#!/bin/bash # h version='1.2' rick='https://keroserene.net/lol' video="$rick/astley80.full.bz2" # TODO: I'll let someone with mac or windows machine send a pull request # to get gsm going again :) audio_gsm="$rick/roll.gsm" audio_raw="$rick/roll.s16" audpid=0 NEVER_GONNA='curl -s -L http://bit.ly/10hA8iC | bash' MAKE_YOU_CRY="$HOME/.bashrc" red='\x1b[38;5;9m' yell='\x1b[38;5;216m' green='\x1b[38;5;10m' purp='\x1b[38;5;171m' echo -en '\x1b[s' # Save cursor. has?() { hash $1 2>/dev/null; } cleanup() { (( audpid > 1 )) && kill $audpid 2>/dev/null; } quit() { echo -e "\x1b[2J \x1b[0H ${purp}<3 \x1b[?25h \x1b[u \x1b[m"; } usage () { echo -en "${green}Rick Astley performs ♪ Never Gonna Give You Up ♪ on STDOUT." echo -e " ${purp}[v$version]" echo -e "${yell}Usage: ./astley.sh [OPTIONS...]" echo -e "${purp}OPTIONS : ${yell}" echo -e " help - Show this message." echo -e " inject - Append to ${purp}${USER}${yell}'s bashrc. (Recommended :D)" } for arg in "$@"; do if [[ "$arg" == "help"* || "$arg" == "-h"* || "$arg" == "--h"* ]]; then usage && exit elif [[ "$arg" == "inject" ]]; then echo -en "${red}[Inject] " echo $NEVER_GONNA >> $MAKE_YOU_CRY echo -e "${green}Appended to $MAKE_YOU_CRY. <3" echo -en "${yell}If you've astley overdosed, " echo -e "delete the line ${purp}\"$NEVER_GONNA\"${yell}." exit else echo -e "${red}Unrecognized option: \"$arg\"" usage && exit fi done trap "cleanup" INT trap "quit" EXIT # Bean streamin' - agnostic to curl or wget availability. obtainium() { if has? curl; then curl -s $1 elif has? wget; then wget -q -O - $1 else echo "Cannot has internets. :(" && exit fi } echo -en "\x1b[?25l \x1b[2J \x1b[H" # Hide cursor, clear screen. #echo -e "${yell}Fetching audio..." if has? afplay; then # On Mac OS, if |afplay| available, pre-fetch compressed audio. [ -f /tmp/roll.s16 ] || obtainium $audio_raw >/tmp/roll.s16 afplay /tmp/roll.s16 & elif has? aplay; then # On Linux, if |aplay| available, stream raw sound. obtainium $audio_raw | aplay -Dplug:default -q -f S16_LE -r 8000 & elif has? play; then # On Cygwin, if |play| is available (via sox), pre-fetch compressed audio. obtainium $audio_gsm >/tmp/roll.gsm.wav play -q /tmp/roll.gsm.wav & fi audpid=$! #echo -e "${yell}Fetching video..." # Sync FPS to reality as best as possible. Mac's freebsd version of date cannot # has nanoseconds so inject python. :/ python <(cat < 0.0: time.sleep(repose) next_frame = elapsed / time_per_frame if frame >= next_frame: buf += line except KeyboardInterrupt: pass EOF ) < <(obtainium $video | bunzip2 -q 2> /dev/null)