import $ from 'jquery'; import 'jquery.are-you-sure'; import {mqBinarySearch} from '../utils.js'; import createDropzone from './dropzone.js'; import {initCompColorPicker} from './comp/ColorPicker.js'; import {showGlobalErrorMessage} from '../bootstrap.js'; import {attachDropdownAria} from './aria.js'; const {appUrl, csrfToken} = window.config; export function initGlobalFormDirtyLeaveConfirm() { // Warn users that try to leave a page after entering data into a form. // Except on sign-in pages, and for forms marked as 'ignore-dirty'. if ($('.user.signin').length === 0) { $('form:not(.ignore-dirty)').areYouSure(); } } export function initHeadNavbarContentToggle() { const content = $('#navbar'); const toggle = $('#navbar-expand-toggle'); let isExpanded = false; toggle.on('click', () => { isExpanded = !isExpanded; if (isExpanded) { content.addClass('shown'); toggle.addClass('active'); } else { content.removeClass('shown'); toggle.removeClass('active'); } }); } export function initFootLanguageMenu() { function linkLanguageAction() { const $this = $(this); $.post($'url')).always(() => { window.location.reload(); }); } $('.language-menu a[lang]').on('click', linkLanguageAction); } export function initGlobalEnterQuickSubmit() { $(document).on('keydown', '.js-quick-submit', (e) => { if (((e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) || e.metaKey) && (e.key === 'Enter')) { handleGlobalEnterQuickSubmit(; return false; } }); } export function handleGlobalEnterQuickSubmit(target) { const $target = $(target); const $form = $(target).closest('form'); if ($form.length) { // here use the event to trigger the submit event (instead of calling `submit()` method directly) // otherwise the `areYouSure` handler won't be executed, then there will be an annoying "confirm to leave" dialog $form.trigger('submit'); } else { // if no form, then the editor is for an AJAX request, dispatch an event to the target, let the target's event handler to do the AJAX request. // the 'ce-' prefix means this is a CustomEvent $target.trigger('ce-quick-submit'); } } export function initGlobalButtonClickOnEnter() { $(document).on('keypress', '.ui.button', (e) => { if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) { // enter key or space bar $('click'); } }); } export function initPopup(target) { const $el = $(target); const attr = $el.attr('data-variation'); const attrs = attr ? attr.split(' ') : []; const variations = new Set([...attrs, 'inverted', 'tiny']); $el.attr('data-variation', [...variations].join(' ')).popup(); } export function initGlobalPopups() { $('.tooltip').each((_, el) => { initPopup(el); }); } export function initGlobalCommon() { // Show exact time $('.time-since').each(function () { $(this) .addClass('tooltip') .attr('data-content', $(this).attr('title')) .attr('title', ''); }); // Undo Safari emoji glitch fix at high enough zoom levels if (navigator.userAgent.match('Safari')) { $(window).resize(() => { const px = mqBinarySearch('width', 0, 4096, 1, 'px'); const em = mqBinarySearch('width', 0, 1024, 0.01, 'em'); if (em * 16 * 1.25 - px <= -1) { $('body').addClass('safari-above125'); } else { $('body').removeClass('safari-above125'); } }); } // Semantic UI modules. const $uiDropdowns = $('.ui.dropdown'); $uiDropdowns.filter(':not(.custom)').dropdown({ fullTextSearch: 'exact' }); $uiDropdowns.filter('.jump').dropdown({ action: 'hide', onShow() { $('.tooltip').popup('hide'); }, fullTextSearch: 'exact' }); $uiDropdowns.filter('.slide.up').dropdown({ transition: 'slide up', fullTextSearch: 'exact' }); $uiDropdowns.filter('.upward').dropdown({ direction: 'upward', fullTextSearch: 'exact' }); attachDropdownAria($uiDropdowns); $('.ui.checkbox').checkbox(); $(' .tooltip').popup({ onShow() { if ($(' .menu.transition').hasClass('visible')) { return false; } } }); $(' .item').tab(); $(' .item').tab(); $('.toggle.button').on('click', function () { $($(this).data('target')).slideToggle(100); }); // make table <tr> and <td> elements clickable like a link $('tr[data-href], td[data-href]').on('click', function (e) { const href = $(this).data('href'); if ( === 'A') { // if a user clicks on <a>, then the <tr> or <td> should not act as a link. return; } if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { // ctrl+click or meta+click opens a new window in modern browsers; } else { window.location = href; } }); // loading-button this logic used to prevent push one form more than one time $(document).on('click', '.button.loading-button', function (e) { const $btn = $(this); if ($btn.hasClass('loading')) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } $btn.addClass('loading disabled'); }); } export function initGlobalDropzone() { // Dropzone for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.dropzone')) { const $dropzone = $(el); const _promise = createDropzone(el, { url: $'upload-url'), headers: {'X-Csrf-Token': csrfToken}, maxFiles: $'max-file'), maxFilesize: $'max-size'), acceptedFiles: (['*/*', ''].includes($'accepts'))) ? null : $'accepts'), addRemoveLinks: true, dictDefaultMessage: $'default-message'), dictInvalidFileType: $'invalid-input-type'), dictFileTooBig: $'file-too-big'), dictRemoveFile: $'remove-file'), timeout: 0, thumbnailMethod: 'contain', thumbnailWidth: 480, thumbnailHeight: 480, init() { this.on('success', (file, data) => { file.uuid = data.uuid; const input = $(`<input id="${data.uuid}" name="files" type="hidden">`).val(data.uuid); $dropzone.find('.files').append(input); }); this.on('removedfile', (file) => { $(`#${file.uuid}`).remove(); if ($'remove-url')) { $.post($'remove-url'), { file: file.uuid, _csrf: csrfToken, }); } }); }, }); } } export function initGlobalLinkActions() { function showDeletePopup() { const $this = $(this); const dataArray = $; let filter = ''; if ($'modal-id')) { filter += `#${$'modal-id')}`; } const dialog = $(`.delete.modal${filter}`); dialog.find('.name').text($'name')); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(dataArray)) { if (key && key.startsWith('data')) { dialog.find(`.${key}`).text(value); } } dialog.modal({ closable: false, onApprove() { if ($'type') === 'form') { $($'form')).trigger('submit'); return; } const postData = { _csrf: csrfToken, }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(dataArray)) { if (key && key.startsWith('data')) { postData[key.slice(4)] = value; } if (key === 'id') { postData['id'] = value; } } $.post($'url'), postData).done((data) => { window.location.href = data.redirect; }); } }).modal('show'); return false; } function showAddAllPopup() { const $this = $(this); let filter = ''; if ($this.attr('id')) { filter += `#${$this.attr('id')}`; } const dialog = $(`.addall.modal${filter}`); dialog.find('.name').text($'name')); dialog.modal({ closable: false, onApprove() { if ($'type') === 'form') { $($'form')).trigger('submit'); return; } $.post($'url'), { _csrf: csrfToken, id: $'id') }).done((data) => { window.location.href = data.redirect; }); } }).modal('show'); return false; } function linkAction(e) { e.preventDefault(); const $this = $(this); const redirect = $'redirect'); $.post($'url'), { _csrf: csrfToken }).done((data) => { if (data.redirect) { window.location.href = data.redirect; } else if (redirect) { window.location.href = redirect; } else { window.location.reload(); } }); } // Helpers. $('.delete-button').on('click', showDeletePopup); $('.link-action').on('click', linkAction); // FIXME: this function is only used once, and not common, not well designed. should be refactored later $('.add-all-button').on('click', showAddAllPopup); // FIXME: this is only used once, and should be replace with `link-action` instead $('.undo-button').on('click', function () { const $this = $(this); $.post($'url'), { _csrf: csrfToken, id: $'id') }).done((data) => { window.location.href = data.redirect; }); }); } export function initGlobalButtons() { $('.show-panel.button').on('click', function () { $($(this).data('panel')).show(); }); $('.hide-panel.button').on('click', function (event) { // a `.hide-panel.button` can hide a panel, by `data-panel="selector"` or `data-panel-closest="selector"` event.preventDefault(); let sel = $(this).attr('data-panel'); if (sel) { $(sel).hide(); return; } sel = $(this).attr('data-panel-closest'); if (sel) { $(this).closest(sel).hide(); return; } // should never happen, otherwise there is a bug in code alert('Nothing to hide'); }); $('.show-modal').on('click', function () { const modalDiv = $($(this).attr('data-modal')); for (const attrib of this.attributes) { if (!'data-modal-')) { continue; } const id =; const target = modalDiv.find(`#${id}`); if ('input')) { target.val(attrib.value); } else { target.text(attrib.value); } } modalDiv.modal('show'); const colorPickers = $($(this).attr('data-modal')).find('.color-picker'); if (colorPickers.length > 0) { initCompColorPicker(); } }); $('.delete-post.button').on('click', function () { const $this = $(this); $.post($this.attr('data-request-url'), { _csrf: csrfToken }).done(() => { window.location.href = $this.attr('data-done-url'); }); }); } /** * Too many users set their ROOT_URL to wrong value, and it causes a lot of problems: * * Cross-origin API request without correct cookie * * Incorrect href in <a> * * ... * So we check whether current URL starts with AppUrl(ROOT_URL). * If they don't match, show a warning to users. */ export function checkAppUrl() { const curUrl = window.location.href; if (curUrl.startsWith(appUrl)) { return; } if (document.querySelector('.page-content.install')) { return; // no need to show the message on the installation page } showGlobalErrorMessage(`Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is ${appUrl} but you are visiting ${curUrl} You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.`); }