Transition from Duckquill to Ametrine
(daudix will have less work writing this fr)
Step 1: Getting Ametrine
First, you're going to navigate to the themes folder of your Zola installation. Example:
user@hostname:/# cd /var/www/zola/themes/
Don't clone as submodule
If Git is installed, you're going to clone Ametrine into the themes directory:
user@hostname:/var/www/zola/themes# git clone
cd ametrine
Clone as submodule (recommended!)
Or, if you use Submodules:
user@hostname:/var/www/zola/themes# git submodule init
user@hostname:/var/www/zola/themes# git submodule add ametrine
Step 2: Applying Ametrine
Next step is to change the config to use Ametrine instead of Duckquill
For this, go back to the root directory of the Zola installation:
user@hostname:/var/www/zola/themes# cd ..
user@hostname:/var/www/zola# ls
config.toml content public static templates themes zola
Editing the file manually
Open the file in your favourite editor:
user@hostname:/var/www/zola# micro config.toml
Find the line that says
theme = "duckquill"
and replace it with
theme = "ametrine"
Using sed
like a pro haxx0r
Feeling skid today? Use the following command to replace the line manually using sed:
user@hostname:/var/www/zola# sed -i 's/theme = \"duckquill\"/theme = \"ametrine\"/g' config.toml
Building and praying
Well, time to build!
user@hostname:/var/www/zola# ./zola build
Building site...
Checking all internal links with anchors.
> Successfully checked 0 internal link(s) with anchors.
-> Creating 3 pages (0 orphan) and 1 sections
Done in 341ms.
- Note: The zola command may either only be available in the site's directory, or as a widely-available command, depending on your installation method of Zola.
We have done it!
You have transitioned from Duckquill to Ametrine, and so did we, joining AeroNook (#1) and Mambuco (#2) in the transition, making us the third!
Ametrine is still experimental, but we are happy to see it grow so fast! Thank you Daudix for blessing us with this fr. Go check him out, he's a great and very talented person!
Thank you for reading!
Sincerely, RootsourceCC.