#!/bin/bash echo "[i] Verifying if /dev/null is a device" if [ ! -c /dev/null ]; then echo "[!] /dev/null appears to NOT be a device! This issue will be repaired." rm -f /dev/null mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3 chown root:root /dev/null if [ ! -c /dev/null ]; then echo "[!] The issue could not be repaired. Manual intervention is required." /bin/sh fi echo "/dev/null has been fixed." fi chmod 755 /bin/bash chown root:root /bin/bash echo "Switched to Einrichter-in-chroot mode. Type eic.help for list of commands, exit to exit." function main() { read -p "einrichter/eic> " OPT $OPT main } function eic.help() { echo " eic.dirs.create - set up directories eic.essentials.create - set up essentials eic.essentials.install - install essential tools eic.clean - clean up environment eic.system.build - build the system eic.system.build.gcc - build GCC. this has been put in a separate function because building GCC alone takes 46 SBU. eic.system.build.continue - continue building the system after successfully building GCC eic.strip - removes unnecessary debug symbols eic.system.build.clean - clean up files after the build process eic.config.network.devicenaming - sets up network interface names eic.config.network.staticip - creates basic config for static ip eic.config.network.dhcp - sets up a basic IPv4 DHCP config eic.config.network.systemd.resolve - enables/disables systemd-resolved service eic.config.network.hostname - writes hostname to /etc/hostname eic.config.network.staticresolver - use static /etc/resolv.conf configuration after disabling systemd-resolved eic.config.time.createAdj - adjust /etc/adjtime to local time if hardware clock is set to that eic.config.time.clarifyUTC - tell systemd-timedated your hardware clock is set to UTC/Local Time eic.config.time.set - enter the time to set in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format eic.config.time.tz - set a timezone. use command 'timedatectl list-timezones' to get a list of all timezones eic.config.time.nts - switch systemd's Network Time Synchronisation on or off eic.config.console.preset - wipe /etc/vconsole.conf and simply write 'FONT=Lat2-Terminus16' to it eic.config.console.keymap - write default keymap to /etc/vconsole.conf eic.config.create.inputrc - creates the simple but necessary /etc/inputrc file eic.config.create.shells - creates the simple but necessary /etc/shells file eic.config.systemd.disableScreenClearing - decide whether systemd should clear the screen at the end of the boot sequence or not eic.config.systemd.limitCoreDumpSize <(Number)(G/M/K/B) - limits core dump size to value specified as argument eic.linux.install - the final boss: install the Linux kernel to the system. can take 0.4-32 SBUs (typically 2.5), MIGHT also be heavy eic.help - show this message " } function eic.dirs.create() { mkdir -pv /{boot,home,mnt,opt,srv} mkdir -pv /etc/{opt,sysconfig} mkdir -pv /lib/firmware mkdir -pv /media/{floppy,cdrom} mkdir -pv /usr/{,local/}{include,src} mkdir -pv /usr/lib/locale mkdir -pv /usr/local/{bin,lib,sbin} mkdir -pv /usr/{,local/}share/{color,dict,doc,info,locale,man} mkdir -pv /usr/{,local/}share/{misc,terminfo,zoneinfo} mkdir -pv /usr/{,local/}share/man/man{1..8} mkdir -pv /var/{cache,local,log,mail,opt,spool} mkdir -pv /var/lib/{color,misc,locate} ln -sfv /run /var/run ln -sfv /run/lock /var/lock install -dv -m 0750 /root install -dv -m 1777 /tmp /var/tmp } function eic.essentials.create() { ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh ln -sv /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab cat > /etc/hosts << EOF localhost $(hostname) ::1 localhost EOF cat > /etc/passwd << "EOF" root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/dev/null:/usr/bin/false daemon:x:6:6:Daemon User:/dev/null:/usr/bin/false messagebus:x:18:18:D-Bus Message Daemon User:/run/dbus:/usr/bin/false systemd-journal-gateway:x:73:73:systemd Journal Gateway:/:/usr/bin/false systemd-journal-remote:x:74:74:systemd Journal Remote:/:/usr/bin/false systemd-journal-upload:x:75:75:systemd Journal Upload:/:/usr/bin/false systemd-network:x:76:76:systemd Network Management:/:/usr/bin/false systemd-resolve:x:77:77:systemd Resolver:/:/usr/bin/false systemd-timesync:x:78:78:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/usr/bin/false systemd-coredump:x:79:79:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/bin/false uuidd:x:80:80:UUID Generation Daemon User:/dev/null:/usr/bin/false systemd-oom:x:81:81:systemd Out Of Memory Daemon:/:/usr/bin/false nobody:x:65534:65534:Unprivileged User:/dev/null:/usr/bin/false EOF cat > /etc/group << "EOF" root:x:0: bin:x:1:daemon sys:x:2: kmem:x:3: tape:x:4: tty:x:5: daemon:x:6: floppy:x:7: disk:x:8: lp:x:9: dialout:x:10: audio:x:11: video:x:12: utmp:x:13: cdrom:x:15: adm:x:16: messagebus:x:18: systemd-journal:x:23: input:x:24: mail:x:34: kvm:x:61: systemd-journal-gateway:x:73: systemd-journal-remote:x:74: systemd-journal-upload:x:75: systemd-network:x:76: systemd-resolve:x:77: systemd-timesync:x:78: systemd-coredump:x:79: uuidd:x:80: systemd-oom:x:81: wheel:x:97: users:x:999: nogroup:x:65534: EOF localedef -i C -f UTF-8 C.UTF-8 echo "tester:x:101:101::/home/tester:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd echo "tester:x:101:" >> /etc/group install -o tester -d /home/tester touch /var/log/{btmp,lastlog,faillog,wtmp} chgrp -v utmp /var/log/lastlog chmod -v 664 /var/log/lastlog chmod -v 600 /var/log/btmp } function eic.essentials.install() { pushd /sources/ || eic.error D404_SRC tar -xvf gettext*xz mv gettext-0.22.5 gettext pushd gettext/ ./configure --disable-shared make cp -v gettext-tools/src/{msgfmt,msgmerge,xgettext} /usr/bin popd tar -xvf bison*xz mv bison-3.8.2 bison pushd bison/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/bison-3.8.2 make make install popd tar -xvf perl*xz mv perl-5.40.0 perl pushd perl/ sh Configure -des \ -D prefix=/usr \ -D vendorprefix=/usr \ -D useshrplib \ -D privlib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/core_perl \ -D archlib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/core_perl \ -D sitelib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/site_perl \ -D sitearch=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/site_perl \ -D vendorlib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/vendor_perl \ -D vendorarch=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/vendor_perl make make install popd tar -xvf Python*xz mv Python-3.12.5 python pushd python/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-shared \ --without-ensurepip make make install popd tar -xvf texinfo*xz mv texinfo-7.1 texinfo pushd texinfo/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install popd tar -xvf util-linux*.xz mv util-linux-2.40.2 util-linux pushd util-linux/ mkdir -pv /var/lib/hwclock ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib \ --runstatedir=/run \ --disable-chfn-chsh \ --disable-login \ --disable-nologin \ --disable-su \ --disable-setpriv \ --disable-runuser \ --disable-pylibmount \ --disable-static \ --disable-liblastlog2 \ --without-python \ ADJTIME_PATH=/var/lib/hwclock/adjtime \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/util-linux-2.40.2 make make install popd popd } function eic.clean() { rm -rf /usr/share/{info,man,doc}/* find /usr/{lib,libexec} -name \*.la -delete rm -rf /tools } function eic.system.build() { pushd /sources tar -xvf man-pages-6.9.1.tar.xz mv man-pages-6.9.1.tar.xz man-pages pushd man-pages rm -v man3/crypt* make prefix=/usr install popd tar -xvf iana-etc-20240806.tar.gz pushd iana-etc-20240806 cp services protocols /etc popd pushd glibc/ patch -Np1 -i ../glibc-2.40-fhs-1.patch rm -r build mkdir -v build cd build echo "rootsbindir=/usr/sbin" > configparms ../configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-werror \ --enable-kernel=4.19 \ --enable-stack-protector=strong \ --disable-nscd \ libc_cv_slibdir=/usr/lib make make check echo "[!] Please read! There are cases where Glibc fails the test, and in SOME cases they may be safe to ignore! Please read the recent output to see if only two to three test failed. If io/tst-lchmod failed, that is normal. It is known to fail in the TylkoLinux live environment." echo "[i] Some tests, for example nss/tst-nss-files-hosts-multi and nptl/tst-thread-affinity\* are known to fail due to a timeout (especially when the system is relatively slow and/or running the test suite with multiple parallel make jobs). These tests can be identified with: $ grep \"Timed out\" \$(find -name \*.out) It is possible to re-run a single test with enlarged timeout with \"TIMEOUTFACTOR= make test t=\". For example, \"TIMEOUTFACTOR=10 make test t=nss/tst-nss-files-hosts-multi\" will re-run nss/tst-nss-files-hosts-multi with ten times the original timeout. Additionally, some tests may fail with a relatively old CPU model (for example elf/tst-cpu-features-cpuinfo) or host kernel version (for example stdlib/tst-arc4random-thread). " read -p "[i] To enter a shell and verify the test (or re-run), press enter now. " OPT echo "[i] Run \"exit\" to return to the installer when done." /bin/sh touch /etc/ld.so.conf sed '/test-installation/s@$(PERL)@echo not running@' -i ../Makefile make install sed '/RTLDLIST=/s@/usr@@g' -i /usr/bin/ldd localedef -i C -f UTF-8 C.UTF-8 localedef -i cs_CZ -f UTF-8 cs_CZ.UTF-8 localedef -i de_DE -f ISO-8859-1 de_DE localedef -i de_DE@euro -f ISO-8859-15 de_DE@euro localedef -i de_DE -f UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8 localedef -i el_GR -f ISO-8859-7 el_GR localedef -i en_GB -f ISO-8859-1 en_GB localedef -i en_GB -f UTF-8 en_GB.UTF-8 localedef -i en_HK -f ISO-8859-1 en_HK localedef -i en_PH -f ISO-8859-1 en_PH localedef -i en_US -f ISO-8859-1 en_US localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 localedef -i es_ES -f ISO-8859-15 es_ES@euro localedef -i es_MX -f ISO-8859-1 es_MX localedef -i fa_IR -f UTF-8 fa_IR localedef -i fr_FR -f ISO-8859-1 fr_FR localedef -i fr_FR@euro -f ISO-8859-15 fr_FR@euro localedef -i fr_FR -f UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 localedef -i is_IS -f ISO-8859-1 is_IS localedef -i is_IS -f UTF-8 is_IS.UTF-8 localedef -i it_IT -f ISO-8859-1 it_IT localedef -i it_IT -f ISO-8859-15 it_IT@euro localedef -i it_IT -f UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8 localedef -i ja_JP -f EUC-JP ja_JP localedef -i ja_JP -f SHIFT_JIS ja_JP.SJIS 2> /dev/null || true localedef -i ja_JP -f UTF-8 ja_JP.UTF-8 localedef -i nl_NL@euro -f ISO-8859-15 nl_NL@euro localedef -i ru_RU -f KOI8-R ru_RU.KOI8-R localedef -i ru_RU -f UTF-8 ru_RU.UTF-8 localedef -i se_NO -f UTF-8 se_NO.UTF-8 localedef -i ta_IN -f UTF-8 ta_IN.UTF-8 localedef -i tr_TR -f UTF-8 tr_TR.UTF-8 localedef -i zh_CN -f GB18030 zh_CN.GB18030 localedef -i zh_HK -f BIG5-HKSCS zh_HK.BIG5-HKSCS localedef -i zh_TW -f UTF-8 zh_TW.UTF-8 echo "[i] Add an additional locale you'd like to add by defining it in the shell below, using the localedef command. Exit when done." /bin/sh localedef -i C -f UTF-8 C.UTF-8 localedef -i ja_JP -f SHIFT_JIS ja_JP.SJIS 2> /dev/null || true cat > /etc/nsswitch.conf << "EOF" # Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf passwd: files systemd group: files systemd shadow: files systemd hosts: mymachines resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] files myhostname dns networks: files protocols: files services: files ethers: files rpc: files # End /etc/nsswitch.conf EOF tar -xvf ../../tzdata2024a.tar.gz ZONEINFO=/usr/share/zoneinfo mkdir -pv $ZONEINFO/{posix,right} for tz in etcetera southamerica northamerica europe africa antarctica \ asia australasia backward; do zic -L /dev/null -d $ZONEINFO ${tz} zic -L /dev/null -d $ZONEINFO/posix ${tz} zic -L leapseconds -d $ZONEINFO/right ${tz} done cp -v zone.tab zone1970.tab iso3166.tab $ZONEINFO zic -d $ZONEINFO -p America/New_York unset ZONEINFO eic.system.build.tz() { tzselect read -p "[i] Type the timezone that has been outputted: (with the slash) " TZ ln -sfv /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime || eic.system.build.tz } eic.system-build.tz cat > /etc/ld.so.conf << "EOF" # Begin /etc/ld.so.conf /usr/local/lib /opt/lib EOF cat >> /etc/ld.so.conf << "EOF" # Add an include directory include /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf EOF mkdir -pv /etc/ld.so.conf.d popd tar -xvf zlib-1.3.1.tar.gz mv zlib-1.3.1 zlib pushd zlib/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install rm -fv /usr/lib/libz.a popd tar -xvf bzip2-1.0.8.tar.gz mv bzip2-1.0.8 bzip2 pushd bzip2/ patch -Np1 -i ../bzip2-1.0.8-install_docs-1.patch sed -i 's@\(ln -s -f \)$(PREFIX)/bin/@\1@' Makefile sed -i "s@(PREFIX)/man@(PREFIX)/share/man@g" Makefile make -f Makefile-libbz2_so make clean make make PREFIX=/usr install cp -av libbz2.so.* /usr/lib ln -sv libbz2.so.1.0.8 /usr/lib/libbz2.so cp -v bzip2-shared /usr/bin/bzip2 for i in /usr/bin/{bzcat,bunzip2}; do ln -sfv bzip2 $i done rm -fv /usr/lib/libbz2.a popd pushd xz/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/xz-5.6.2 make make check make install popd tar -xvf lz4-1.10.0.tar.gz mv lz4-1.10.0 lz4 pushd lz4/ make BUILD_STATIC=no PREFIX=/usr make -j1 check make BUILD_STATIC=no PREFIX=/usr install popd tar -xvf zstd-1.5.6.tar.gz mv zstd-1.5.6 zstd pushd zstd/ make prefix=/usr make check make prefix=/usr install rm -v /usr/lib/libzstd.a popd pushd file/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install popd tar -xvf readline-8.2.13.tar.gz mv readline-8.2.13 readline pushd readline/ sed -i '/MV.*old/d' Makefile.in sed -i '/{OLDSUFF}/c:' support/shlib-install sed -i 's/-Wl,-rpath,[^ ]*//' support/shobj-conf ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --with-curses \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/readline-8.2.13 make SHLIB_LIBS="-lncursesw" make SHLIB_LIBS="-lncursesw" install install -v -m644 doc/*.{ps,pdf,html,dvi} /usr/share/doc/readline-8.2.13 popd pushd m4/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install popd tar -xvf bc-6.7.6.tar.xz mv bc-6.7.6 bc pushd bc/ CC=gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr -G -O3 -r make make test make install popd tar -xvf flex-2.6.4.tar.gz mv flex-2.6.4 flex pushd flex/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/flex-2.6.4 \ --disable-static make make check make install ln -sv flex /usr/bin/lex ln -sv flex.1 /usr/share/man/man1/lex.1 popd tar -xvf tcl8.6.14-src.tar.gz mv tcl8.6.14 tcl pushd tcl/ SRCDIR=$(pwd) cd unix ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --disable-rpath make sed -e "s|$SRCDIR/unix|/usr/lib|" \ -e "s|$SRCDIR|/usr/include|" \ -i tclConfig.sh sed -e "s|$SRCDIR/unix/pkgs/tdbc1.1.7|/usr/lib/tdbc1.1.7|" \ -e "s|$SRCDIR/pkgs/tdbc1.1.7/generic|/usr/include|" \ -e "s|$SRCDIR/pkgs/tdbc1.1.7/library|/usr/lib/tcl8.6|" \ -e "s|$SRCDIR/pkgs/tdbc1.1.7|/usr/include|" \ -i pkgs/tdbc1.1.7/tdbcConfig.sh sed -e "s|$SRCDIR/unix/pkgs/itcl4.2.4|/usr/lib/itcl4.2.4|" \ -e "s|$SRCDIR/pkgs/itcl4.2.4/generic|/usr/include|" \ -e "s|$SRCDIR/pkgs/itcl4.2.4|/usr/include|" \ -i pkgs/itcl4.2.4/itclConfig.sh unset SRCDIR make test make install chmod -v u+w /usr/lib/libtcl8.6.so make install-private-headers ln -sfv tclsh8.6 /usr/bin/tclsh mv /usr/share/man/man3/{Thread,Tcl_Thread}.3 cd .. tar -xf ../tcl8.6.14-html.tar.gz --strip-components=1 mkdir -v -p /usr/share/doc/tcl-8.6.14 cp -v -r ./html/* /usr/share/doc/tcl-8.6.14 popd tar -xvf expect5.45.4.tar.gz mv expect5.45.4 expect pushd expect/ eic.system.build.expect.intervention() { if [[ $(python3 -c 'from pty import spawn; spawn(["echo", "ok"])') != "ok" ]]; then echo "[i] PS: The error is caused by the chroot environment not being set up for proper PTY operation." read -p "[!] Answer unexpected. Continue, enter shell or quit? [c/s/q] " OPT case "$OPT" in c) echo "OK!" ;; s) /bin/sh eic.system.build.expect.intervention ;; q) exit 1 ;; *) echo "Invalid command!" eic.system.build.expect.intervention ;; esac fi } eic.system.build.expect.intervention patch -Np1 -i ../expect-5.45.4-gcc14-1.patch ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-tcl=/usr/lib \ --enable-shared \ --disable-rpath \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --with-tclinclude=/usr/include make make test make install ln -svf expect5.45.4/libexpect5.45.4.so /usr/lib popd tar -xvf dejagnu-1.6.3.tar.gz mv dejagnu-1.6.3 dejagnu pushd dejagnu/ mkdir -v build cd build ../configure --prefix=/usr makeinfo --html --no-split -o doc/dejagnu.html ../doc/dejagnu.texi makeinfo --plaintext -o doc/dejagnu.txt ../doc/dejagnu.texi make check make install install -v -dm755 /usr/share/doc/dejagnu-1.6.3 install -v -m644 doc/dejagnu.{html,txt} /usr/share/doc/dejagnu-1.6.3 popd tar -xvf pkgconf-2.3.0.tar.xz mv pkgconf-2.3.0 pkgconf pushd pkgconf/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/pkgconf-2.3.0 make make install ln -sv pkgconf /usr/bin/pkg-config ln -sv pkgconf.1 /usr/share/man/man1/pkg-config.1 popd pushd binutils/ rm -r build mkdir -v build cd build ../configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --enable-gold \ --enable-ld=default \ --enable-plugins \ --enable-shared \ --disable-werror \ --enable-64-bit-bfd \ --enable-new-dtags \ --with-system-zlib \ --enable-default-hash-style=gnu make tooldir=/usr make -k check grep '^FAIL:' $(find -name '*.log') make tooldir=/usr install rm -fv /usr/lib/lib{bfd,ctf,ctf-nobfd,gprofng,opcodes,sframe}.a popd tar -xvf gmp-6.3.0.tar.xz mv gmp-6.3.0 gmp pushd gmp/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-cxx \ --disable-static \ --host=none-linux-gnu \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/gmp-6.3.0 make make html make check 2>&1 | tee gmp-check-log GMP_CHECK=$(awk '/# PASS:/{total+=$3} ; END{print total}' gmp-check-log) eic.system.build.gmp.intervention() { if [ ! "$GMP_CHECK" -ge "199" ]; then echo "[i] PS: The check did not reach the minimum amount of passed tests required." read -p "[!] Answer unexpected. Continue, enter shell or quit? [c/s/q] " OPT case "$OPT" in c) echo "OK!" ;; s) /bin/sh eic.system.build.gmp.intervention ;; q) exit 1 ;; *) echo "Invalid command!" eic.system.build.gmp.intervention ;; esac fi } eic.system.build.gmp.intervention make install make install-html popd tar -xvf mpfr-4.2.1.tar.xz mv mpfr-4.2.1 mpfr pushd mpfr/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --enable-thread-safe \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/mpfr-4.2.1 make make html make check make install make install-html popd tar -xvf mpc-1.3.1.tar.gz mv mpc-1.3.1 mpc pushd mpc/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/mpc-1.3.1 make make html make check make install make install-html popd tar -xvf attr-2.5.2.tar.gz mv attr-2.5.2 attr pushd attr/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/attr-2.5.2 make make check make install popd tar -xvf acl-2.3.2.tar.xz mv acl-2.3.2 acl pushd acl/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/acl-2.3.2 make make install popd tar -xvf libcap-2.70.tar.xz mv libcap-2.70 libcap pushd libcap/ sed -i '/install -m.*STA/d' libcap/Makefile make prefix=/usr lib=lib make test make prefix=/usr lib=lib install popd tar -xvf libxcrypt-4.4.36.tar.xz mv libxcrypt-4.4.36 libxcrypt pushd libxcrypt/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-hashes=strong,glibc \ --enable-obsolete-api=no \ --disable-static \ --disable-failure-tokens make make check make install echo "[i] Reinstalling with ABIv1 features..." make distclean ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-hashes=strong,glibc \ --enable-obsolete-api=glibc \ --disable-static \ --disable-failure-tokens make cp -av --remove-destination .libs/libcrypt.so.1* /usr/lib popd tar -xvf shadow-4.16.0.tar.xz; mv shadow-4.16.0 shadow pushd shadow/ sed -i 's/groups$(EXEEXT) //' src/Makefile.in find man -name Makefile.in -exec sed -i 's/groups\.1 / /' {} \; find man -name Makefile.in -exec sed -i 's/getspnam\.3 / /' {} \; find man -name Makefile.in -exec sed -i 's/passwd\.5 / /' {} \; sed -e 's:#ENCRYPT_METHOD DES:ENCRYPT_METHOD YESCRYPT:' \ -e 's:/var/spool/mail:/var/mail:' \ -e '/PATH=/{s@/sbin:@@;s@/bin:@@}' \ -i etc/login.defs touch /usr/bin/passwd ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-static \ --with-{b,yes}crypt \ --without-libbsd \ --with-group-name-max-length=32 make make exec_prefix=/usr install make -C man install-man pwconv grpconv mkdir -p /etc/default useradd -D --gid 999 sed -i '/MAIL/s/yes/no/' /etc/default/useradd echo "[i] Set the new root password." passwd root popd popd } function eic.system.build.gcc() { pushd /sources/ pushd gcc/ case $(uname -m) in x86_64) sed -e '/m64=/s/lib64/lib/' \ -i.orig gcc/config/i386/t-linux64 ;; esac rm -rv build mkdir -v build cd build ../configure --prefix=/usr \ LD=ld \ --enable-languages=c,c++ \ --enable-default-pie \ --enable-default-ssp \ --enable-host-pie \ --disable-multilib \ --disable-bootstrap \ --disable-fixincludes \ --with-system-zlib make ulimit -s -H unlimited sed -e '/cpython/d' -i ../gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/plugin/plugin.exp sed -e 's/no-pic /&-no-pie /' -i ../gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr113689-1.c sed -e 's/300000/(1|300000)/' -i ../libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.c-c++-common/pr109062.c sed -e 's/{ target nonpic } //' \ -e '/GOTPCREL/d' -i ../gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/fentryname3.c eic.system.build.gcc.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit?" OPT case "$OPT" in R) chown -R tester . su tester -c "PATH=$PATH make -k check" ../contrib/test_summary > /eilogs/8.29-gcc-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.gcc.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.gcc.ask read -p "[i] Press enter to continue." ANY make install chown -v -R root:root \ /usr/lib/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/14.2.0/include{,-fixed} ln -svr /usr/bin/cpp /usr/lib ln -sv gcc.1 /usr/share/man/man1/cc.1 ln -sfv ../../libexec/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/14.2.0/liblto_plugin.so \ /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/ echo 'int main(){}' > dummy.c cc dummy.c -v -Wl,--verbose &> dummy.log readelf -l a.out | grep ': /lib' grep -E -o '/usr/lib.*/S?crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log || read -p "[!] The toolchain did not find the correct start files. Press enter to continue." ANY grep -B4 '^ /usr/include' dummy.log || read -p "[!] The toolchain did not find the correct header files. Press enter to continue." ANY grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log |sed 's|; |\n|g' || read -p "[!] The toolchain was unable to verify that the new linker is being used with the correct search paths. Press enter to continue." ANY grep "/lib.*/libc.so.6 " dummy.log || read -p "[!] The toolchain did not find the correct libc. Press enter to continue." ANY grep found dummy.log || read -p "[!] The toolchain did not find the correct dynamic linker. Press enter to continue." ANY rm -v dummy.c a.out dummy.log mkdir -pv /usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib mv -v /usr/lib/*gdb.py /usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib popd popd echo "[i] Finished building GCC" } function eic.system.build.continue() { pushd /sources/ pushd ncurses/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --with-shared \ --without-debug \ --without-normal \ --with-cxx-shared \ --enable-pc-files \ --with-pkg-config-libdir=/usr/lib/pkgconfig make make DESTDIR=$PWD/dest install install -vm755 dest/usr/lib/libncursesw.so.6.5 /usr/lib rm -v dest/usr/lib/libncursesw.so.6.5 sed -e 's/^#if.*XOPEN.*$/#if 1/' \ -i dest/usr/include/curses.h cp -av dest/* / for lib in ncurses form panel menu ; do ln -sfv lib${lib}w.so /usr/lib/lib${lib}.so ln -sfv ${lib}w.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/${lib}.pc done ln -sfv libncursesw.so /usr/lib/libcurses.so cp -v -R doc -T /usr/share/doc/ncurses-6.5 popd pushd sed/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make html chown -R tester . su tester -c "PATH=$PATH make check" make install install -d -m755 /usr/share/doc/sed-4.9 install -m644 doc/sed.html /usr/share/doc/sed-4.9 popd tar -xvf psmisc-23.7.tar.xz mv psmisc-23.7 psmisc pushd psmisc/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install popd pushd gettext/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/gettext-0.22.5 make eic.system.build.continue.gettext.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) make check > /eilogs/8.33-gettext-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.gettext.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.gettext.ask make install chmod -v 0755 /usr/lib/preloadable_libintl.so popd pushd bison/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/bison-3.8.2 make eic.system.build.continue.bison.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) make check > /eilogs/8.34-bison-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.bison.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.bison.ask make install popd pushd grep/ sed -i "s/echo/#echo/" src/egrep.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install popd pushd bash/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --without-bash-malloc \ --with-installed-readline \ bash_cv_strtold_broken=no \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/bash-5.2.32 make eic.system.build.continue.bash.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) chown -R tester . su -s /usr/bin/expect tester << "EOF" set timeout -1 spawn make tests expect eof lassign [wait] _ _ _ value exit $value EOF ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.bash.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.bash.ask make install popd tar -xvf libtool-2.4.7.tar.xz mv libtool-2.4.7 libtool pushd libtool/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make -k check > /eilogs/8.37-libtool-test.log make install rm -fv /usr/lib/libltdl.a popd tar -xvf gdbm-1.24.tar.gz; mv gdbm-1.24 gdbm pushd gdbm/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --enable-libgdbm-compat make make check make install popd tar -xvf gperf-3.1.tar.gz; mv gperf-3.1 gperf pushd gperf/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/gperf-3.1 make make -j1 check make install popd tar -xvf expat-2.6.2.tar.xz; mv expat-2.6.2 expat pushd expat/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/expat-2.6.2 make make check make install install -v -m644 doc/*.{html,css} /usr/share/doc/expat-2.6.2 popd inetutils-2.5.tar.xz; mv inetutils-2.5 inetutils pushd inetutils/ sed -i 's/def HAVE_TERMCAP_TGETENT/ 1/' telnet/telnet.c ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --localstatedir=/var \ --disable-logger \ --disable-whois \ --disable-rcp \ --disable-rexec \ --disable-rlogin \ --disable-rsh \ --disable-servers make make check make install mv -v /usr/{,s}bin/ifconfig popd tar -xvf less-661.tar.gz; mv less-661 less pushd less/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc make make check make install popd pushd perl/ export BUILD_ZLIB=False export BUILD_BZIP2=0 sh Configure -des \ -D prefix=/usr \ -D vendorprefix=/usr \ -D privlib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/core_perl \ -D archlib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/core_perl \ -D sitelib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/site_perl \ -D sitearch=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/site_perl \ -D vendorlib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/vendor_perl \ -D vendorarch=/usr/lib/perl5/5.40/vendor_perl \ -D man1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \ -D man3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \ -D pager="/usr/bin/less -isR" \ -D useshrplib \ -D usethreads make make install eic.system.build.continue.perl.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) TEST_JOBS=$(nproc) make test_harness > /eilogs/8.43-perl-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.perl.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.perl.ask make install unset BUILD_ZLIB BUILD_BZIP2 popd tar -xvf XML-Parser-2.47.tar.gz; mv XML-Parser-2.47 XML-Parser pushd XML-Parser/ perl Makefile.PL make make test make install popd tar -xvf intltool-0.51.0.tar.gz; mv intltool-0.51.0 intltool pushd intltool/ sed -i 's:\\\${:\\\$\\{:' intltool-update.in ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install install -v -Dm644 doc/I18N-HOWTO /usr/share/doc/intltool-0.51.0/I18N-HOWTO popd tar -xvf autoconf-2.72.tar.xz; tar -xvf automake-1.17.tar.xz; mv autoconf-2.72 autoconf; mv automake-1.17 automake pushd autoconf/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make eic.system.build.continue.autoconf.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) make check > /eilogs/8.46-autoconf-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.autoconf.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.autoconf.ask make install popd pushd automake/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/automake-1.17 make eic.system.build.continue.automake.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) make -j$(($(nproc)>4?$(nproc):4)) check > /eilogs/8.47-automake-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.automake.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.automake.ask make install popd tar -xvf openssl-3.3.1.tar.gz; mv openssl-3.3.1 openssl pushd openssl/ ./config --prefix=/usr \ --openssldir=/etc/ssl \ --libdir=lib \ shared \ zlib-dynamic make HARNESS_JOBS=$(nproc) make test > /eilogs/8.48-openssl-test.log sed -i '/INSTALL_LIBS/s/libcrypto.a libssl.a//' Makefile make MANSUFFIX=ssl install mv -v /usr/share/doc/openssl /usr/share/doc/openssl-3.3.1 cp -vfr doc/* /usr/share/doc/openssl-3.3.1 popd tar -xvf kmod-33.tar.xz; mv kmod-33 kmod pushd kmod ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --with-openssl \ --with-xz \ --with-zstd \ --with-zlib \ --disable-manpages make make install for target in depmod insmod modinfo modprobe rmmod; do ln -sfv ../bin/kmod /usr/sbin/$target rm -fv /usr/bin/$target done popd tar -xvf elfutils-0.191.tar.bz2; mv elfutils-0.191 elfutils pushd elfutils/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-debuginfod \ --enable-libdebuginfod=dummy make make check make -C libelf install install -vm644 config/libelf.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig rm /usr/lib/libelf.a popd tar -xvf libffi-3.4.6.tar.gz; mv libffi-3.4.6 libffi pushd libffi/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --with-gcc-arch=native make make check make install popd pushd python/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-shared \ --with-system-expat \ --enable-optimizations make eic.system.build.continue.python.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) make test TESTOPTS="--timeout 120" > /eilogs/8.52-python-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.python.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.python.ask make install cat > /etc/pip.conf << EOF [global] root-user-action = ignore disable-pip-version-check = true EOF install -v -dm755 /usr/share/doc/python-3.12.5/html tar --no-same-owner \ -xvf ../python-3.12.5-docs-html.tar.bz2 cp -R --no-preserve=mode python-3.12.5-docs-html/* \ /usr/share/doc/python-3.12.5/html popd tar -xvf flit_core-3.9.0.tar.gz; mv flit_core-3.9.0 flit_core pushd flit_core/ pip3 wheel -w dist --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --no-deps $PWD pip3 install --no-index --no-user --find-links dist flit_core popd tar -xvf wheel-0.44.0.tar.gz; mv wheel-0.44.0 wheel pushd wheel/ pip3 wheel -w dist --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --no-deps $PWD pip3 install --no-index --find-links=dist wheel popd tar -xvf setuptools-72.2.0.tar.gz; mv setuptools-72.2.0 setuptools pushd setuptools/ pip3 wheel -w dist --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --no-deps $PWD pip3 install --no-index --find-links dist setuptools popd tar -xvf ninja-1.12.1.tar.gz; mv ninja-1.12.1 ninja pushd ninja/ export NINJAJOBS=4 sed -i '/int Guess/a \ int j = 0;\ char* jobs = getenv( "NINJAJOBS" );\ if ( jobs != NULL ) j = atoi( jobs );\ if ( j > 0 ) return j;\ ' src/ninja.cc python3 configure.py --bootstrap install -vm755 ninja /usr/bin/ install -vDm644 misc/bash-completion /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ninja install -vDm644 misc/zsh-completion /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_ninja popd tar -xvf meson-1.5.1.tar.gz; mv meson-1.5.1 meson pushd meson/ pip3 wheel -w dist --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --no-deps $PWD pip3 install --no-index --find-links dist meson install -vDm644 data/shell-completions/bash/meson /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/meson install -vDm644 data/shell-completions/zsh/_meson /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_meson popd pushd coreutils/ patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-9.5-i18n-2.patch autoreconf -fiv FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-no-install-program=kill,uptime make make install mv -v /usr/bin/chroot /usr/sbin mv -v /usr/share/man/man1/chroot.1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8 sed -i 's/"1"/"8"/' /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8 popd tar -xvf check-0.15.2.tar.gz; mv check-0.15.2 check pushd check/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static make make docdir=/usr/share/doc/check-0.15.2 install popd pushd diffutils/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install popd pushd gawk/ sed -i 's/extras//' Makefile.in ./configure --prefix=/usr rm -f /usr/bin/gawk-5.3.0 make install ln -sv gawk.1 /usr/share/man/man1/awk.1 mkdir -pv /usr/share/doc/gawk-5.3.0 cp -v doc/{awkforai.txt,*.{eps,pdf,jpg}} /usr/share/doc/gawk-5.3.0 popd pushd findutils/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var/lib/locate make make install popd tar -xvf groff-1.23.0.tar.gz; mv groff-1.23.0 groff pushd groff/ PAGE=A4 ./configure --prefix=/usr # European standard make make install popd tar -xvf grub-2.12.tar.xz; mv grub-2.12 grub pushd grub/ unset {C,CPP,CXX,LD}FLAGS echo depends bli part_gpt > grub-core/extra_deps.lst ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-efiemu \ --disable-werror make make install mv -v /etc/bash_completion.d/grub /usr/share/bash-completion/completions popd pushd gzip/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install popd tar -xvf iproute2-6.10.0.tar.xz; mv iproute2-6.10.0 iproute2 pushd iproute/ sed -i /ARPD/d Makefile rm -fv man/man8/arpd.8 make NETNS_RUN_DIR=/run/netns make SBINDIR=/usr/sbin install mkdir -pv /usr/share/doc/iproute2-6.10.0 cp -v COPYING README* /usr/share/doc/iproute2-6.10.0 popd tar -xvf kbd-2.6.4.tar.xz; mv kbd-2.6.4 kbd pushd kbd/ patch -Np1 -i ../kbd-2.6.4-backspace-1.patch sed -i '/RESIZECONS_PROGS=/s/yes/no/' configure sed -i 's/resizecons.8 //' docs/man/man8/Makefile.in ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-vlock make make check make install cp -R -v docs/doc -T /usr/share/doc/kbd-2.6.4 popd tar -xvf libpipeline-1.5.7.tar.gz; mv libpipeline-1.5.7 libpipeline pushd libpipeline/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install popd pushd make/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make eic.system.build.continue.make.ask() { read -p "Pending step: Running test suite. Run, skip or quit? (~3 SBUs)" OPT case "$OPT" in R) chown -R tester . su tester -c "PATH=$PATH make check" > /eilogs/8.69-make-test.log ;; S) echo "Step skipped." ;; Q) exit ;; *) echo "Unknown command. Repeating questions." eic.system.build.continue.make.ask ;; esac } eic.system.build.continue.make.ask make install popd pushd patch/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install popd pushd tar/ FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 \ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install make -C doc install-html docdir=/usr/share/doc/tar-1.35 popd pushd texinfo/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make check make install make TEXMF=/usr/share/texmf install-tex popd tar -xvf nano-8.1.tar.xz; mv nano-8.1 nano pushd nano/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --enable-utf8 \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/nano-8.1 make make install install -v -m644 doc/{nano.html,sample.nanorc} /usr/share/doc/nano-8.1 popd tar -xvf MarkupSafe-2.1.5.tar.gz; mv MarkupSafe-2.1.5 MarkupSafe pushd MarkupSafe/ pip3 wheel -w dist --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --no-deps $PWD pip3 install --no-index --no-user --find-links dist Markupsafe popd tar -xvf jinja2-3.1.4.tar.gz; mv jinja2-3.1.4 jinja pushd jinja/ pip3 wheel -w dist --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --no-deps $PWD pip3 install --no-index --no-user --find-links dist Jinja2 popd tar -xvf systemd-256.4.tar.gz; mv systemd-256.4 systemd pushd systemd/ sed -i -e 's/GROUP="render"/GROUP="video"/' \ -e 's/GROUP="sgx", //' rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.in mkdir -p build cd build meson setup .. \ --prefix=/usr \ --buildtype=release \ -D default-dnssec=no \ -D firstboot=false \ -D install-tests=false \ -D ldconfig=false \ -D sysusers=false \ -D rpmmacrosdir=no \ -D homed=disabled \ -D userdb=false \ -D man=disabled \ -D mode=release \ -D pamconfdir=no \ -D dev-kvm-mode=0660 \ -D nobody-group=nogroup \ -D sysupdate=disabled \ -D ukify=disabled \ -D docdir=/usr/share/doc/systemd-256.4 ninja echo 'NAME="TylkoLinux"' > /etc/os-release ninja test ninja install tar -xf ../../systemd-man-pages-256.4.tar.xz \ --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 \ -C /usr/share/man systemd-machine-id-setup systemctl preset-all popd tar -xvf dbus-1.14.10.tar.xz; mv dbus-1.14.10 dbus pushd dbus/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var \ --runstatedir=/run \ --enable-user-session \ --disable-static \ --disable-doxygen-docs \ --disable-xml-docs \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/dbus-1.14.10 \ --with-system-socket=/run/dbus/system_bus_socket make make check make install ln -sfv /etc/machine-id /var/lib/dbus popd tar -xvf man-db-2.12.1.tar.xz; mv man-db-2.12.1 man-db pushd man-db/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/man-db-2.12.1 \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-setuid \ --enable-cache-owner=bin \ --with-browser=/usr/bin/lynx \ --with-vgrind=/usr/bin/vgrind \ --with-grap=/usr/bin/grap make make check make install popd tar -xvf procps-ng-4.0.4.tar.xz; mv procps-ng-4.0.4 procps-ng pushd procps-ng/ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/procps-ng-4.0.4 \ --disable-static \ --disable-kill \ --with-systemd make src_w_LDADD='$(LDADD) -lsystemd' chown -R tester . su tester -c "PATH=$PATH make check" make install popd pushd util-linux/ ./configure --bindir=/usr/bin \ --libdir=/usr/lib \ --runstatedir=/run \ --sbindir=/usr/sbin \ --disable-chfn-chsh \ --disable-login \ --disable-nologin \ --disable-su \ --disable-setpriv \ --disable-runuser \ --disable-pylibmount \ --disable-liblastlog2 \ --disable-static \ --without-python \ ADJTIME_PATH=/var/lib/hwclock/adjtime \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/util-linux-2.40.2 make make install popd tar -xvf e2fsprogs-1.47.1.tar.gz; mv e2fsprogs-1.47.1 e2fsprogs pushd e2fsprogs/ mkdir -v build cd build ../configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --enable-elf-shlibs \ --disable-libblkid \ --disable-libuuid \ --disable-uuidd \ --disable-fsck make make check make install rm -fv /usr/lib/{libcom_err,libe2p,libext2fs,libss}.a gunzip -v /usr/share/info/libext2fs.info.gz install-info --dir-file=/usr/share/info/dir /usr/share/info/libext2fs.info makeinfo -o doc/com_err.info ../lib/et/com_err.texinfo install -v -m644 doc/com_err.info /usr/share/info install-info --dir-file=/usr/share/info/dir /usr/share/info/com_err.info popd popd echo "[i] The system build has successfully finished." } function eic.strip() { save_usrlib="$(cd /usr/lib; ls ld-linux*[^g]) libc.so.6 libthread_db.so.1 libquadmath.so.0.0.0 libstdc++.so.6.0.33 libitm.so.1.0.0 libatomic.so.1.2.0" cd /usr/lib for LIB in $save_usrlib; do objcopy --only-keep-debug --compress-debug-sections=zlib $LIB $LIB.dbg cp $LIB /tmp/$LIB strip --strip-unneeded /tmp/$LIB objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$LIB.dbg /tmp/$LIB install -vm755 /tmp/$LIB /usr/lib rm /tmp/$LIB done online_usrbin="bash find strip" online_usrlib="libbfd-2.43.1.so libsframe.so.1.0.0 libhistory.so.8.2 libncursesw.so.6.5 libm.so.6 libreadline.so.8.2 libz.so.1.3.1 libzstd.so.1.5.6 $(cd /usr/lib; find libnss*.so* -type f)" for BIN in $online_usrbin; do cp /usr/bin/$BIN /tmp/$BIN strip --strip-unneeded /tmp/$BIN install -vm755 /tmp/$BIN /usr/bin rm /tmp/$BIN done for LIB in $online_usrlib; do cp /usr/lib/$LIB /tmp/$LIB strip --strip-unneeded /tmp/$LIB install -vm755 /tmp/$LIB /usr/lib rm /tmp/$LIB done for i in $(find /usr/lib -type f -name \*.so* ! -name \*dbg) \ $(find /usr/lib -type f -name \*.a) \ $(find /usr/{bin,sbin,libexec} -type f); do case "$online_usrbin $online_usrlib $save_usrlib" in *$(basename $i)* ) ;; * ) strip --strip-unneeded $i ;; esac done unset BIN LIB save_usrlib online_usrbin online_usrlib } function eic.system.build.clean() { rm -rfv /tmp/{*,.*} find /usr/lib /usr/libexec -name \*.la -delete find /usr -depth -name $(uname -m)-lfs-linux-gnu\* | xargs rm -rf userdel -r tester } function eic.config.network.devicenaming() { ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link read -p "[i] Enter MAC address of desired device: " OPT_MAC read -p "[i] Enter the desired name of your interface: " OPT_NET_INT echo -e "[Match] # Change the MAC address as appropriate for your network device MACAddress=${OPT_MAC} [Link] Name=${OPT_NET_INT}" > /etc/systemd/network/10-ether0.link } function eic.config.network.staticip() { read -p "[i] Enter the name of the configured interface: " OPT_NET_INT echo -e "[Match] Name=${OPT_NET_INT} [Network] Address= Gateway=" > /etc/systemd/network/10-eth-static.network echo "[?] Add DNS? If no, type N. If yes, type DNS address." read -p "> " OPT_NET_DNS case "$OPT_NET_DNS" in N|n|No|no|nO|NO) echo "[i] Skipped DNS addition." ;; *) echo -e "DNS=${OPT_NET_DNS}" >> /etc/systemd/network/10-eth-static.network ;; esac echo "[?] Add domain? If no, type N. If yes, type domain name." read -p "> " OPT_NET_DOMAIN case "$OPT_NET_DOMAIN" in N|n|No|no|nO|NO) echo "[i] Skipped domain addition." ;; *) echo -e "Domains=${OPT_NET_DOMAIN}" >> /etc/systemd/network/10-eth-static.network ;; esac } function eic.config.network.dhcp() { read -p "[i] Enter the name of the configured interface: " OPT_NET_INT echo -e " [Match] Name=${OPT_NET_INT} [Network] DHCP=ipv4 [DHCPv4] UseDomains=true" > /etc/systemd/network/10-eth-dhcp.network } function eic.config.network.systemd.resolve() { case "$@" in on|enable) echo "[i] Enabling systemd-resolved..." systemctl enable systemd-resolved ;; off|disable) echo "[i] Disabling systemd-resolved..." systemctl disable systemd-resolved ;; *) echo "[!] Unrecognised (or empty) argument." echo "[i] Syntax: eic.config.network.systemd.resolve (on/off/enable/disable)" ;; esac } function eic.config.network.staticresolver() { echo "[?] Add domain? If no, type N. If yes, type domain name." read -p "> " OPT_NET_DOMAIN case "$OPT_NET_DOMAIN" in N|n|No|no|nO|NO) echo "[i] Skipped domain addition." ;; *) echo -e "domain ${OPT_NET_DOMAIN}" >> /etc/resolv.conf ;; esac echo "[?] Add primary nameserver? If no, type N. If yes, type nameserver name." read -p "> " OPT_NET_NS1 case "$OPT_NET_NS1" in N|n|No|no|nO|NO) echo "[i] Skipped primary nameserver addition." ;; *) echo -e "nameserver ${OPT_NET_NS1}" >> /etc/resolv.conf ;; esac echo "[?] Add secondary nameserver? If no, type N. If yes, type nameserver name." read -p "> " OPT_NET_NS2 case "$OPT_NET_NS2" in N|n|No|no|nO|NO) echo "[i] Skipped secondary nameserver addition." ;; *) echo -e "nameserver ${OPT_NET_NS2}" >> /etc/resolv.conf ;; esac # echo -e " ## Begin /etc/resolv.conf # #domain ${OPT_NET_DOMAIN} #nameserver ${OPT_NET_NS1} #nameserver ${OPT_NET_NS2} ## End /etc/resolv.conf #" > /etc/resolv.conf } function eic.config.network.hostname() { echo "$@" > /etc/hostname } function eic.config.time.createAdj() { cat > /etc/adjtime << "EOF" 0.0 0 0.0 0 LOCAL EOF echo "[i] Adjusted /etc/adjtime according to LFS instructions." } function eic.config.time.clarifyUTC() { timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 } function eic.config.time.set() { read -p "[i] Enter year in 4 digits (no spaces): " YEAR read -p "[i] Enter month number in 2 digits (no spaces): " MONTH read -p "[i] Enter day number in 2 digits (no spaces): " DAY read -p "[i] Enter hour in 2 digits (no spaces) (24-hour format): " HOUR read -p "[i] Enter minute in 2 digits (no spaces): " MINUTE read -p "[i] Enter second in 2 digits (no spaces): " SECOND timedatectl set-time $YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY $HOUR:$MINUTE:$SECOND } function eic.config.time.tz() { timedatectl set-timezone "$@" } function eic.config.time.nts() { case "$@" in on|enable) echo "[i] Enabling Network Time Synchronisation..." systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd ;; off|disable) echo "[i] Disabling Network Time Synchronisation..." systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd ;; *) echo "[!] Unrecognised (or empty) argument." echo "[i] Syntax: eic.config.time.nts (on/off/enable/disable)" ;; esac } function eic.config.console.preset() { echo FONT=Lat2-Terminus16 > /etc/vconsole.conf } function eic.config.console.keymap() { echo "KEYMAP=$*" >> /etc/vconsole.conf } function eic.config.locale.set() { read -p "[i] Enter language code (for example de): " LANGUAGE read -p "[i] Enter country code (for example CH): " COUNTRY read -p "[i] Enter character map code (for example UTF-8): " CHARACTERMAP read -p "[i] Enter modifiers, leave empty if none (needs to start with @): " MODIFIERS echo -e "LANG=${LANGUAGE}_${COUNTRY}.${CHARACTERMAP}${MODIFIERS}" > /etc/locale.conf cat > /etc/profile << "EOF" # Begin /etc/profile for i in $(locale); do unset ${i%=*} done if [[ "$TERM" = linux ]]; then export LANG=C.UTF-8 else source /etc/locale.conf for i in $(locale); do key=${i%=*} if [[ -v $key ]]; then export $key fi done fi # End /etc/profile EOF } function eic.config.create.inputrc() { cat > /etc/inputrc << "EOF" # Begin /etc/inputrc # Modified by Chris Lynn # Allow the command prompt to wrap to the next line set horizontal-scroll-mode Off # Enable 8-bit input set meta-flag On set input-meta On # Turns off 8th bit stripping set convert-meta Off # Keep the 8th bit for display set output-meta On # none, visible or audible set bell-style none # All of the following map the escape sequence of the value # contained in the 1st argument to the readline specific functions "\eOd": backward-word "\eOc": forward-word # for linux console "\e[1~": beginning-of-line "\e[4~": end-of-line "\e[5~": beginning-of-history "\e[6~": end-of-history "\e[3~": delete-char "\e[2~": quoted-insert # for xterm "\eOH": beginning-of-line "\eOF": end-of-line # for Konsole "\e[H": beginning-of-line "\e[F": end-of-line # End /etc/inputrc EOF } function eic.config.create.shells() { cat > /etc/shells << "EOF" # Begin /etc/shells /bin/sh /bin/bash # End /etc/shells EOF } function eic.config.systemd.disableScreenClearing() { case "$@" in yes|YES|Yes) mkdir -pv /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d cat > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/noclear.conf << EOF [Service] TTYVTDisallocate=no EOF ;; no|NO|No) rm /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/noclear.conf ;; *) echo "[!] Unrecognised (or empty) argument." echo "[i] Syntax: eic.config.systemd.disableScreenClearing (yes/no)" ;; esac } function eic.config.systemd.limitCoreDumpSize() { mkdir -pv /etc/systemd/coredump.conf.d || echo "[i] Great, the directory already exists!" echo -e " [Coredump] MaxUse=$*" > /etc/systemd/coredump.conf.d/maxuse.conf } function eic.linux.install() { pushd /sources/linux/ read -p "[i] In this section, it is recommended to have the TylkoLinux build/installation guide open and ready. [ENTER]" make mrproper make menuconfig make make modules_install read -p "[i] Mount boot partition? : " OPT case $OPT in Y|y|Yes|yes|YES) mount /boot ;; *) echo "[i] Skipped mount." ;; esac cp -iv arch/x86/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-6.10.5-lfs-12.2-systemd cp -iv System.map /boot/System.map-6.10.5 cp -iv .config /boot/config-6.10.5 cp -r Documentation -T /usr/share/doc/linux-6.10.5 install -v -m755 -d /etc/modprobe.d cat > /etc/modprobe.d/usb.conf << "EOF" # Begin /etc/modprobe.d/usb.conf install ohci_hcd /sbin/modprobe ehci_hcd ; /sbin/modprobe -i ohci_hcd ; true install uhci_hcd /sbin/modprobe ehci_hcd ; /sbin/modprobe -i uhci_hcd ; true # End /etc/modprobe.d/usb.conf EOF popd } function eic.signoff() { echo 12.2-systemd-tylux > /etc/lfs-release cat > /etc/lsb-release << "EOF" DISTRIB_ID="TylkoLinux" DISTRIB_RELEASE="25.01" DISTRIB_CODENAME="snyx" DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="TylkoLinux Snyx" EOF cat > /etc/os-release << "EOF" NAME="TylkoLinux" VERSION="25.01" ID=tylux PRETTY_NAME="TylkoLinux 25.01 Snyx (LFS 12.2-systemd)" VERSION_CODENAME="snyx" HOME_URL="https://github.com/kevadesu/TylkoLinux" EOF } function eic.error() { echo "[i] The installer has encountered a critical error and needs to quit." case "$@" in D404_SRC) echo "[!] Directory /sources/ does NOT exist!" ;; *) echo "[!] We were unable to determine the error." ;; esac } main