0)
+ ){
+ /* Check to see if there are direct references to generated columns
+ ** that are contained in the index. Pulling the generated column
+ ** out of the index is an optimization only - the main table is always
+ ** available if the index cannot be used. To avoid unnecessary
+ ** complication, omit this optimization if the collating sequence for
+ ** the column is non-standard */
+ x.iTabCol = iRef;
+ w.xExprCallback = whereIndexExprTransColumn;
+ }else{
+ continue;
+ }
x.iIdxCol = iIdxCol;
- x.pIdxExpr = aColExpr->a[iIdxCol].pExpr;
sqlite3WalkExpr(&w, pWInfo->pWhere);
sqlite3WalkExprList(&w, pWInfo->pOrderBy);
sqlite3WalkExprList(&w, pWInfo->pResultSet);
@@ -138549,6 +142039,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
pLevel->notReady = notReady & ~sqlite3WhereGetMask(&pWInfo->sMaskSet, iCur);
bRev = (pWInfo->revMask>>iLevel)&1;
VdbeModuleComment((v, "Begin WHERE-loop%d: %s",iLevel,pTabItem->pTab->zName));
+#if WHERETRACE_ENABLED /* 0x20800 */
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x800 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("Coding level %d of %d: notReady=%llx iFrom=%d\n",
+ iLevel, pWInfo->nLevel, (u64)notReady, pLevel->iFrom);
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(pLoop, pWC);
+ }
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x20000 ){
+ if( iLevel==0 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("WHERE clause being coded:\n");
+ sqlite3TreeViewExpr(0, pWInfo->pWhere, 0);
+ }
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("All WHERE-clause terms before coding:\n");
+ sqlite3WhereClausePrint(pWC);
+ }
/* Create labels for the "break" and "continue" instructions
** for the current loop. Jump to addrBrk to break out of a loop.
@@ -138628,9 +142133,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
iIn = pLevel->u.in.nIn;
for(j=nConstraint-1; j>=0; j--){
pTerm = pLoop->aLTerm[j];
+ if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN)!=0 ) iIn--;
if( j<16 && (pLoop->u.vtab.omitMask>>j)&1 ){
disableTerm(pLevel, pTerm);
- }else if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN)!=0 ){
+ }else if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN)!=0
+ && sqlite3ExprVectorSize(pTerm->pExpr->pLeft)==1
+ ){
Expr *pCompare; /* The comparison operator */
Expr *pRight; /* RHS of the comparison */
VdbeOp *pOp; /* Opcode to access the value of the IN constraint */
@@ -138641,8 +142149,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
** encoding of the value in the register, so it *must* be reloaded. */
assert( pLevel->u.in.aInLoop!=0 || db->mallocFailed );
if( !db->mallocFailed ){
- assert( iIn>0 );
- pOp = sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, pLevel->u.in.aInLoop[--iIn].addrInTop);
+ assert( iIn>=0 && iInu.in.nIn );
+ pOp = sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, pLevel->u.in.aInLoop[iIn].addrInTop);
assert( pOp->opcode==OP_Column || pOp->opcode==OP_Rowid );
assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Column || pOp->p3==iReg+j+2 );
assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Rowid || pOp->p2==iReg+j+2 );
@@ -138659,13 +142167,16 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
pCompare->pRight = pRight = sqlite3Expr(db, TK_REGISTER, 0);
if( pRight ){
pRight->iTable = iReg+j+2;
- sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pCompare, pLevel->addrCont, 0);
+ sqlite3ExprIfFalse(
+ pParse, pCompare, pLevel->addrCont, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL
+ );
pCompare->pLeft = 0;
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pCompare);
+ assert( iIn==0 || db->mallocFailed );
/* These registers need to be preserved in case there is an IN operator
** loop. So we could deallocate the registers here (and potentially
** reuse them later) if (pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_IN_ABLE)==0. But it seems
@@ -138931,10 +142442,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
assert( bSeekPastNull==0 && nExtraReg==0 && nBtm==0 && nTop==0 );
assert( pRangeEnd==0 && pRangeStart==0 );
- assert( pLoop->nSkip==0 );
+ testcase( pLoop->nSkip>0 );
nExtraReg = 1;
bSeekPastNull = 1;
pLevel->regBignull = regBignull = ++pParse->nMem;
+ if( pLevel->iLeftJoin ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regBignull);
+ }
pLevel->addrBignull = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
@@ -139130,10 +142644,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
if( omitTable ){
/* pIdx is a covering index. No need to access the main table. */
}else if( HasRowid(pIdx->pTable) ){
- if( (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_SEEK_TABLE) || (
- (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_SEEK_UNIQ_TABLE)
- && (pWInfo->eOnePass==ONEPASS_SINGLE)
- )){
+ if( (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_SEEK_TABLE)
+ || ( (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_SEEK_UNIQ_TABLE)!=0
+ && (pWInfo->eOnePass==ONEPASS_SINGLE || pLoop->nLTerm==0) )
+ ){
iRowidReg = ++pParse->nMem;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxRowid, iIdxCur, iRowidReg);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_NotExists, iCur, 0, iRowidReg);
@@ -139145,40 +142659,53 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
Index *pPk = sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pIdx->pTable);
iRowidReg = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, pPk->nKeyCol);
for(j=0; jnKeyCol; j++){
- k = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[j]);
+ k = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pIdx, pPk->aiColumn[j]);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iIdxCur, k, iRowidReg+j);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_NotFound, iCur, addrCont,
iRowidReg, pPk->nKeyCol); VdbeCoverage(v);
- /* If pIdx is an index on one or more expressions, then look through
- ** all the expressions in pWInfo and try to transform matching expressions
- ** into reference to index columns.
- **
- ** Do not do this for the RHS of a LEFT JOIN. This is because the
- ** expression may be evaluated after OP_NullRow has been executed on
- ** the cursor. In this case it is important to do the full evaluation,
- ** as the result of the expression may not be NULL, even if all table
- ** column values are. https://www.sqlite.org/src/info/7fa8049685b50b5a
- **
- ** Also, do not do this when processing one index an a multi-index
- ** OR clause, since the transformation will become invalid once we
- ** move forward to the next index.
- ** https://sqlite.org/src/info/4e8e4857d32d401f
- */
- if( pLevel->iLeftJoin==0 && (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_OR_SUBCLAUSE)==0 ){
- whereIndexExprTrans(pIdx, iCur, iIdxCur, pWInfo);
+ if( pLevel->iLeftJoin==0 ){
+ /* If pIdx is an index on one or more expressions, then look through
+ ** all the expressions in pWInfo and try to transform matching expressions
+ ** into reference to index columns. Also attempt to translate references
+ ** to virtual columns in the table into references to (stored) columns
+ ** of the index.
+ **
+ ** Do not do this for the RHS of a LEFT JOIN. This is because the
+ ** expression may be evaluated after OP_NullRow has been executed on
+ ** the cursor. In this case it is important to do the full evaluation,
+ ** as the result of the expression may not be NULL, even if all table
+ ** column values are. https://www.sqlite.org/src/info/7fa8049685b50b5a
+ **
+ ** Also, do not do this when processing one index an a multi-index
+ ** OR clause, since the transformation will become invalid once we
+ ** move forward to the next index.
+ ** https://sqlite.org/src/info/4e8e4857d32d401f
+ */
+ if( (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_OR_SUBCLAUSE)==0 ){
+ whereIndexExprTrans(pIdx, iCur, iIdxCur, pWInfo);
+ }
+ /* If a partial index is driving the loop, try to eliminate WHERE clause
+ ** terms from the query that must be true due to the WHERE clause of
+ ** the partial index.
+ **
+ ** 2019-11-02 ticket 623eff57e76d45f6: This optimization does not work
+ ** for a LEFT JOIN.
+ */
+ if( pIdx->pPartIdxWhere ){
+ whereApplyPartialIndexConstraints(pIdx->pPartIdxWhere, iCur, pWC);
+ }
+ }else{
+ testcase( pIdx->pPartIdxWhere );
+ /* The following assert() is not a requirement, merely an observation:
+ ** The OR-optimization doesn't work for the right hand table of
+ ** a LEFT JOIN: */
+ assert( (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_OR_SUBCLAUSE)==0 );
- /* If a partial index is driving the loop, try to eliminate WHERE clause
- ** terms from the query that must be true due to the WHERE clause of
- ** the partial index
- */
- if( pIdx->pPartIdxWhere ){
- whereApplyPartialIndexConstraints(pIdx->pPartIdxWhere, iCur, pWC);
- }
/* Record the instruction used to terminate the loop. */
if( pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_ONEROW ){
pLevel->op = OP_Noop;
@@ -139363,9 +142890,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
WhereInfo *pSubWInfo; /* Info for single OR-term scan */
Expr *pOrExpr = pOrTerm->pExpr; /* Current OR clause term */
int jmp1 = 0; /* Address of jump operation */
- assert( (pTabItem[0].fg.jointype & JT_LEFT)==0
- || ExprHasProperty(pOrExpr, EP_FromJoin)
- );
+ testcase( (pTabItem[0].fg.jointype & JT_LEFT)!=0
+ && !ExprHasProperty(pOrExpr, EP_FromJoin)
+ ); /* See TH3 vtab25.400 and ticket 614b25314c766238 */
if( pAndExpr ){
pAndExpr->pLeft = pOrExpr;
pOrExpr = pAndExpr;
@@ -139405,7 +142932,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
r = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, nPk);
for(iPk=0; iPkaiColumn[iPk];
- sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iCur, iCol, r+iPk);
+ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iCur, iCol,r+iPk);
/* Check if the temp table already contains this key. If so,
@@ -139587,6 +143114,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
VdbeNoopComment((v, "WhereTerm[%d] (%p) priority=%d",
pWC->nTerm-j, pTerm, iLoop));
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x800 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("Coding auxiliary constraint:\n");
+ sqlite3WhereTermPrint(pTerm, pWC->nTerm-j);
+ }
sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pE, addrCont, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
if( skipLikeAddr ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, skipLikeAddr);
@@ -139610,8 +143141,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
if( (pTerm->eOperator & (WO_EQ|WO_IS))==0 ) continue;
if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_EQUIV)==0 ) continue;
if( pTerm->leftCursor!=iCur ) continue;
- if( pLevel->iLeftJoin ) continue;
+ if( pTabItem->fg.jointype & JT_LEFT ) continue;
pE = pTerm->pExpr;
+#ifdef WHERETRACE_ENABLED /* 0x800 */
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x800 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("Coding transitive constraint:\n");
+ sqlite3WhereTermPrint(pTerm, pWC->nTerm-j);
+ }
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pE, EP_FromJoin) );
assert( (pTerm->prereqRight & pLevel->notReady)!=0 );
pAlt = sqlite3WhereFindTerm(pWC, iCur, pTerm->u.leftColumn, notReady,
@@ -139654,6 +143191,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
+#if WHERETRACE_ENABLED /* 0x20800 */
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x20000 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("All WHERE-clause terms after coding level %d:\n",
+ iLevel);
+ sqlite3WhereClausePrint(pWC);
+ }
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x800 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("End Coding level %d: notReady=%llx\n",
+ iLevel, (u64)pLevel->notReady);
+ }
return pLevel->notReady;
@@ -139770,39 +143318,14 @@ static int allowedOp(int op){
** Commute a comparison operator. Expressions of the form "X op Y"
** are converted into "Y op X".
-** If left/right precedence rules come into play when determining the
-** collating sequence, then COLLATE operators are adjusted to ensure
-** that the collating sequence does not change. For example:
-** "Y collate NOCASE op X" becomes "X op Y" because any collation sequence on
-** the left hand side of a comparison overrides any collation sequence
-** attached to the right. For the same reason the EP_Collate flag
-** is not commuted.
-** The return value is extra flags that are added to the WhereTerm object
-** after it is commuted. The only extra flag ever added is TERM_NOPARTIDX
-** which prevents the term from being used to enable a partial index if
-** COLLATE changes have been made.
static u16 exprCommute(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
- u16 expRight = (pExpr->pRight->flags & EP_Collate);
- u16 expLeft = (pExpr->pLeft->flags & EP_Collate);
- u16 wtFlags = 0;
- assert( allowedOp(pExpr->op) && pExpr->op!=TK_IN );
- if( expRight==expLeft ){
- /* Either X and Y both have COLLATE operator or neither do */
- if( expRight ){
- /* Both X and Y have COLLATE operators. Make sure X is always
- ** used by clearing the EP_Collate flag from Y. */
- pExpr->pRight->flags &= ~EP_Collate;
- wtFlags |= TERM_NOPARTIDX;
- }else if( sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft)!=0 ){
- /* Neither X nor Y have COLLATE operators, but X has a non-default
- ** collating sequence. So add the EP_Collate marker on X to cause
- ** it to be searched first. */
- pExpr->pLeft->flags |= EP_Collate;
- wtFlags |= TERM_NOPARTIDX;
- }
+ if( pExpr->pLeft->op==TK_VECTOR
+ || pExpr->pRight->op==TK_VECTOR
+ || sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight) !=
+ sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pRight, pExpr->pLeft)
+ ){
+ pExpr->flags ^= EP_Commuted;
if( pExpr->op>=TK_GT ){
@@ -139813,7 +143336,7 @@ static u16 exprCommute(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
assert( pExpr->op>=TK_GT && pExpr->op<=TK_GE );
pExpr->op = ((pExpr->op-TK_GT)^2)+TK_GT;
- return wtFlags;
+ return 0;
@@ -140063,7 +143586,8 @@ static int isAuxiliaryVtabOperator(
** MATCH(expression,vtab_column)
pCol = pList->a[1].pExpr;
- if( pCol->op==TK_COLUMN && IsVirtual(pCol->y.pTab) ){
+ testcase( pCol->op==TK_COLUMN && pCol->y.pTab==0 );
+ if( ExprIsVtab(pCol) ){
for(i=0; iu.zToken, aOp[i].zOp)==0 ){
*peOp2 = aOp[i].eOp2;
@@ -140085,7 +143609,8 @@ static int isAuxiliaryVtabOperator(
** with function names in an arbitrary case.
pCol = pList->a[0].pExpr;
- if( pCol->op==TK_COLUMN && IsVirtual(pCol->y.pTab) ){
+ testcase( pCol->op==TK_COLUMN && pCol->y.pTab==0 );
+ if( ExprIsVtab(pCol) ){
sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
sqlite3_module *pMod;
void (*xNotUsed)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**);
@@ -140108,10 +143633,12 @@ static int isAuxiliaryVtabOperator(
int res = 0;
Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
Expr *pRight = pExpr->pRight;
- if( pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN && IsVirtual(pLeft->y.pTab) ){
+ testcase( pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN && pLeft->y.pTab==0 );
+ if( ExprIsVtab(pLeft) ){
- if( pRight && pRight->op==TK_COLUMN && IsVirtual(pRight->y.pTab) ){
+ testcase( pRight && pRight->op==TK_COLUMN && pRight->y.pTab==0 );
+ if( pRight && ExprIsVtab(pRight) ){
SWAP(Expr*, pLeft, pRight);
@@ -140591,7 +144118,7 @@ static int termIsEquivalence(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
return 0;
- pColl = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight);
+ pColl = sqlite3ExprCompareCollSeq(pParse, pExpr);
if( sqlite3IsBinary(pColl) ) return 1;
return sqlite3ExprCollSeqMatch(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight);
@@ -140984,6 +144511,7 @@ static void exprAnalyze(
0, sqlite3ExprDup(db, pRight, 0));
if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromJoin) && pNewExpr ){
ExprSetProperty(pNewExpr, EP_FromJoin);
+ pNewExpr->iRightJoinTable = pExpr->iRightJoinTable;
idxNew = whereClauseInsert(pWC, pNewExpr, TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_DYNAMIC);
testcase( idxNew==0 );
@@ -141040,11 +144568,15 @@ static void exprAnalyze(
** expression). The WhereTerm.iField variable identifies the index within
** the vector on the LHS that the virtual term represents.
- ** This only works if the RHS is a simple SELECT, not a compound
+ ** This only works if the RHS is a simple SELECT (not a compound) that does
+ ** not use window functions.
if( pWC->op==TK_AND && pExpr->op==TK_IN && pTerm->iField==0
&& pExpr->pLeft->op==TK_VECTOR
&& pExpr->x.pSelect->pPrior==0
+ && pExpr->x.pSelect->pWin==0
int i;
for(i=0; ipLeft); i++){
@@ -141202,9 +144734,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereExprUsageNN(WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, Expr *p){
mask |= sqlite3WhereExprListUsage(pMaskSet, p->x.pList);
- if( p->op==TK_FUNCTION && p->y.pWin ){
+ if( (p->op==TK_FUNCTION || p->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION) && p->y.pWin ){
mask |= sqlite3WhereExprListUsage(pMaskSet, p->y.pWin->pPartition);
mask |= sqlite3WhereExprListUsage(pMaskSet, p->y.pWin->pOrderBy);
+ mask |= sqlite3WhereExprUsage(pMaskSet, p->y.pWin->pFilter);
return mask;
@@ -141280,6 +144813,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereTabFuncArgs(
pRhs = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_UPLUS,
sqlite3ExprDup(pParse->db, pArgs->a[j].pExpr, 0), 0);
pTerm = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_EQ, pColRef, pRhs);
+ if( pItem->fg.jointype & JT_LEFT ){
+ sqlite3SetJoinExpr(pTerm, pItem->iCursor);
+ }
whereClauseInsert(pWC, pTerm, TERM_DYNAMIC);
@@ -141408,7 +144944,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereBreakLabel(WhereInfo *pWInfo){
** Return ONEPASS_OFF (0) if an UPDATE or DELETE statement is unable to
-** operate directly on the rowis returned by a WHERE clause. Return
+** operate directly on the rowids returned by a WHERE clause. Return
** ONEPASS_SINGLE (1) if the statement can operation directly because only
** a single row is to be changed. Return ONEPASS_MULTI (2) if the one-pass
** optimization can be used on multiple
@@ -141435,6 +144971,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereOkOnePass(WhereInfo *pWInfo, int *aiCur){
return pWInfo->eOnePass;
+** Return TRUE if the WHERE loop uses the OP_DeferredSeek opcode to move
+** the data cursor to the row selected by the index cursor.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereUsesDeferredSeek(WhereInfo *pWInfo){
+ return pWInfo->bDeferredSeek;
** Move the content of pSrc into pDest
@@ -141567,8 +145111,7 @@ static WhereTerm *whereScanNext(WhereScan *pScan){
- pColl = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse,
- pX->pLeft, pX->pRight);
+ pColl = sqlite3ExprCompareCollSeq(pParse, pX);
if( pColl==0 ) pColl = pParse->db->pDfltColl;
if( sqlite3StrICmp(pColl->zName, pScan->zCollName) ){
@@ -141894,7 +145437,7 @@ static void translateColumnToCopy(
** are no-ops.
-static void TRACE_IDX_INPUTS(sqlite3_index_info *p){
+static void whereTraceIndexInfoInputs(sqlite3_index_info *p){
int i;
if( !sqlite3WhereTrace ) return;
for(i=0; inConstraint; i++){
@@ -141912,7 +145455,7 @@ static void TRACE_IDX_INPUTS(sqlite3_index_info *p){
-static void TRACE_IDX_OUTPUTS(sqlite3_index_info *p){
+static void whereTraceIndexInfoOutputs(sqlite3_index_info *p){
int i;
if( !sqlite3WhereTrace ) return;
for(i=0; inConstraint; i++){
@@ -141928,8 +145471,8 @@ static void TRACE_IDX_OUTPUTS(sqlite3_index_info *p){
sqlite3DebugPrintf(" estimatedRows=%lld\n", p->estimatedRows);
+#define whereTraceIndexInfoInputs(A)
+#define whereTraceIndexInfoOutputs(A)
@@ -142089,7 +145632,8 @@ static void constructAutomaticIndex(
Expr *pX = pTerm->pExpr;
idxCols |= cMask;
pIdx->aiColumn[n] = pTerm->u.leftColumn;
- pColl = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pX->pLeft, pX->pRight);
+ pColl = sqlite3ExprCompareCollSeq(pParse, pX);
+ assert( pColl!=0 || pParse->nErr>0 ); /* TH3 collate01.800 */
pIdx->azColl[n] = pColl ? pColl->zName : sqlite3StrBINARY;
@@ -142158,8 +145702,8 @@ static void constructAutomaticIndex(
pTabItem->fg.viaCoroutine = 0;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, pLevel->iTabCur, addrTop+1); VdbeCoverage(v);
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrTop);
sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regRecord);
@@ -142238,23 +145782,14 @@ static sqlite3_index_info *allocateIndexInfo(
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "out of memory");
return 0;
- /* Initialize the structure. The sqlite3_index_info structure contains
- ** many fields that are declared "const" to prevent xBestIndex from
- ** changing them. We have to do some funky casting in order to
- ** initialize those fields.
- */
pHidden = (struct HiddenIndexInfo*)&pIdxInfo[1];
pIdxCons = (struct sqlite3_index_constraint*)&pHidden[1];
pIdxOrderBy = (struct sqlite3_index_orderby*)&pIdxCons[nTerm];
pUsage = (struct sqlite3_index_constraint_usage*)&pIdxOrderBy[nOrderBy];
- *(int*)&pIdxInfo->nConstraint = nTerm;
- *(int*)&pIdxInfo->nOrderBy = nOrderBy;
- *(struct sqlite3_index_constraint**)&pIdxInfo->aConstraint = pIdxCons;
- *(struct sqlite3_index_orderby**)&pIdxInfo->aOrderBy = pIdxOrderBy;
- *(struct sqlite3_index_constraint_usage**)&pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage =
- pUsage;
+ pIdxInfo->nOrderBy = nOrderBy;
+ pIdxInfo->aConstraint = pIdxCons;
+ pIdxInfo->aOrderBy = pIdxOrderBy;
+ pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage = pUsage;
pHidden->pWC = pWC;
pHidden->pParse = pParse;
for(i=j=0, pTerm=pWC->a; inTerm; i++, pTerm++){
@@ -142268,18 +145803,13 @@ static sqlite3_index_info *allocateIndexInfo(
testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ALL );
if( (pTerm->eOperator & ~(WO_EQUIV))==0 ) continue;
if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VNULL ) continue;
+ /* tag-20191211-002: WHERE-clause constraints are not useful to the
+ ** right-hand table of a LEFT JOIN. See tag-20191211-001 for the
+ ** equivalent restriction for ordinary tables. */
if( (pSrc->fg.jointype & JT_LEFT)!=0
&& !ExprHasProperty(pTerm->pExpr, EP_FromJoin)
- && (pTerm->eOperator & (WO_IS|WO_ISNULL))
- /* An "IS" term in the WHERE clause where the virtual table is the rhs
- ** of a LEFT JOIN. Do not pass this term to the virtual table
- ** implementation, as this can lead to incorrect results from SQL such
- ** as:
- **
- ** "LEFT JOIN vtab WHERE vtab.col IS NULL" */
- testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL );
- testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_IS );
assert( pTerm->u.leftColumn>=(-1) );
@@ -142310,7 +145840,8 @@ static sqlite3_index_info *allocateIndexInfo(
if( op & (WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE)
&& sqlite3ExprIsVector(pTerm->pExpr->pRight)
- if( i<16 ) mNoOmit |= (1 << i);
+ testcase( j!=i );
+ if( j<16 ) mNoOmit |= (1 << j);
if( op==WO_LT ) pIdxCons[j].op = WO_LE;
if( op==WO_GT ) pIdxCons[j].op = WO_GE;
@@ -142318,6 +145849,7 @@ static sqlite3_index_info *allocateIndexInfo(
+ pIdxInfo->nConstraint = j;
for(i=0; ia[i].pExpr;
pIdxOrderBy[i].iColumn = pExpr->iColumn;
@@ -142348,9 +145880,9 @@ static int vtabBestIndex(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab, sqlite3_index_info *p){
sqlite3_vtab *pVtab = sqlite3GetVTable(pParse->db, pTab)->pVtab;
int rc;
+ whereTraceIndexInfoInputs(p);
rc = pVtab->pModule->xBestIndex(pVtab, p);
+ whereTraceIndexInfoOutputs(p);
if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){
@@ -143031,16 +146563,17 @@ static int whereInScanEst(
** Print the content of a WhereTerm object
-static void whereTermPrint(WhereTerm *pTerm, int iTerm){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereTermPrint(WhereTerm *pTerm, int iTerm){
if( pTerm==0 ){
sqlite3DebugPrintf("TERM-%-3d NULL\n", iTerm);
- char zType[4];
+ char zType[8];
char zLeft[50];
- memcpy(zType, "...", 4);
+ memcpy(zType, "....", 5);
if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL ) zType[0] = 'V';
if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_EQUIV ) zType[1] = 'E';
if( ExprHasProperty(pTerm->pExpr, EP_FromJoin) ) zType[2] = 'L';
+ if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_CODED ) zType[3] = 'C';
if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_SINGLE ){
pTerm->leftCursor, pTerm->u.leftColumn);
@@ -143051,14 +146584,21 @@ static void whereTermPrint(WhereTerm *pTerm, int iTerm){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zLeft),zLeft,"left=%d", pTerm->leftCursor);
- "TERM-%-3d %p %s %-12s prob=%-3d op=0x%03x wtFlags=0x%04x",
- iTerm, pTerm, zType, zLeft, pTerm->truthProb,
- pTerm->eOperator, pTerm->wtFlags);
- if( pTerm->iField ){
- sqlite3DebugPrintf(" iField=%d\n", pTerm->iField);
- }else{
- sqlite3DebugPrintf("\n");
+ "TERM-%-3d %p %s %-12s op=%03x wtFlags=%04x",
+ iTerm, pTerm, zType, zLeft, pTerm->eOperator, pTerm->wtFlags);
+ /* The 0x10000 .wheretrace flag causes extra information to be
+ ** shown about each Term */
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x10000 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf(" prob=%-3d prereq=%llx,%llx",
+ pTerm->truthProb, (u64)pTerm->prereqAll, (u64)pTerm->prereqRight);
+ if( pTerm->iField ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf(" iField=%d", pTerm->iField);
+ }
+ if( pTerm->iParent>=0 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf(" iParent=%d", pTerm->iParent);
+ }
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("\n");
sqlite3TreeViewExpr(0, pTerm->pExpr, 0);
@@ -143071,7 +146611,7 @@ static void whereTermPrint(WhereTerm *pTerm, int iTerm){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereClausePrint(WhereClause *pWC){
int i;
for(i=0; inTerm; i++){
- whereTermPrint(&pWC->a[i], i);
+ sqlite3WhereTermPrint(&pWC->a[i], i);
@@ -143080,7 +146620,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereClausePrint(WhereClause *pWC){
** Print a WhereLoop object for debugging purposes
-static void whereLoopPrint(WhereLoop *p, WhereClause *pWC){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(WhereLoop *p, WhereClause *pWC){
WhereInfo *pWInfo = pWC->pWInfo;
int nb = 1+(pWInfo->pTabList->nSrc+3)/4;
struct SrcList_item *pItem = pWInfo->pTabList->a + p->iTab;
@@ -143105,7 +146645,7 @@ static void whereLoopPrint(WhereLoop *p, WhereClause *pWC){
char *z;
if( p->u.vtab.idxStr ){
- z = sqlite3_mprintf("(%d,\"%s\",%x)",
+ z = sqlite3_mprintf("(%d,\"%s\",%#x)",
p->u.vtab.idxNum, p->u.vtab.idxStr, p->u.vtab.omitMask);
z = sqlite3_mprintf("(%d,%x)", p->u.vtab.idxNum, p->u.vtab.omitMask);
@@ -143122,7 +146662,7 @@ static void whereLoopPrint(WhereLoop *p, WhereClause *pWC){
if( p->nLTerm && (sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x100)!=0 ){
int i;
for(i=0; inLTerm; i++){
- whereTermPrint(p->aLTerm[i], i);
+ sqlite3WhereTermPrint(p->aLTerm[i], i);
@@ -143226,6 +146766,7 @@ static void whereInfoFree(sqlite3 *db, WhereInfo *pWInfo){
pWInfo->pLoops = p->pNextLoop;
whereLoopDelete(db, p);
+ assert( pWInfo->pExprMods==0 );
sqlite3DbFreeNN(db, pWInfo);
@@ -143427,6 +146968,8 @@ static int whereLoopInsert(WhereLoopBuilder *pBuilder, WhereLoop *pTemplate){
+ whereLoopAdjustCost(pWInfo->pLoops, pTemplate);
/* If pBuilder->pOrSet is defined, then only keep track of the costs
** and prereqs.
@@ -143441,7 +146984,7 @@ static int whereLoopInsert(WhereLoopBuilder *pBuilder, WhereLoop *pTemplate){
if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x8 ){
sqlite3DebugPrintf(x?" or-%d: ":" or-X: ", n);
- whereLoopPrint(pTemplate, pBuilder->pWC);
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(pTemplate, pBuilder->pWC);
@@ -143450,7 +146993,6 @@ static int whereLoopInsert(WhereLoopBuilder *pBuilder, WhereLoop *pTemplate){
/* Look for an existing WhereLoop to replace with pTemplate
- whereLoopAdjustCost(pWInfo->pLoops, pTemplate);
ppPrev = whereLoopFindLesser(&pWInfo->pLoops, pTemplate);
if( ppPrev==0 ){
@@ -143459,7 +147001,7 @@ static int whereLoopInsert(WhereLoopBuilder *pBuilder, WhereLoop *pTemplate){
if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x8 ){
sqlite3DebugPrintf(" skip: ");
- whereLoopPrint(pTemplate, pBuilder->pWC);
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(pTemplate, pBuilder->pWC);
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -143475,12 +147017,12 @@ static int whereLoopInsert(WhereLoopBuilder *pBuilder, WhereLoop *pTemplate){
if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x8 ){
if( p!=0 ){
sqlite3DebugPrintf("replace: ");
- whereLoopPrint(p, pBuilder->pWC);
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(p, pBuilder->pWC);
sqlite3DebugPrintf(" with: ");
sqlite3DebugPrintf(" add: ");
- whereLoopPrint(pTemplate, pBuilder->pWC);
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(pTemplate, pBuilder->pWC);
if( p==0 ){
@@ -143504,7 +147046,7 @@ static int whereLoopInsert(WhereLoopBuilder *pBuilder, WhereLoop *pTemplate){
if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x8 ){
sqlite3DebugPrintf(" delete: ");
- whereLoopPrint(pToDel, pBuilder->pWC);
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(pToDel, pBuilder->pWC);
whereLoopDelete(db, pToDel);
@@ -143580,7 +147122,9 @@ static void whereLoopOutputAdjust(
/* In the absence of explicit truth probabilities, use heuristics to
** guess a reasonable truth probability. */
- if( pTerm->eOperator&(WO_EQ|WO_IS) ){
+ if( (pTerm->eOperator&(WO_EQ|WO_IS))!=0
+ && (pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_HIGHTRUTH)==0 /* tag-20200224-1 */
+ ){
Expr *pRight = pTerm->pExpr->pRight;
int k = 0;
testcase( pTerm->pExpr->op==TK_IS );
@@ -143589,7 +147133,10 @@ static void whereLoopOutputAdjust(
k = 20;
- if( iReducewtFlags |= TERM_HEURTRUTH;
+ iReduce = k;
+ }
@@ -143713,8 +147260,9 @@ static int whereLoopAddBtreeIndex(
pNew = pBuilder->pNew;
if( db->mallocFailed ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
- WHERETRACE(0x800, ("BEGIN %s.addBtreeIdx(%s), nEq=%d\n",
- pProbe->pTable->zName,pProbe->zName, pNew->u.btree.nEq));
+ WHERETRACE(0x800, ("BEGIN %s.addBtreeIdx(%s), nEq=%d, nSkip=%d\n",
+ pProbe->pTable->zName,pProbe->zName,
+ pNew->u.btree.nEq, pNew->nSkip));
assert( (pNew->wsFlags & WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE)==0 );
assert( (pNew->wsFlags & WHERE_TOP_LIMIT)==0 );
@@ -143760,9 +147308,9 @@ static int whereLoopAddBtreeIndex(
** to mix with a lower range bound from some other source */
if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_LIKEOPT && pTerm->eOperator==WO_LT ) continue;
- /* Do not allow constraints from the WHERE clause to be used by the
- ** right table of a LEFT JOIN. Only constraints in the ON clause are
- ** allowed */
+ /* tag-20191211-001: Do not allow constraints from the WHERE clause to
+ ** be used by the right table of a LEFT JOIN. Only constraints in the
+ ** ON clause are allowed. See tag-20191211-002 for the vtab equivalent. */
if( (pSrc->fg.jointype & JT_LEFT)!=0
&& !ExprHasProperty(pTerm->pExpr, EP_FromJoin)
@@ -143770,9 +147318,9 @@ static int whereLoopAddBtreeIndex(
if( IsUniqueIndex(pProbe) && saved_nEq==pProbe->nKeyCol-1 ){
- pBuilder->bldFlags |= SQLITE_BLDF_UNIQUE;
+ pBuilder->bldFlags1 |= SQLITE_BLDF1_UNIQUE;
- pBuilder->bldFlags |= SQLITE_BLDF_INDEXED;
+ pBuilder->bldFlags1 |= SQLITE_BLDF1_INDEXED;
pNew->wsFlags = saved_wsFlags;
pNew->u.btree.nEq = saved_nEq;
@@ -143937,6 +147485,27 @@ static int whereLoopAddBtreeIndex(
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break; /* Jump out of the pTerm loop */
if( nOut ){
pNew->nOut = sqlite3LogEst(nOut);
+ if( nEq==1
+ /* TUNING: Mark terms as "low selectivity" if they seem likely
+ ** to be true for half or more of the rows in the table.
+ ** See tag-202002240-1 */
+ && pNew->nOut+10 > pProbe->aiRowLogEst[0]
+ ){
+#if WHERETRACE_ENABLED /* 0x01 */
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x01 ){
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf(
+ "STAT4 determines term has low selectivity:\n");
+ sqlite3WhereTermPrint(pTerm, 999);
+ }
+ pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_HIGHTRUTH;
+ if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_HEURTRUTH ){
+ /* If the term has previously been used with an assumption of
+ ** higher selectivity, then set the flag to rerun the
+ ** loop computations. */
+ pBuilder->bldFlags2 |= SQLITE_BLDF2_2NDPASS;
+ }
+ }
if( pNew->nOut>saved_nOut ) pNew->nOut = saved_nOut;
pNew->nOut -= nIn;
@@ -144011,7 +147580,9 @@ static int whereLoopAddBtreeIndex(
assert( 42==sqlite3LogEst(18) );
if( saved_nEq==saved_nSkip
&& saved_nEq+1nKeyCol
+ && saved_nEq==pNew->nLTerm
&& pProbe->noSkipScan==0
+ && pProbe->hasStat1!=0
&& OptimizationEnabled(db, SQLITE_SkipScan)
&& pProbe->aiRowLogEst[saved_nEq+1]>=42 /* TUNING: Minimum for skip-scan */
&& (rc = whereLoopResize(db, pNew, pNew->nLTerm+1))==SQLITE_OK
@@ -144079,20 +147650,25 @@ static int indexMightHelpWithOrderBy(
/* Check to see if a partial index with pPartIndexWhere can be used
** in the current query. Return true if it can be and false if not.
-static int whereUsablePartialIndex(int iTab, WhereClause *pWC, Expr *pWhere){
+static int whereUsablePartialIndex(
+ int iTab, /* The table for which we want an index */
+ int isLeft, /* True if iTab is the right table of a LEFT JOIN */
+ WhereClause *pWC, /* The WHERE clause of the query */
+ Expr *pWhere /* The WHERE clause from the partial index */
int i;
WhereTerm *pTerm;
Parse *pParse = pWC->pWInfo->pParse;
while( pWhere->op==TK_AND ){
- if( !whereUsablePartialIndex(iTab,pWC,pWhere->pLeft) ) return 0;
+ if( !whereUsablePartialIndex(iTab,isLeft,pWC,pWhere->pLeft) ) return 0;
pWhere = pWhere->pRight;
if( pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_EnableQPSG ) pParse = 0;
for(i=0, pTerm=pWC->a; inTerm; i++, pTerm++){
Expr *pExpr;
- if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_NOPARTIDX ) continue;
pExpr = pTerm->pExpr;
if( (!ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromJoin) || pExpr->iRightJoinTable==iTab)
+ && (isLeft==0 || ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromJoin))
&& sqlite3ExprImpliesExpr(pParse, pExpr, pWhere, iTab)
return 1;
@@ -144255,8 +147831,11 @@ static int whereLoopAddBtree(
for(; rc==SQLITE_OK && pProbe;
pProbe=(pSrc->pIBIndex ? 0 : pProbe->pNext), iSortIdx++
+ int isLeft = (pSrc->fg.jointype & JT_OUTER)!=0;
if( pProbe->pPartIdxWhere!=0
- && !whereUsablePartialIndex(pSrc->iCursor, pWC, pProbe->pPartIdxWhere) ){
+ && !whereUsablePartialIndex(pSrc->iCursor, isLeft, pWC,
+ pProbe->pPartIdxWhere)
+ ){
testcase( pNew->iTab!=pSrc->iCursor ); /* See ticket [98d973b8f5] */
continue; /* Partial index inappropriate for this query */
@@ -144351,9 +147930,9 @@ static int whereLoopAddBtree(
- pBuilder->bldFlags = 0;
+ pBuilder->bldFlags1 = 0;
rc = whereLoopAddBtreeIndex(pBuilder, pSrc, pProbe, 0);
- if( pBuilder->bldFlags==SQLITE_BLDF_INDEXED ){
+ if( pBuilder->bldFlags1==SQLITE_BLDF1_INDEXED ){
/* If a non-unique index is used, or if a prefix of the key for
** unique index is used (making the index functionally non-unique)
** then the sqlite_stat1 data becomes important for scoring the
@@ -144483,7 +148062,14 @@ static int whereLoopAddVirtualOne(
if( iTerm>mxTerm ) mxTerm = iTerm;
testcase( iTerm==15 );
testcase( iTerm==16 );
- if( iTerm<16 && pUsage[i].omit ) pNew->u.vtab.omitMask |= 1<u.vtab.omitMask |= 1<eOperator & WO_IN)!=0 ){
/* A virtual table that is constrained by an IN clause may not
** consume the ORDER BY clause because (1) the order of IN terms
@@ -144496,7 +148082,6 @@ static int whereLoopAddVirtualOne(
- pNew->u.vtab.omitMask &= ~mNoOmit;
pNew->nLTerm = mxTerm+1;
for(i=0; i<=mxTerm; i++){
@@ -144553,7 +148138,7 @@ SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_vtab_collation(sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo, int
int iTerm = pIdxInfo->aConstraint[iCons].iTermOffset;
Expr *pX = pHidden->pWC->a[iTerm].pExpr;
if( pX->pLeft ){
- pC = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pHidden->pParse, pX->pLeft, pX->pRight);
+ pC = sqlite3ExprCompareCollSeq(pHidden->pParse, pX);
zRet = (pC ? pC->zName : sqlite3StrBINARY);
@@ -144778,7 +148363,8 @@ static int whereLoopAddOr(
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = whereLoopAddOr(&sSubBuild, mPrereq, mUnusable);
- assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || sCur.n==0 );
+ assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_DONE || sCur.n==0 );
+ testcase( rc==SQLITE_DONE );
if( sCur.n==0 ){
sSum.n = 0;
@@ -144986,7 +148572,9 @@ static i8 wherePathSatisfiesOrderBy(
pLoop = pLast;
if( pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE ){
- if( pLoop->u.vtab.isOrdered ) obSat = obDone;
+ if( pLoop->u.vtab.isOrdered && (wctrlFlags & WHERE_DISTINCTBY)==0 ){
+ obSat = obDone;
+ }
}else if( wctrlFlags & WHERE_DISTINCTBY ){
pLoop->u.btree.nDistinctCol = 0;
@@ -145015,8 +148603,11 @@ static i8 wherePathSatisfiesOrderBy(
if( j>=pLoop->nLTerm ) continue;
if( (pTerm->eOperator&(WO_EQ|WO_IS))!=0 && pOBExpr->iColumn>=0 ){
- if( sqlite3ExprCollSeqMatch(pWInfo->pParse,
- pOrderBy->a[i].pExpr, pTerm->pExpr)==0 ){
+ Parse *pParse = pWInfo->pParse;
+ CollSeq *pColl1 = sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(pParse, pOrderBy->a[i].pExpr);
+ CollSeq *pColl2 = sqlite3ExprCompareCollSeq(pParse, pTerm->pExpr);
+ assert( pColl1 );
+ if( pColl2==0 || sqlite3StrICmp(pColl1->zName, pColl2->zName) ){
testcase( pTerm->pExpr->op==TK_IS );
@@ -145796,6 +149387,28 @@ static int exprIsDeterministic(Expr *p){
return w.eCode;
+** Display all WhereLoops in pWInfo
+static void showAllWhereLoops(WhereInfo *pWInfo, WhereClause *pWC){
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace ){ /* Display all of the WhereLoop objects */
+ WhereLoop *p;
+ int i;
+ static const char zLabel[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxz"
+ for(p=pWInfo->pLoops, i=0; p; p=p->pNextLoop, i++){
+ p->cId = zLabel[i%(sizeof(zLabel)-1)];
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(p, pWC);
+ }
+ }
+# define WHERETRACE_ALL_LOOPS(W,C) showAllWhereLoops(W,C)
** Generate the beginning of the loop used for WHERE clause processing.
** The return value is a pointer to an opaque structure that contains
@@ -146089,6 +149702,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x100 ){ /* Display all terms of the WHERE clause */
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("---- WHERE clause at start of analysis:\n");
@@ -146096,19 +149710,28 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
if( nTabList!=1 || whereShortCut(&sWLB)==0 ){
rc = whereLoopAddAll(&sWLB);
if( rc ) goto whereBeginError;
- if( sqlite3WhereTrace ){ /* Display all of the WhereLoop objects */
- WhereLoop *p;
- int i;
- static const char zLabel[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxz"
- for(p=pWInfo->pLoops, i=0; p; p=p->pNextLoop, i++){
- p->cId = zLabel[i%(sizeof(zLabel)-1)];
- whereLoopPrint(p, sWLB.pWC);
+ /* If one or more WhereTerm.truthProb values were used in estimating
+ ** loop parameters, but then those truthProb values were subsequently
+ ** changed based on STAT4 information while computing subsequent loops,
+ ** then we need to rerun the whole loop building process so that all
+ ** loops will be built using the revised truthProb values. */
+ if( sWLB.bldFlags2 & SQLITE_BLDF2_2NDPASS ){
+ WHERETRACE(0xffff,
+ ("**** Redo all loop computations due to"
+ " TERM_HIGHTRUTH changes ****\n"));
+ while( pWInfo->pLoops ){
+ WhereLoop *p = pWInfo->pLoops;
+ pWInfo->pLoops = p->pNextLoop;
+ whereLoopDelete(db, p);
+ rc = whereLoopAddAll(&sWLB);
+ if( rc ) goto whereBeginError;
wherePathSolver(pWInfo, 0);
if( db->mallocFailed ) goto whereBeginError;
@@ -146145,7 +149768,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
for(ii=0; iinLevel; ii++){
- whereLoopPrint(pWInfo->a[ii].pWLoop, sWLB.pWC);
+ sqlite3WhereLoopPrint(pWInfo->a[ii].pWLoop, sWLB.pWC);
@@ -146170,14 +149793,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
** then table t2 can be omitted from the following:
** SELECT v1, v3 FROM t1
- ** LEFT JOIN t2 USING (t1.ipk=t2.ipk)
- ** LEFT JOIN t3 USING (t1.ipk=t3.ipk)
+ ** LEFT JOIN t2 ON (t1.ipk=t2.ipk)
+ ** LEFT JOIN t3 ON (t1.ipk=t3.ipk)
** or from:
- ** LEFT JOIN t3 USING (t1.ipk=t3.ipk)
+ ** LEFT JOIN t3 ON (t1.ipk=t3.ipk)
notReady = ~(Bitmask)0;
if( pWInfo->nLevel>=2
@@ -146227,7 +149850,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
+ if( sqlite3WhereTrace & 0x100 ){ /* Display all terms of the WHERE clause */
+ sqlite3DebugPrintf("---- WHERE clause at end of analysis:\n");
+ sqlite3WhereClausePrint(sWLB.pWC);
+ }
WHERETRACE(0xffff,("*** Optimizer Finished ***\n"));
pWInfo->pParse->nQueryLoop += pWInfo->nRowOut;
/* If the caller is an UPDATE or DELETE statement that is requesting
@@ -146304,7 +149933,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
assert( pTabItem->iCursor==pLevel->iTabCur );
testcase( pWInfo->eOnePass==ONEPASS_OFF && pTab->nCol==BMS-1 );
testcase( pWInfo->eOnePass==ONEPASS_OFF && pTab->nCol==BMS );
- if( pWInfo->eOnePass==ONEPASS_OFF && pTab->nColeOnePass==ONEPASS_OFF
+ && pTab->nColtabFlags & (TF_HasGenerated|TF_WithoutRowid))==0
+ ){
+ /* If we know that only a prefix of the record will be used,
+ ** it is advantageous to reduce the "column count" field in
+ ** the P4 operand of the OP_OpenRead/Write opcode. */
Bitmask b = pTabItem->colUsed;
int n = 0;
for(; b; b=b>>1, n++){}
@@ -146367,7 +150002,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
&& (pWInfo->wctrlFlags&WHERE_ORDERBY_MIN)==0
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_SEEKEQ); /* Hint to COMDB2 */
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_SEEKEQ);
VdbeComment((v, "%s", pIx->zName));
@@ -146525,10 +150160,27 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereEnd(WhereInfo *pWInfo){
if( pIn->eEndLoopOp!=OP_Noop ){
if( pIn->nPrefix ){
assert( pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_IN_EARLYOUT );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_IfNoHope, pLevel->iIdxCur,
- sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2,
- pIn->iBase, pIn->nPrefix);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
+ if( pLevel->iLeftJoin ){
+ /* For LEFT JOIN queries, cursor pIn->iCur may not have been
+ ** opened yet. This occurs for WHERE clauses such as
+ ** "a = ? AND b IN (...)", where the index is on (a, b). If
+ ** the RHS of the (a=?) is NULL, then the "b IN (...)" may
+ ** never have been coded, but the body of the loop run to
+ ** return the null-row. So, if the cursor is not open yet,
+ ** jump over the OP_Next or OP_Prev instruction about to
+ ** be coded. */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IfNotOpen, pIn->iCur,
+ sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + 2 +
+ ((pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE)==0)
+ );
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }
+ if( (pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE)==0 ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_IfNoHope, pLevel->iIdxCur,
+ sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2,
+ pIn->iBase, pIn->nPrefix);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, pIn->eEndLoopOp, pIn->iCur, pIn->addrInTop);
@@ -146666,8 +150318,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereEnd(WhereInfo *pWInfo){
Index *pPk = sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pTab);
x = pPk->aiColumn[x];
assert( x>=0 );
+ }else{
+ testcase( x!=sqlite3StorageColumnToTable(pTab,x) );
+ x = sqlite3StorageColumnToTable(pTab,x);
- x = sqlite3ColumnOfIndex(pIdx, x);
+ x = sqlite3TableColumnToIndex(pIdx, x);
if( x>=0 ){
pOp->p2 = x;
pOp->p1 = pLevel->iIdxCur;
@@ -146690,6 +150345,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereEnd(WhereInfo *pWInfo){
+ /* Undo all Expr node modifications */
+ while( pWInfo->pExprMods ){
+ WhereExprMod *p = pWInfo->pExprMods;
+ pWInfo->pExprMods = p->pNext;
+ memcpy(p->pExpr, &p->orig, sizeof(p->orig));
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, p);
+ }
/* Final cleanup
pParse->nQueryLoop = pWInfo->savedNQueryLoop;
@@ -147488,8 +151151,21 @@ static int selectWindowRewriteExprCb(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
case TK_COLUMN: {
- Expr *pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(pParse->db, pExpr, 0);
- p->pSub = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, p->pSub, pDup);
+ int iCol = -1;
+ if( p->pSub ){
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; ipSub->nExpr; i++){
+ if( 0==sqlite3ExprCompare(0, p->pSub->a[i].pExpr, pExpr, -1) ){
+ iCol = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( iCol<0 ){
+ Expr *pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(pParse->db, pExpr, 0);
+ if( pDup && pDup->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION ) pDup->op = TK_FUNCTION;
+ p->pSub = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, p->pSub, pDup);
+ }
if( p->pSub ){
assert( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Static)==0 );
ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Static);
@@ -147498,11 +151174,11 @@ static int selectWindowRewriteExprCb(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
memset(pExpr, 0, sizeof(Expr));
pExpr->op = TK_COLUMN;
- pExpr->iColumn = p->pSub->nExpr-1;
+ pExpr->iColumn = (iCol<0 ? p->pSub->nExpr-1: iCol);
pExpr->iTable = p->pWin->iEphCsr;
pExpr->y.pTab = p->pTab;
+ if( pParse->db->mallocFailed ) return WRC_Abort;
@@ -147584,9 +151260,18 @@ static ExprList *exprListAppendList(
int nInit = pList ? pList->nExpr : 0;
for(i=0; inExpr; i++){
Expr *pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(pParse->db, pAppend->a[i].pExpr, 0);
- if( bIntToNull && pDup && pDup->op==TK_INTEGER ){
- pDup->op = TK_NULL;
- pDup->flags &= ~(EP_IntValue|EP_IsTrue|EP_IsFalse);
+ assert( pDup==0 || !ExprHasProperty(pDup, EP_MemToken) );
+ if( bIntToNull && pDup ){
+ int iDummy;
+ Expr *pSub;
+ for(pSub=pDup; ExprHasProperty(pSub, EP_Skip); pSub=pSub->pLeft){
+ assert( pSub );
+ }
+ if( sqlite3ExprIsInteger(pSub, &iDummy) ){
+ pSub->op = TK_NULL;
+ pSub->flags &= ~(EP_IntValue|EP_IsTrue|EP_IsFalse);
+ pSub->u.zToken = 0;
+ }
pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, pList, pDup);
if( pList ) pList->a[nInit+i].sortFlags = pAppend->a[i].sortFlags;
@@ -147595,6 +151280,23 @@ static ExprList *exprListAppendList(
return pList;
+** When rewriting a query, if the new subquery in the FROM clause
+** contains TK_AGG_FUNCTION nodes that refer to an outer query,
+** then we have to increase the Expr->op2 values of those nodes
+** due to the extra subquery layer that was added.
+** See also the incrAggDepth() routine in resolve.c
+static int sqlite3WindowExtraAggFuncDepth(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
+ if( pExpr->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION
+ && pExpr->op2>=pWalker->walkerDepth
+ ){
+ pExpr->op2++;
+ }
+ return WRC_Continue;
** If the SELECT statement passed as the second argument does not invoke
** any SQL window functions, this function is a no-op. Otherwise, it
@@ -147604,7 +151306,7 @@ static ExprList *exprListAppendList(
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
- if( p->pWin && p->pPrior==0 ){
+ if( p->pWin && p->pPrior==0 && (p->selFlags & SF_WinRewrite)==0 ){
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
Select *pSub = 0; /* The subquery */
@@ -147618,10 +151320,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
Window *pMWin = p->pWin; /* Master window object */
Window *pWin; /* Window object iterator */
Table *pTab;
+ u32 selFlags = p->selFlags;
pTab = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, sizeof(Table));
if( pTab==0 ){
- return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+ return sqlite3ErrorToParser(db, SQLITE_NOMEM);
p->pSrc = 0;
@@ -147629,11 +151332,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
p->pGroupBy = 0;
p->pHaving = 0;
p->selFlags &= ~SF_Aggregate;
+ p->selFlags |= SF_WinRewrite;
/* Create the ORDER BY clause for the sub-select. This is the concatenation
** of the window PARTITION and ORDER BY clauses. Then, if this makes it
** redundant, remove the ORDER BY from the parent SELECT. */
- pSort = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, pMWin->pPartition, 0);
+ pSort = exprListAppendList(pParse, 0, pMWin->pPartition, 1);
pSort = exprListAppendList(pParse, pSort, pMWin->pOrderBy, 1);
if( pSort && p->pOrderBy && p->pOrderBy->nExpr<=pSort->nExpr ){
int nSave = pSort->nExpr;
@@ -147702,22 +151406,28 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
p->pSrc = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse, 0, 0, 0);
if( p->pSrc ){
Table *pTab2;
+ Walker w;
p->pSrc->a[0].pSelect = pSub;
sqlite3SrcListAssignCursors(pParse, p->pSrc);
pSub->selFlags |= SF_Expanded;
pTab2 = sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect(pParse, pSub, SQLITE_AFF_NONE);
+ pSub->selFlags |= (selFlags & SF_Aggregate);
if( pTab2==0 ){
+ /* Might actually be some other kind of error, but in that case
+ ** pParse->nErr will be set, so if SQLITE_NOMEM is set, we will get
+ ** the correct error message regardless. */
memcpy(pTab, pTab2, sizeof(Table));
pTab->tabFlags |= TF_Ephemeral;
p->pSrc->a[0].pTab = pTab;
pTab = pTab2;
+ memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
+ w.xExprCallback = sqlite3WindowExtraAggFuncDepth;
+ w.xSelectCallback = sqlite3WalkerDepthIncrease;
+ w.xSelectCallback2 = sqlite3WalkerDepthDecrease;
+ sqlite3WalkSelect(&w, pSub);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pMWin->iEphCsr, pSublist->nExpr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+1, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+2, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+3, pMWin->iEphCsr);
sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pSub);
@@ -147725,6 +151435,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
sqlite3DbFree(db, pTab);
+ if( rc ){
+ if( pParse->nErr==0 ){
+ assert( pParse->db->mallocFailed );
+ sqlite3ErrorToParser(pParse->db, SQLITE_NOMEM);
+ }
+ sqlite3SelectReset(pParse, p);
+ }
return rc;
@@ -147944,8 +151661,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowAttach(Parse *pParse, Expr *p, Window *pWin){
** SELECT, or (b) the windows already linked use a compatible window frame.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowLink(Select *pSel, Window *pWin){
- if( 0==pSel->pWin
- || 0==sqlite3WindowCompare(0, pSel->pWin, pWin, 0)
+ if( pSel!=0
+ && (0==pSel->pWin || 0==sqlite3WindowCompare(0, pSel->pWin, pWin, 0))
pWin->pNextWin = pSel->pWin;
if( pSel->pWin ){
@@ -147957,20 +151674,29 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowLink(Select *pSel, Window *pWin){
-** Return 0 if the two window objects are identical, or non-zero otherwise.
-** Identical window objects can be processed in a single scan.
+** Return 0 if the two window objects are identical, 1 if they are
+** different, or 2 if it cannot be determined if the objects are identical
+** or not. Identical window objects can be processed in a single scan.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowCompare(Parse *pParse, Window *p1, Window *p2, int bFilter){
+ int res;
+ if( NEVER(p1==0) || NEVER(p2==0) ) return 1;
if( p1->eFrmType!=p2->eFrmType ) return 1;
if( p1->eStart!=p2->eStart ) return 1;
if( p1->eEnd!=p2->eEnd ) return 1;
if( p1->eExclude!=p2->eExclude ) return 1;
if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pParse, p1->pStart, p2->pStart, -1) ) return 1;
if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pParse, p1->pEnd, p2->pEnd, -1) ) return 1;
- if( sqlite3ExprListCompare(p1->pPartition, p2->pPartition, -1) ) return 1;
- if( sqlite3ExprListCompare(p1->pOrderBy, p2->pOrderBy, -1) ) return 1;
+ if( (res = sqlite3ExprListCompare(p1->pPartition, p2->pPartition, -1)) ){
+ return res;
+ }
+ if( (res = sqlite3ExprListCompare(p1->pOrderBy, p2->pOrderBy, -1)) ){
+ return res;
+ }
if( bFilter ){
- if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pParse, p1->pFilter, p2->pFilter, -1) ) return 1;
+ if( (res = sqlite3ExprCompare(pParse, p1->pFilter, p2->pFilter, -1)) ){
+ return res;
+ }
return 0;
@@ -147981,10 +151707,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowCompare(Parse *pParse, Window *p1, Window *p2, i
** to begin iterating through the sub-query results. It is used to allocate
** and initialize registers and cursors used by sqlite3WindowCodeStep().
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse *pParse, Select *pSelect){
+ int nEphExpr = pSelect->pSrc->a[0].pSelect->pEList->nExpr;
+ Window *pMWin = pSelect->pWin;
Window *pWin;
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pMWin->iEphCsr, nEphExpr);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+1, pMWin->iEphCsr);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+2, pMWin->iEphCsr);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+3, pMWin->iEphCsr);
/* Allocate registers to use for PARTITION BY values, if any. Initialize
** said registers to NULL. */
if( pMWin->pPartition ){
@@ -148250,7 +151983,7 @@ static void windowAggStep(
/* All OVER clauses in the same window function aggregate step must
** be the same. */
- assert( pWin==pMWin || sqlite3WindowCompare(pParse,pWin,pMWin,0)==0 );
+ assert( pWin==pMWin || sqlite3WindowCompare(pParse,pWin,pMWin,0)!=1 );
for(i=0; izName!=nth_valueName ){
@@ -148572,6 +152305,7 @@ static int windowInitAccum(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin){
Window *pWin;
for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
FuncDef *pFunc = pWin->pFunc;
+ assert( pWin->regAccum );
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regAccum);
nArg = MAX(nArg, windowArgCount(pWin));
if( pMWin->regStartRowid==0 ){
@@ -148950,6 +152684,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowDup(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pOwner, Window *p){
pNew->eStart = p->eStart;
pNew->eExclude = p->eExclude;
pNew->regResult = p->regResult;
+ pNew->regAccum = p->regAccum;
+ pNew->iArgCol = p->iArgCol;
+ pNew->iEphCsr = p->iEphCsr;
+ pNew->bExprArgs = p->bExprArgs;
pNew->pStart = sqlite3ExprDup(db, p->pStart, 0);
pNew->pEnd = sqlite3ExprDup(db, p->pEnd, 0);
pNew->pOwner = pOwner;
@@ -149746,8 +153484,9 @@ struct FrameBound { int eType; Expr *pExpr; };
** shared across database connections.
static void disableLookaside(Parse *pParse){
+ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
- pParse->db->lookaside.bDisable++;
+ DisableLookaside;
@@ -149786,6 +153525,7 @@ static void disableLookaside(Parse *pParse){
p->op = (u8)op;
p->affExpr = 0;
p->flags = EP_Leaf;
+ ExprClearVVAProperties(p);
p->iAgg = -1;
p->pLeft = p->pRight = 0;
p->x.pList = 0;
@@ -149911,28 +153651,28 @@ static void disableLookaside(Parse *pParse){
/************* Begin control #defines *****************************************/
#define YYCODETYPE unsigned short int
-#define YYNOCODE 307
+#define YYNOCODE 310
#define YYACTIONTYPE unsigned short int
-#define YYWILDCARD 98
+#define YYWILDCARD 100
#define sqlite3ParserTOKENTYPE Token
typedef union {
int yyinit;
sqlite3ParserTOKENTYPE yy0;
- const char* yy8;
- Select* yy25;
- int yy32;
- Expr* yy46;
- struct FrameBound yy57;
- u8 yy118;
- ExprList* yy138;
- Upsert* yy288;
- With* yy297;
- IdList* yy406;
- Window* yy455;
- struct {int value; int mask;} yy495;
- TriggerStep* yy527;
- struct TrigEvent yy572;
- SrcList* yy609;
+ SrcList* yy47;
+ u8 yy58;
+ struct FrameBound yy77;
+ With* yy131;
+ int yy192;
+ Expr* yy202;
+ struct {int value; int mask;} yy207;
+ struct TrigEvent yy230;
+ ExprList* yy242;
+ Window* yy303;
+ Upsert* yy318;
+ const char* yy436;
+ TriggerStep* yy447;
+ Select* yy539;
+ IdList* yy600;
#define YYSTACKDEPTH 100
@@ -149948,17 +153688,18 @@ typedef union {
#define sqlite3ParserCTX_FETCH Parse *pParse=yypParser->pParse;
#define sqlite3ParserCTX_STORE yypParser->pParse=pParse;
#define YYFALLBACK 1
-#define YYNSTATE 543
-#define YYNRULE 381
-#define YYNTOKEN 179
-#define YY_MAX_SHIFT 542
-#define YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE 1170
-#define YY_ERROR_ACTION 1171
-#define YY_ACCEPT_ACTION 1172
-#define YY_NO_ACTION 1173
-#define YY_MIN_REDUCE 1174
-#define YY_MAX_REDUCE 1554
+#define YYNSTATE 551
+#define YYNRULE 385
+#define YYNTOKEN 181
+#define YY_MAX_SHIFT 550
+#define YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE 1185
+#define YY_ERROR_ACTION 1186
+#define YY_ACCEPT_ACTION 1187
+#define YY_NO_ACTION 1188
+#define YY_MIN_REDUCE 1189
+#define YY_MAX_REDUCE 1573
/************* End control #defines *******************************************/
#define YY_NLOOKAHEAD ((int)(sizeof(yy_lookahead)/sizeof(yy_lookahead[0])))
@@ -150025,573 +153766,583 @@ typedef union {
** yy_default[] Default action for each state.
*********** Begin parsing tables **********************************************/
-#define YY_ACTTAB_COUNT (1913)
+#define YY_ACTTAB_COUNT (1958)
static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_action[] = {
- /* 0 */ 537, 339, 537, 1241, 1220, 537, 12, 537, 112, 109,
- /* 10 */ 209, 537, 1241, 537, 1205, 462, 112, 109, 209, 386,
- /* 20 */ 338, 462, 42, 42, 42, 42, 445, 42, 42, 70,
- /* 30 */ 70, 922, 1208, 70, 70, 70, 70, 1443, 403, 923,
- /* 40 */ 531, 531, 531, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994,
- /* 50 */ 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 425, 386,
- /* 60 */ 1498, 542, 2, 1176, 1442, 519, 141, 1518, 289, 519,
- /* 70 */ 134, 519, 95, 259, 495, 1215, 189, 1254, 518, 494,
- /* 80 */ 484, 437, 296, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994,
- /* 90 */ 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 270, 116,
- /* 100 */ 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418,
- /* 110 */ 264, 264, 264, 264, 423, 1479, 352, 1481, 123, 351,
- /* 120 */ 1479, 508, 1094, 534, 1034, 534, 1099, 386, 1099, 239,
- /* 130 */ 206, 112, 109, 209, 96, 1094, 376, 219, 1094, 116,
- /* 140 */ 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418,
- /* 150 */ 480, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984,
- /* 160 */ 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 353, 422, 1407, 264,
- /* 170 */ 264, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 883, 121, 416, 416,
- /* 180 */ 416, 882, 534, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114,
- /* 190 */ 114, 114, 113, 418, 212, 415, 414, 386, 443, 383,
- /* 200 */ 382, 118, 118, 118, 118, 111, 177, 116, 116, 116,
- /* 210 */ 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 112, 109,
- /* 220 */ 209, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984,
- /* 230 */ 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 386, 438, 312, 1163,
- /* 240 */ 1155, 80, 1155, 1127, 514, 79, 116, 116, 116, 116,
- /* 250 */ 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 514, 428, 418,
- /* 260 */ 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117,
- /* 270 */ 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 428, 427, 116, 116, 116,
- /* 280 */ 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 115, 115,
- /* 290 */ 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 1127, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1094,
- /* 300 */ 258, 258, 192, 386, 408, 371, 1168, 326, 118, 118,
- /* 310 */ 118, 118, 1094, 534, 374, 1094, 116, 116, 116, 116,
- /* 320 */ 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 119, 120, 110,
- /* 330 */ 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118,
- /* 340 */ 118, 118, 386, 354, 445, 428, 829, 238, 1127, 1128,
- /* 350 */ 1129, 515, 1466, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114,
- /* 360 */ 114, 114, 113, 418, 1127, 1467, 119, 120, 110, 1148,
- /* 370 */ 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118,
- /* 380 */ 118, 1169, 82, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114,
- /* 390 */ 114, 114, 113, 418, 405, 112, 109, 209, 161, 445,
- /* 400 */ 250, 267, 336, 478, 331, 477, 236, 951, 1127, 386,
- /* 410 */ 888, 1521, 329, 822, 852, 162, 274, 1127, 1128, 1129,
- /* 420 */ 338, 169, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114,
- /* 430 */ 114, 113, 418, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994,
- /* 440 */ 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 386, 438,
- /* 450 */ 312, 1502, 1112, 1176, 161, 288, 528, 311, 289, 883,
- /* 460 */ 134, 1127, 1128, 1129, 882, 537, 143, 1254, 288, 528,
- /* 470 */ 297, 275, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984,
- /* 480 */ 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 70, 70, 116,
- /* 490 */ 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418,
- /* 500 */ 264, 264, 12, 264, 264, 395, 1127, 483, 1473, 1094,
- /* 510 */ 204, 482, 6, 534, 1258, 386, 534, 1474, 825, 972,
- /* 520 */ 504, 6, 1094, 500, 95, 1094, 534, 219, 116, 116,
- /* 530 */ 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 119,
- /* 540 */ 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117, 117,
- /* 550 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 386, 1339, 971, 422, 956, 1127,
- /* 560 */ 1128, 1129, 231, 512, 1473, 475, 472, 471, 6, 113,
- /* 570 */ 418, 825, 962, 298, 503, 470, 961, 452, 119, 120,
- /* 580 */ 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117, 117, 118,
- /* 590 */ 118, 118, 118, 395, 537, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115,
- /* 600 */ 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 202, 961, 961, 963,
- /* 610 */ 231, 971, 1127, 475, 472, 471, 13, 13, 951, 1127,
- /* 620 */ 834, 386, 1207, 470, 399, 183, 447, 962, 462, 162,
- /* 630 */ 397, 961, 1246, 1246, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115,
- /* 640 */ 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148,
- /* 650 */ 991, 994, 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118,
- /* 660 */ 386, 271, 961, 961, 963, 1127, 1128, 1129, 311, 433,
- /* 670 */ 299, 1406, 1127, 1128, 1129, 178, 1471, 138, 162, 32,
- /* 680 */ 6, 1127, 288, 528, 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991,
- /* 690 */ 994, 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 909,
- /* 700 */ 390, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114,
- /* 710 */ 113, 418, 1127, 429, 817, 537, 1127, 265, 265, 981,
- /* 720 */ 981, 992, 995, 324, 1055, 93, 520, 5, 338, 537,
- /* 730 */ 534, 288, 528, 1522, 1127, 1128, 1129, 70, 70, 1056,
- /* 740 */ 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113,
- /* 750 */ 418, 70, 70, 1495, 1057, 537, 98, 1244, 1244, 264,
- /* 760 */ 264, 908, 371, 1076, 1127, 1127, 1128, 1129, 817, 1127,
- /* 770 */ 1128, 1129, 534, 519, 140, 863, 386, 13, 13, 456,
- /* 780 */ 192, 193, 521, 453, 319, 864, 322, 284, 365, 430,
- /* 790 */ 985, 402, 379, 1077, 1548, 101, 386, 1548, 3, 395,
- /* 800 */ 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117,
- /* 810 */ 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 386, 451, 1127, 1128, 1129,
- /* 820 */ 119, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117,
- /* 830 */ 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 1127, 1354, 1412, 1169, 119,
- /* 840 */ 108, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117, 117,
- /* 850 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 1412, 1414, 116, 116, 116, 116,
- /* 860 */ 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 272, 535, 1075,
- /* 870 */ 877, 877, 337, 1492, 309, 462, 116, 116, 116, 116,
- /* 880 */ 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 537, 1127, 1128,
- /* 890 */ 1129, 537, 360, 537, 356, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115,
- /* 900 */ 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 386, 264, 264, 13,
- /* 910 */ 13, 273, 1127, 13, 13, 13, 13, 304, 1253, 386,
- /* 920 */ 534, 1077, 1549, 404, 1412, 1549, 496, 277, 451, 186,
- /* 930 */ 1252, 120, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994, 984, 984, 117,
- /* 940 */ 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 110, 1148, 1148, 991, 994,
- /* 950 */ 984, 984, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 105, 529,
- /* 960 */ 537, 4, 1339, 264, 264, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1039, 1039,
- /* 970 */ 459, 795, 796, 797, 536, 532, 534, 242, 301, 807,
- /* 980 */ 303, 462, 69, 69, 451, 1353, 116, 116, 116, 116,
- /* 990 */ 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418, 1075, 419, 116,
- /* 1000 */ 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 418,
- /* 1010 */ 526, 537, 1146, 192, 350, 105, 529, 537, 4, 497,
- /* 1020 */ 162, 337, 1492, 310, 1249, 385, 1550, 372, 9, 462,
- /* 1030 */ 242, 400, 532, 13, 13, 499, 971, 843, 436, 70,
- /* 1040 */ 70, 359, 103, 103, 8, 339, 278, 187, 278, 104,
- /* 1050 */ 1127, 419, 539, 538, 1339, 419, 961, 302, 1339, 1172,
- /* 1060 */ 1, 1, 542, 2, 1176, 1146, 1146, 526, 476, 289,
- /* 1070 */ 30, 134, 317, 288, 528, 285, 844, 1014, 1254, 276,
- /* 1080 */ 1472, 506, 410, 1194, 6, 207, 505, 961, 961, 963,
- /* 1090 */ 964, 27, 449, 971, 415, 414, 234, 233, 232, 103,
- /* 1100 */ 103, 31, 1152, 1127, 1128, 1129, 104, 1154, 419, 539,
- /* 1110 */ 538, 264, 264, 961, 1399, 1153, 264, 264, 1470, 1146,
- /* 1120 */ 537, 216, 6, 401, 534, 1197, 392, 458, 406, 534,
- /* 1130 */ 537, 485, 358, 537, 261, 537, 1339, 907, 219, 1155,
- /* 1140 */ 467, 1155, 50, 50, 961, 961, 963, 964, 27, 1497,
- /* 1150 */ 1116, 421, 70, 70, 268, 70, 70, 13, 13, 369,
- /* 1160 */ 369, 368, 253, 366, 264, 264, 804, 235, 422, 105,
- /* 1170 */ 529, 516, 4, 287, 487, 510, 493, 534, 486, 213,
- /* 1180 */ 1055, 294, 490, 384, 1127, 450, 532, 338, 413, 293,
- /* 1190 */ 522, 417, 335, 1036, 509, 1056, 107, 1036, 16, 16,
- /* 1200 */ 1469, 1094, 334, 1105, 6, 411, 1145, 264, 264, 419,
- /* 1210 */ 1057, 102, 511, 100, 1094, 264, 264, 1094, 922, 215,
- /* 1220 */ 534, 526, 907, 264, 264, 208, 923, 154, 534, 457,
- /* 1230 */ 156, 525, 391, 142, 218, 506, 534, 1127, 1128, 1129,
- /* 1240 */ 507, 139, 1131, 38, 214, 530, 392, 971, 329, 1454,
- /* 1250 */ 907, 1105, 537, 103, 103, 105, 529, 537, 4, 537,
- /* 1260 */ 104, 424, 419, 539, 538, 537, 502, 961, 517, 537,
- /* 1270 */ 1072, 537, 532, 373, 54, 54, 288, 528, 387, 55,
- /* 1280 */ 55, 15, 15, 288, 528, 17, 136, 44, 44, 1451,
- /* 1290 */ 537, 56, 56, 57, 57, 419, 1131, 291, 961, 961,
- /* 1300 */ 963, 964, 27, 393, 163, 537, 426, 526, 263, 206,
- /* 1310 */ 208, 517, 58, 58, 235, 440, 842, 841, 197, 105,
- /* 1320 */ 529, 506, 4, 1033, 439, 1033, 505, 59, 59, 308,
- /* 1330 */ 849, 850, 95, 971, 537, 907, 532, 948, 832, 103,
- /* 1340 */ 103, 105, 529, 537, 4, 1021, 104, 537, 419, 539,
- /* 1350 */ 538, 1116, 421, 961, 537, 268, 60, 60, 532, 419,
- /* 1360 */ 369, 369, 368, 253, 366, 61, 61, 804, 965, 45,
- /* 1370 */ 45, 526, 537, 1032, 1277, 1032, 46, 46, 537, 391,
- /* 1380 */ 213, 419, 294, 266, 961, 961, 963, 964, 27, 292,
- /* 1390 */ 293, 295, 832, 526, 48, 48, 1290, 971, 1289, 1021,
- /* 1400 */ 49, 49, 432, 103, 103, 887, 953, 537, 1457, 241,
- /* 1410 */ 104, 305, 419, 539, 538, 925, 926, 961, 444, 971,
- /* 1420 */ 215, 241, 965, 1224, 537, 103, 103, 1431, 154, 62,
- /* 1430 */ 62, 156, 104, 1430, 419, 539, 538, 97, 529, 961,
- /* 1440 */ 4, 537, 454, 537, 314, 214, 63, 63, 961, 961,
- /* 1450 */ 963, 964, 27, 537, 532, 446, 1286, 318, 241, 537,
- /* 1460 */ 321, 323, 325, 64, 64, 14, 14, 1237, 537, 1223,
- /* 1470 */ 961, 961, 963, 964, 27, 65, 65, 419, 537, 387,
- /* 1480 */ 537, 125, 125, 537, 288, 528, 537, 1486, 537, 526,
- /* 1490 */ 66, 66, 313, 524, 537, 95, 468, 1221, 1511, 237,
- /* 1500 */ 51, 51, 67, 67, 330, 68, 68, 426, 52, 52,
- /* 1510 */ 149, 149, 1222, 340, 341, 971, 150, 150, 1298, 463,
- /* 1520 */ 327, 103, 103, 95, 537, 1338, 1273, 537, 104, 537,
- /* 1530 */ 419, 539, 538, 1284, 537, 961, 268, 283, 523, 1344,
- /* 1540 */ 1204, 369, 369, 368, 253, 366, 75, 75, 804, 53,
- /* 1550 */ 53, 71, 71, 537, 1196, 537, 126, 126, 537, 1017,
- /* 1560 */ 537, 213, 237, 294, 537, 1185, 961, 961, 963, 964,
- /* 1570 */ 27, 293, 537, 1184, 537, 72, 72, 127, 127, 1186,
- /* 1580 */ 128, 128, 124, 124, 1505, 537, 148, 148, 537, 256,
- /* 1590 */ 195, 537, 1270, 537, 147, 147, 132, 132, 537, 11,
- /* 1600 */ 537, 215, 537, 199, 343, 345, 347, 131, 131, 154,
- /* 1610 */ 129, 129, 156, 130, 130, 74, 74, 537, 370, 1323,
- /* 1620 */ 76, 76, 73, 73, 43, 43, 214, 431, 211, 1331,
- /* 1630 */ 300, 916, 880, 815, 241, 107, 137, 307, 881, 47,
- /* 1640 */ 47, 107, 473, 378, 203, 448, 333, 1403, 1220, 1402,
- /* 1650 */ 349, 190, 527, 191, 363, 198, 1508, 1163, 245, 165,
- /* 1660 */ 387, 1450, 1448, 1160, 78, 288, 528, 1408, 81, 394,
- /* 1670 */ 82, 442, 175, 159, 167, 93, 1328, 35, 1320, 434,
- /* 1680 */ 170, 171, 172, 173, 435, 466, 221, 375, 426, 377,
- /* 1690 */ 1334, 179, 455, 441, 1397, 225, 87, 36, 461, 1419,
- /* 1700 */ 316, 257, 227, 184, 320, 464, 228, 479, 1187, 229,
- /* 1710 */ 380, 1240, 1239, 407, 1238, 1212, 834, 332, 1231, 381,
- /* 1720 */ 409, 1211, 204, 1210, 1491, 498, 1520, 1281, 92, 281,
- /* 1730 */ 1230, 489, 282, 492, 342, 243, 1282, 344, 244, 1280,
- /* 1740 */ 346, 412, 1279, 1477, 348, 122, 1476, 517, 10, 357,
- /* 1750 */ 286, 1305, 1304, 99, 1383, 94, 501, 251, 1193, 34,
- /* 1760 */ 1263, 355, 540, 194, 1262, 361, 362, 1122, 252, 254,
- /* 1770 */ 255, 388, 541, 1182, 1177, 151, 1435, 389, 1436, 1434,
- /* 1780 */ 1433, 791, 152, 135, 279, 200, 201, 420, 196, 77,
- /* 1790 */ 153, 290, 269, 210, 1031, 133, 1029, 945, 166, 155,
- /* 1800 */ 217, 168, 866, 306, 220, 1045, 174, 949, 157, 396,
- /* 1810 */ 83, 398, 176, 84, 85, 164, 86, 158, 1048, 222,
- /* 1820 */ 223, 1044, 144, 18, 224, 315, 1037, 180, 241, 460,
- /* 1830 */ 1157, 226, 181, 37, 806, 465, 334, 230, 328, 469,
- /* 1840 */ 182, 88, 474, 19, 20, 160, 89, 280, 145, 90,
- /* 1850 */ 481, 845, 1110, 146, 997, 205, 1080, 39, 91, 40,
- /* 1860 */ 488, 1081, 915, 491, 260, 262, 185, 910, 240, 107,
- /* 1870 */ 1100, 1096, 1098, 1104, 21, 1084, 33, 513, 247, 22,
- /* 1880 */ 23, 24, 1103, 25, 188, 95, 1012, 998, 996, 26,
- /* 1890 */ 1000, 1054, 7, 1053, 1001, 246, 28, 41, 533, 966,
- /* 1900 */ 816, 106, 29, 367, 248, 249, 1513, 1512, 364, 1117,
- /* 1910 */ 1173, 1173, 876,
+ /* 0 */ 544, 1220, 544, 449, 1258, 544, 1237, 544, 114, 111,
+ /* 10 */ 211, 544, 1535, 544, 1258, 521, 114, 111, 211, 390,
+ /* 20 */ 1230, 342, 42, 42, 42, 42, 1223, 42, 42, 71,
+ /* 30 */ 71, 935, 1222, 71, 71, 71, 71, 1460, 1491, 936,
+ /* 40 */ 818, 451, 6, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007,
+ /* 50 */ 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 1541, 390,
+ /* 60 */ 1356, 1515, 550, 2, 1191, 194, 526, 434, 143, 291,
+ /* 70 */ 526, 136, 526, 369, 261, 502, 272, 383, 1271, 525,
+ /* 80 */ 501, 491, 164, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007,
+ /* 90 */ 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 1356, 440,
+ /* 100 */ 1512, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 110 */ 115, 422, 266, 266, 266, 266, 1496, 356, 1498, 433,
+ /* 120 */ 355, 1496, 515, 522, 1483, 541, 1112, 541, 1112, 390,
+ /* 130 */ 403, 241, 208, 114, 111, 211, 98, 290, 535, 221,
+ /* 140 */ 1027, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 150 */ 115, 422, 1140, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007,
+ /* 160 */ 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 404, 426,
+ /* 170 */ 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 1416, 466, 123,
+ /* 180 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115,
+ /* 190 */ 422, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 538, 538, 538, 390,
+ /* 200 */ 503, 120, 120, 120, 120, 113, 1049, 1140, 1141, 1142,
+ /* 210 */ 1049, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 220 */ 115, 422, 1459, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007,
+ /* 230 */ 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 390, 442,
+ /* 240 */ 314, 83, 461, 81, 357, 380, 1140, 80, 118, 118,
+ /* 250 */ 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 179,
+ /* 260 */ 432, 422, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997,
+ /* 270 */ 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 432, 431, 266,
+ /* 280 */ 266, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 290 */ 115, 422, 541, 1107, 901, 504, 1140, 114, 111, 211,
+ /* 300 */ 1429, 1140, 1141, 1142, 206, 489, 1107, 390, 447, 1107,
+ /* 310 */ 543, 328, 120, 120, 120, 120, 298, 1429, 1431, 17,
+ /* 320 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115,
+ /* 330 */ 422, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997,
+ /* 340 */ 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 390, 1356, 432, 1140,
+ /* 350 */ 480, 1140, 1141, 1142, 994, 994, 1005, 1008, 443, 118,
+ /* 360 */ 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422,
+ /* 370 */ 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119,
+ /* 380 */ 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 1052, 1052, 463, 1429, 118,
+ /* 390 */ 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422,
+ /* 400 */ 1140, 449, 544, 1424, 1140, 1141, 1142, 233, 964, 1140,
+ /* 410 */ 479, 476, 475, 171, 358, 390, 164, 405, 412, 840,
+ /* 420 */ 474, 164, 185, 332, 71, 71, 1241, 998, 118, 118,
+ /* 430 */ 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 121,
+ /* 440 */ 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119, 119,
+ /* 450 */ 120, 120, 120, 120, 390, 1140, 1141, 1142, 833, 12,
+ /* 460 */ 313, 507, 163, 354, 1140, 1141, 1142, 114, 111, 211,
+ /* 470 */ 506, 290, 535, 544, 276, 180, 290, 535, 121, 122,
+ /* 480 */ 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119, 119, 120,
+ /* 490 */ 120, 120, 120, 343, 482, 71, 71, 118, 118, 118,
+ /* 500 */ 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 1140, 209,
+ /* 510 */ 409, 521, 1140, 1107, 1569, 376, 252, 269, 340, 485,
+ /* 520 */ 335, 484, 238, 390, 511, 362, 1107, 1125, 331, 1107,
+ /* 530 */ 191, 407, 286, 32, 455, 441, 118, 118, 118, 118,
+ /* 540 */ 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 121, 122, 112,
+ /* 550 */ 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120,
+ /* 560 */ 120, 120, 390, 1140, 1141, 1142, 985, 1140, 1141, 1142,
+ /* 570 */ 1140, 233, 490, 1490, 479, 476, 475, 6, 163, 544,
+ /* 580 */ 510, 544, 115, 422, 474, 5, 121, 122, 112, 1163,
+ /* 590 */ 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120,
+ /* 600 */ 120, 13, 13, 13, 13, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117,
+ /* 610 */ 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 401, 500, 406, 544,
+ /* 620 */ 1484, 542, 1140, 890, 890, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1471, 1140,
+ /* 630 */ 275, 390, 806, 807, 808, 969, 420, 420, 420, 16,
+ /* 640 */ 16, 55, 55, 1240, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117,
+ /* 650 */ 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163,
+ /* 660 */ 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120,
+ /* 670 */ 390, 1187, 1, 1, 550, 2, 1191, 1140, 1141, 1142,
+ /* 680 */ 194, 291, 896, 136, 1140, 1141, 1142, 895, 519, 1490,
+ /* 690 */ 1271, 3, 378, 6, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004,
+ /* 700 */ 1007, 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 856,
+ /* 710 */ 544, 922, 544, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116,
+ /* 720 */ 116, 116, 115, 422, 266, 266, 1090, 1567, 1140, 549,
+ /* 730 */ 1567, 1191, 13, 13, 13, 13, 291, 541, 136, 390,
+ /* 740 */ 483, 419, 418, 964, 342, 1271, 466, 408, 857, 279,
+ /* 750 */ 140, 221, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116,
+ /* 760 */ 116, 115, 422, 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007,
+ /* 770 */ 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 544, 266,
+ /* 780 */ 266, 426, 390, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1170, 828, 1170, 466,
+ /* 790 */ 429, 145, 541, 1144, 399, 313, 437, 301, 836, 1488,
+ /* 800 */ 71, 71, 410, 6, 1088, 471, 221, 100, 112, 1163,
+ /* 810 */ 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120,
+ /* 820 */ 120, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 830 */ 115, 422, 237, 1423, 544, 449, 426, 287, 984, 544,
+ /* 840 */ 236, 235, 234, 828, 97, 527, 427, 1263, 1263, 1144,
+ /* 850 */ 492, 306, 428, 836, 975, 544, 71, 71, 974, 1239,
+ /* 860 */ 544, 51, 51, 300, 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117,
+ /* 870 */ 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 194, 103, 70, 70, 266,
+ /* 880 */ 266, 544, 71, 71, 266, 266, 30, 389, 342, 974,
+ /* 890 */ 974, 976, 541, 526, 1107, 326, 390, 541, 493, 395,
+ /* 900 */ 1468, 195, 528, 13, 13, 1356, 240, 1107, 277, 280,
+ /* 910 */ 1107, 280, 303, 455, 305, 331, 390, 31, 188, 417,
+ /* 920 */ 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119,
+ /* 930 */ 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 142, 390, 363, 455, 984,
+ /* 940 */ 121, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119,
+ /* 950 */ 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 975, 321, 1140, 324, 974,
+ /* 960 */ 121, 110, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997, 997, 119,
+ /* 970 */ 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 462, 375, 1183, 118, 118,
+ /* 980 */ 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 1140,
+ /* 990 */ 974, 974, 976, 304, 9, 364, 244, 360, 118, 118,
+ /* 1000 */ 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 312,
+ /* 1010 */ 544, 342, 1140, 1141, 1142, 299, 290, 535, 118, 118,
+ /* 1020 */ 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115, 422, 1261,
+ /* 1030 */ 1261, 1161, 13, 13, 278, 419, 418, 466, 390, 921,
+ /* 1040 */ 260, 260, 289, 1167, 1140, 1141, 1142, 189, 1169, 266,
+ /* 1050 */ 266, 466, 388, 541, 1184, 544, 1168, 263, 144, 487,
+ /* 1060 */ 920, 544, 541, 122, 112, 1163, 1163, 1004, 1007, 997,
+ /* 1070 */ 997, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120, 71, 71, 1140,
+ /* 1080 */ 1170, 1270, 1170, 13, 13, 896, 1068, 1161, 544, 466,
+ /* 1090 */ 895, 107, 536, 1489, 4, 1266, 1107, 6, 523, 1047,
+ /* 1100 */ 12, 1069, 1090, 1568, 311, 453, 1568, 518, 539, 1107,
+ /* 1110 */ 56, 56, 1107, 1487, 421, 1356, 1070, 6, 343, 285,
+ /* 1120 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 116, 116, 115,
+ /* 1130 */ 422, 423, 1269, 319, 1140, 1141, 1142, 876, 266, 266,
+ /* 1140 */ 1275, 107, 536, 533, 4, 1486, 293, 877, 1209, 6,
+ /* 1150 */ 210, 541, 541, 164, 1540, 494, 414, 865, 539, 267,
+ /* 1160 */ 267, 1212, 396, 509, 497, 204, 266, 266, 394, 529,
+ /* 1170 */ 8, 984, 541, 517, 544, 920, 456, 105, 105, 541,
+ /* 1180 */ 1088, 423, 266, 266, 106, 415, 423, 546, 545, 266,
+ /* 1190 */ 266, 974, 516, 533, 1371, 541, 15, 15, 266, 266,
+ /* 1200 */ 454, 1118, 541, 266, 266, 1068, 1370, 513, 290, 535,
+ /* 1210 */ 544, 541, 512, 97, 442, 314, 541, 544, 920, 125,
+ /* 1220 */ 1069, 984, 974, 974, 976, 977, 27, 105, 105, 399,
+ /* 1230 */ 341, 1509, 44, 44, 106, 1070, 423, 546, 545, 57,
+ /* 1240 */ 57, 974, 341, 1509, 107, 536, 544, 4, 460, 399,
+ /* 1250 */ 214, 1118, 457, 294, 375, 1089, 532, 297, 544, 537,
+ /* 1260 */ 396, 539, 290, 535, 104, 244, 102, 524, 58, 58,
+ /* 1270 */ 544, 109, 974, 974, 976, 977, 27, 1514, 1129, 425,
+ /* 1280 */ 59, 59, 270, 237, 423, 138, 95, 373, 373, 372,
+ /* 1290 */ 255, 370, 60, 60, 815, 1178, 533, 544, 273, 544,
+ /* 1300 */ 1161, 843, 387, 386, 544, 1307, 544, 215, 210, 296,
+ /* 1310 */ 513, 847, 544, 265, 208, 514, 1306, 295, 274, 61,
+ /* 1320 */ 61, 62, 62, 436, 984, 1160, 45, 45, 46, 46,
+ /* 1330 */ 105, 105, 1184, 920, 47, 47, 1474, 106, 544, 423,
+ /* 1340 */ 546, 545, 218, 544, 974, 935, 1085, 217, 544, 377,
+ /* 1350 */ 395, 107, 536, 936, 4, 156, 1161, 843, 158, 544,
+ /* 1360 */ 49, 49, 141, 544, 38, 50, 50, 544, 539, 307,
+ /* 1370 */ 63, 63, 544, 1448, 216, 974, 974, 976, 977, 27,
+ /* 1380 */ 444, 64, 64, 544, 1447, 65, 65, 544, 524, 14,
+ /* 1390 */ 14, 423, 458, 544, 66, 66, 310, 544, 316, 97,
+ /* 1400 */ 1034, 544, 961, 533, 268, 127, 127, 544, 391, 67,
+ /* 1410 */ 67, 544, 978, 290, 535, 52, 52, 513, 544, 68,
+ /* 1420 */ 68, 1294, 512, 69, 69, 397, 165, 855, 854, 53,
+ /* 1430 */ 53, 984, 966, 151, 151, 243, 430, 105, 105, 199,
+ /* 1440 */ 152, 152, 448, 1303, 106, 243, 423, 546, 545, 1129,
+ /* 1450 */ 425, 974, 320, 270, 862, 863, 1034, 220, 373, 373,
+ /* 1460 */ 372, 255, 370, 450, 323, 815, 243, 544, 978, 544,
+ /* 1470 */ 107, 536, 544, 4, 544, 938, 939, 325, 215, 1046,
+ /* 1480 */ 296, 1046, 974, 974, 976, 977, 27, 539, 295, 76,
+ /* 1490 */ 76, 54, 54, 327, 72, 72, 128, 128, 1503, 1254,
+ /* 1500 */ 107, 536, 544, 4, 1045, 544, 1045, 531, 1238, 544,
+ /* 1510 */ 423, 544, 315, 334, 544, 97, 544, 539, 217, 544,
+ /* 1520 */ 472, 1528, 533, 239, 73, 73, 156, 129, 129, 158,
+ /* 1530 */ 467, 130, 130, 126, 126, 344, 150, 150, 149, 149,
+ /* 1540 */ 423, 134, 134, 329, 1030, 216, 97, 239, 929, 345,
+ /* 1550 */ 984, 243, 533, 1315, 339, 544, 105, 105, 900, 1355,
+ /* 1560 */ 544, 1290, 258, 106, 338, 423, 546, 545, 544, 1301,
+ /* 1570 */ 974, 893, 99, 536, 109, 4, 544, 133, 133, 391,
+ /* 1580 */ 984, 197, 131, 131, 290, 535, 105, 105, 530, 539,
+ /* 1590 */ 132, 132, 1361, 106, 1219, 423, 546, 545, 75, 75,
+ /* 1600 */ 974, 974, 974, 976, 977, 27, 544, 430, 826, 1211,
+ /* 1610 */ 894, 139, 423, 109, 544, 1200, 1199, 1201, 1522, 544,
+ /* 1620 */ 201, 544, 11, 374, 533, 1287, 347, 349, 77, 77,
+ /* 1630 */ 1340, 974, 974, 976, 977, 27, 74, 74, 351, 213,
+ /* 1640 */ 435, 43, 43, 48, 48, 302, 477, 309, 1348, 382,
+ /* 1650 */ 353, 452, 984, 337, 1237, 1420, 1419, 205, 105, 105,
+ /* 1660 */ 192, 367, 193, 534, 1525, 106, 1178, 423, 546, 545,
+ /* 1670 */ 247, 167, 974, 270, 1467, 200, 1465, 1175, 373, 373,
+ /* 1680 */ 372, 255, 370, 398, 79, 815, 83, 82, 1425, 446,
+ /* 1690 */ 161, 177, 169, 95, 1337, 438, 172, 173, 215, 174,
+ /* 1700 */ 296, 175, 35, 974, 974, 976, 977, 27, 295, 1345,
+ /* 1710 */ 439, 470, 223, 36, 379, 445, 1414, 381, 459, 1351,
+ /* 1720 */ 181, 227, 88, 465, 259, 229, 1436, 318, 186, 468,
+ /* 1730 */ 322, 230, 384, 1202, 231, 486, 1257, 1256, 217, 411,
+ /* 1740 */ 1255, 1248, 90, 847, 206, 413, 156, 505, 1539, 158,
+ /* 1750 */ 1226, 1538, 283, 1508, 1227, 336, 385, 284, 1225, 496,
+ /* 1760 */ 1537, 1298, 94, 346, 348, 216, 1247, 499, 1299, 245,
+ /* 1770 */ 246, 1297, 416, 350, 1494, 124, 1493, 10, 524, 361,
+ /* 1780 */ 1400, 101, 96, 288, 508, 253, 1135, 1208, 34, 1296,
+ /* 1790 */ 547, 254, 256, 257, 392, 548, 1197, 1192, 359, 391,
+ /* 1800 */ 1280, 1279, 196, 365, 290, 535, 366, 352, 1452, 1322,
+ /* 1810 */ 1321, 1453, 153, 137, 281, 154, 802, 424, 155, 1451,
+ /* 1820 */ 1450, 198, 292, 202, 203, 78, 212, 430, 271, 135,
+ /* 1830 */ 1044, 1042, 958, 168, 219, 157, 170, 879, 308, 222,
+ /* 1840 */ 1058, 176, 159, 962, 400, 84, 402, 178, 85, 86,
+ /* 1850 */ 87, 166, 160, 393, 1061, 224, 225, 1057, 146, 18,
+ /* 1860 */ 226, 317, 1050, 1172, 243, 464, 182, 228, 37, 183,
+ /* 1870 */ 817, 469, 338, 232, 330, 481, 184, 89, 845, 19,
+ /* 1880 */ 20, 92, 473, 478, 333, 91, 162, 858, 147, 488,
+ /* 1890 */ 282, 1123, 148, 1010, 928, 1093, 39, 93, 40, 495,
+ /* 1900 */ 1094, 187, 498, 207, 262, 264, 923, 242, 1109, 109,
+ /* 1910 */ 1113, 1111, 1097, 33, 21, 1117, 520, 1025, 22, 23,
+ /* 1920 */ 24, 1116, 25, 190, 97, 1011, 1009, 26, 1013, 1067,
+ /* 1930 */ 248, 7, 1066, 249, 1014, 28, 41, 889, 979, 827,
+ /* 1940 */ 108, 29, 250, 540, 251, 1530, 371, 368, 1131, 1130,
+ /* 1950 */ 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1529,
static const YYCODETYPE yy_lookahead[] = {
- /* 0 */ 187, 187, 187, 216, 217, 187, 206, 187, 264, 265,
- /* 10 */ 266, 187, 225, 187, 209, 187, 264, 265, 266, 19,
- /* 20 */ 187, 187, 209, 210, 209, 210, 187, 209, 210, 209,
- /* 30 */ 210, 31, 209, 209, 210, 209, 210, 285, 224, 39,
- /* 40 */ 203, 204, 205, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- /* 50 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 230, 19,
- /* 60 */ 181, 182, 183, 184, 230, 245, 233, 208, 189, 245,
- /* 70 */ 191, 245, 26, 206, 254, 216, 276, 198, 254, 198,
- /* 80 */ 254, 281, 187, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- /* 90 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 259, 99,
- /* 100 */ 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
- /* 110 */ 231, 232, 231, 232, 286, 302, 303, 302, 22, 304,
- /* 120 */ 302, 303, 76, 244, 11, 244, 86, 19, 88, 248,
- /* 130 */ 249, 264, 265, 266, 26, 89, 198, 258, 92, 99,
- /* 140 */ 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
- /* 150 */ 105, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
- /* 160 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 212, 288, 273, 231,
- /* 170 */ 232, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 131, 69, 203, 204,
- /* 180 */ 205, 136, 244, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
- /* 190 */ 106, 107, 108, 109, 15, 103, 104, 19, 260, 103,
- /* 200 */ 104, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 22, 99, 100, 101,
- /* 210 */ 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 264, 265,
- /* 220 */ 266, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
- /* 230 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 124, 125, 60,
- /* 240 */ 148, 24, 150, 59, 187, 67, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 250 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 187, 187, 109,
- /* 260 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- /* 270 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 204, 205, 99, 100, 101,
- /* 280 */ 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 103, 104,
- /* 290 */ 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 59, 112, 113, 114, 76,
- /* 300 */ 231, 232, 187, 19, 19, 22, 23, 23, 54, 55,
- /* 310 */ 56, 57, 89, 244, 199, 92, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 320 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 43, 44, 45,
- /* 330 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
- /* 340 */ 56, 57, 19, 212, 187, 274, 23, 26, 112, 113,
- /* 350 */ 114, 294, 295, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
- /* 360 */ 106, 107, 108, 109, 59, 295, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- /* 370 */ 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
- /* 380 */ 57, 98, 146, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
- /* 390 */ 106, 107, 108, 109, 109, 264, 265, 266, 187, 187,
- /* 400 */ 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 73, 59, 19,
- /* 410 */ 105, 23, 127, 23, 26, 81, 259, 112, 113, 114,
- /* 420 */ 187, 72, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,
- /* 430 */ 107, 108, 109, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- /* 440 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 124,
- /* 450 */ 125, 182, 23, 184, 187, 134, 135, 123, 189, 131,
- /* 460 */ 191, 112, 113, 114, 136, 187, 233, 198, 134, 135,
- /* 470 */ 198, 259, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
- /* 480 */ 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 209, 210, 99,
- /* 490 */ 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
- /* 500 */ 231, 232, 206, 231, 232, 187, 59, 296, 297, 76,
- /* 510 */ 160, 161, 301, 244, 232, 19, 244, 297, 59, 23,
- /* 520 */ 87, 301, 89, 245, 26, 92, 244, 258, 99, 100,
- /* 530 */ 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 43,
- /* 540 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
- /* 550 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 187, 97, 288, 23, 112,
- /* 560 */ 113, 114, 115, 296, 297, 118, 119, 120, 301, 108,
- /* 570 */ 109, 112, 113, 255, 141, 128, 117, 281, 43, 44,
- /* 580 */ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
- /* 590 */ 55, 56, 57, 187, 187, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
- /* 600 */ 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 26, 148, 149, 150,
- /* 610 */ 115, 97, 59, 118, 119, 120, 209, 210, 73, 59,
- /* 620 */ 122, 19, 209, 128, 256, 72, 187, 113, 187, 81,
- /* 630 */ 223, 117, 227, 228, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
- /* 640 */ 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
- /* 650 */ 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
- /* 660 */ 19, 255, 148, 149, 150, 112, 113, 114, 123, 124,
- /* 670 */ 125, 230, 112, 113, 114, 22, 297, 22, 81, 22,
- /* 680 */ 301, 59, 134, 135, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,
- /* 690 */ 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 139,
- /* 700 */ 192, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
- /* 710 */ 108, 109, 59, 116, 59, 187, 59, 231, 232, 46,
- /* 720 */ 47, 48, 49, 16, 12, 145, 198, 22, 187, 187,
- /* 730 */ 244, 134, 135, 222, 112, 113, 114, 209, 210, 27,
- /* 740 */ 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108,
- /* 750 */ 109, 209, 210, 187, 42, 187, 154, 227, 228, 231,
- /* 760 */ 232, 139, 22, 23, 59, 112, 113, 114, 113, 112,
- /* 770 */ 113, 114, 244, 245, 233, 63, 19, 209, 210, 271,
- /* 780 */ 187, 24, 254, 275, 77, 73, 79, 245, 195, 260,
- /* 790 */ 117, 223, 199, 22, 23, 154, 19, 26, 22, 187,
- /* 800 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- /* 810 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 187, 112, 113, 114,
- /* 820 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- /* 830 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 263, 187, 98, 43,
- /* 840 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
- /* 850 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 204, 205, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 860 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 255, 130, 98,
- /* 870 */ 132, 133, 299, 300, 198, 187, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 880 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 187, 112, 113,
- /* 890 */ 114, 187, 241, 187, 243, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
- /* 900 */ 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 19, 231, 232, 209,
- /* 910 */ 210, 282, 59, 209, 210, 209, 210, 16, 230, 19,
- /* 920 */ 244, 22, 23, 223, 274, 26, 19, 223, 187, 223,
- /* 930 */ 198, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- /* 940 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- /* 950 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 20,
- /* 960 */ 187, 22, 187, 231, 232, 112, 113, 114, 123, 124,
- /* 970 */ 125, 7, 8, 9, 187, 36, 244, 24, 77, 21,
- /* 980 */ 79, 187, 209, 210, 187, 263, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 990 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 98, 59, 99,
- /* 1000 */ 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
- /* 1010 */ 71, 187, 59, 187, 187, 19, 20, 187, 22, 112,
- /* 1020 */ 81, 299, 300, 282, 230, 199, 291, 292, 22, 187,
- /* 1030 */ 24, 256, 36, 209, 210, 187, 97, 35, 80, 209,
- /* 1040 */ 210, 268, 103, 104, 48, 187, 220, 223, 222, 110,
- /* 1050 */ 59, 112, 113, 114, 187, 59, 117, 156, 187, 179,
- /* 1060 */ 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 59, 113, 71, 66, 189,
- /* 1070 */ 22, 191, 230, 134, 135, 245, 74, 119, 198, 282,
- /* 1080 */ 297, 85, 224, 198, 301, 187, 90, 148, 149, 150,
- /* 1090 */ 151, 152, 19, 97, 103, 104, 123, 124, 125, 103,
- /* 1100 */ 104, 53, 111, 112, 113, 114, 110, 116, 112, 113,
- /* 1110 */ 114, 231, 232, 117, 156, 124, 231, 232, 297, 113,
- /* 1120 */ 187, 24, 301, 256, 244, 201, 202, 256, 126, 244,
- /* 1130 */ 187, 198, 187, 187, 23, 187, 187, 26, 258, 148,
- /* 1140 */ 19, 150, 209, 210, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 0,
- /* 1150 */ 1, 2, 209, 210, 5, 209, 210, 209, 210, 10,
- /* 1160 */ 11, 12, 13, 14, 231, 232, 17, 46, 288, 19,
- /* 1170 */ 20, 223, 22, 236, 198, 66, 187, 244, 245, 30,
- /* 1180 */ 12, 32, 198, 246, 59, 112, 36, 187, 245, 40,
- /* 1190 */ 198, 245, 117, 29, 85, 27, 26, 33, 209, 210,
- /* 1200 */ 297, 76, 127, 94, 301, 256, 26, 231, 232, 59,
- /* 1210 */ 42, 153, 87, 155, 89, 231, 232, 92, 31, 70,
- /* 1220 */ 244, 71, 26, 231, 232, 114, 39, 78, 244, 65,
- /* 1230 */ 81, 63, 111, 233, 137, 85, 244, 112, 113, 114,
- /* 1240 */ 90, 22, 59, 24, 95, 201, 202, 97, 127, 187,
- /* 1250 */ 139, 142, 187, 103, 104, 19, 20, 187, 22, 187,
- /* 1260 */ 110, 187, 112, 113, 114, 187, 141, 117, 141, 187,
- /* 1270 */ 23, 187, 36, 26, 209, 210, 134, 135, 129, 209,
- /* 1280 */ 210, 209, 210, 134, 135, 22, 159, 209, 210, 187,
- /* 1290 */ 187, 209, 210, 209, 210, 59, 113, 187, 148, 149,
- /* 1300 */ 150, 151, 152, 289, 290, 187, 157, 71, 248, 249,
- /* 1310 */ 114, 141, 209, 210, 46, 125, 116, 117, 138, 19,
- /* 1320 */ 20, 85, 22, 148, 61, 150, 90, 209, 210, 23,
- /* 1330 */ 7, 8, 26, 97, 187, 139, 36, 147, 59, 103,
- /* 1340 */ 104, 19, 20, 187, 22, 59, 110, 187, 112, 113,
- /* 1350 */ 114, 1, 2, 117, 187, 5, 209, 210, 36, 59,
- /* 1360 */ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 209, 210, 17, 59, 209,
- /* 1370 */ 210, 71, 187, 148, 250, 150, 209, 210, 187, 111,
- /* 1380 */ 30, 59, 32, 22, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 187,
- /* 1390 */ 40, 187, 113, 71, 209, 210, 187, 97, 187, 113,
- /* 1400 */ 209, 210, 187, 103, 104, 105, 23, 187, 187, 26,
- /* 1410 */ 110, 187, 112, 113, 114, 83, 84, 117, 23, 97,
- /* 1420 */ 70, 26, 113, 218, 187, 103, 104, 187, 78, 209,
- /* 1430 */ 210, 81, 110, 187, 112, 113, 114, 19, 20, 117,
- /* 1440 */ 22, 187, 187, 187, 187, 95, 209, 210, 148, 149,
- /* 1450 */ 150, 151, 152, 187, 36, 23, 187, 187, 26, 187,
- /* 1460 */ 187, 187, 187, 209, 210, 209, 210, 187, 187, 218,
- /* 1470 */ 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 209, 210, 59, 187, 129,
- /* 1480 */ 187, 209, 210, 187, 134, 135, 187, 306, 187, 71,
- /* 1490 */ 209, 210, 23, 228, 187, 26, 23, 187, 137, 26,
- /* 1500 */ 209, 210, 209, 210, 187, 209, 210, 157, 209, 210,
- /* 1510 */ 209, 210, 218, 187, 187, 97, 209, 210, 187, 278,
- /* 1520 */ 23, 103, 104, 26, 187, 187, 187, 187, 110, 187,
- /* 1530 */ 112, 113, 114, 187, 187, 117, 5, 247, 187, 187,
- /* 1540 */ 187, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 209, 210, 17, 209,
- /* 1550 */ 210, 209, 210, 187, 187, 187, 209, 210, 187, 23,
- /* 1560 */ 187, 30, 26, 32, 187, 187, 148, 149, 150, 151,
- /* 1570 */ 152, 40, 187, 187, 187, 209, 210, 209, 210, 187,
- /* 1580 */ 209, 210, 209, 210, 187, 187, 209, 210, 187, 277,
- /* 1590 */ 234, 187, 247, 187, 209, 210, 209, 210, 187, 235,
- /* 1600 */ 187, 70, 187, 207, 247, 247, 247, 209, 210, 78,
- /* 1610 */ 209, 210, 81, 209, 210, 209, 210, 187, 185, 238,
- /* 1620 */ 209, 210, 209, 210, 209, 210, 95, 251, 287, 238,
- /* 1630 */ 251, 23, 23, 23, 26, 26, 26, 283, 23, 209,
- /* 1640 */ 210, 26, 213, 238, 221, 283, 212, 212, 217, 212,
- /* 1650 */ 251, 241, 270, 241, 237, 235, 190, 60, 137, 287,
- /* 1660 */ 129, 194, 194, 38, 284, 134, 135, 273, 284, 194,
- /* 1670 */ 146, 111, 22, 43, 226, 145, 262, 261, 238, 18,
- /* 1680 */ 229, 229, 229, 229, 194, 18, 193, 238, 157, 262,
- /* 1690 */ 226, 226, 194, 238, 238, 193, 153, 261, 62, 280,
- /* 1700 */ 279, 194, 193, 22, 194, 214, 193, 111, 194, 193,
- /* 1710 */ 214, 211, 211, 64, 211, 211, 122, 211, 219, 214,
- /* 1720 */ 109, 213, 160, 211, 300, 140, 211, 253, 111, 272,
- /* 1730 */ 219, 214, 272, 214, 252, 194, 253, 252, 91, 253,
- /* 1740 */ 252, 82, 253, 305, 252, 144, 305, 141, 22, 194,
- /* 1750 */ 269, 257, 257, 153, 267, 143, 142, 25, 197, 26,
- /* 1760 */ 242, 241, 196, 240, 242, 239, 238, 13, 188, 188,
- /* 1770 */ 6, 293, 186, 186, 186, 200, 206, 293, 206, 206,
- /* 1780 */ 206, 4, 200, 215, 215, 207, 207, 3, 22, 206,
- /* 1790 */ 200, 158, 96, 15, 23, 16, 23, 135, 146, 126,
- /* 1800 */ 24, 138, 20, 16, 140, 1, 138, 147, 126, 61,
- /* 1810 */ 53, 37, 146, 53, 53, 290, 53, 126, 112, 34,
- /* 1820 */ 137, 1, 5, 22, 111, 156, 68, 68, 26, 41,
- /* 1830 */ 75, 137, 111, 24, 20, 19, 127, 121, 23, 67,
- /* 1840 */ 22, 22, 67, 22, 22, 37, 22, 67, 23, 145,
- /* 1850 */ 22, 28, 23, 23, 23, 137, 23, 22, 26, 22,
- /* 1860 */ 24, 23, 112, 24, 23, 23, 22, 139, 34, 26,
- /* 1870 */ 75, 88, 86, 75, 34, 23, 22, 24, 22, 34,
- /* 1880 */ 34, 34, 93, 34, 26, 26, 23, 23, 23, 34,
- /* 1890 */ 23, 23, 44, 23, 11, 26, 22, 22, 26, 23,
- /* 1900 */ 23, 22, 22, 15, 137, 137, 137, 137, 23, 1,
- /* 1910 */ 307, 307, 131, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1920 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1930 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1940 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1950 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1960 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1970 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1980 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 1990 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2000 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2010 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2020 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2030 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2040 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2050 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2060 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2070 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2080 */ 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307,
- /* 2090 */ 307, 307,
+ /* 0 */ 189, 211, 189, 189, 218, 189, 220, 189, 267, 268,
+ /* 10 */ 269, 189, 210, 189, 228, 189, 267, 268, 269, 19,
+ /* 20 */ 218, 189, 211, 212, 211, 212, 211, 211, 212, 211,
+ /* 30 */ 212, 31, 211, 211, 212, 211, 212, 288, 300, 39,
+ /* 40 */ 21, 189, 304, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
+ /* 50 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 225, 19,
+ /* 60 */ 189, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 248, 263, 236, 191,
+ /* 70 */ 248, 193, 248, 197, 208, 257, 262, 201, 200, 257,
+ /* 80 */ 200, 257, 81, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
+ /* 90 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 189, 80,
+ /* 100 */ 189, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
+ /* 110 */ 110, 111, 234, 235, 234, 235, 305, 306, 305, 118,
+ /* 120 */ 307, 305, 306, 297, 298, 247, 86, 247, 88, 19,
+ /* 130 */ 259, 251, 252, 267, 268, 269, 26, 136, 137, 261,
+ /* 140 */ 121, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
+ /* 150 */ 110, 111, 59, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
+ /* 160 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 259, 291,
+ /* 170 */ 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 158, 189, 69,
+ /* 180 */ 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
+ /* 190 */ 111, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 205, 206, 207, 19,
+ /* 200 */ 19, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 29, 114, 115, 116,
+ /* 210 */ 33, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
+ /* 220 */ 110, 111, 233, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
+ /* 230 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 126,
+ /* 240 */ 127, 148, 65, 24, 214, 200, 59, 67, 101, 102,
+ /* 250 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 22,
+ /* 260 */ 189, 111, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
+ /* 270 */ 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 206, 207, 234,
+ /* 280 */ 235, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
+ /* 290 */ 110, 111, 247, 76, 107, 114, 59, 267, 268, 269,
+ /* 300 */ 189, 114, 115, 116, 162, 163, 89, 19, 263, 92,
+ /* 310 */ 189, 23, 54, 55, 56, 57, 189, 206, 207, 22,
+ /* 320 */ 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
+ /* 330 */ 111, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
+ /* 340 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 189, 277, 59,
+ /* 350 */ 23, 114, 115, 116, 46, 47, 48, 49, 61, 101,
+ /* 360 */ 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111,
+ /* 370 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
+ /* 380 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 125, 126, 127, 277, 101,
+ /* 390 */ 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111,
+ /* 400 */ 59, 189, 189, 276, 114, 115, 116, 117, 73, 59,
+ /* 410 */ 120, 121, 122, 72, 214, 19, 81, 259, 19, 23,
+ /* 420 */ 130, 81, 72, 24, 211, 212, 221, 119, 101, 102,
+ /* 430 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 43,
+ /* 440 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
+ /* 450 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 19, 114, 115, 116, 23, 208,
+ /* 460 */ 125, 248, 189, 189, 114, 115, 116, 267, 268, 269,
+ /* 470 */ 189, 136, 137, 189, 262, 22, 136, 137, 43, 44,
+ /* 480 */ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
+ /* 490 */ 55, 56, 57, 189, 95, 211, 212, 101, 102, 103,
+ /* 500 */ 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 59, 189,
+ /* 510 */ 111, 189, 59, 76, 294, 295, 117, 118, 119, 120,
+ /* 520 */ 121, 122, 123, 19, 87, 189, 89, 23, 129, 92,
+ /* 530 */ 279, 227, 248, 22, 189, 284, 101, 102, 103, 104,
+ /* 540 */ 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 43, 44, 45,
+ /* 550 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
+ /* 560 */ 56, 57, 19, 114, 115, 116, 23, 114, 115, 116,
+ /* 570 */ 59, 117, 299, 300, 120, 121, 122, 304, 189, 189,
+ /* 580 */ 143, 189, 110, 111, 130, 22, 43, 44, 45, 46,
+ /* 590 */ 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
+ /* 600 */ 57, 211, 212, 211, 212, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
+ /* 610 */ 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 226, 189, 226, 189,
+ /* 620 */ 298, 132, 59, 134, 135, 114, 115, 116, 189, 59,
+ /* 630 */ 285, 19, 7, 8, 9, 23, 205, 206, 207, 211,
+ /* 640 */ 212, 211, 212, 221, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,
+ /* 650 */ 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
+ /* 660 */ 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
+ /* 670 */ 19, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 114, 115, 116,
+ /* 680 */ 189, 191, 133, 193, 114, 115, 116, 138, 299, 300,
+ /* 690 */ 200, 22, 201, 304, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,
+ /* 700 */ 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 35,
+ /* 710 */ 189, 141, 189, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
+ /* 720 */ 108, 109, 110, 111, 234, 235, 22, 23, 59, 184,
+ /* 730 */ 26, 186, 211, 212, 211, 212, 191, 247, 193, 19,
+ /* 740 */ 66, 105, 106, 73, 189, 200, 189, 226, 74, 226,
+ /* 750 */ 22, 261, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108,
+ /* 760 */ 109, 110, 111, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
+ /* 770 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 189, 234,
+ /* 780 */ 235, 291, 19, 114, 115, 116, 150, 59, 152, 189,
+ /* 790 */ 233, 236, 247, 59, 189, 125, 126, 127, 59, 300,
+ /* 800 */ 211, 212, 128, 304, 100, 19, 261, 156, 45, 46,
+ /* 810 */ 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
+ /* 820 */ 57, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
+ /* 830 */ 110, 111, 46, 233, 189, 189, 291, 248, 99, 189,
+ /* 840 */ 125, 126, 127, 115, 26, 200, 289, 230, 231, 115,
+ /* 850 */ 200, 16, 189, 114, 115, 189, 211, 212, 119, 221,
+ /* 860 */ 189, 211, 212, 258, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,
+ /* 870 */ 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 189, 156, 211, 212, 234,
+ /* 880 */ 235, 189, 211, 212, 234, 235, 22, 201, 189, 150,
+ /* 890 */ 151, 152, 247, 248, 76, 16, 19, 247, 248, 113,
+ /* 900 */ 189, 24, 257, 211, 212, 189, 26, 89, 262, 223,
+ /* 910 */ 92, 225, 77, 189, 79, 129, 19, 53, 226, 248,
+ /* 920 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
+ /* 930 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 236, 19, 271, 189, 99,
+ /* 940 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
+ /* 950 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 115, 77, 59, 79, 119,
+ /* 960 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
+ /* 970 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 259, 22, 23, 101, 102,
+ /* 980 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 59,
+ /* 990 */ 150, 151, 152, 158, 22, 244, 24, 246, 101, 102,
+ /* 1000 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 285,
+ /* 1010 */ 189, 189, 114, 115, 116, 200, 136, 137, 101, 102,
+ /* 1020 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 230,
+ /* 1030 */ 231, 59, 211, 212, 285, 105, 106, 189, 19, 141,
+ /* 1040 */ 234, 235, 239, 113, 114, 115, 116, 226, 118, 234,
+ /* 1050 */ 235, 189, 249, 247, 100, 189, 126, 23, 236, 107,
+ /* 1060 */ 26, 189, 247, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
+ /* 1070 */ 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 211, 212, 59,
+ /* 1080 */ 150, 233, 152, 211, 212, 133, 12, 115, 189, 189,
+ /* 1090 */ 138, 19, 20, 300, 22, 233, 76, 304, 226, 11,
+ /* 1100 */ 208, 27, 22, 23, 200, 19, 26, 87, 36, 89,
+ /* 1110 */ 211, 212, 92, 300, 248, 189, 42, 304, 189, 250,
+ /* 1120 */ 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
+ /* 1130 */ 111, 59, 200, 233, 114, 115, 116, 63, 234, 235,
+ /* 1140 */ 235, 19, 20, 71, 22, 300, 189, 73, 200, 304,
+ /* 1150 */ 116, 247, 247, 81, 23, 200, 227, 26, 36, 234,
+ /* 1160 */ 235, 203, 204, 143, 200, 26, 234, 235, 194, 200,
+ /* 1170 */ 48, 99, 247, 66, 189, 141, 284, 105, 106, 247,
+ /* 1180 */ 100, 59, 234, 235, 112, 259, 114, 115, 116, 234,
+ /* 1190 */ 235, 119, 85, 71, 266, 247, 211, 212, 234, 235,
+ /* 1200 */ 114, 94, 247, 234, 235, 12, 266, 85, 136, 137,
+ /* 1210 */ 189, 247, 90, 26, 126, 127, 247, 189, 26, 22,
+ /* 1220 */ 27, 99, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 105, 106, 189,
+ /* 1230 */ 302, 303, 211, 212, 112, 42, 114, 115, 116, 211,
+ /* 1240 */ 212, 119, 302, 303, 19, 20, 189, 22, 274, 189,
+ /* 1250 */ 15, 144, 278, 189, 22, 23, 63, 189, 189, 203,
+ /* 1260 */ 204, 36, 136, 137, 155, 24, 157, 143, 211, 212,
+ /* 1270 */ 189, 26, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 0, 1, 2,
+ /* 1280 */ 211, 212, 5, 46, 59, 161, 147, 10, 11, 12,
+ /* 1290 */ 13, 14, 211, 212, 17, 60, 71, 189, 258, 189,
+ /* 1300 */ 59, 59, 105, 106, 189, 189, 189, 30, 116, 32,
+ /* 1310 */ 85, 124, 189, 251, 252, 90, 189, 40, 258, 211,
+ /* 1320 */ 212, 211, 212, 189, 99, 26, 211, 212, 211, 212,
+ /* 1330 */ 105, 106, 100, 141, 211, 212, 189, 112, 189, 114,
+ /* 1340 */ 115, 116, 24, 189, 119, 31, 23, 70, 189, 26,
+ /* 1350 */ 113, 19, 20, 39, 22, 78, 115, 115, 81, 189,
+ /* 1360 */ 211, 212, 22, 189, 24, 211, 212, 189, 36, 189,
+ /* 1370 */ 211, 212, 189, 189, 97, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154,
+ /* 1380 */ 127, 211, 212, 189, 189, 211, 212, 189, 143, 211,
+ /* 1390 */ 212, 59, 189, 189, 211, 212, 23, 189, 189, 26,
+ /* 1400 */ 59, 189, 149, 71, 22, 211, 212, 189, 131, 211,
+ /* 1410 */ 212, 189, 59, 136, 137, 211, 212, 85, 189, 211,
+ /* 1420 */ 212, 253, 90, 211, 212, 292, 293, 118, 119, 211,
+ /* 1430 */ 212, 99, 23, 211, 212, 26, 159, 105, 106, 140,
+ /* 1440 */ 211, 212, 23, 189, 112, 26, 114, 115, 116, 1,
+ /* 1450 */ 2, 119, 189, 5, 7, 8, 115, 139, 10, 11,
+ /* 1460 */ 12, 13, 14, 23, 189, 17, 26, 189, 115, 189,
+ /* 1470 */ 19, 20, 189, 22, 189, 83, 84, 189, 30, 150,
+ /* 1480 */ 32, 152, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 36, 40, 211,
+ /* 1490 */ 212, 211, 212, 189, 211, 212, 211, 212, 309, 189,
+ /* 1500 */ 19, 20, 189, 22, 150, 189, 152, 231, 189, 189,
+ /* 1510 */ 59, 189, 23, 189, 189, 26, 189, 36, 70, 189,
+ /* 1520 */ 23, 139, 71, 26, 211, 212, 78, 211, 212, 81,
+ /* 1530 */ 281, 211, 212, 211, 212, 189, 211, 212, 211, 212,
+ /* 1540 */ 59, 211, 212, 23, 23, 97, 26, 26, 23, 189,
+ /* 1550 */ 99, 26, 71, 189, 119, 189, 105, 106, 107, 189,
+ /* 1560 */ 189, 189, 280, 112, 129, 114, 115, 116, 189, 189,
+ /* 1570 */ 119, 23, 19, 20, 26, 22, 189, 211, 212, 131,
+ /* 1580 */ 99, 237, 211, 212, 136, 137, 105, 106, 189, 36,
+ /* 1590 */ 211, 212, 189, 112, 189, 114, 115, 116, 211, 212,
+ /* 1600 */ 119, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 189, 159, 23, 189,
+ /* 1610 */ 23, 26, 59, 26, 189, 189, 189, 189, 189, 189,
+ /* 1620 */ 209, 189, 238, 187, 71, 250, 250, 250, 211, 212,
+ /* 1630 */ 241, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 211, 212, 250, 290,
+ /* 1640 */ 254, 211, 212, 211, 212, 254, 215, 286, 241, 241,
+ /* 1650 */ 254, 286, 99, 214, 220, 214, 214, 224, 105, 106,
+ /* 1660 */ 244, 240, 244, 273, 192, 112, 60, 114, 115, 116,
+ /* 1670 */ 139, 290, 119, 5, 196, 238, 196, 38, 10, 11,
+ /* 1680 */ 12, 13, 14, 196, 287, 17, 148, 287, 276, 113,
+ /* 1690 */ 43, 22, 229, 147, 241, 18, 232, 232, 30, 232,
+ /* 1700 */ 32, 232, 264, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 40, 265,
+ /* 1710 */ 196, 18, 195, 264, 241, 241, 241, 265, 196, 229,
+ /* 1720 */ 229, 195, 155, 62, 196, 195, 283, 282, 22, 216,
+ /* 1730 */ 196, 195, 216, 196, 195, 113, 213, 213, 70, 64,
+ /* 1740 */ 213, 222, 22, 124, 162, 111, 78, 142, 219, 81,
+ /* 1750 */ 215, 219, 275, 303, 213, 213, 216, 275, 213, 216,
+ /* 1760 */ 213, 256, 113, 255, 255, 97, 222, 216, 256, 196,
+ /* 1770 */ 91, 256, 82, 255, 308, 146, 308, 22, 143, 196,
+ /* 1780 */ 270, 155, 145, 272, 144, 25, 13, 199, 26, 256,
+ /* 1790 */ 198, 190, 190, 6, 296, 188, 188, 188, 244, 131,
+ /* 1800 */ 245, 245, 243, 242, 136, 137, 241, 255, 208, 260,
+ /* 1810 */ 260, 208, 202, 217, 217, 202, 4, 3, 202, 208,
+ /* 1820 */ 208, 22, 160, 209, 209, 208, 15, 159, 98, 16,
+ /* 1830 */ 23, 23, 137, 148, 24, 128, 140, 20, 16, 142,
+ /* 1840 */ 1, 140, 128, 149, 61, 53, 37, 148, 53, 53,
+ /* 1850 */ 53, 293, 128, 296, 114, 34, 139, 1, 5, 22,
+ /* 1860 */ 113, 158, 68, 75, 26, 41, 68, 139, 24, 113,
+ /* 1870 */ 20, 19, 129, 123, 23, 96, 22, 22, 59, 22,
+ /* 1880 */ 22, 147, 67, 67, 24, 22, 37, 28, 23, 22,
+ /* 1890 */ 67, 23, 23, 23, 114, 23, 22, 26, 22, 24,
+ /* 1900 */ 23, 22, 24, 139, 23, 23, 141, 34, 88, 26,
+ /* 1910 */ 75, 86, 23, 22, 34, 75, 24, 23, 34, 34,
+ /* 1920 */ 34, 93, 34, 26, 26, 23, 23, 34, 23, 23,
+ /* 1930 */ 26, 44, 23, 22, 11, 22, 22, 133, 23, 23,
+ /* 1940 */ 22, 22, 139, 26, 139, 139, 15, 23, 1, 1,
+ /* 1950 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 139, 310, 310,
+ /* 1960 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 1970 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 1980 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 1990 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2000 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2010 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2020 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2030 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2040 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2050 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2060 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2070 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2080 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2090 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2100 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2110 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2120 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
+ /* 2130 */ 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310,
-#define YY_SHIFT_COUNT (542)
+#define YY_SHIFT_COUNT (550)
#define YY_SHIFT_MIN (0)
-#define YY_SHIFT_MAX (1908)
+#define YY_SHIFT_MAX (1948)
static const unsigned short int yy_shift_ofst[] = {
- /* 0 */ 1350, 1149, 1531, 939, 939, 548, 996, 1150, 1236, 1322,
- /* 10 */ 1322, 1322, 334, 0, 0, 178, 777, 1322, 1322, 1322,
- /* 20 */ 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322,
- /* 30 */ 991, 991, 1125, 1125, 447, 597, 548, 548, 548, 548,
- /* 40 */ 548, 548, 40, 108, 217, 284, 323, 390, 429, 496,
- /* 50 */ 535, 602, 641, 757, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777,
- /* 60 */ 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777,
- /* 70 */ 777, 777, 796, 777, 887, 900, 900, 1300, 1322, 1322,
- /* 80 */ 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322,
- /* 90 */ 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322,
- /* 100 */ 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322,
- /* 110 */ 1418, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322,
- /* 120 */ 1322, 1322, 1322, 1322, 147, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254,
- /* 130 */ 84, 185, 66, 853, 958, 1121, 853, 92, 92, 853,
- /* 140 */ 321, 321, 321, 321, 325, 350, 350, 461, 150, 1913,
- /* 150 */ 1913, 285, 285, 285, 236, 184, 349, 184, 184, 712,
- /* 160 */ 712, 433, 553, 771, 899, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853,
- /* 170 */ 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853,
- /* 180 */ 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 46, 46, 853, 113,
- /* 190 */ 223, 223, 1183, 1183, 1127, 1142, 1913, 1913, 1913, 459,
- /* 200 */ 514, 514, 653, 495, 657, 305, 705, 560, 622, 776,
- /* 210 */ 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 545,
- /* 220 */ 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853,
- /* 230 */ 853, 853, 1002, 1002, 1002, 853, 853, 853, 853, 1111,
- /* 240 */ 853, 853, 853, 1006, 1109, 853, 853, 1168, 853, 853,
- /* 250 */ 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 853, 845, 1164, 738, 953,
- /* 260 */ 953, 953, 953, 1196, 738, 738, 45, 96, 964, 179,
- /* 270 */ 580, 907, 907, 1073, 580, 580, 1073, 498, 388, 1268,
- /* 280 */ 1187, 1187, 1187, 907, 1170, 1170, 1058, 1180, 328, 1219,
- /* 290 */ 1597, 1521, 1521, 1625, 1625, 1521, 1524, 1560, 1650, 1630,
- /* 300 */ 1530, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1521, 1667, 1530, 1530, 1560,
- /* 310 */ 1650, 1630, 1630, 1530, 1521, 1667, 1543, 1636, 1521, 1667,
- /* 320 */ 1681, 1521, 1667, 1521, 1667, 1681, 1596, 1596, 1596, 1649,
- /* 330 */ 1681, 1596, 1594, 1596, 1649, 1596, 1596, 1562, 1681, 1611,
- /* 340 */ 1611, 1681, 1585, 1617, 1585, 1617, 1585, 1617, 1585, 1617,
- /* 350 */ 1521, 1647, 1647, 1659, 1659, 1601, 1606, 1726, 1521, 1600,
- /* 360 */ 1601, 1612, 1614, 1530, 1732, 1733, 1754, 1754, 1764, 1764,
- /* 370 */ 1764, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913,
- /* 380 */ 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 673, 901, 283, 740,
- /* 390 */ 707, 973, 655, 1247, 1048, 1097, 1190, 1306, 1263, 1383,
- /* 400 */ 1395, 1432, 1469, 1473, 1497, 1279, 1200, 1323, 1075, 1286,
- /* 410 */ 1536, 1608, 1332, 1609, 1175, 1225, 1610, 1615, 1309, 1361,
- /* 420 */ 1777, 1784, 1766, 1633, 1778, 1696, 1779, 1771, 1773, 1662,
- /* 430 */ 1652, 1673, 1776, 1663, 1782, 1664, 1787, 1804, 1668, 1660,
- /* 440 */ 1682, 1748, 1774, 1666, 1757, 1760, 1761, 1763, 1691, 1706,
- /* 450 */ 1785, 1683, 1820, 1817, 1801, 1713, 1669, 1758, 1802, 1759,
- /* 460 */ 1755, 1788, 1694, 1721, 1809, 1814, 1816, 1709, 1716, 1818,
- /* 470 */ 1772, 1819, 1821, 1815, 1822, 1775, 1823, 1824, 1780, 1808,
- /* 480 */ 1825, 1704, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1835, 1836,
- /* 490 */ 1838, 1837, 1839, 1718, 1841, 1842, 1750, 1834, 1844, 1728,
- /* 500 */ 1843, 1840, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1783, 1795, 1786, 1848, 1798,
- /* 510 */ 1789, 1849, 1852, 1854, 1853, 1858, 1859, 1855, 1863, 1843,
- /* 520 */ 1864, 1865, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1856, 1883, 1874, 1875,
- /* 530 */ 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1872, 1781, 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770,
- /* 540 */ 1885, 1888, 1908,
+ /* 0 */ 1448, 1277, 1668, 1072, 1072, 340, 1122, 1225, 1332, 1481,
+ /* 10 */ 1481, 1481, 335, 0, 0, 180, 897, 1481, 1481, 1481,
+ /* 20 */ 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481,
+ /* 30 */ 930, 930, 1020, 1020, 290, 1, 340, 340, 340, 340,
+ /* 40 */ 340, 340, 40, 110, 219, 288, 327, 396, 435, 504,
+ /* 50 */ 543, 612, 651, 720, 877, 897, 897, 897, 897, 897,
+ /* 60 */ 897, 897, 897, 897, 897, 897, 897, 897, 897, 897,
+ /* 70 */ 897, 897, 897, 917, 897, 1019, 763, 763, 1451, 1481,
+ /* 80 */ 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481,
+ /* 90 */ 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481,
+ /* 100 */ 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481,
+ /* 110 */ 1481, 1481, 1553, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481,
+ /* 120 */ 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 147, 258, 258, 258,
+ /* 130 */ 258, 258, 79, 65, 84, 449, 19, 786, 449, 636,
+ /* 140 */ 636, 449, 880, 880, 880, 880, 113, 142, 142, 472,
+ /* 150 */ 150, 1958, 1958, 399, 399, 399, 93, 237, 341, 237,
+ /* 160 */ 237, 1074, 1074, 437, 350, 704, 1080, 449, 449, 449,
+ /* 170 */ 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449,
+ /* 180 */ 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 818, 818,
+ /* 190 */ 449, 1088, 217, 217, 734, 734, 1124, 1126, 1958, 1958,
+ /* 200 */ 1958, 739, 840, 840, 453, 454, 511, 187, 563, 570,
+ /* 210 */ 898, 669, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449,
+ /* 220 */ 449, 670, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449,
+ /* 230 */ 449, 449, 449, 449, 674, 674, 674, 449, 449, 449,
+ /* 240 */ 449, 1034, 449, 449, 449, 972, 1107, 449, 449, 1193,
+ /* 250 */ 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 449, 260, 177,
+ /* 260 */ 489, 1241, 1241, 1241, 1241, 1192, 489, 489, 952, 1197,
+ /* 270 */ 625, 1235, 1139, 181, 181, 1086, 1139, 1139, 1086, 1187,
+ /* 280 */ 1131, 1237, 1314, 1314, 1314, 181, 1245, 1245, 1109, 1299,
+ /* 290 */ 549, 1340, 1606, 1531, 1531, 1639, 1639, 1531, 1538, 1576,
+ /* 300 */ 1669, 1647, 1546, 1677, 1677, 1677, 1677, 1531, 1693, 1546,
+ /* 310 */ 1546, 1576, 1669, 1647, 1647, 1546, 1531, 1693, 1567, 1661,
+ /* 320 */ 1531, 1693, 1706, 1531, 1693, 1531, 1693, 1706, 1622, 1622,
+ /* 330 */ 1622, 1675, 1720, 1720, 1706, 1622, 1619, 1622, 1675, 1622,
+ /* 340 */ 1622, 1582, 1706, 1634, 1634, 1706, 1605, 1649, 1605, 1649,
+ /* 350 */ 1605, 1649, 1605, 1649, 1531, 1679, 1679, 1690, 1690, 1629,
+ /* 360 */ 1635, 1755, 1531, 1626, 1629, 1637, 1640, 1546, 1760, 1762,
+ /* 370 */ 1773, 1773, 1787, 1787, 1787, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958,
+ /* 380 */ 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958,
+ /* 390 */ 308, 835, 954, 1232, 879, 715, 728, 1323, 864, 1318,
+ /* 400 */ 1253, 1373, 297, 1409, 1419, 1440, 1489, 1497, 1520, 1242,
+ /* 410 */ 1309, 1447, 1435, 1341, 1521, 1525, 1392, 1548, 1329, 1354,
+ /* 420 */ 1585, 1587, 1353, 1382, 1812, 1814, 1799, 1662, 1811, 1730,
+ /* 430 */ 1813, 1807, 1808, 1695, 1685, 1707, 1810, 1696, 1817, 1697,
+ /* 440 */ 1822, 1839, 1701, 1694, 1714, 1783, 1809, 1699, 1792, 1795,
+ /* 450 */ 1796, 1797, 1724, 1740, 1821, 1717, 1856, 1853, 1837, 1747,
+ /* 460 */ 1703, 1794, 1838, 1798, 1788, 1824, 1728, 1756, 1844, 1850,
+ /* 470 */ 1852, 1743, 1750, 1854, 1815, 1855, 1857, 1851, 1858, 1816,
+ /* 480 */ 1819, 1860, 1779, 1859, 1863, 1823, 1849, 1865, 1734, 1867,
+ /* 490 */ 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1876, 1878,
+ /* 500 */ 1764, 1881, 1882, 1780, 1873, 1879, 1765, 1883, 1880, 1884,
+ /* 510 */ 1885, 1886, 1820, 1835, 1825, 1887, 1840, 1828, 1888, 1889,
+ /* 520 */ 1891, 1892, 1897, 1898, 1893, 1894, 1883, 1902, 1903, 1905,
+ /* 530 */ 1906, 1904, 1909, 1911, 1923, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1918,
+ /* 540 */ 1919, 1917, 1804, 1803, 1805, 1806, 1818, 1924, 1931, 1947,
+ /* 550 */ 1948,
-#define YY_REDUCE_COUNT (385)
-#define YY_REDUCE_MIN (-256)
-#define YY_REDUCE_MAX (1590)
+#define YY_REDUCE_COUNT (389)
+#define YY_REDUCE_MIN (-262)
+#define YY_REDUCE_MAX (1617)
static const short yy_reduce_ofst[] = {
- /* 0 */ 880, -121, 269, 528, 933, -119, -187, -185, -182, -180,
- /* 10 */ -176, -174, -62, -46, 131, -248, -133, 407, 568, 700,
- /* 20 */ 704, 278, 706, 824, 542, 830, 948, 773, 943, 946,
- /* 30 */ 71, 650, 211, 267, 826, 272, 676, 732, 885, 976,
- /* 40 */ 984, 992, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256,
- /* 50 */ -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256,
- /* 60 */ -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256,
- /* 70 */ -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, 989, 1065, 1070,
- /* 80 */ 1072, 1078, 1082, 1084, 1103, 1118, 1147, 1156, 1160, 1167,
- /* 90 */ 1185, 1191, 1220, 1237, 1254, 1256, 1266, 1272, 1281, 1291,
- /* 100 */ 1293, 1296, 1299, 1301, 1307, 1337, 1340, 1342, 1347, 1366,
- /* 110 */ 1368, 1371, 1373, 1377, 1385, 1387, 1398, 1401, 1404, 1406,
- /* 120 */ 1411, 1413, 1415, 1430, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256, -256,
- /* 130 */ -256, -256, -256, -172, 508, -213, 57, -163, -25, 593,
- /* 140 */ 69, 486, 69, 486, -200, 573, 722, -256, -256, -256,
- /* 150 */ -256, -141, -141, -141, -105, -161, -167, 157, 212, 405,
- /* 160 */ 530, 220, 233, 735, 735, 115, 318, 406, 612, 541,
- /* 170 */ -166, 441, 688, 794, 629, 368, 741, 775, 867, 797,
- /* 180 */ 871, 842, -186, 1000, 858, 949, 379, 783, 70, 296,
- /* 190 */ 821, 903, 924, 1044, 651, 282, 1014, 1060, 937, -195,
- /* 200 */ -177, 413, 439, 511, 566, 787, 827, 848, 898, 945,
- /* 210 */ 1062, 1074, 1102, 1110, 1202, 1204, 1209, 1211, 1215, 529,
- /* 220 */ 1221, 1224, 1240, 1246, 1255, 1257, 1269, 1270, 1273, 1274,
- /* 230 */ 1275, 1280, 1205, 1251, 1294, 1310, 1317, 1326, 1327, 1124,
- /* 240 */ 1331, 1338, 1339, 1290, 1181, 1346, 1351, 1265, 1352, 787,
- /* 250 */ 1353, 1367, 1378, 1386, 1392, 1397, 1241, 1312, 1356, 1345,
- /* 260 */ 1357, 1358, 1359, 1124, 1356, 1356, 1364, 1396, 1433, 1341,
- /* 270 */ 1381, 1376, 1379, 1354, 1391, 1405, 1362, 1429, 1423, 1431,
- /* 280 */ 1434, 1435, 1437, 1399, 1410, 1412, 1382, 1417, 1420, 1466,
- /* 290 */ 1372, 1467, 1468, 1380, 1384, 1475, 1394, 1414, 1416, 1448,
- /* 300 */ 1440, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1454, 1490, 1493, 1449, 1455, 1427,
- /* 310 */ 1436, 1464, 1465, 1456, 1498, 1502, 1419, 1421, 1507, 1509,
- /* 320 */ 1491, 1510, 1513, 1514, 1516, 1496, 1500, 1501, 1503, 1499,
- /* 330 */ 1505, 1504, 1508, 1506, 1511, 1512, 1515, 1424, 1517, 1457,
- /* 340 */ 1460, 1519, 1474, 1482, 1483, 1485, 1486, 1488, 1489, 1492,
- /* 350 */ 1541, 1438, 1441, 1494, 1495, 1518, 1520, 1487, 1555, 1481,
- /* 360 */ 1522, 1523, 1526, 1528, 1561, 1566, 1580, 1581, 1586, 1587,
- /* 370 */ 1588, 1478, 1484, 1525, 1575, 1570, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1582,
- /* 380 */ 1568, 1569, 1578, 1579, 1583, 1590,
+ /* 0 */ 490, -122, 545, 645, 650, -120, -189, -187, -184, -182,
+ /* 10 */ -178, -176, 45, 30, 200, -251, -134, 390, 392, 521,
+ /* 20 */ 523, 213, 692, 821, 284, 589, 872, 666, 671, 866,
+ /* 30 */ 71, 111, 273, 389, 686, 815, 904, 932, 948, 955,
+ /* 40 */ 964, 969, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259,
+ /* 50 */ -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259,
+ /* 60 */ -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259,
+ /* 70 */ -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, 428, 430,
+ /* 80 */ 899, 985, 1021, 1028, 1057, 1069, 1081, 1108, 1110, 1115,
+ /* 90 */ 1117, 1123, 1149, 1154, 1159, 1170, 1174, 1178, 1183, 1194,
+ /* 100 */ 1198, 1204, 1208, 1212, 1218, 1222, 1229, 1278, 1280, 1283,
+ /* 110 */ 1285, 1313, 1316, 1320, 1322, 1325, 1327, 1330, 1366, 1371,
+ /* 120 */ 1379, 1387, 1417, 1425, 1430, 1432, -259, -259, -259, -259,
+ /* 130 */ -259, -259, -259, -259, -259, 557, 974, -214, -174, -9,
+ /* 140 */ 431, -124, 806, 925, 806, 925, 251, 928, 940, -259,
+ /* 150 */ -259, -259, -259, -198, -198, -198, 127, -186, -168, 212,
+ /* 160 */ 646, 617, 799, -262, 555, 220, 220, 491, 605, 1040,
+ /* 170 */ 1060, 699, -11, 600, 848, 862, 345, -129, 724, -91,
+ /* 180 */ 158, 749, 716, 900, 304, 822, 929, 926, 499, 793,
+ /* 190 */ 322, 892, 813, 845, 958, 1056, 751, 905, 1133, 1062,
+ /* 200 */ 803, -210, -185, -179, -148, -167, -89, 121, 274, 281,
+ /* 210 */ 320, 336, 439, 663, 711, 957, 1064, 1068, 1116, 1127,
+ /* 220 */ 1134, -196, 1147, 1180, 1184, 1195, 1203, 1209, 1254, 1263,
+ /* 230 */ 1275, 1288, 1304, 1310, 205, 422, 638, 1319, 1324, 1346,
+ /* 240 */ 1360, 1168, 1364, 1370, 1372, 869, 1189, 1380, 1399, 1276,
+ /* 250 */ 1403, 121, 1405, 1420, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1249, 1282,
+ /* 260 */ 1344, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1388, 1168, 1344, 1344, 1384, 1411,
+ /* 270 */ 1436, 1349, 1389, 1386, 1391, 1361, 1407, 1408, 1365, 1431,
+ /* 280 */ 1433, 1434, 1439, 1441, 1442, 1396, 1416, 1418, 1390, 1421,
+ /* 290 */ 1437, 1472, 1381, 1478, 1480, 1397, 1400, 1487, 1412, 1444,
+ /* 300 */ 1438, 1463, 1453, 1464, 1465, 1467, 1469, 1514, 1517, 1473,
+ /* 310 */ 1474, 1452, 1449, 1490, 1491, 1475, 1522, 1526, 1443, 1445,
+ /* 320 */ 1528, 1530, 1513, 1534, 1536, 1537, 1539, 1516, 1523, 1524,
+ /* 330 */ 1527, 1519, 1529, 1532, 1540, 1541, 1535, 1542, 1544, 1545,
+ /* 340 */ 1547, 1450, 1543, 1477, 1482, 1551, 1505, 1508, 1512, 1509,
+ /* 350 */ 1515, 1518, 1533, 1552, 1573, 1466, 1468, 1549, 1550, 1555,
+ /* 360 */ 1554, 1510, 1583, 1511, 1556, 1559, 1561, 1565, 1588, 1592,
+ /* 370 */ 1601, 1602, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1498, 1557, 1558, 1610, 1600,
+ /* 380 */ 1603, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1596, 1597, 1614, 1615, 1617, 1616,
static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_default[] = {
- /* 0 */ 1554, 1554, 1554, 1392, 1171, 1278, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1392,
- /* 10 */ 1392, 1392, 1171, 1308, 1308, 1445, 1202, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 20 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1391, 1171, 1171,
- /* 30 */ 1171, 1171, 1475, 1475, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 40 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1317, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1393,
- /* 50 */ 1394, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1444, 1446, 1409, 1327, 1326, 1325,
- /* 60 */ 1324, 1427, 1295, 1322, 1315, 1319, 1387, 1388, 1386, 1390,
- /* 70 */ 1394, 1393, 1171, 1318, 1358, 1372, 1357, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 80 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 90 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 100 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 110 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 120 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1366, 1371, 1377, 1370, 1367, 1360,
- /* 130 */ 1359, 1361, 1362, 1171, 1192, 1242, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 140 */ 1463, 1462, 1171, 1171, 1202, 1352, 1351, 1363, 1364, 1374,
- /* 150 */ 1373, 1452, 1510, 1509, 1410, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 160 */ 1171, 1475, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 170 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 180 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1475, 1475, 1171, 1202,
- /* 190 */ 1475, 1475, 1198, 1198, 1302, 1171, 1458, 1278, 1269, 1171,
- /* 200 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 210 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1449, 1447, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 220 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 230 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 240 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1274, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 250 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1504, 1171, 1422, 1256, 1274,
- /* 260 */ 1274, 1274, 1274, 1276, 1257, 1255, 1268, 1203, 1178, 1546,
- /* 270 */ 1321, 1297, 1297, 1543, 1321, 1321, 1543, 1217, 1524, 1214,
- /* 280 */ 1308, 1308, 1308, 1297, 1302, 1302, 1389, 1275, 1268, 1171,
- /* 290 */ 1546, 1283, 1283, 1545, 1545, 1283, 1410, 1330, 1336, 1245,
- /* 300 */ 1321, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1283, 1189, 1321, 1321, 1330,
- /* 310 */ 1336, 1245, 1245, 1321, 1283, 1189, 1426, 1540, 1283, 1189,
- /* 320 */ 1400, 1283, 1189, 1283, 1189, 1400, 1243, 1243, 1243, 1232,
- /* 330 */ 1400, 1243, 1217, 1243, 1232, 1243, 1243, 1493, 1400, 1404,
- /* 340 */ 1404, 1400, 1301, 1296, 1301, 1296, 1301, 1296, 1301, 1296,
- /* 350 */ 1283, 1485, 1485, 1311, 1311, 1316, 1302, 1395, 1283, 1171,
- /* 360 */ 1316, 1314, 1312, 1321, 1195, 1235, 1507, 1507, 1503, 1503,
- /* 370 */ 1503, 1551, 1551, 1458, 1519, 1202, 1202, 1202, 1202, 1519,
- /* 380 */ 1219, 1219, 1203, 1203, 1202, 1519, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 390 */ 1171, 1171, 1514, 1171, 1411, 1287, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 400 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 410 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1341,
- /* 420 */ 1171, 1174, 1455, 1171, 1171, 1453, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 430 */ 1171, 1171, 1288, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 440 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 450 */ 1171, 1542, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1425, 1424,
- /* 460 */ 1171, 1171, 1285, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 470 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 480 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 490 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 500 */ 1313, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 510 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1490, 1303, 1171, 1171, 1533,
- /* 520 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
- /* 530 */ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1528, 1259, 1343, 1171, 1342, 1346,
- /* 540 */ 1171, 1183, 1171,
+ /* 0 */ 1573, 1573, 1573, 1409, 1186, 1295, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1409,
+ /* 10 */ 1409, 1409, 1186, 1325, 1325, 1462, 1217, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 20 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1408, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 30 */ 1186, 1186, 1492, 1492, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 40 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1334, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 50 */ 1410, 1411, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1461, 1463, 1426, 1344, 1343,
+ /* 60 */ 1342, 1341, 1444, 1312, 1339, 1332, 1336, 1404, 1405, 1403,
+ /* 70 */ 1407, 1411, 1410, 1186, 1335, 1375, 1389, 1374, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 80 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 90 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 100 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 110 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 120 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1383, 1388, 1394, 1387,
+ /* 130 */ 1384, 1377, 1376, 1378, 1379, 1186, 1207, 1259, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 140 */ 1186, 1186, 1480, 1479, 1186, 1186, 1217, 1369, 1368, 1380,
+ /* 150 */ 1381, 1391, 1390, 1469, 1527, 1526, 1427, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 160 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1492, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 170 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 180 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1492, 1492,
+ /* 190 */ 1186, 1217, 1492, 1492, 1213, 1213, 1319, 1186, 1475, 1295,
+ /* 200 */ 1286, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 210 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1466, 1464, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 220 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 230 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 240 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1291, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 250 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1521, 1186, 1439,
+ /* 260 */ 1273, 1291, 1291, 1291, 1291, 1293, 1274, 1272, 1285, 1218,
+ /* 270 */ 1193, 1565, 1338, 1314, 1314, 1562, 1338, 1338, 1562, 1234,
+ /* 280 */ 1543, 1229, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1314, 1319, 1319, 1406, 1292,
+ /* 290 */ 1285, 1186, 1565, 1300, 1300, 1564, 1564, 1300, 1427, 1347,
+ /* 300 */ 1353, 1262, 1338, 1268, 1268, 1268, 1268, 1300, 1204, 1338,
+ /* 310 */ 1338, 1347, 1353, 1262, 1262, 1338, 1300, 1204, 1443, 1559,
+ /* 320 */ 1300, 1204, 1417, 1300, 1204, 1300, 1204, 1417, 1260, 1260,
+ /* 330 */ 1260, 1249, 1186, 1186, 1417, 1260, 1234, 1260, 1249, 1260,
+ /* 340 */ 1260, 1510, 1417, 1421, 1421, 1417, 1318, 1313, 1318, 1313,
+ /* 350 */ 1318, 1313, 1318, 1313, 1300, 1502, 1502, 1328, 1328, 1333,
+ /* 360 */ 1319, 1412, 1300, 1186, 1333, 1331, 1329, 1338, 1210, 1252,
+ /* 370 */ 1524, 1524, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1570, 1570, 1475, 1536, 1217,
+ /* 380 */ 1217, 1217, 1217, 1536, 1236, 1236, 1218, 1218, 1217, 1536,
+ /* 390 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1531, 1186, 1428, 1304,
+ /* 400 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 410 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 420 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1358, 1186, 1189, 1472, 1186, 1186, 1470,
+ /* 430 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1305, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 440 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 450 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1561, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 460 */ 1186, 1186, 1442, 1441, 1186, 1186, 1302, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 470 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 480 */ 1232, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 490 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 500 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1330, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 510 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 520 */ 1186, 1186, 1507, 1320, 1186, 1186, 1552, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 530 */ 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186, 1186,
+ /* 540 */ 1186, 1547, 1276, 1360, 1186, 1359, 1363, 1186, 1198, 1186,
+ /* 550 */ 1186,
/********** End of lemon-generated parsing tables *****************************/
@@ -150706,6 +154457,8 @@ static const YYCODETYPE yyFallback[] = {
59, /* GROUPS => ID */
59, /* OTHERS => ID */
59, /* TIES => ID */
+ 59, /* GENERATED => ID */
+ 59, /* ALWAYS => ID */
59, /* REINDEX => ID */
59, /* RENAME => ID */
59, /* CTIME_KW => ID */
@@ -150972,218 +154725,221 @@ static const char *const yyTokenName[] = {
/* 92 */ "GROUPS",
/* 93 */ "OTHERS",
/* 94 */ "TIES",
- /* 95 */ "REINDEX",
- /* 96 */ "RENAME",
- /* 97 */ "CTIME_KW",
- /* 98 */ "ANY",
- /* 99 */ "BITAND",
- /* 100 */ "BITOR",
- /* 101 */ "LSHIFT",
- /* 102 */ "RSHIFT",
- /* 103 */ "PLUS",
- /* 104 */ "MINUS",
- /* 105 */ "STAR",
- /* 106 */ "SLASH",
- /* 107 */ "REM",
- /* 108 */ "CONCAT",
- /* 109 */ "COLLATE",
- /* 110 */ "BITNOT",
- /* 111 */ "ON",
- /* 112 */ "INDEXED",
- /* 113 */ "STRING",
- /* 114 */ "JOIN_KW",
- /* 115 */ "CONSTRAINT",
- /* 116 */ "DEFAULT",
- /* 117 */ "NULL",
- /* 118 */ "PRIMARY",
- /* 119 */ "UNIQUE",
- /* 120 */ "CHECK",
- /* 121 */ "REFERENCES",
- /* 122 */ "AUTOINCR",
- /* 123 */ "INSERT",
- /* 124 */ "DELETE",
- /* 125 */ "UPDATE",
- /* 126 */ "SET",
- /* 127 */ "DEFERRABLE",
- /* 128 */ "FOREIGN",
- /* 129 */ "DROP",
- /* 130 */ "UNION",
- /* 131 */ "ALL",
- /* 132 */ "EXCEPT",
- /* 133 */ "INTERSECT",
- /* 134 */ "SELECT",
- /* 135 */ "VALUES",
- /* 136 */ "DISTINCT",
- /* 137 */ "DOT",
- /* 138 */ "FROM",
- /* 139 */ "JOIN",
- /* 140 */ "USING",
- /* 141 */ "ORDER",
- /* 142 */ "GROUP",
- /* 143 */ "HAVING",
- /* 144 */ "LIMIT",
- /* 145 */ "WHERE",
- /* 146 */ "INTO",
- /* 147 */ "NOTHING",
- /* 148 */ "FLOAT",
- /* 149 */ "BLOB",
- /* 150 */ "INTEGER",
- /* 151 */ "VARIABLE",
- /* 152 */ "CASE",
- /* 153 */ "WHEN",
- /* 154 */ "THEN",
- /* 155 */ "ELSE",
- /* 156 */ "INDEX",
- /* 157 */ "ALTER",
- /* 158 */ "ADD",
- /* 159 */ "WINDOW",
- /* 160 */ "OVER",
- /* 161 */ "FILTER",
- /* 162 */ "COLUMN",
- /* 163 */ "AGG_FUNCTION",
- /* 164 */ "AGG_COLUMN",
- /* 165 */ "TRUEFALSE",
- /* 166 */ "ISNOT",
- /* 167 */ "FUNCTION",
- /* 168 */ "UMINUS",
- /* 169 */ "UPLUS",
- /* 170 */ "TRUTH",
- /* 171 */ "REGISTER",
- /* 172 */ "VECTOR",
- /* 173 */ "SELECT_COLUMN",
- /* 174 */ "IF_NULL_ROW",
- /* 175 */ "ASTERISK",
- /* 176 */ "SPAN",
- /* 177 */ "SPACE",
- /* 178 */ "ILLEGAL",
- /* 179 */ "input",
- /* 180 */ "cmdlist",
- /* 181 */ "ecmd",
- /* 182 */ "cmdx",
- /* 183 */ "explain",
- /* 184 */ "cmd",
- /* 185 */ "transtype",
- /* 186 */ "trans_opt",
- /* 187 */ "nm",
- /* 188 */ "savepoint_opt",
- /* 189 */ "create_table",
- /* 190 */ "create_table_args",
- /* 191 */ "createkw",
- /* 192 */ "temp",
- /* 193 */ "ifnotexists",
- /* 194 */ "dbnm",
- /* 195 */ "columnlist",
- /* 196 */ "conslist_opt",
- /* 197 */ "table_options",
- /* 198 */ "select",
- /* 199 */ "columnname",
- /* 200 */ "carglist",
- /* 201 */ "typetoken",
- /* 202 */ "typename",
- /* 203 */ "signed",
- /* 204 */ "plus_num",
- /* 205 */ "minus_num",
- /* 206 */ "scanpt",
- /* 207 */ "scantok",
- /* 208 */ "ccons",
- /* 209 */ "term",
- /* 210 */ "expr",
- /* 211 */ "onconf",
- /* 212 */ "sortorder",
- /* 213 */ "autoinc",
- /* 214 */ "eidlist_opt",
- /* 215 */ "refargs",
- /* 216 */ "defer_subclause",
- /* 217 */ "refarg",
- /* 218 */ "refact",
- /* 219 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt",
- /* 220 */ "conslist",
- /* 221 */ "tconscomma",
- /* 222 */ "tcons",
- /* 223 */ "sortlist",
- /* 224 */ "eidlist",
- /* 225 */ "defer_subclause_opt",
- /* 226 */ "orconf",
- /* 227 */ "resolvetype",
- /* 228 */ "raisetype",
- /* 229 */ "ifexists",
- /* 230 */ "fullname",
- /* 231 */ "selectnowith",
- /* 232 */ "oneselect",
- /* 233 */ "wqlist",
- /* 234 */ "multiselect_op",
- /* 235 */ "distinct",
- /* 236 */ "selcollist",
- /* 237 */ "from",
- /* 238 */ "where_opt",
- /* 239 */ "groupby_opt",
- /* 240 */ "having_opt",
- /* 241 */ "orderby_opt",
- /* 242 */ "limit_opt",
- /* 243 */ "window_clause",
- /* 244 */ "values",
- /* 245 */ "nexprlist",
- /* 246 */ "sclp",
- /* 247 */ "as",
- /* 248 */ "seltablist",
- /* 249 */ "stl_prefix",
- /* 250 */ "joinop",
- /* 251 */ "indexed_opt",
- /* 252 */ "on_opt",
- /* 253 */ "using_opt",
- /* 254 */ "exprlist",
- /* 255 */ "xfullname",
- /* 256 */ "idlist",
- /* 257 */ "nulls",
- /* 258 */ "with",
- /* 259 */ "setlist",
- /* 260 */ "insert_cmd",
- /* 261 */ "idlist_opt",
- /* 262 */ "upsert",
- /* 263 */ "filter_over",
- /* 264 */ "likeop",
- /* 265 */ "between_op",
- /* 266 */ "in_op",
- /* 267 */ "paren_exprlist",
- /* 268 */ "case_operand",
- /* 269 */ "case_exprlist",
- /* 270 */ "case_else",
- /* 271 */ "uniqueflag",
- /* 272 */ "collate",
- /* 273 */ "vinto",
- /* 274 */ "nmnum",
- /* 275 */ "trigger_decl",
- /* 276 */ "trigger_cmd_list",
- /* 277 */ "trigger_time",
- /* 278 */ "trigger_event",
- /* 279 */ "foreach_clause",
- /* 280 */ "when_clause",
- /* 281 */ "trigger_cmd",
- /* 282 */ "trnm",
- /* 283 */ "tridxby",
- /* 284 */ "database_kw_opt",
- /* 285 */ "key_opt",
- /* 286 */ "add_column_fullname",
- /* 287 */ "kwcolumn_opt",
- /* 288 */ "create_vtab",
- /* 289 */ "vtabarglist",
- /* 290 */ "vtabarg",
- /* 291 */ "vtabargtoken",
- /* 292 */ "lp",
- /* 293 */ "anylist",
- /* 294 */ "windowdefn_list",
- /* 295 */ "windowdefn",
- /* 296 */ "window",
- /* 297 */ "frame_opt",
- /* 298 */ "part_opt",
- /* 299 */ "filter_clause",
- /* 300 */ "over_clause",
- /* 301 */ "range_or_rows",
- /* 302 */ "frame_bound",
- /* 303 */ "frame_bound_s",
- /* 304 */ "frame_bound_e",
- /* 305 */ "frame_exclude_opt",
- /* 306 */ "frame_exclude",
+ /* 95 */ "GENERATED",
+ /* 96 */ "ALWAYS",
+ /* 97 */ "REINDEX",
+ /* 98 */ "RENAME",
+ /* 99 */ "CTIME_KW",
+ /* 100 */ "ANY",
+ /* 101 */ "BITAND",
+ /* 102 */ "BITOR",
+ /* 103 */ "LSHIFT",
+ /* 104 */ "RSHIFT",
+ /* 105 */ "PLUS",
+ /* 106 */ "MINUS",
+ /* 107 */ "STAR",
+ /* 108 */ "SLASH",
+ /* 109 */ "REM",
+ /* 110 */ "CONCAT",
+ /* 111 */ "COLLATE",
+ /* 112 */ "BITNOT",
+ /* 113 */ "ON",
+ /* 114 */ "INDEXED",
+ /* 115 */ "STRING",
+ /* 116 */ "JOIN_KW",
+ /* 117 */ "CONSTRAINT",
+ /* 118 */ "DEFAULT",
+ /* 119 */ "NULL",
+ /* 120 */ "PRIMARY",
+ /* 121 */ "UNIQUE",
+ /* 122 */ "CHECK",
+ /* 123 */ "REFERENCES",
+ /* 124 */ "AUTOINCR",
+ /* 125 */ "INSERT",
+ /* 126 */ "DELETE",
+ /* 127 */ "UPDATE",
+ /* 128 */ "SET",
+ /* 129 */ "DEFERRABLE",
+ /* 130 */ "FOREIGN",
+ /* 131 */ "DROP",
+ /* 132 */ "UNION",
+ /* 133 */ "ALL",
+ /* 134 */ "EXCEPT",
+ /* 135 */ "INTERSECT",
+ /* 136 */ "SELECT",
+ /* 137 */ "VALUES",
+ /* 138 */ "DISTINCT",
+ /* 139 */ "DOT",
+ /* 140 */ "FROM",
+ /* 141 */ "JOIN",
+ /* 142 */ "USING",
+ /* 143 */ "ORDER",
+ /* 144 */ "GROUP",
+ /* 145 */ "HAVING",
+ /* 146 */ "LIMIT",
+ /* 147 */ "WHERE",
+ /* 148 */ "INTO",
+ /* 149 */ "NOTHING",
+ /* 150 */ "FLOAT",
+ /* 151 */ "BLOB",
+ /* 152 */ "INTEGER",
+ /* 153 */ "VARIABLE",
+ /* 154 */ "CASE",
+ /* 155 */ "WHEN",
+ /* 156 */ "THEN",
+ /* 157 */ "ELSE",
+ /* 158 */ "INDEX",
+ /* 159 */ "ALTER",
+ /* 160 */ "ADD",
+ /* 161 */ "WINDOW",
+ /* 162 */ "OVER",
+ /* 163 */ "FILTER",
+ /* 164 */ "COLUMN",
+ /* 165 */ "AGG_FUNCTION",
+ /* 166 */ "AGG_COLUMN",
+ /* 167 */ "TRUEFALSE",
+ /* 168 */ "ISNOT",
+ /* 169 */ "FUNCTION",
+ /* 170 */ "UMINUS",
+ /* 171 */ "UPLUS",
+ /* 172 */ "TRUTH",
+ /* 173 */ "REGISTER",
+ /* 174 */ "VECTOR",
+ /* 175 */ "SELECT_COLUMN",
+ /* 176 */ "IF_NULL_ROW",
+ /* 177 */ "ASTERISK",
+ /* 178 */ "SPAN",
+ /* 179 */ "SPACE",
+ /* 180 */ "ILLEGAL",
+ /* 181 */ "input",
+ /* 182 */ "cmdlist",
+ /* 183 */ "ecmd",
+ /* 184 */ "cmdx",
+ /* 185 */ "explain",
+ /* 186 */ "cmd",
+ /* 187 */ "transtype",
+ /* 188 */ "trans_opt",
+ /* 189 */ "nm",
+ /* 190 */ "savepoint_opt",
+ /* 191 */ "create_table",
+ /* 192 */ "create_table_args",
+ /* 193 */ "createkw",
+ /* 194 */ "temp",
+ /* 195 */ "ifnotexists",
+ /* 196 */ "dbnm",
+ /* 197 */ "columnlist",
+ /* 198 */ "conslist_opt",
+ /* 199 */ "table_options",
+ /* 200 */ "select",
+ /* 201 */ "columnname",
+ /* 202 */ "carglist",
+ /* 203 */ "typetoken",
+ /* 204 */ "typename",
+ /* 205 */ "signed",
+ /* 206 */ "plus_num",
+ /* 207 */ "minus_num",
+ /* 208 */ "scanpt",
+ /* 209 */ "scantok",
+ /* 210 */ "ccons",
+ /* 211 */ "term",
+ /* 212 */ "expr",
+ /* 213 */ "onconf",
+ /* 214 */ "sortorder",
+ /* 215 */ "autoinc",
+ /* 216 */ "eidlist_opt",
+ /* 217 */ "refargs",
+ /* 218 */ "defer_subclause",
+ /* 219 */ "generated",
+ /* 220 */ "refarg",
+ /* 221 */ "refact",
+ /* 222 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt",
+ /* 223 */ "conslist",
+ /* 224 */ "tconscomma",
+ /* 225 */ "tcons",
+ /* 226 */ "sortlist",
+ /* 227 */ "eidlist",
+ /* 228 */ "defer_subclause_opt",
+ /* 229 */ "orconf",
+ /* 230 */ "resolvetype",
+ /* 231 */ "raisetype",
+ /* 232 */ "ifexists",
+ /* 233 */ "fullname",
+ /* 234 */ "selectnowith",
+ /* 235 */ "oneselect",
+ /* 236 */ "wqlist",
+ /* 237 */ "multiselect_op",
+ /* 238 */ "distinct",
+ /* 239 */ "selcollist",
+ /* 240 */ "from",
+ /* 241 */ "where_opt",
+ /* 242 */ "groupby_opt",
+ /* 243 */ "having_opt",
+ /* 244 */ "orderby_opt",
+ /* 245 */ "limit_opt",
+ /* 246 */ "window_clause",
+ /* 247 */ "values",
+ /* 248 */ "nexprlist",
+ /* 249 */ "sclp",
+ /* 250 */ "as",
+ /* 251 */ "seltablist",
+ /* 252 */ "stl_prefix",
+ /* 253 */ "joinop",
+ /* 254 */ "indexed_opt",
+ /* 255 */ "on_opt",
+ /* 256 */ "using_opt",
+ /* 257 */ "exprlist",
+ /* 258 */ "xfullname",
+ /* 259 */ "idlist",
+ /* 260 */ "nulls",
+ /* 261 */ "with",
+ /* 262 */ "setlist",
+ /* 263 */ "insert_cmd",
+ /* 264 */ "idlist_opt",
+ /* 265 */ "upsert",
+ /* 266 */ "filter_over",
+ /* 267 */ "likeop",
+ /* 268 */ "between_op",
+ /* 269 */ "in_op",
+ /* 270 */ "paren_exprlist",
+ /* 271 */ "case_operand",
+ /* 272 */ "case_exprlist",
+ /* 273 */ "case_else",
+ /* 274 */ "uniqueflag",
+ /* 275 */ "collate",
+ /* 276 */ "vinto",
+ /* 277 */ "nmnum",
+ /* 278 */ "trigger_decl",
+ /* 279 */ "trigger_cmd_list",
+ /* 280 */ "trigger_time",
+ /* 281 */ "trigger_event",
+ /* 282 */ "foreach_clause",
+ /* 283 */ "when_clause",
+ /* 284 */ "trigger_cmd",
+ /* 285 */ "trnm",
+ /* 286 */ "tridxby",
+ /* 287 */ "database_kw_opt",
+ /* 288 */ "key_opt",
+ /* 289 */ "add_column_fullname",
+ /* 290 */ "kwcolumn_opt",
+ /* 291 */ "create_vtab",
+ /* 292 */ "vtabarglist",
+ /* 293 */ "vtabarg",
+ /* 294 */ "vtabargtoken",
+ /* 295 */ "lp",
+ /* 296 */ "anylist",
+ /* 297 */ "windowdefn_list",
+ /* 298 */ "windowdefn",
+ /* 299 */ "window",
+ /* 300 */ "frame_opt",
+ /* 301 */ "part_opt",
+ /* 302 */ "filter_clause",
+ /* 303 */ "over_clause",
+ /* 304 */ "range_or_rows",
+ /* 305 */ "frame_bound",
+ /* 306 */ "frame_bound_s",
+ /* 307 */ "frame_bound_e",
+ /* 308 */ "frame_exclude_opt",
+ /* 309 */ "frame_exclude",
#endif /* defined(YYCOVERAGE) || !defined(NDEBUG) */
@@ -151234,344 +154990,348 @@ static const char *const yyRuleName[] = {
/* 40 */ "ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs",
/* 41 */ "ccons ::= defer_subclause",
/* 42 */ "ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING",
- /* 43 */ "autoinc ::=",
- /* 44 */ "autoinc ::= AUTOINCR",
- /* 45 */ "refargs ::=",
- /* 46 */ "refargs ::= refargs refarg",
- /* 47 */ "refarg ::= MATCH nm",
- /* 48 */ "refarg ::= ON INSERT refact",
- /* 49 */ "refarg ::= ON DELETE refact",
- /* 50 */ "refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact",
- /* 51 */ "refact ::= SET NULL",
- /* 52 */ "refact ::= SET DEFAULT",
- /* 53 */ "refact ::= CASCADE",
- /* 54 */ "refact ::= RESTRICT",
- /* 55 */ "refact ::= NO ACTION",
- /* 56 */ "defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt",
- /* 57 */ "defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt",
- /* 58 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt ::=",
- /* 59 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED",
- /* 60 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE",
- /* 61 */ "conslist_opt ::=",
- /* 62 */ "tconscomma ::= COMMA",
- /* 63 */ "tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm",
- /* 64 */ "tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf",
- /* 65 */ "tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf",
- /* 66 */ "tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf",
- /* 67 */ "tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt",
- /* 68 */ "defer_subclause_opt ::=",
- /* 69 */ "onconf ::=",
- /* 70 */ "onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype",
- /* 71 */ "orconf ::=",
- /* 72 */ "orconf ::= OR resolvetype",
- /* 73 */ "resolvetype ::= IGNORE",
- /* 74 */ "resolvetype ::= REPLACE",
- /* 75 */ "cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname",
- /* 76 */ "ifexists ::= IF EXISTS",
- /* 77 */ "ifexists ::=",
- /* 78 */ "cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select",
- /* 79 */ "cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname",
- /* 80 */ "cmd ::= select",
- /* 81 */ "select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith",
- /* 82 */ "select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith",
- /* 83 */ "select ::= selectnowith",
- /* 84 */ "selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect",
- /* 85 */ "multiselect_op ::= UNION",
- /* 86 */ "multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL",
- /* 87 */ "multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT",
- /* 88 */ "oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt",
- /* 89 */ "oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt",
- /* 90 */ "values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP",
- /* 91 */ "values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP",
- /* 92 */ "distinct ::= DISTINCT",
- /* 93 */ "distinct ::= ALL",
- /* 94 */ "distinct ::=",
- /* 95 */ "sclp ::=",
- /* 96 */ "selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as",
- /* 97 */ "selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR",
- /* 98 */ "selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR",
- /* 99 */ "as ::= AS nm",
- /* 100 */ "as ::=",
- /* 101 */ "from ::=",
- /* 102 */ "from ::= FROM seltablist",
- /* 103 */ "stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop",
- /* 104 */ "stl_prefix ::=",
- /* 105 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt",
- /* 106 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt",
- /* 107 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt",
- /* 108 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt",
- /* 109 */ "dbnm ::=",
- /* 110 */ "dbnm ::= DOT nm",
- /* 111 */ "fullname ::= nm",
- /* 112 */ "fullname ::= nm DOT nm",
- /* 113 */ "xfullname ::= nm",
- /* 114 */ "xfullname ::= nm DOT nm",
- /* 115 */ "xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm",
- /* 116 */ "xfullname ::= nm AS nm",
- /* 117 */ "joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN",
- /* 118 */ "joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN",
- /* 119 */ "joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN",
- /* 120 */ "joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN",
- /* 121 */ "on_opt ::= ON expr",
- /* 122 */ "on_opt ::=",
- /* 123 */ "indexed_opt ::=",
- /* 124 */ "indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm",
- /* 125 */ "indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED",
- /* 126 */ "using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP",
- /* 127 */ "using_opt ::=",
- /* 128 */ "orderby_opt ::=",
- /* 129 */ "orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist",
- /* 130 */ "sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls",
- /* 131 */ "sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls",
- /* 132 */ "sortorder ::= ASC",
- /* 133 */ "sortorder ::= DESC",
- /* 134 */ "sortorder ::=",
- /* 135 */ "nulls ::= NULLS FIRST",
- /* 136 */ "nulls ::= NULLS LAST",
- /* 137 */ "nulls ::=",
- /* 138 */ "groupby_opt ::=",
- /* 139 */ "groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist",
- /* 140 */ "having_opt ::=",
- /* 141 */ "having_opt ::= HAVING expr",
- /* 142 */ "limit_opt ::=",
- /* 143 */ "limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr",
- /* 144 */ "limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr",
- /* 145 */ "limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr",
- /* 146 */ "cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt",
- /* 147 */ "where_opt ::=",
- /* 148 */ "where_opt ::= WHERE expr",
- /* 149 */ "cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt",
- /* 150 */ "setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr",
- /* 151 */ "setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr",
- /* 152 */ "setlist ::= nm EQ expr",
- /* 153 */ "setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr",
- /* 154 */ "cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert",
- /* 155 */ "cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES",
- /* 156 */ "upsert ::=",
- /* 157 */ "upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt",
- /* 158 */ "upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING",
- /* 159 */ "upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING",
- /* 160 */ "insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf",
- /* 161 */ "insert_cmd ::= REPLACE",
- /* 162 */ "idlist_opt ::=",
- /* 163 */ "idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP",
- /* 164 */ "idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm",
- /* 165 */ "idlist ::= nm",
- /* 166 */ "expr ::= LP expr RP",
- /* 167 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED",
- /* 168 */ "expr ::= JOIN_KW",
- /* 169 */ "expr ::= nm DOT nm",
- /* 170 */ "expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm",
- /* 171 */ "term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB",
- /* 172 */ "term ::= STRING",
- /* 173 */ "term ::= INTEGER",
- /* 174 */ "expr ::= VARIABLE",
- /* 175 */ "expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING",
- /* 176 */ "expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP",
- /* 177 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP",
- /* 178 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP",
- /* 179 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over",
- /* 180 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over",
- /* 181 */ "term ::= CTIME_KW",
- /* 182 */ "expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP",
- /* 183 */ "expr ::= expr AND expr",
- /* 184 */ "expr ::= expr OR expr",
- /* 185 */ "expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr",
- /* 186 */ "expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr",
- /* 187 */ "expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr",
- /* 188 */ "expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr",
- /* 189 */ "expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr",
- /* 190 */ "expr ::= expr CONCAT expr",
- /* 191 */ "likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH",
- /* 192 */ "expr ::= expr likeop expr",
- /* 193 */ "expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr",
- /* 194 */ "expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL",
- /* 195 */ "expr ::= expr NOT NULL",
- /* 196 */ "expr ::= expr IS expr",
- /* 197 */ "expr ::= expr IS NOT expr",
- /* 198 */ "expr ::= NOT expr",
- /* 199 */ "expr ::= BITNOT expr",
- /* 200 */ "expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr",
- /* 201 */ "between_op ::= BETWEEN",
- /* 202 */ "between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN",
- /* 203 */ "expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr",
- /* 204 */ "in_op ::= IN",
- /* 205 */ "in_op ::= NOT IN",
- /* 206 */ "expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP",
- /* 207 */ "expr ::= LP select RP",
- /* 208 */ "expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP",
- /* 209 */ "expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist",
- /* 210 */ "expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP",
- /* 211 */ "expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END",
- /* 212 */ "case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr",
- /* 213 */ "case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr",
- /* 214 */ "case_else ::= ELSE expr",
- /* 215 */ "case_else ::=",
- /* 216 */ "case_operand ::= expr",
- /* 217 */ "case_operand ::=",
- /* 218 */ "exprlist ::=",
- /* 219 */ "nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr",
- /* 220 */ "nexprlist ::= expr",
- /* 221 */ "paren_exprlist ::=",
- /* 222 */ "paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP",
- /* 223 */ "cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt",
- /* 224 */ "uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE",
- /* 225 */ "uniqueflag ::=",
- /* 226 */ "eidlist_opt ::=",
- /* 227 */ "eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP",
- /* 228 */ "eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder",
- /* 229 */ "eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder",
- /* 230 */ "collate ::=",
- /* 231 */ "collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING",
- /* 232 */ "cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname",
- /* 233 */ "cmd ::= VACUUM vinto",
- /* 234 */ "cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto",
- /* 235 */ "vinto ::= INTO expr",
- /* 236 */ "vinto ::=",
- /* 237 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm",
- /* 238 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum",
- /* 239 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP",
- /* 240 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num",
- /* 241 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP",
- /* 242 */ "plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT",
- /* 243 */ "minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT",
- /* 244 */ "cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END",
- /* 245 */ "trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause",
- /* 246 */ "trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER",
- /* 247 */ "trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF",
- /* 248 */ "trigger_time ::=",
- /* 249 */ "trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT",
- /* 250 */ "trigger_event ::= UPDATE",
- /* 251 */ "trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist",
- /* 252 */ "when_clause ::=",
- /* 253 */ "when_clause ::= WHEN expr",
- /* 254 */ "trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI",
- /* 255 */ "trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI",
- /* 256 */ "trnm ::= nm DOT nm",
- /* 257 */ "tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm",
- /* 258 */ "tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED",
- /* 259 */ "trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt",
- /* 260 */ "trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt",
- /* 261 */ "trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt",
- /* 262 */ "trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt",
- /* 263 */ "expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP",
- /* 264 */ "expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP",
- /* 265 */ "raisetype ::= ROLLBACK",
- /* 266 */ "raisetype ::= ABORT",
- /* 267 */ "raisetype ::= FAIL",
- /* 268 */ "cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname",
- /* 269 */ "cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt",
- /* 270 */ "cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr",
- /* 271 */ "key_opt ::=",
- /* 272 */ "key_opt ::= KEY expr",
- /* 273 */ "cmd ::= REINDEX",
- /* 274 */ "cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm",
- /* 275 */ "cmd ::= ANALYZE",
- /* 276 */ "cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm",
- /* 277 */ "cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm",
- /* 278 */ "cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist",
- /* 279 */ "add_column_fullname ::= fullname",
- /* 280 */ "cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm",
- /* 281 */ "cmd ::= create_vtab",
- /* 282 */ "cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP",
- /* 283 */ "create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm",
- /* 284 */ "vtabarg ::=",
- /* 285 */ "vtabargtoken ::= ANY",
- /* 286 */ "vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP",
- /* 287 */ "lp ::= LP",
- /* 288 */ "with ::= WITH wqlist",
- /* 289 */ "with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist",
- /* 290 */ "wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP",
- /* 291 */ "wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP",
- /* 292 */ "windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn",
- /* 293 */ "windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn",
- /* 294 */ "windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP",
- /* 295 */ "window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt",
- /* 296 */ "window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt",
- /* 297 */ "window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt",
- /* 298 */ "window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt",
- /* 299 */ "window ::= frame_opt",
- /* 300 */ "window ::= nm frame_opt",
- /* 301 */ "frame_opt ::=",
- /* 302 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt",
- /* 303 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt",
- /* 304 */ "range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS",
- /* 305 */ "frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound",
- /* 306 */ "frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING",
- /* 307 */ "frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound",
- /* 308 */ "frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING",
- /* 309 */ "frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING",
- /* 310 */ "frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW",
- /* 311 */ "frame_exclude_opt ::=",
- /* 312 */ "frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude",
- /* 313 */ "frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS",
- /* 314 */ "frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW",
- /* 315 */ "frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES",
- /* 316 */ "window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list",
- /* 317 */ "filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause",
- /* 318 */ "filter_over ::= over_clause",
- /* 319 */ "filter_over ::= filter_clause",
- /* 320 */ "over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP",
- /* 321 */ "over_clause ::= OVER nm",
- /* 322 */ "filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP",
- /* 323 */ "input ::= cmdlist",
- /* 324 */ "cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd",
- /* 325 */ "cmdlist ::= ecmd",
- /* 326 */ "ecmd ::= SEMI",
- /* 327 */ "ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI",
- /* 328 */ "ecmd ::= explain cmdx",
- /* 329 */ "trans_opt ::=",
- /* 330 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION",
- /* 331 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm",
- /* 332 */ "savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT",
- /* 333 */ "savepoint_opt ::=",
- /* 334 */ "cmd ::= create_table create_table_args",
- /* 335 */ "columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist",
- /* 336 */ "columnlist ::= columnname carglist",
- /* 337 */ "nm ::= ID|INDEXED",
- /* 338 */ "nm ::= STRING",
- /* 339 */ "nm ::= JOIN_KW",
- /* 340 */ "typetoken ::= typename",
- /* 341 */ "typename ::= ID|STRING",
- /* 342 */ "signed ::= plus_num",
- /* 343 */ "signed ::= minus_num",
- /* 344 */ "carglist ::= carglist ccons",
- /* 345 */ "carglist ::=",
- /* 346 */ "ccons ::= NULL onconf",
- /* 347 */ "conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist",
- /* 348 */ "conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons",
- /* 349 */ "conslist ::= tcons",
- /* 350 */ "tconscomma ::=",
- /* 351 */ "defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause",
- /* 352 */ "resolvetype ::= raisetype",
- /* 353 */ "selectnowith ::= oneselect",
- /* 354 */ "oneselect ::= values",
- /* 355 */ "sclp ::= selcollist COMMA",
- /* 356 */ "as ::= ID|STRING",
- /* 357 */ "expr ::= term",
- /* 358 */ "likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH",
- /* 359 */ "exprlist ::= nexprlist",
- /* 360 */ "nmnum ::= plus_num",
- /* 361 */ "nmnum ::= nm",
- /* 362 */ "nmnum ::= ON",
- /* 363 */ "nmnum ::= DELETE",
- /* 364 */ "nmnum ::= DEFAULT",
- /* 365 */ "plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT",
- /* 366 */ "foreach_clause ::=",
- /* 367 */ "foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW",
- /* 368 */ "trnm ::= nm",
- /* 369 */ "tridxby ::=",
- /* 370 */ "database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE",
- /* 371 */ "database_kw_opt ::=",
- /* 372 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::=",
- /* 373 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW",
- /* 374 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarg",
- /* 375 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg",
- /* 376 */ "vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken",
- /* 377 */ "anylist ::=",
- /* 378 */ "anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP",
- /* 379 */ "anylist ::= anylist ANY",
- /* 380 */ "with ::=",
+ /* 43 */ "generated ::= LP expr RP",
+ /* 44 */ "generated ::= LP expr RP ID",
+ /* 45 */ "autoinc ::=",
+ /* 46 */ "autoinc ::= AUTOINCR",
+ /* 47 */ "refargs ::=",
+ /* 48 */ "refargs ::= refargs refarg",
+ /* 49 */ "refarg ::= MATCH nm",
+ /* 50 */ "refarg ::= ON INSERT refact",
+ /* 51 */ "refarg ::= ON DELETE refact",
+ /* 52 */ "refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact",
+ /* 53 */ "refact ::= SET NULL",
+ /* 54 */ "refact ::= SET DEFAULT",
+ /* 55 */ "refact ::= CASCADE",
+ /* 56 */ "refact ::= RESTRICT",
+ /* 57 */ "refact ::= NO ACTION",
+ /* 58 */ "defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt",
+ /* 59 */ "defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt",
+ /* 60 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt ::=",
+ /* 61 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED",
+ /* 62 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE",
+ /* 63 */ "conslist_opt ::=",
+ /* 64 */ "tconscomma ::= COMMA",
+ /* 65 */ "tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm",
+ /* 66 */ "tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf",
+ /* 67 */ "tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf",
+ /* 68 */ "tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf",
+ /* 69 */ "tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt",
+ /* 70 */ "defer_subclause_opt ::=",
+ /* 71 */ "onconf ::=",
+ /* 72 */ "onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype",
+ /* 73 */ "orconf ::=",
+ /* 74 */ "orconf ::= OR resolvetype",
+ /* 75 */ "resolvetype ::= IGNORE",
+ /* 76 */ "resolvetype ::= REPLACE",
+ /* 77 */ "cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname",
+ /* 78 */ "ifexists ::= IF EXISTS",
+ /* 79 */ "ifexists ::=",
+ /* 80 */ "cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select",
+ /* 81 */ "cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname",
+ /* 82 */ "cmd ::= select",
+ /* 83 */ "select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith",
+ /* 84 */ "select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith",
+ /* 85 */ "select ::= selectnowith",
+ /* 86 */ "selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect",
+ /* 87 */ "multiselect_op ::= UNION",
+ /* 88 */ "multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL",
+ /* 89 */ "multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT",
+ /* 90 */ "oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt",
+ /* 91 */ "oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt",
+ /* 92 */ "values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP",
+ /* 93 */ "values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP",
+ /* 94 */ "distinct ::= DISTINCT",
+ /* 95 */ "distinct ::= ALL",
+ /* 96 */ "distinct ::=",
+ /* 97 */ "sclp ::=",
+ /* 98 */ "selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as",
+ /* 99 */ "selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR",
+ /* 100 */ "selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR",
+ /* 101 */ "as ::= AS nm",
+ /* 102 */ "as ::=",
+ /* 103 */ "from ::=",
+ /* 104 */ "from ::= FROM seltablist",
+ /* 105 */ "stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop",
+ /* 106 */ "stl_prefix ::=",
+ /* 107 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt",
+ /* 108 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt",
+ /* 109 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt",
+ /* 110 */ "seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt",
+ /* 111 */ "dbnm ::=",
+ /* 112 */ "dbnm ::= DOT nm",
+ /* 113 */ "fullname ::= nm",
+ /* 114 */ "fullname ::= nm DOT nm",
+ /* 115 */ "xfullname ::= nm",
+ /* 116 */ "xfullname ::= nm DOT nm",
+ /* 117 */ "xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm",
+ /* 118 */ "xfullname ::= nm AS nm",
+ /* 119 */ "joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN",
+ /* 120 */ "joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN",
+ /* 121 */ "joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN",
+ /* 122 */ "joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN",
+ /* 123 */ "on_opt ::= ON expr",
+ /* 124 */ "on_opt ::=",
+ /* 125 */ "indexed_opt ::=",
+ /* 126 */ "indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm",
+ /* 127 */ "indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED",
+ /* 128 */ "using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP",
+ /* 129 */ "using_opt ::=",
+ /* 130 */ "orderby_opt ::=",
+ /* 131 */ "orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist",
+ /* 132 */ "sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls",
+ /* 133 */ "sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls",
+ /* 134 */ "sortorder ::= ASC",
+ /* 135 */ "sortorder ::= DESC",
+ /* 136 */ "sortorder ::=",
+ /* 137 */ "nulls ::= NULLS FIRST",
+ /* 138 */ "nulls ::= NULLS LAST",
+ /* 139 */ "nulls ::=",
+ /* 140 */ "groupby_opt ::=",
+ /* 141 */ "groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist",
+ /* 142 */ "having_opt ::=",
+ /* 143 */ "having_opt ::= HAVING expr",
+ /* 144 */ "limit_opt ::=",
+ /* 145 */ "limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr",
+ /* 146 */ "limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr",
+ /* 147 */ "limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr",
+ /* 148 */ "cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt",
+ /* 149 */ "where_opt ::=",
+ /* 150 */ "where_opt ::= WHERE expr",
+ /* 151 */ "cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt",
+ /* 152 */ "setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr",
+ /* 153 */ "setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr",
+ /* 154 */ "setlist ::= nm EQ expr",
+ /* 155 */ "setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr",
+ /* 156 */ "cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert",
+ /* 157 */ "cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES",
+ /* 158 */ "upsert ::=",
+ /* 159 */ "upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt",
+ /* 160 */ "upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING",
+ /* 161 */ "upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING",
+ /* 162 */ "insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf",
+ /* 163 */ "insert_cmd ::= REPLACE",
+ /* 164 */ "idlist_opt ::=",
+ /* 165 */ "idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP",
+ /* 166 */ "idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm",
+ /* 167 */ "idlist ::= nm",
+ /* 168 */ "expr ::= LP expr RP",
+ /* 169 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED",
+ /* 170 */ "expr ::= JOIN_KW",
+ /* 171 */ "expr ::= nm DOT nm",
+ /* 172 */ "expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm",
+ /* 173 */ "term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB",
+ /* 174 */ "term ::= STRING",
+ /* 175 */ "term ::= INTEGER",
+ /* 176 */ "expr ::= VARIABLE",
+ /* 177 */ "expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING",
+ /* 178 */ "expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP",
+ /* 179 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP",
+ /* 180 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP",
+ /* 181 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over",
+ /* 182 */ "expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over",
+ /* 183 */ "term ::= CTIME_KW",
+ /* 184 */ "expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP",
+ /* 185 */ "expr ::= expr AND expr",
+ /* 186 */ "expr ::= expr OR expr",
+ /* 187 */ "expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr",
+ /* 188 */ "expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr",
+ /* 189 */ "expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr",
+ /* 190 */ "expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr",
+ /* 191 */ "expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr",
+ /* 192 */ "expr ::= expr CONCAT expr",
+ /* 193 */ "likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH",
+ /* 194 */ "expr ::= expr likeop expr",
+ /* 195 */ "expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr",
+ /* 196 */ "expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL",
+ /* 197 */ "expr ::= expr NOT NULL",
+ /* 198 */ "expr ::= expr IS expr",
+ /* 199 */ "expr ::= expr IS NOT expr",
+ /* 200 */ "expr ::= NOT expr",
+ /* 201 */ "expr ::= BITNOT expr",
+ /* 202 */ "expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr",
+ /* 203 */ "between_op ::= BETWEEN",
+ /* 204 */ "between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN",
+ /* 205 */ "expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr",
+ /* 206 */ "in_op ::= IN",
+ /* 207 */ "in_op ::= NOT IN",
+ /* 208 */ "expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP",
+ /* 209 */ "expr ::= LP select RP",
+ /* 210 */ "expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP",
+ /* 211 */ "expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist",
+ /* 212 */ "expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP",
+ /* 213 */ "expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END",
+ /* 214 */ "case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr",
+ /* 215 */ "case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr",
+ /* 216 */ "case_else ::= ELSE expr",
+ /* 217 */ "case_else ::=",
+ /* 218 */ "case_operand ::= expr",
+ /* 219 */ "case_operand ::=",
+ /* 220 */ "exprlist ::=",
+ /* 221 */ "nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr",
+ /* 222 */ "nexprlist ::= expr",
+ /* 223 */ "paren_exprlist ::=",
+ /* 224 */ "paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP",
+ /* 225 */ "cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt",
+ /* 226 */ "uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE",
+ /* 227 */ "uniqueflag ::=",
+ /* 228 */ "eidlist_opt ::=",
+ /* 229 */ "eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP",
+ /* 230 */ "eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder",
+ /* 231 */ "eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder",
+ /* 232 */ "collate ::=",
+ /* 233 */ "collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING",
+ /* 234 */ "cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname",
+ /* 235 */ "cmd ::= VACUUM vinto",
+ /* 236 */ "cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto",
+ /* 237 */ "vinto ::= INTO expr",
+ /* 238 */ "vinto ::=",
+ /* 239 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm",
+ /* 240 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum",
+ /* 241 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP",
+ /* 242 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num",
+ /* 243 */ "cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP",
+ /* 244 */ "plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT",
+ /* 245 */ "minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT",
+ /* 246 */ "cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END",
+ /* 247 */ "trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause",
+ /* 248 */ "trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER",
+ /* 249 */ "trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF",
+ /* 250 */ "trigger_time ::=",
+ /* 251 */ "trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT",
+ /* 252 */ "trigger_event ::= UPDATE",
+ /* 253 */ "trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist",
+ /* 254 */ "when_clause ::=",
+ /* 255 */ "when_clause ::= WHEN expr",
+ /* 256 */ "trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI",
+ /* 257 */ "trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI",
+ /* 258 */ "trnm ::= nm DOT nm",
+ /* 259 */ "tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm",
+ /* 260 */ "tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED",
+ /* 261 */ "trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt",
+ /* 262 */ "trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt",
+ /* 263 */ "trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt",
+ /* 264 */ "trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt",
+ /* 265 */ "expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP",
+ /* 266 */ "expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP",
+ /* 267 */ "raisetype ::= ROLLBACK",
+ /* 268 */ "raisetype ::= ABORT",
+ /* 269 */ "raisetype ::= FAIL",
+ /* 270 */ "cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname",
+ /* 271 */ "cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt",
+ /* 272 */ "cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr",
+ /* 273 */ "key_opt ::=",
+ /* 274 */ "key_opt ::= KEY expr",
+ /* 275 */ "cmd ::= REINDEX",
+ /* 276 */ "cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm",
+ /* 277 */ "cmd ::= ANALYZE",
+ /* 278 */ "cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm",
+ /* 279 */ "cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm",
+ /* 280 */ "cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist",
+ /* 281 */ "add_column_fullname ::= fullname",
+ /* 282 */ "cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm",
+ /* 283 */ "cmd ::= create_vtab",
+ /* 284 */ "cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP",
+ /* 285 */ "create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm",
+ /* 286 */ "vtabarg ::=",
+ /* 287 */ "vtabargtoken ::= ANY",
+ /* 288 */ "vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP",
+ /* 289 */ "lp ::= LP",
+ /* 290 */ "with ::= WITH wqlist",
+ /* 291 */ "with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist",
+ /* 292 */ "wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP",
+ /* 293 */ "wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP",
+ /* 294 */ "windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn",
+ /* 295 */ "windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn",
+ /* 296 */ "windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP",
+ /* 297 */ "window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt",
+ /* 298 */ "window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt",
+ /* 299 */ "window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt",
+ /* 300 */ "window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt",
+ /* 301 */ "window ::= frame_opt",
+ /* 302 */ "window ::= nm frame_opt",
+ /* 303 */ "frame_opt ::=",
+ /* 304 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt",
+ /* 305 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt",
+ /* 306 */ "range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS",
+ /* 307 */ "frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound",
+ /* 308 */ "frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING",
+ /* 309 */ "frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound",
+ /* 310 */ "frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING",
+ /* 311 */ "frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING",
+ /* 312 */ "frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW",
+ /* 313 */ "frame_exclude_opt ::=",
+ /* 314 */ "frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude",
+ /* 315 */ "frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS",
+ /* 316 */ "frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW",
+ /* 317 */ "frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES",
+ /* 318 */ "window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list",
+ /* 319 */ "filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause",
+ /* 320 */ "filter_over ::= over_clause",
+ /* 321 */ "filter_over ::= filter_clause",
+ /* 322 */ "over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP",
+ /* 323 */ "over_clause ::= OVER nm",
+ /* 324 */ "filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP",
+ /* 325 */ "input ::= cmdlist",
+ /* 326 */ "cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd",
+ /* 327 */ "cmdlist ::= ecmd",
+ /* 328 */ "ecmd ::= SEMI",
+ /* 329 */ "ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI",
+ /* 330 */ "ecmd ::= explain cmdx SEMI",
+ /* 331 */ "trans_opt ::=",
+ /* 332 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION",
+ /* 333 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm",
+ /* 334 */ "savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT",
+ /* 335 */ "savepoint_opt ::=",
+ /* 336 */ "cmd ::= create_table create_table_args",
+ /* 337 */ "columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist",
+ /* 338 */ "columnlist ::= columnname carglist",
+ /* 339 */ "nm ::= ID|INDEXED",
+ /* 340 */ "nm ::= STRING",
+ /* 341 */ "nm ::= JOIN_KW",
+ /* 342 */ "typetoken ::= typename",
+ /* 343 */ "typename ::= ID|STRING",
+ /* 344 */ "signed ::= plus_num",
+ /* 345 */ "signed ::= minus_num",
+ /* 346 */ "carglist ::= carglist ccons",
+ /* 347 */ "carglist ::=",
+ /* 348 */ "ccons ::= NULL onconf",
+ /* 349 */ "ccons ::= GENERATED ALWAYS AS generated",
+ /* 350 */ "ccons ::= AS generated",
+ /* 351 */ "conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist",
+ /* 352 */ "conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons",
+ /* 353 */ "conslist ::= tcons",
+ /* 354 */ "tconscomma ::=",
+ /* 355 */ "defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause",
+ /* 356 */ "resolvetype ::= raisetype",
+ /* 357 */ "selectnowith ::= oneselect",
+ /* 358 */ "oneselect ::= values",
+ /* 359 */ "sclp ::= selcollist COMMA",
+ /* 360 */ "as ::= ID|STRING",
+ /* 361 */ "expr ::= term",
+ /* 362 */ "likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH",
+ /* 363 */ "exprlist ::= nexprlist",
+ /* 364 */ "nmnum ::= plus_num",
+ /* 365 */ "nmnum ::= nm",
+ /* 366 */ "nmnum ::= ON",
+ /* 367 */ "nmnum ::= DELETE",
+ /* 368 */ "nmnum ::= DEFAULT",
+ /* 369 */ "plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT",
+ /* 370 */ "foreach_clause ::=",
+ /* 371 */ "foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW",
+ /* 372 */ "trnm ::= nm",
+ /* 373 */ "tridxby ::=",
+ /* 374 */ "database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE",
+ /* 375 */ "database_kw_opt ::=",
+ /* 376 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::=",
+ /* 377 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW",
+ /* 378 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarg",
+ /* 379 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg",
+ /* 380 */ "vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken",
+ /* 381 */ "anylist ::=",
+ /* 382 */ "anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP",
+ /* 383 */ "anylist ::= anylist ANY",
+ /* 384 */ "with ::=",
#endif /* NDEBUG */
@@ -151697,98 +155457,98 @@ static void yy_destructor(
** inside the C code.
/********* Begin destructor definitions ***************************************/
- case 198: /* select */
- case 231: /* selectnowith */
- case 232: /* oneselect */
- case 244: /* values */
+ case 200: /* select */
+ case 234: /* selectnowith */
+ case 235: /* oneselect */
+ case 247: /* values */
-sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy25));
+sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy539));
- case 209: /* term */
- case 210: /* expr */
- case 238: /* where_opt */
- case 240: /* having_opt */
- case 252: /* on_opt */
- case 268: /* case_operand */
- case 270: /* case_else */
- case 273: /* vinto */
- case 280: /* when_clause */
- case 285: /* key_opt */
- case 299: /* filter_clause */
+ case 211: /* term */
+ case 212: /* expr */
+ case 241: /* where_opt */
+ case 243: /* having_opt */
+ case 255: /* on_opt */
+ case 271: /* case_operand */
+ case 273: /* case_else */
+ case 276: /* vinto */
+ case 283: /* when_clause */
+ case 288: /* key_opt */
+ case 302: /* filter_clause */
-sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy46));
+sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy202));
- case 214: /* eidlist_opt */
- case 223: /* sortlist */
- case 224: /* eidlist */
- case 236: /* selcollist */
- case 239: /* groupby_opt */
- case 241: /* orderby_opt */
- case 245: /* nexprlist */
- case 246: /* sclp */
- case 254: /* exprlist */
- case 259: /* setlist */
- case 267: /* paren_exprlist */
- case 269: /* case_exprlist */
- case 298: /* part_opt */
+ case 216: /* eidlist_opt */
+ case 226: /* sortlist */
+ case 227: /* eidlist */
+ case 239: /* selcollist */
+ case 242: /* groupby_opt */
+ case 244: /* orderby_opt */
+ case 248: /* nexprlist */
+ case 249: /* sclp */
+ case 257: /* exprlist */
+ case 262: /* setlist */
+ case 270: /* paren_exprlist */
+ case 272: /* case_exprlist */
+ case 301: /* part_opt */
-sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy138));
+sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy242));
- case 230: /* fullname */
- case 237: /* from */
- case 248: /* seltablist */
- case 249: /* stl_prefix */
- case 255: /* xfullname */
+ case 233: /* fullname */
+ case 240: /* from */
+ case 251: /* seltablist */
+ case 252: /* stl_prefix */
+ case 258: /* xfullname */
-sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy609));
+sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy47));
- case 233: /* wqlist */
+ case 236: /* wqlist */
-sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy297));
+sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy131));
- case 243: /* window_clause */
- case 294: /* windowdefn_list */
+ case 246: /* window_clause */
+ case 297: /* windowdefn_list */
-sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy455));
+sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy303));
- case 253: /* using_opt */
- case 256: /* idlist */
- case 261: /* idlist_opt */
+ case 256: /* using_opt */
+ case 259: /* idlist */
+ case 264: /* idlist_opt */
-sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy406));
+sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy600));
- case 263: /* filter_over */
- case 295: /* windowdefn */
- case 296: /* window */
- case 297: /* frame_opt */
- case 300: /* over_clause */
+ case 266: /* filter_over */
+ case 298: /* windowdefn */
+ case 299: /* window */
+ case 300: /* frame_opt */
+ case 303: /* over_clause */
-sqlite3WindowDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy455));
+sqlite3WindowDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy303));
- case 276: /* trigger_cmd_list */
- case 281: /* trigger_cmd */
+ case 279: /* trigger_cmd_list */
+ case 284: /* trigger_cmd */
-sqlite3DeleteTriggerStep(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy527));
+sqlite3DeleteTriggerStep(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy447));
- case 278: /* trigger_event */
+ case 281: /* trigger_event */
-sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy572).b);
+sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy230).b);
- case 302: /* frame_bound */
- case 303: /* frame_bound_s */
- case 304: /* frame_bound_e */
+ case 305: /* frame_bound */
+ case 306: /* frame_bound_s */
+ case 307: /* frame_bound_e */
-sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy57).pExpr);
+sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy77).pExpr);
/********* End destructor definitions *****************************************/
@@ -152079,387 +155839,391 @@ static void yy_shift(
/* For rule J, yyRuleInfoLhs[J] contains the symbol on the left-hand side
** of that rule */
static const YYCODETYPE yyRuleInfoLhs[] = {
- 183, /* (0) explain ::= EXPLAIN */
- 183, /* (1) explain ::= EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN */
- 182, /* (2) cmdx ::= cmd */
- 184, /* (3) cmd ::= BEGIN transtype trans_opt */
- 185, /* (4) transtype ::= */
- 185, /* (5) transtype ::= DEFERRED */
- 185, /* (6) transtype ::= IMMEDIATE */
- 185, /* (7) transtype ::= EXCLUSIVE */
- 184, /* (8) cmd ::= COMMIT|END trans_opt */
- 184, /* (9) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt */
- 184, /* (10) cmd ::= SAVEPOINT nm */
- 184, /* (11) cmd ::= RELEASE savepoint_opt nm */
- 184, /* (12) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt TO savepoint_opt nm */
- 189, /* (13) create_table ::= createkw temp TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm */
- 191, /* (14) createkw ::= CREATE */
- 193, /* (15) ifnotexists ::= */
- 193, /* (16) ifnotexists ::= IF NOT EXISTS */
- 192, /* (17) temp ::= TEMP */
- 192, /* (18) temp ::= */
- 190, /* (19) create_table_args ::= LP columnlist conslist_opt RP table_options */
- 190, /* (20) create_table_args ::= AS select */
- 197, /* (21) table_options ::= */
- 197, /* (22) table_options ::= WITHOUT nm */
- 199, /* (23) columnname ::= nm typetoken */
- 201, /* (24) typetoken ::= */
- 201, /* (25) typetoken ::= typename LP signed RP */
- 201, /* (26) typetoken ::= typename LP signed COMMA signed RP */
- 202, /* (27) typename ::= typename ID|STRING */
- 206, /* (28) scanpt ::= */
- 207, /* (29) scantok ::= */
- 208, /* (30) ccons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
- 208, /* (31) ccons ::= DEFAULT scantok term */
- 208, /* (32) ccons ::= DEFAULT LP expr RP */
- 208, /* (33) ccons ::= DEFAULT PLUS scantok term */
- 208, /* (34) ccons ::= DEFAULT MINUS scantok term */
- 208, /* (35) ccons ::= DEFAULT scantok ID|INDEXED */
- 208, /* (36) ccons ::= NOT NULL onconf */
- 208, /* (37) ccons ::= PRIMARY KEY sortorder onconf autoinc */
- 208, /* (38) ccons ::= UNIQUE onconf */
- 208, /* (39) ccons ::= CHECK LP expr RP */
- 208, /* (40) ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs */
- 208, /* (41) ccons ::= defer_subclause */
- 208, /* (42) ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
- 213, /* (43) autoinc ::= */
- 213, /* (44) autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */
- 215, /* (45) refargs ::= */
- 215, /* (46) refargs ::= refargs refarg */
- 217, /* (47) refarg ::= MATCH nm */
- 217, /* (48) refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
- 217, /* (49) refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
- 217, /* (50) refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
- 218, /* (51) refact ::= SET NULL */
- 218, /* (52) refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
- 218, /* (53) refact ::= CASCADE */
- 218, /* (54) refact ::= RESTRICT */
- 218, /* (55) refact ::= NO ACTION */
- 216, /* (56) defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
- 216, /* (57) defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
- 219, /* (58) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= */
- 219, /* (59) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
- 219, /* (60) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
- 196, /* (61) conslist_opt ::= */
- 221, /* (62) tconscomma ::= COMMA */
- 222, /* (63) tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
- 222, /* (64) tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
- 222, /* (65) tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
- 222, /* (66) tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
- 222, /* (67) tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
- 225, /* (68) defer_subclause_opt ::= */
- 211, /* (69) onconf ::= */
- 211, /* (70) onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
- 226, /* (71) orconf ::= */
- 226, /* (72) orconf ::= OR resolvetype */
- 227, /* (73) resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
- 227, /* (74) resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
- 184, /* (75) cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
- 229, /* (76) ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */
- 229, /* (77) ifexists ::= */
- 184, /* (78) cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
- 184, /* (79) cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
- 184, /* (80) cmd ::= select */
- 198, /* (81) select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
- 198, /* (82) select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
- 198, /* (83) select ::= selectnowith */
- 231, /* (84) selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
- 234, /* (85) multiselect_op ::= UNION */
- 234, /* (86) multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
- 234, /* (87) multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */
- 232, /* (88) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
- 232, /* (89) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
- 244, /* (90) values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
- 244, /* (91) values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
- 235, /* (92) distinct ::= DISTINCT */
- 235, /* (93) distinct ::= ALL */
- 235, /* (94) distinct ::= */
- 246, /* (95) sclp ::= */
- 236, /* (96) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
- 236, /* (97) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
- 236, /* (98) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
- 247, /* (99) as ::= AS nm */
- 247, /* (100) as ::= */
- 237, /* (101) from ::= */
- 237, /* (102) from ::= FROM seltablist */
- 249, /* (103) stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
- 249, /* (104) stl_prefix ::= */
- 248, /* (105) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
- 248, /* (106) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- 248, /* (107) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
- 248, /* (108) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- 194, /* (109) dbnm ::= */
- 194, /* (110) dbnm ::= DOT nm */
- 230, /* (111) fullname ::= nm */
- 230, /* (112) fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- 255, /* (113) xfullname ::= nm */
- 255, /* (114) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- 255, /* (115) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
- 255, /* (116) xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
- 250, /* (117) joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
- 250, /* (118) joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
- 250, /* (119) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
- 250, /* (120) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
- 252, /* (121) on_opt ::= ON expr */
- 252, /* (122) on_opt ::= */
- 251, /* (123) indexed_opt ::= */
- 251, /* (124) indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
- 251, /* (125) indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
- 253, /* (126) using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
- 253, /* (127) using_opt ::= */
- 241, /* (128) orderby_opt ::= */
- 241, /* (129) orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
- 223, /* (130) sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls */
- 223, /* (131) sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls */
- 212, /* (132) sortorder ::= ASC */
- 212, /* (133) sortorder ::= DESC */
- 212, /* (134) sortorder ::= */
- 257, /* (135) nulls ::= NULLS FIRST */
- 257, /* (136) nulls ::= NULLS LAST */
- 257, /* (137) nulls ::= */
- 239, /* (138) groupby_opt ::= */
- 239, /* (139) groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */
- 240, /* (140) having_opt ::= */
- 240, /* (141) having_opt ::= HAVING expr */
- 242, /* (142) limit_opt ::= */
- 242, /* (143) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
- 242, /* (144) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
- 242, /* (145) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
- 184, /* (146) cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
- 238, /* (147) where_opt ::= */
- 238, /* (148) where_opt ::= WHERE expr */
- 184, /* (149) cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
- 259, /* (150) setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
- 259, /* (151) setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- 259, /* (152) setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
- 259, /* (153) setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- 184, /* (154) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
- 184, /* (155) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
- 262, /* (156) upsert ::= */
- 262, /* (157) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
- 262, /* (158) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
- 262, /* (159) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
- 260, /* (160) insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */
- 260, /* (161) insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */
- 261, /* (162) idlist_opt ::= */
- 261, /* (163) idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
- 256, /* (164) idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
- 256, /* (165) idlist ::= nm */
- 210, /* (166) expr ::= LP expr RP */
- 210, /* (167) expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
- 210, /* (168) expr ::= JOIN_KW */
- 210, /* (169) expr ::= nm DOT nm */
- 210, /* (170) expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
- 209, /* (171) term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
- 209, /* (172) term ::= STRING */
- 209, /* (173) term ::= INTEGER */
- 210, /* (174) expr ::= VARIABLE */
- 210, /* (175) expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
- 210, /* (176) expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
- 210, /* (177) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
- 210, /* (178) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
- 210, /* (179) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over */
- 210, /* (180) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over */
- 209, /* (181) term ::= CTIME_KW */
- 210, /* (182) expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
- 210, /* (183) expr ::= expr AND expr */
- 210, /* (184) expr ::= expr OR expr */
- 210, /* (185) expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */
- 210, /* (186) expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */
- 210, /* (187) expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */
- 210, /* (188) expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */
- 210, /* (189) expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */
- 210, /* (190) expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */
- 264, /* (191) likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
- 210, /* (192) expr ::= expr likeop expr */
- 210, /* (193) expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
- 210, /* (194) expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
- 210, /* (195) expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
- 210, /* (196) expr ::= expr IS expr */
- 210, /* (197) expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
- 210, /* (198) expr ::= NOT expr */
- 210, /* (199) expr ::= BITNOT expr */
- 210, /* (200) expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
- 265, /* (201) between_op ::= BETWEEN */
- 265, /* (202) between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */
- 210, /* (203) expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
- 266, /* (204) in_op ::= IN */
- 266, /* (205) in_op ::= NOT IN */
- 210, /* (206) expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
- 210, /* (207) expr ::= LP select RP */
- 210, /* (208) expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
- 210, /* (209) expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
- 210, /* (210) expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
- 210, /* (211) expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
- 269, /* (212) case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
- 269, /* (213) case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
- 270, /* (214) case_else ::= ELSE expr */
- 270, /* (215) case_else ::= */
- 268, /* (216) case_operand ::= expr */
- 268, /* (217) case_operand ::= */
- 254, /* (218) exprlist ::= */
- 245, /* (219) nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
- 245, /* (220) nexprlist ::= expr */
- 267, /* (221) paren_exprlist ::= */
- 267, /* (222) paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
- 184, /* (223) cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
- 271, /* (224) uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
- 271, /* (225) uniqueflag ::= */
- 214, /* (226) eidlist_opt ::= */
- 214, /* (227) eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */
- 224, /* (228) eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
- 224, /* (229) eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
- 272, /* (230) collate ::= */
- 272, /* (231) collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
- 184, /* (232) cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
- 184, /* (233) cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
- 184, /* (234) cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
- 273, /* (235) vinto ::= INTO expr */
- 273, /* (236) vinto ::= */
- 184, /* (237) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
- 184, /* (238) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
- 184, /* (239) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
- 184, /* (240) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
- 184, /* (241) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
- 204, /* (242) plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 205, /* (243) minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 184, /* (244) cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
- 275, /* (245) trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
- 277, /* (246) trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
- 277, /* (247) trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
- 277, /* (248) trigger_time ::= */
- 278, /* (249) trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
- 278, /* (250) trigger_event ::= UPDATE */
- 278, /* (251) trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
- 280, /* (252) when_clause ::= */
- 280, /* (253) when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
- 276, /* (254) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
- 276, /* (255) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
- 282, /* (256) trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
- 283, /* (257) tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
- 283, /* (258) tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
- 281, /* (259) trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
- 281, /* (260) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
- 281, /* (261) trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
- 281, /* (262) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
- 210, /* (263) expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
- 210, /* (264) expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
- 228, /* (265) raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
- 228, /* (266) raisetype ::= ABORT */
- 228, /* (267) raisetype ::= FAIL */
- 184, /* (268) cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
- 184, /* (269) cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
- 184, /* (270) cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
- 285, /* (271) key_opt ::= */
- 285, /* (272) key_opt ::= KEY expr */
- 184, /* (273) cmd ::= REINDEX */
- 184, /* (274) cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
- 184, /* (275) cmd ::= ANALYZE */
- 184, /* (276) cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
- 184, /* (277) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
- 184, /* (278) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
- 286, /* (279) add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
- 184, /* (280) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
- 184, /* (281) cmd ::= create_vtab */
- 184, /* (282) cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
- 288, /* (283) create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
- 290, /* (284) vtabarg ::= */
- 291, /* (285) vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
- 291, /* (286) vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */
- 292, /* (287) lp ::= LP */
- 258, /* (288) with ::= WITH wqlist */
- 258, /* (289) with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */
- 233, /* (290) wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- 233, /* (291) wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- 294, /* (292) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
- 294, /* (293) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
- 295, /* (294) windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
- 296, /* (295) window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
- 296, /* (296) window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
- 296, /* (297) window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
- 296, /* (298) window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
- 296, /* (299) window ::= frame_opt */
- 296, /* (300) window ::= nm frame_opt */
- 297, /* (301) frame_opt ::= */
- 297, /* (302) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
- 297, /* (303) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
- 301, /* (304) range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS */
- 303, /* (305) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
- 303, /* (306) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
- 304, /* (307) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
- 304, /* (308) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
- 302, /* (309) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
- 302, /* (310) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
- 305, /* (311) frame_exclude_opt ::= */
- 305, /* (312) frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
- 306, /* (313) frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
- 306, /* (314) frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */
- 306, /* (315) frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
- 243, /* (316) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
- 263, /* (317) filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause */
- 263, /* (318) filter_over ::= over_clause */
- 263, /* (319) filter_over ::= filter_clause */
- 300, /* (320) over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP */
- 300, /* (321) over_clause ::= OVER nm */
- 299, /* (322) filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
- 179, /* (323) input ::= cmdlist */
- 180, /* (324) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
- 180, /* (325) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
- 181, /* (326) ecmd ::= SEMI */
- 181, /* (327) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
- 181, /* (328) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */
- 186, /* (329) trans_opt ::= */
- 186, /* (330) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
- 186, /* (331) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
- 188, /* (332) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
- 188, /* (333) savepoint_opt ::= */
- 184, /* (334) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
- 195, /* (335) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
- 195, /* (336) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
- 187, /* (337) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
- 187, /* (338) nm ::= STRING */
- 187, /* (339) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
- 201, /* (340) typetoken ::= typename */
- 202, /* (341) typename ::= ID|STRING */
- 203, /* (342) signed ::= plus_num */
- 203, /* (343) signed ::= minus_num */
- 200, /* (344) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
- 200, /* (345) carglist ::= */
- 208, /* (346) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
- 196, /* (347) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
- 220, /* (348) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
- 220, /* (349) conslist ::= tcons */
- 221, /* (350) tconscomma ::= */
- 225, /* (351) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
- 227, /* (352) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
- 231, /* (353) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
- 232, /* (354) oneselect ::= values */
- 246, /* (355) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
- 247, /* (356) as ::= ID|STRING */
- 210, /* (357) expr ::= term */
- 264, /* (358) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
- 254, /* (359) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
- 274, /* (360) nmnum ::= plus_num */
- 274, /* (361) nmnum ::= nm */
- 274, /* (362) nmnum ::= ON */
- 274, /* (363) nmnum ::= DELETE */
- 274, /* (364) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
- 204, /* (365) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 279, /* (366) foreach_clause ::= */
- 279, /* (367) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
- 282, /* (368) trnm ::= nm */
- 283, /* (369) tridxby ::= */
- 284, /* (370) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
- 284, /* (371) database_kw_opt ::= */
- 287, /* (372) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
- 287, /* (373) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
- 289, /* (374) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
- 289, /* (375) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
- 290, /* (376) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
- 293, /* (377) anylist ::= */
- 293, /* (378) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
- 293, /* (379) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
- 258, /* (380) with ::= */
+ 185, /* (0) explain ::= EXPLAIN */
+ 185, /* (1) explain ::= EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN */
+ 184, /* (2) cmdx ::= cmd */
+ 186, /* (3) cmd ::= BEGIN transtype trans_opt */
+ 187, /* (4) transtype ::= */
+ 187, /* (5) transtype ::= DEFERRED */
+ 187, /* (6) transtype ::= IMMEDIATE */
+ 187, /* (7) transtype ::= EXCLUSIVE */
+ 186, /* (8) cmd ::= COMMIT|END trans_opt */
+ 186, /* (9) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt */
+ 186, /* (10) cmd ::= SAVEPOINT nm */
+ 186, /* (11) cmd ::= RELEASE savepoint_opt nm */
+ 186, /* (12) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt TO savepoint_opt nm */
+ 191, /* (13) create_table ::= createkw temp TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm */
+ 193, /* (14) createkw ::= CREATE */
+ 195, /* (15) ifnotexists ::= */
+ 195, /* (16) ifnotexists ::= IF NOT EXISTS */
+ 194, /* (17) temp ::= TEMP */
+ 194, /* (18) temp ::= */
+ 192, /* (19) create_table_args ::= LP columnlist conslist_opt RP table_options */
+ 192, /* (20) create_table_args ::= AS select */
+ 199, /* (21) table_options ::= */
+ 199, /* (22) table_options ::= WITHOUT nm */
+ 201, /* (23) columnname ::= nm typetoken */
+ 203, /* (24) typetoken ::= */
+ 203, /* (25) typetoken ::= typename LP signed RP */
+ 203, /* (26) typetoken ::= typename LP signed COMMA signed RP */
+ 204, /* (27) typename ::= typename ID|STRING */
+ 208, /* (28) scanpt ::= */
+ 209, /* (29) scantok ::= */
+ 210, /* (30) ccons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
+ 210, /* (31) ccons ::= DEFAULT scantok term */
+ 210, /* (32) ccons ::= DEFAULT LP expr RP */
+ 210, /* (33) ccons ::= DEFAULT PLUS scantok term */
+ 210, /* (34) ccons ::= DEFAULT MINUS scantok term */
+ 210, /* (35) ccons ::= DEFAULT scantok ID|INDEXED */
+ 210, /* (36) ccons ::= NOT NULL onconf */
+ 210, /* (37) ccons ::= PRIMARY KEY sortorder onconf autoinc */
+ 210, /* (38) ccons ::= UNIQUE onconf */
+ 210, /* (39) ccons ::= CHECK LP expr RP */
+ 210, /* (40) ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs */
+ 210, /* (41) ccons ::= defer_subclause */
+ 210, /* (42) ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ 219, /* (43) generated ::= LP expr RP */
+ 219, /* (44) generated ::= LP expr RP ID */
+ 215, /* (45) autoinc ::= */
+ 215, /* (46) autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */
+ 217, /* (47) refargs ::= */
+ 217, /* (48) refargs ::= refargs refarg */
+ 220, /* (49) refarg ::= MATCH nm */
+ 220, /* (50) refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
+ 220, /* (51) refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
+ 220, /* (52) refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
+ 221, /* (53) refact ::= SET NULL */
+ 221, /* (54) refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
+ 221, /* (55) refact ::= CASCADE */
+ 221, /* (56) refact ::= RESTRICT */
+ 221, /* (57) refact ::= NO ACTION */
+ 218, /* (58) defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+ 218, /* (59) defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+ 222, /* (60) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= */
+ 222, /* (61) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
+ 222, /* (62) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
+ 198, /* (63) conslist_opt ::= */
+ 224, /* (64) tconscomma ::= COMMA */
+ 225, /* (65) tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
+ 225, /* (66) tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
+ 225, /* (67) tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
+ 225, /* (68) tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
+ 225, /* (69) tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
+ 228, /* (70) defer_subclause_opt ::= */
+ 213, /* (71) onconf ::= */
+ 213, /* (72) onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
+ 229, /* (73) orconf ::= */
+ 229, /* (74) orconf ::= OR resolvetype */
+ 230, /* (75) resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
+ 230, /* (76) resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
+ 186, /* (77) cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
+ 232, /* (78) ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */
+ 232, /* (79) ifexists ::= */
+ 186, /* (80) cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
+ 186, /* (81) cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
+ 186, /* (82) cmd ::= select */
+ 200, /* (83) select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
+ 200, /* (84) select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
+ 200, /* (85) select ::= selectnowith */
+ 234, /* (86) selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
+ 237, /* (87) multiselect_op ::= UNION */
+ 237, /* (88) multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
+ 237, /* (89) multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */
+ 235, /* (90) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ 235, /* (91) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ 247, /* (92) values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
+ 247, /* (93) values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
+ 238, /* (94) distinct ::= DISTINCT */
+ 238, /* (95) distinct ::= ALL */
+ 238, /* (96) distinct ::= */
+ 249, /* (97) sclp ::= */
+ 239, /* (98) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
+ 239, /* (99) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
+ 239, /* (100) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
+ 250, /* (101) as ::= AS nm */
+ 250, /* (102) as ::= */
+ 240, /* (103) from ::= */
+ 240, /* (104) from ::= FROM seltablist */
+ 252, /* (105) stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
+ 252, /* (106) stl_prefix ::= */
+ 251, /* (107) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
+ 251, /* (108) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ 251, /* (109) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ 251, /* (110) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ 196, /* (111) dbnm ::= */
+ 196, /* (112) dbnm ::= DOT nm */
+ 233, /* (113) fullname ::= nm */
+ 233, /* (114) fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 258, /* (115) xfullname ::= nm */
+ 258, /* (116) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 258, /* (117) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
+ 258, /* (118) xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
+ 253, /* (119) joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
+ 253, /* (120) joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
+ 253, /* (121) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
+ 253, /* (122) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
+ 255, /* (123) on_opt ::= ON expr */
+ 255, /* (124) on_opt ::= */
+ 254, /* (125) indexed_opt ::= */
+ 254, /* (126) indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ 254, /* (127) indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ 256, /* (128) using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
+ 256, /* (129) using_opt ::= */
+ 244, /* (130) orderby_opt ::= */
+ 244, /* (131) orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
+ 226, /* (132) sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls */
+ 226, /* (133) sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls */
+ 214, /* (134) sortorder ::= ASC */
+ 214, /* (135) sortorder ::= DESC */
+ 214, /* (136) sortorder ::= */
+ 260, /* (137) nulls ::= NULLS FIRST */
+ 260, /* (138) nulls ::= NULLS LAST */
+ 260, /* (139) nulls ::= */
+ 242, /* (140) groupby_opt ::= */
+ 242, /* (141) groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */
+ 243, /* (142) having_opt ::= */
+ 243, /* (143) having_opt ::= HAVING expr */
+ 245, /* (144) limit_opt ::= */
+ 245, /* (145) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
+ 245, /* (146) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
+ 245, /* (147) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
+ 186, /* (148) cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
+ 241, /* (149) where_opt ::= */
+ 241, /* (150) where_opt ::= WHERE expr */
+ 186, /* (151) cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
+ 262, /* (152) setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
+ 262, /* (153) setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ 262, /* (154) setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
+ 262, /* (155) setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ 186, /* (156) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
+ 186, /* (157) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
+ 265, /* (158) upsert ::= */
+ 265, /* (159) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
+ 265, /* (160) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
+ 265, /* (161) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
+ 263, /* (162) insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */
+ 263, /* (163) insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */
+ 264, /* (164) idlist_opt ::= */
+ 264, /* (165) idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
+ 259, /* (166) idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
+ 259, /* (167) idlist ::= nm */
+ 212, /* (168) expr ::= LP expr RP */
+ 212, /* (169) expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ 212, /* (170) expr ::= JOIN_KW */
+ 212, /* (171) expr ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 212, /* (172) expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
+ 211, /* (173) term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
+ 211, /* (174) term ::= STRING */
+ 211, /* (175) term ::= INTEGER */
+ 212, /* (176) expr ::= VARIABLE */
+ 212, /* (177) expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ 212, /* (178) expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
+ 212, /* (179) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
+ 212, /* (180) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
+ 212, /* (181) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over */
+ 212, /* (182) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over */
+ 211, /* (183) term ::= CTIME_KW */
+ 212, /* (184) expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
+ 212, /* (185) expr ::= expr AND expr */
+ 212, /* (186) expr ::= expr OR expr */
+ 212, /* (187) expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */
+ 212, /* (188) expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */
+ 212, /* (189) expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */
+ 212, /* (190) expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */
+ 212, /* (191) expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */
+ 212, /* (192) expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */
+ 267, /* (193) likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ 212, /* (194) expr ::= expr likeop expr */
+ 212, /* (195) expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
+ 212, /* (196) expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
+ 212, /* (197) expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
+ 212, /* (198) expr ::= expr IS expr */
+ 212, /* (199) expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
+ 212, /* (200) expr ::= NOT expr */
+ 212, /* (201) expr ::= BITNOT expr */
+ 212, /* (202) expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
+ 268, /* (203) between_op ::= BETWEEN */
+ 268, /* (204) between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */
+ 212, /* (205) expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
+ 269, /* (206) in_op ::= IN */
+ 269, /* (207) in_op ::= NOT IN */
+ 212, /* (208) expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
+ 212, /* (209) expr ::= LP select RP */
+ 212, /* (210) expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
+ 212, /* (211) expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
+ 212, /* (212) expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
+ 212, /* (213) expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
+ 272, /* (214) case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ 272, /* (215) case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ 273, /* (216) case_else ::= ELSE expr */
+ 273, /* (217) case_else ::= */
+ 271, /* (218) case_operand ::= expr */
+ 271, /* (219) case_operand ::= */
+ 257, /* (220) exprlist ::= */
+ 248, /* (221) nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
+ 248, /* (222) nexprlist ::= expr */
+ 270, /* (223) paren_exprlist ::= */
+ 270, /* (224) paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
+ 186, /* (225) cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
+ 274, /* (226) uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
+ 274, /* (227) uniqueflag ::= */
+ 216, /* (228) eidlist_opt ::= */
+ 216, /* (229) eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */
+ 227, /* (230) eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
+ 227, /* (231) eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
+ 275, /* (232) collate ::= */
+ 275, /* (233) collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ 186, /* (234) cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
+ 186, /* (235) cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
+ 186, /* (236) cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
+ 276, /* (237) vinto ::= INTO expr */
+ 276, /* (238) vinto ::= */
+ 186, /* (239) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
+ 186, /* (240) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
+ 186, /* (241) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
+ 186, /* (242) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
+ 186, /* (243) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
+ 206, /* (244) plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 207, /* (245) minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 186, /* (246) cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
+ 278, /* (247) trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
+ 280, /* (248) trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
+ 280, /* (249) trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
+ 280, /* (250) trigger_time ::= */
+ 281, /* (251) trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
+ 281, /* (252) trigger_event ::= UPDATE */
+ 281, /* (253) trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
+ 283, /* (254) when_clause ::= */
+ 283, /* (255) when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
+ 279, /* (256) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ 279, /* (257) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ 285, /* (258) trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 286, /* (259) tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ 286, /* (260) tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ 284, /* (261) trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
+ 284, /* (262) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
+ 284, /* (263) trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
+ 284, /* (264) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
+ 212, /* (265) expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
+ 212, /* (266) expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
+ 231, /* (267) raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
+ 231, /* (268) raisetype ::= ABORT */
+ 231, /* (269) raisetype ::= FAIL */
+ 186, /* (270) cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
+ 186, /* (271) cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
+ 186, /* (272) cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
+ 288, /* (273) key_opt ::= */
+ 288, /* (274) key_opt ::= KEY expr */
+ 186, /* (275) cmd ::= REINDEX */
+ 186, /* (276) cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
+ 186, /* (277) cmd ::= ANALYZE */
+ 186, /* (278) cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
+ 186, /* (279) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
+ 186, /* (280) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
+ 289, /* (281) add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
+ 186, /* (282) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
+ 186, /* (283) cmd ::= create_vtab */
+ 186, /* (284) cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
+ 291, /* (285) create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
+ 293, /* (286) vtabarg ::= */
+ 294, /* (287) vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
+ 294, /* (288) vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */
+ 295, /* (289) lp ::= LP */
+ 261, /* (290) with ::= WITH wqlist */
+ 261, /* (291) with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */
+ 236, /* (292) wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ 236, /* (293) wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ 297, /* (294) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
+ 297, /* (295) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
+ 298, /* (296) windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
+ 299, /* (297) window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ 299, /* (298) window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ 299, /* (299) window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ 299, /* (300) window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ 299, /* (301) window ::= frame_opt */
+ 299, /* (302) window ::= nm frame_opt */
+ 300, /* (303) frame_opt ::= */
+ 300, /* (304) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
+ 300, /* (305) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
+ 304, /* (306) range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS */
+ 306, /* (307) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
+ 306, /* (308) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
+ 307, /* (309) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
+ 307, /* (310) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
+ 305, /* (311) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
+ 305, /* (312) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ 308, /* (313) frame_exclude_opt ::= */
+ 308, /* (314) frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
+ 309, /* (315) frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
+ 309, /* (316) frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ 309, /* (317) frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
+ 246, /* (318) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
+ 266, /* (319) filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause */
+ 266, /* (320) filter_over ::= over_clause */
+ 266, /* (321) filter_over ::= filter_clause */
+ 303, /* (322) over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP */
+ 303, /* (323) over_clause ::= OVER nm */
+ 302, /* (324) filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
+ 181, /* (325) input ::= cmdlist */
+ 182, /* (326) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
+ 182, /* (327) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
+ 183, /* (328) ecmd ::= SEMI */
+ 183, /* (329) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
+ 183, /* (330) ecmd ::= explain cmdx SEMI */
+ 188, /* (331) trans_opt ::= */
+ 188, /* (332) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
+ 188, /* (333) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
+ 190, /* (334) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
+ 190, /* (335) savepoint_opt ::= */
+ 186, /* (336) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
+ 197, /* (337) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
+ 197, /* (338) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
+ 189, /* (339) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ 189, /* (340) nm ::= STRING */
+ 189, /* (341) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
+ 203, /* (342) typetoken ::= typename */
+ 204, /* (343) typename ::= ID|STRING */
+ 205, /* (344) signed ::= plus_num */
+ 205, /* (345) signed ::= minus_num */
+ 202, /* (346) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
+ 202, /* (347) carglist ::= */
+ 210, /* (348) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
+ 210, /* (349) ccons ::= GENERATED ALWAYS AS generated */
+ 210, /* (350) ccons ::= AS generated */
+ 198, /* (351) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
+ 223, /* (352) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
+ 223, /* (353) conslist ::= tcons */
+ 224, /* (354) tconscomma ::= */
+ 228, /* (355) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
+ 230, /* (356) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
+ 234, /* (357) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
+ 235, /* (358) oneselect ::= values */
+ 249, /* (359) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
+ 250, /* (360) as ::= ID|STRING */
+ 212, /* (361) expr ::= term */
+ 267, /* (362) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ 257, /* (363) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
+ 277, /* (364) nmnum ::= plus_num */
+ 277, /* (365) nmnum ::= nm */
+ 277, /* (366) nmnum ::= ON */
+ 277, /* (367) nmnum ::= DELETE */
+ 277, /* (368) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
+ 206, /* (369) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 282, /* (370) foreach_clause ::= */
+ 282, /* (371) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
+ 285, /* (372) trnm ::= nm */
+ 286, /* (373) tridxby ::= */
+ 287, /* (374) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
+ 287, /* (375) database_kw_opt ::= */
+ 290, /* (376) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
+ 290, /* (377) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
+ 292, /* (378) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
+ 292, /* (379) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
+ 293, /* (380) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
+ 296, /* (381) anylist ::= */
+ 296, /* (382) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
+ 296, /* (383) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
+ 261, /* (384) with ::= */
/* For rule J, yyRuleInfoNRhs[J] contains the negative of the number
@@ -152508,344 +156272,348 @@ static const signed char yyRuleInfoNRhs[] = {
-4, /* (40) ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs */
-1, /* (41) ccons ::= defer_subclause */
-2, /* (42) ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
- 0, /* (43) autoinc ::= */
- -1, /* (44) autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */
- 0, /* (45) refargs ::= */
- -2, /* (46) refargs ::= refargs refarg */
- -2, /* (47) refarg ::= MATCH nm */
- -3, /* (48) refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
- -3, /* (49) refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
- -3, /* (50) refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
- -2, /* (51) refact ::= SET NULL */
- -2, /* (52) refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
- -1, /* (53) refact ::= CASCADE */
- -1, /* (54) refact ::= RESTRICT */
- -2, /* (55) refact ::= NO ACTION */
- -3, /* (56) defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
- -2, /* (57) defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
- 0, /* (58) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (59) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
- -2, /* (60) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
- 0, /* (61) conslist_opt ::= */
- -1, /* (62) tconscomma ::= COMMA */
- -2, /* (63) tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
- -7, /* (64) tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
- -5, /* (65) tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
- -5, /* (66) tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
- -10, /* (67) tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
- 0, /* (68) defer_subclause_opt ::= */
- 0, /* (69) onconf ::= */
- -3, /* (70) onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
- 0, /* (71) orconf ::= */
- -2, /* (72) orconf ::= OR resolvetype */
- -1, /* (73) resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
- -1, /* (74) resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
- -4, /* (75) cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
- -2, /* (76) ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */
- 0, /* (77) ifexists ::= */
- -9, /* (78) cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
- -4, /* (79) cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
- -1, /* (80) cmd ::= select */
- -3, /* (81) select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
- -4, /* (82) select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
- -1, /* (83) select ::= selectnowith */
- -3, /* (84) selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
- -1, /* (85) multiselect_op ::= UNION */
- -2, /* (86) multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
- -1, /* (87) multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */
- -9, /* (88) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
- -10, /* (89) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
- -4, /* (90) values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
- -5, /* (91) values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
- -1, /* (92) distinct ::= DISTINCT */
- -1, /* (93) distinct ::= ALL */
- 0, /* (94) distinct ::= */
- 0, /* (95) sclp ::= */
- -5, /* (96) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
- -3, /* (97) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
- -5, /* (98) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
- -2, /* (99) as ::= AS nm */
- 0, /* (100) as ::= */
- 0, /* (101) from ::= */
- -2, /* (102) from ::= FROM seltablist */
- -2, /* (103) stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
- 0, /* (104) stl_prefix ::= */
- -7, /* (105) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
- -9, /* (106) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- -7, /* (107) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
- -7, /* (108) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- 0, /* (109) dbnm ::= */
- -2, /* (110) dbnm ::= DOT nm */
- -1, /* (111) fullname ::= nm */
- -3, /* (112) fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- -1, /* (113) xfullname ::= nm */
- -3, /* (114) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- -5, /* (115) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
- -3, /* (116) xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
- -1, /* (117) joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
- -2, /* (118) joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
- -3, /* (119) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
- -4, /* (120) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
- -2, /* (121) on_opt ::= ON expr */
- 0, /* (122) on_opt ::= */
- 0, /* (123) indexed_opt ::= */
- -3, /* (124) indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
- -2, /* (125) indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
- -4, /* (126) using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
- 0, /* (127) using_opt ::= */
- 0, /* (128) orderby_opt ::= */
- -3, /* (129) orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
- -5, /* (130) sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls */
- -3, /* (131) sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls */
- -1, /* (132) sortorder ::= ASC */
- -1, /* (133) sortorder ::= DESC */
- 0, /* (134) sortorder ::= */
- -2, /* (135) nulls ::= NULLS FIRST */
- -2, /* (136) nulls ::= NULLS LAST */
- 0, /* (137) nulls ::= */
- 0, /* (138) groupby_opt ::= */
- -3, /* (139) groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */
- 0, /* (140) having_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (141) having_opt ::= HAVING expr */
- 0, /* (142) limit_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (143) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
- -4, /* (144) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
- -4, /* (145) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
- -6, /* (146) cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
- 0, /* (147) where_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (148) where_opt ::= WHERE expr */
- -8, /* (149) cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
- -5, /* (150) setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
- -7, /* (151) setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- -3, /* (152) setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
- -5, /* (153) setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- -7, /* (154) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
- -7, /* (155) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
- 0, /* (156) upsert ::= */
- -11, /* (157) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
- -8, /* (158) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
- -4, /* (159) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
- -2, /* (160) insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */
- -1, /* (161) insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */
- 0, /* (162) idlist_opt ::= */
- -3, /* (163) idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
- -3, /* (164) idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
- -1, /* (165) idlist ::= nm */
- -3, /* (166) expr ::= LP expr RP */
- -1, /* (167) expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
- -1, /* (168) expr ::= JOIN_KW */
- -3, /* (169) expr ::= nm DOT nm */
- -5, /* (170) expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
- -1, /* (171) term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
- -1, /* (172) term ::= STRING */
- -1, /* (173) term ::= INTEGER */
- -1, /* (174) expr ::= VARIABLE */
- -3, /* (175) expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
- -6, /* (176) expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
- -5, /* (177) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
- -4, /* (178) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
- -6, /* (179) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over */
- -5, /* (180) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over */
- -1, /* (181) term ::= CTIME_KW */
- -5, /* (182) expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
- -3, /* (183) expr ::= expr AND expr */
- -3, /* (184) expr ::= expr OR expr */
- -3, /* (185) expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */
- -3, /* (186) expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */
- -3, /* (187) expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */
- -3, /* (188) expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */
- -3, /* (189) expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */
- -3, /* (190) expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */
- -2, /* (191) likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
- -3, /* (192) expr ::= expr likeop expr */
- -5, /* (193) expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
- -2, /* (194) expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
- -3, /* (195) expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
- -3, /* (196) expr ::= expr IS expr */
- -4, /* (197) expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
- -2, /* (198) expr ::= NOT expr */
- -2, /* (199) expr ::= BITNOT expr */
- -2, /* (200) expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
- -1, /* (201) between_op ::= BETWEEN */
- -2, /* (202) between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */
- -5, /* (203) expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
- -1, /* (204) in_op ::= IN */
- -2, /* (205) in_op ::= NOT IN */
- -5, /* (206) expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
- -3, /* (207) expr ::= LP select RP */
- -5, /* (208) expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
- -5, /* (209) expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
- -4, /* (210) expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
- -5, /* (211) expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
- -5, /* (212) case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
- -4, /* (213) case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
- -2, /* (214) case_else ::= ELSE expr */
- 0, /* (215) case_else ::= */
- -1, /* (216) case_operand ::= expr */
- 0, /* (217) case_operand ::= */
- 0, /* (218) exprlist ::= */
- -3, /* (219) nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
- -1, /* (220) nexprlist ::= expr */
- 0, /* (221) paren_exprlist ::= */
- -3, /* (222) paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
- -12, /* (223) cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
- -1, /* (224) uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
- 0, /* (225) uniqueflag ::= */
- 0, /* (226) eidlist_opt ::= */
- -3, /* (227) eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */
- -5, /* (228) eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
- -3, /* (229) eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
- 0, /* (230) collate ::= */
- -2, /* (231) collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
- -4, /* (232) cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
- -2, /* (233) cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
- -3, /* (234) cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
- -2, /* (235) vinto ::= INTO expr */
- 0, /* (236) vinto ::= */
- -3, /* (237) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
- -5, /* (238) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
- -6, /* (239) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
- -5, /* (240) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
- -6, /* (241) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
- -2, /* (242) plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
- -2, /* (243) minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
- -5, /* (244) cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
- -11, /* (245) trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
- -1, /* (246) trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
- -2, /* (247) trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
- 0, /* (248) trigger_time ::= */
- -1, /* (249) trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
- -1, /* (250) trigger_event ::= UPDATE */
- -3, /* (251) trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
- 0, /* (252) when_clause ::= */
- -2, /* (253) when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
- -3, /* (254) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
- -2, /* (255) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
- -3, /* (256) trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
- -3, /* (257) tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
- -2, /* (258) tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
- -8, /* (259) trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
- -8, /* (260) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
- -6, /* (261) trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
- -3, /* (262) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
- -4, /* (263) expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
- -6, /* (264) expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
- -1, /* (265) raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
- -1, /* (266) raisetype ::= ABORT */
- -1, /* (267) raisetype ::= FAIL */
- -4, /* (268) cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
- -6, /* (269) cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
- -3, /* (270) cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
- 0, /* (271) key_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (272) key_opt ::= KEY expr */
- -1, /* (273) cmd ::= REINDEX */
- -3, /* (274) cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
- -1, /* (275) cmd ::= ANALYZE */
- -3, /* (276) cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
- -6, /* (277) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
- -7, /* (278) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
- -1, /* (279) add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
- -8, /* (280) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
- -1, /* (281) cmd ::= create_vtab */
- -4, /* (282) cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
- -8, /* (283) create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
- 0, /* (284) vtabarg ::= */
- -1, /* (285) vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
- -3, /* (286) vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */
- -1, /* (287) lp ::= LP */
- -2, /* (288) with ::= WITH wqlist */
- -3, /* (289) with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */
- -6, /* (290) wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- -8, /* (291) wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- -1, /* (292) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
- -3, /* (293) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
- -5, /* (294) windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
- -5, /* (295) window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
- -6, /* (296) window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
- -4, /* (297) window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
- -5, /* (298) window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
- -1, /* (299) window ::= frame_opt */
- -2, /* (300) window ::= nm frame_opt */
- 0, /* (301) frame_opt ::= */
- -3, /* (302) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
- -6, /* (303) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
- -1, /* (304) range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS */
- -1, /* (305) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
- -2, /* (306) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
- -1, /* (307) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
- -2, /* (308) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
- -2, /* (309) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
- -2, /* (310) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
- 0, /* (311) frame_exclude_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (312) frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
- -2, /* (313) frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
- -2, /* (314) frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */
- -1, /* (315) frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
- -2, /* (316) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
- -2, /* (317) filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause */
- -1, /* (318) filter_over ::= over_clause */
- -1, /* (319) filter_over ::= filter_clause */
- -4, /* (320) over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP */
- -2, /* (321) over_clause ::= OVER nm */
- -5, /* (322) filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
- -1, /* (323) input ::= cmdlist */
- -2, /* (324) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
- -1, /* (325) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
- -1, /* (326) ecmd ::= SEMI */
- -2, /* (327) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
- -2, /* (328) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */
- 0, /* (329) trans_opt ::= */
- -1, /* (330) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
- -2, /* (331) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
- -1, /* (332) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
- 0, /* (333) savepoint_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (334) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
- -4, /* (335) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
- -2, /* (336) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
- -1, /* (337) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
- -1, /* (338) nm ::= STRING */
- -1, /* (339) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
- -1, /* (340) typetoken ::= typename */
- -1, /* (341) typename ::= ID|STRING */
- -1, /* (342) signed ::= plus_num */
- -1, /* (343) signed ::= minus_num */
- -2, /* (344) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
- 0, /* (345) carglist ::= */
- -2, /* (346) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
- -2, /* (347) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
- -3, /* (348) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
- -1, /* (349) conslist ::= tcons */
- 0, /* (350) tconscomma ::= */
- -1, /* (351) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
- -1, /* (352) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
- -1, /* (353) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
- -1, /* (354) oneselect ::= values */
- -2, /* (355) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
- -1, /* (356) as ::= ID|STRING */
- -1, /* (357) expr ::= term */
- -1, /* (358) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
- -1, /* (359) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
- -1, /* (360) nmnum ::= plus_num */
- -1, /* (361) nmnum ::= nm */
- -1, /* (362) nmnum ::= ON */
- -1, /* (363) nmnum ::= DELETE */
- -1, /* (364) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
- -1, /* (365) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 0, /* (366) foreach_clause ::= */
- -3, /* (367) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
- -1, /* (368) trnm ::= nm */
- 0, /* (369) tridxby ::= */
- -1, /* (370) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
- 0, /* (371) database_kw_opt ::= */
- 0, /* (372) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
- -1, /* (373) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
- -1, /* (374) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
- -3, /* (375) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
- -2, /* (376) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
- 0, /* (377) anylist ::= */
- -4, /* (378) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
- -2, /* (379) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
- 0, /* (380) with ::= */
+ -3, /* (43) generated ::= LP expr RP */
+ -4, /* (44) generated ::= LP expr RP ID */
+ 0, /* (45) autoinc ::= */
+ -1, /* (46) autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */
+ 0, /* (47) refargs ::= */
+ -2, /* (48) refargs ::= refargs refarg */
+ -2, /* (49) refarg ::= MATCH nm */
+ -3, /* (50) refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
+ -3, /* (51) refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
+ -3, /* (52) refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
+ -2, /* (53) refact ::= SET NULL */
+ -2, /* (54) refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
+ -1, /* (55) refact ::= CASCADE */
+ -1, /* (56) refact ::= RESTRICT */
+ -2, /* (57) refact ::= NO ACTION */
+ -3, /* (58) defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+ -2, /* (59) defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+ 0, /* (60) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (61) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
+ -2, /* (62) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
+ 0, /* (63) conslist_opt ::= */
+ -1, /* (64) tconscomma ::= COMMA */
+ -2, /* (65) tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
+ -7, /* (66) tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
+ -5, /* (67) tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
+ -5, /* (68) tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
+ -10, /* (69) tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
+ 0, /* (70) defer_subclause_opt ::= */
+ 0, /* (71) onconf ::= */
+ -3, /* (72) onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
+ 0, /* (73) orconf ::= */
+ -2, /* (74) orconf ::= OR resolvetype */
+ -1, /* (75) resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
+ -1, /* (76) resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
+ -4, /* (77) cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
+ -2, /* (78) ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */
+ 0, /* (79) ifexists ::= */
+ -9, /* (80) cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
+ -4, /* (81) cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
+ -1, /* (82) cmd ::= select */
+ -3, /* (83) select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
+ -4, /* (84) select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
+ -1, /* (85) select ::= selectnowith */
+ -3, /* (86) selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
+ -1, /* (87) multiselect_op ::= UNION */
+ -2, /* (88) multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
+ -1, /* (89) multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */
+ -9, /* (90) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ -10, /* (91) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ -4, /* (92) values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
+ -5, /* (93) values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
+ -1, /* (94) distinct ::= DISTINCT */
+ -1, /* (95) distinct ::= ALL */
+ 0, /* (96) distinct ::= */
+ 0, /* (97) sclp ::= */
+ -5, /* (98) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
+ -3, /* (99) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
+ -5, /* (100) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
+ -2, /* (101) as ::= AS nm */
+ 0, /* (102) as ::= */
+ 0, /* (103) from ::= */
+ -2, /* (104) from ::= FROM seltablist */
+ -2, /* (105) stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
+ 0, /* (106) stl_prefix ::= */
+ -7, /* (107) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
+ -9, /* (108) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ -7, /* (109) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ -7, /* (110) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ 0, /* (111) dbnm ::= */
+ -2, /* (112) dbnm ::= DOT nm */
+ -1, /* (113) fullname ::= nm */
+ -3, /* (114) fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+ -1, /* (115) xfullname ::= nm */
+ -3, /* (116) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+ -5, /* (117) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
+ -3, /* (118) xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
+ -1, /* (119) joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
+ -2, /* (120) joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
+ -3, /* (121) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
+ -4, /* (122) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
+ -2, /* (123) on_opt ::= ON expr */
+ 0, /* (124) on_opt ::= */
+ 0, /* (125) indexed_opt ::= */
+ -3, /* (126) indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ -2, /* (127) indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ -4, /* (128) using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
+ 0, /* (129) using_opt ::= */
+ 0, /* (130) orderby_opt ::= */
+ -3, /* (131) orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
+ -5, /* (132) sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls */
+ -3, /* (133) sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls */
+ -1, /* (134) sortorder ::= ASC */
+ -1, /* (135) sortorder ::= DESC */
+ 0, /* (136) sortorder ::= */
+ -2, /* (137) nulls ::= NULLS FIRST */
+ -2, /* (138) nulls ::= NULLS LAST */
+ 0, /* (139) nulls ::= */
+ 0, /* (140) groupby_opt ::= */
+ -3, /* (141) groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */
+ 0, /* (142) having_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (143) having_opt ::= HAVING expr */
+ 0, /* (144) limit_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (145) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
+ -4, /* (146) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
+ -4, /* (147) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
+ -6, /* (148) cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
+ 0, /* (149) where_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (150) where_opt ::= WHERE expr */
+ -8, /* (151) cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
+ -5, /* (152) setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
+ -7, /* (153) setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ -3, /* (154) setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
+ -5, /* (155) setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ -7, /* (156) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
+ -7, /* (157) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
+ 0, /* (158) upsert ::= */
+ -11, /* (159) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
+ -8, /* (160) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
+ -4, /* (161) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
+ -2, /* (162) insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */
+ -1, /* (163) insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */
+ 0, /* (164) idlist_opt ::= */
+ -3, /* (165) idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
+ -3, /* (166) idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
+ -1, /* (167) idlist ::= nm */
+ -3, /* (168) expr ::= LP expr RP */
+ -1, /* (169) expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ -1, /* (170) expr ::= JOIN_KW */
+ -3, /* (171) expr ::= nm DOT nm */
+ -5, /* (172) expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
+ -1, /* (173) term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
+ -1, /* (174) term ::= STRING */
+ -1, /* (175) term ::= INTEGER */
+ -1, /* (176) expr ::= VARIABLE */
+ -3, /* (177) expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ -6, /* (178) expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
+ -5, /* (179) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
+ -4, /* (180) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
+ -6, /* (181) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over */
+ -5, /* (182) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over */
+ -1, /* (183) term ::= CTIME_KW */
+ -5, /* (184) expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
+ -3, /* (185) expr ::= expr AND expr */
+ -3, /* (186) expr ::= expr OR expr */
+ -3, /* (187) expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */
+ -3, /* (188) expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */
+ -3, /* (189) expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */
+ -3, /* (190) expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */
+ -3, /* (191) expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */
+ -3, /* (192) expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */
+ -2, /* (193) likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ -3, /* (194) expr ::= expr likeop expr */
+ -5, /* (195) expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
+ -2, /* (196) expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
+ -3, /* (197) expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
+ -3, /* (198) expr ::= expr IS expr */
+ -4, /* (199) expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
+ -2, /* (200) expr ::= NOT expr */
+ -2, /* (201) expr ::= BITNOT expr */
+ -2, /* (202) expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
+ -1, /* (203) between_op ::= BETWEEN */
+ -2, /* (204) between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */
+ -5, /* (205) expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
+ -1, /* (206) in_op ::= IN */
+ -2, /* (207) in_op ::= NOT IN */
+ -5, /* (208) expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
+ -3, /* (209) expr ::= LP select RP */
+ -5, /* (210) expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
+ -5, /* (211) expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
+ -4, /* (212) expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
+ -5, /* (213) expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
+ -5, /* (214) case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ -4, /* (215) case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ -2, /* (216) case_else ::= ELSE expr */
+ 0, /* (217) case_else ::= */
+ -1, /* (218) case_operand ::= expr */
+ 0, /* (219) case_operand ::= */
+ 0, /* (220) exprlist ::= */
+ -3, /* (221) nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
+ -1, /* (222) nexprlist ::= expr */
+ 0, /* (223) paren_exprlist ::= */
+ -3, /* (224) paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
+ -12, /* (225) cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
+ -1, /* (226) uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
+ 0, /* (227) uniqueflag ::= */
+ 0, /* (228) eidlist_opt ::= */
+ -3, /* (229) eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */
+ -5, /* (230) eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
+ -3, /* (231) eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
+ 0, /* (232) collate ::= */
+ -2, /* (233) collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ -4, /* (234) cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
+ -2, /* (235) cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
+ -3, /* (236) cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
+ -2, /* (237) vinto ::= INTO expr */
+ 0, /* (238) vinto ::= */
+ -3, /* (239) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
+ -5, /* (240) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
+ -6, /* (241) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
+ -5, /* (242) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
+ -6, /* (243) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
+ -2, /* (244) plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ -2, /* (245) minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ -5, /* (246) cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
+ -11, /* (247) trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
+ -1, /* (248) trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
+ -2, /* (249) trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
+ 0, /* (250) trigger_time ::= */
+ -1, /* (251) trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
+ -1, /* (252) trigger_event ::= UPDATE */
+ -3, /* (253) trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
+ 0, /* (254) when_clause ::= */
+ -2, /* (255) when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
+ -3, /* (256) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ -2, /* (257) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ -3, /* (258) trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
+ -3, /* (259) tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ -2, /* (260) tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ -8, /* (261) trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
+ -8, /* (262) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
+ -6, /* (263) trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
+ -3, /* (264) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
+ -4, /* (265) expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
+ -6, /* (266) expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
+ -1, /* (267) raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
+ -1, /* (268) raisetype ::= ABORT */
+ -1, /* (269) raisetype ::= FAIL */
+ -4, /* (270) cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
+ -6, /* (271) cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
+ -3, /* (272) cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
+ 0, /* (273) key_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (274) key_opt ::= KEY expr */
+ -1, /* (275) cmd ::= REINDEX */
+ -3, /* (276) cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
+ -1, /* (277) cmd ::= ANALYZE */
+ -3, /* (278) cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
+ -6, /* (279) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
+ -7, /* (280) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
+ -1, /* (281) add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
+ -8, /* (282) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
+ -1, /* (283) cmd ::= create_vtab */
+ -4, /* (284) cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
+ -8, /* (285) create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
+ 0, /* (286) vtabarg ::= */
+ -1, /* (287) vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
+ -3, /* (288) vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */
+ -1, /* (289) lp ::= LP */
+ -2, /* (290) with ::= WITH wqlist */
+ -3, /* (291) with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */
+ -6, /* (292) wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ -8, /* (293) wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ -1, /* (294) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
+ -3, /* (295) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
+ -5, /* (296) windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
+ -5, /* (297) window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ -6, /* (298) window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ -4, /* (299) window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ -5, /* (300) window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ -1, /* (301) window ::= frame_opt */
+ -2, /* (302) window ::= nm frame_opt */
+ 0, /* (303) frame_opt ::= */
+ -3, /* (304) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
+ -6, /* (305) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
+ -1, /* (306) range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS */
+ -1, /* (307) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
+ -2, /* (308) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
+ -1, /* (309) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
+ -2, /* (310) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
+ -2, /* (311) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
+ -2, /* (312) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ 0, /* (313) frame_exclude_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (314) frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
+ -2, /* (315) frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
+ -2, /* (316) frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ -1, /* (317) frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
+ -2, /* (318) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
+ -2, /* (319) filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause */
+ -1, /* (320) filter_over ::= over_clause */
+ -1, /* (321) filter_over ::= filter_clause */
+ -4, /* (322) over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP */
+ -2, /* (323) over_clause ::= OVER nm */
+ -5, /* (324) filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
+ -1, /* (325) input ::= cmdlist */
+ -2, /* (326) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
+ -1, /* (327) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
+ -1, /* (328) ecmd ::= SEMI */
+ -2, /* (329) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
+ -3, /* (330) ecmd ::= explain cmdx SEMI */
+ 0, /* (331) trans_opt ::= */
+ -1, /* (332) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
+ -2, /* (333) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
+ -1, /* (334) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
+ 0, /* (335) savepoint_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (336) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
+ -4, /* (337) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
+ -2, /* (338) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
+ -1, /* (339) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ -1, /* (340) nm ::= STRING */
+ -1, /* (341) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
+ -1, /* (342) typetoken ::= typename */
+ -1, /* (343) typename ::= ID|STRING */
+ -1, /* (344) signed ::= plus_num */
+ -1, /* (345) signed ::= minus_num */
+ -2, /* (346) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
+ 0, /* (347) carglist ::= */
+ -2, /* (348) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
+ -4, /* (349) ccons ::= GENERATED ALWAYS AS generated */
+ -2, /* (350) ccons ::= AS generated */
+ -2, /* (351) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
+ -3, /* (352) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
+ -1, /* (353) conslist ::= tcons */
+ 0, /* (354) tconscomma ::= */
+ -1, /* (355) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
+ -1, /* (356) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
+ -1, /* (357) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
+ -1, /* (358) oneselect ::= values */
+ -2, /* (359) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
+ -1, /* (360) as ::= ID|STRING */
+ -1, /* (361) expr ::= term */
+ -1, /* (362) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ -1, /* (363) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
+ -1, /* (364) nmnum ::= plus_num */
+ -1, /* (365) nmnum ::= nm */
+ -1, /* (366) nmnum ::= ON */
+ -1, /* (367) nmnum ::= DELETE */
+ -1, /* (368) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
+ -1, /* (369) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 0, /* (370) foreach_clause ::= */
+ -3, /* (371) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
+ -1, /* (372) trnm ::= nm */
+ 0, /* (373) tridxby ::= */
+ -1, /* (374) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
+ 0, /* (375) database_kw_opt ::= */
+ 0, /* (376) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
+ -1, /* (377) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
+ -1, /* (378) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
+ -3, /* (379) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
+ -2, /* (380) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
+ 0, /* (381) anylist ::= */
+ -4, /* (382) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
+ -2, /* (383) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
+ 0, /* (384) with ::= */
static void yy_accept(yyParser*); /* Forward Declaration */
@@ -152879,12 +156647,15 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
if( yyTraceFILE && yyruleno<(int)(sizeof(yyRuleName)/sizeof(yyRuleName[0])) ){
yysize = yyRuleInfoNRhs[yyruleno];
if( yysize ){
- fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce %d [%s], go to state %d.\n",
+ fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce %d [%s]%s, pop back to state %d.\n",
- yyruleno, yyRuleName[yyruleno], yymsp[yysize].stateno);
+ yyruleno, yyRuleName[yyruleno],
+ yyrulenodb, yymsp[0].minor.yy25);
+ sqlite3EndTable(pParse,0,0,0,yymsp[0].minor.yy539);
+ sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy539);
case 22: /* table_options ::= WITHOUT nm */
if( yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n==5 && sqlite3_strnicmp(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z,"rowid",5)==0 ){
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = TF_WithoutRowid | TF_NoVisibleRowid;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = TF_WithoutRowid | TF_NoVisibleRowid;
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = 0;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = 0;
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unknown table option: %.*s", yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z);
@@ -153023,8 +156794,8 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 24: /* typetoken ::= */
- case 61: /* conslist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==61);
- case 100: /* as ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==100);
+ case 63: /* conslist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==63);
+ case 102: /* as ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==102);
{yymsp[1].minor.yy0.n = 0; yymsp[1].minor.yy0.z = 0;}
case 25: /* typetoken ::= typename LP signed RP */
@@ -153043,7 +156814,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 28: /* scanpt ::= */
assert( yyLookahead!=YYNOCODE );
- yymsp[1].minor.yy8 = yyLookaheadToken.z;
+ yymsp[1].minor.yy436 = yyLookaheadToken.z;
case 29: /* scantok ::= */
@@ -153053,21 +156824,21 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 30: /* ccons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
- case 63: /* tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==63);
+ case 65: /* tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==65);
{pParse->constraintName = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;}
case 31: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT scantok term */
case 32: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT LP expr RP */
case 33: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT PLUS scantok term */
case 34: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT MINUS scantok term */
- Expr *p = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_UMINUS, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, 0);
+ Expr *p = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_UMINUS, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, 0);
@@ -153082,170 +156853,176 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 36: /* ccons ::= NOT NULL onconf */
-{sqlite3AddNotNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy32);}
+{sqlite3AddNotNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy192);}
case 37: /* ccons ::= PRIMARY KEY sortorder onconf autoinc */
case 38: /* ccons ::= UNIQUE onconf */
case 39: /* ccons ::= CHECK LP expr RP */
case 40: /* ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs */
case 41: /* ccons ::= defer_subclause */
case 42: /* ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
{sqlite3AddCollateType(pParse, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
- case 45: /* refargs ::= */
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy32 = OE_None*0x0101; /* EV: R-19803-45884 */}
+ case 43: /* generated ::= LP expr RP */
- case 46: /* refargs ::= refargs refarg */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = (yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 & ~yymsp[0].minor.yy495.mask) | yymsp[0].minor.yy495.value; }
+ case 44: /* generated ::= LP expr RP ID */
- case 47: /* refarg ::= MATCH nm */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy495.value = 0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy495.mask = 0x000000; }
+ case 47: /* refargs ::= */
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy192 = OE_None*0x0101; /* EV: R-19803-45884 */}
- case 48: /* refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
-{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy495.value = 0; yymsp[-2].minor.yy495.mask = 0x000000; }
+ case 48: /* refargs ::= refargs refarg */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = (yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 & ~yymsp[0].minor.yy207.mask) | yymsp[0].minor.yy207.value; }
- case 49: /* refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
-{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy495.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy32; yymsp[-2].minor.yy495.mask = 0x0000ff; }
+ case 49: /* refarg ::= MATCH nm */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy207.value = 0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy207.mask = 0x000000; }
- case 50: /* refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
-{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy495.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy32<<8; yymsp[-2].minor.yy495.mask = 0x00ff00; }
+ case 50: /* refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
+{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy207.value = 0; yymsp[-2].minor.yy207.mask = 0x000000; }
- case 51: /* refact ::= SET NULL */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = OE_SetNull; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+ case 51: /* refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
+{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy207.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy192; yymsp[-2].minor.yy207.mask = 0x0000ff; }
- case 52: /* refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = OE_SetDflt; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+ case 52: /* refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
+{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy207.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy192<<8; yymsp[-2].minor.yy207.mask = 0x00ff00; }
- case 53: /* refact ::= CASCADE */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = OE_Cascade; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+ case 53: /* refact ::= SET NULL */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = OE_SetNull; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
- case 54: /* refact ::= RESTRICT */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = OE_Restrict; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+ case 54: /* refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = OE_SetDflt; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
- case 55: /* refact ::= NO ACTION */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = OE_None; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+ case 55: /* refact ::= CASCADE */
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = OE_Cascade; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
- case 56: /* defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy32 = 0;}
+ case 56: /* refact ::= RESTRICT */
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = OE_Restrict; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
- case 57: /* defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
- case 72: /* orconf ::= OR resolvetype */ yytestcase(yyruleno==72);
- case 160: /* insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */ yytestcase(yyruleno==160);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = yymsp[0].minor.yy32;}
+ case 57: /* refact ::= NO ACTION */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = OE_None; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
- case 59: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
- case 76: /* ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */ yytestcase(yyruleno==76);
- case 202: /* between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==202);
- case 205: /* in_op ::= NOT IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==205);
- case 231: /* collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==231);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = 1;}
+ case 58: /* defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy192 = 0;}
- case 60: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = 0;}
+ case 59: /* defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+ case 74: /* orconf ::= OR resolvetype */ yytestcase(yyruleno==74);
+ case 162: /* insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */ yytestcase(yyruleno==162);
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = yymsp[0].minor.yy192;}
- case 62: /* tconscomma ::= COMMA */
+ case 61: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
+ case 78: /* ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */ yytestcase(yyruleno==78);
+ case 204: /* between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==204);
+ case 207: /* in_op ::= NOT IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==207);
+ case 233: /* collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==233);
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = 1;}
+ break;
+ case 62: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = 0;}
+ break;
+ case 64: /* tconscomma ::= COMMA */
{pParse->constraintName.n = 0;}
- case 64: /* tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
+ case 66: /* tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
- case 65: /* tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
+ case 67: /* tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
- case 66: /* tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
+ case 68: /* tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
- case 67: /* tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
+ case 69: /* tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
- sqlite3CreateForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy138, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, yymsp[-1].minor.yy32);
- sqlite3DeferForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy32);
+ sqlite3CreateForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy242, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, yymsp[-1].minor.yy192);
+ sqlite3DeferForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy192);
- case 69: /* onconf ::= */
- case 71: /* orconf ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==71);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy32 = OE_Default;}
+ case 71: /* onconf ::= */
+ case 73: /* orconf ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==73);
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy192 = OE_Default;}
- case 70: /* onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy32 = yymsp[0].minor.yy32;}
+ case 72: /* onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy192 = yymsp[0].minor.yy192;}
- case 73: /* resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = OE_Ignore;}
+ case 75: /* resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = OE_Ignore;}
- case 74: /* resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
- case 161: /* insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==161);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = OE_Replace;}
+ case 76: /* resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
+ case 163: /* insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==163);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = OE_Replace;}
- case 75: /* cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
+ case 77: /* cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
- sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy609, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy32);
+ sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy47, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy192);
- case 78: /* cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
+ case 80: /* cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
- sqlite3CreateView(pParse, &yymsp[-8].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, yymsp[0].minor.yy25, yymsp[-7].minor.yy32, yymsp[-5].minor.yy32);
+ sqlite3CreateView(pParse, &yymsp[-8].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, yymsp[0].minor.yy539, yymsp[-7].minor.yy192, yymsp[-5].minor.yy192);
- case 79: /* cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
+ case 81: /* cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
- sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy609, 1, yymsp[-1].minor.yy32);
+ sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy47, 1, yymsp[-1].minor.yy192);
- case 80: /* cmd ::= select */
+ case 82: /* cmd ::= select */
SelectDest dest = {SRT_Output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- sqlite3Select(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy25, &dest);
- sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy25);
+ sqlite3Select(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy539, &dest);
+ sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy539);
- case 81: /* select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
+ case 83: /* select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
- Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy25;
+ Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy539;
if( p ){
- p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy297;
+ p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy131;
parserDoubleLinkSelect(pParse, p);
- sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy297);
+ sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy131);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy25 = p;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy539 = p;
- case 82: /* select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
+ case 84: /* select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
- Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy25;
+ Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy539;
if( p ){
- p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy297;
+ p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy131;
parserDoubleLinkSelect(pParse, p);
- sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy297);
+ sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy131);
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy25 = p;
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy539 = p;
- case 83: /* select ::= selectnowith */
+ case 85: /* select ::= selectnowith */
- Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy25;
+ Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy539;
if( p ){
parserDoubleLinkSelect(pParse, p);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy25 = p; /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy539 = p; /*A-overwrites-X*/
- case 84: /* selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
+ case 86: /* selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
- Select *pRhs = yymsp[0].minor.yy25;
- Select *pLhs = yymsp[-2].minor.yy25;
+ Select *pRhs = yymsp[0].minor.yy539;
+ Select *pLhs = yymsp[-2].minor.yy539;
if( pRhs && pRhs->pPrior ){
SrcList *pFrom;
Token x;
@@ -153255,142 +157032,142 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
pRhs = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,pFrom,0,0,0,0,0,0);
if( pRhs ){
- pRhs->op = (u8)yymsp[-1].minor.yy32;
+ pRhs->op = (u8)yymsp[-1].minor.yy192;
pRhs->pPrior = pLhs;
if( ALWAYS(pLhs) ) pLhs->selFlags &= ~SF_MultiValue;
pRhs->selFlags &= ~SF_MultiValue;
- if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy32!=TK_ALL ) pParse->hasCompound = 1;
+ if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy192!=TK_ALL ) pParse->hasCompound = 1;
sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, pLhs);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy25 = pRhs;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy539 = pRhs;
- case 85: /* multiselect_op ::= UNION */
- case 87: /* multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==87);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-OP*/}
+ case 87: /* multiselect_op ::= UNION */
+ case 89: /* multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==89);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-OP*/}
- case 86: /* multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = TK_ALL;}
+ case 88: /* multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = TK_ALL;}
- case 88: /* oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ case 90: /* oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
- yymsp[-8].minor.yy25 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy138,yymsp[-5].minor.yy609,yymsp[-4].minor.yy46,yymsp[-3].minor.yy138,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46,yymsp[-1].minor.yy138,yymsp[-7].minor.yy32,yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ yymsp[-8].minor.yy539 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy242,yymsp[-5].minor.yy47,yymsp[-4].minor.yy202,yymsp[-3].minor.yy242,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202,yymsp[-1].minor.yy242,yymsp[-7].minor.yy192,yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- case 89: /* oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ case 91: /* oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
- yymsp[-9].minor.yy25 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-7].minor.yy138,yymsp[-6].minor.yy609,yymsp[-5].minor.yy46,yymsp[-4].minor.yy138,yymsp[-3].minor.yy46,yymsp[-1].minor.yy138,yymsp[-8].minor.yy32,yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- if( yymsp[-9].minor.yy25 ){
- yymsp[-9].minor.yy25->pWinDefn = yymsp[-2].minor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-9].minor.yy539 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-7].minor.yy242,yymsp[-6].minor.yy47,yymsp[-5].minor.yy202,yymsp[-4].minor.yy242,yymsp[-3].minor.yy202,yymsp[-1].minor.yy242,yymsp[-8].minor.yy192,yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ if( yymsp[-9].minor.yy539 ){
+ yymsp[-9].minor.yy539->pWinDefn = yymsp[-2].minor.yy303;
- sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy455);
+ sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy303);
- case 90: /* values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
+ case 92: /* values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy25 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy138,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values,0);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy539 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy242,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values,0);
- case 91: /* values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
+ case 93: /* values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
- Select *pRight, *pLeft = yymsp[-4].minor.yy25;
- pRight = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy138,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values|SF_MultiValue,0);
+ Select *pRight, *pLeft = yymsp[-4].minor.yy539;
+ pRight = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy242,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values|SF_MultiValue,0);
if( ALWAYS(pLeft) ) pLeft->selFlags &= ~SF_MultiValue;
if( pRight ){
pRight->op = TK_ALL;
pRight->pPrior = pLeft;
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy25 = pRight;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy539 = pRight;
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy25 = pLeft;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy539 = pLeft;
- case 92: /* distinct ::= DISTINCT */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = SF_Distinct;}
+ case 94: /* distinct ::= DISTINCT */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = SF_Distinct;}
- case 93: /* distinct ::= ALL */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = SF_All;}
+ case 95: /* distinct ::= ALL */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = SF_All;}
- case 95: /* sclp ::= */
- case 128: /* orderby_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==128);
- case 138: /* groupby_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==138);
- case 218: /* exprlist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==218);
- case 221: /* paren_exprlist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==221);
- case 226: /* eidlist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==226);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy138 = 0;}
+ case 97: /* sclp ::= */
+ case 130: /* orderby_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==130);
+ case 140: /* groupby_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==140);
+ case 220: /* exprlist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==220);
+ case 223: /* paren_exprlist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==223);
+ case 228: /* eidlist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==228);
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy242 = 0;}
- case 96: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
+ case 98: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);
- if( yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n>0 ) sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
- sqlite3ExprListSetSpan(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy138,yymsp[-3].minor.yy8,yymsp[-1].minor.yy8);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);
+ if( yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n>0 ) sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetSpan(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy242,yymsp[-3].minor.yy436,yymsp[-1].minor.yy436);
- case 97: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
+ case 99: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
Expr *p = sqlite3Expr(pParse->db, TK_ASTERISK, 0);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, p);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, p);
- case 98: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
+ case 100: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
Expr *pRight = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_ASTERISK, 0, 0);
Expr *pLeft = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_ID, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
Expr *pDot = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, pLeft, pRight);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, pDot);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, pDot);
- case 99: /* as ::= AS nm */
- case 110: /* dbnm ::= DOT nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==110);
- case 242: /* plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==242);
- case 243: /* minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==243);
+ case 101: /* as ::= AS nm */
+ case 112: /* dbnm ::= DOT nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==112);
+ case 244: /* plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==244);
+ case 245: /* minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==245);
{yymsp[-1].minor.yy0 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;}
- case 101: /* from ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy609 = sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(*yymsp[1].minor.yy609));}
+ case 103: /* from ::= */
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy47 = sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(*yymsp[1].minor.yy47));}
- case 102: /* from ::= FROM seltablist */
+ case 104: /* from ::= FROM seltablist */
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy609 = yymsp[0].minor.yy609;
- sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-1].minor.yy609);
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy47 = yymsp[0].minor.yy47;
+ sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-1].minor.yy47);
- case 103: /* stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
+ case 105: /* stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
- if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-1].minor.yy609 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy609->nSrc>0) ) yymsp[-1].minor.yy609->a[yymsp[-1].minor.yy609->nSrc-1].fg.jointype = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy32;
+ if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-1].minor.yy47 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy47->nSrc>0) ) yymsp[-1].minor.yy47->a[yymsp[-1].minor.yy47->nSrc-1].fg.jointype = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy192;
- case 104: /* stl_prefix ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy609 = 0;}
+ case 106: /* stl_prefix ::= */
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy47 = 0;}
- case 105: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
+ case 107: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy609,&yymsp[-5].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy406);
- sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy609, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy47,&yymsp[-5].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy600);
+ sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy47, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
- case 106: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ case 108: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- yymsp[-8].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-8].minor.yy609,&yymsp[-7].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-6].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy406);
- sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, yymsp[-8].minor.yy609, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138);
+ yymsp[-8].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-8].minor.yy47,&yymsp[-7].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-6].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy600);
+ sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, yymsp[-8].minor.yy47, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242);
- case 107: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ case 109: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy609,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy25,yymsp[-1].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy406);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy47,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy539,yymsp[-1].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy600);
- case 108: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ case 110: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy609==0 && yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.n==0 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy46==0 && yymsp[0].minor.yy406==0 ){
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy609 = yymsp[-4].minor.yy609;
- }else if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy609->nSrc==1 ){
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy609,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy406);
- if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy609 ){
- struct SrcList_item *pNew = &yymsp[-6].minor.yy609->a[yymsp[-6].minor.yy609->nSrc-1];
- struct SrcList_item *pOld = yymsp[-4].minor.yy609->a;
+ if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy47==0 && yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.n==0 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy202==0 && yymsp[0].minor.yy600==0 ){
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy47 = yymsp[-4].minor.yy47;
+ }else if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy47->nSrc==1 ){
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy47,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy600);
+ if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy47 ){
+ struct SrcList_item *pNew = &yymsp[-6].minor.yy47->a[yymsp[-6].minor.yy47->nSrc-1];
+ struct SrcList_item *pOld = yymsp[-4].minor.yy47->a;
pNew->zName = pOld->zName;
pNew->zDatabase = pOld->zDatabase;
pNew->pSelect = pOld->pSelect;
@@ -153403,208 +157180,208 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
pOld->zName = pOld->zDatabase = 0;
pOld->pSelect = 0;
- sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy609);
+ sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy47);
Select *pSubquery;
- sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-4].minor.yy609);
- pSubquery = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy609,0,0,0,0,SF_NestedFrom,0);
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy609,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,pSubquery,yymsp[-1].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy406);
+ sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-4].minor.yy47);
+ pSubquery = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy47,0,0,0,0,SF_NestedFrom,0);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy47,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,pSubquery,yymsp[-1].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy600);
- case 109: /* dbnm ::= */
- case 123: /* indexed_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==123);
+ case 111: /* dbnm ::= */
+ case 125: /* indexed_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==125);
{yymsp[1].minor.yy0.z=0; yymsp[1].minor.yy0.n=0;}
- case 111: /* fullname ::= nm */
+ case 113: /* fullname ::= nm */
- yylhsminor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0);
- if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy609 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy609->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yylhsminor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0);
+ if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy47 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy47->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy609 = yylhsminor.yy609;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy47 = yylhsminor.yy47;
- case 112: /* fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+ case 114: /* fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- yylhsminor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy609 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy609->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yylhsminor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy47 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy47->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy609 = yylhsminor.yy609;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy47 = yylhsminor.yy47;
- case 113: /* xfullname ::= nm */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 115: /* xfullname ::= nm */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 114: /* xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 116: /* xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 115: /* xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
+ case 117: /* xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy609 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy609->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy47 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy47->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- case 116: /* xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
+ case 118: /* xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy609 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
- if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy609 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy609->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy47 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy47 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy47->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- case 117: /* joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = JT_INNER; }
+ case 119: /* joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = JT_INNER; }
- case 118: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
+ case 120: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
- case 119: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy32 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
+ case 121: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy192 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
- case 120: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy32 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);/*X-overwrites-A*/}
+ case 122: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy192 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);/*X-overwrites-A*/}
- case 121: /* on_opt ::= ON expr */
- case 141: /* having_opt ::= HAVING expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==141);
- case 148: /* where_opt ::= WHERE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==148);
- case 214: /* case_else ::= ELSE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==214);
- case 235: /* vinto ::= INTO expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==235);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy46 = yymsp[0].minor.yy46;}
+ case 123: /* on_opt ::= ON expr */
+ case 143: /* having_opt ::= HAVING expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==143);
+ case 150: /* where_opt ::= WHERE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==150);
+ case 216: /* case_else ::= ELSE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==216);
+ case 237: /* vinto ::= INTO expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==237);
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy202 = yymsp[0].minor.yy202;}
- case 122: /* on_opt ::= */
- case 140: /* having_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==140);
- case 142: /* limit_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==142);
- case 147: /* where_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==147);
- case 215: /* case_else ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==215);
- case 217: /* case_operand ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==217);
- case 236: /* vinto ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==236);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy46 = 0;}
+ case 124: /* on_opt ::= */
+ case 142: /* having_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==142);
+ case 144: /* limit_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==144);
+ case 149: /* where_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==149);
+ case 217: /* case_else ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==217);
+ case 219: /* case_operand ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==219);
+ case 238: /* vinto ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==238);
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy202 = 0;}
- case 124: /* indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ case 126: /* indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
{yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;}
- case 125: /* indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ case 127: /* indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
{yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.z=0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n=1;}
- case 126: /* using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy406 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy406;}
+ case 128: /* using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy600 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy600;}
- case 127: /* using_opt ::= */
- case 162: /* idlist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==162);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy406 = 0;}
+ case 129: /* using_opt ::= */
+ case 164: /* idlist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==164);
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy600 = 0;}
- case 129: /* orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
- case 139: /* groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==139);
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy138 = yymsp[0].minor.yy138;}
+ case 131: /* orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
+ case 141: /* groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==141);
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy242 = yymsp[0].minor.yy242;}
- case 130: /* sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls */
+ case 132: /* sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder nulls */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy138,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);
- sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-4].minor.yy138,yymsp[-1].minor.yy32,yymsp[0].minor.yy32);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy242,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-4].minor.yy242,yymsp[-1].minor.yy192,yymsp[0].minor.yy192);
- case 131: /* sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls */
+ case 133: /* sortlist ::= expr sortorder nulls */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
- sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-2].minor.yy138,yymsp[-1].minor.yy32,yymsp[0].minor.yy32);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
+ sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-2].minor.yy242,yymsp[-1].minor.yy192,yymsp[0].minor.yy192);
- case 132: /* sortorder ::= ASC */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = SQLITE_SO_ASC;}
+ case 134: /* sortorder ::= ASC */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = SQLITE_SO_ASC;}
- case 133: /* sortorder ::= DESC */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = SQLITE_SO_DESC;}
+ case 135: /* sortorder ::= DESC */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = SQLITE_SO_DESC;}
- case 134: /* sortorder ::= */
- case 137: /* nulls ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==137);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy32 = SQLITE_SO_UNDEFINED;}
+ case 136: /* sortorder ::= */
+ case 139: /* nulls ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==139);
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy192 = SQLITE_SO_UNDEFINED;}
- case 135: /* nulls ::= NULLS FIRST */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = SQLITE_SO_ASC;}
+ case 137: /* nulls ::= NULLS FIRST */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = SQLITE_SO_ASC;}
- case 136: /* nulls ::= NULLS LAST */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = SQLITE_SO_DESC;}
+ case 138: /* nulls ::= NULLS LAST */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = SQLITE_SO_DESC;}
- case 143: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy46,0);}
+ case 145: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy202,0);}
- case 144: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy46);}
+ case 146: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy202);}
- case 145: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy46,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);}
+ case 147: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy202,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);}
- case 146: /* cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
+ case 148: /* cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
- sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy609, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
- sqlite3DeleteFrom(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy609,yymsp[0].minor.yy46,0,0);
+ sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy47, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3DeleteFrom(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy47,yymsp[0].minor.yy202,0,0);
- case 149: /* cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
+ case 151: /* cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
- sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy609, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0);
- sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy138,"set list");
- sqlite3Update(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy609,yymsp[-1].minor.yy138,yymsp[0].minor.yy46,yymsp[-5].minor.yy32,0,0,0);
+ sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy47, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy242,"set list");
+ sqlite3Update(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy47,yymsp[-1].minor.yy242,yymsp[0].minor.yy202,yymsp[-5].minor.yy192,0,0,0);
- case 150: /* setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
+ case 152: /* setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
- case 151: /* setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ case 153: /* setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy138, yymsp[-3].minor.yy406, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy242, yymsp[-3].minor.yy600, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- case 152: /* setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
+ case 154: /* setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
- yylhsminor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yylhsminor.yy138, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yylhsminor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yylhsminor.yy242, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy138 = yylhsminor.yy138;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy242 = yylhsminor.yy242;
- case 153: /* setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ case 155: /* setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, 0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy406, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, 0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy600, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- case 154: /* cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
+ case 156: /* cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
- sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy609, yymsp[-1].minor.yy25, yymsp[-2].minor.yy406, yymsp[-5].minor.yy32, yymsp[0].minor.yy288);
+ sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy47, yymsp[-1].minor.yy539, yymsp[-2].minor.yy600, yymsp[-5].minor.yy192, yymsp[0].minor.yy318);
- case 155: /* cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
+ case 157: /* cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
- sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy609, 0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy406, yymsp[-5].minor.yy32, 0);
+ sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy47, 0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy600, yymsp[-5].minor.yy192, 0);
- case 156: /* upsert ::= */
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy288 = 0; }
+ case 158: /* upsert ::= */
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy318 = 0; }
- case 157: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
-{ yymsp[-10].minor.yy288 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-7].minor.yy138,yymsp[-5].minor.yy46,yymsp[-1].minor.yy138,yymsp[0].minor.yy46);}
+ case 159: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
+{ yymsp[-10].minor.yy318 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-7].minor.yy242,yymsp[-5].minor.yy202,yymsp[-1].minor.yy242,yymsp[0].minor.yy202);}
- case 158: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
-{ yymsp[-7].minor.yy288 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-4].minor.yy138,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46,0,0); }
+ case 160: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
+{ yymsp[-7].minor.yy318 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-4].minor.yy242,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202,0,0); }
- case 159: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
-{ yymsp[-3].minor.yy288 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,0,0,0,0); }
+ case 161: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
+{ yymsp[-3].minor.yy318 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,0,0,0,0); }
- case 163: /* idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy406 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy406;}
+ case 165: /* idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy600 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy600;}
- case 164: /* idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy406 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy406,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
+ case 166: /* idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy600 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy600,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
- case 165: /* idlist ::= nm */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy406 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
+ case 167: /* idlist ::= nm */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy600 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
- case 166: /* expr ::= LP expr RP */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy46;}
+ case 168: /* expr ::= LP expr RP */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy202;}
- case 167: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
- case 168: /* expr ::= JOIN_KW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==168);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy46=tokenExpr(pParse,TK_ID,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 169: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ case 170: /* expr ::= JOIN_KW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==170);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy202=tokenExpr(pParse,TK_ID,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 169: /* expr ::= nm DOT nm */
+ case 171: /* expr ::= nm DOT nm */
Expr *temp1 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_ID, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
Expr *temp2 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_ID, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
@@ -153612,11 +157389,11 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp2, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp1, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp2);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp2);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 170: /* expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
+ case 172: /* expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
Expr *temp1 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_ID, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, 1);
Expr *temp2 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_ID, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
@@ -153626,26 +157403,26 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp3, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp2, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp4);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp4);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 171: /* term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
- case 172: /* term ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==172);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy46=tokenExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 173: /* term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
+ case 174: /* term ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==174);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy202=tokenExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 173: /* term ::= INTEGER */
+ case 175: /* term ::= INTEGER */
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 174: /* expr ::= VARIABLE */
+ case 176: /* expr ::= VARIABLE */
if( !(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z[0]=='#' && sqlite3Isdigit(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z[1])) ){
u32 n = yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n;
- yymsp[0].minor.yy46 = tokenExpr(pParse, TK_VARIABLE, yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- sqlite3ExprAssignVarNumber(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, n);
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy202 = tokenExpr(pParse, TK_VARIABLE, yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3ExprAssignVarNumber(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, n);
/* When doing a nested parse, one can include terms in an expression
** that look like this: #1 #2 ... These terms refer to registers
@@ -153654,156 +157431,159 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
assert( t.n>=2 );
if( pParse->nested==0 ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "near \"%T\": syntax error", &t);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy46 = 0;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy202 = 0;
- yymsp[0].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_REGISTER, 0, 0);
- if( yymsp[0].minor.yy46 ) sqlite3GetInt32(&t.z[1], &yymsp[0].minor.yy46->iTable);
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_REGISTER, 0, 0);
+ if( yymsp[0].minor.yy202 ) sqlite3GetInt32(&t.z[1], &yymsp[0].minor.yy202->iTable);
- case 175: /* expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ case 177: /* expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
- case 176: /* expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
+ case 178: /* expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_CAST, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
- sqlite3ExprAttachSubtrees(pParse->db, yymsp[-5].minor.yy46, yymsp[-3].minor.yy46, 0);
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_CAST, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
+ sqlite3ExprAttachSubtrees(pParse->db, yymsp[-5].minor.yy202, yymsp[-3].minor.yy202, 0);
- case 177: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
+ case 179: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy138, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy32);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy242, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy192);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 178: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
+ case 180: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 179: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over */
+ case 181: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP filter_over */
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy32);
- sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy46, yymsp[0].minor.yy455);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy192);
+ sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy202, yymsp[0].minor.yy303);
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 180: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over */
+ case 182: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP filter_over */
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, 0);
- sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy46, yymsp[0].minor.yy455);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, 0);
+ sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy202, yymsp[0].minor.yy303);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 181: /* term ::= CTIME_KW */
+ case 183: /* term ::= CTIME_KW */
- yylhsminor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 0);
+ yylhsminor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 0);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy46 = yylhsminor.yy46;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy202 = yylhsminor.yy202;
- case 182: /* expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
+ case 184: /* expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
- ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy138, yymsp[-1].minor.yy46);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_VECTOR, 0, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46->x.pList = pList;
+ ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy242, yymsp[-1].minor.yy202);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_VECTOR, 0, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202->x.pList = pList;
+ if( ALWAYS(pList->nExpr) ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202->flags |= pList->a[0].pExpr->flags & EP_Propagate;
+ }
sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, pList);
- case 183: /* expr ::= expr AND expr */
+ case 185: /* expr ::= expr AND expr */
- case 184: /* expr ::= expr OR expr */
- case 185: /* expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==185);
- case 186: /* expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==186);
- case 187: /* expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==187);
- case 188: /* expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==188);
- case 189: /* expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==189);
- case 190: /* expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==190);
+ case 186: /* expr ::= expr OR expr */
+ case 187: /* expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==187);
+ case 188: /* expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==188);
+ case 189: /* expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==189);
+ case 190: /* expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==190);
+ case 191: /* expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==191);
+ case 192: /* expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==192);
- case 191: /* likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ case 193: /* likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
{yymsp[-1].minor.yy0=yymsp[0].minor.yy0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n|=0x80000000; /*yymsp[-1].minor.yy0-overwrite-yymsp[0].minor.yy0*/}
- case 192: /* expr ::= expr likeop expr */
+ case 194: /* expr ::= expr likeop expr */
ExprList *pList;
int bNot = yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n & 0x80000000;
yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n &= 0x7fffffff;
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 0);
- if( bNot ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46, 0);
- if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy46->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 0);
+ if( bNot ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy202->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
- case 193: /* expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
+ case 195: /* expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
ExprList *pList;
int bNot = yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.n & 0x80000000;
yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.n &= 0x7fffffff;
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
- if( bNot ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy46->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
+ if( bNot ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy202->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
- case 194: /* expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[-1].minor.yy46,0);}
+ case 196: /* expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[-1].minor.yy202,0);}
- case 195: /* expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_NOTNULL,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46,0);}
+ case 197: /* expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_NOTNULL,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202,0);}
- case 196: /* expr ::= expr IS expr */
+ case 198: /* expr ::= expr IS expr */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_IS,yymsp[-2].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46, TK_ISNULL);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_IS,yymsp[-2].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202, TK_ISNULL);
- case 197: /* expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
+ case 199: /* expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_ISNOT,yymsp[-3].minor.yy46,yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, yymsp[-3].minor.yy46, TK_NOTNULL);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_ISNOT,yymsp[-3].minor.yy202,yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, yymsp[-3].minor.yy202, TK_NOTNULL);
- case 198: /* expr ::= NOT expr */
- case 199: /* expr ::= BITNOT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==199);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, 0);/*A-overwrites-B*/}
+ case 200: /* expr ::= NOT expr */
+ case 201: /* expr ::= BITNOT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==201);
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, 0);/*A-overwrites-B*/}
- case 200: /* expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
+ case 202: /* expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major==TK_PLUS ? TK_UPLUS : TK_UMINUS, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, 0);
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major==TK_PLUS ? TK_UPLUS : TK_UMINUS, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, 0);
- case 201: /* between_op ::= BETWEEN */
- case 204: /* in_op ::= IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==204);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = 0;}
+ case 203: /* between_op ::= BETWEEN */
+ case 206: /* in_op ::= IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==206);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = 0;}
- case 203: /* expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
+ case 205: /* expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
- ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_BETWEEN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46->x.pList = pList;
+ ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_BETWEEN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202->x.pList = pList;
sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, pList);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy32 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy192 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
- case 206: /* expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
+ case 208: /* expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
- if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy138==0 ){
+ if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy242==0 ){
/* Expressions of the form
** expr1 IN ()
@@ -153812,190 +157592,197 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
** simplify to constants 0 (false) and 1 (true), respectively,
** regardless of the value of expr1.
- sqlite3ExprUnmapAndDelete(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3Expr(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER, yymsp[-3].minor.yy32 ? "1" : "0");
+ sqlite3ExprUnmapAndDelete(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3Expr(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER, yymsp[-3].minor.yy192 ? "1" : "0");
+ }else if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy242->nExpr==1 && sqlite3ExprIsConstant(yymsp[-1].minor.yy242->a[0].pExpr) ){
+ Expr *pRHS = yymsp[-1].minor.yy242->a[0].pExpr;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy242->a[0].pExpr = 0;
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy242);
+ pRHS = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_UPLUS, pRHS, 0);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_EQ, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, pRHS);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy192 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy138;
- sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy242;
+ sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202);
- sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy138);
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy242);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy32 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy192 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
- case 207: /* expr ::= LP select RP */
+ case 209: /* expr ::= LP select RP */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_SELECT, 0, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46, yymsp[-1].minor.yy25);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_SELECT, 0, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202, yymsp[-1].minor.yy539);
- case 208: /* expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
+ case 210: /* expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, yymsp[-1].minor.yy25);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy32 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, yymsp[-1].minor.yy539);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy192 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
- case 209: /* expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
+ case 211: /* expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
SrcList *pSrc = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse, 0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
Select *pSelect = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse, 0,pSrc,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- if( yymsp[0].minor.yy138 ) sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, pSelect ? pSrc : 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy138);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, pSelect);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy32 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46, 0);
+ if( yymsp[0].minor.yy242 ) sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, pSelect ? pSrc : 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy242);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, pSelect);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy192 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202, 0);
- case 210: /* expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
+ case 212: /* expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
Expr *p;
- p = yymsp[-3].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_EXISTS, 0, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, p, yymsp[-1].minor.yy25);
+ p = yymsp[-3].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_EXISTS, 0, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, p, yymsp[-1].minor.yy539);
- case 211: /* expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
+ case 213: /* expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_CASE, yymsp[-3].minor.yy46, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy46->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy46 ? sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy138,yymsp[-1].minor.yy46) : yymsp[-2].minor.yy138;
- sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy46);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_CASE, yymsp[-3].minor.yy202, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy202 ? sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy242,yymsp[-1].minor.yy202) : yymsp[-2].minor.yy242;
+ sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy202);
- sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138);
- sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy46);
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242);
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy202);
- case 212: /* case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ case 214: /* case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- case 213: /* case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ case 215: /* case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy46);
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy138, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy202);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy242, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- case 216: /* case_operand ::= expr */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy46 = yymsp[0].minor.yy46; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 218: /* case_operand ::= expr */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy202 = yymsp[0].minor.yy202; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 219: /* nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy138,yymsp[0].minor.yy46);}
+ case 221: /* nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy242,yymsp[0].minor.yy202);}
- case 220: /* nexprlist ::= expr */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy138 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[0].minor.yy46); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
+ case 222: /* nexprlist ::= expr */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy242 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[0].minor.yy202); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
- case 222: /* paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
- case 227: /* eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==227);
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy138 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy138;}
+ case 224: /* paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
+ case 229: /* eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==229);
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy242 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy242;}
- case 223: /* cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
+ case 225: /* cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
sqlite3CreateIndex(pParse, &yymsp[-7].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-6].minor.yy0,
- sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,0), yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, yymsp[-10].minor.yy32,
- &yymsp[-11].minor.yy0, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, SQLITE_SO_ASC, yymsp[-8].minor.yy32, SQLITE_IDXTYPE_APPDEF);
+ sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,0), yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, yymsp[-10].minor.yy192,
+ &yymsp[-11].minor.yy0, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, SQLITE_SO_ASC, yymsp[-8].minor.yy192, SQLITE_IDXTYPE_APPDEF);
if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && pParse->pNewIndex ){
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, pParse->pNewIndex->zName, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0);
- case 224: /* uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
- case 266: /* raisetype ::= ABORT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==266);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = OE_Abort;}
+ case 226: /* uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
+ case 268: /* raisetype ::= ABORT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==268);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = OE_Abort;}
- case 225: /* uniqueflag ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy32 = OE_None;}
+ case 227: /* uniqueflag ::= */
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy192 = OE_None;}
- case 228: /* eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
+ case 230: /* eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy138 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy32, yymsp[0].minor.yy32);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy242 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy192, yymsp[0].minor.yy192);
- case 229: /* eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
+ case 231: /* eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy138 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy32, yymsp[0].minor.yy32); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy242 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy192, yymsp[0].minor.yy192); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
- case 232: /* cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
-{sqlite3DropIndex(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy609, yymsp[-1].minor.yy32);}
+ case 234: /* cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
+{sqlite3DropIndex(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy47, yymsp[-1].minor.yy192);}
- case 233: /* cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
+ case 235: /* cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
- case 234: /* cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
+ case 236: /* cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
- case 237: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
+ case 239: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
- case 238: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
+ case 240: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
- case 239: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
+ case 241: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
- case 240: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
+ case 242: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
- case 241: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
+ case 243: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
- case 244: /* cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
+ case 246: /* cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
Token all;
all.z = yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.z;
all.n = (int)(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z - yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.z) + yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n;
- sqlite3FinishTrigger(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy527, &all);
+ sqlite3FinishTrigger(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy447, &all);
- case 245: /* trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
+ case 247: /* trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
- sqlite3BeginTrigger(pParse, &yymsp[-7].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-6].minor.yy0, yymsp[-5].minor.yy32, yymsp[-4].minor.yy572.a, yymsp[-4].minor.yy572.b, yymsp[-2].minor.yy609, yymsp[0].minor.yy46, yymsp[-10].minor.yy32, yymsp[-8].minor.yy32);
+ sqlite3BeginTrigger(pParse, &yymsp[-7].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-6].minor.yy0, yymsp[-5].minor.yy192, yymsp[-4].minor.yy230.a, yymsp[-4].minor.yy230.b, yymsp[-2].minor.yy47, yymsp[0].minor.yy202, yymsp[-10].minor.yy192, yymsp[-8].minor.yy192);
yymsp[-10].minor.yy0 = (yymsp[-6].minor.yy0.n==0?yymsp[-7].minor.yy0:yymsp[-6].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-T*/
- case 246: /* trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ }
+ case 248: /* trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ }
- case 247: /* trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy32 = TK_INSTEAD;}
+ case 249: /* trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy192 = TK_INSTEAD;}
- case 248: /* trigger_time ::= */
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy32 = TK_BEFORE; }
+ case 250: /* trigger_time ::= */
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy192 = TK_BEFORE; }
- case 249: /* trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
- case 250: /* trigger_event ::= UPDATE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==250);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy572.a = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ yymsp[0].minor.yy572.b = 0;}
+ case 251: /* trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
+ case 252: /* trigger_event ::= UPDATE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==252);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy230.a = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ yymsp[0].minor.yy230.b = 0;}
- case 251: /* trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy572.a = TK_UPDATE; yymsp[-2].minor.yy572.b = yymsp[0].minor.yy406;}
+ case 253: /* trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy230.a = TK_UPDATE; yymsp[-2].minor.yy230.b = yymsp[0].minor.yy600;}
- case 252: /* when_clause ::= */
- case 271: /* key_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==271);
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy46 = 0; }
+ case 254: /* when_clause ::= */
+ case 273: /* key_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==273);
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy202 = 0; }
- case 253: /* when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
- case 272: /* key_opt ::= KEY expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==272);
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy46 = yymsp[0].minor.yy46; }
+ case 255: /* when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
+ case 274: /* key_opt ::= KEY expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==274);
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy202 = yymsp[0].minor.yy202; }
- case 254: /* trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ case 256: /* trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
- assert( yymsp[-2].minor.yy527!=0 );
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy527->pLast->pNext = yymsp[-1].minor.yy527;
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy527->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy527;
+ assert( yymsp[-2].minor.yy447!=0 );
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy447->pLast->pNext = yymsp[-1].minor.yy447;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy447->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy447;
- case 255: /* trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ case 257: /* trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
- assert( yymsp[-1].minor.yy527!=0 );
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy527->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy527;
+ assert( yymsp[-1].minor.yy447!=0 );
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy447->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy447;
- case 256: /* trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
+ case 258: /* trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;
@@ -154003,342 +157790,344 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
"statements within triggers");
- case 257: /* tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ case 259: /* tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
"the INDEXED BY clause is not allowed on UPDATE or DELETE statements "
"within triggers");
- case 258: /* tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ case 260: /* tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
"the NOT INDEXED clause is not allowed on UPDATE or DELETE statements "
"within triggers");
- case 259: /* trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
-{yylhsminor.yy527 = sqlite3TriggerUpdateStep(pParse, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, yymsp[-1].minor.yy46, yymsp[-6].minor.yy32, yymsp[-7].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy8);}
- yymsp[-7].minor.yy527 = yylhsminor.yy527;
+ case 261: /* trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
+{yylhsminor.yy447 = sqlite3TriggerUpdateStep(pParse, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, yymsp[-1].minor.yy202, yymsp[-6].minor.yy192, yymsp[-7].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy436);}
+ yymsp[-7].minor.yy447 = yylhsminor.yy447;
- case 260: /* trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
+ case 262: /* trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
- yylhsminor.yy527 = sqlite3TriggerInsertStep(pParse,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,yymsp[-3].minor.yy406,yymsp[-2].minor.yy25,yymsp[-6].minor.yy32,yymsp[-1].minor.yy288,yymsp[-7].minor.yy8,yymsp[0].minor.yy8);/*yylhsminor.yy527-overwrites-yymsp[-6].minor.yy32*/
+ yylhsminor.yy447 = sqlite3TriggerInsertStep(pParse,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,yymsp[-3].minor.yy600,yymsp[-2].minor.yy539,yymsp[-6].minor.yy192,yymsp[-1].minor.yy318,yymsp[-7].minor.yy436,yymsp[0].minor.yy436);/*yylhsminor.yy447-overwrites-yymsp[-6].minor.yy192*/
- yymsp[-7].minor.yy527 = yylhsminor.yy527;
+ yymsp[-7].minor.yy447 = yylhsminor.yy447;
- case 261: /* trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
-{yylhsminor.yy527 = sqlite3TriggerDeleteStep(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy46, yymsp[-5].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy8);}
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy527 = yylhsminor.yy527;
+ case 263: /* trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
+{yylhsminor.yy447 = sqlite3TriggerDeleteStep(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy202, yymsp[-5].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy436);}
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy447 = yylhsminor.yy447;
- case 262: /* trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
-{yylhsminor.yy527 = sqlite3TriggerSelectStep(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy25, yymsp[-2].minor.yy8, yymsp[0].minor.yy8); /*yylhsminor.yy527-overwrites-yymsp[-1].minor.yy25*/}
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy527 = yylhsminor.yy527;
+ case 264: /* trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
+{yylhsminor.yy447 = sqlite3TriggerSelectStep(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy539, yymsp[-2].minor.yy436, yymsp[0].minor.yy436); /*yylhsminor.yy447-overwrites-yymsp[-1].minor.yy539*/}
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy447 = yylhsminor.yy447;
- case 263: /* expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
+ case 265: /* expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy46 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_RAISE, 0, 0);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy46 ){
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy46->affExpr = OE_Ignore;
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy202 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_RAISE, 0, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy202 ){
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy202->affExpr = OE_Ignore;
- case 264: /* expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
+ case 266: /* expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy46 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_RAISE, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
- if( yymsp[-5].minor.yy46 ) {
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy46->affExpr = (char)yymsp[-3].minor.yy32;
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy202 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_RAISE, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
+ if( yymsp[-5].minor.yy202 ) {
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy202->affExpr = (char)yymsp[-3].minor.yy192;
- case 265: /* raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = OE_Rollback;}
+ case 267: /* raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = OE_Rollback;}
- case 267: /* raisetype ::= FAIL */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy32 = OE_Fail;}
+ case 269: /* raisetype ::= FAIL */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy192 = OE_Fail;}
- case 268: /* cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
+ case 270: /* cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
- sqlite3DropTrigger(pParse,yymsp[0].minor.yy609,yymsp[-1].minor.yy32);
+ sqlite3DropTrigger(pParse,yymsp[0].minor.yy47,yymsp[-1].minor.yy192);
- case 269: /* cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
+ case 271: /* cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
- sqlite3Attach(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy46, yymsp[-1].minor.yy46, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ sqlite3Attach(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy202, yymsp[-1].minor.yy202, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- case 270: /* cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
+ case 272: /* cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
- sqlite3Detach(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ sqlite3Detach(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- case 273: /* cmd ::= REINDEX */
+ case 275: /* cmd ::= REINDEX */
{sqlite3Reindex(pParse, 0, 0);}
- case 274: /* cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
+ case 276: /* cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
{sqlite3Reindex(pParse, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
- case 275: /* cmd ::= ANALYZE */
+ case 277: /* cmd ::= ANALYZE */
{sqlite3Analyze(pParse, 0, 0);}
- case 276: /* cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
+ case 278: /* cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
{sqlite3Analyze(pParse, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
- case 277: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
+ case 279: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
- sqlite3AlterRenameTable(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy609,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3AlterRenameTable(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy47,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- case 278: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
+ case 280: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n = (int)(pParse->sLastToken.z-yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.z) + pParse->sLastToken.n;
sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(pParse, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
- case 279: /* add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
+ case 281: /* add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
- sqlite3AlterBeginAddColumn(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy609);
+ sqlite3AlterBeginAddColumn(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy47);
- case 280: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
+ case 282: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
- sqlite3AlterRenameColumn(pParse, yymsp[-5].minor.yy609, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3AlterRenameColumn(pParse, yymsp[-5].minor.yy47, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- case 281: /* cmd ::= create_vtab */
+ case 283: /* cmd ::= create_vtab */
- case 282: /* cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
+ case 284: /* cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
- case 283: /* create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
+ case 285: /* create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
- sqlite3VtabBeginParse(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy32);
+ sqlite3VtabBeginParse(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy192);
- case 284: /* vtabarg ::= */
+ case 286: /* vtabarg ::= */
- case 285: /* vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
- case 286: /* vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==286);
- case 287: /* lp ::= LP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==287);
+ case 287: /* vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
+ case 288: /* vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==288);
+ case 289: /* lp ::= LP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==289);
- case 288: /* with ::= WITH wqlist */
- case 289: /* with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==289);
-{ sqlite3WithPush(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy297, 1); }
+ case 290: /* with ::= WITH wqlist */
+ case 291: /* with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==291);
+{ sqlite3WithPush(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy131, 1); }
- case 290: /* wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ case 292: /* wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy297 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, yymsp[-1].minor.yy25); /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy131 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, yymsp[-1].minor.yy539); /*A-overwrites-X*/
- case 291: /* wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ case 293: /* wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- yymsp[-7].minor.yy297 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, yymsp[-7].minor.yy297, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy138, yymsp[-1].minor.yy25);
+ yymsp[-7].minor.yy131 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, yymsp[-7].minor.yy131, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy242, yymsp[-1].minor.yy539);
- case 292: /* windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
-{ yylhsminor.yy455 = yymsp[0].minor.yy455; }
- yymsp[0].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ case 294: /* windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
+{ yylhsminor.yy303 = yymsp[0].minor.yy303; }
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 293: /* windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
+ case 295: /* windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
- assert( yymsp[0].minor.yy455!=0 );
- sqlite3WindowChain(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy455, yymsp[-2].minor.yy455);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy455->pNextWin = yymsp[-2].minor.yy455;
- yylhsminor.yy455 = yymsp[0].minor.yy455;
+ assert( yymsp[0].minor.yy303!=0 );
+ sqlite3WindowChain(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy303, yymsp[-2].minor.yy303);
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy303->pNextWin = yymsp[-2].minor.yy303;
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = yymsp[0].minor.yy303;
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 294: /* windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
+ case 296: /* windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
- if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-1].minor.yy455) ){
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy455->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[-4].minor.yy0.n);
+ if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-1].minor.yy303) ){
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy303->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[-4].minor.yy0.n);
- yylhsminor.yy455 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy455;
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy303;
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 295: /* window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ case 297: /* window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy455, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, yymsp[-1].minor.yy138, 0);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy303, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, yymsp[-1].minor.yy242, 0);
- case 296: /* window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ case 298: /* window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
- yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy455, yymsp[-2].minor.yy138, yymsp[-1].minor.yy138, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0);
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy303, yymsp[-2].minor.yy242, yymsp[-1].minor.yy242, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0);
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 297: /* window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ case 299: /* window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy455, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy138, 0);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy303, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy242, 0);
- case 298: /* window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ case 300: /* window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
- yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy455, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy138, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0);
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy303, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy242, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 299: /* window ::= frame_opt */
- case 318: /* filter_over ::= over_clause */ yytestcase(yyruleno==318);
+ case 301: /* window ::= frame_opt */
+ case 320: /* filter_over ::= over_clause */ yytestcase(yyruleno==320);
- yylhsminor.yy455 = yymsp[0].minor.yy455;
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = yymsp[0].minor.yy303;
- yymsp[0].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 300: /* window ::= nm frame_opt */
+ case 302: /* window ::= nm frame_opt */
- yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy455, 0, 0, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy303, 0, 0, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 301: /* frame_opt ::= */
+ case 303: /* frame_opt ::= */
- yymsp[1].minor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, 0, TK_UNBOUNDED, 0, TK_CURRENT, 0, 0);
+ yymsp[1].minor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, 0, TK_UNBOUNDED, 0, TK_CURRENT, 0, 0);
- case 302: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
+ case 304: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
- yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy32, yymsp[-1].minor.yy57.eType, yymsp[-1].minor.yy57.pExpr, TK_CURRENT, 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy118);
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy192, yymsp[-1].minor.yy77.eType, yymsp[-1].minor.yy77.pExpr, TK_CURRENT, 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy58);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 303: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
+ case 305: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
- yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-5].minor.yy32, yymsp[-3].minor.yy57.eType, yymsp[-3].minor.yy57.pExpr, yymsp[-1].minor.yy57.eType, yymsp[-1].minor.yy57.pExpr, yymsp[0].minor.yy118);
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-5].minor.yy192, yymsp[-3].minor.yy77.eType, yymsp[-3].minor.yy77.pExpr, yymsp[-1].minor.yy77.eType, yymsp[-1].minor.yy77.pExpr, yymsp[0].minor.yy58);
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 305: /* frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
- case 307: /* frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */ yytestcase(yyruleno==307);
-{yylhsminor.yy57 = yymsp[0].minor.yy57;}
- yymsp[0].minor.yy57 = yylhsminor.yy57;
+ case 307: /* frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
+ case 309: /* frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */ yytestcase(yyruleno==309);
+{yylhsminor.yy77 = yymsp[0].minor.yy77;}
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy77 = yylhsminor.yy77;
- case 306: /* frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
- case 308: /* frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==308);
- case 310: /* frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==310);
-{yylhsminor.yy57.eType = yymsp[-1].major; yylhsminor.yy57.pExpr = 0;}
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy57 = yylhsminor.yy57;
+ case 308: /* frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
+ case 310: /* frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==310);
+ case 312: /* frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==312);
+{yylhsminor.yy77.eType = yymsp[-1].major; yylhsminor.yy77.pExpr = 0;}
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy77 = yylhsminor.yy77;
- case 309: /* frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
-{yylhsminor.yy57.eType = yymsp[0].major; yylhsminor.yy57.pExpr = yymsp[-1].minor.yy46;}
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy57 = yylhsminor.yy57;
+ case 311: /* frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
+{yylhsminor.yy77.eType = yymsp[0].major; yylhsminor.yy77.pExpr = yymsp[-1].minor.yy202;}
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy77 = yylhsminor.yy77;
- case 311: /* frame_exclude_opt ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy118 = 0;}
+ case 313: /* frame_exclude_opt ::= */
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy58 = 0;}
- case 312: /* frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy118 = yymsp[0].minor.yy118;}
+ case 314: /* frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy58 = yymsp[0].minor.yy58;}
- case 313: /* frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
- case 314: /* frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==314);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy118 = yymsp[-1].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 315: /* frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
+ case 316: /* frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==316);
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy58 = yymsp[-1].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 315: /* frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy118 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 317: /* frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy58 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 316: /* window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy455 = yymsp[0].minor.yy455; }
+ case 318: /* window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy303 = yymsp[0].minor.yy303; }
- case 317: /* filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause */
+ case 319: /* filter_over ::= filter_clause over_clause */
- yymsp[0].minor.yy455->pFilter = yymsp[-1].minor.yy46;
- yylhsminor.yy455 = yymsp[0].minor.yy455;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy303->pFilter = yymsp[-1].minor.yy202;
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = yymsp[0].minor.yy303;
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 319: /* filter_over ::= filter_clause */
+ case 321: /* filter_over ::= filter_clause */
- yylhsminor.yy455 = (Window*)sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(Window));
- if( yylhsminor.yy455 ){
- yylhsminor.yy455->eFrmType = TK_FILTER;
- yylhsminor.yy455->pFilter = yymsp[0].minor.yy46;
+ yylhsminor.yy303 = (Window*)sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(Window));
+ if( yylhsminor.yy303 ){
+ yylhsminor.yy303->eFrmType = TK_FILTER;
+ yylhsminor.yy303->pFilter = yymsp[0].minor.yy202;
- sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy46);
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy202);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy303 = yylhsminor.yy303;
- case 320: /* over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP */
+ case 322: /* over_clause ::= OVER LP window RP */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy455 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy455;
- assert( yymsp[-3].minor.yy455!=0 );
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy303 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy303;
+ assert( yymsp[-3].minor.yy303!=0 );
- case 321: /* over_clause ::= OVER nm */
+ case 323: /* over_clause ::= OVER nm */
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy455 = (Window*)sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(Window));
- if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy455 ){
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy455->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n);
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy303 = (Window*)sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(Window));
+ if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy303 ){
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy303->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n);
- case 322: /* filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
-{ yymsp[-4].minor.yy46 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy46; }
+ case 324: /* filter_clause ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
+{ yymsp[-4].minor.yy202 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy202; }
- /* (323) input ::= cmdlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==323);
- /* (324) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */ yytestcase(yyruleno==324);
- /* (325) cmdlist ::= ecmd (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=325);
- /* (326) ecmd ::= SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==326);
- /* (327) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==327);
- /* (328) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */ yytestcase(yyruleno==328);
- /* (329) trans_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==329);
- /* (330) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */ yytestcase(yyruleno==330);
- /* (331) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==331);
- /* (332) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==332);
- /* (333) savepoint_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==333);
- /* (334) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */ yytestcase(yyruleno==334);
- /* (335) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==335);
- /* (336) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==336);
- /* (337) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */ yytestcase(yyruleno==337);
- /* (338) nm ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==338);
- /* (339) nm ::= JOIN_KW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==339);
- /* (340) typetoken ::= typename */ yytestcase(yyruleno==340);
- /* (341) typename ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==341);
- /* (342) signed ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=342);
- /* (343) signed ::= minus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=343);
- /* (344) carglist ::= carglist ccons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==344);
- /* (345) carglist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==345);
- /* (346) ccons ::= NULL onconf */ yytestcase(yyruleno==346);
- /* (347) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==347);
- /* (348) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==348);
- /* (349) conslist ::= tcons (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=349);
- /* (350) tconscomma ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==350);
- /* (351) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=351);
- /* (352) resolvetype ::= raisetype (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=352);
- /* (353) selectnowith ::= oneselect (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=353);
- /* (354) oneselect ::= values */ yytestcase(yyruleno==354);
- /* (355) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==355);
- /* (356) as ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==356);
- /* (357) expr ::= term (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=357);
- /* (358) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */ yytestcase(yyruleno==358);
- /* (359) exprlist ::= nexprlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==359);
- /* (360) nmnum ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=360);
- /* (361) nmnum ::= nm (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=361);
- /* (362) nmnum ::= ON */ yytestcase(yyruleno==362);
- /* (363) nmnum ::= DELETE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==363);
- /* (364) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==364);
- /* (365) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==365);
- /* (366) foreach_clause ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==366);
- /* (367) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==367);
- /* (368) trnm ::= nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==368);
- /* (369) tridxby ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==369);
- /* (370) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==370);
- /* (371) database_kw_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==371);
- /* (372) kwcolumn_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==372);
- /* (373) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==373);
- /* (374) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==374);
- /* (375) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==375);
- /* (376) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */ yytestcase(yyruleno==376);
- /* (377) anylist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==377);
- /* (378) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==378);
- /* (379) anylist ::= anylist ANY */ yytestcase(yyruleno==379);
- /* (380) with ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==380);
+ /* (325) input ::= cmdlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==325);
+ /* (326) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */ yytestcase(yyruleno==326);
+ /* (327) cmdlist ::= ecmd (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=327);
+ /* (328) ecmd ::= SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==328);
+ /* (329) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==329);
+ /* (330) ecmd ::= explain cmdx SEMI (NEVER REDUCES) */ assert(yyruleno!=330);
+ /* (331) trans_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==331);
+ /* (332) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */ yytestcase(yyruleno==332);
+ /* (333) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==333);
+ /* (334) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==334);
+ /* (335) savepoint_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==335);
+ /* (336) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */ yytestcase(yyruleno==336);
+ /* (337) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==337);
+ /* (338) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==338);
+ /* (339) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */ yytestcase(yyruleno==339);
+ /* (340) nm ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==340);
+ /* (341) nm ::= JOIN_KW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==341);
+ /* (342) typetoken ::= typename */ yytestcase(yyruleno==342);
+ /* (343) typename ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==343);
+ /* (344) signed ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=344);
+ /* (345) signed ::= minus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=345);
+ /* (346) carglist ::= carglist ccons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==346);
+ /* (347) carglist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==347);
+ /* (348) ccons ::= NULL onconf */ yytestcase(yyruleno==348);
+ /* (349) ccons ::= GENERATED ALWAYS AS generated */ yytestcase(yyruleno==349);
+ /* (350) ccons ::= AS generated */ yytestcase(yyruleno==350);
+ /* (351) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==351);
+ /* (352) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==352);
+ /* (353) conslist ::= tcons (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=353);
+ /* (354) tconscomma ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==354);
+ /* (355) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=355);
+ /* (356) resolvetype ::= raisetype (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=356);
+ /* (357) selectnowith ::= oneselect (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=357);
+ /* (358) oneselect ::= values */ yytestcase(yyruleno==358);
+ /* (359) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==359);
+ /* (360) as ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==360);
+ /* (361) expr ::= term (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=361);
+ /* (362) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */ yytestcase(yyruleno==362);
+ /* (363) exprlist ::= nexprlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==363);
+ /* (364) nmnum ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=364);
+ /* (365) nmnum ::= nm (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=365);
+ /* (366) nmnum ::= ON */ yytestcase(yyruleno==366);
+ /* (367) nmnum ::= DELETE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==367);
+ /* (368) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==368);
+ /* (369) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==369);
+ /* (370) foreach_clause ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==370);
+ /* (371) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==371);
+ /* (372) trnm ::= nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==372);
+ /* (373) tridxby ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==373);
+ /* (374) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==374);
+ /* (375) database_kw_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==375);
+ /* (376) kwcolumn_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==376);
+ /* (377) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==377);
+ /* (378) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==378);
+ /* (379) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==379);
+ /* (380) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */ yytestcase(yyruleno==380);
+ /* (381) anylist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==381);
+ /* (382) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==382);
+ /* (383) anylist ::= anylist ANY */ yytestcase(yyruleno==383);
+ /* (384) with ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==384);
/********** End reduce actions ************************************************/
@@ -154634,8 +158423,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParserFallback(int iToken){
return yyFallback[iToken];
return 0;
/************** End of parse.c ***********************************************/
@@ -154800,20 +158589,20 @@ const unsigned char ebcdicToAscii[] = {
** is substantially reduced. This is important for embedded applications
** on platforms with limited memory.
-/* Hash score: 221 */
-/* zKWText[] encodes 967 bytes of keyword text in 638 bytes */
+/* Hash score: 227 */
+/* zKWText[] encodes 984 bytes of keyword text in 648 bytes */
-static const char zKWText[637] = {
+static const char zKWText[647] = {
@@ -154824,93 +158613,96 @@ static const char zKWText[637] = {
- 'A','I','N','T','O','F','F','S','E','T','R','I','G','G','E','R','E','F',
- 'E','R','E','N','C','E','S','U','N','I','Q','U','E','R','Y','W','I','T',
- 'H','O','U','T','E','R','E','L','E','A','S','E','A','T','T','A','C','H',
- 'A','V','I','N','G','L','O','B','E','G','I','N','N','E','R','A','N','G',
- 'E','B','E','T','W','E','E','N','O','T','H','I','N','G','R','O','U','P',
- 'S','C','A','S','C','A','D','E','T','A','C','H','C','A','S','E','C','O',
- 'L','L','A','T','E','C','R','E','A','T','E','C','U','R','R','E','N','T',
- '_','D','A','T','E','I','M','M','E','D','I','A','T','E','J','O','I','N',
- 'S','E','R','T','M','A','T','C','H','P','L','A','N','A','L','Y','Z','E',
- 'P','R','A','G','M','A','B','O','R','T','U','P','D','A','T','E','V','A',
- 'L','U','E','S','V','I','R','T','U','A','L','A','S','T','W','H','E','N',
- 'W','H','E','R','E','C','U','R','S','I','V','E','A','F','T','E','R','E',
- 'N','A','M','E','A','N','D','E','F','A','U','L','T','A','U','T','O','I',
- 'N','C','R','E','M','E','N','T','C','A','S','T','C','O','L','U','M','N',
- 'C','O','M','M','I','T','C','O','N','F','L','I','C','T','C','R','O','S',
- 'S','C','U','R','R','E','N','T','_','T','I','M','E','S','T','A','M','P',
- 'A','R','T','I','T','I','O','N','D','E','F','E','R','R','E','D','I','S',
- 'T','I','N','C','T','D','R','O','P','R','E','C','E','D','I','N','G','F',
- 'A','I','L','I','M','I','T','F','I','L','T','E','R','E','P','L','A','C',
- 'E','F','I','R','S','T','F','O','L','L','O','W','I','N','G','F','R','O',
- 'M','F','U','L','L','I','F','O','R','D','E','R','E','S','T','R','I','C',
- 'T','O','T','H','E','R','S','O','V','E','R','I','G','H','T','R','O','L',
- 'L','B','A','C','K','R','O','W','S','U','N','B','O','U','N','D','E','D',
- 'U','N','I','O','N','U','S','I','N','G','V','A','C','U','U','M','V','I',
- 'E','W','I','N','D','O','W','B','Y','I','N','I','T','I','A','L','L','Y',
- 'P','R','I','M','A','R','Y',
+ 'A','I','N','T','O','F','F','S','E','T','R','I','G','G','E','R','A','N',
+ 'G','E','N','E','R','A','T','E','D','E','T','A','C','H','A','V','I','N',
+ 'G','L','O','B','E','G','I','N','N','E','R','E','F','E','R','E','N','C',
+ 'E','S','U','N','I','Q','U','E','R','Y','W','I','T','H','O','U','T','E',
+ 'R','E','L','E','A','S','E','A','T','T','A','C','H','B','E','T','W','E',
+ 'E','N','O','T','H','I','N','G','R','O','U','P','S','C','A','S','C','A',
+ 'D','E','F','A','U','L','T','C','A','S','E','C','O','L','L','A','T','E',
+ 'C','R','E','A','T','E','C','U','R','R','E','N','T','_','D','A','T','E',
+ 'I','M','M','E','D','I','A','T','E','J','O','I','N','S','E','R','T','M',
+ 'A','T','C','H','P','L','A','N','A','L','Y','Z','E','P','R','A','G','M',
+ 'A','B','O','R','T','U','P','D','A','T','E','V','A','L','U','E','S','V',
+ 'I','R','T','U','A','L','W','A','Y','S','W','H','E','N','W','H','E','R',
+ 'E','C','U','R','S','I','V','E','A','F','T','E','R','E','N','A','M','E',
+ 'A','N','D','E','F','E','R','R','E','D','I','S','T','I','N','C','T','A',
+ 'U','T','O','I','N','C','R','E','M','E','N','T','C','A','S','T','C','O',
+ 'L','U','M','N','C','O','M','M','I','T','C','O','N','F','L','I','C','T',
+ 'C','R','O','S','S','C','U','R','R','E','N','T','_','T','I','M','E','S',
+ 'T','A','M','P','A','R','T','I','T','I','O','N','D','R','O','P','R','E',
+ 'C','E','D','I','N','G','F','A','I','L','A','S','T','F','I','L','T','E',
+ 'R','E','P','L','A','C','E','F','I','R','S','T','F','O','L','L','O','W',
+ 'I','N','G','F','R','O','M','F','U','L','L','I','M','I','T','I','F','O',
+ 'R','D','E','R','E','S','T','R','I','C','T','O','T','H','E','R','S','O',
+ 'V','E','R','I','G','H','T','R','O','L','L','B','A','C','K','R','O','W',
+ 'S','U','N','B','O','U','N','D','E','D','U','N','I','O','N','U','S','I',
+ 'N','G','V','A','C','U','U','M','V','I','E','W','I','N','D','O','W','B',
+ 'Y','I','N','I','T','I','A','L','L','Y','P','R','I','M','A','R','Y',
/* aKWHash[i] is the hash value for the i-th keyword */
static const unsigned char aKWHash[127] = {
- 82, 113, 130, 80, 110, 29, 0, 0, 89, 0, 83, 70, 0,
- 53, 35, 84, 15, 0, 129, 92, 64, 124, 131, 19, 0, 0,
- 136, 0, 134, 126, 0, 22, 100, 0, 9, 0, 0, 121, 78,
- 0, 76, 6, 0, 58, 97, 143, 0, 132, 108, 0, 0, 48,
- 0, 111, 24, 0, 17, 0, 137, 63, 23, 26, 5, 65, 138,
- 103, 120, 0, 142, 114, 69, 141, 66, 118, 72, 0, 98, 0,
- 107, 41, 0, 106, 0, 0, 0, 102, 99, 104, 109, 123, 14,
- 50, 122, 0, 87, 0, 139, 119, 140, 68, 127, 135, 86, 81,
- 37, 91, 117, 0, 0, 101, 51, 128, 125, 0, 133, 0, 0,
- 44, 0, 93, 67, 39, 0, 20, 45, 115, 88,
+ 84, 102, 132, 82, 114, 29, 0, 0, 91, 0, 85, 72, 0,
+ 53, 35, 86, 15, 0, 42, 94, 54, 126, 133, 19, 0, 0,
+ 138, 0, 40, 128, 0, 22, 104, 0, 9, 0, 0, 122, 80,
+ 0, 78, 6, 0, 65, 99, 145, 0, 134, 112, 0, 0, 48,
+ 0, 100, 24, 0, 17, 0, 27, 70, 23, 26, 5, 60, 140,
+ 107, 121, 0, 73, 101, 71, 143, 61, 119, 74, 0, 49, 0,
+ 11, 41, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 106, 10, 108, 113, 124, 14,
+ 50, 123, 0, 89, 0, 18, 120, 142, 56, 129, 137, 88, 83,
+ 37, 30, 125, 0, 0, 105, 51, 130, 127, 0, 34, 0, 0,
+ 44, 0, 95, 38, 39, 0, 20, 45, 116, 90,
/* aKWNext[] forms the hash collision chain. If aKWHash[i]==0
** then the i-th keyword has no more hash collisions. Otherwise,
** the next keyword with the same hash is aKWHash[i]-1. */
-static const unsigned char aKWNext[143] = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 36, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 31,
- 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 54, 0,
- 0, 38, 47, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 74, 1, 73, 0,
- 0, 0, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 59, 56, 30,
- 0, 0, 0, 46, 0, 16, 49, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 11, 79, 95, 0, 0, 8, 0, 112, 0, 105, 0,
- 43, 62, 0, 77, 0, 116, 0, 61, 0, 0, 94, 42, 55,
- 0, 75, 34, 90, 32, 33, 27, 25, 18, 96, 0, 71, 85,
+static const unsigned char aKWNext[145] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 43, 0, 0, 103, 111, 0, 0,
+ 0, 2, 0, 0, 141, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 139, 0, 0, 118, 52, 0, 0, 135, 12, 0, 0, 62, 0,
+ 136, 0, 131, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 28, 77, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 59, 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 144, 3, 0, 58, 0, 1,
+ 75, 0, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 66,
+ 63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, 0, 16, 0, 115, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 97, 0, 8, 0, 109,
+ 21, 7, 67, 0, 79, 93, 117, 0, 0, 68, 0, 0, 96,
+ 0, 55, 0, 76, 0, 92, 32, 33, 57, 25, 0, 98, 0,
+ 0, 87,
/* aKWLen[i] is the length (in bytes) of the i-th keyword */
-static const unsigned char aKWLen[143] = {
+static const unsigned char aKWLen[145] = {
7, 7, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 3, 6, 6,
7, 7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 10, 4, 7,
6, 9, 4, 2, 6, 5, 9, 9, 4, 7, 3, 2, 4,
4, 6, 11, 6, 2, 7, 5, 5, 9, 6, 10, 4, 6,
- 2, 3, 7, 10, 6, 5, 7, 4, 5, 7, 6, 6, 4,
- 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 6, 5, 7, 3, 6, 4, 7, 6,
- 12, 9, 4, 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4,
- 4, 5, 9, 5, 6, 3, 7, 13, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6,
- 8, 5, 17, 12, 7, 9, 8, 8, 2, 4, 9, 4, 5,
- 6, 7, 5, 9, 4, 4, 2, 5, 8, 6, 4, 5, 8,
- 4, 3, 9, 5, 5, 6, 4, 6, 2, 2, 9, 3, 7,
+ 2, 3, 7, 5, 9, 6, 6, 4, 5, 5, 10, 6, 5,
+ 7, 4, 5, 7, 6, 7, 7, 6, 5, 7, 3, 7, 4,
+ 7, 6, 12, 9, 4, 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 6,
+ 7, 6, 4, 5, 9, 5, 6, 3, 8, 8, 2, 13, 2,
+ 2, 4, 6, 6, 8, 5, 17, 12, 7, 9, 4, 9, 4,
+ 4, 6, 7, 5, 9, 4, 4, 5, 2, 5, 8, 6, 4,
+ 5, 8, 4, 3, 9, 5, 5, 6, 4, 6, 2, 2, 9,
+ 3, 7,
/* aKWOffset[i] is the index into zKWText[] of the start of
** the text for the i-th keyword. */
-static const unsigned short int aKWOffset[143] = {
+static const unsigned short int aKWOffset[145] = {
0, 2, 2, 8, 9, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 25, 29, 33,
36, 41, 46, 48, 53, 54, 59, 62, 65, 67, 69, 78, 81,
86, 90, 90, 94, 99, 101, 105, 111, 119, 123, 123, 123, 126,
129, 132, 137, 142, 146, 147, 152, 156, 160, 168, 174, 181, 184,
- 184, 187, 189, 195, 205, 208, 213, 213, 217, 221, 228, 233, 238,
- 241, 244, 248, 253, 259, 265, 265, 271, 272, 276, 282, 286, 293,
- 299, 311, 320, 322, 328, 333, 335, 342, 347, 352, 358, 364, 370,
- 374, 378, 381, 390, 394, 400, 402, 409, 411, 413, 422, 426, 432,
- 438, 446, 451, 451, 451, 467, 476, 483, 484, 491, 494, 503, 506,
- 511, 516, 523, 528, 537, 541, 545, 547, 551, 559, 565, 568, 573,
- 581, 581, 585, 594, 599, 604, 610, 613, 616, 619, 621, 626, 630,
+ 184, 187, 189, 195, 198, 206, 211, 216, 219, 222, 226, 236, 239,
+ 244, 244, 248, 252, 259, 265, 271, 277, 277, 283, 284, 288, 295,
+ 299, 306, 312, 324, 333, 335, 341, 346, 348, 355, 360, 365, 371,
+ 377, 382, 388, 392, 395, 404, 408, 414, 416, 423, 424, 431, 433,
+ 435, 444, 448, 454, 460, 468, 473, 473, 473, 489, 498, 501, 510,
+ 513, 517, 522, 529, 534, 543, 547, 550, 555, 557, 561, 569, 575,
+ 578, 583, 591, 591, 595, 604, 609, 614, 620, 623, 626, 629, 631,
+ 636, 640,
/* aKWCode[i] is the parser symbol code for the i-th keyword */
-static const unsigned char aKWCode[143] = {
+static const unsigned char aKWCode[145] = {
@@ -154922,25 +158714,154 @@ static const unsigned char aKWCode[143] = {
+/* Hash table decoded:
+** 0: INSERT
+** 1: IS
+** 5: TEMP
+** 6:
+** 7:
+** 9:
+** 10: MATCH
+** 11: NOTHING
+** 12:
+** 13: OF
+** 15: PLAN
+** 17:
+** 19: WHEN
+** 20: SET HAVING
+** 21: IF
+** 22: ROWS
+** 23: SELECT
+** 24:
+** 25:
+** 27:
+** 29: RESTRICT
+** 30:
+** 32: TO
+** 33:
+** 34: BEFORE
+** 35:
+** 36:
+** 38: CREATE
+** 39:
+** 41: EACH
+** 42:
+** 43: QUERY
+** 44: AND ADD
+** 46:
+** 49:
+** 50:
+** 52:
+** 53: DEFERRED
+** 55:
+** 56: DATABASE
+** 57:
+** 59: ATTACH
+** 60: END
+** 61: EXCLUDE
+** 63: GLOB
+** 65: COLUMN
+** 66: FIRST
+** 67:
+** 68: GROUPS ALL
+** 70: BETWEEN
+** 72: BEGIN
+** 75:
+** 77:
+** 79: EXCEPT
+** 80:
+** 81: CROSS
+** 82:
+** 83:
+** 84:
+** 85: CAST
+** 87: COMMIT
+** 90: EXPLAIN
+** 93:
+** 94: ABORT
+** 95:
+** 96: AS DO
+** 98: BY RENAME
+** 100: OTHERS
+** 101: USING NULLS
+** 102: PRAGMA
+** 104: NOT
+** 105: OR LAST LEFT
+** 106: LIMIT
+** 107:
+** 108:
+** 109: IN
+** 110: INTO
+** 112: ORDER OUTER
+** 113:
+** 115:
+** 116:
+** 117: ON
+** 118:
+** 119: WHERE
+** 120: NO INNER
+** 121: NULL
+** 122:
+** 123: TABLE
+** 125: PRECEDING
/* Check to see if z[0..n-1] is a keyword. If it is, write the
** parser symbol code for that keyword into *pType. Always
** return the integer n (the length of the token). */
@@ -154951,12 +158872,17 @@ static int keywordCode(const char *z, int n, int *pType){
i = ((charMap(z[0])*4) ^ (charMap(z[n-1])*3) ^ n) % 127;
for(i=((int)aKWHash[i])-1; i>=0; i=((int)aKWNext[i])-1){
if( aKWLen[i]!=n ) continue;
- j = 0;
zKW = &zKWText[aKWOffset[i]];
+ if( (z[0]&~0x20)!=zKW[0] ) continue;
+ if( (z[1]&~0x20)!=zKW[1] ) continue;
+ j = 2;
*pzName = zKWText + aKWOffset[i];
@@ -155552,7 +159480,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunParser(Parse *pParse, const char *zSql, char **pzEr
assert( zSql!=0 );
mxSqlLen = db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH];
if( db->nVdbeActive==0 ){
- db->u1.isInterrupted = 0;
+ AtomicStore(&db->u1.isInterrupted, 0);
pParse->rc = SQLITE_OK;
pParse->zTail = zSql;
@@ -155597,7 +159525,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunParser(Parse *pParse, const char *zSql, char **pzEr
if( tokenType>=TK_SPACE ){
assert( tokenType==TK_SPACE || tokenType==TK_ILLEGAL );
- if( db->u1.isInterrupted ){
+ if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ){
@@ -155741,7 +159669,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Normalize(
int nParen; /* Number of nested levels of parentheses */
int iStartIN; /* Start of RHS of IN operator in z[] */
int nParenAtIN; /* Value of nParent at start of RHS of IN operator */
- int j; /* Bytes of normalized SQL generated so far */
+ u32 j; /* Bytes of normalized SQL generated so far */
sqlite3_str *pStr; /* The normalized SQL string under construction */
db = sqlite3VdbeDb(pVdbe);
@@ -155785,7 +159713,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Normalize(
case TK_RP: {
if( iStartIN>0 && nParen==nParenAtIN ){
- assert( pStr->nChar>=iStartIN );
+ assert( pStr->nChar>=(u32)iStartIN );
pStr->nChar = iStartIN+1;
sqlite3_str_append(pStr, "?,?,?", 5);
iStartIN = 0;
@@ -156264,15 +160192,78 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IcuInit(sqlite3 *db);
/************** End of sqliteicu.h *******************************************/
/************** Continuing where we left off in main.c ***********************/
+** This is an extension initializer that is a no-op and always
+** succeeds, except that it fails if the fault-simulation is set
+** to 500.
+static int sqlite3TestExtInit(sqlite3 *db){
+ (void)db;
+ return sqlite3FaultSim(500);
+** Forward declarations of external module initializer functions
+** for modules that need them.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts1Init(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts2Init(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts5Init(sqlite3*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Json1Init(sqlite3*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3StmtVtabInit(sqlite3*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts5Init(sqlite3*);
+** An array of pointers to extension initializer functions for
+** built-in extensions.
+static int (*const sqlite3BuiltinExtensions[])(sqlite3*) = {
+ sqlite3Fts1Init,
+ sqlite3Fts2Init,
+ sqlite3Fts3Init,
+ sqlite3Fts5Init,
+ sqlite3IcuInit,
+ sqlite3RtreeInit,
+ sqlite3DbpageRegister,
+ sqlite3DbstatRegister,
+ sqlite3TestExtInit,
+ sqlite3Json1Init,
+ sqlite3StmtVtabInit,
+ sqlite3VdbeBytecodeVtabInit,
/* IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-46656-45156 The sqlite3_version[] string constant
@@ -156400,7 +160391,10 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_initialize(void){
** must be complete. So isInit must not be set until the very end
** of this routine.
- if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.isInit ) return SQLITE_OK;
+ if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.isInit ){
+ sqlite3MemoryBarrier();
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+ }
/* Make sure the mutex subsystem is initialized. If unable to
** initialize the mutex subsystem, return early with the error.
@@ -156486,6 +160480,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_initialize(void){
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3PCacheBufferSetup( sqlite3GlobalConfig.pPage,
sqlite3GlobalConfig.szPage, sqlite3GlobalConfig.nPage);
+ sqlite3MemoryBarrier();
sqlite3GlobalConfig.isInit = 1;
bRunExtraInit = 1;
@@ -156922,6 +160917,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_config(int op, ...){
static int setupLookaside(sqlite3 *db, void *pBuf, int sz, int cnt){
void *pStart;
+ sqlite3_int64 szAlloc = sz*(sqlite3_int64)cnt;
+ int nBig; /* Number of full-size slots */
+ int nSm; /* Number smaller LOOKASIDE_SMALL-byte slots */
if( sqlite3LookasideUsed(db,0)>0 ){
@@ -156944,37 +160942,71 @@ static int setupLookaside(sqlite3 *db, void *pBuf, int sz, int cnt){
pStart = 0;
}else if( pBuf==0 ){
- pStart = sqlite3Malloc( sz*(sqlite3_int64)cnt ); /* IMP: R-61949-35727 */
+ pStart = sqlite3Malloc( szAlloc ); /* IMP: R-61949-35727 */
- if( pStart ) cnt = sqlite3MallocSize(pStart)/sz;
+ if( pStart ) szAlloc = sqlite3MallocSize(pStart);
pStart = pBuf;
+ if( sz>=LOOKASIDE_SMALL*3 ){
+ nBig = szAlloc/(3*LOOKASIDE_SMALL+sz);
+ nSm = (szAlloc - sz*nBig)/LOOKASIDE_SMALL;
+ }else if( sz>=LOOKASIDE_SMALL*2 ){
+ nBig = szAlloc/(LOOKASIDE_SMALL+sz);
+ nSm = (szAlloc - sz*nBig)/LOOKASIDE_SMALL;
+ }else
+ if( sz>0 ){
+ nBig = szAlloc/sz;
+ nSm = 0;
+ }else{
+ nBig = nSm = 0;
+ }
db->lookaside.pStart = pStart;
db->lookaside.pInit = 0;
db->lookaside.pFree = 0;
db->lookaside.sz = (u16)sz;
+ db->lookaside.szTrue = (u16)sz;
if( pStart ){
int i;
LookasideSlot *p;
assert( sz > (int)sizeof(LookasideSlot*) );
- db->lookaside.nSlot = cnt;
p = (LookasideSlot*)pStart;
- for(i=cnt-1; i>=0; i--){
+ for(i=0; ipNext = db->lookaside.pInit;
db->lookaside.pInit = p;
p = (LookasideSlot*)&((u8*)p)[sz];
+ db->lookaside.pSmallInit = 0;
+ db->lookaside.pSmallFree = 0;
+ db->lookaside.pMiddle = p;
+ for(i=0; ipNext = db->lookaside.pSmallInit;
+ db->lookaside.pSmallInit = p;
+ p = (LookasideSlot*)&((u8*)p)[LOOKASIDE_SMALL];
+ }
+ assert( ((uptr)p)<=szAlloc + (uptr)pStart );
db->lookaside.pEnd = p;
db->lookaside.bDisable = 0;
db->lookaside.bMalloced = pBuf==0 ?1:0;
+ db->lookaside.nSlot = nBig+nSm;
db->lookaside.pStart = db;
+ db->lookaside.pSmallInit = 0;
+ db->lookaside.pSmallFree = 0;
+ db->lookaside.pMiddle = db;
db->lookaside.pEnd = db;
db->lookaside.bDisable = 1;
+ db->lookaside.sz = 0;
db->lookaside.bMalloced = 0;
db->lookaside.nSlot = 0;
+ assert( sqlite3LookasideUsed(db,0)==0 );
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -157088,6 +161120,8 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3 *db, int op, ...){
unsigned int i;
rc = SQLITE_ERROR; /* IMP: R-42790-23372 */
@@ -157626,6 +161660,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3ErrName(int rc){
case SQLITE_EMPTY: zName = "SQLITE_EMPTY"; break;
case SQLITE_SCHEMA: zName = "SQLITE_SCHEMA"; break;
@@ -157747,8 +161782,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3ErrStr(int rc){
static int sqliteDefaultBusyCallback(
void *ptr, /* Database connection */
- int count, /* Number of times table has been busy */
- sqlite3_file *pFile /* The file on which the lock occurred */
+ int count /* Number of times table has been busy */
/* This case is for systems that have support for sleeping for fractions of
@@ -157762,19 +161796,6 @@ static int sqliteDefaultBusyCallback(
int tmout = db->busyTimeout;
int delay, prior;
- if( sqlite3OsFileControl(pFile,SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT,&tmout)==SQLITE_OK ){
- if( count ){
- tmout = 0;
- sqlite3OsFileControl(pFile, SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT, &tmout);
- return 0;
- }else{
- return 1;
- }
- }
assert( count>=0 );
if( count < NDELAY ){
delay = delays[count];
@@ -157794,7 +161815,6 @@ static int sqliteDefaultBusyCallback(
** must be done in increments of whole seconds */
sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *)ptr;
int tmout = ((sqlite3 *)ptr)->busyTimeout;
if( (count+1)*1000 > tmout ){
return 0;
@@ -157812,19 +161832,10 @@ static int sqliteDefaultBusyCallback(
** If this routine returns non-zero, the lock is retried. If it
** returns 0, the operation aborts with an SQLITE_BUSY error.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(BusyHandler *p, sqlite3_file *pFile){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(BusyHandler *p){
int rc;
if( p->xBusyHandler==0 || p->nBusy<0 ) return 0;
- if( p->bExtraFileArg ){
- /* Add an extra parameter with the pFile pointer to the end of the
- ** callback argument list */
- int (*xTra)(void*,int,sqlite3_file*);
- xTra = (int(*)(void*,int,sqlite3_file*))p->xBusyHandler;
- rc = xTra(p->pBusyArg, p->nBusy, pFile);
- }else{
- /* Legacy style busy handler callback */
- rc = p->xBusyHandler(p->pBusyArg, p->nBusy);
- }
+ rc = p->xBusyHandler(p->pBusyArg, p->nBusy);
if( rc==0 ){
p->nBusy = -1;
@@ -157849,7 +161860,6 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_busy_handler(
db->busyHandler.xBusyHandler = xBusy;
db->busyHandler.pBusyArg = pArg;
db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
- db->busyHandler.bExtraFileArg = 0;
db->busyTimeout = 0;
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -157900,7 +161910,6 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3 *db, int ms){
sqlite3_busy_handler(db, (int(*)(void*,int))sqliteDefaultBusyCallback,
db->busyTimeout = ms;
- db->busyHandler.bExtraFileArg = 1;
sqlite3_busy_handler(db, 0, 0);
@@ -157917,7 +161926,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_interrupt(sqlite3 *db){
- db->u1.isInterrupted = 1;
+ AtomicStore(&db->u1.isInterrupted, 1);
@@ -157958,8 +161967,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CreateFunc(
+ /* The SQLITE_INNOCUOUS flag is the same bit as SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE. But
+ ** the meaning is inverted. So flip the bit. */
+ extraFlags ^= SQLITE_FUNC_UNSAFE;
/* If SQLITE_UTF16 is specified as the encoding type, transform this
@@ -157973,11 +161989,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CreateFunc(
}else if( enc==SQLITE_ANY ){
int rc;
- rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF8|extraFlags,
+ rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg,
pUserData, xSFunc, xStep, xFinal, xValue, xInverse, pDestructor);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF16LE|extraFlags,
- pUserData, xSFunc, xStep, xFinal, xValue, xInverse, pDestructor);
+ rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg,
+ pUserData, xSFunc, xStep, xFinal, xValue, xInverse, pDestructor);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
return rc;
@@ -158530,7 +162548,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(
/* If there are no active statements, clear the interrupt flag at this
** point. */
if( db->nVdbeActive==0 ){
- db->u1.isInterrupted = 0;
+ AtomicStore(&db->u1.isInterrupted, 0);
@@ -158940,9 +162958,11 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_limit(sqlite3 *db, int limitId, int newLimit){
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. In this case *ppVfs is set to point to
** the VFS that should be used to open the database file. *pzFile is set to
-** point to a buffer containing the name of the file to open. It is the
-** responsibility of the caller to eventually call sqlite3_free() to release
-** this buffer.
+** point to a buffer containing the name of the file to open. The value
+** stored in *pzFile is a database name acceptable to sqlite3_uri_parameter()
+** and is in the same format as names created using sqlite3_create_filename().
+** The caller must invoke sqlite3_free_filename() (not sqlite3_free()!) on
+** the value returned in *pzFile to avoid a memory leak.
** If an error occurs, then an SQLite error code is returned and *pzErrMsg
** may be set to point to a buffer containing an English language error
@@ -158974,7 +162994,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParseUri(
int eState; /* Parser state when parsing URI */
int iIn; /* Input character index */
int iOut = 0; /* Output character index */
- u64 nByte = nUri+2; /* Bytes of space to allocate */
+ u64 nByte = nUri+8; /* Bytes of space to allocate */
/* Make sure the SQLITE_OPEN_URI flag is set to indicate to the VFS xOpen
** method that there may be extra parameters following the file-name. */
@@ -158984,6 +163004,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParseUri(
zFile = sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( !zFile ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
+ memset(zFile, 0, 4); /* 4-byte of 0x00 is the start of DB name marker */
+ zFile += 4;
iIn = 5;
if( strncmp(zUri+5, "///", 3)==0 ){
@@ -159073,8 +163096,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParseUri(
zFile[iOut++] = c;
if( eState==1 ) zFile[iOut++] = '\0';
- zFile[iOut++] = '\0';
- zFile[iOut++] = '\0';
+ memset(zFile+iOut, 0, 4); /* end-of-options + empty journal filenames */
/* Check if there were any options specified that should be interpreted
** here. Options that are interpreted here include "vfs" and those that
@@ -159154,13 +163176,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParseUri(
- zFile = sqlite3_malloc64(nUri+2);
+ zFile = sqlite3_malloc64(nUri+8);
if( !zFile ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
+ memset(zFile, 0, 4);
+ zFile += 4;
if( nUri ){
memcpy(zFile, zUri, nUri);
- zFile[nUri] = '\0';
- zFile[nUri+1] = '\0';
+ memset(zFile+nUri, 0, 4);
flags &= ~SQLITE_OPEN_URI;
@@ -159171,7 +163194,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParseUri(
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
- sqlite3_free(zFile);
+ sqlite3_free_filename(zFile);
zFile = 0;
*pFlags = flags;
@@ -159179,39 +163202,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ParseUri(
return rc;
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
-** Process URI filename query parameters relevant to the SQLite Encryption
-** Extension. Return true if any of the relevant query parameters are
-** seen and return false if not.
+** This routine does the core work of extracting URI parameters from a
+** database filename for the sqlite3_uri_parameter() interface.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodecQueryParameters(
- sqlite3 *db, /* Database connection */
- const char *zDb, /* Which schema is being created/attached */
- const char *zUri /* URI filename */
- const char *zKey;
- if( (zKey = sqlite3_uri_parameter(zUri, "hexkey"))!=0 && zKey[0] ){
- u8 iByte;
- int i;
- char zDecoded[40];
- for(i=0, iByte=0; imagic = SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY;
db->aDb = db->aDbStatic;
db->lookaside.bDisable = 1;
+ db->lookaside.sz = 0;
assert( sizeof(db->aLimit)==sizeof(aHardLimit) );
memcpy(db->aLimit, aHardLimit, sizeof(db->aLimit));
@@ -159316,7 +163323,9 @@ static int openDatabase(
| SQLITE_EnableTrigger
| SQLITE_EnableView
| SQLITE_CacheSpill
+ | SQLITE_TrustedSchema
/* The SQLITE_DQS compile-time option determines the default settings
@@ -159374,6 +163383,9 @@ static int openDatabase(
| SQLITE_Defensive
+ | SQLITE_LegacyAlter
@@ -159396,11 +163408,6 @@ static int openDatabase(
if( db->mallocFailed ){
goto opendb_out;
- /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-08308-17224 The default collating function for all
- ** strings is BINARY.
- */
- db->pDfltColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, sqlite3StrBINARY, 0);
- assert( db->pDfltColl!=0 );
/* Parse the filename/URI argument
@@ -159422,7 +163429,7 @@ static int openDatabase(
testcase( (1<<(flags&7))==0x04 ); /* READWRITE */
testcase( (1<<(flags&7))==0x40 ); /* READWRITE | CREATE */
if( ((1<<(flags&7)) & 0x46)==0 ){
- rc = SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT; /* IMP: R-65497-44594 */
+ rc = SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT; /* IMP: R-18321-05872 */
rc = sqlite3ParseUri(zVfs, zFilename, &flags, &db->pVfs, &zOpen, &zErrMsg);
@@ -159445,7 +163452,9 @@ static int openDatabase(
db->aDb[0].pSchema = sqlite3SchemaGet(db, db->aDb[0].pBt);
- if( !db->mallocFailed ) ENC(db) = SCHEMA_ENC(db);
+ if( !db->mallocFailed ){
+ sqlite3SetTextEncoding(db, SCHEMA_ENC(db));
+ }
db->aDb[1].pSchema = sqlite3SchemaGet(db, 0);
@@ -159470,14 +163479,11 @@ static int openDatabase(
rc = sqlite3_errcode(db);
- /* Register any built-in FTS5 module before loading the automatic
- ** extensions. This allows automatic extensions to register FTS5
- ** tokenizers and auxiliary functions. */
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- rc = sqlite3Fts5Init(db);
+ /* Load compiled-in extensions */
+ for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && imallocFailed ){
- extern int sqlite3Fts1Init(sqlite3*);
- rc = sqlite3Fts1Init(db);
- }
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- extern int sqlite3Fts2Init(sqlite3*);
- rc = sqlite3Fts2Init(db);
- }
-#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 /* automatically defined by SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4 */
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- rc = sqlite3Fts3Init(db);
- }
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- rc = sqlite3IcuInit(db);
- }
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK){
- rc = sqlite3RtreeInit(db);
- }
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK){
- rc = sqlite3DbpageRegister(db);
- }
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK){
- rc = sqlite3DbstatRegister(db);
- }
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK){
- rc = sqlite3Json1Init(db);
- }
- if( !db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK){
- rc = sqlite3StmtVtabInit(db);
- }
+ /* Testing use only!!! The -DSQLITE_ENABLE_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS=1 compile-time
+ ** option gives access to internal functions by default.
+ ** Testing use only!!! */
+ db->mDbFlags |= DBFLAG_InternalFunc;
/* -DSQLITE_DEFAULT_LOCKING_MODE=1 makes EXCLUSIVE the default locking
@@ -159586,10 +163543,7 @@ opendb_out:
sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog(pArg, db, zFilename, 0);
-#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC)
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) sqlite3CodecQueryParameters(db, 0, zOpen);
- sqlite3_free(zOpen);
+ sqlite3_free_filename(zOpen);
return rc & 0xff;
@@ -159816,13 +163770,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CantopenError(int lineno){
testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 );
return sqlite3ReportError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN, lineno, "cannot open file");
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CorruptPgnoError(int lineno, Pgno pgno){
char zMsg[100];
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zMsg), zMsg, "database corruption page %d", pgno);
testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 );
return sqlite3ReportError(SQLITE_CORRUPT, lineno, zMsg);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3NomemError(int lineno){
testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 );
return sqlite3ReportError(SQLITE_NOMEM, lineno, "OOM");
@@ -160025,6 +163981,13 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_file_control(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDbName, int op, vo
*(unsigned int*)pArg = sqlite3PagerDataVersion(pPager);
+ int iNew = *(int*)pArg;
+ *(int*)pArg = sqlite3BtreeGetRequestedReserve(pBtree);
+ if( iNew>=0 && iNew<=255 ){
+ sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pBtree, 0, iNew, 0);
+ }
+ rc = SQLITE_OK;
rc = sqlite3OsFileControl(fd, op, pArg);
@@ -160084,6 +164047,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...){
** This test-control also resets the PRNG so that the new seed will
** be used for the next call to sqlite3_randomness().
int x = va_arg(ap, int);
int y;
@@ -160094,6 +164058,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...){
** sqlite3_test_control(BITVEC_TEST, size, program)
@@ -160239,20 +164204,6 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...){
- /* sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_RESERVE, sqlite3 *db, int N)
- **
- ** Set the nReserve size to N for the main database on the database
- ** connection db.
- */
- sqlite3 *db = va_arg(ap, sqlite3*);
- int x = va_arg(ap,int);
- sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
- sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(db->aDb[0].pBt, 0, x, 0);
- sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
- break;
- }
/* sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS, sqlite3 *db, int N)
** Enable or disable various optimizations for testing purposes. The
@@ -160278,15 +164229,14 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...){
- /* sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_INTERNAL_FUNCS, int onoff);
+ /* sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS, sqlite3*);
- ** If parameter onoff is non-zero, internal-use-only SQL functions
- ** are visible to ordinary SQL. This is useful for testing but is
- ** unsafe because invalid parameters to those internal-use-only functions
- ** can result in crashes or segfaults.
+ ** Toggle the ability to use internal functions on or off for
+ ** the database connection given in the argument.
- sqlite3GlobalConfig.bInternalFunctions = va_arg(ap, int);
+ sqlite3 *db = va_arg(ap, sqlite3*);
+ db->mDbFlags ^= DBFLAG_InternalFunc;
@@ -160422,6 +164372,83 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...){
return rc;
+** The Pager stores the Database filename, Journal filename, and WAL filename
+** consecutively in memory, in that order. The database filename is prefixed
+** by four zero bytes. Locate the start of the database filename by searching
+** backwards for the first byte following four consecutive zero bytes.
+** This only works if the filename passed in was obtained from the Pager.
+static const char *databaseName(const char *zName){
+ while( zName[-1]!=0 || zName[-2]!=0 || zName[-3]!=0 || zName[-4]!=0 ){
+ zName--;
+ }
+ return zName;
+** Append text z[] to the end of p[]. Return a pointer to the first
+** character after then zero terminator on the new text in p[].
+static char *appendText(char *p, const char *z){
+ size_t n = strlen(z);
+ memcpy(p, z, n+1);
+ return p+n+1;
+** Allocate memory to hold names for a database, journal file, WAL file,
+** and query parameters. The pointer returned is valid for use by
+** sqlite3_filename_database() and sqlite3_uri_parameter() and related
+** functions.
+** Memory layout must be compatible with that generated by the pager
+** and expected by sqlite3_uri_parameter() and databaseName().
+SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_create_filename(
+ const char *zDatabase,
+ const char *zJournal,
+ const char *zWal,
+ int nParam,
+ const char **azParam
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte;
+ int i;
+ char *pResult, *p;
+ nByte = strlen(zDatabase) + strlen(zJournal) + strlen(zWal) + 10;
+ for(i=0; i0 ){
zFilename += sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename) + 1;
- if( x==0 ) return zFilename;
zFilename += sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename) + 1;
- return 0;
+ return zFilename[0] ? zFilename : 0;
@@ -160470,6 +164505,38 @@ SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_uri_int64(
return bDflt;
+** Translate a filename that was handed to a VFS routine into the corresponding
+** database, journal, or WAL file.
+** It is an error to pass this routine a filename string that was not
+** passed into the VFS from the SQLite core. Doing so is similar to
+** passing free() a pointer that was not obtained from malloc() - it is
+** an error that we cannot easily detect but that will likely cause memory
+** corruption.
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_filename_database(const char *zFilename){
+ return databaseName(zFilename);
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_filename_journal(const char *zFilename){
+ zFilename = databaseName(zFilename);
+ zFilename += sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename) + 1;
+ while( zFilename[0] ){
+ zFilename += sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename) + 1;
+ zFilename += sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename) + 1;
+ }
+ return zFilename + 1;
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_filename_wal(const char *zFilename){
+ return 0;
+ zFilename = sqlite3_filename_journal(zFilename);
+ zFilename += sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename) + 1;
+ return zFilename;
** Return the Btree pointer identified by zDbName. Return NULL if not found.
@@ -161803,6 +165870,9 @@ typedef sqlite3_int64 i64; /* 8-byte signed integer */
# define TESTONLY(X)
+#define LARGEST_INT64 (0xffffffff|(((i64)0x7fffffff)<<32))
+#define SMALLEST_INT64 (((i64)-1) - LARGEST_INT64)
@@ -161846,6 +165916,7 @@ struct Fts3Table {
char *zLanguageid; /* languageid=xxx option, or NULL */
int nAutoincrmerge; /* Value configured by 'automerge' */
u32 nLeafAdd; /* Number of leaf blocks added this trans */
+ int bLock; /* Used to prevent recursive content= tbls */
/* Precompiled statements used by the implementation. Each of these
** statements is run and reset within a single virtual table API call.
@@ -161904,13 +165975,23 @@ struct Fts3Table {
int mxSavepoint; /* Largest valid xSavepoint integer */
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST)
/* True to disable the incremental doclist optimization. This is controled
** by special insert command 'test-no-incr-doclist'. */
int bNoIncrDoclist;
+ /* Number of segments in a level */
+ int nMergeCount;
+/* Macro to find the number of segments to merge */
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST)
+# define MergeCount(P) ((P)->nMergeCount)
+# define MergeCount(P) FTS3_MERGE_COUNT
** When the core wants to read from the virtual table, it creates a
** virtual table cursor (an instance of the following structure) using
@@ -162174,6 +166255,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3Incrmerge(Fts3Table*,int,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3ErrMsg(char**,const char*,...);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(char *, sqlite3_int64);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(const char *, sqlite_int64 *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarintU(const char *, sqlite_uint64 *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarintBounded(const char*,const char*,sqlite3_int64*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(const char *, int *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(sqlite3_uint64);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3Dequote(char *);
@@ -162182,6 +166265,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3EvalPhraseStats(Fts3Cursor *, Fts3Expr *, u32 *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3FirstFilter(sqlite3_int64, char *, int, char *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3CreateStatTable(int*, Fts3Table*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3EvalTestDeferred(Fts3Cursor *pCsr, int *pRc);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ReadInt(const char *z, int *pnOut);
/* fts3_tokenizer.c */
SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3Fts3NextToken(const char *, int *);
@@ -162260,18 +166344,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsdiacritic(int);
-** The following are copied from sqliteInt.h.
-** Constants for the largest and smallest possible 64-bit signed integers.
-** These macros are designed to work correctly on both 32-bit and 64-bit
-** compilers.
-# define LARGEST_INT64 (0xffffffff|(((sqlite3_int64)0x7fffffff)<<32))
-# define SMALLEST_INT64 (((sqlite3_int64)-1) - LARGEST_INT64)
static int fts3EvalNext(Fts3Cursor *pCsr);
static int fts3EvalStart(Fts3Cursor *pCsr);
static int fts3TermSegReaderCursor(
@@ -162316,12 +166388,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(char *p, sqlite_int64 v){
v = (*ptr++); \
if( (v & mask2)==0 ){ var = v; return ret; }
-** Read a 64-bit variable-length integer from memory starting at p[0].
-** Return the number of bytes read, or 0 on error.
-** The value is stored in *v.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(const char *pBuf, sqlite_int64 *v){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarintU(const char *pBuf, sqlite_uint64 *v){
const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char*)pBuf;
const unsigned char *pStart = p;
u32 a;
@@ -162343,6 +166410,41 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(const char *pBuf, sqlite_int64 *v){
return (int)(p - pStart);
+** Read a 64-bit variable-length integer from memory starting at p[0].
+** Return the number of bytes read, or 0 on error.
+** The value is stored in *v.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(const char *pBuf, sqlite_int64 *v){
+ return sqlite3Fts3GetVarintU(pBuf, (sqlite3_uint64*)v);
+** Read a 64-bit variable-length integer from memory starting at p[0] and
+** not extending past pEnd[-1].
+** Return the number of bytes read, or 0 on error.
+** The value is stored in *v.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarintBounded(
+ const char *pBuf,
+ const char *pEnd,
+ sqlite_int64 *v
+ const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char*)pBuf;
+ const unsigned char *pStart = p;
+ const unsigned char *pX = (const unsigned char*)pEnd;
+ u64 b = 0;
+ int shift;
+ for(shift=0; shift<=63; shift+=7){
+ u64 c = p='0' && z[i]<='9'; i++){
+ iVal = iVal*10 + (z[i] - '0');
+ if( iVal>0x7FFFFFFF ) return -1;
+ }
+ *pnOut = (int)iVal;
+ return i;
** This function interprets the string at (*pp) as a non-negative integer
** value. It reads the integer and sets *pnOut to the value read, then
@@ -162911,19 +167029,17 @@ static char *fts3WriteExprList(Fts3Table *p, const char *zFunc, int *pRc){
static int fts3GobbleInt(const char **pp, int *pnOut){
const int MAX_NPREFIX = 10000000;
- const char *p; /* Iterator pointer */
int nInt = 0; /* Output value */
- for(p=*pp; p[0]>='0' && p[0]<='9'; p++){
- nInt = nInt * 10 + (p[0] - '0');
- if( nInt>MAX_NPREFIX ){
- nInt = 0;
- break;
- }
+ int nByte;
+ nByte = sqlite3Fts3ReadInt(*pp, &nInt);
+ if( nInt>MAX_NPREFIX ){
+ nInt = 0;
+ }
+ if( nByte==0 ){
+ return SQLITE_ERROR;
- if( p==*pp ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
*pnOut = nInt;
- *pp = p;
+ *pp += nByte;
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -163438,6 +167554,10 @@ static int fts3InitVtab(
fts3DatabasePageSize(&rc, p);
p->nNodeSize = p->nPgsz-35;
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)||defined(SQLITE_TEST)
+ p->nMergeCount = FTS3_MERGE_COUNT;
/* Declare the table schema to SQLite. */
fts3DeclareVtab(&rc, p);
@@ -163533,6 +167653,10 @@ static int fts3BestIndexMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info *pInfo){
int iDocidLe = -1; /* Index of docid<=x constraint, if present */
int iIdx;
+ if( p->bLock ){
+ return SQLITE_ERROR;
+ }
/* By default use a full table scan. This is an expensive option,
** so search through the constraints to see if a more efficient
** strategy is possible.
@@ -163731,7 +167855,11 @@ static int fts3CursorSeekStmt(Fts3Cursor *pCsr){
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT %s WHERE rowid = ?", p->zReadExprlist);
if( !zSql ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
- rc = sqlite3_prepare_v3(p->db, zSql,-1,SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT,&pCsr->pStmt,0);
+ p->bLock++;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v3(
+ p->db, zSql,-1,SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT,&pCsr->pStmt,0
+ );
+ p->bLock--;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) pCsr->bSeekStmt = 1;
@@ -163749,11 +167877,15 @@ static int fts3CursorSeek(sqlite3_context *pContext, Fts3Cursor *pCsr){
if( pCsr->isRequireSeek ){
rc = fts3CursorSeekStmt(pCsr);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ Fts3Table *pTab = (Fts3Table*)pCsr->base.pVtab;
+ pTab->bLock++;
sqlite3_bind_int64(pCsr->pStmt, 1, pCsr->iPrevId);
pCsr->isRequireSeek = 0;
if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pCsr->pStmt) ){
+ pTab->bLock--;
return SQLITE_OK;
+ pTab->bLock--;
rc = sqlite3_reset(pCsr->pStmt);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && ((Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab)->zContentTbl==0 ){
/* If no row was found and no error has occurred, then the %_content
@@ -163802,6 +167934,7 @@ static int fts3ScanInteriorNode(
i64 nAlloc = 0; /* Size of allocated buffer */
int isFirstTerm = 1; /* True when processing first term on page */
sqlite3_int64 iChild; /* Block id of child node to descend to */
+ int nBuffer = 0; /* Total term size */
/* Skip over the 'height' varint that occurs at the start of every
** interior node. Then load the blockid of the left-child of the b-tree
@@ -163826,12 +167959,15 @@ static int fts3ScanInteriorNode(
int cmp; /* memcmp() result */
int nSuffix; /* Size of term suffix */
int nPrefix = 0; /* Size of term prefix */
- int nBuffer; /* Total term size */
/* Load the next term on the node into zBuffer. Use realloc() to expand
** the size of zBuffer if required. */
if( !isFirstTerm ){
zCsr += fts3GetVarint32(zCsr, &nPrefix);
+ if( nPrefix>nBuffer ){
+ goto finish_scan;
+ }
isFirstTerm = 0;
zCsr += fts3GetVarint32(zCsr, &nSuffix);
@@ -163925,7 +168061,7 @@ static int fts3SelectLeaf(
fts3GetVarint32(zNode, &iHeight);
rc = fts3ScanInteriorNode(zTerm, nTerm, zNode, nNode, piLeaf, piLeaf2);
- assert( !piLeaf2 || !piLeaf || rc!=SQLITE_OK || (*piLeaf<=*piLeaf2) );
+ assert_fts3_nc( !piLeaf2 || !piLeaf || rc!=SQLITE_OK || (*piLeaf<=*piLeaf2) );
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && iHeight>1 ){
char *zBlob = 0; /* Blob read from %_segments table */
@@ -163945,7 +168081,13 @@ static int fts3SelectLeaf(
rc = sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(p, piLeaf?*piLeaf:*piLeaf2, &zBlob, &nBlob, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- rc = fts3SelectLeaf(p, zTerm, nTerm, zBlob, nBlob, piLeaf, piLeaf2);
+ int iNewHeight = 0;
+ fts3GetVarint32(zBlob, &iNewHeight);
+ if( iNewHeight>=iHeight ){
+ }else{
+ rc = fts3SelectLeaf(p, zTerm, nTerm, zBlob, nBlob, piLeaf, piLeaf2);
+ }
@@ -164079,7 +168221,9 @@ static void fts3ReadNextPos(
sqlite3_int64 *pi /* IN/OUT: Value read from position-list */
if( (**pp)&0xFE ){
- fts3GetDeltaVarint(pp, pi);
+ int iVal;
+ *pp += fts3GetVarint32((*pp), &iVal);
+ *pi += iVal;
*pi -= 2;
@@ -164400,12 +168544,12 @@ static void fts3GetDeltaVarint3(
if( *pp>=pEnd ){
*pp = 0;
- sqlite3_int64 iVal;
- *pp += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(*pp, &iVal);
+ u64 iVal;
+ *pp += sqlite3Fts3GetVarintU(*pp, &iVal);
if( bDescIdx ){
- *pVal -= iVal;
+ *pVal = (i64)((u64)*pVal - iVal);
- *pVal += iVal;
+ *pVal = (i64)((u64)*pVal + iVal);
@@ -164432,15 +168576,16 @@ static void fts3PutDeltaVarint3(
int *pbFirst, /* IN/OUT: True after first int written */
sqlite3_int64 iVal /* Write this value to the list */
- sqlite3_int64 iWrite;
+ sqlite3_uint64 iWrite;
if( bDescIdx==0 || *pbFirst==0 ){
- iWrite = iVal - *piPrev;
+ assert_fts3_nc( *pbFirst==0 || iVal>=*piPrev );
+ iWrite = (u64)iVal - (u64)*piPrev;
- iWrite = *piPrev - iVal;
+ assert_fts3_nc( *piPrev>=iVal );
+ iWrite = (u64)*piPrev - (u64)iVal;
assert( *pbFirst || *piPrev==0 );
assert_fts3_nc( *pbFirst==0 || iWrite>0 );
- assert( *pbFirst==0 || iWrite>=0 );
*pp += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(*pp, iWrite);
*piPrev = iVal;
*pbFirst = 1;
@@ -164456,7 +168601,8 @@ static void fts3PutDeltaVarint3(
** Using this makes it easier to write code that can merge doclists that are
** sorted in either ascending or descending order.
-#define DOCID_CMP(i1, i2) ((bDescDoclist?-1:1) * (i1-i2))
+/* #define DOCID_CMP(i1, i2) ((bDescDoclist?-1:1) * (i64)((u64)i1-i2)) */
+#define DOCID_CMP(i1, i2) ((bDescDoclist?-1:1) * (i1>i2?1:((i1==i2)?0:-1)))
** This function does an "OR" merge of two doclists (output contains all
@@ -164870,7 +169016,7 @@ static int fts3SegReaderCursor(
** Fts3SegReaderPending might segfault, as the data structures used by
** fts4aux are not completely populated. So it's easiest to filter these
** calls out here. */
- if( iLevel<0 && p->aIndex ){
+ if( iLevel<0 && p->aIndex && p->iPrevLangid==iLangid ){
Fts3SegReader *pSeg = 0;
rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(p, iIndex, zTerm, nTerm, isPrefix||isScan, &pSeg);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pSeg ){
@@ -165133,6 +169279,8 @@ static int fts3NextMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
int rc;
Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *)pCursor;
if( pCsr->eSearch==FTS3_DOCID_SEARCH || pCsr->eSearch==FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH ){
+ Fts3Table *pTab = (Fts3Table*)pCursor->pVtab;
+ pTab->bLock++;
if( SQLITE_ROW!=sqlite3_step(pCsr->pStmt) ){
pCsr->isEof = 1;
rc = sqlite3_reset(pCsr->pStmt);
@@ -165140,6 +169288,7 @@ static int fts3NextMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
pCsr->iPrevId = sqlite3_column_int64(pCsr->pStmt, 0);
+ pTab->bLock--;
rc = fts3EvalNext((Fts3Cursor *)pCursor);
@@ -165200,6 +169349,10 @@ static int fts3FilterMethod(
+ if( p->bLock ){
+ return SQLITE_ERROR;
+ }
eSearch = (idxNum & 0x0000FFFF);
assert( eSearch>=0 && eSearch<=(FTS3_FULLTEXT_SEARCH+p->nColumn) );
assert( p->pSegments==0 );
@@ -165271,7 +169424,11 @@ static int fts3FilterMethod(
if( zSql ){
- rc = sqlite3_prepare_v3(p->db,zSql,-1,SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT,&pCsr->pStmt,0);
+ p->bLock++;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v3(
+ p->db,zSql,-1,SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT,&pCsr->pStmt,0
+ );
+ p->bLock--;
@@ -166288,7 +170445,7 @@ static int fts3EvalPhraseStart(Fts3Cursor *pCsr, int bOptOk, Fts3Phrase *p){
int bIncrOk = (bOptOk
&& pCsr->bDesc==pTab->bDescIdx
&& p->nToken<=MAX_INCR_PHRASE_TOKENS && p->nToken>0
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST)
&& pTab->bNoIncrDoclist==0
@@ -166430,15 +170587,16 @@ static void fts3EvalDlPhraseNext(
u8 *pbEof
char *pIter; /* Used to iterate through aAll */
- char *pEnd = &pDL->aAll[pDL->nAll]; /* 1 byte past end of aAll */
+ char *pEnd; /* 1 byte past end of aAll */
if( pDL->pNextDocid ){
pIter = pDL->pNextDocid;
+ assert( pDL->aAll!=0 || pIter==0 );
pIter = pDL->aAll;
- if( pIter>=pEnd ){
+ if( pIter==0 || pIter>=(pEnd = pDL->aAll + pDL->nAll) ){
/* We have already reached the end of this doclist. EOF. */
*pbEof = 1;
@@ -166810,12 +170968,13 @@ static int fts3EvalAverageDocsize(Fts3Cursor *pCsr, int *pnPage){
rc = sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(p, &pStmt);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
a = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0);
- assert( a );
- pEnd = &a[sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 0)];
- a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nDoc);
- while( a