I FINISHED IT! Yes, I finished this project just for [High Seas](https://highseas.hackclub.com), that was deadass my only motivation. # TylkoLinux TylkoLinux, an LFS system ## Installation Working on the guide, at [RSCC](https://rootsource.cc/Articles/tylkolinux-installation/) ## To do - [ ] ~~Make a package manager~~ ~~*Nix will be used*~~ Nah fuck that we need an actual package manager - [X] Try to make system bootable - [X] Finish the project in the first place Maybe maybe maybe: - [ ] Invent an easier way to distribute the distro ## Contributing I don't know what else to type lol just open a PR when this project is done #### What would also help is to report any security vulnerability and/or bugs found on https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/errata/12.2-systemd/ in the Issues tab