<script> import {Bar} from 'vue-chartjs'; import { Chart, Tooltip, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale, } from 'chart.js'; import {chartJsColors} from '../utils/color.js'; import {createApp} from 'vue'; Chart.defaults.color = chartJsColors.text; Chart.defaults.borderColor = chartJsColors.border; Chart.register( CategoryScale, LinearScale, BarElement, Tooltip, ); const sfc = { components: {Bar}, props: { locale: { type: Object, required: true, }, }, data: () => ({ colors: { barColor: 'green', }, // possible keys: // * avatar_link: (...) // * commits: (...) // * home_link: (...) // * login: (...) // * name: (...) activityTopAuthors: window.config.pageData.repoActivityTopAuthors || [], i18nCommitActivity: this, }), methods: { graphPoints() { return { datasets: [{ label: this.locale.commitActivity, data: this.activityTopAuthors.map((item) => item.commits), backgroundColor: this.colors.barColor, barThickness: 40, borderWidth: 0, tension: 0.3, }], labels: this.activityTopAuthors.map((item) => item.name), }; }, getOptions() { return { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, animation: true, scales: { x: { type: 'category', grid: { display: false, }, ticks: { color: 'transparent', // Disable drawing of labels on the x-axis. }, }, y: { ticks: { stepSize: 1, }, }, }, }; }, }, mounted() { const refStyle = window.getComputedStyle(this.$refs.style); this.colors.barColor = refStyle.backgroundColor; for (const item of this.activityTopAuthors) { const img = new Image(); img.src = item.avatar_link; item.avatar_img = img; } Chart.register({ id: 'image_label', afterDraw: (chart) => { const xAxis = chart.boxes[0]; const yAxis = chart.boxes[1]; for (const [index] of xAxis.ticks.entries()) { const x = xAxis.getPixelForTick(index); const img = this.activityTopAuthors[index].avatar_img; chart.ctx.save(); chart.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight, x - 10, yAxis.bottom + 10, 20, 20); chart.ctx.restore(); } }, beforeEvent: (chart, args) => { const event = args.event; if (event.type !== 'mousemove' && event.type !== 'click') return; const yAxis = chart.boxes[1]; if (event.y < yAxis.bottom + 10 || event.y > yAxis.bottom + 30) { chart.canvas.style.cursor = ''; return; } const xAxis = chart.boxes[0]; const pointIdx = xAxis.ticks.findIndex((_, index) => { const x = xAxis.getPixelForTick(index); return event.x >= x - 10 && event.x <= x + 10; }); if (pointIdx === -1) { chart.canvas.style.cursor = ''; return; } chart.canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (event.type === 'click' && this.activityTopAuthors[pointIdx].home_link) { window.location.href = this.activityTopAuthors[pointIdx].home_link; } }, }); }, }; export function initRepoActivityTopAuthorsChart() { const el = document.getElementById('repo-activity-top-authors-chart'); if (el) { createApp(sfc, { locale: { commitActivity: el.getAttribute('data-locale-commit-activity'), }, }).mount(el); } } export default sfc; // activate the IDE's Vue plugin </script> <template> <div> <div class="activity-bar-graph" ref="style" style="width: 0; height: 0;"/> <Bar height="150px" :data="graphPoints()" :options="getOptions()"/> </div> </template>