date: "2016-11-08T16:00:00+02:00"
title: "Documentation"
slug: "documentation"
url: "/en-us/"
weight: 10
toc: false
draft: false

# What is Gitea?

Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab.
Gitea is a fork of [Gogs](http://gogs.io). See the [Gitea Announcement](https://blog.gitea.io/2016/12/welcome-to-gitea/)
blog post to read about the justification for a fork.

## Purpose

The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting
up a self-hosted Git service.

With Go, this can be done platform-independently across
**all platforms** which Go supports, including Linux, macOS, and Windows,
on x86, amd64, ARM and PowerPC architectures.
You can try it out using [the online demo](https://try.gitea.io/).

## Features

- User Dashboard
    - Context switcher (organization or current user)
    - Activity timeline
        - Commits
        - Issues
        - Pull requests
        - Repository creation
    - Searchable repository list
    - List of organizations
    - A list of mirror repositories
- Issues dashboard
    - Context switcher (organization or current user)
    - Filter by
        - Open
        - Closed
        - Your repositories
        - Assigned issues
        - Your issues
        - Repository
    - Sort by
        - Oldest
        - Last updated
        - Number of comments
- Pull request dashboard
    - Same as issue dashboard
- Repository types
    - Mirror
    - Normal
    - Migrated
- Notifications (email and web)
    - Read
    - Unread
    - Pin
- Explore page
    - Users
    - Repos
    - Organizations
    - Search
- Custom templates
- Override public files (logo, css, etc)
- CSRF and XSS protection
- HTTPS support
- Set allowed upload sizes and types
- Logging
- Configuration
    - Databases
        - MySQL (>=5.7)
        - PostgreSQL (>=10)
        - SQLite3
        - MSSQL (>=2008R2 SP3)
        - TiDB (MySQL protocol)
    - Configuration file
        - [app.ini](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/main/custom/conf/app.example.ini)
    - Admin panel
        - Statistics
        - Actions
            - Delete inactive accounts
            - Delete cached repository archives
            - Delete repositories records which are missing their files
            - Run garbage collection on repositories
            - Rewrite SSH keys
            - Resync hooks
            - Recreate repositories which are missing
        - Server status
            - Uptime
            - Memory
            - Current # of goroutines
            - And more
         - User management
            - Search
            - Sort
            - Last login
            - Authentication source
            - Maximum repositories
            - Disable account
            - Admin permissions
            - Permission to create Git Hooks
            - Permission to create organizations
            - Permission to import repositories
        - Organization management
            - People
            - Teams
            - Avatar
            - Hooks
        - Repository management
            - See all repository information and manage repositories
        - Authentication sources
            - OAuth
            - PAM
            - LDAP
            - SMTP
        - Configuration viewer
            - Everything in config file
        - System notices
            - When something unexpected happens
        - Monitoring
            - Current processes
            - Cron jobs
                - Update mirrors
                - Repository health check
                - Check repository statistics
                - Clean up old archives
    - Environment variables
    - Command line options
- Multi-language support ([21 languages](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/tree/main/options/locale))
- [Mermaid](https://mermaidjs.github.io/) Diagram support
- Mail service
    - Notifications
    - Registration confirmation
    - Password reset
- Reverse proxy support
    - Includes subpaths
- Users
    - Profile
        - Name
        - Username
        - Email
        - Website
        - Join date
        - Followers and following
        - Organizations
        - Repositories
        - Activity
        - Starred repositories
    - Settings
        - Same as profile and more below
        - Keep email private
        - Avatar
            - Gravatar
            - Libravatar
            - Custom
        - Password
        - Multiple email addresses
        - SSH Keys
        - Connected applications
        - Two factor authentication
        - Linked OAuth2 sources
        - Delete account
- Repositories
    - Clone with SSH/HTTP/HTTPS
    - Git LFS
    - Watch, Star, Fork
    - View watchers, stars, and forks
    - Code
        - Branch browser
        - Web based file upload and creation
        - Clone urls
        - Download
            - ZIP
            - TAR.GZ
        - Web based editor
            - Markdown editor
            - Plain text editor
                - Syntax highlighting
            - Diff preview
            - Preview
            - Choose where to commit to
        - View file history
        - Delete file
        - View raw
    - Issues
        - Issue templates
        - Milestones
        - Labels
        - Assign issues
        - Track time
        - Reactions
        - Filter
            - Open
            - Closed
            - Assigned person
            - Created by you
            - Mentioning you
        - Sort
            - Oldest
            - Last updated
            - Number of comments
        - Search
        - Comments
        - Attachments
    - Pull requests
        - Same features as issues
    - Commits
        - Commit graph
        - Commits by branch
        - Search
        - Search in all branches
        - View diff
        - View SHA
        - View author
        - Browse files in commit
    - Releases
        - Attachments
        - Title
        - Content
        - Delete
        - Mark as pre-release
        - Choose branch
    - Wiki
        - Import
        - Markdown editor
    - Settings
        - Options
            - Name
            - Description
            - Private/Public
            - Website
            - Wiki
                - Enabled/disabled
                - Internal/external
            - Issues
                - Enabled/disabled
                - Internal/external
                - External supports url rewriting for better integration
            - Enable/disable pull requests
            - Transfer repository
            - Delete wiki
            - Delete repository
        - Collaboration
            - Read/write/admin
        - Branches
            - Default branch
            - Branch protection
        - Webhooks
        - Git Hooks
        - Deploy keys
- Package Registries
  - Composer
  - Conan
  - Container
  - Generic
  - Helm
  - Maven
  - NPM
  - Nuget
  - PyPI
  - RubyGems

## System Requirements

- A Raspberry Pi 3 is powerful enough to run Gitea for small workloads.
- 2 CPU cores and 1GB RAM is typically sufficient for small teams/projects.
- Gitea should be run with a dedicated non-root system account on UNIX-type systems.
   - Note: Gitea manages the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. Running Gitea as a regular user could break that user's ability to log in.
- [Git](https://git-scm.com/) version 2.0.0 or later is required.
   - [Git Large File Storage](https://git-lfs.github.com/) will be available if enabled and if your Git version is >= 2.1.2
   - Git commit-graph rendering will be enabled automatically if your Git version is >= 2.18

## Browser Support

- Last 2 versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge
- Firefox ESR

## Components

* Web server framework: [Chi](http://github.com/go-chi/chi)
* ORM: [XORM](https://xorm.io)
* UI frameworks:
  * [jQuery](https://jquery.com)
  * [Fomantic UI](https://fomantic-ui.com)
  * [Vue2](https://vuejs.org)
  * and various components (see package.json)
* Editors:
  * [CodeMirror](https://codemirror.net)
  * [EasyMDE](https://github.com/Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor)
  * [Monaco Editor](https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor)
* Database drivers:
  * [github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql)
  * [github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq)
  * [github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3)
  * [github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb](https://github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb)

## Software and Service Support

- [Drone](https://github.com/drone/drone) (CI)