forked from kevadesu/forgejo
Goals: - speedup - less flakiness - best practices and more use - documentation config: - sync ports in Makefile and playwright config (otherwise, some tests fail locally because they assert the full URL including the (wrong) port) - even more generous timeouts - limit workers to one again (because I finally understand how Playwright works) - allow nested functions to group them together with the related test all: - deprecate waitForLoadState('networkidle') - it is discouraged as per - I could not find a usage that seems to require it actually (see added documentation in README) - adding an exception should be made explicitly - it does not do what you might expect anyway in most cases - only log in when necessary webauthn: - verify that login is possible after disabling key - otherwise, the cleanup was not necessary after the previous refactor to create a fresh user each issue-sidebar / WIP toggle: - split into smaller chunks - restore original state first - add missed assertion to fix race condition (not waiting before state was reached) - explicitly toggle the state to detect mismatch earlier issue-sidebar / labels: - restore original state first - better waiting for background request
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import {expect, test as baseTest, type Browser, type BrowserContextOptions, type APIRequestContext, type TestInfo, type Page} from '@playwright/test';
export const test = baseTest.extend({
context: async ({browser}, use) => {
return use(await test_context(browser));
async function test_context(browser: Browser, options?: BrowserContextOptions) {
const context = await browser.newContext(options);
context.on('page', (page) => {
page.on('pageerror', (err) => expect(err).toBeUndefined());
return context;
const ARTIFACTS_PATH = `tests/e2e/test-artifacts`;
const LOGIN_PASSWORD = 'password';
// log in user and store session info. This should generally be
// run in test.beforeAll(), then the session can be loaded in tests.
export async function login_user(browser: Browser, workerInfo: TestInfo, user: string) {
// Set up a new context
const context = await test_context(browser);
const page = await context.newPage();
// Route to login page
// Note: this could probably be done more quickly with a POST
const response = await page.goto('/user/login');
expect(response?.status()).toBe(200); // Status OK
// Fill out form
await page.type('input[name=user_name]', user);
await page.type('input[name=password]', LOGIN_PASSWORD);
await'form button.ui.primary.button:visible');
await page.waitForLoadState();
expect(page.url(), {message: `Failed to login user ${user}`}).toBe(`${workerInfo.project.use.baseURL}/`);
// Save state
await context.storageState({path: `${ARTIFACTS_PATH}/state-${user}-${workerInfo.workerIndex}.json`});
return context;
export async function load_logged_in_context(browser: Browser, workerInfo: TestInfo, user: string) {
let context;
try {
context = await test_context(browser, {storageState: `${ARTIFACTS_PATH}/state-${user}-${workerInfo.workerIndex}.json`});
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
throw new Error(`Could not find state for '${user}'. Did you call login_user(browser, workerInfo, '${user}') in test.beforeAll()?`);
return context;
export async function login({browser}: {browser: Browser}, workerInfo: TestInfo) {
const context = await load_logged_in_context(browser, workerInfo, 'user2');
return await context?.newPage();
export async function save_visual(page: Page) {
// Optionally include visual testing
if (process.env.VISUAL_TEST) {
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');
// Mock page/version string
await page.locator('footer div.ui.left').evaluate((node) => node.innerHTML = 'MOCK');
await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({
fullPage: true,
timeout: 20000,
mask: [
page.locator('.secondary-nav span>img.ui.avatar'),
page.locator('.ui.dropdown.jump.item span>img.ui.avatar'),
// Create a temporary user and login to that user and store session info.
// This should ideally run on a per test basis.
export async function create_temp_user(browser: Browser, workerInfo: TestInfo, request: APIRequestContext) {
const username = globalThis.crypto.randomUUID();
const newUser = await`/api/v1/admin/users`, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Basic ${btoa(`user1:${LOGIN_PASSWORD}`)}`,
data: {
email: `${username}@host.invalid`,
must_change_password: false,
return {context: await login_user(browser, workerInfo, username), username};