From f03d95f0a9b76414347f340e6cfa107bcb37846d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sebastian-sauer <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 17:33:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Allow/fix review (approve/reject) of empty PRs (#25690)

gitea allows to create empty PRs.

Currently when you need approvals for a merge, you have to manually add
/files to the url to get to the files tab to approve / reject the PR.

This PR allows to open the files tab via the normal tab / link and then
fixes the layout of the files tab.







Co-authored-by: silverwind <>
Co-authored-by: Giteabot <>
 templates/repo/diff/box.tmpl       | 346 ++++++++++++++---------------
 templates/repo/pulls/tab_menu.tmpl |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/templates/repo/diff/box.tmpl b/templates/repo/diff/box.tmpl
index 8f570e5efc..d12042800d 100644
--- a/templates/repo/diff/box.tmpl
+++ b/templates/repo/diff/box.tmpl
@@ -1,20 +1,7 @@
-{{if .DiffNotAvailable}}
-	<div>
-		<div class="diff-detail-box diff-box sticky">
-			<div class="ui right">
-				{{template "repo/diff/whitespace_dropdown" .}}
-				{{template "repo/diff/options_dropdown" .}}
-				{{if and .PageIsPullFiles $.SignedUserID (not .IsArchived)}}
-					{{template "repo/diff/new_review" .}}
-				{{end}}
-			</div>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<h4>{{.locale.Tr "repo.diff.data_not_available"}}</h4>
-	<div>
-		<div class="diff-detail-box diff-box sticky gt-df gt-sb gt-ac gt-fw">
-			<div class="gt-df gt-ac gt-fw">
+	<div class="diff-detail-box diff-box sticky gt-df gt-sb gt-ac gt-fw">
+		<div class="gt-df gt-ac gt-fw">
+			{{if not .DiffNotAvailable}}
 				<button class="diff-toggle-file-tree-button gt-df gt-ac not-mobile" data-show-text="{{.locale.Tr "repo.diff.show_file_tree"}}" data-hide-text="{{.locale.Tr "repo.diff.hide_file_tree"}}">
 					{{/* the icon meaning is reversed here, "octicon-sidebar-collapse" means show the file tree */}}
 					{{svg "octicon-sidebar-collapse" 20 "icon gt-hidden"}}
@@ -31,23 +18,25 @@
 				<div class="diff-detail-stats gt-df gt-ac gt-fw">
 					{{svg "octicon-diff" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}{{.locale.Tr "repo.diff.stats_desc" .Diff.NumFiles .Diff.TotalAddition .Diff.TotalDeletion | Str2html}}
-			</div>
-			<div class="diff-detail-actions gt-df gt-ac gt-gap-2 gt-fw">
-				{{if and .PageIsPullFiles $.SignedUserID (not .IsArchived)}}
-					<div class="gt-df gt-ac gt-fc gt-whitespace-nowrap gt-mr-2">
-						<label for="viewed-files-summary" id="viewed-files-summary-label" data-text-changed-template="{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.viewed_files_label"}}">
-							{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.viewed_files_label" .Diff.NumViewedFiles .Diff.NumFiles}}
-						</label>
-						<progress id="viewed-files-summary" value="{{.Diff.NumViewedFiles}}" max="{{.Diff.NumFiles}}"></progress>
-					</div>
-				{{end}}
-				{{template "repo/diff/whitespace_dropdown" .}}
-				{{template "repo/diff/options_dropdown" .}}
-				{{if and .PageIsPullFiles $.SignedUserID (not .IsArchived)}}
-					{{template "repo/diff/new_review" .}}
-				{{end}}
-			</div>
+			{{end}}
+		<div class="diff-detail-actions gt-df gt-ac gt-gap-2 gt-fw">
+			{{if and .PageIsPullFiles $.SignedUserID (not .IsArchived) (not .DiffNotAvailable)}}
+				<div class="gt-df gt-ac gt-fc gt-whitespace-nowrap gt-mr-2">
+					<label for="viewed-files-summary" id="viewed-files-summary-label" data-text-changed-template="{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.viewed_files_label"}}">
+						{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.viewed_files_label" .Diff.NumViewedFiles .Diff.NumFiles}}
+					</label>
+					<progress id="viewed-files-summary" value="{{.Diff.NumViewedFiles}}" max="{{.Diff.NumFiles}}"></progress>
+				</div>
+			{{end}}
+			{{template "repo/diff/whitespace_dropdown" .}}
+			{{template "repo/diff/options_dropdown" .}}
+			{{if and .PageIsPullFiles $.SignedUserID (not .IsArchived)}}
+				{{template "repo/diff/new_review" .}}
+			{{end}}
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	{{if not .DiffNotAvailable}}
 		<script id="diff-data-script" type="module">
 			const diffDataFiles = [{{range $i, $file := .Diff.Files}}{Name:"{{$file.Name}}",NameHash:"{{$file.NameHash}}",Type:{{$file.Type}},IsBin:{{$file.IsBin}},Addition:{{$file.Addition}},Deletion:{{$file.Deletion}},IsViewed:{{$file.IsViewed}}},{{end}}];
 			const diffData = {
@@ -74,155 +63,160 @@
 			window.config.pageData.diffFileInfo = diffFileInfo;
 		<div id="diff-file-list"></div>
-		<div id="diff-container">
-				<div id="diff-file-tree" class="gt-hidden"></div>
-				<script>
-					if (diffTreeVisible) document.getElementById('diff-file-tree').classList.remove('gt-hidden');
-				</script>
-				<div id="diff-file-boxes" class="sixteen wide column">
-					{{range $i, $file := .Diff.Files}}
-						{{/*notice: the index of Diff.Files should not be used for element ID, because the index will be restarted from 0 when doing load-more for PRs with a lot of files*/}}
-						{{$blobBase := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.BeforeCommit $file.OldName}}
-						{{$blobHead := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.HeadCommit $file.Name}}
-						{{$isImage := or (call $.IsBlobAnImage $blobBase) (call $.IsBlobAnImage $blobHead)}}
-						{{$isCsv := (call $.IsCsvFile $file)}}
-						{{$showFileViewToggle := or $isImage (and (not $file.IsIncomplete) $isCsv)}}
-						{{$isExpandable := or (gt $file.Addition 0) (gt $file.Deletion 0) $file.IsBin}}
-						{{$isReviewFile := and $.IsSigned $.PageIsPullFiles (not $.IsArchived)}}
-						<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content {{TabSizeClass $.Editorconfig $file.Name}} gt-mt-3" id="diff-{{$file.NameHash}}" data-old-filename="{{$file.OldName}}" data-new-filename="{{$file.Name}}" {{if or ($file.ShouldBeHidden) (not $isExpandable)}}data-folded="true"{{end}}>
-							<h4 class="diff-file-header sticky-2nd-row ui top attached normal header gt-df gt-ac gt-sb gt-fw">
-								<div class="diff-file-name gt-df gt-ac gt-gap-2 gt-fw">
-									<button class="fold-file btn interact-bg gt-p-2{{if not $isExpandable}} gt-invisible{{end}}">
-										{{if $file.ShouldBeHidden}}
-											{{svg "octicon-chevron-right" 18}}
-										{{else}}
-											{{svg "octicon-chevron-down" 18}}
-										{{end}}
-									</button>
-									<div class="gt-font-semibold gt-df gt-ac gt-mono">
-										{{if $file.IsBin}}
-											<span class="gt-ml-1 gt-mr-3">
-												{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.bin"}}
-											</span>
-										{{else}}
-											{{template "repo/diff/stats" dict "file" . "root" $}}
-										{{end}}
-									</div>
-									<span class="file gt-mono"><a class="muted file-link" title="{{if $file.IsRenamed}}{{$file.OldName}} &rarr; {{end}}{{$file.Name}}" href="#diff-{{$file.NameHash}}">{{if $file.IsRenamed}}{{$file.OldName}} &rarr; {{end}}{{$file.Name}}</a>{{if .IsLFSFile}} ({{$.locale.Tr "repo.stored_lfs"}}){{end}}</span>
-									<button class="btn interact-fg gt-p-3" data-clipboard-text="{{$file.Name}}">{{svg "octicon-copy" 14}}</button>
-									{{if $file.IsGenerated}}
-										<span class="ui label">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.generated"}}</span>
-									{{end}}
-									{{if $file.IsVendored}}
-										<span class="ui label">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.vendored"}}</span>
-									{{end}}
-									{{if and $file.Mode $file.OldMode}}
-										<span class="gt-ml-4 gt-mono">{{$file.OldMode}} &rarr; {{$file.Mode}}</span>
-									{{else if $file.Mode}}
-										<span class="gt-ml-4 gt-mono">{{$file.Mode}}</span>
-									{{end}}
-								</div>
-								<div class="diff-file-header-actions gt-df gt-ac gt-gap-2 gt-fw">
-									{{if $showFileViewToggle}}
-										<div class="ui compact icon buttons">
-											<button class="ui tiny basic button file-view-toggle" data-toggle-selector="#diff-source-{{$file.NameHash}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.file_view_source"}}">{{svg "octicon-code"}}</button>
-											<button class="ui tiny basic button file-view-toggle active" data-toggle-selector="#diff-rendered-{{$file.NameHash}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.file_view_rendered"}}">{{svg "octicon-file"}}</button>
-										</div>
-									{{end}}
-									{{if $file.IsProtected}}
-										<span class="ui basic label">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.protected"}}</span>
-									{{end}}
-									{{if and $isReviewFile $file.HasChangedSinceLastReview}}
-										<span class="changed-since-last-review unselectable not-mobile">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.has_changed_since_last_review"}}</span>
-									{{end}}
-									{{if not (or $file.IsIncomplete $file.IsBin $file.IsSubmodule)}}
-										<button class="ui basic tiny button unescape-button not-mobile">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.unescape_control_characters"}}</button>
-										<button class="ui basic tiny button escape-button gt-hidden">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.escape_control_characters"}}</button>
-									{{end}}
-									{{if and (not $file.IsSubmodule) (not $.PageIsWiki)}}
-										{{if $file.IsDeleted}}
-											<a class="ui basic tiny button" rel="nofollow" href="{{$.BeforeSourcePath}}/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.view_file"}}</a>
-										{{else}}
-											<a class="ui basic tiny button" rel="nofollow" href="{{$.SourcePath}}/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.view_file"}}</a>
-										{{end}}
-									{{end}}
-									{{if $isReviewFile}}
-										<label data-link="{{$.Issue.Link}}/viewed-files" data-headcommit="{{$.AfterCommitID}}" class="viewed-file-form unselectable{{if $file.IsViewed}} viewed-file-checked-form{{end}}">
-											<input type="checkbox" name="{{$file.GetDiffFileName}}" autocomplete="off"{{if $file.IsViewed}} checked{{end}}> {{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.has_viewed_file"}}
-										</label>
-									{{end}}
-								</div>
-							</h4>
-							<div class="diff-file-body ui attached unstackable table segment" {{if $file.IsViewed}}data-folded="true"{{end}}>
-								<div id="diff-source-{{$file.NameHash}}" class="file-body file-code unicode-escaped code-diff{{if $.IsSplitStyle}} code-diff-split{{else}} code-diff-unified{{end}}{{if $showFileViewToggle}} gt-hidden{{end}}">
-									{{if or $file.IsIncomplete $file.IsBin}}
-										<div class="diff-file-body binary" style="padding: 5px 10px;">
-											{{if $file.IsIncomplete}}
-												{{if $file.IsIncompleteLineTooLong}}
-													{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.file_suppressed_line_too_long"}}
-												{{else}}
-													{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.file_suppressed"}}
-													<a class="ui basic tiny button diff-load-button" data-href="{{$.Link}}?file-only=true&files={{$file.Name}}&files={{$file.OldName}}">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.load"}}</a>
-												{{end}}
-											{{else}}
-												{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.bin_not_shown"}}
-											{{end}}
-										</div>
+	{{end}}
+	<div id="diff-container">
+		{{if .DiffNotAvailable}}
+			<h4>{{.locale.Tr "repo.diff.data_not_available"}}</h4>
+		{{else}}
+			<div id="diff-file-tree" class="gt-hidden"></div>
+			<script>
+				if (diffTreeVisible) document.getElementById('diff-file-tree').classList.remove('gt-hidden');
+			</script>
+			<div id="diff-file-boxes" class="sixteen wide column">
+				{{range $i, $file := .Diff.Files}}
+					{{/*notice: the index of Diff.Files should not be used for element ID, because the index will be restarted from 0 when doing load-more for PRs with a lot of files*/}}
+					{{$blobBase := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.BeforeCommit $file.OldName}}
+					{{$blobHead := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.HeadCommit $file.Name}}
+					{{$isImage := or (call $.IsBlobAnImage $blobBase) (call $.IsBlobAnImage $blobHead)}}
+					{{$isCsv := (call $.IsCsvFile $file)}}
+					{{$showFileViewToggle := or $isImage (and (not $file.IsIncomplete) $isCsv)}}
+					{{$isExpandable := or (gt $file.Addition 0) (gt $file.Deletion 0) $file.IsBin}}
+					{{$isReviewFile := and $.IsSigned $.PageIsPullFiles (not $.IsArchived)}}
+					<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content {{TabSizeClass $.Editorconfig $file.Name}} gt-mt-3" id="diff-{{$file.NameHash}}" data-old-filename="{{$file.OldName}}" data-new-filename="{{$file.Name}}" {{if or ($file.ShouldBeHidden) (not $isExpandable)}}data-folded="true"{{end}}>
+						<h4 class="diff-file-header sticky-2nd-row ui top attached normal header gt-df gt-ac gt-sb gt-fw">
+							<div class="diff-file-name gt-df gt-ac gt-gap-2 gt-fw">
+								<button class="fold-file btn interact-bg gt-p-2{{if not $isExpandable}} gt-invisible{{end}}">
+									{{if $file.ShouldBeHidden}}
+										{{svg "octicon-chevron-right" 18}}
-										<table class="chroma" data-new-comment-url="{{$.Issue.Link}}/files/reviews/new_comment" data-path="{{$file.Name}}">
-											{{if $.IsSplitStyle}}
-												{{template "repo/diff/section_split" dict "file" . "root" $}}
-											{{else}}
-												{{template "repo/diff/section_unified" dict "file" . "root" $}}
-											{{end}}
-										</table>
+										{{svg "octicon-chevron-down" 18}}
+									{{end}}
+								</button>
+								<div class="gt-font-semibold gt-df gt-ac gt-mono">
+									{{if $file.IsBin}}
+										<span class="gt-ml-1 gt-mr-3">
+											{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.bin"}}
+										</span>
+									{{else}}
+										{{template "repo/diff/stats" dict "file" . "root" $}}
-								{{if $showFileViewToggle}}
-									{{/* for image or CSV, it can have a horizontal scroll bar, there won't be review comment context menu (position absolute) which would be clipped by "overflow" */}}
-									<div id="diff-rendered-{{$file.NameHash}}" class="file-body file-code {{if $.IsSplitStyle}}code-diff-split{{else}}code-diff-unified{{end}} gt-overflow-x-scroll">
-										<table class="chroma gt-w-100">
-											{{if $isImage}}
-												{{template "repo/diff/image_diff" dict "file" . "root" $ "blobBase" $blobBase "blobHead" $blobHead}}
-											{{else}}
-												{{template "repo/diff/csv_diff" dict "file" . "root" $ "blobBase" $blobBase "blobHead" $blobHead}}
-											{{end}}
-										</table>
-									</div>
+								<span class="file gt-mono"><a class="muted file-link" title="{{if $file.IsRenamed}}{{$file.OldName}} &rarr; {{end}}{{$file.Name}}" href="#diff-{{$file.NameHash}}">{{if $file.IsRenamed}}{{$file.OldName}} &rarr; {{end}}{{$file.Name}}</a>{{if .IsLFSFile}} ({{$.locale.Tr "repo.stored_lfs"}}){{end}}</span>
+								<button class="btn interact-fg gt-p-3" data-clipboard-text="{{$file.Name}}">{{svg "octicon-copy" 14}}</button>
+								{{if $file.IsGenerated}}
+									<span class="ui label">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.generated"}}</span>
+								{{end}}
+								{{if $file.IsVendored}}
+									<span class="ui label">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.vendored"}}</span>
+								{{end}}
+								{{if and $file.Mode $file.OldMode}}
+									<span class="gt-ml-4 gt-mono">{{$file.OldMode}} &rarr; {{$file.Mode}}</span>
+								{{else if $file.Mode}}
+									<span class="gt-ml-4 gt-mono">{{$file.Mode}}</span>
+							<div class="diff-file-header-actions gt-df gt-ac gt-gap-2 gt-fw">
+								{{if $showFileViewToggle}}
+									<div class="ui compact icon buttons">
+										<button class="ui tiny basic button file-view-toggle" data-toggle-selector="#diff-source-{{$file.NameHash}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.file_view_source"}}">{{svg "octicon-code"}}</button>
+										<button class="ui tiny basic button file-view-toggle active" data-toggle-selector="#diff-rendered-{{$file.NameHash}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.file_view_rendered"}}">{{svg "octicon-file"}}</button>
+									</div>
+								{{end}}
+								{{if $file.IsProtected}}
+									<span class="ui basic label">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.protected"}}</span>
+								{{end}}
+								{{if and $isReviewFile $file.HasChangedSinceLastReview}}
+									<span class="changed-since-last-review unselectable not-mobile">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.has_changed_since_last_review"}}</span>
+								{{end}}
+								{{if not (or $file.IsIncomplete $file.IsBin $file.IsSubmodule)}}
+									<button class="ui basic tiny button unescape-button not-mobile">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.unescape_control_characters"}}</button>
+									<button class="ui basic tiny button escape-button gt-hidden">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.escape_control_characters"}}</button>
+								{{end}}
+								{{if and (not $file.IsSubmodule) (not $.PageIsWiki)}}
+									{{if $file.IsDeleted}}
+										<a class="ui basic tiny button" rel="nofollow" href="{{$.BeforeSourcePath}}/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.view_file"}}</a>
+									{{else}}
+										<a class="ui basic tiny button" rel="nofollow" href="{{$.SourcePath}}/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.view_file"}}</a>
+									{{end}}
+								{{end}}
+								{{if $isReviewFile}}
+									<label data-link="{{$.Issue.Link}}/viewed-files" data-headcommit="{{$.AfterCommitID}}" class="viewed-file-form unselectable{{if $file.IsViewed}} viewed-file-checked-form{{end}}">
+										<input type="checkbox" name="{{$file.GetDiffFileName}}" autocomplete="off"{{if $file.IsViewed}} checked{{end}}> {{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.has_viewed_file"}}
+									</label>
+								{{end}}
+							</div>
+						</h4>
+						<div class="diff-file-body ui attached unstackable table segment" {{if $file.IsViewed}}data-folded="true"{{end}}>
+							<div id="diff-source-{{$file.NameHash}}" class="file-body file-code unicode-escaped code-diff{{if $.IsSplitStyle}} code-diff-split{{else}} code-diff-unified{{end}}{{if $showFileViewToggle}} gt-hidden{{end}}">
+								{{if or $file.IsIncomplete $file.IsBin}}
+									<div class="diff-file-body binary" style="padding: 5px 10px;">
+										{{if $file.IsIncomplete}}
+											{{if $file.IsIncompleteLineTooLong}}
+												{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.file_suppressed_line_too_long"}}
+											{{else}}
+												{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.file_suppressed"}}
+												<a class="ui basic tiny button diff-load-button" data-href="{{$.Link}}?file-only=true&files={{$file.Name}}&files={{$file.OldName}}">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.load"}}</a>
+											{{end}}
+										{{else}}
+											{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.bin_not_shown"}}
+										{{end}}
+									</div>
+								{{else}}
+									<table class="chroma" data-new-comment-url="{{$.Issue.Link}}/files/reviews/new_comment" data-path="{{$file.Name}}">
+										{{if $.IsSplitStyle}}
+											{{template "repo/diff/section_split" dict "file" . "root" $}}
+										{{else}}
+											{{template "repo/diff/section_unified" dict "file" . "root" $}}
+										{{end}}
+									</table>
+								{{end}}
+							</div>
+							{{if $showFileViewToggle}}
+								{{/* for image or CSV, it can have a horizontal scroll bar, there won't be review comment context menu (position absolute) which would be clipped by "overflow" */}}
+								<div id="diff-rendered-{{$file.NameHash}}" class="file-body file-code {{if $.IsSplitStyle}}code-diff-split{{else}}code-diff-unified{{end}} gt-overflow-x-scroll">
+									<table class="chroma gt-w-100">
+										{{if $isImage}}
+											{{template "repo/diff/image_diff" dict "file" . "root" $ "blobBase" $blobBase "blobHead" $blobHead}}
+										{{else}}
+											{{template "repo/diff/csv_diff" dict "file" . "root" $ "blobBase" $blobBase "blobHead" $blobHead}}
+										{{end}}
+									</table>
+								</div>
+							{{end}}
-					{{end}}
-					{{if .Diff.IsIncomplete}}
-						<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content gt-mt-3" id="diff-incomplete">
-							<h4 class="ui top attached normal header gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
-								{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.too_many_files"}}
-								<a class="ui basic tiny button" id="diff-show-more-files" data-href="{{$.Link}}?skip-to={{.Diff.End}}&file-only=true">{{.locale.Tr "repo.diff.show_more"}}</a>
-							</h4>
-						</div>
-					{{end}}
-				</div>
-		</div>
-		{{if not $.Repository.IsArchived}}
-			<template id="issue-comment-editor-template">
-				<div class="ui comment form">
-					{{template "shared/combomarkdowneditor" (dict
-						"locale" $.locale
-						"MarkdownPreviewUrl" (print $.Repository.Link "/markup")
-						"MarkdownPreviewContext" $.RepoLink
-						"TextareaName" "content"
-						"DropzoneParentContainer" ".ui.form"
-					)}}
-					<div class="text right edit buttons">
-						<button class="ui basic primary cancel button" tabindex="3">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.cancel"}}</button>
-						<button class="ui green save button" tabindex="2">{{.locale.Tr ""}}</button>
-				</div>
-			</template>
-		{{end}}
+				{{end}}
-		{{template "repo/issue/view_content/reference_issue_dialog" .}}
+				{{if .Diff.IsIncomplete}}
+					<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content gt-mt-3" id="diff-incomplete">
+						<h4 class="ui top attached normal header gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
+							{{$.locale.Tr "repo.diff.too_many_files"}}
+							<a class="ui basic tiny button" id="diff-show-more-files" data-href="{{$.Link}}?skip-to={{.Diff.End}}&file-only=true">{{.locale.Tr "repo.diff.show_more"}}</a>
+						</h4>
+					</div>
+				{{end}}
+			</div>
+		{{end}}
+	{{if and (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .DiffNotAvailable)}}
+		<template id="issue-comment-editor-template">
+			<div class="ui comment form">
+				{{template "shared/combomarkdowneditor" (dict
+					"locale" $.locale
+					"MarkdownPreviewUrl" (print $.Repository.Link "/markup")
+					"MarkdownPreviewContext" $.RepoLink
+					"TextareaName" "content"
+					"DropzoneParentContainer" ".ui.form"
+				)}}
+				<div class="text right edit buttons">
+					<button class="ui basic primary cancel button" tabindex="3">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.cancel"}}</button>
+					<button class="ui green save button" tabindex="2">{{.locale.Tr ""}}</button>
+				</div>
+			</div>
+		</template>
+	{{end}}
+	{{if (not .DiffNotAvailable)}}
+		{{template "repo/issue/view_content/reference_issue_dialog" .}}
+	{{end}}
diff --git a/templates/repo/pulls/tab_menu.tmpl b/templates/repo/pulls/tab_menu.tmpl
index 6c121bdd1f..c91d09d9e1 100644
--- a/templates/repo/pulls/tab_menu.tmpl
+++ b/templates/repo/pulls/tab_menu.tmpl
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 		{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.tab_commits"}}
 		<span class="ui small label">{{if .NumCommits}}{{.NumCommits}}{{else}}-{{end}}</span>
-	<a class="item {{if .PageIsPullFiles}}active{{end}}" {{if .NumFiles}}href="{{.Issue.Link}}/files"{{end}}>
+	<a class="item {{if .PageIsPullFiles}}active{{end}}" href="{{.Issue.Link}}/files">
 		{{svg "octicon-diff"}}
 		{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.tab_files"}}
 		<span class="ui small label">{{if .NumFiles}}{{.NumFiles}}{{else}}-{{end}}</span>