diff --git a/custom/conf/app.example.ini b/custom/conf/app.example.ini
index 5822dc1e4a..bee12ffa9b 100644
--- a/custom/conf/app.example.ini
+++ b/custom/conf/app.example.ini
@@ -2378,33 +2378,33 @@ ROUTER = console
 ;; Path for chunked uploads. Defaults to APP_DATA_PATH + `tmp/package-upload`
 ;CHUNKED_UPLOAD_PATH = tmp/package-upload
-;; Maxmimum count of package versions a single owner can have (`-1` means no limits)
+;; Maximum count of package versions a single owner can have (`-1` means no limits)
-;; Maxmimum size of packages a single owner can use (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of packages a single owner can use (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Composer upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Composer upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Conan upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Conan upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Container upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Container upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Generic upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Generic upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Helm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Helm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Maven upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Maven upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a npm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a npm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a NuGet upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a NuGet upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Pub upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Pub upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a PyPI upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a PyPI upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a RubyGems upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a RubyGems upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-;; Maxmimum size of a Vagrant upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+;; Maximum size of a Vagrant upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md b/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md
index 853f0c67f2..756ab32256 100644
--- a/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md
@@ -1179,20 +1179,20 @@ Task queue configuration has been moved to `queue.task`. However, the below conf
 - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable/Disable package registry capabilities
 - `CHUNKED_UPLOAD_PATH`: **tmp/package-upload**: Path for chunked uploads. Defaults to `APP_DATA_PATH` + `tmp/package-upload`
-- `LIMIT_TOTAL_OWNER_COUNT`: **-1**: Maxmimum count of package versions a single owner can have (`-1` means no limits)
-- `LIMIT_TOTAL_OWNER_SIZE`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of packages a single owner can use (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_COMPOSER`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Composer upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_CONAN`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Conan upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_CONTAINER`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Container upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_GENERIC`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Generic upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_HELM`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Helm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_MAVEN`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Maven upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_NPM`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a npm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_NUGET`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a NuGet upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_PUB`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Pub upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_PYPI`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a PyPI upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_RUBYGEMS`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a RubyGems upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
-- `LIMIT_SIZE_VAGRANT`: **-1**: Maxmimum size of a Vagrant upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_TOTAL_OWNER_COUNT`: **-1**: Maximum count of package versions a single owner can have (`-1` means no limits)
+- `LIMIT_TOTAL_OWNER_SIZE`: **-1**: Maximum size of packages a single owner can use (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_COMPOSER`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Composer upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_CONAN`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Conan upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_CONTAINER`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Container upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_GENERIC`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Generic upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_HELM`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Helm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_MAVEN`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Maven upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_NPM`: **-1**: Maximum size of a npm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_NUGET`: **-1**: Maximum size of a NuGet upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_PUB`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Pub upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_PYPI`: **-1**: Maximum size of a PyPI upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_RUBYGEMS`: **-1**: Maximum size of a RubyGems upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
+- `LIMIT_SIZE_VAGRANT`: **-1**: Maximum size of a Vagrant upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
 ## Mirror (`mirror`)
diff --git a/options/gitignore/Bazel b/options/gitignore/Bazel
index bc3afc20ba..4e1d5a2ba0 100644
--- a/options/gitignore/Bazel
+++ b/options/gitignore/Bazel
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Directories for the Bazel IntelliJ plugin containing the generated
-# IntelliJ project files and plugin configuration. Seperate directories are
+# IntelliJ project files and plugin configuration. Separate directories are
 # for the IntelliJ, Android Studio and CLion versions of the plugin.