forked from kevadesu/forgejo
- This is in the spirit of #5090.
- Move to a fork of, It removes unused code (a lot of
adapters, that can't be used by Forgejo) and unused dependencies (see
go.sum). Also updates existing dependencies.
321 lines
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321 lines
9.5 KiB
// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package repository
import (
repo_model ""
user_model ""
api ""
const contributorStatsCacheKey = "GetContributorStats/%s/%s"
var (
ErrAwaitGeneration = errors.New("generation took longer than ")
awaitGenerationTime = time.Second * 5
generateLock = sync.Map{}
type WeekData struct {
Week int64 `json:"week"` // Starting day of the week as Unix timestamp
Additions int `json:"additions"` // Number of additions in that week
Deletions int `json:"deletions"` // Number of deletions in that week
Commits int `json:"commits"` // Number of commits in that week
// ContributorData represents statistical git commit count data
type ContributorData struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // Display name of the contributor
Login string `json:"login"` // Login name of the contributor in case it exists
AvatarLink string `json:"avatar_link"`
HomeLink string `json:"home_link"`
TotalCommits int64 `json:"total_commits"`
Weeks map[int64]*WeekData `json:"weeks"`
// ExtendedCommitStats contains information for commit stats with author data
type ExtendedCommitStats struct {
Author *api.CommitUser `json:"author"`
Stats *api.CommitStats `json:"stats"`
const layout = time.DateOnly
func findLastSundayBeforeDate(dateStr string) (string, error) {
date, err := time.Parse(layout, dateStr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
weekday := date.Weekday()
daysToSubtract := int(weekday) - int(time.Sunday)
if daysToSubtract < 0 {
daysToSubtract += 7
lastSunday := date.AddDate(0, 0, -daysToSubtract)
return lastSunday.Format(layout), nil
// GetContributorStats returns contributors stats for git commits for given revision or default branch
func GetContributorStats(ctx context.Context, cache cache.Cache, repo *repo_model.Repository, revision string) (map[string]*ContributorData, error) {
// as GetContributorStats is resource intensive we cache the result
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(contributorStatsCacheKey, repo.FullName(), revision)
if !cache.IsExist(cacheKey) {
genReady := make(chan struct{})
// dont start multiple async generations
_, run := generateLock.Load(cacheKey)
if run {
return nil, ErrAwaitGeneration
generateLock.Store(cacheKey, struct{}{})
// run generation async
go generateContributorStats(genReady, cache, cacheKey, repo, revision)
select {
case <-time.After(awaitGenerationTime):
return nil, ErrAwaitGeneration
case <-genReady:
// we got generation ready before timeout
// TODO: renew timeout of cache cache.UpdateTimeout(cacheKey, contributorStatsCacheTimeout)
switch v := cache.Get(cacheKey).(type) {
case error:
return nil, v
case string:
var cachedStats map[string]*ContributorData
return cachedStats, json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &cachedStats)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type in cache detected")
// getExtendedCommitStats return the list of *ExtendedCommitStats for the given revision
func getExtendedCommitStats(repo *git.Repository, revision string /*, limit int */) ([]*ExtendedCommitStats, error) {
baseCommit, err := repo.GetCommit(revision)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stdoutReader, stdoutWriter, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
_ = stdoutReader.Close()
_ = stdoutWriter.Close()
gitCmd := git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "log", "--shortstat", "--no-merges", "--pretty=format:---%n%aN%n%aE%n%as", "--reverse")
// AddOptionFormat("--max-count=%d", limit)
var extendedCommitStats []*ExtendedCommitStats
stderr := new(strings.Builder)
err = gitCmd.Run(&git.RunOpts{
Dir: repo.Path,
Stdout: stdoutWriter,
Stderr: stderr,
PipelineFunc: func(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc) error {
_ = stdoutWriter.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdoutReader)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if line != "---" {
authorName := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
authorEmail := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
date := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
stats := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if authorName == "" || authorEmail == "" || date == "" || stats == "" {
// FIXME: find a better way to parse the output so that we will handle this properly
log.Warn("Something is wrong with git log output, skipping...")
log.Warn("authorName: %s, authorEmail: %s, date: %s, stats: %s", authorName, authorEmail, date, stats)
// 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
fields := strings.Split(stats, ",")
commitStats := api.CommitStats{}
for _, field := range fields[1:] {
parts := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(field), " ")
value, contributionType := parts[0], parts[1]
amount, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
if strings.HasPrefix(contributionType, "insertion") {
commitStats.Additions = amount
} else {
commitStats.Deletions = amount
commitStats.Total = commitStats.Additions + commitStats.Deletions
scanner.Text() // empty line at the end
res := &ExtendedCommitStats{
Author: &api.CommitUser{
Identity: api.Identity{
Name: authorName,
Email: authorEmail,
Date: date,
Stats: &commitStats,
extendedCommitStats = append(extendedCommitStats, res)
_ = stdoutReader.Close()
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get ContributorsCommitStats for repository.\nError: %w\nStderr: %s", err, stderr)
return extendedCommitStats, nil
func generateContributorStats(genDone chan struct{}, cache cache.Cache, cacheKey string, repo *repo_model.Repository, revision string) {
ctx := graceful.GetManager().HammerContext()
gitRepo, closer, err := gitrepo.RepositoryFromContextOrOpen(ctx, repo)
if err != nil {
log.Error("OpenRepository[repo=%q]: %v", repo.FullName(), err)
defer closer.Close()
if len(revision) == 0 {
revision = repo.DefaultBranch
extendedCommitStats, err := getExtendedCommitStats(gitRepo, revision)
if err != nil {
log.Error("getExtendedCommitStats[repo=%q revision=%q]: %v", repo.FullName(), revision, err)
if len(extendedCommitStats) == 0 {
log.Error("No commit stats were returned [repo=%q revision=%q]", repo.FullName(), revision)
layout := time.DateOnly
unknownUserAvatarLink := user_model.NewGhostUser().AvatarLinkWithSize(ctx, 0)
contributorsCommitStats := make(map[string]*ContributorData)
contributorsCommitStats["total"] = &ContributorData{
Name: "Total",
Weeks: make(map[int64]*WeekData),
total := contributorsCommitStats["total"]
for _, v := range extendedCommitStats {
userEmail := v.Author.Email
if len(userEmail) == 0 {
u, _ := user_model.GetUserByEmail(ctx, userEmail)
if u != nil {
// update userEmail with user's primary email address so
// that different mail addresses will linked to same account
userEmail = u.GetEmail()
// duplicated logic
if _, ok := contributorsCommitStats[userEmail]; !ok {
if u == nil {
avatarLink := avatars.GenerateEmailAvatarFastLink(ctx, userEmail, 0)
if avatarLink == "" {
avatarLink = unknownUserAvatarLink
contributorsCommitStats[userEmail] = &ContributorData{
Name: v.Author.Name,
AvatarLink: avatarLink,
Weeks: make(map[int64]*WeekData),
} else {
contributorsCommitStats[userEmail] = &ContributorData{
Name: u.DisplayName(),
Login: u.LowerName,
AvatarLink: u.AvatarLinkWithSize(ctx, 0),
HomeLink: u.HomeLink(),
Weeks: make(map[int64]*WeekData),
// Update user statistics
user := contributorsCommitStats[userEmail]
startingOfWeek, _ := findLastSundayBeforeDate(v.Author.Date)
val, _ := time.Parse(layout, startingOfWeek)
week := val.UnixMilli()
if user.Weeks[week] == nil {
user.Weeks[week] = &WeekData{
Additions: 0,
Deletions: 0,
Commits: 0,
Week: week,
if total.Weeks[week] == nil {
total.Weeks[week] = &WeekData{
Additions: 0,
Deletions: 0,
Commits: 0,
Week: week,
user.Weeks[week].Additions += v.Stats.Additions
user.Weeks[week].Deletions += v.Stats.Deletions
// Update overall statistics
total.Weeks[week].Additions += v.Stats.Additions
total.Weeks[week].Deletions += v.Stats.Deletions
data, err := json.Marshal(contributorsCommitStats)
if err != nil {
log.Error("json.Marshal[repo=%q revision=%q]: %v", repo.FullName(), revision, err)
// Store the data as an string, to make it uniform what data type is returned
// from caches.
_ = cache.Put(cacheKey, string(data), setting.CacheService.TTLSeconds())
if genDone != nil {
genDone <- struct{}{}