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Failing to do it would probably lead to issues. This should also work in Firefox based browsers like Mull (tested) and others.</p> <ul> <li>Open Firefox Browser -> Settings -> About Firefox -> tap 5 times in Firefox logo.</li> <li>Go back to Settings -> Account -> you should see a new option <code>Sync Debug</code>, tap on it.</li> <li>Select <code>Custom Sync server</code> and write there your endpoint. It should be https://ffsync.costmiku.space/1.0/sync/1.5.</li> <li>Exit Firefox completely, reopen and then follow the steps of "Connect a device" to your Firefox account.</li> <li>After a successful auth process the sync should start working.</li> </ul> <p>Configure Firefox on iOS</p> <p>Not tested.</p> <ul> <li>Open Firefox Browser -> Settings -> About Firefox -> tap on the field with Firefox and version number.</li> <li>Go back to Settings -> Account -> you should see a new option <code>Advanced Sync Settings</code>, tap on it.</li> <li>Toggle Use Custom Sync Token Server and write there your endpoint. It should be <code>https://ffsync.costmiku.space/</code>.</li> <li>You might also need to toggle the switch for custom FxA login server and set it to <code>https://accounts.firefox.com</code></li> <li>Exit Firefox completely, reopen and then follow the steps of "Connect a device" to your Firefox account.</li> <li>After a successful auth process the sync should start working.</li> </ul> </article><hr /> <nav id="post-nav"><a class="post-nav-item post-nav-prev" href="https://rootsource.cc/Articles/tylkolinux-installation/"> <div class="nav-arrow">Previous</div> <span class="post-title">TylkoLinux install guide (Delirium).</span> </a><a class="post-nav-item post-nav-next" href="https://rootsource.cc/Articles/duckquill2ametrine/"> <div class="nav-arrow">Next</div> <span class="post-title">Transition from Duckquill to Ametrine</span> </a></nav> </div> </main> <footer id="site-footer"> <div class="container"> <div><p id="site-footer-copyright">raiz1.noho.st owns this website </p> <p>Powered by <a class="link external" href="https://www.getzola.org" rel="">Zola</a> and <a class="link external" href="https://ametrine.daudix.one" rel="">Ametrine</a> </p> </div></div> </footer> <div id="search-modal"> <div id="search-modal-content"> <label for="search-input" class="visually-hidden">Search</label> <div> <input id="search-input" placeholder="Search for…" autocomplete="off" type="search"> <i class="ph-bold ph-keyboard" title="Press “/” to Open Search Bar"></i> </div> <div id="search-results" class="overshoot"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>