diff --git a/.gitea/issue_template/bug-report-ui.yaml b/.gitea/issue_template/bug-report-ui.yaml
index 8cfe5568cf..57d578b232 100644
--- a/.gitea/issue_template/bug-report-ui.yaml
+++ b/.gitea/issue_template/bug-report-ui.yaml
@@ -13,16 +13,29 @@ body:
       - Please speak English, as this is the language all maintainers can speak and write.
       - Be as clear and concise as possible. A very verbose report is harder to interpret in a concrete way.
       - Be civil, and follow the [Forgejo Code of Conduct](https://codeberg.org/forgejo/code-of-conduct).
-      - Please make sure you are using the latest release of Forgejo and take a moment to [check that your issue hasn't been reported before](https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/issues?q=&type=all&labels=78137).
-      - Please give all relevant information below for bug reports, as incomplete details may result in the issue not being considered.
+      - Take a moment to [check that your issue hasn't been reported before](https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/issues?q=&type=all&labels=78137).
+- type: dropdown
+  id: can-reproduce
+  attributes:
+    label: Can you reproduce the bug on the Forgejo test instance?
+    description: |
+      Please try reproducing your issue at https://dev.next.forgejo.org.
+      It is running the latest development branch and will confirm the problem is not already fixed.
+      If you can reproduce it, provide a URL in the description.
+    options:
+    - "Yes"
+    - "No"
+  validations:
+    required: true
 - type: textarea
   id: description
     label: Description
     description: |
-      Please provide a description of your issue here, with a URL if you were able to reproduce the issue (see below).
-      If you think this is a JavaScript error, show us the JavaScript console.
-      If the error appears to relate to Forgejo the server, please also give us `DEBUG` level logs. (See https://forgejo.org/docs/latest/admin/logging-documentation/)
+      Please provide a description of your issue here, with a URL if you were able to reproduce the issue (see above).
+      If you think this is a JavaScript error, include a copy of the JavaScript console.
+  validations:
+    required: true
 - type: textarea
   id: screenshots
@@ -35,20 +48,6 @@ body:
     label: Forgejo Version
     description: Forgejo version (or commit reference) your instance is running
-  validations:
-    required: true
-- type: dropdown
-  id: can-reproduce
-  attributes:
-    label: Can you reproduce the bug on Forgejo Next?
-    description: |
-      Please try reproducing your issue at [Forgejo Next](https://next.forgejo.org).
-      If you can reproduce it, please provide a URL in the Description field.
-    options:
-    - "Yes"
-    - "No"
-  validations:
-    required: true
 - type: input
   id: browser-ver
@@ -56,8 +55,3 @@ body:
     description: The browser and version that you are using to access Forgejo
     required: true
-- type: input
-  id: os-ver
-  attributes:
-    label: Operating System
-    description: The operating system you are using to access Forgejo