Otto Richter a975b6ab94 tests(e2e): Explicitly generate screenshots
As per, the after hook runs for every test, resulting in duplicated screenshots.

Not all tests are supposed to generate screenshots, especially because they could be flaky (also see 206d4cfb7a ).
Additionally, the implicit behaviour might have caused confusion, so we now create screenshots explicitly, adding the statements from the tests that already generated screenshots.
2025-01-15 15:09:24 +01:00

41 lines
2 KiB

// @watch start
// templates/repo/wiki/**
// web_src/css/repo**
// @watch end
import {expect} from '@playwright/test';
import {save_visual, test} from './utils_e2e.ts';
for (const searchTerm of ['space', 'consectetur']) {
for (const width of [null, 2560, 4000]) {
test(`Search for '${searchTerm}' and test for no overflow ${width && `on ${width}-wide viewport` || ''}`, async ({page, viewport}, workerInfo) => {
test.skip( === 'Mobile Safari', 'Fails as always, see');
await page.setViewportSize({
width: width ?? viewport.width,
height: 1440, // We're testing that we fit horizontally - vertical scrolling is fine.
await page.goto('/user2/repo1/wiki');
await page.getByPlaceholder('Search wiki').fill(searchTerm);
await page.getByPlaceholder('Search wiki').click();
// workaround: HTMX listens on keyup events, playwright's fill only triggers the input event
// so we manually "type" the last letter
await page.getByPlaceholder('Search wiki').dispatchEvent('keyup');
// timeout is necessary because HTMX search could be slow
await expect(page.locator('#wiki-search a[href]')).toBeInViewport({ratio: 1});
await save_visual(page);
test(`Search results show titles (and not file names)`, async ({page}, workerInfo) => {
test.skip( === 'Mobile Safari', 'Fails as always, see');
await page.goto('/user2/repo1/wiki');
await page.getByPlaceholder('Search wiki').fill('spaces');
await page.getByPlaceholder('Search wiki').click();
// workaround: HTMX listens on keyup events, playwright's fill only triggers the input event
// so we manually "type" the last letter
await page.getByPlaceholder('Search wiki').dispatchEvent('keyup');
await expect(page.locator('#wiki-search a[href] b')).toHaveText('Page With Spaced Name');
await save_visual(page);