forked from kevadesu/forgejo
Backport #27141 by @silverwind Fixes This does the following for Monaco's EOL setting: 1. Use editorconfig setting if present 2. Use the file's dominant line ending as detected by monaco, which uses LF for empty file Co-authored-by: silverwind <>
206 lines
7.5 KiB
206 lines
7.5 KiB
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
import {basename, extname, isObject, isDarkTheme} from '../utils.js';
import {onInputDebounce} from '../utils/dom.js';
const languagesByFilename = {};
const languagesByExt = {};
const baseOptions = {
fontFamily: 'var(--fonts-monospace)',
fontSize: 14, //
guides: {bracketPairs: false, indentation: false},
links: false,
minimap: {enabled: false},
occurrencesHighlight: false,
overviewRulerLanes: 0,
renderLineHighlight: 'all',
renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus: true,
rulers: false,
scrollbar: {horizontalScrollbarSize: 6, verticalScrollbarSize: 6},
scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
automaticLayout: true,
function getEditorconfig(input) {
try {
return JSON.parse(input.getAttribute('data-editorconfig'));
} catch {
return null;
function initLanguages(monaco) {
for (const {filenames, extensions, id} of monaco.languages.getLanguages()) {
for (const filename of filenames || []) {
languagesByFilename[filename] = id;
for (const extension of extensions || []) {
languagesByExt[extension] = id;
function getLanguage(filename) {
return languagesByFilename[filename] || languagesByExt[extname(filename)] || 'plaintext';
function updateEditor(monaco, editor, filename, lineWrapExts) {
editor.updateOptions(getFileBasedOptions(filename, lineWrapExts));
const model = editor.getModel();
const language = model.getLanguageId();
const newLanguage = getLanguage(filename);
if (language !== newLanguage) monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(model, newLanguage);
// export editor for customization -
function exportEditor(editor) {
if (!window.codeEditors) window.codeEditors = [];
if (!window.codeEditors.includes(editor)) window.codeEditors.push(editor);
export async function createMonaco(textarea, filename, editorOpts) {
const monaco = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "monaco" */'monaco-editor');
let {language, eol, ...other} = editorOpts;
if (!language) language = getLanguage(filename);
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'monaco-editor-container';
// also, monaco can only parse 6-digit hex colors, so we convert the colors to that format
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
const getColor = (name) => tinycolor(styles.getPropertyValue(name).trim()).toString('hex6');
monaco.editor.defineTheme('gitea', {
base: isDarkTheme() ? 'vs-dark' : 'vs',
inherit: true,
rules: [
background: getColor('--color-code-bg'),
colors: {
'editor.background': getColor('--color-code-bg'),
'editor.foreground': getColor('--color-text'),
'editor.inactiveSelectionBackground': getColor('--color-primary-light-4'),
'editor.lineHighlightBackground': getColor('--color-editor-line-highlight'),
'editor.selectionBackground': getColor('--color-primary-light-3'),
'editor.selectionForeground': getColor('--color-primary-light-3'),
'editorLineNumber.background': getColor('--color-code-bg'),
'editorLineNumber.foreground': getColor('--color-secondary-dark-6'),
'editorWidget.background': getColor('--color-body'),
'editorWidget.border': getColor('--color-secondary'),
'input.background': getColor('--color-input-background'),
'input.border': getColor('--color-input-border'),
'input.foreground': getColor('--color-input-text'),
'scrollbar.shadow': getColor('--color-shadow'),
'progressBar.background': getColor('--color-primary'),
// Quick fix:
monaco.languages.register({id: 'vs.editor.nullLanguage'});
monaco.languages.setLanguageConfiguration('vs.editor.nullLanguage', {});
// We encode the initial value in JSON on the backend to prevent browsers from
// discarding the \r during HTML parsing:
const value = JSON.parse(textarea.getAttribute('data-initial-value') || '""');
textarea.value = value;
const editor = monaco.editor.create(container, {
theme: 'gitea',
const model = editor.getModel();
// Monaco performs auto-detection of dominant EOL in the file, biased towards LF for
// empty files. If there is an editorconfig value, override this detected value.
if (eol in monaco.editor.EndOfLineSequence) {
model.onDidChangeContent(() => {
textarea.value = editor.getValue();
textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // seems to be needed for jquery-are-you-sure
const loading = document.querySelector('.editor-loading');
if (loading) loading.remove();
return {monaco, editor};
function getFileBasedOptions(filename, lineWrapExts) {
return {
wordWrap: (lineWrapExts || []).includes(extname(filename)) ? 'on' : 'off',
function togglePreviewDisplay(previewable) {
const previewTab = document.querySelector('a[data-tab="preview"]');
if (!previewTab) return;
if (previewable) {
const newUrl = (previewTab.getAttribute('data-url') || '').replace(/(.*)\/.*/, `$1/markup`);
previewTab.setAttribute('data-url', newUrl);
| = '';
} else {
| = 'none';
// If the "preview" tab was active, user changes the filename to a non-previewable one,
// then the "preview" tab becomes inactive (hidden), so the "write" tab should become active
if (previewTab.classList.contains('active')) {
const writeTab = document.querySelector('a[data-tab="write"]');
export async function createCodeEditor(textarea, filenameInput) {
const filename = basename(filenameInput.value);
const previewableExts = new Set((textarea.getAttribute('data-previewable-extensions') || '').split(','));
const lineWrapExts = (textarea.getAttribute('data-line-wrap-extensions') || '').split(',');
const previewable = previewableExts.has(extname(filename));
const editorConfig = getEditorconfig(filenameInput);
const {monaco, editor} = await createMonaco(textarea, filename, {
...getFileBasedOptions(filenameInput.value, lineWrapExts),
filenameInput.addEventListener('input', onInputDebounce(() => {
const filename = filenameInput.value;
const previewable = previewableExts.has(extname(filename));
updateEditor(monaco, editor, filename, lineWrapExts);
return editor;
function getEditorConfigOptions(ec) {
if (!isObject(ec)) return {};
const opts = {};
opts.detectIndentation = !('indent_style' in ec) || !('indent_size' in ec);
if ('indent_size' in ec) opts.indentSize = Number(ec.indent_size);
if ('tab_width' in ec) opts.tabSize = Number(ec.tab_width) || opts.indentSize;
if ('max_line_length' in ec) opts.rulers = [Number(ec.max_line_length)];
opts.trimAutoWhitespace = ec.trim_trailing_whitespace === true;
opts.insertSpaces = ec.indent_style === 'space';
opts.useTabStops = ec.indent_style === 'tab';
opts.eol = ec.end_of_line?.toUpperCase();
return opts;